1 |
#' Function to create a spaghetti plot.
2 |
3 |
#' This function is rendered by teal.goshawk module
4 |
5 |
#' @param data data frame with variables to be summarized and generate statistics which will display
6 |
#' in the plot.
7 |
#' @param subj_id unique subject id variable name.
8 |
#' @param biomarker_var name of variable containing biomarker names.
9 |
#' @param biomarker_var_label name of variable containing biomarker labels.
10 |
#' @param biomarker biomarker name to be analyzed.
11 |
#' @param value_var name of variable containing biomarker results.
12 |
#' @param unit_var name of variable containing biomarker units.
13 |
#' @param trt_group name of variable representing treatment group.
14 |
#' @param trt_group_level vector that can be used to define the factor level of `trt_group`.
15 |
#' @param loq_flag_var name of variable containing `LOQ` flag e.g. `LOQFL`.
16 |
#' @param time name of variable containing visit names.
17 |
#' @param time_level vector that can be used to define the factor level of time. Only use it when
18 |
#' x-axis variable is character or factor.
19 |
#' @param color_manual vector of colors.
20 |
#' @param color_comb name or hex value for combined treatment color.
21 |
#' @param ylim ('numeric vector') optional, a vector of length 2 to specify the minimum and maximum of the y-axis
22 |
#' if the default limits are not suitable.
23 |
#' @param alpha subject line transparency (0 = transparent, 1 = opaque)
24 |
#' @param facet_ncol number of facets per row.
25 |
#' @param facet_scales passed to `scales` in [`ggplot2::facet_wrap`]. Should scales be fixed (`"fixed"`,
26 |
#' the default), free (`"free"`), or free in one dimension (`"free_x"`, `"free_y"`)?
27 |
#' @param xtick a vector to define the tick values of time in x-axis.
28 |
#' Default value is `ggplot2::waiver()`.
29 |
#' @param xlabel vector with same length of `xtick` to define the label of x-axis tick values. Default
30 |
#' value is `ggplot2::waiver()`.
31 |
#' @param rotate_xlab boolean whether to rotate x-axis labels.
32 |
#' @param font_size control font size for title, x-axis, y-axis and legend font.
33 |
#' @param dot_size plot dot size. Default to 2.
34 |
#' @param group_stats control group mean or median overlay.
35 |
#' @param hline_arb ('numeric vector') value identifying intercept for arbitrary horizontal lines.
36 |
#' @param hline_arb_color ('character vector') optional, color for the arbitrary horizontal lines.
37 |
#' @param hline_arb_label ('character vector') optional, label for the legend to the arbitrary horizontal lines.
38 |
#' @param hline_vars ('character vector'), names of variables `(ANR*)` or values `(*LOQ)` identifying intercept values.
39 |
#' The data inside of the `ggplot2` object must also contain the columns with these variable names
40 |
#' @param hline_vars_colors ('character vector') colors for the horizontal lines defined by variables.
41 |
#' @param hline_vars_labels ('character vector') labels for the legend to the horizontal lines defined by variables.
42 |
43 |
44 |
#' @author Wenyi Liu (wenyi.liu@roche.com)
45 |
46 |
#' @return \code{ggplot} object
47 |
48 |
#' @export
49 |
50 |
#' @examples
51 |
#' # Example using ADaM structure analysis dataset.
52 |
53 |
#' library(stringr)
54 |
55 |
#' # original ARM value = dose value
56 |
#' arm_mapping <- list(
57 |
#' "A: Drug X" = "150mg QD", "B: Placebo" = "Placebo", "C: Combination" = "Combination"
58 |
#' )
59 |
#' color_manual <- c("150mg QD" = "#000000", "Placebo" = "#3498DB", "Combination" = "#E74C3C")
60 |
61 |
#' ADLB <- rADLB
62 |
#' var_labels <- lapply(ADLB, function(x) attributes(x)$label)
63 |
#' ADLB <- ADLB %>%
64 |
#' mutate(AVISITCD = case_when(
65 |
66 |
67 |
#' grepl("WEEK", AVISIT) ~
68 |
#' paste(
69 |
#' "W",
70 |
#' trimws(
71 |
#' substr(
72 |
73 |
#' start = 6,
74 |
#' stop = str_locate(AVISIT, "DAY") - 1
75 |
#' )
76 |
#' )
77 |
#' ),
78 |
#' TRUE ~ NA_character_
79 |
#' )) %>%
80 |
#' mutate(AVISITCDN = case_when(
81 |
#' AVISITCD == "SCR" ~ -2,
82 |
#' AVISITCD == "BL" ~ 0,
83 |
#' grepl("W", AVISITCD) ~ as.numeric(gsub("\\D+", "", AVISITCD)),
84 |
#' TRUE ~ NA_real_
85 |
#' )) %>%
86 |
#' # use ARMCD values to order treatment in visualization legend
87 |
#' mutate(TRTORD = ifelse(grepl("C", ARMCD), 1,
88 |
#' ifelse(grepl("B", ARMCD), 2,
89 |
#' ifelse(grepl("A", ARMCD), 3, NA)
90 |
#' )
91 |
#' )) %>%
92 |
#' mutate(ARM = as.character(arm_mapping[match(ARM, names(arm_mapping))])) %>%
93 |
#' mutate(ARM = factor(ARM) %>%
94 |
#' reorder(TRTORD)) %>%
95 |
#' mutate(ANRLO = .5, ANRHI = 1) %>%
96 |
#' rowwise() %>%
97 |
#' group_by(PARAMCD) %>%
98 |
#' mutate(LBSTRESC = ifelse(USUBJID %in% sample(USUBJID, 1, replace = TRUE),
99 |
#' paste("<", round(runif(1, min = .5, max = .7))), LBSTRESC
100 |
#' )) %>%
101 |
#' mutate(LBSTRESC = ifelse(USUBJID %in% sample(USUBJID, 1, replace = TRUE),
102 |
#' paste(">", round(runif(1, min = .9, max = 1.2))), LBSTRESC
103 |
#' )) %>%
104 |
#' ungroup()
105 |
#' attr(ADLB[["ARM"]], "label") <- var_labels[["ARM"]]
106 |
#' attr(ADLB[["ANRLO"]], "label") <- "Analysis Normal Range Lower Limit"
107 |
#' attr(ADLB[["ANRHI"]], "label") <- "Analysis Normal Range Upper Limit"
108 |
109 |
#' # add LLOQ and ULOQ variables
110 |
#' ADLB_LOQS <- goshawk:::h_identify_loq_values(ADLB, "LOQFL")
111 |
#' ADLB <- left_join(ADLB, ADLB_LOQS, by = "PARAM")
112 |
113 |
#' g_spaghettiplot(
114 |
#' data = ADLB,
115 |
#' subj_id = "USUBJID",
116 |
#' biomarker_var = "PARAMCD",
117 |
#' biomarker = "CRP",
118 |
#' value_var = "AVAL",
119 |
#' trt_group = "ARM",
120 |
#' time = "AVISITCD",
121 |
#' color_manual = color_manual,
122 |
#' color_comb = "#39ff14",
123 |
#' alpha = .02,
124 |
#' xtick = c("BL", "W 1", "W 4"),
125 |
#' xlabel = c("Baseline", "Week 1", "Week 4"),
126 |
#' rotate_xlab = FALSE,
127 |
#' group_stats = "median",
128 |
#' hline_vars = c("ANRHI", "ANRLO"),
129 |
#' hline_vars_colors = c("pink", "brown")
130 |
#' )
131 |
132 |
#' g_spaghettiplot(
133 |
#' data = ADLB,
134 |
#' subj_id = "USUBJID",
135 |
#' biomarker_var = "PARAMCD",
136 |
#' biomarker = "CRP",
137 |
#' value_var = "AVAL",
138 |
#' trt_group = "ARM",
139 |
#' time = "AVISITCD",
140 |
#' color_manual = color_manual,
141 |
#' color_comb = "#39ff14",
142 |
#' alpha = .02,
143 |
#' xtick = c("BL", "W 1", "W 4"),
144 |
#' xlabel = c("Baseline", "Week 1", "Week 4"),
145 |
#' rotate_xlab = FALSE,
146 |
#' group_stats = "median",
147 |
#' hline_arb = 1.3,
148 |
#' hline_vars = c("ANRHI", "ANRLO", "ULOQN", "LLOQN"),
149 |
#' hline_vars_colors = c("pink", "brown", "purple", "gray"),
150 |
#' dot_size = 3
151 |
#' )
152 |
153 |
#' g_spaghettiplot(
154 |
#' data = ADLB,
155 |
#' subj_id = "USUBJID",
156 |
#' biomarker_var = "PARAMCD",
157 |
#' biomarker = "CRP",
158 |
#' value_var = "AVAL",
159 |
#' trt_group = "ARM",
160 |
#' time = "AVISITCDN",
161 |
#' color_manual = color_manual,
162 |
#' color_comb = "#39ff14",
163 |
#' alpha = .02,
164 |
#' xtick = c(0, 1, 4),
165 |
#' xlabel = c("Baseline", "Week 1", "Week 4"),
166 |
#' rotate_xlab = FALSE,
167 |
#' group_stats = "median",
168 |
#' hline_arb = c(.5, .7, 1),
169 |
#' hline_arb_color = c("blue", "red", "green"),
170 |
#' hline_arb_label = c("Arb_Hori_line_A", "Arb_Hori_line_B", "Arb_Hori_line_C"),
171 |
#' hline_vars = c("ANRHI", "ANRLO"),
172 |
#' dot_size = 4
173 |
#' )
174 |
175 |
#' # removing missing levels from the plot with facet_scales
176 |
177 |
#' g_spaghettiplot(
178 |
#' data = ADLB,
179 |
#' subj_id = "USUBJID",
180 |
#' biomarker_var = "PARAMCD",
181 |
#' biomarker = "CRP",
182 |
#' value_var = "AVAL",
183 |
#' trt_group = "ARM",
184 |
#' time = "RACE",
185 |
#' color_manual = color_manual,
186 |
#' color_comb = "#39ff14",
187 |
#' alpha = .02,
188 |
#' facet_scales = "fixed",
189 |
#' rotate_xlab = FALSE,
190 |
#' group_stats = "median",
191 |
#' hline_arb = c(.5, .7, 1),
192 |
#' hline_arb_color = c("blue", "red", "green"),
193 |
#' hline_arb_label = c("Arb_Hori_line_A", "Arb_Hori_line_B", "Arb_Hori_line_C"),
194 |
#' hline_vars = c("ANRHI", "ANRLO")
195 |
#' )
196 |
197 |
#' g_spaghettiplot(
198 |
#' data = ADLB,
199 |
#' subj_id = "USUBJID",
200 |
#' biomarker_var = "PARAMCD",
201 |
#' biomarker = "CRP",
202 |
#' value_var = "AVAL",
203 |
#' trt_group = "ARM",
204 |
#' time = "RACE",
205 |
#' color_manual = color_manual,
206 |
#' color_comb = "#39ff14",
207 |
#' alpha = .02,
208 |
#' facet_scales = "free_x",
209 |
#' rotate_xlab = FALSE,
210 |
#' group_stats = "median",
211 |
#' hline_arb = c(.5, .7, 1),
212 |
#' hline_arb_color = c("blue", "red", "green"),
213 |
#' hline_arb_label = c("Arb_Hori_line_A", "Arb_Hori_line_B", "Arb_Hori_line_C"),
214 |
#' hline_vars = c("ANRHI", "ANRLO"),
215 |
#' dot_size = 1
216 |
#' )
217 |
218 |
g_spaghettiplot <- function(data, |
219 |
subj_id = "USUBJID", |
220 |
biomarker_var = "PARAMCD", |
221 |
biomarker_var_label = "PARAM", |
222 |
223 |
value_var = "AVAL", |
224 |
unit_var = "AVALU", |
225 |
226 |
trt_group_level = NULL, |
227 |
loq_flag_var = "LOQFL", |
228 |
229 |
time_level = NULL, |
230 |
color_manual = NULL, |
231 |
color_comb = "#39ff14", |
232 |
ylim = c(NA, NA), |
233 |
alpha = 1.0, |
234 |
facet_ncol = 2, |
235 |
facet_scales = c("fixed", "free", "free_x", "free_y"), |
236 |
xtick = ggplot2::waiver(), |
237 |
xlabel = xtick, |
238 |
rotate_xlab = FALSE, |
239 |
font_size = 12, |
240 |
dot_size = 2, |
241 |
group_stats = "NONE", |
242 |
hline_arb = numeric(0), |
243 |
hline_arb_color = "red", |
244 |
hline_arb_label = "Horizontal line", |
245 |
hline_vars = character(0), |
246 |
hline_vars_colors = "green", |
247 |
hline_vars_labels = hline_vars) { |
248 | ! |
checkmate::assert_numeric(ylim, len = 2) |
249 | ! |
facet_scales <- match.arg(facet_scales) |
250 | ||
251 |
## Pre-process data
252 | ! |
label_trt_group <- attr(data[[trt_group]], "label") |
253 | ! |
data[[trt_group]] <- if (!is.null(trt_group_level)) { |
254 | ! |
factor(data[[trt_group]], levels = trt_group_level) |
255 |
} else { |
256 | ! |
factor(data[[trt_group]]) |
257 |
258 | ! |
attr(data[[trt_group]], "label") <- label_trt_group |
259 | ||
260 | ||
261 | ! |
xtype <- ifelse(is.factor(data[[time]]) | is.character(data[[time]]), "discrete", "continuous") |
262 | ! |
gxlab <- if (is.null(attr(data[[time]], "label"))) time else attr(data[[time]], "label") |
263 | ! |
if (xtype == "discrete") { |
264 | ! |
data[[time]] <- if (!is.null(time_level)) { |
265 | ! |
factor(data[[time]], levels = time_level) |
266 |
} else { |
267 | ! |
factor(data[[time]]) |
268 |
269 |
270 | ||
271 |
# Plot
272 | ! |
plot_data <- data %>% |
273 | ! |
filter(!!sym(biomarker_var) %in% biomarker) |
274 | ! |
unit <- plot_data %>% |
275 | ! |
select(!!sym(unit_var)) %>% |
276 | ! |
unique() %>% |
277 | ! |
magrittr::extract2(1) |
278 | ! |
unit1 <- ifelse(is.na(unit) | unit == "", " ", paste0(" (", unit, ") ")) |
279 | ! |
biomarker1 <- plot_data %>% |
280 | ! |
select(!!sym(biomarker_var_label)) %>% |
281 | ! |
unique() %>% |
282 | ! |
magrittr::extract2(1) |
283 | ! |
gtitle <- paste0(biomarker1, unit1, " Values by Treatment @ Visits") |
284 | ! |
gylab <- paste0(biomarker1, " ", value_var, " Values") |
285 | ||
286 |
# Setup legend label
287 | ! |
trt_label <- `if`(is.null(attr(data[[trt_group]], "label")), "Dose", attr(data[[trt_group]], "label")) |
288 | ||
289 |
# Add footnote to identify LLOQ and ULOQ values pulled from data
290 | ! |
caption_loqs_label <- h_caption_loqs_label(loqs_data = plot_data, flag_var = loq_flag_var) |
291 | ||
292 | ! |
plot <- ggplot2::ggplot( |
293 | ! |
data = plot_data, |
294 | ! |
ggplot2::aes(x = !!sym(time), y = !!sym(value_var), color = !!sym(trt_group), group = !!sym(subj_id)) |
295 |
) + |
296 | ! |
ggplot2::geom_point(size = dot_size, na.rm = TRUE, ggplot2::aes(shape = !!sym(loq_flag_var))) + |
297 | ! |
ggplot2::geom_line(linewidth = 0.4, alpha = alpha, na.rm = TRUE) + |
298 | ! |
ggplot2::facet_wrap(trt_group, ncol = facet_ncol, scales = facet_scales) + |
299 | ! |
ggplot2::labs(caption = caption_loqs_label) + |
300 | ! |
ggplot2::theme_bw() + |
301 | ! |
ggplot2::ggtitle(gtitle) + |
302 | ! |
ggplot2::xlab(gxlab) + |
303 | ! |
ggplot2::ylab(gylab) + |
304 | ! |
ggplot2::theme(plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size, margin = ggplot2::margin(), hjust = 0.5)) |
305 | ||
306 |
# Apply y-axis zoom range
307 | ! |
plot <- plot + ggplot2::coord_cartesian(ylim = ylim) |
308 | ||
309 |
# add group statistics
310 |
# can't use stat_summary() because of presenting values for groups with all missings
311 | ! |
if (group_stats != "NONE") { |
312 | ! |
if (group_stats == "MEAN") { |
313 | ! |
plot_data_groupped <- plot_data %>% |
314 | ! |
group_by(!!sym(trt_group), !!sym(time)) %>% |
315 | ! |
transmute(AGG_VAL = mean(!!sym(value_var), na.rm = TRUE)) |
316 | ||
317 | ! |
plot_data_groupped$metric <- "Mean" |
318 |
} else { |
319 | ! |
plot_data_groupped <- plot_data %>% |
320 | ! |
group_by(!!sym(trt_group), !!sym(time)) %>% |
321 | ! |
transmute(AGG_VAL = stats::median(!!sym(value_var), na.rm = TRUE)) |
322 | ||
323 | ! |
plot_data_groupped$metric <- "Median" |
324 |
325 | ! |
plot <- plot + |
326 | ! |
ggplot2::geom_line( |
327 | ! |
ggplot2::aes(x = !!sym(time), y = .data$AGG_VAL, group = 1, linetype = .data$metric), |
328 | ! |
data = plot_data_groupped, |
329 | ! |
lwd = 1, |
330 | ! |
color = color_comb, |
331 | ! |
na.rm = TRUE |
332 |
) + |
333 | ! |
ggplot2::guides(linetype = ggplot2::guide_legend("Group statistic", order = 2)) |
334 |
335 |
# Format x-label
336 | ! |
if (xtype == "continuous") { |
337 | ! |
plot <- plot + |
338 | ! |
ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks = xtick, labels = xlabel, limits = c(NA, NA)) |
339 | ! |
} else if (xtype == "discrete") { |
340 | ! |
plot <- plot + |
341 | ! |
ggplot2::scale_x_discrete(breaks = xtick, labels = xlabel) |
342 |
343 | ! |
if (rotate_xlab) { |
344 | ! |
plot <- plot + |
345 | ! |
ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) |
346 |
347 |
# Add manual color
348 | ! |
if (!is.null(color_manual)) { |
349 | ! |
plot <- plot + |
350 | ! |
ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = color_manual, name = trt_label, guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(order = 1)) |
351 |
} else { |
352 | ! |
plot + |
353 | ! |
ggplot2::scale_color_discrete(guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(order = 1)) |
354 |
355 | ||
356 | ||
357 |
# Format font size
358 | ! |
if (!is.null(font_size)) { |
359 | ! |
plot <- plot + |
360 | ! |
ggplot2::theme( |
361 | ! |
plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size, margin = ggplot2::margin()), |
362 | ! |
axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size), |
363 | ! |
axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size), |
364 | ! |
axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size), |
365 | ! |
axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size), |
366 | ! |
legend.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size), |
367 | ! |
legend.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size), |
368 | ! |
strip.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size), |
369 | ! |
strip.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size) |
370 |
371 |
372 |
# Add horizontal line for range based on option
373 | ! |
plot + geom_axes_lines( |
374 | ! |
375 | ! |
hline_arb = hline_arb, |
376 | ! |
hline_arb_color = hline_arb_color, |
377 | ! |
hline_arb_label = hline_arb_label, |
378 | ! |
hline_vars = hline_vars, |
379 | ! |
hline_vars_colors = hline_vars_colors, |
380 | ! |
hline_vars_labels = hline_vars_labels |
381 |
382 |
1 |
#' Function to create a scatter plot.
