Although rtables are represented as a tree data structure when outputting the table to ASCII or HTML it is useful to map the rtable to an in between state with the formatted cells in a matrix form.
matrix_form(obj, indent_rownames = FALSE, indent_size = 2)
# S4 method for MatrixPrintForm
matrix_form(obj, indent_rownames = FALSE, indent_size = 2)
ANY. Object to be transformed into a ready-to-render form (a MatrixPrintForm object)
logical(1), if TRUE the column with the row names in the `strings` matrix of has indented row names (strings pre-fixed)
numeric(1). Number of spaces to be used per level of indent (if supported by the relevant method). Defaults to 2.
A `MatrixPrintForm` classed list with the following elements:
The content, as it should be printed, of the top-left material, column headers, row labels , and cell values of tt
The column-span information for each print-string in the strings matrix
The text alignment for each print-string in the strings matrix
Whether each print-string in the strings matrix should be printed or not
the data.frame generated by summarize_rows(tt)
With an additional nrow_header
attribute indicating the number of pseudo "rows" the
column structure defines.
The strings in the return object are defined as follows: row labels are those determined by summarize