2 |
3 |
#' @description
4 |
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
5 |
6 |
#' `g_scatterplot()` is deprecated. Please use
7 |
#' [g_correlationplot()] instead. Default plot displays scatter facetted by
8 |
#' visit with color attributed treatment arms and symbol attributed `LOQ` values.
9 |
10 |
#' @param label text string to used to identify plot.
11 |
#' @param data `ADaM` structured analysis laboratory data frame e.g. `ADLB`.
12 |
#' @param param_var name of variable containing biomarker codes e.g. `PARAMCD`.
13 |
#' @param param biomarker to visualize e.g. `IGG`.
14 |
#' @param xaxis_var name of variable containing biomarker results displayed on X-axis e.g. `BASE`.
15 |
#' @param yaxis_var name of variable containing biomarker results displayed on Y-axis e.g. `AVAL`.
16 |
#' @param trt_group name of variable representing treatment group e.g. `ARM`.
17 |
#' @param visit name of variable containing nominal visits e.g. `AVISITCD`.
18 |
#' @param loq_flag_var name of variable containing `LOQ` flag e.g. `LOQFL`.
19 |
#' @param unit name of variable containing biomarker unit e.g. `AVALU`.
20 |
#' @param xlim ('numeric vector') optional, a vector of length 2 to specify the minimum and maximum of the x-axis
21 |
#' if the default limits are not suitable.
22 |
#' @param ylim ('numeric vector') optional, a vector of length 2 to specify the minimum and maximum of the y-axis
23 |
#' if the default limits are not suitable.
24 |
#' @param color_manual vector of colors applied to treatment values.
25 |
#' @param shape_manual vector of symbols applied to `LOQ` values.
26 |
#' @param facet_ncol number of facets per row.
27 |
#' @param facet set layout to use treatment facetting.
28 |
#' @param facet_var variable to use for treatment facetting.
29 |
#' @param reg_line include regression line and annotations for slope and coefficient in
30 |
#' visualization. Use with facet = TRUE.
31 |
#' @param hline y-axis value to position a horizontal line.
32 |
#' @param vline x-axis value to position a vertical line.
33 |
#' @param rotate_xlab 45 degree rotation of x-axis label values.
34 |
#' @param font_size font size control for title, x-axis label, y-axis label and legend.
35 |
#' @param dot_size plot dot size.
36 |
#' @param reg_text_size font size control for regression line annotations.
37 |
38 |
#' @author Nick Paszty (npaszty) paszty.nicholas@gene.com
39 |
#' @author Balazs Toth (tothb2) toth.balazs@gene.com
40 |
41 |
#' @details Regression uses `deming` model.
42 |
43 |
#' @export
44 |
45 |
#' @examples
46 |
#' # Example using ADaM structure analysis dataset.
47 |
48 |
#' library(stringr)
49 |
50 |
#' # original ARM value = dose value
51 |
#' arm_mapping <- list(
52 |
#' "A: Drug X" = "150mg QD", "B: Placebo" = "Placebo", "C: Combination" = "Combination"
53 |
#' )
54 |
#' color_manual <- c("150mg QD" = "#000000", "Placebo" = "#3498DB", "Combination" = "#E74C3C")
55 |
#' # assign LOQ flag symbols: circles for "N" and triangles for "Y", squares for "NA"
56 |
#' shape_manual <- c("N" = 1, "Y" = 2, "NA" = 0)
57 |
58 |
#' ADLB <- rADLB
59 |
#' var_labels <- lapply(ADLB, function(x) attributes(x)$label)
60 |
#' ADLB <- ADLB %>%
61 |
#' mutate(AVISITCD = case_when(
62 |
63 |
64 |
#' grepl("WEEK", AVISIT) ~
65 |
#' paste(
66 |
#' "W",
67 |
#' trimws(
68 |
#' substr(
69 |
70 |
#' start = 6,
71 |
#' stop = str_locate(AVISIT, "DAY") - 1
72 |
#' )
73 |
#' )
74 |
#' ),
75 |
#' TRUE ~ NA_character_
76 |
#' )) %>%
77 |
#' mutate(AVISITCDN = case_when(
78 |
#' AVISITCD == "SCR" ~ -2,
79 |
#' AVISITCD == "BL" ~ 0,
80 |
#' grepl("W", AVISITCD) ~ as.numeric(gsub("\\D+", "", AVISITCD)),
81 |
#' TRUE ~ NA_real_
82 |
#' )) %>%
83 |
#' # use ARMCD values to order treatment in visualization legend
84 |
#' mutate(TRTORD = ifelse(grepl("C", ARMCD), 1,
85 |
#' ifelse(grepl("B", ARMCD), 2,
86 |
#' ifelse(grepl("A", ARMCD), 3, NA)
87 |
#' )
88 |
#' )) %>%
89 |
#' mutate(ARM = as.character(arm_mapping[match(ARM, names(arm_mapping))])) %>%
90 |
#' mutate(ARM = factor(ARM) %>%
91 |
#' reorder(TRTORD))
92 |
#' attr(ADLB[["ARM"]], "label") <- var_labels[["ARM"]]
93 |
94 |
#' g_scatterplot(
95 |
#' label = "Scatter Plot",
96 |
#' data = ADLB,
97 |
#' param_var = "PARAMCD",
98 |
#' param = c("ALT"),
99 |
#' xaxis_var = "BASE",
100 |
#' yaxis_var = "AVAL",
101 |
#' trt_group = "ARM",
102 |
#' visit = "AVISITCD",
103 |
#' loq_flag_var = "LOQFL",
104 |
#' unit = "AVALU",
105 |
#' color_manual = color_manual,
106 |
#' shape_manual = shape_manual,
107 |
#' facet_ncol = 2,
108 |
#' facet = TRUE,
109 |
#' facet_var = "ARM",
110 |
#' reg_line = TRUE,
111 |
#' hline = NULL,
112 |
#' vline = .5,
113 |
#' rotate_xlab = TRUE,
114 |
#' font_size = 14,
115 |
#' dot_size = 2,
116 |
#' reg_text_size = 3
117 |
#' )
118 |
g_scatterplot <- function(label = "Scatter Plot", |
119 |
120 |
param_var = "PARAMCD", |
121 |
param = "CRP", |
122 |
xaxis_var = "BASE", |
123 |
yaxis_var = "AVAL", |
124 |
trt_group = "ARM", |
125 |
visit = "AVISITCD", |
126 |
loq_flag_var = "LOQFL", |
127 |
unit = "AVALU", |
128 |
xlim = c(NA, NA), |
129 |
ylim = c(NA, NA), |
130 |
color_manual = NULL, |
131 |
shape_manual = NULL, |
132 |
facet_ncol = 2, |
133 |
facet = FALSE, |
134 |
facet_var = "ARM", |
135 |
reg_line = FALSE, |
136 |
hline = NULL, |
137 |
vline = NULL, |
138 |
rotate_xlab = FALSE, |
139 |
font_size = 12, |
140 |
dot_size = NULL, |
141 |
reg_text_size = 3) { |
142 | ! |
lifecycle::deprecate_soft( |
143 | ! |
when = "0.1.15", |
144 | ! |
what = "g_scatterplot()", |
145 | ! |
details = "You should use goshawk::g_correlationplot instead of goshawk::g_scatterplot" |
146 |
147 | ||
148 | ! |
checkmate::assert_numeric(xlim, len = 2) |
149 | ! |
checkmate::assert_numeric(ylim, len = 2) |
150 | ||
151 |
# create scatter plot over time pairwise per treatment arm
152 | ! |
plot_data <- data %>% |
153 | ! |
filter(!!sym(param_var) == param) |
154 |
# Setup the ggtitle label. Combine the biomarker and the units (if available)
155 | ! |
ggtitle_label <- ifelse(is.null(unit), paste0(plot_data$PARAM, "@ Visits"), |
156 | ! |
ifelse(plot_data[[unit]] == "", paste(plot_data$PARAM, "@ Visits"), |
157 | ! |
paste0(plot_data$PARAM, " (", plot_data[[unit]], ") @ Visits") |
158 |
159 |
160 |
# Setup the x-axis label. Combine the biomarker and the units (if available)
161 | ! |
x_axis_label <- ifelse(is.null(unit), paste(plot_data$PARAM, xaxis_var, "Values"), |
162 | ! |
ifelse(plot_data[[unit]] == "", paste(plot_data$PARAM, xaxis_var, "Values"), |
163 | ! |
paste0(plot_data$PARAM, " (", plot_data[[unit]], ") ", xaxis_var, " Values") |
164 |
165 |
166 |
# Setup the y-axis label. Combine the biomarker and the units (if available)
167 | ! |
y_axis_label <- ifelse(is.null(unit), paste(plot_data$PARAM, yaxis_var, "Values"), |
168 | ! |
ifelse(plot_data[[unit]] == "", paste(plot_data$PARAM, yaxis_var, "Values"), |
169 | ! |
paste0(plot_data$PARAM, " (", plot_data[[unit]], ") ", yaxis_var, " Values") |
170 |
171 |
172 |
# Setup legend label
173 | ! |
trt_label <- `if`(is.null(attr(data[[trt_group]], "label")), "Dose", attr(data[[trt_group]], "label")) |
174 |
# create plot foundation
175 | ! |
plot1 <- ggplot2::ggplot( |
176 | ! |
data = plot_data, |
177 | ! |
ggplot2::aes( |
178 | ! |
x = !!sym(xaxis_var), |
179 | ! |
y = !!sym(yaxis_var), |
180 | ! |
color = !!sym(trt_group) |
181 |
182 |
) + |
183 | ! |
ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(shape = !!sym(loq_flag_var)), size = dot_size, na.rm = TRUE) + |
184 | ! |
ggplot2::coord_cartesian(xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim) + |
185 | ! |
ggplot2::facet_wrap(stats::as.formula(paste0(" ~ ", visit)), ncol = facet_ncol) + |
186 | ! |
ggplot2::theme_bw() + |
187 | ! |
ggplot2::ggtitle(ggtitle_label) + |
188 | ! |
ggplot2::theme(plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size, hjust = 0.5)) + |
189 | ! |
ggplot2::xlab(x_axis_label) + |
190 | ! |
ggplot2::ylab(y_axis_label) |
191 |
# add grid faceting to foundation
192 | ! |
if (facet) { |
193 | ! |
plot1 <- plot1 + |
194 | ! |
ggplot2::facet_grid(stats::as.formula(paste0(facet_var, " ~ ", visit))) |
195 |
196 |
# add regression line
197 | ! |
if (reg_line) { |
198 | ! |
slope <- function(x, y) { |
199 | ! |
ratio <- stats::sd(x) / stats::sd(y) |
200 | ! |
res <- if (!is.na(ratio) && ratio > 0) { |
201 | ! |
reg <- mc.deming(y, x, ratio) |
202 |
# return the evaluation of the ratio condition as third value in numeric vector
203 |
# for conttroling downstream processing
204 | ! |
c( |
205 | ! |
round(reg$b0, 2), round(reg$b1, 2), |
206 | ! |
ifelse(!is.na(ratio) && ratio > 0, stats::cor(y, x, method = "spearman", use = "complete.obs"), NA_real_) |
207 |
208 |
} else { |
209 |
# if ratio condition is not met then assign NA to returned vector
210 |
# so that NULL condition does not throw error below
211 | ! |
as.numeric(c(NA, NA, NA)) |
212 |
213 | ! |
return(as_tibble(stats::setNames(as.list(res), c("intercept", "slope", "corr")))) |
214 |
215 | ! |
sub_data <- plot_data %>% |
216 | ! |
select(!!sym(trt_group), !!sym(visit), !!sym(xaxis_var), !!sym(yaxis_var)) %>% |
217 | ! |
filter(!is.na(!!sym(yaxis_var)) & !is.na(!!sym(xaxis_var))) %>% |
218 | ! |
group_by(!!sym(trt_group), !!sym(visit)) %>% |
219 | ! |
do(slope(.data[[yaxis_var]], .data[[xaxis_var]])) |
220 | ||
221 | ! |
if (!(all(is.na(sub_data$intercept)) && all(is.na(sub_data$slope)))) { |
222 | ! |
plot1 <- plot1 + |
223 | ! |
ggplot2::geom_abline( |
224 | ! |
data = sub_data, |
225 |
# has to put some neutral values for missings, i.e. big & negative intercept + 0 slope
226 | ! |
ggplot2::aes( |
227 | ! |
intercept = vapply(.data$intercept, function(x) if (!is.na(x)) x else numeric(1), FUN.VALUE = -9999), |
228 | ! |
slope = vapply(.data$slope, function(x) if (!is.na(x)) x else numeric(1), FUN.VALUE = 0), |
229 | ! |
color = !!sym(trt_group) |
230 |
231 |
232 |
233 | ! |
plot1 <- plot1 + |
234 | ! |
ggplot2::geom_text( |
235 | ! |
data = filter(sub_data, row_number() == 1), |
236 | ! |
ggplot2::aes( |
237 | ! |
x = -Inf, |
238 | ! |
y = Inf, |
239 | ! |
hjust = 0, |
240 | ! |
vjust = 1, |
241 | ! |
label = ifelse( |
242 | ! |
!is.na(.data$intercept) & !is.na(.data$slope) & !is.na(.data$corr), |
243 | ! |
sprintf("y = %.2f+%.2fX\ncor = %.2f", .data$intercept, .data$slope, .data$corr), |
244 | ! |
paste0("Insufficient Data For Regression") |
245 |
246 | ! |
color = !!sym(trt_group) |
247 |
248 | ! |
size = reg_text_size |
249 |
) + |
250 | ! |
ggplot2::labs(caption = paste("Deming Regression Model, Spearman Correlation Method")) |
251 |
252 |
# Add abline
253 | ! |
if (yaxis_var %in% c("AVAL", "AVALL2", "BASE2", "BASE2L2", "BASE", "BASEL2")) { |
254 | ! |
plot1 <- plot1 + ggplot2::geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1) |
255 |
256 | ! |
if (yaxis_var %in% c("CHG2", "CHG")) { |
257 | ! |
plot1 <- plot1 + ggplot2::geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 0) |
258 |
259 | ! |
if (yaxis_var %in% c("PCHG2", "PCHG")) { |
260 | ! |
plot1 <- plot1 + ggplot2::geom_abline(intercept = 100, slope = 0) |
261 |
262 |
# Format font size
263 | ! |
if (!is.null(font_size)) { |
264 | ! |
plot1 <- plot1 + |
265 | ! |
ggplot2::theme( |
266 | ! |
axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size), |
267 | ! |
axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size), |
268 | ! |
axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size), |
269 | ! |
axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size), |
270 | ! |
legend.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size), |
271 | ! |
legend.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size), |
272 | ! |
strip.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size), |
273 | ! |
strip.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size) |
274 |
275 |
276 |
# Format treatment color
277 | ! |
if (!is.null(color_manual)) { |
278 | ! |
plot1 <- plot1 + |
279 | ! |
ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = color_manual, name = trt_label, guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(order = 1)) |
280 |
} else { |
281 | ! |
plot1 + |
282 | ! |
ggplot2::scale_color_discrete(guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(order = 1)) |
283 |
284 | ||
285 |
# Format LOQ flag symbol shape
286 | ! |
if (!is.null(shape_manual)) { |
287 | ! |
plot1 <- plot1 + |
288 | ! |
ggplot2::scale_shape_manual(values = shape_manual, name = "LOQ") |
289 |
290 |
# Format dot size
291 | ! |
if (!is.null(dot_size)) { |
292 | ! |
plot1 <- plot1 + |
293 | ! |
ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(shape = !!sym(loq_flag_var)), size = dot_size, na.rm = TRUE) |
294 |
295 |
# Format x-label
296 | ! |
if (rotate_xlab) { |
297 | ! |
plot1 <- plot1 + |
298 | ! |
ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) |
299 |
300 |
# Add horizontal line
301 | ! |
if (!is.null(hline)) { |
302 | ! |
plot1 <- plot1 + |
303 | ! |
ggplot2::geom_hline(ggplot2::aes(yintercept = hline), color = "red", linetype = "dashed", size = 0.5) |
304 |
305 |
# Add vertical line
306 | ! |
if (!is.null(vline)) { |
307 | ! |
plot1 <- plot1 + |
308 | ! |
ggplot2::geom_vline(ggplot2::aes(xintercept = vline), color = "red", linetype = "dashed", size = 0.5) |
309 |
310 | ! |
311 |
1 |
#' Helper for identifying any `LLOQ` and `ULOQ` values in `LBSTRESC`. Outcome drives
2 |
#' horizontal line functionality display and legend labeling along with display
3 |
#' of values in footnote.
4 |
5 |
#' @details Biomarker Sciences would like to have `LLOQ` and `ULOQ` values available for
6 |
#' reference in the visualizations. This also aids in setting the data constraint
7 |
#' ranges when `goshawk` functions are run from `teal.goshawk` `UI`.
8 |
9 |
#' @param loqs_data (`data frame`)\cr `loqs_data` data set containing assay data with potential `LOQ` values
10 |
11 |
#' @import dplyr
12 |
#' @keywords internal
13 |
14 |
#' @examples
15 |
#' goshawk:::h_identify_loq_values(loqs_data = goshawk::rADLB, flag_var = "LOQFL")
16 |
h_identify_loq_values <- function(loqs_data, flag_var) { |
17 | ! |
ifelse( |
18 | ! |
!grep("PARAM", names(loqs_data)), |
19 | ! |
stop("Assay dataset must include variable PARAM to use the caption_loqs_label function."), |
20 | ! |
21 |
22 | ! |
ifelse( |
23 | ! |
!grep("LBSTRESC", names(loqs_data)), |
24 | ! |
stop("Assay dataset must include variable LBSTRESC to use the caption_loqs_label function."), |
25 | ! |
26 |
27 | ||
28 |
# filter for records only relevant to loq.
29 |
# get LLOQ value
30 | ! |
lloq <- loqs_data %>% |
31 | ! |
filter(!!sym(flag_var) == "Y") %>% |
32 | ! |
select("PARAM", "LBSTRESC") %>% |
33 | ! |
filter(grepl("<", .data$LBSTRESC, fixed = FALSE)) %>% |
34 | ! |
mutate(LLOQC = .data$LBSTRESC, LLOQN = as.numeric(gsub("[^0-9.-]", "", .data$LBSTRESC))) %>% |
35 | ! |
group_by(.data$PARAM) %>% |
36 | ! |
slice(1) %>% |
37 | ! |
ungroup() %>% |
38 | ! |
select(-"LBSTRESC") |
39 | ||
40 | ||
41 |
# get ULOQ value
42 | ! |
uloq <- loqs_data %>% |
43 | ! |
filter(!!sym(flag_var) == "Y") %>% |
44 | ! |
select("PARAM", "LBSTRESC") %>% |
45 | ! |
filter(grepl(">", .data$LBSTRESC, fixed = FALSE)) %>% |
46 | ! |
mutate(ULOQC = .data$LBSTRESC, ULOQN = as.numeric(gsub("[^0-9.-]", "", .data$LBSTRESC))) %>% |
47 | ! |
group_by(.data$PARAM) %>% |
48 | ! |
slice(1) %>% |
49 | ! |
ungroup() %>% |
50 | ! |
select(-"LBSTRESC") |
51 | ||
52 | ||
53 |
# return LOQ data
54 | ! |
loq_values <- merge(lloq, uloq, by = "PARAM", all = TRUE) |
55 | ! |
if (nrow(loq_values) == 0) { |
56 | ! |
loq_values <- data.frame( |
57 | ! |
PARAM = names(table(droplevels(as.factor(loqs_data$PARAM)))), |
58 | ! |
59 | ! |
60 | ! |
61 | ! |
62 |
63 |
64 | ||
65 | ! |
attr(loq_values[["PARAM"]], "label") <- "Parameter" |
66 | ! |
attr(loq_values[["LLOQC"]], "label") <- "Lower Limit of Quantitation (C)" |
67 | ! |
attr(loq_values[["LLOQN"]], "label") <- "Lower Limit of Quantitation" |
68 | ! |
attr(loq_values[["ULOQC"]], "label") <- "Upper Limit of Quantitation (C)" |
69 | ! |
attr(loq_values[["ULOQN"]], "label") <- "Upper Limit of Quantitation" |
70 | ||
71 | ! |
return(loq_values) |
72 |
73 | ||
74 |
#' Add footnote to identify `LLOQ` and `ULOQ` values identified from data
75 |
76 |
#' @param loqs_data (`data frame`)\cr `loqs_data` data set containing assay data with potential `LOQ` values
77 |
78 |
#' @import dplyr
79 |
#' @keywords internal
80 |
81 |
#' @examples
82 |
#' caption_label <- goshawk:::h_caption_loqs_label(loqs_data = goshawk::rADLB, flag_var = "LOQFL")
83 |
h_caption_loqs_label <- function(loqs_data, flag_var) { |
84 | ! |
loq_values <- h_identify_loq_values(loqs_data, flag_var) |
85 | ||
86 | ! |
lloqc <- ifelse(is.na(loq_values$LLOQC), "NA", as.character(loq_values$LLOQC)) |
87 | ! |
uloqc <- ifelse(is.na(loq_values$ULOQC), "NA", as.character(loq_values$ULOQC)) |
88 | ||
89 |
# create caption
90 | ! |
caption_loqs_label <- paste0( |
91 | ! |
"Limits of quantification read from study data for ",
92 | ! |
loqs_data$PARAM, |
93 | ! |
": LLOQ is ",
94 | ! |
95 | ! |
", ULOQ is ",
96 | ! |
97 |
98 | ||
99 | ! |
return(caption_loqs_label) |
100 |
101 | ||
102 |
#' Check that argument is a valid color
103 |
104 |
#' Checks if the argument can be converted to valid RGB values space. See `grDevices::col2rgb`.
105 |
106 |
#' @inheritParams checkmate::checkCharacter
107 |
#' @param color (`character`)\cr
108 |
#' Valid color convertible to RGB scale by [grDevices::col2rgb()]
109 |
110 |
#' @inherit checkmate::checkCharacter return
111 |
#' @keywords internal
112 |
check_color <- function(color, |
113 |
min.len = NULL, # nolint |
114 |
max.len = NULL, # nolint |
115 |
any.missing = TRUE, # nolint |
116 |
all.missing = TRUE, # nolint |
117 |
len = NULL, |
118 |
null.ok = FALSE) { # nolint |
119 | ! |
string_check <- checkmate::check_character( |
120 | ! |
121 | ! |
min.len = min.len, max.len = max.len, any.missing = any.missing, len = len, null.ok = null.ok |
122 |
123 | ! |
if (!isTRUE(string_check)) { |
124 | ! |
return(string_check) |
125 |
126 | ||
127 | ! |
res <- sapply(color, function(col) { |
128 | ! |
tryCatch( |
129 | ! |
is.matrix(grDevices::col2rgb(col)), |
130 | ! |
error = function(e) FALSE |
131 |
132 |
}) |
133 | ||
134 | ! |
if (any(!res)) { |
135 | ! |
"Must be a valid color, convertible to rgb by 'col2rgb'"
136 |
} else { |
137 | ! |
138 |
139 |
140 | ||
141 |
#' @rdname check_color
142 |
assert_color <- checkmate::makeAssertionFunction(check_color) |
1 |
#' Add horizontal and/or vertical lines and their legend labels to a plot
2 |
3 |
#' This function is currently designed to be used with \code{\link{g_boxplot}}, \code{\link{g_correlationplot}},
4 |
#' \code{\link{g_spaghettiplot}}, and ('g_density_distribution_plot'), but may also work in general.
5 |
6 |
#' @param data ('data.frame') data where `hline_vars` and `vline_var` columns are taken from.
7 |
#' @param hline_arb ('numeric vector') value identifying intercept for arbitrary horizontal lines.
8 |
#' @param hline_arb_color ('character vector') optional, color for the arbitrary horizontal lines.
9 |
#' @param hline_arb_label ('character vector') optional, label for the legend to the arbitrary horizontal lines.
10 |
#' @param hline_vars ('character vector'), names of variables `(ANR*)` or values `(*LOQ)` identifying intercept values.
11 |
#' Needs `data` to be specified.
12 |
#' @param hline_vars_colors ('character vector') colors for the horizontal lines defined by variables.
13 |
#' @param hline_vars_labels ('character vector') labels for the legend to the horizontal lines defined by variables.
14 |
#' @param vline_arb ('numeric vector') value identifying intercept for arbitrary vertical lines.
15 |
#' @param vline_arb_color ('character vector') optional, color for the arbitrary vertical lines.
16 |
#' @param vline_arb_label ('character vector') optional, label for the legend to the arbitrary vertical lines.
17 |
#' @param vline_vars ('character vector'), names of variables `(ANR*)` or values `(*LOQ)` identifying intercept values.
18 |
#' Needs `data` to be specified.
19 |
#' @param vline_vars_colors ('character vector') colors for the vertical lines defined by variables.
20 |
#' @param vline_vars_labels ('character vector') labels for the legend to the vertical lines defined by variables.
21 |
22 |
#' @examples
23 |
#' p <- ggplot2::ggplot(mtcars, ggplot2::aes(wt, mpg)) +
24 |
#' ggplot2::geom_point() +
25 |
#' goshawk:::geom_axes_lines(
26 |
#' hline_arb = c(20, 25, 30),
27 |
#' hline_arb_color = "red",
28 |
#' hline_arb_label = "Hori Line"
29 |
#' )
30 |
#' @return \code{ggplot} object
31 |
#' @keywords internal
32 |
33 |
geom_axes_lines <- function(data, |
34 |
hline_arb = numeric(0), |
35 |
hline_arb_color = "red", |
36 |
hline_arb_label = "Horizontal line", |
37 |
hline_vars = character(0), |
38 |
hline_vars_colors = "green", |
39 |
hline_vars_labels = hline_vars, |
40 |
vline_arb = numeric(0), |
41 |
vline_arb_color = "red", |
42 |
vline_arb_label = "Vertical line", |
43 |
vline_vars = character(0), |
44 |
vline_vars_colors = "green", |
45 |
vline_vars_labels = vline_vars) { |
46 | ! |
arb_hlines <- if (length(hline_arb) > 0) { |
47 | ! |
geom_arb_hline( |
48 | ! |
yintercept = hline_arb, |
49 | ! |
color = hline_arb_color, |
50 | ! |
label = hline_arb_label, |
51 | ! |
legend_title = "Horizontal arbitrary line(s)", |
52 | ! |
linetype = 2 |
53 |
54 |
55 | ||
56 | ! |
range_hlines <- if (length(hline_vars > 0)) { |
57 | ! |
geom_range_hline( |
58 | ! |
data = data, |
59 | ! |
vars = hline_vars, |
60 | ! |
color = hline_vars_colors, |
61 | ! |
label = hline_vars_labels, |
62 | ! |
linetype = 2 |
63 |
64 |
65 | ||
66 | ! |
arb_vlines <- if (length(vline_arb) > 0) { |
67 | ! |
geom_arb_vline( |
68 | ! |
xintercept = vline_arb, |
69 | ! |
color = vline_arb_color, |
70 | ! |
label = vline_arb_label, |
71 | ! |
legend_title = "Vertical arbitrary line(s)", |
72 | ! |
linetype = 2 |
73 |
74 |
75 | ||
76 | ! |
range_vlines <- if (length(vline_vars) > 0) { |
77 | ! |
geom_range_vline( |
78 | ! |
data = data, |
79 | ! |
vars = vline_vars, |
80 | ! |
color = vline_vars_colors, |
81 | ! |
label = vline_vars_labels, |
82 | ! |
linetype = 2 |
83 |
84 |
85 | ||
86 | ! |
Filter( |
87 | ! |
function(x) !is.null(x) || !is.na(x), |
88 | ! |
list( |
89 | ! |
90 | ! |
91 | ! |
92 | ! |
93 |
94 |
95 |
96 | ||
97 |
#' Validate line arguments given in the parameters against the data.
98 |
99 |
#' helper function to be called by [geom_axes_lines()]
100 |
101 |
#' @param data (`data.frame`)\cr
102 |
#' should contain `vars` which will be used to create the plot.
103 |
#' @param vars (`character`)\cr
104 |
#' names of variables to take the values from. Only first value from the variable will be
105 |
#' applied.
106 |
#' @param color (`character`)\cr
107 |
#' colors for the lines defined by variables.
108 |
#' @param label (`character`)\cr
109 |
#' labels for the legend to the lines defined by variables.
110 |
111 |
#' @return (`data.frame`) containing the `values`,`colors` and `labels` fields defining attributes
112 |
#' for horizontal or vertical lines.
113 |
#' @keywords internal
114 |
115 |
validate_line_args <- function(data, |
116 |
vars = character(0), |
117 |
color = "green", |
118 |
label = vars) { |
119 | ! |
if (length(vars) > 0) { |
120 | ! |
stopifnot(all(vars %in% names(data))) |
121 | ! |
checkmate::assert_data_frame(data[vars], types = "numeric") |
122 | ! |
checkmate::assert( |
123 | ! |
check_color(color, len = 1), |
124 | ! |
check_color(color, len = length(vars)) |
125 |
126 | ! |
checkmate::assert_character(label, len = length(vars)) |
127 | ||
128 | ||
129 | ! |
label <- vapply( |
130 | ! |
131 | ! |
FUN.VALUE = character(1), |
132 | ! |
133 | ! |
FUN = function(x) { |
134 | ! |
if (is.null(attributes(data[[x]])$label)) { |
135 | ! |
136 |
} else { |
137 | ! |
attributes(data[[x]])$label |
138 |
139 |
140 |
141 | ||
142 | ! |
vars <- sapply( |
143 | ! |
144 | ! |
145 | ! |
function(name) { |
146 | ! |
x <- data[[name]] |
147 | ! |
vals <- unique(x) |
148 | ! |
if (!checkmate::test_number(vals)) { |
149 | ! |
warning(sprintf("First value is taken from variable '%s' to draw the straight line", name)) |
150 |
151 | ! |
vals[1] |
152 |
153 |
154 |
} else { |
155 | ! |
vars <- numeric(0) |
156 | ! |
color <- character(0) |
157 | ! |
label <- character(0) |
158 |
159 | ||
160 | ! |
data.frame( |
161 | ! |
values = vars, |
162 | ! |
colors = color, |
163 | ! |
labels = label |
164 |
165 |
166 | ||
167 |
#' Straight lines for `ggplot2`
168 |
169 |
#' Arbitrary lines for `ggplot2`
170 |
#' @name geom_straight_lines
171 |
#' @param vars (`character`)\cr
172 |
#' names of variables `(ANR*)` or values `(*LOQ)` identifying intercept values.
173 |
#' @param xintercept (`numeric`)\cr
174 |
#' Position of the vertical line(s) on the x-axis
175 |
#' @param yintercept (`numeric`)\cr
176 |
#' Position of the horizontal line(s) on the y-axis
177 |
#' @param label (`character`)\cr
178 |
#' Label to be rendered in the legend.
179 |
#' Should be a single string or vector of length equal to length of `xintercept`.
180 |
#' @param color (`character`)\cr
181 |
#' Valid color convertible to RGB scale by [grDevices::col2rgb()].
182 |
#' Should be a single string or vector of length equal to length of `xintercept`.
183 |
184 |
#' @inherit ggplot2::geom_hline return
185 |
186 |
#' @keywords internal
187 |
188 |
189 | ||
190 |
#' @rdname geom_straight_lines
191 |
#' @examples
192 |
#' # horizontal arbitrary lines
193 |
#' data <- data.frame(x = seq_len(10), y = seq_len(10), color = rep(c("a", "b"), each = 5))
194 |
#' ggplot2::ggplot(data, ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y, color = color)) +
195 |
#' ggplot2::geom_point() +
196 |
#' goshawk:::geom_arb_hline(
197 |
#' yintercept = c(2, 5), color = "blue", label = c("h1", "h2"), linetype = 2
198 |
#' )
199 |
geom_arb_hline <- function(yintercept, |
200 |
label = "Horizontal line", |
201 |
color = "red", |
202 |
legend_title = "Horizontal line(s)", |
203 |
...) { |
204 | ! |
checkmate::assert_numeric(yintercept, min.len = 1) |
205 | ! |
checkmate::assert( |
206 | ! |
check_color(color, len = 1), |
207 | ! |
check_color(color, len = length(yintercept)) |
208 |
209 | ! |
checkmate::assert( |
210 | ! |
checkmate::check_string(label), |
211 | ! |
checkmate::check_character(label, len = length(yintercept)) |
212 |
213 | ! |
data <- data.frame(yintercept, color, label, color_var = paste(color, label)) |
214 | ||
215 | ! |
list( |
216 | ! |
ggnewscale::new_scale_color(), |
217 | ! |
ggplot2::geom_hline( |
218 | ! |
data = data, |
219 | ! |
mapping = ggplot2::aes( |
220 | ! |
yintercept = yintercept, |
221 | ! |
color = .data[["color_var"]], # need legend entry for each color-label combination |
222 |
223 |
224 |
225 | ! |
ggplot2::scale_color_manual( |
226 | ! |
name = legend_title, |
227 | ! |
values = stats::setNames(data$color, data$color_var), |
228 | ! |
labels = data$label, |
229 | ! |
limits = data$color_var, |
230 | ! |
guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(order = 11) # high order to be put after main plot items |
231 |
232 |
233 |
234 | ||
235 |
#' @rdname geom_straight_lines
236 |
#' @examples
237 |
#' # vertical arbitrary lines
238 |
#' data <- data.frame(x = seq_len(10), y = seq_len(10), color = rep(c("a", "b"), each = 5))
239 |
#' ggplot2::ggplot(data, ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y, color = color)) +
240 |
#' ggplot2::geom_point() +
241 |
#' goshawk:::geom_arb_vline(
242 |
#' xintercept = c(2, 5), color = "blue", label = c("h1", "h2"), linetype = 2
243 |
#' )
244 |
geom_arb_vline <- function(xintercept, |
245 |
label = "Vertical line", |
246 |
color = "red", |
247 |
legend_title = "Vertical line(s)", |
248 |
...) { |
249 | ! |
checkmate::assert_numeric(xintercept, min.len = 1) |
250 | ! |
checkmate::assert( |
251 | ! |
check_color(color, len = 1), |
252 | ! |
check_color(color, len = length(xintercept)) |
253 |
254 | ! |
checkmate::assert( |
255 | ! |
checkmate::check_character(label, len = 1), |
256 | ! |
checkmate::check_character(label, len = length(xintercept)) |
257 |
258 | ||
259 | ! |
data <- data.frame(xintercept, color, label, color_var = paste(color, label)) |
260 | ||
261 | ! |
list( |
262 | ! |
ggnewscale::new_scale_color(), |
263 | ! |
ggplot2::geom_vline( |
264 | ! |
data = data, |
265 | ! |
mapping = ggplot2::aes( |
266 | ! |
xintercept = xintercept, |
267 | ! |
color = .data[["color_var"]], # need legend entry for each color-label combination |
268 |
269 |
270 |
271 | ! |
ggplot2::scale_color_manual( |
272 | ! |
name = legend_title, |
273 | ! |
values = stats::setNames(data$color, data$color_var), |
274 | ! |
labels = data$label, |
275 | ! |
limits = data$color_var, |
276 | ! |
guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(order = 12) # high order to be put after main plot items |
277 |
278 |
279 |
280 | ||
281 | ||
282 |
#' @rdname geom_straight_lines
283 |
#' @examples
284 |
#' # horizontal range
285 |
286 |
#' data <- data.frame(
287 |
#' x = seq_len(10),
288 |
#' y = seq_len(10),
289 |
#' color = rep(c("a", "b"), each = 5),
290 |
#' lower = rep(c(2, 3), each = 5),
291 |
#' upper = rep(c(7, 8), each = 5)
292 |
#' )
293 |
#' ggplot2::ggplot(data, ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y, color = color)) +
294 |
#' ggplot2::geom_point() +
295 |
#' goshawk:::geom_range_hline(
296 |
#' vars = c("lower", "upper"),
297 |
#' data = data.frame(lower = 2, upper = 7),
298 |
#' color = "blue",
299 |
#' linetype = 2
300 |
#' )
301 |
geom_range_hline <- function(vars, |
302 |
303 |
color = "green", |
304 |
label = vars, |
305 |
legend_title = "Horizontal range line(s)", |
306 |
...) { |
307 | ! |
line_data <- validate_line_args( |
308 | ! |
data = data, |
309 | ! |
vars = vars, |
310 | ! |
label = label, |
311 | ! |
color = color |
312 |
313 | ! |
geom_arb_hline( |
314 | ! |
yintercept = line_data$values, |
315 | ! |
label = line_data$labels, |
316 | ! |
color = line_data$colors, |
317 | ! |
legend_title = legend_title, |
318 |
319 |
320 |
321 | ||
322 |
#' @rdname geom_straight_lines
323 |
#' @examples
324 |
#' # vertical range
325 |
#' data <- data.frame(
326 |
#' x = seq_len(10),
327 |
#' y = seq_len(10),
328 |
#' color = rep(c("a", "b"), each = 5),
329 |
#' lower = rep(c(2, 3), each = 5),
330 |
#' upper = rep(c(7, 8), each = 5)
331 |
#' )
332 |
#' ggplot2::ggplot(data, ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y, color = color)) +
333 |
#' ggplot2::geom_point() +
334 |
#' goshawk:::geom_range_vline(
335 |
#' vars = c("lower", "upper"),
336 |
#' data = data.frame(lower = 2, upper = 7),
337 |
#' color = "blue",
338 |
#' linetype = 2
339 |
#' )
340 |
geom_range_vline <- function(vars, |
341 |
342 |
color = "green", |
343 |
label = vars, |
344 |
legend_title = "Vertical range line(s)", |
345 |
...) { |
346 | ! |
line_data <- validate_line_args( |
347 | ! |
data = data, |
348 | ! |
vars = vars, |
349 | ! |
label = label, |
350 | ! |
color = color |
351 |
352 | ! |
geom_arb_vline( |
353 | ! |
xintercept = line_data$values, |
354 | ! |
label = line_data$labels, |
355 | ! |
color = line_data$colors, |
356 | ! |
legend_title = legend_title, |
357 |
358 |
359 |
1 |
#' Function to create a boxplot.
2 |
3 |
#' A box plot is a method for graphically depicting groups of numerical data
4 |
#' through their quartiles. Box plots may also have lines extending vertically
5 |
#' from the boxes (whiskers) indicating variability outside the upper and lower
6 |
#' quartiles, hence the term box-and-whisker. Outliers may be plotted as
7 |
#' individual points. Box plots are non-parametric: they display variation in
8 |
#' samples of a statistical population without making any assumptions of the
9 |
#' underlying statistical distribution. The spacings between the different parts
10 |
#' of the box indicate the degree of dispersion (spread) and skewness in the
11 |
#' data, and show outliers. In addition to the points themselves, they allow one
12 |
#' to visually estimate various L-estimators, notably the interquartile range,
13 |
#' midhinge, range, mid-range, and trimean.
14 |
15 |
#' @param data `ADaM` structured analysis laboratory data frame e.g. `ADLB`.
16 |
#' @param biomarker biomarker to visualize e.g. `IGG`.
17 |
#' @param param_var name of variable containing biomarker codes e.g. `PARAMCD`.
18 |
#' @param yaxis_var name of variable containing biomarker results displayed on
19 |
#' Y-axis e.g. `AVAL`.
20 |
#' @param trt_group name of variable representing treatment `trt_group` e.g. `ARM`.
21 |
#' @param loq_flag_var name of variable containing `LOQ` flag e.g. `LOQFL`.
22 |
#' @param loq_legend `logical` whether to include `LoQ` legend.
23 |
#' @param unit biomarker unit label e.g. (U/L)
24 |
#' @param color_manual vector of color for `trt_group`
25 |
#' @param shape_manual vector of shapes (used with `loq_flag_var`)
26 |
#' @param box add boxes to the plot (boolean)
27 |
#' @param ylim ('numeric vector') optional, a vector of length 2 to specify the minimum and maximum of the y-axis
28 |
#' if the default limits are not suitable.
29 |
#' @param facet_var variable to facet the plot by, or `"None"` if no faceting
30 |
#' required.
31 |
#' @param xaxis_var variable used to group the data on the x-axis.
32 |
#' @param facet_ncol number of facets per row. NULL = Use the default for `ggplot2::facet_wrap`
33 |
#' @param rotate_xlab 45 degree rotation of x-axis label values.
34 |
#' @param font_size point size of text to use. NULL is use default size
35 |
#' @param dot_size plot dot size.
36 |
#' @param alpha dot transparency (0 = transparent, 1 = opaque)
37 |
#' @param hline_arb ('numeric vector') value identifying intercept for arbitrary horizontal lines.
38 |
#' @param hline_arb_color ('character vector') optional, color for the arbitrary horizontal lines.
39 |
#' @param hline_arb_label ('character vector') optional, label for the legend to the arbitrary horizontal lines.
40 |
#' @param hline_vars ('character vector'), names of variables `(ANR*)` or values `(*LOQ)` identifying intercept values.
41 |
#' The data inside of the `ggplot2` object must also contain the columns with these variable names
42 |
#' @param hline_vars_colors ('character vector') colors for the horizontal lines defined by variables.
43 |
#' @param hline_vars_labels ('character vector') labels for the legend to the horizontal lines defined by variables.
44 |
45 |
#' @author Balazs Toth
46 |
#' @author Jeff Tomlinson (tomlinsj) jeffrey.tomlinson@roche.com
47 |
48 |
#' @return \code{ggplot} object
49 |
50 |
#' @export
51 |
52 |
#' @examplesIf require("nestcolor")
53 |
#' # Example using ADaM structure analysis dataset.
54 |
55 |
#' library(nestcolor)
56 |
57 |
#' ADLB <- rADLB
58 |
#' var_labels <- lapply(ADLB, function(x) attributes(x)$label)
59 |
#' ADLB <- ADLB %>%
60 |
#' mutate(AVISITCD = case_when(
61 |
62 |
63 |
#' grepl("WEEK", AVISIT) ~
64 |
#' paste(
65 |
#' "W",
66 |
#' trimws(
67 |
#' substr(
68 |
69 |
#' start = 6,
70 |
#' stop = stringr::str_locate(AVISIT, "DAY") - 1
71 |
#' )
72 |
#' )
73 |
#' ),
74 |
#' TRUE ~ NA_character_
75 |
#' )) %>%
76 |
#' mutate(AVISITCDN = case_when(
77 |
#' AVISITCD == "SCR" ~ -2,
78 |
#' AVISITCD == "BL" ~ 0,
79 |
#' grepl("W", AVISITCD) ~ as.numeric(gsub("\\D+", "", AVISITCD)),
80 |
#' TRUE ~ NA_real_
81 |
#' )) %>%
82 |
#' mutate(ANRLO = .5, ANRHI = 1) %>%
83 |
#' rowwise() %>%
84 |
#' group_by(PARAMCD) %>%
85 |
#' mutate(LBSTRESC = ifelse(
86 |
#' USUBJID %in% sample(USUBJID, 1, replace = TRUE),
87 |
#' paste("<", round(runif(1, min = .5, max = 1))), LBSTRESC
88 |
#' )) %>%
89 |
#' mutate(LBSTRESC = ifelse(
90 |
#' USUBJID %in% sample(USUBJID, 1, replace = TRUE),
91 |
#' paste(">", round(runif(1, min = 1, max = 1.5))), LBSTRESC
92 |
#' )) %>%
93 |
#' ungroup()
94 |
#' attr(ADLB[["ARM"]], "label") <- var_labels[["ARM"]]
95 |
#' attr(ADLB[["ANRLO"]], "label") <- "Analysis Normal Range Lower Limit"
96 |
#' attr(ADLB[["ANRHI"]], "label") <- "Analysis Normal Range Upper Limit"
97 |
98 |
#' # add LLOQ and ULOQ variables
99 |
#' ADLB_LOQS <- goshawk:::h_identify_loq_values(ADLB, "LOQFL")
100 |
#' ADLB <- left_join(ADLB, ADLB_LOQS, by = "PARAM")
101 |
102 |
#' g_boxplot(ADLB,
103 |
#' biomarker = "CRP",
104 |
#' param_var = "PARAMCD",
105 |
#' yaxis_var = "AVAL",
106 |
#' trt_group = "ARM",
107 |
#' loq_flag_var = "LOQFL",
108 |
#' loq_legend = FALSE,
109 |
#' unit = "AVALU",
110 |
#' shape_manual = c("N" = 1, "Y" = 2, "NA" = NULL),
111 |
#' facet_var = "AVISIT",
112 |
#' xaxis_var = "STUDYID",
113 |
#' alpha = 0.5,
114 |
#' rotate_xlab = TRUE,
115 |
#' hline_arb = c(.9, 1.2),
116 |
#' hline_arb_color = "blue",
117 |
#' hline_arb_label = "Hori_line_label",
118 |
#' hline_vars = c("ANRHI", "ANRLO", "ULOQN", "LLOQN"),
119 |
#' hline_vars_colors = c("pink", "brown", "purple", "gray"),
120 |
#' hline_vars_labels = c("A", "B", "C", "D")
121 |
#' )
122 |
g_boxplot <- function(data, |
123 |
124 |
param_var = "PARAMCD", |
125 |
126 |
127 |
xaxis_var = NULL, |
128 |
loq_flag_var = "LOQFL", |
129 |
loq_legend = TRUE, |
130 |
unit = NULL, |
131 |
color_manual = NULL, |
132 |
shape_manual = NULL, |
133 |
box = TRUE, |
134 |
ylim = c(NA, NA), |
135 |
dot_size = 2, |
136 |
alpha = 1.0, |
137 |
facet_ncol = NULL, |
138 |
rotate_xlab = FALSE, |
139 |
font_size = NULL, |
140 |
facet_var = NULL, |
141 |
hline_arb = numeric(0), |
142 |
hline_arb_color = "red", |
143 |
hline_arb_label = "Horizontal line", |
144 |
hline_vars = character(0), |
145 |
hline_vars_colors = "green", |
146 |
hline_vars_labels = hline_vars) { |
147 | ! |
if (is.null(data[[param_var]])) { |
148 | ! |
stop(paste("param_var", param_var, "is not in data.")) |
149 |
150 | ||
151 | ! |
if (!any(data[[param_var]] == biomarker)) { |
152 | ! |
stop(paste("biomarker", biomarker, "is not found in param_var", param_var, ".")) |
153 |
154 | ! |
checkmate::assert_flag(loq_legend) |
155 | ! |
checkmate::assert_number(dot_size) |
156 | ! |
checkmate::assert_numeric(ylim, len = 2) |
157 | ||
158 |
# filter input data
159 | ! |
data <- data %>% |
160 | ! |
filter(!!sym(param_var) == biomarker) |
161 | ||
162 | ! |
if (!is.null(unit)) { |
163 |
# check unit is in the dataset
164 | ! |
if (is.null(data[[unit]])) { |
165 | ! |
stop(paste("unit variable", unit, "is not in data.")) |
166 |
167 |
# extract the most common unit
168 |
# if there are ties, take the use alphabetic order
169 | ! |
tmp_unit <- data %>% |
170 | ! |
count(!!sym(unit)) %>% |
171 | ! |
top_n(1, n) %>% |
172 | ! |
arrange(!!sym(unit)) %>% |
173 | ! |
slice(1) %>% |
174 | ! |
select(!!sym(unit)) %>% |
175 | ! |
as.character() |
176 | ! |
if (is.factor(data[[unit]])) { |
177 | ! |
unit <- levels(data[[unit]])[as.numeric(tmp_unit)] |
178 |
} else { |
179 | ! |
unit <- tmp_unit |
180 |
181 |
182 |
# Setup the Y axis label. Combine the biomarker and the units (if available)
183 | ! |
y_axis_label <- ifelse(is.null(unit), paste(data$PARAM[1], yaxis_var, "Values"), |
184 | ! |
ifelse(unit == "", paste(data$PARAM[1], yaxis_var, "Values"), |
185 | ! |
paste0(data$PARAM[1], " (", unit, ") ", yaxis_var, " Values") |
186 |
187 |
188 |
# Setup the ggtitle label. Combine the biomarker and the units (if available)
189 | ! |
ggtitle_label <- ifelse(is.null(unit), paste(data$PARAM[1], "Distribution by Treatment @ Visits"), |
190 | ! |
ifelse(unit == "", paste(data$PARAM[1], "Distribution by Treatment @ Visits"), |
191 | ! |
paste0(data$PARAM[1], " (", unit, ") Distribution by Treatment @ Visits") |
192 |
193 |
194 |
# Setup legend label
195 | ! |
trt_label <- `if`(is.null(attr(data[[trt_group]], "label")), "Dose", attr(data[[trt_group]], "label")) |
196 | ||
197 |
# add footnote to identify LLOQ and ULOQ values pulled from data
198 | ! |
caption_loqs_label <- h_caption_loqs_label(loqs_data = data, flag_var = loq_flag_var) |
199 |
# Base plot
200 | ! |
plot1 <- ggplot2::ggplot(data) |
201 |
# Add boxes if required
202 | ! |
if (box) { |
203 | ! |
plot1 <- plot1 + |
204 | ! |
ggplot2::geom_boxplot( |
205 | ! |
data = data, |
206 | ! |
ggplot2::aes( |
207 | ! |
x = !!sym(xaxis_var), |
208 | ! |
y = !!sym(yaxis_var), |
209 | ! |
fill = NULL |
210 |
211 | ! |
outlier.shape = NA, |
212 | ! |
na.rm = TRUE |
213 |
214 |
215 |
# Extend is.infinite to include zero length objects.
216 | ! |
is_finite <- function(x) { |
217 | ! |
if (length(x) == 0) { |
218 | ! |
return(FALSE) |
219 |
220 | ! |
return(is.finite(x)) |
221 |
222 | ||
223 | ! |
plot1 <- plot1 + |
224 | ! |
ggplot2::labs(color = trt_label, x = NULL, y = y_axis_label, caption = caption_loqs_label) + |
225 | ! |
ggplot2::theme_bw() + |
226 | ! |
ggplot2::ggtitle(ggtitle_label) + |
227 | ! |
ggplot2::theme(plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size, hjust = 0.5)) |
228 |
# Colors supplied? Use color_manual, otherwise default ggplot coloring.
229 | ! |
plot1 <- if (!is.null(color_manual)) { |
230 | ! |
plot1 + |
231 | ! |
ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = color_manual, guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(order = 1)) |
232 |
} else { |
233 | ! |
plot1 + |
234 | ! |
ggplot2::scale_color_discrete(guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(order = 1)) |
235 |
236 | ||
237 |
# Format LOQ flag symbol shape
238 | ! |
if (is.null(shape_manual)) { |
239 | ! |
shape_names <- unique(data[!is.na(data[[loq_flag_var]]), ][[loq_flag_var]]) |
240 | ! |
shape_manual <- seq_along(shape_names) |
241 | ! |
names(shape_manual) <- shape_names |
242 |
243 |
# add LOQ legend conditionally
244 | ! |
plot1 <- if (!loq_legend) { |
245 | ! |
plot1 + ggplot2::scale_shape_manual(values = shape_manual, name = "LoQ", guide = "none") |
246 |
} else { |
247 | ! |
plot1 + ggplot2::scale_shape_manual(values = shape_manual, name = "LoQ", guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(order = 2)) |
248 |
249 | ||
250 | ! |
plot1 <- plot1 + |
251 | ! |
ggplot2::geom_jitter( |
252 | ! |
data = data, |
253 | ! |
ggplot2::aes( |
254 | ! |
x = !!sym(xaxis_var), |
255 | ! |
y = !!sym(yaxis_var), |
256 | ! |
shape = !!sym(loq_flag_var), |
257 | ! |
color = !!sym(trt_group) |
258 |
259 | ! |
alpha = alpha, |
260 | ! |
position = ggplot2::position_jitter(width = 0.1, height = 0), |
261 | ! |
size = dot_size, |
262 | ! |
na.rm = TRUE |
263 |
264 | ||
265 |
# Any limits for the Y axis?
266 | ! |
plot1 <- plot1 + ggplot2::coord_cartesian(ylim = ylim) |
267 | ||
268 | ||
269 |
# Add facetting.
270 | ! |
if (!is.null(facet_var)) { |
271 | ! |
if (facet_var != "None" & facet_var %in% names(data)) { # nolint |
272 | ! |
if (!is_finite(facet_ncol)) facet_ncol <- 0 |
273 | ! |
if (facet_ncol >= 1) { |
274 | ! |
plot1 <- plot1 + |
275 | ! |
ggplot2::facet_wrap(stats::as.formula(paste0(" ~ ", facet_var)), ncol = round(facet_ncol)) |
276 |
} else { |
277 | ! |
plot1 <- plot1 + |
278 | ! |
ggplot2::facet_wrap(stats::as.formula(paste0(" ~ ", facet_var))) |
279 |
280 |
281 |
282 | ||
283 | ||
284 | ||
285 | ||
286 |
# Format font size
287 | ! |
if (is_finite(font_size)) { |
288 | ! |
plot1 <- plot1 + |
289 | ! |
ggplot2::theme( |
290 | ! |
axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size), |
291 | ! |
axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size), |
292 | ! |
axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size), |
293 | ! |
axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size), |
294 | ! |
legend.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size), |
295 | ! |
legend.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size), |
296 | ! |
strip.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size), |
297 | ! |
strip.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size) |
298 |
299 |
300 |
# Format x-label
301 | ! |
if (rotate_xlab) { |
302 | ! |
plot1 <- plot1 + |
303 | ! |
ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) |
304 |
305 | ||
306 |
# Add horizontal line for range based on option
307 | ! |
plot1 + geom_axes_lines(data, |
308 | ! |
hline_arb = hline_arb, hline_arb_color = hline_arb_color, hline_arb_label = hline_arb_label, |
309 | ! |
hline_vars = hline_vars, hline_vars_colors = hline_vars_colors, hline_vars_labels = hline_vars_labels |
310 |
311 |
1 |
#' Function to create a table of descriptive summary statistics to accompany plots.
2 |
3 |
#' Output descriptive summary statistics table as a data frame. Includes biomarker, treatment,
4 |
#' visit,
5 |
#' n, mean, median, SD, min, max, %missing values, % `LOQ` values.
6 |
7 |
#' @param data name of data frame to summarize.
8 |
#' @param trt_group treatment group variable name e.g. `ARM`.
9 |
#' @param param_var name of variable containing biomarker codes e.g. `PARAMCD`.
10 |
#' @param param biomarker to visualize e.g. `IGG`.
11 |
#' @param xaxis_var name of variable containing biomarker results displayed on X-axis e.g. `AVAL`.
12 |
#' @param facet_var name of variable facetted on typically containing visit values e.g. `AVISITCD`.
13 |
#' If NULL then ignored. It defaults to `"AVISITCD"` when not provided.
14 |
#' @param loq_flag_var name of variable containing `LOQ` flag e.g. `LOQFL`. Defaults to `"LOQFL"`.
15 |
#' @param ... additional options
16 |
17 |
#' @author Nick Paszty (npaszty) paszty.nicholas@gene.com
18 |
#' @author Balazs Toth (tothb2) toth.balazs@gene.com
19 |
20 |
#' @details provide additional information as needed. link to specification file
21 |
#' \url{https://posit.co/}
22 |
23 |
#' @export
24 |
25 |
#' @examples
26 |
#' # Example using ADaM structure analysis dataset.
27 |
28 |
#' library(stringr)
29 |
30 |
#' # original ARM value = dose value
31 |
#' arm_mapping <- list(
32 |
#' "A: Drug X" = "150mg QD", "B: Placebo" = "Placebo", "C: Combination" = "Combination"
33 |
#' )
34 |
35 |
#' ADLB <- rADLB
36 |
#' ADLB <- ADLB %>%
37 |
#' mutate(AVISITCD = case_when(
38 |
39 |
40 |
#' grepl("WEEK", AVISIT) ~
41 |
#' paste(
42 |
#' "W",
43 |
#' trimws(
44 |
#' substr(
45 |
46 |
#' start = 6,
47 |
#' stop = str_locate(AVISIT, "DAY") - 1
48 |
#' )
49 |
#' )
50 |
#' ),
51 |
#' TRUE ~ NA_character_
52 |
#' )) %>%
53 |
#' mutate(AVISITCDN = case_when(
54 |
#' AVISITCD == "SCR" ~ -2,
55 |
#' AVISITCD == "BL" ~ 0,
56 |
#' grepl("W", AVISITCD) ~ as.numeric(gsub("\\D+", "", AVISITCD)),
57 |
#' TRUE ~ NA_real_
58 |
#' )) %>%
59 |
#' # use ARMCD values to order treatment in visualization legend
60 |
#' mutate(TRTORD = ifelse(grepl("C", ARMCD), 1,
61 |
#' ifelse(grepl("B", ARMCD), 2,
62 |
#' ifelse(grepl("A", ARMCD), 3, NA)
63 |
#' )
64 |
#' )) %>%
65 |
#' mutate(ARM = as.character(arm_mapping[match(ARM, names(arm_mapping))])) %>%
66 |
#' mutate(ARM = factor(ARM) %>%
67 |
#' reorder(TRTORD))
68 |
69 |
#' tbl <- t_summarytable(
70 |
#' data = ADLB,
71 |
#' trt_group = "ARM",
72 |
#' param_var = "PARAMCD",
73 |
#' param = c("CRP"),
74 |
#' xaxis_var = "AVAL",
75 |
#' facet_var = "AVISITCD",
76 |
#' loq_flag_var = "LOQFL"
77 |
#' )
78 |
#' tbl
79 |
t_summarytable <- function(data, |
80 |
81 |
82 |
83 |
84 |
facet_var = "AVISITCD", |
85 |
loq_flag_var = "LOQFL", |
86 |
...) { |
87 | ! |
if (!is.null(facet_var) && trt_group == facet_var) { |
88 | ! |
data[paste0(facet_var, "_")] <- data[facet_var] |
89 | ! |
facet_var <- paste0(facet_var, "_") |
90 |
91 | ||
92 | ! |
table_data <- data %>% |
93 | ! |
filter(!!sym(param_var) == param) |
94 | ||
95 |
# get unique study id or unique study ids if multiple study data
96 | ! |
study_id <- as.data.frame(table(table_data$STUDYID)) %>% |
97 | ! |
mutate(STUDYID = paste(.data$Var1, collapse = "/")) %>% |
98 | ! |
rename(StudyID = "STUDYID") %>% |
99 | ! |
select("StudyID") %>% |
100 | ! |
slice(1) |
101 | ||
102 |
# get analysis variable name
103 | ! |
anl_var <- as.data.frame(xaxis_var) %>% |
104 | ! |
rename("AnlVar" = xaxis_var) |
105 | ||
106 | ! |
min_max_ignore_na <- function(x, type = c("min", "max")) { |
107 | ! |
type <- match.arg(type) |
108 | ! |
if (all(is.na(x))) { |
109 | ! |
return(NA) |
110 |
111 | ! |
return( |
112 | ! |
switch(type, |
113 | ! |
min = min, |
114 | ! |
max = max |
115 | ! |
)(x, na.rm = TRUE) |
116 |
117 |
118 | ||
119 |
# by treatment group table
120 | ||
121 | ! |
sum_data_by_arm <- table_data %>% filter(!!sym(param_var) == param) |
122 | ! |
if (!is.null(facet_var)) { |
123 | ! |
sum_data_by_arm <- sum_data_by_arm %>% |
124 | ! |
group_by(!!sym(param_var), !!sym(trt_group), .data$TRTORD, !!sym(facet_var)) |
125 |
} else { |
126 | ! |
sum_data_by_arm <- sum_data_by_arm %>% |
127 | ! |
group_by(!!sym(param_var), !!sym(trt_group), .data$TRTORD) |
128 |
129 | ||
130 | ! |
sum_data_by_arm <- sum_data_by_arm %>% |
131 | ! |
summarise( |
132 | ! |
n = sum(!is.na(!!sym(xaxis_var))), |
133 | ! |
Mean = round(mean(!!sym(xaxis_var), na.rm = TRUE), digits = 2), |
134 | ! |
Median = round(stats::median(!!sym(xaxis_var), na.rm = TRUE), digits = 2), |
135 | ! |
StdDev = round(stats::sd(!!sym(xaxis_var), na.rm = TRUE), digits = 2), |
136 | ! |
Min = round(min_max_ignore_na(!!sym(xaxis_var), type = "min"), digits = 2), |
137 | ! |
Max = round(min_max_ignore_na(!!sym(xaxis_var), type = "max"), digits = 2), |
138 | ! |
PctMiss = round(100 * sum(is.na(!!sym(xaxis_var))) / length(!!sym(xaxis_var)), digits = 2), |
139 | ! |
PctLOQ = round(100 * sum(!!sym(loq_flag_var) == "Y", na.rm = TRUE) / length(!!sym(loq_flag_var)), digits = 2) |
140 |
141 | ||
142 | ! |
if (!is.null(facet_var)) { |
143 | ! |
sum_data_by_arm <- sum_data_by_arm %>% |
144 | ! |
select( |
145 | ! |
all_of(c(param_var, trt_group, facet_var)), "n", "Mean", "Median", "StdDev", |
146 | ! |
"Min", "Max", "PctMiss", "PctLOQ", "TRTORD" |
147 |
) %>% |
148 | ! |
ungroup() |
149 |
} else { |
150 | ! |
sum_data_by_arm <- sum_data_by_arm %>% |
151 | ! |
select( |
152 | ! |
all_of(c(param_var, trt_group)), "n", "Mean", "Median", "StdDev", |
153 | ! |
"Min", "Max", "PctMiss", "PctLOQ", "TRTORD" |
154 |
) %>% |
155 | ! |
ungroup() |
156 |
157 | ||
158 |
# by combined treatment group table
159 | ! |
sum_data_combined_arm <- table_data %>% |
160 | ! |
filter(!!sym(param_var) == param) |
161 | ||
162 | ! |
if (!is.null(facet_var)) { |
163 | ! |
sum_data_combined_arm <- sum_data_combined_arm %>% |
164 | ! |
group_by(!!sym(param_var), !!sym(facet_var)) |
165 |
} else { |
166 | ! |
sum_data_combined_arm <- sum_data_combined_arm %>% |
167 | ! |
group_by(!!sym(param_var)) |
168 |
169 | ||
170 | ! |
sum_data_combined_arm <- sum_data_combined_arm %>% |
171 | ! |
summarise( |
172 | ! |
n = sum(!is.na(!!sym(xaxis_var))), |
173 | ! |
Mean = round(mean(!!sym(xaxis_var), na.rm = TRUE), digits = 2), |
174 | ! |
Median = round(stats::median(!!sym(xaxis_var), na.rm = TRUE), digits = 2), |
175 | ! |
StdDev = round(stats::sd(!!sym(xaxis_var), na.rm = TRUE), digits = 2), |
176 | ! |
Min = round(min_max_ignore_na(!!sym(xaxis_var), type = "min"), digits = 2), |
177 | ! |
Max = round(min_max_ignore_na(!!sym(xaxis_var), type = "max"), digits = 2), |
178 | ! |
PctMiss = round(100 * sum(is.na(!!sym(xaxis_var))) / length(!!sym(xaxis_var)), digits = 2), |
179 | ! |
PctLOQ = round(100 * sum(!!sym(loq_flag_var) == "Y", na.rm = TRUE) / length(!!sym(loq_flag_var)), digits = 2), |
180 | ! |
MAXTRTORDVIS = max(.data$TRTORD) # identifies the maximum treatment order within visits |
181 | ! |
) %>% # additional use of max function identifies maximum treatment order across all visits. |
182 | ! |
mutate(!!trt_group := "Comb.", TRTORD = max(.data$MAXTRTORDVIS) + 1) |
183 | ||
184 |
# select only those columns needed to prop
185 | ! |
if (!is.null(facet_var)) { |
186 | ! |
sum_data_combined_arm <- sum_data_combined_arm %>% |
187 | ! |
select( |
188 | ! |
all_of(c(param_var, trt_group, facet_var)), "n", "Mean", "Median", "StdDev", |
189 | ! |
"Min", "Max", "PctMiss", "PctLOQ", "TRTORD" |
190 |
) %>% |
191 | ! |
ungroup() |
192 | ||
193 |
# combine the two data sets and apply some formatting. Note that R coerces treatment group into
194 |
# character since it is a factor and character
195 | ! |
sum_data <- rbind(sum_data_by_arm, sum_data_combined_arm) %>% # concatenate |
196 |
# reorder variables
197 | ! |
select( |
198 | ! |
all_of(c(Biomarker = param_var, Treatment = trt_group, Facet = facet_var)), |
199 | ! |
"n", "Mean", "Median", "StdDev", "Min", "Max", "PctMiss", "PctLOQ", "TRTORD" |
200 |
) %>% |
201 | ! |
arrange(.data$Biomarker, .data$Facet, .data$TRTORD) %>% # drop variable |
202 | ! |
select(-"TRTORD") |
203 |
} else { |
204 | ! |
sum_data_combined_arm <- sum_data_combined_arm %>% |
205 | ! |
select( |
206 | ! |
all_of(c(param_var, trt_group)), "n", "Mean", "Median", "StdDev", |
207 | ! |
"Min", "Max", "PctMiss", "PctLOQ", "TRTORD" |
208 |
) %>% |
209 | ! |
ungroup() |
210 | ||
211 |
# combine the two data sets and apply some formatting. Note that R coerces treatment group into
212 |
# character since it is a factor and character
213 | ! |
sum_data <- rbind(sum_data_by_arm, sum_data_combined_arm) %>% # concatenate |
214 |
# reorder variables
215 | ! |
select( |
216 | ! |
all_of(c(Biomarker = param_var, Treatment = trt_group)), |
217 | ! |
"n", "Mean", "Median", "StdDev", "Min", "Max", "PctMiss", "PctLOQ", "TRTORD" |
218 |
) %>% |
219 | ! |
arrange(.data$Biomarker, .data$TRTORD) %>% # drop variable |
220 | ! |
select(-"TRTORD") |
221 |
222 | ||
223 |
# add analysis variable as first column
224 | ! |
sum_data <- cbind(study_id, anl_var, sum_data) |
225 |
1 |
#' Function to create line plot of summary statistics over time.
2 |
3 |
#' @param label text string to be displayed as plot label.
4 |
#' @param data `ADaM` structured analysis laboratory data frame e.g. `ADLB`.
5 |
#' @param biomarker_var name of variable containing biomarker names.
6 |
#' @param biomarker_var_label name of variable containing biomarker labels.
7 |
#' @param loq_flag_var name of variable containing `LOQ` flag e.g. `LOQFL`.
8 |
#' @param biomarker biomarker name to be analyzed.
9 |
#' @param value_var name of variable containing biomarker results.
10 |
#' @param unit_var name of variable containing biomarker result unit.
11 |
#' @param trt_group name of variable representing treatment group.
12 |
#' @param trt_group_level vector that can be used to define the factor level of `trt_group`.
13 |
#' @param shape categorical variable whose levels are used to split the plot lines.
14 |
#' @param shape_type vector of symbol types.
15 |
#' @param time name of variable containing visit names.
16 |
#' @param time_level vector that can be used to define the factor level of time. Only use it when
17 |
#' x-axis variable is character or factor.
18 |
#' @param color_manual vector of colors.
19 |
#' @param line_type vector of line types.
20 |
#' @param ylim ('numeric vector') optional, a vector of length 2 to specify the minimum and maximum of the y-axis
21 |
#' if the default limits are not suitable.
22 |
#' @param median boolean whether to display median results.
23 |
#' @param hline_arb ('numeric vector') value identifying intercept for arbitrary horizontal lines.
24 |
#' @param hline_arb_color ('character vector') optional, color for the arbitrary horizontal lines.
25 |
#' @param hline_arb_label ('character vector') optional, label for the legend to the arbitrary horizontal lines.
26 |
#' @param xtick a vector to define the tick values of time in x-axis.
27 |
#' Default value is `ggplot2::waiver()`.
28 |
#' @param xlabel vector with same length of `xtick` to define the label of x-axis tick values.
29 |
#' Default value is `ggplot2::waiver()`.
30 |
#' @param rotate_xlab boolean whether to rotate x-axis labels.
31 |
#' @param plot_font_size control font size for title, x-axis, y-axis and legend font.
32 |
#' @param dot_size plot dot size. Default to 3.
33 |
#' @param dodge control position dodge.
34 |
#' @param plot_height height of produced plot. 989 pixels by default.
35 |
#' @param count_threshold \code{integer} minimum number observations needed to show the appropriate
36 |
#' bar and point on the plot. Default: 0
37 |
#' @param table_font_size \code{float} controls the font size of the values printed in the table.
38 |
#' Default: 12
39 |
#' @param display_center_tbl boolean whether to include table of means or medians
40 |
41 |
42 |
#' @author Balazs Toth (toth.balazs@gene.com)
43 |
#' @author Wenyi Liu (wenyi.liu@roche.com)
44 |
45 |
#' @details Currently, the output plot can display mean and median of input value. For mean, the
46 |
#' error bar denotes
47 |
#' 95\% confidence interval. For median, the error bar denotes median-25% quartile to median+75%
48 |
#' quartile.
49 |
50 |
#' @return \code{ggplot} object
51 |
52 |
#' @export
53 |
54 |
#' @examplesIf require("nestcolor")
55 |
#' # Example using ADaM structure analysis dataset.
56 |
57 |
#' library(stringr)
58 |
#' library(dplyr)
59 |
#' library(nestcolor)
60 |
61 |
#' # original ARM value = dose value
62 |
#' arm_mapping <- list(
63 |
#' "A: Drug X" = "150mg QD", "B: Placebo" = "Placebo", "C: Combination" = "Combination"
64 |
#' )
65 |
#' color_manual <- c("150mg QD" = "thistle", "Placebo" = "orange", "Combination" = "steelblue")
66 |
#' type_manual <- c("150mg QD" = "solid", "Placebo" = "dashed", "Combination" = "dotted")
67 |
68 |
#' ADSL <- rADSL %>% filter(!(ARM == "B: Placebo" & AGE < 40))
69 |
#' ADLB <- rADLB
70 |
#' ADLB <- right_join(ADLB, ADSL[, c("STUDYID", "USUBJID")])
71 |
#' var_labels <- lapply(ADLB, function(x) attributes(x)$label)
72 |
73 |
#' ADLB <- ADLB %>%
74 |
#' mutate(AVISITCD = case_when(
75 |
76 |
77 |
#' grepl("WEEK", AVISIT) ~
78 |
#' paste(
79 |
#' "W",
80 |
#' trimws(
81 |
#' substr(
82 |
83 |
#' start = 6,
84 |
#' stop = str_locate(AVISIT, "DAY") - 1
85 |
#' )
86 |
#' )
87 |
#' ),
88 |
#' TRUE ~ NA_character_
89 |
#' )) %>%
90 |
#' mutate(AVISITCDN = case_when(
91 |
#' AVISITCD == "SCR" ~ -2,
92 |
#' AVISITCD == "BL" ~ 0,
93 |
#' grepl("W", AVISITCD) ~ as.numeric(gsub("\\D+", "", AVISITCD)),
94 |
#' TRUE ~ NA_real_
95 |
#' )) %>%
96 |
#' # use ARMCD values to order treatment in visualization legend
97 |
#' mutate(TRTORD = ifelse(grepl("C", ARMCD), 1,
98 |
#' ifelse(grepl("B", ARMCD), 2,
99 |
#' ifelse(grepl("A", ARMCD), 3, NA)
100 |
#' )
101 |
#' )) %>%
102 |
#' mutate(ARM = as.character(arm_mapping[match(ARM, names(arm_mapping))])) %>%
103 |
#' mutate(ARM = factor(ARM) %>%
104 |
#' reorder(TRTORD))
105 |
#' attr(ADLB[["ARM"]], "label") <- var_labels[["ARM"]]
106 |
107 |
#' g_lineplot(
108 |
#' label = "Line Plot",
109 |
#' data = ADLB,
110 |
#' biomarker_var = "PARAMCD",
111 |
#' biomarker = "CRP",
112 |
#' value_var = "AVAL",
113 |
#' trt_group = "ARM",
114 |
#' shape = NULL,
115 |
#' time = "AVISITCDN",
116 |
#' color_manual = color_manual,
117 |
#' line_type = type_manual,
118 |
#' median = FALSE,
119 |
#' hline_arb = c(.9, 1.1, 1.2, 1.5),
120 |
#' hline_arb_color = c("green", "red", "blue", "pink"),
121 |
#' hline_arb_label = c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
122 |
#' xtick = c(0, 1, 5),
123 |
#' xlabel = c("Baseline", "Week 1", "Week 5"),
124 |
#' rotate_xlab = FALSE,
125 |
#' plot_height = 600
126 |
#' )
127 |
128 |
#' g_lineplot(
129 |
#' label = "Line Plot",
130 |
#' data = ADLB,
131 |
#' biomarker_var = "PARAMCD",
132 |
#' biomarker = "CRP",
133 |
#' value_var = "AVAL",
134 |
#' trt_group = "ARM",
135 |
#' shape = NULL,
136 |
#' time = "AVISITCD",
137 |
#' color_manual = NULL,
138 |
#' line_type = type_manual,
139 |
#' median = TRUE,
140 |
#' hline_arb = c(.9, 1.1, 1.2, 1.5),
141 |
#' hline_arb_color = c("green", "red", "blue", "pink"),
142 |
#' hline_arb_label = c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
143 |
#' xtick = c("BL", "W 1", "W 5"),
144 |
#' xlabel = c("Baseline", "Week 1", "Week 5"),
145 |
#' rotate_xlab = FALSE,
146 |
#' plot_height = 600
147 |
#' )
148 |
149 |
#' g_lineplot(
150 |
#' label = "Line Plot",
151 |
#' data = ADLB,
152 |
#' biomarker_var = "PARAMCD",
153 |
#' biomarker = "CRP",
154 |
#' value_var = "AVAL",
155 |
#' trt_group = "ARM",
156 |
#' shape = NULL,
157 |
#' time = "AVISITCD",
158 |
#' color_manual = color_manual,
159 |
#' line_type = type_manual,
160 |
#' median = FALSE,
161 |
#' hline_arb = c(.9, 1.1, 1.2, 1.5),
162 |
#' hline_arb_color = c("green", "red", "blue", "pink"),
163 |
#' hline_arb_label = c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
164 |
#' xtick = c("BL", "W 1", "W 5"),
165 |
#' xlabel = c("Baseline", "Week 1", "Week 5"),
166 |
#' rotate_xlab = FALSE,
167 |
#' plot_height = 600,
168 |
#' count_threshold = 90,
169 |
#' table_font_size = 15
170 |
#' )
171 |
172 |
#' g_lineplot(
173 |
#' label = "Line Plot",
174 |
#' data = ADLB,
175 |
#' biomarker_var = "PARAMCD",
176 |
#' biomarker = "CRP",
177 |
#' value_var = "AVAL",
178 |
#' trt_group = "ARM",
179 |
#' shape = NULL,
180 |
#' time = "AVISITCDN",
181 |
#' color_manual = color_manual,
182 |
#' line_type = type_manual,
183 |
#' median = TRUE,
184 |
#' hline_arb = c(.9, 1.1, 1.2, 1.5),
185 |
#' hline_arb_color = c("green", "red", "blue", "pink"),
186 |
#' hline_arb_label = c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
187 |
#' xtick = c(0, 1, 5),
188 |
#' xlabel = c("Baseline", "Week 1", "Week 5"),
189 |
#' rotate_xlab = FALSE,
190 |
#' plot_height = 600
191 |
#' )
192 |
193 |
#' g_lineplot(
194 |
#' label = "Line Plot",
195 |
#' data = subset(ADLB, SEX %in% c("M", "F")),
196 |
#' biomarker_var = "PARAMCD",
197 |
#' biomarker = "CRP",
198 |
#' value_var = "AVAL",
199 |
#' trt_group = "ARM",
200 |
#' shape = "SEX",
201 |
#' time = "AVISITCDN",
202 |
#' color_manual = color_manual,
203 |
#' line_type = type_manual,
204 |
#' median = FALSE,
205 |
#' hline_arb = c(.9, 1.1, 1.2, 1.5),
206 |
#' hline_arb_color = c("green", "red", "blue", "pink"),
207 |
#' hline_arb_label = c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
208 |
#' xtick = c(0, 1, 5),
209 |
#' xlabel = c("Baseline", "Week 1", "Week 5"),
210 |
#' rotate_xlab = FALSE,
211 |
#' plot_height = 1500,
212 |
#' dot_size = 1
213 |
#' )
214 |
215 |
#' g_lineplot(
216 |
#' label = "Line Plot",
217 |
#' data = subset(ADLB, SEX %in% c("M", "F")),
218 |
#' biomarker_var = "PARAMCD",
219 |
#' biomarker = "CRP",
220 |
#' value_var = "AVAL",
221 |
#' trt_group = "ARM",
222 |
#' shape = "SEX",
223 |
#' time = "AVISITCDN",
224 |
#' color_manual = NULL,
225 |
#' median = FALSE,
226 |
#' hline_arb = c(.9, 1.1, 1.2, 1.5),
227 |
#' hline_arb_color = c("green", "red", "blue", "pink"),
228 |
#' hline_arb_label = c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
229 |
#' xtick = c(0, 1, 5),
230 |
#' xlabel = c("Baseline", "Week 1", "Week 5"),
231 |
#' rotate_xlab = FALSE,
232 |
#' plot_height = 1500,
233 |
#' dot_size = 4
234 |
#' )
235 |
g_lineplot <- function(label = "Line Plot", |
236 |
237 |
biomarker_var = "PARAMCD", |
238 |
biomarker_var_label = "PARAM", |
239 |
240 |
value_var = "AVAL", |
241 |
unit_var = "AVALU", |
242 |
loq_flag_var = "LOQFL", |
243 |
ylim = c(NA, NA), |
244 |
245 |
trt_group_level = NULL, |
246 |
shape = NULL, |
247 |
shape_type = NULL, |
248 |
249 |
time_level = NULL, |
250 |
color_manual = NULL, |
251 |
line_type = NULL, |
252 |
median = FALSE, |
253 |
hline_arb = numeric(0), |
254 |
hline_arb_color = "red", |
255 |
hline_arb_label = "Horizontal line", |
256 |
xtick = ggplot2::waiver(), |
257 |
xlabel = xtick, |
258 |
rotate_xlab = FALSE, |
259 |
plot_font_size = 12, |
260 |
dot_size = 3, |
261 |
dodge = 0.4, |
262 |
plot_height = 989, |
263 |
count_threshold = 0, |
264 |
table_font_size = 12, |
265 |
display_center_tbl = TRUE) { |
266 | ! |
checkmate::assert_numeric(ylim, len = 2) |
267 | ||
268 |
## Pre-process data
269 | ! |
table_font_size <- grid::convertX(grid::unit(table_font_size, "points"), "mm", valueOnly = TRUE) |
270 | ||
271 |
## - convert to factors
272 | ! |
label_trt_group <- attr(data[[trt_group]], "label") |
273 | ! |
data[[trt_group]] <- if (is.null(trt_group_level)) { |
274 | ! |
factor(data[[trt_group]]) |
275 |
} else { |
276 | ! |
factor(data[[trt_group]], levels = trt_group_level) |
277 |
278 | ! |
attr(data[[trt_group]], "label") <- label_trt_group |
279 | ||
280 | ! |
color_manual <- if (is.null(color_manual)) { |
281 | ! |
temp <- if (!is.null(getOption("ggplot2.discrete.colour"))) { |
282 | ! |
getOption("ggplot2.discrete.colour")[1:nlevels(data[[trt_group]])] |
283 |
} else { |
284 | ! |
gg_color_hue(nlevels(data[[trt_group]])) |
285 |
286 | ! |
names(temp) <- levels(data[[trt_group]]) |
287 | ! |
288 |
} else { |
289 | ! |
stopifnot(all(levels(data[[trt_group]]) %in% names(color_manual))) |
290 | ! |
291 |
292 | ||
293 | ! |
line_type <- if (is.null(line_type)) { |
294 | ! |
stats::setNames(rep("dashed", nlevels(data[[trt_group]])), levels(data[[trt_group]])) |
295 |
} else { |
296 | ! |
stopifnot(all(levels(data[[trt_group]]) %in% names(line_type))) |
297 | ! |
298 |
299 | ||
300 | ! |
shape_type <- if (is.null(shape)) { |
301 | ! |
302 |
} else { |
303 | ! |
if (is.null(shape_type)) { |
304 | ! |
default_shapes <- c(15:18, 3:14, 0:2) |
305 | ! |
res <- if (nlevels(data[[shape]]) > length(default_shapes)) { |
306 | ! |
rep(default_shapes, ceiling(nlevels(data[[shape]]) / length(default_shapes))) |
307 |
} else { |
308 | ! |
default_shapes[seq_len(nlevels(data[[shape]]))] |
309 |
310 | ! |
stats::setNames(res, levels(data[[shape]])) |
311 |
} else { |
312 | ! |
stopifnot(all(levels(data[[shape]]) %in% names(shape_type))) |
313 | ! |
314 |
315 |
316 | ||
317 | ! |
xtype <- if (is.factor(data[[time]]) || is.character(data[[time]])) { |
318 | ! |
319 |
} else { |
320 | ! |
321 |
322 | ! |
if (xtype == "discrete") { |
323 | ! |
data[[time]] <- if (is.null(time_level)) { |
324 | ! |
factor(data[[time]]) |
325 |
} else { |
326 | ! |
factor(data[[time]], levels = time_level) |
327 |
328 |
329 | ||
330 | ! |
groupings <- c(time, trt_group, shape) |
331 |
## Summary statistics
332 | ! |
sum_data <- data %>% |
333 | ! |
filter(!!sym(biomarker_var) == biomarker) %>% |
334 | ! |
group_by_at(groupings) %>% |
335 | ! |
summarise( |
336 | ! |
count = sum(!is.na(!!sym(value_var))), |
337 | ! |
mean = mean(!!sym(value_var), na.rm = TRUE), |
338 | ! |
CIup = mean(!!sym(value_var), na.rm = TRUE) + 1.96 * stats::sd(!!sym(value_var), na.rm = TRUE) / sqrt(n()), |
339 | ! |
CIdown = mean(!!sym(value_var), na.rm = TRUE) - 1.96 * stats::sd(!!sym(value_var), na.rm = TRUE) / sqrt(n()), |
340 | ! |
median = stats::median(!!sym(value_var), na.rm = TRUE), |
341 | ! |
quant25 = stats::quantile(!!sym(value_var), 0.25, na.rm = TRUE), |
342 | ! |
quant75 = stats::quantile(!!sym(value_var), 0.75, na.rm = TRUE) |
343 |
) %>% |
344 | ! |
arrange_at(c(trt_group, shape)) |
345 | ||
346 |
## Filter out rows with insufficient number of counts
347 | ! |
listin <- list() |
348 | ! |
listin[[trt_group]] <- sum_data[[trt_group]] |
349 | ||
350 | ! |
if (!is.null(shape)) { |
351 | ! |
listin[[shape]] <- sum_data[[shape]] |
352 |
353 | ||
354 | ! |
int <- unique_name("int", names(sum_data)) |
355 | ! |
sum_data[[int]] <- new_interaction(listin, sep = " ") |
356 | ! |
sum_data[[int]] <- stringr::str_wrap(sum_data[[int]], 12) |
357 | ! |
sum_data[[int]] <- factor(sum_data[[int]], sort(unique(sum_data[[int]]))) |
358 | ||
359 | ! |
unfiltered_data <- sum_data %>% mutate("met_threshold" = count >= count_threshold) |
360 | ! |
sum_data <- unfiltered_data %>% filter(.data[["met_threshold"]]) |
361 | ||
362 |
## Base plot
363 | ! |
pd <- ggplot2::position_dodge(dodge) |
364 | ! |
if (median) { |
365 | ! |
line <- "median" |
366 | ! |
up_limit <- "quant75" |
367 | ! |
down_limit <- "quant25" |
368 |
} else { |
369 | ! |
line <- "mean" |
370 | ! |
up_limit <- "CIup" |
371 | ! |
down_limit <- "CIdown" |
372 |
373 | ||
374 | ! |
filtered_data <- data %>% |
375 | ! |
filter(!!sym(biomarker_var) == biomarker) |
376 | ||
377 | ! |
unit <- filtered_data %>% |
378 | ! |
pull(unit_var) %>% |
379 | ! |
unique() |
380 | ||
381 | ! |
unit1 <- if (is.na(unit) || unit == "") { |
382 |
" "
383 |
} else { |
384 | ! |
paste0(" (", unit, ") ") |
385 |
386 | ||
387 | ! |
biomarker1 <- filtered_data %>% |
388 | ! |
pull(biomarker_var_label) %>% |
389 | ! |
unique() |
390 | ||
391 | ! |
gtitle <- paste0(biomarker1, unit1, stringr::str_to_title(line), " by Treatment @ Visits") |
392 | ! |
gylab <- paste0(biomarker1, " ", stringr::str_to_title(line), " of ", value_var, " Values") |
393 | ! |
gxlab <- if (is.null(attr(data[[time]], "label"))) time else attr(data[[time]], "label") |
394 | ||
395 |
# Setup legend label
396 | ! |
trt_label <- `if`(is.null(attr(data[[trt_group]], "label")), "Dose", attr(data[[trt_group]], "label")) |
397 | ||
398 |
# Add footnote to identify LLOQ and ULOQ values pulled from data
399 | ! |
caption_loqs_label <- h_caption_loqs_label(loqs_data = filtered_data, flag_var = loq_flag_var) |
400 | ||
401 | ! |
if (is.null(shape)) { |
402 | ! |
plot1 <- ggplot2::ggplot( |
403 | ! |
data = sum_data, |
404 | ! |
ggplot2::aes( |
405 | ! |
x = !!sym(time), |
406 | ! |
y = !!sym(line), |
407 | ! |
color = !!sym(trt_group), |
408 | ! |
linetype = !!sym(trt_group), |
409 | ! |
group = !!sym(int) |
410 |
411 |
) + |
412 | ! |
ggplot2::theme_bw() + |
413 | ! |
ggplot2::geom_point(position = pd, size = dot_size) + |
414 | ! |
ggplot2::scale_color_manual( |
415 | ! |
values = color_manual, name = trt_label, guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(ncol = 3, order = 1) |
416 |
) + |
417 | ! |
ggplot2::scale_linetype_manual( |
418 | ! |
values = line_type, name = trt_label, guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(ncol = 3, order = 1) |
419 |
420 |
} else { |
421 | ! |
mappings <- sum_data %>% |
422 | ! |
ungroup() %>% |
423 | ! |
select(!!sym(trt_group), !!sym(shape), int) %>% |
424 | ! |
distinct() %>% |
425 | ! |
mutate( |
426 | ! |
cols = color_manual[as.character(!!sym(trt_group))], |
427 | ! |
types = line_type[as.character(!!sym(trt_group))], |
428 | ! |
shps = shape_type[!!sym(shape)] |
429 |
430 | ||
431 | ! |
col_mapping <- stats::setNames(mappings$cols, mappings$int) |
432 | ! |
shape_mapping <- stats::setNames(mappings$shps, mappings$int) |
433 | ! |
type_mapping <- stats::setNames(mappings$types, mappings$int) |
434 | ||
435 | ! |
plot1 <- ggplot2::ggplot( |
436 | ! |
data = sum_data, |
437 | ! |
ggplot2::aes( |
438 | ! |
x = !!sym(time), |
439 | ! |
y = !!sym(line), |
440 | ! |
color = !!sym(int), |
441 | ! |
linetype = !!sym(int), |
442 | ! |
group = !!sym(int), |
443 | ! |
shape = !!sym(int) |
444 |
445 |
) + |
446 | ! |
ggplot2::theme_bw() + |
447 | ! |
ggplot2::scale_color_manual(" ", values = col_mapping, guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(ncol = 3, order = 1)) + |
448 | ! |
ggplot2::scale_linetype_manual(" ", values = type_mapping, guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(ncol = 3, order = 1)) + |
449 | ! |
ggplot2::scale_shape_manual(" ", values = shape_mapping, guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(ncol = 3, order = 1)) + |
450 | ! |
ggplot2::theme(legend.key.size = grid::unit(1, "cm")) + |
451 | ! |
ggplot2::geom_point(position = pd, size = dot_size) |
452 |
453 | ||
454 | ! |
plot1 <- plot1 + |
455 | ! |
ggplot2::geom_line(position = pd) + |
456 | ! |
ggplot2::geom_errorbar( |
457 | ! |
ggplot2::aes(ymin = !!sym(down_limit), ymax = !!sym(up_limit)), |
458 | ! |
width = 0.45, position = pd, linetype = "solid" |
459 |
) + |
460 | ! |
ggplot2::ggtitle(gtitle) + |
461 | ! |
ggplot2::labs(caption = paste( |
462 | ! |
"The output plot can display mean and median of input value.",
463 | ! |
"For mean, the error bar denotes 95% confidence interval.",
464 | ! |
"For median, the bar denotes the first to third quartile.\n",
465 | ! |
466 |
)) + |
467 | ! |
ggplot2::xlab(gxlab) + |
468 | ! |
ggplot2::ylab(gylab) + |
469 | ! |
ggplot2::theme( |
470 | ! |
legend.box = "vertical", |
471 | ! |
legend.position = "bottom", |
472 | ! |
legend.direction = "horizontal", |
473 | ! |
plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = plot_font_size, margin = ggplot2::margin(), hjust = 0.5), |
474 | ! |
axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_text(margin = ggplot2::margin(r = 20)) |
475 |
476 | ||
477 |
# Apply y-axis zoom range
478 | ! |
plot1 <- plot1 + |
479 | ! |
ggplot2::coord_cartesian(ylim = ylim) |
480 | ||
481 |
# Format x-label
482 | ! |
if (xtype == "continuous") { |
483 | ! |
plot1 <- plot1 + |
484 | ! |
ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks = xtick, labels = xlabel, limits = c(NA, NA)) |
485 | ! |
} else if (xtype == "discrete") { |
486 | ! |
plot1 <- plot1 + |
487 | ! |
ggplot2::scale_x_discrete(breaks = xtick, labels = xlabel) |
488 |
489 | ||
490 | ! |
if (rotate_xlab) { |
491 | ! |
plot1 <- plot1 + |
492 | ! |
ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) |
493 |
494 | ||
495 | ||
496 | ! |
plot1 <- plot1 + geom_axes_lines( |
497 | ! |
498 | ! |
hline_arb = hline_arb, hline_arb_color = hline_arb_color, hline_arb_label = hline_arb_label |
499 |
500 | ||
501 |
# Format font size
502 | ! |
if (!is.null(plot_font_size)) { |
503 | ! |
plot1 <- plot1 + |
504 | ! |
ggplot2::theme( |
505 | ! |
axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_text(size = plot_font_size), |
506 | ! |
axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(size = plot_font_size), |
507 | ! |
axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = plot_font_size), |
508 | ! |
axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = plot_font_size), |
509 | ! |
legend.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = plot_font_size), |
510 | ! |
legend.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = plot_font_size) |
511 |
512 |
513 | ||
514 | ! |
labels <- levels(unfiltered_data[[int]]) |
515 | ! |
lines <- sum(stringr::str_count(unique(labels), "\n")) / 2 + length(unique(labels)) |
516 | ! |
minline <- 36 |
517 | ! |
tabletotal <- lines * minline * ifelse(display_center_tbl, 2, 1) |
518 | ! |
plotsize <- plot_height - tabletotal |
519 | ! |
if (plotsize <= 250) { |
520 | ! |
stop("Due to number of line splitting levels the current plot height is not sufficient to display plot. |
521 | ! |
If applicable, please try a combination of: |
522 | ! |
* increasing the plot height using the Plot Aesthetic Settings, |
523 | ! |
* increasing the relative height of plot to table(s), |
524 | ! |
* increasing the initial maximum plot_height argument during creation of this app, |
525 | ! |
* and / or consider removing the mean / median table.") |
526 |
527 | ||
528 | ! |
if (display_center_tbl) { |
529 | ! |
unfiltered_data$center <- if (median) { |
530 | ! |
sprintf(ifelse(unfiltered_data$count > 0, "%.2f", ""), unfiltered_data$median) |
531 |
} else { |
532 | ! |
sprintf(ifelse(unfiltered_data$count > 0, "%.2f", ""), unfiltered_data$mean) |
533 |
534 | ! |
tbl_central_value_title <- if (median) "Median" else "Mean" |
535 | ! |
tbl_central_value <- ggplot2::ggplot( |
536 | ! |
537 | ! |
ggplot2::aes(x = !!sym(time), y = !!sym(int), label = .data[["center"]]) |
538 |
) + |
539 | ! |
ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(color = .data[["met_threshold"]]), size = table_font_size) + |
540 | ! |
ggplot2::ggtitle(tbl_central_value_title) + |
541 | ! |
ggplot2::theme_minimal() + |
542 | ! |
ggplot2::scale_y_discrete(labels = labels) + |
543 | ! |
ggplot2::theme( |
544 | ! |
panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_blank(), |
545 | ! |
legend.position = "none", |
546 | ! |
panel.grid.minor = ggplot2::element_blank(), |
547 | ! |
panel.border = ggplot2::element_blank(), axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_blank(), |
548 | ! |
axis.ticks = ggplot2::element_blank(), |
549 | ! |
axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_blank(), |
550 | ! |
axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_blank(), |
551 | ! |
axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = plot_font_size), |
552 | ! |
plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(face = "bold", size = plot_font_size) |
553 |
) + |
554 | ! |
ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = c("FALSE" = "red", "TRUE" = "black")) |
555 |
556 | ||
557 | ! |
tbl <- ggplot2::ggplot( |
558 | ! |
559 | ! |
ggplot2::aes(x = !!sym(time), y = !!sym(int), label = .data[["count"]]) |
560 |
) + |
561 | ! |
ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(color = .data[["met_threshold"]]), size = table_font_size) + |
562 | ! |
ggplot2::ggtitle("Number of observations") + |
563 | ! |
ggplot2::theme_minimal() + |
564 | ! |
ggplot2::scale_y_discrete(labels = labels) + |
565 | ! |
ggplot2::theme( |
566 | ! |
panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_blank(), |
567 | ! |
legend.position = "none", |
568 | ! |
panel.grid.minor = ggplot2::element_blank(), |
569 | ! |
panel.border = ggplot2::element_blank(), axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_blank(), |
570 | ! |
axis.ticks = ggplot2::element_blank(), |
571 | ! |
axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_blank(), |
572 | ! |
axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_blank(), |
573 | ! |
axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = plot_font_size), |
574 | ! |
plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(face = "bold", size = plot_font_size) |
575 |
) + |
576 | ! |
ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = c("FALSE" = "red", "TRUE" = "black")) |
577 | ||
578 |
# Plot the grobs using plot_grid
579 | ! |
if (display_center_tbl) { |
580 | ! |
cowplot::plot_grid(plot1, tbl_central_value, tbl, |
581 | ! |
align = "v", ncol = 1, |
582 | ! |
rel_heights = c(plotsize, tabletotal / 2, tabletotal / 2) |
583 |
584 |
} else { |
585 | ! |
cowplot::plot_grid(plot1, tbl, align = "v", ncol = 1, rel_heights = c(plotsize, tabletotal)) |
586 |
587 |
588 | ||
589 |
new_interaction <- function(args, drop = FALSE, sep = ".", lex.order = FALSE) { # nolint |
590 | ! |
for (i in seq_along(args)) { |
591 | ! |
if (is.null(args[[i]])) { |
592 | ! |
args[[i]] <- NULL |
593 |
594 |
595 | ! |
if (length(args) == 1) { |
596 | ! |
return(paste0(names(args), ":", args[[1]])) |
597 |
598 | ! |
args <- mapply(function(n, val) paste0(n, ":", val), names(args), args, SIMPLIFY = FALSE) |
599 | ! |
interaction(args, drop = drop, sep = sep, lex.order = lex.order) |
600 |
601 | ||
602 |
unique_name <- function(newname, old_names) { |
603 | ! |
if (newname %in% old_names) { |
604 | ! |
unique_name(paste0(newname, "1"), old_names) |
605 |
606 | ! |
607 |
608 | ||
609 |
gg_color_hue <- function(n) { |
610 | ! |
hues <- seq(15, 375, length = n + 1) |
611 | ! |
grDevices::hcl(h = hues, l = 65, c = 100)[1:n] |
612 |
1 |
#' Function to create a correlation plot.
2 |
3 |
#' Default plot displays correlation facetted by visit with color attributed treatment arms and
4 |
#' symbol attributed `LOQ` values.
5 |
6 |
#' @param label text string to used to identify plot.
7 |
#' @param data `ADaM` structured analysis laboratory data frame e.g. `ADLB`.
8 |
#' @param param_var name of variable containing biomarker codes e.g. `PARAMCD`.
9 |
#' @param xaxis_param x-axis biomarker to visualize e.g. `IGG`.
10 |
#' @param xaxis_var name of variable containing biomarker results displayed on X-axis e.g. `BASE`.
11 |
#' @param xvar x-axis analysis variable from transposed data set.
12 |
#' @param yaxis_param y-axis biomarker to visualize e.g. `IGG`.
13 |
#' @param yaxis_var name of variable containing biomarker results displayed on Y-axis.g. `AVAL`.
14 |
#' @param yvar y-axis analysis variable from transposed data set.
15 |
#' @param trt_group name of variable representing treatment group e.g. `ARM`.
16 |
#' @param visit name of variable containing nominal visits e.g. `AVISITCD`.
17 |
#' @param loq_flag_var name of variable containing `LOQ` flag e.g. `LOQFL_COMB`.
18 |
#' @param visit_facet visit facet toggle.
19 |
#' @param loq_legend `logical` whether to include `LoQ` legend.
20 |
#' @param unit name of variable containing biomarker unit e.g. `AVALU`.
21 |
#' @param xlim ('numeric vector') optional, a vector of length 2 to specify the minimum and maximum of the x-axis
22 |
#' if the default limits are not suitable.
23 |
#' @param ylim ('numeric vector') optional, a vector of length 2 to specify the minimum and maximum of the y-axis
24 |
#' if the default limits are not suitable.
25 |
#' @param title_text plot title.
26 |
#' @param xaxis_lab x-axis label.
27 |
#' @param yaxis_lab y-axis label.
28 |
#' @param color_manual vector of colors applied to treatment values.
29 |
#' @param shape_manual vector of symbols applied to `LOQ` values. (used with `loq_flag_var`).
30 |
#' @param facet_ncol number of facets per row.
31 |
#' @param facet set layout to use treatment facetting.
32 |
#' @param facet_var variable to use for treatment facetting.
33 |
#' @param reg_line include regression line and annotations for slope and coefficient.
34 |
#' Use with facet = TRUE.
35 |
#' @param hline_arb ('numeric vector') value identifying intercept for arbitrary horizontal lines.
36 |
#' @param hline_arb_color ('character vector') optional, color for the arbitrary horizontal lines.
37 |
#' @param hline_arb_label ('character vector') optional, label for the legend to the arbitrary horizontal lines.
38 |
#' @param hline_vars ('character vector'), names of variables `(ANR*)` or values `(*LOQ)` identifying intercept values.
39 |
#' The data inside of the `ggplot2` object must also contain the columns with these variable names
40 |
#' @param hline_vars_colors ('character vector') colors for the horizontal lines defined by variables.
41 |
#' @param hline_vars_labels ('character vector') labels for the legend to the horizontal lines defined by variables.
42 |
#' @param vline_arb ('numeric vector') value identifying intercept for arbitrary vertical lines.
43 |
#' @param vline_arb_color ('character vector') optional, color for the arbitrary vertical lines.
44 |
#' @param vline_arb_label ('character vector') optional, label for the legend to the arbitrary vertical lines.
45 |
#' @param vline_vars ('character vector'), names of variables `(ANR*)` or values `(*LOQ)` identifying intercept values.
46 |
#' The data inside of the `ggplot2` object must also contain the columns with these variable names
47 |
#' @param vline_vars_colors ('character vector') colors for the vertical lines defined by variables.
48 |
#' @param vline_vars_labels ('character vector') labels for the legend to the vertical lines defined by variables.
49 |
#' @param rotate_xlab 45 degree rotation of x-axis label values.
50 |
#' @param font_size font size control for title, x-axis label, y-axis label and legend.
51 |
#' @param dot_size plot dot size.
52 |
#' @param reg_text_size font size control for regression line annotations.
53 |
54 |
#' @author Nick Paszty (npaszty) paszty.nicholas@gene.com
55 |
#' @author Balazs Toth (tothb2) toth.balazs@gene.com
56 |
57 |
#' @details Regression uses `deming` model.
58 |
59 |
#' @export
60 |
61 |
#' @examplesIf require("tidyr")
62 |
#' # Example using ADaM structure analysis dataset.
63 |
64 |
#' library(stringr)
65 |
#' library(tidyr)
66 |
67 |
#' # original ARM value = dose value
68 |
#' arm_mapping <- list(
69 |
#' "A: Drug X" = "150mg QD",
70 |
#' "B: Placebo" = "Placebo",
71 |
#' "C: Combination" = "Combination"
72 |
#' )
73 |
#' color_manual <- c("150mg QD" = "#000000", "Placebo" = "#3498DB", "Combination" = "#E74C3C")
74 |
#' # assign LOQ flag symbols: circles for "N" and triangles for "Y", squares for "NA"
75 |
#' shape_manual <- c("N" = 1, "Y" = 2, "NA" = 0)
76 |
77 |
#' ADLB <- rADLB
78 |
#' var_labels <- lapply(ADLB, function(x) attributes(x)$label)
79 |
#' ADLB <- ADLB %>%
80 |
#' mutate(AVISITCD = case_when(
81 |
82 |
83 |
#' grepl("WEEK", AVISIT) ~
84 |
#' paste(
85 |
#' "W",
86 |
#' trimws(
87 |
#' substr(
88 |
89 |
#' start = 6,
90 |
#' stop = str_locate(AVISIT, "DAY") - 1
91 |
#' )
92 |
#' )
93 |
#' ),
94 |
#' TRUE ~ NA_character_
95 |
#' )) %>%
96 |
#' mutate(AVISITCDN = case_when(
97 |
#' AVISITCD == "SCR" ~ -2,
98 |
#' AVISITCD == "BL" ~ 0,
99 |
#' grepl("W", AVISITCD) ~ as.numeric(gsub("\\D+", "", AVISITCD)),
100 |
#' TRUE ~ NA_real_
101 |
#' )) %>%
102 |
#' # use ARMCD values to order treatment in visualization legend
103 |
#' mutate(TRTORD = ifelse(grepl("C", ARMCD), 1,
104 |
#' ifelse(grepl("B", ARMCD), 2,
105 |
#' ifelse(grepl("A", ARMCD), 3, NA)
106 |
#' )
107 |
#' )) %>%
108 |
#' mutate(ARM = as.character(arm_mapping[match(ARM, names(arm_mapping))])) %>%
109 |
#' mutate(ARM = factor(ARM) %>%
110 |
#' reorder(TRTORD)) %>%
111 |
#' mutate(
112 |
#' ANRHI = case_when(
113 |
#' PARAMCD == "ALT" ~ 60,
114 |
#' PARAMCD == "CRP" ~ 70,
115 |
#' PARAMCD == "IGA" ~ 80,
116 |
#' TRUE ~ NA_real_
117 |
#' ),
118 |
#' ANRLO = case_when(
119 |
#' PARAMCD == "ALT" ~ 20,
120 |
#' PARAMCD == "CRP" ~ 30,
121 |
#' PARAMCD == "IGA" ~ 40,
122 |
#' TRUE ~ NA_real_
123 |
#' )
124 |
#' ) %>%
125 |
#' rowwise() %>%
126 |
#' group_by(PARAMCD) %>%
127 |
#' mutate(LBSTRESC = ifelse(
128 |
#' USUBJID %in% sample(USUBJID, 1, replace = TRUE),
129 |
#' paste("<", round(runif(1, min = 25, max = 30))), LBSTRESC
130 |
#' )) %>%
131 |
#' mutate(LBSTRESC = ifelse(
132 |
#' USUBJID %in% sample(USUBJID, 1, replace = TRUE),
133 |
#' paste(">", round(runif(1, min = 70, max = 75))), LBSTRESC
134 |
#' )) %>%
135 |
#' ungroup()
136 |
#' attr(ADLB[["ARM"]], "label") <- var_labels[["ARM"]]
137 |
#' attr(ADLB[["ANRHI"]], "label") <- "Analysis Normal Range Upper Limit"
138 |
#' attr(ADLB[["ANRLO"]], "label") <- "Analysis Normal Range Lower Limit"
139 |
140 |
#' # add LLOQ and ULOQ variables
141 |
#' ADLB_LOQS <- goshawk:::h_identify_loq_values(ADLB, flag_var = "LOQFL")
142 |
#' ADLB <- left_join(ADLB, ADLB_LOQS, by = "PARAM")
143 |
144 |
#' # given the 2 param and 2 analysis vars we need to transform the data
145 |
#' plot_data_t1 <- ADLB %>%
146 |
#' gather(
147 |
148 |
149 |
#' ) %>%
150 |
#' mutate(ANL.PARAM = ifelse(ANLVARS %in% c("PARAM", "LBSTRESC", "LOQFL"),
151 |
#' paste0(ANLVARS, "_", PARAMCD),
152 |
#' paste0(ANLVARS, ".", PARAMCD)
153 |
#' )) %>%
154 |
155 |
156 |
157 |
#' # the transformed analysis value variables are character and need to be converted to numeric for
158 |
#' # ggplot
159 |
#' # remove records where either of the analysis variables are NA since they will not appear on the
160 |
#' # plot and will ensure that LOQFL = NA level is removed
161 |
#' plot_data_t2 <- plot_data_t1 %>%
162 |
#' filter(!is.na(BASE.CRP) & !is.na(AVAL.ALT)) %>%
163 |
#' mutate_at(vars(contains(".")), as.numeric) %>%
164 |
#' mutate(
165 |
#' LOQFL_COMB = ifelse(LOQFL_CRP == "Y" | LOQFL_ALT == "Y", "Y", "N")
166 |
#' )
167 |
168 |
#' g_correlationplot(
169 |
#' label = "Correlation Plot",
170 |
#' data = plot_data_t2,
171 |
#' param_var = "PARAMCD",
172 |
#' xaxis_param = c("CRP"),
173 |
#' xaxis_var = "AVAL",
174 |
#' xvar = "AVAL.CRP",
175 |
#' yaxis_param = c("ALT"),
176 |
#' yaxis_var = "BASE",
177 |
#' yvar = "BASE.ALT",
178 |
#' trt_group = "ARM",
179 |
#' visit = "AVISITCD",
180 |
#' visit_facet = TRUE,
181 |
#' loq_legend = TRUE,
182 |
#' unit = "AVALU",
183 |
#' title_text = "Correlation of ALT to CRP",
184 |
#' xaxis_lab = "CRP",
185 |
#' yaxis_lab = "ALT",
186 |
#' color_manual = color_manual,
187 |
#' shape_manual = shape_manual,
188 |
#' facet_ncol = 4,
189 |
#' facet = FALSE,
190 |
#' facet_var = "ARM",
191 |
#' reg_line = FALSE,
192 |
#' hline_arb = c(15, 25),
193 |
#' hline_arb_color = c("gray", "green"),
194 |
#' hline_arb_label = "Hori_line_label",
195 |
#' vline_arb = c(.5, 1),
196 |
#' vline_arb_color = c("red", "black"),
197 |
#' vline_arb_label = c("Vertical Line A", "Vertical Line B"),
198 |
#' hline_vars = c("ANRHI.ALT", "ANRLO.ALT", "ULOQN.ALT", "LLOQN.ALT"),
199 |
#' hline_vars_colors = c("green", "blue", "purple", "cyan"),
200 |
#' hline_vars_labels = c("ANRHI ALT Label", "ANRLO ALT Label", "ULOQN ALT Label", "LLOQN ALT Label"),
201 |
#' vline_vars = c("ANRHI.CRP", "ANRLO.CRP", "ULOQN.CRP", "LLOQN.CRP"),
202 |
#' vline_vars_colors = c("yellow", "orange", "brown", "gold"),
203 |
#' vline_vars_labels = c("ANRHI CRP Label", "ANRLO CRP Label", "ULOQN CRP Label", "LLOQN CRP Label"),
204 |
#' rotate_xlab = FALSE,
205 |
#' font_size = 14,
206 |
#' dot_size = 2,
207 |
#' reg_text_size = 3
208 |
#' )
209 |
g_correlationplot <- function(label = "Correlation Plot", |
210 |
211 |
param_var = "PARAMCD", |
212 |
xaxis_param = "CRP", |
213 |
xaxis_var = "BASE", |
214 |
215 |
yaxis_param = "IGG", |
216 |
yaxis_var = "AVAL", |
217 |
218 |
trt_group = "ARM", |
219 |
visit = "AVISITCD", |
220 |
loq_flag_var = "LOQFL_COMB", |
221 |
visit_facet = TRUE, |
222 |
loq_legend = TRUE, |
223 |
unit = "AVALU", |
224 |
xlim = c(NA, NA), |
225 |
ylim = c(NA, NA), |
226 |
title_text = title_text, |
227 |
xaxis_lab = xaxis_lab, |
228 |
yaxis_lab = yaxis_lab, |
229 |
color_manual = NULL, |
230 |
shape_manual = NULL, |
231 |
facet_ncol = 2, |
232 |
facet = FALSE, |
233 |
facet_var = "ARM", |
234 |
reg_line = FALSE, |
235 |
hline_arb = numeric(0), |
236 |
hline_arb_color = "red", |
237 |
hline_arb_label = "Horizontal line", |
238 |
hline_vars = character(0), |
239 |
hline_vars_colors = "green", |
240 |
hline_vars_labels = hline_vars, |
241 |
vline_arb = numeric(0), |
242 |
vline_arb_color = "red", |
243 |
vline_arb_label = "Vertical line", |
244 |
vline_vars = character(0), |
245 |
vline_vars_colors = "green", |
246 |
vline_vars_labels = vline_vars, |
247 |
rotate_xlab = FALSE, |
248 |
font_size = 12, |
249 |
dot_size = 2, |
250 |
reg_text_size = 3) { |
251 | ! |
checkmate::assert_flag(loq_legend) |
252 | ! |
checkmate::assert_number(dot_size, lower = 1) |
253 | ! |
checkmate::assert_numeric(xlim, len = 2) |
254 | ! |
checkmate::assert_numeric(ylim, len = 2) |
255 | ||
256 |
# create correlation plot over time pairwise per treatment arm
257 | ! |
plot_data <- data |
258 | ||
259 |
# identify param and lbstresc combinations in transposed data variable name
260 | ! |
t_param_var_x <- paste("PARAM", xaxis_param, sep = "_") |
261 | ! |
t_lbstresc_var_x <- paste("LBSTRESC", xaxis_param, sep = "_") |
262 | ! |
t_param_var_y <- paste("PARAM", yaxis_param, sep = "_") |
263 | ! |
t_lbstresc_var_y <- paste("LBSTRESC", yaxis_param, sep = "_") |
264 | ||
265 | ! |
xaxis_param_loqs_data <- data %>% |
266 | ! |
mutate( |
267 | ! |
PARAM = !!sym(t_param_var_x), LBSTRESC = !!sym(t_lbstresc_var_x), |
268 | ! |
sym(loq_flag_var) == !!sym(loq_flag_var) |
269 |
) %>% |
270 | ! |
select("PARAM", "LBSTRESC", loq_flag_var) |
271 | ||
272 | ! |
yaxis_param_loqs_data <- data %>% |
273 | ! |
mutate( |
274 | ! |
PARAM = !!sym(t_param_var_y), LBSTRESC = !!sym(t_lbstresc_var_y), |
275 | ! |
sym(loq_flag_var) == !!sym(loq_flag_var) |
276 |
) %>% |
277 | ! |
select("PARAM", "LBSTRESC", loq_flag_var) |
278 | ||
279 |
# add footnote to identify xaxis assay LLOQ and ULOQ values pulled from data
280 | ! |
caption_loqs_label_x <- h_caption_loqs_label(loqs_data = xaxis_param_loqs_data, flag_var = loq_flag_var) |
281 | ! |
caption_loqs_label_y <- h_caption_loqs_label(loqs_data = yaxis_param_loqs_data, flag_var = loq_flag_var) |
282 | ! |
caption_loqs_label_x_y <- paste0(union(caption_loqs_label_x, caption_loqs_label_y), collapse = "\n") |
283 | ||
284 |
# Setup legend label
285 | ! |
trt_label <- `if`(is.null(attr(data[[trt_group]], "label")), "Dose", attr(data[[trt_group]], "label")) |
286 | ||
287 |
# create plot foundation - titles and axes labels are defined in
288 |
# teal.goshawk.tm_g_correlationplot.R
289 | ! |
plot1 <- ggplot2::ggplot( |
290 | ! |
data = plot_data, |
291 | ! |
ggplot2::aes( |
292 | ! |
x = !!sym(xvar), |
293 | ! |
y = !!sym(yvar), |
294 | ! |
color = !!sym(trt_group) |
295 |
296 |
) + |
297 | ! |
ggplot2::coord_cartesian(xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim) + |
298 | ! |
ggplot2::theme_bw() + |
299 | ! |
ggplot2::labs(caption = caption_loqs_label_x_y) + |
300 | ! |
ggplot2::ggtitle(title_text) + |
301 | ! |
ggplot2::theme(plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size, hjust = 0.5)) + |
302 | ! |
ggplot2::xlab(xaxis_lab) + |
303 | ! |
ggplot2::ylab(yaxis_lab) |
304 | ||
305 |
# conditionally facet
306 | ! |
plot1 <- if (visit_facet && facet) { |
307 | ! |
plot1 + |
308 | ! |
ggplot2::facet_grid(stats::as.formula(paste0(facet_var, " ~ ", visit))) |
309 | ! |
} else if (visit_facet) { |
310 | ! |
plot1 + |
311 | ! |
ggplot2::facet_wrap(stats::as.formula(paste0(" ~ ", visit)), ncol = facet_ncol) |
312 | ! |
} else if (facet) { |
313 | ! |
plot1 + |
314 | ! |
ggplot2::facet_wrap(stats::as.formula(paste0(" ~ ", facet_var)), ncol = facet_ncol) |
315 |
} else { |
316 | ! |
317 |
318 | ||
319 | ! |
plot1 <- plot1 + |
320 | ! |
ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(shape = !!sym(loq_flag_var)), size = dot_size, na.rm = TRUE) |
321 | ||
322 |
# add regression line
323 | ! |
if (reg_line) { |
324 | ! |
slope <- function(x, y) { |
325 | ! |
if (stats::sd(y) != 0) { |
326 | ! |
ratio <- stats::sd(x) / stats::sd(y) |
327 | ! |
if (!is.na(ratio) && ratio > 0) { |
328 | ! |
reg <- mc.deming(y, x, ratio) |
329 |
# return the evaluation of the ratio condition as third value in numeric vector to control
330 |
# downstream processing
331 | ! |
return(c(round(reg$b0, 2), round(reg$b1, 2), !is.na(ratio) & ratio > 0)) |
332 |
333 |
334 |
# if ratio condition is not met then assign NA to vector so that NULL condition does not throw
335 |
# the error below
336 | ! |
return(as.numeric(c(NA, NA, NA))) |
337 |
338 | ||
339 | ! |
sub_data <- filter(plot_data, !is.na(!!sym(yvar)) & !is.na(!!sym(xvar))) %>% |
340 | ! |
group_by(!!sym(trt_group), !!sym(visit)) %>% |
341 | ! |
mutate(intercept = slope(!!sym(yvar), !!sym(xvar))[1]) %>% |
342 | ! |
mutate(slope = slope(!!sym(yvar), !!sym(xvar))[2]) %>% |
343 | ! |
mutate(corr = ifelse( |
344 | ! |
slope(!!sym(yvar), !!sym(xvar))[3], |
345 | ! |
stats::cor(!!sym(yvar), !!sym(xvar), method = "spearman", use = "complete.obs"), |
346 | ! |
347 |
)) |
348 | ! |
plot1 <- plot1 + |
349 | ! |
ggplot2::geom_abline( |
350 | ! |
data = filter(sub_data, row_number() == 1), # only need to return 1 row within group_by |
351 | ! |
ggplot2::aes(intercept = .data$intercept, slope = .data$slope, color = !!sym(trt_group)) |
352 |
) + |
353 | ! |
ggplot2::geom_text( |
354 | ! |
data = filter(sub_data, row_number() == 1), |
355 | ! |
ggplot2::aes_( |
356 | ! |
x = -Inf, |
357 | ! |
y = Inf, |
358 | ! |
hjust = 0, |
359 | ! |
vjust = 1, |
360 | ! |
label = ~ ifelse( |
361 | ! |
!is.na(intercept) & !is.na(slope) & !is.na(corr), |
362 | ! |
sprintf("y = %.2f+%.2fX\ncor = %.2f", intercept, slope, corr), |
363 | ! |
paste0("Insufficient Data For Regression") |
364 |
365 | ! |
color = sym(trt_group) |
366 |
367 | ! |
size = reg_text_size, |
368 | ! |
show.legend = FALSE |
369 |
) + |
370 | ! |
ggplot2::labs(caption = paste0( |
371 | ! |
"Deming Regression Model, Spearman Correlation Method.\n",
372 | ! |
373 |
)) |
374 |
375 |
# Format font size
376 | ! |
if (!is.null(font_size)) { |
377 | ! |
plot1 <- plot1 + ggplot2::theme( |
378 | ! |
axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size), |
379 | ! |
axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size), |
380 | ! |
axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size), |
381 | ! |
axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size), |
382 | ! |
legend.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size), |
383 | ! |
legend.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size), |
384 | ! |
strip.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size), |
385 | ! |
strip.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size) |
386 |
387 |
388 |
# Format treatment color
389 | ! |
plot1 <- if (!is.null(color_manual)) { |
390 | ! |
plot1 + |
391 | ! |
ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = color_manual, name = trt_label, guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(order = 1)) |
392 |
} else { |
393 | ! |
plot1 + |
394 | ! |
ggplot2::scale_color_discrete(guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(order = 1)) |
395 |
396 | ||
397 |
# Format LOQ flag symbol shape
398 | ! |
if (is.null(shape_manual)) { |
399 | ! |
shape_names <- unique(data[!is.na(data[[loq_flag_var]]), ][[loq_flag_var]]) |
400 | ! |
shape_manual <- seq_along(shape_names) |
401 | ! |
names(shape_manual) <- shape_names |
402 |
403 |
# add LOQ legend conditionally
404 | ! |
plot1 <- if (!loq_legend) { |
405 | ! |
plot1 + ggplot2::scale_shape_manual(values = shape_manual, name = "LoQ", guide = "none") |
406 |
} else { |
407 | ! |
plot1 + ggplot2::scale_shape_manual(values = shape_manual, name = "LoQ", guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(order = 2)) |
408 |
409 |
# Format x-label
410 | ! |
if (rotate_xlab) { |
411 | ! |
plot1 <- plot1 + |
412 | ! |
ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) |
413 |
414 | ||
415 | ! |
plot1 + geom_axes_lines( |
416 | ! |
417 | ! |
hline_arb = hline_arb, hline_arb_color = hline_arb_color, hline_arb_label = hline_arb_label, |
418 | ! |
hline_vars = hline_vars, hline_vars_colors = hline_vars_colors, hline_vars_labels = hline_vars_labels, |
419 | ! |
vline_arb = vline_arb, vline_arb_color = vline_arb_color, vline_arb_label = vline_arb_label, |
420 | ! |
vline_vars = vline_vars, vline_vars_colors = vline_vars_colors, vline_vars_labels = vline_vars_labels |
421 |
422 |
1 |
#' Function to create a density distribution plot.
2 |
3 |
#' Default plot displays overall density facetted by visit with treatment arms and combined
4 |
#' treatment overlaid.
5 |
6 |
#' @param label text string used to identify plot.
7 |
#' @param data `ADaM` structured analysis laboratory data frame e.g. `ADLB`.
8 |
#' @param param_var name of variable containing biomarker codes e.g. `PARAMCD`.
9 |
#' @param param biomarker to visualize e.g. `IGG`.
10 |
#' @param xaxis_var name of variable containing biomarker results displayed on X-axis e.g. `AVAL`.
11 |
#' @param trt_group name of variable representing treatment group e.g. `ARM`.
12 |
#' @param loq_flag_var name of variable containing `LOQ` flag e.g. `LOQFL`.
13 |
#' @param unit name of variable containing biomarker unit e.g. `AVALU`.
14 |
#' @param xlim ('numeric vector') optional, a vector of length 2 to specify the minimum and maximum of the x-axis
15 |
#' if the default limits are not suitable.
16 |
#' @param ylim ('numeric vector') optional, a vector of length 2 to specify the minimum and maximum of the y-axis
17 |
#' if the default limits are not suitable.
18 |
#' @param color_manual vector of colors applied to treatment values.
19 |
#' @param color_comb name or hex value for combined treatment color.
20 |
#' @param comb_line display combined treatment line toggle.
21 |
#' @param facet_var variable to use for facetting.
22 |
#' @param hline_arb ('numeric vector') value identifying intercept for arbitrary horizontal lines.
23 |
#' @param hline_arb_color ('character vector') optional, color for the arbitrary horizontal lines.
24 |
#' @param hline_arb_label ('character vector') optional, label for the legend to the arbitrary horizontal lines.
25 |
#' @param facet_ncol number of facets per row.
26 |
#' @param rotate_xlab 45 degree rotation of x-axis label values.
27 |
#' @param font_size font size control for title, x-axis label, y-axis label and legend.
28 |
#' @param line_size plot line thickness.
29 |
#' @param rug_plot should a rug plot be displayed under the density plot. Note this
30 |
#' option is most useful if the data only contains a single treatment group.
31 |
32 |
#' @author Nick Paszty (npaszty) paszty.nicholas@gene.com
33 |
#' @author Balazs Toth (tothb2) toth.balazs@gene.com
34 |
35 |
#' @export
36 |
37 |
#' @examples
38 |
#' # Example using ADaM structure analysis dataset.
39 |
40 |
#' library(stringr)
41 |
42 |
#' # original ARM value = dose value
43 |
#' arm_mapping <- list(
44 |
#' "A: Drug X" = "150mg QD", "B: Placebo" = "Placebo", "C: Combination" = "Combination"
45 |
#' )
46 |
#' color_manual <- c("150mg QD" = "#000000", "Placebo" = "#3498DB", "Combination" = "#E74C3C")
47 |
48 |
#' ADLB <- rADLB
49 |
#' var_labels <- lapply(ADLB, function(x) attributes(x)$label)
50 |
#' ADLB <- ADLB %>%
51 |
#' mutate(AVISITCD = case_when(
52 |
53 |
54 |
#' grepl("WEEK", AVISIT) ~
55 |
#' paste(
56 |
#' "W",
57 |
#' trimws(
58 |
#' substr(
59 |
60 |
#' start = 6,
61 |
#' stop = str_locate(AVISIT, "DAY") - 1
62 |
#' )
63 |
#' )
64 |
#' ),
65 |
#' TRUE ~ NA_character_
66 |
#' )) %>%
67 |
#' mutate(AVISITCDN = case_when(
68 |
#' AVISITCD == "SCR" ~ -2,
69 |
#' AVISITCD == "BL" ~ 0,
70 |
#' grepl("W", AVISITCD) ~ as.numeric(gsub("\\D+", "", AVISITCD)),
71 |
#' TRUE ~ NA_real_
72 |
#' )) %>%
73 |
#' # use ARMCD values to order treatment in visualization legend
74 |
#' mutate(TRTORD = ifelse(grepl("C", ARMCD), 1,
75 |
#' ifelse(grepl("B", ARMCD), 2,
76 |
#' ifelse(grepl("A", ARMCD), 3, NA)
77 |
#' )
78 |
#' )) %>%
79 |
#' mutate(ARM = as.character(arm_mapping[match(ARM, names(arm_mapping))])) %>%
80 |
#' mutate(ARM = factor(ARM) %>%
81 |
#' reorder(TRTORD))
82 |
#' attr(ADLB[["ARM"]], "label") <- var_labels[["ARM"]]
83 |
84 |
#' g_density_distribution_plot(
85 |
#' label = "Density Distribution Plot",
86 |
#' data = ADLB,
87 |
#' param_var = "PARAMCD",
88 |
#' param = c("CRP"),
89 |
#' xaxis_var = "AVAL",
90 |
#' unit = "AVALU",
91 |
#' color_manual = color_manual,
92 |
#' color_comb = "#39ff14",
93 |
#' comb_line = FALSE,
94 |
#' facet_var = "AVISITCD",
95 |
#' hline_arb = 1.75,
96 |
#' hline_arb_color = "black",
97 |
#' hline_arb_label = "Horizontal Line A",
98 |
#' facet_ncol = 2,
99 |
#' rotate_xlab = FALSE,
100 |
#' font_size = 10,
101 |
#' line_size = .5
102 |
#' )
103 |
g_density_distribution_plot <- function(label = "Density Distribution Plot", |
104 |
105 |
param_var = "PARAMCD", |
106 |
param = "CRP", |
107 |
xaxis_var = "AVAL", |
108 |
trt_group = "ARM", |
109 |
unit = "AVALU", |
110 |
loq_flag_var = "LOQFL", |
111 |
xlim = c(NA, NA), |
112 |
ylim = c(NA, NA), |
113 |
color_manual = NULL, |
114 |
color_comb = "#39ff14", |
115 |
comb_line = TRUE, |
116 |
facet_var = "AVISITCD", |
117 |
hline_arb = character(0), |
118 |
hline_arb_color = "red", |
119 |
hline_arb_label = "Horizontal line", |
120 |
facet_ncol = 2, |
121 |
rotate_xlab = FALSE, |
122 |
font_size = 12, |
123 |
line_size = 2, |
124 |
rug_plot = FALSE) { |
125 | ! |
checkmate::assert_numeric(xlim, len = 2) |
126 | ! |
checkmate::assert_numeric(ylim, len = 2) |
127 | ||
128 | ! |
plot_data <- data %>% |
129 | ! |
filter(!!sym(param_var) == param) |
130 | ||
131 |
# Setup the ggtitle label. Combine the biomarker and the units (if available)
132 | ! |
ggtitle_label <- ifelse( |
133 | ! |
is.null(unit), |
134 | ! |
paste(plot_data$PARAM, "Density: Combined Treatment (Comb.) & by Treatment @ Visits"), |
135 | ! |
ifelse( |
136 | ! |
plot_data[[unit]] == "", |
137 | ! |
paste(plot_data$PARAM, "Density: Combined Treatment (Comb.) & by Treatment @ Visits"), |
138 | ! |
paste0(plot_data$PARAM, " (", plot_data[[unit]], ") Density: Combined Treatment (Comb.) & by Treatment @ Visits") |
139 |
140 |
141 | ||
142 |
# Setup the x-axis label. Combine the biomarker and the units (if available)
143 | ! |
x_axis_label <- ifelse( |
144 | ! |
is.null(unit), |
145 | ! |
paste(plot_data$PARAM, xaxis_var, "Values"), |
146 | ! |
ifelse( |
147 | ! |
plot_data[[unit]] == "", |
148 | ! |
paste(plot_data$PARAM, xaxis_var, "Values"), |
149 | ! |
paste0(plot_data$PARAM, " (", plot_data[[unit]], ") ", xaxis_var, " Values") |
150 |
151 |
152 | ||
153 |
# Setup legend label
154 | ! |
trt_label <- `if`(is.null(attr(data[[trt_group]], "label")), "Dose", attr(data[[trt_group]], "label")) |
155 | ||
156 | ! |
if (comb_line) { |
157 | ! |
plot_data <- dplyr::bind_rows( |
158 | ! |
159 | ! |
plot_data %>% |
160 | ! |
dplyr::mutate(!!sym(trt_group) := "Combined Dose") |
161 |
162 |
163 | ||
164 | ! |
color_manual <- if (is.null(color_manual)) { |
165 | ! |
group_names <- unique(plot_data[[trt_group]]) |
166 | ! |
color_values <- seq_along(group_names) |
167 | ! |
if (!is.null(getOption("ggplot2.discrete.colour"))) { |
168 | ! |
color_values <- getOption("ggplot2.discrete.colour")[color_values] |
169 |
170 | ! |
names(color_values) <- group_names |
171 | ! |
172 |
} else { |
173 | ! |
174 |
175 | ||
176 | ! |
if (comb_line) { |
177 | ! |
if (!is.null(color_comb)) { |
178 | ! |
color_manual["Combined Dose"] <- color_comb |
179 | ! |
} else if (!"Combined Dose" %in% names(color_manual)) { |
180 | ! |
color_manual["Combined Dose"] <- length(color_manual) + 1 |
181 |
182 |
183 | ||
184 |
# Add footnote to identify LLOQ and ULOQ values pulled from data
185 | ! |
caption_loqs_label <- h_caption_loqs_label(loqs_data = plot_data, flag_var = loq_flag_var) |
186 | ||
187 | ! |
plot1 <- ggplot2::ggplot(plot_data) + |
188 | ! |
ggplot2::stat_density( |
189 | ! |
ggplot2::aes(x = !!sym(xaxis_var), colour = !!sym(trt_group)), |
190 | ! |
linewidth = line_size, |
191 | ! |
geom = "line", |
192 | ! |
position = "identity" |
193 |
) + |
194 | ! |
ggplot2::coord_cartesian(xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim) + |
195 | ! |
ggplot2::facet_wrap(stats::as.formula(paste0(" ~ ", facet_var)), ncol = facet_ncol) + |
196 | ! |
ggplot2::labs(caption = caption_loqs_label) + |
197 | ! |
ggplot2::theme_bw() + |
198 | ! |
ggplot2::ggtitle(ggtitle_label) + |
199 | ! |
ggplot2::theme(plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size, hjust = 0.5)) + |
200 | ! |
ggplot2::xlab(paste(x_axis_label)) + |
201 | ! |
ggplot2::ylab(paste("Density")) + |
202 | ! |
ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = color_manual, name = trt_label, guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(order = 1)) |
203 | ||
204 | ! |
if (rug_plot) { |
205 | ! |
plot1 <- plot1 + |
206 | ! |
ggplot2::geom_rug(ggplot2::aes(x = !!sym(xaxis_var), colour = !!sym(trt_group))) |
207 |
208 | ||
209 |
# Format font size
210 | ! |
if (!is.null(font_size)) { |
211 | ! |
plot1 <- plot1 + |
212 | ! |
ggplot2::theme( |
213 | ! |
axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size), |
214 | ! |
axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size), |
215 | ! |
axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size), |
216 | ! |
axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size), |
217 | ! |
legend.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size), |
218 | ! |
legend.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size), |
219 | ! |
strip.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size), |
220 | ! |
strip.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = font_size) |
221 |
222 |
223 | ||
224 |
# Format x-label
225 | ! |
if (rotate_xlab) { |
226 | ! |
plot1 <- plot1 + |
227 | ! |
ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) |
228 |
229 | ||
230 |
# Add horizontal line
231 | ! |
plot1 + geom_axes_lines( |
232 | ! |
233 | ! |
hline_arb = hline_arb, |
234 | ! |
hline_arb_color = hline_arb_color, |
235 | ! |
hline_arb_label = hline_arb_label |
236 |
237 |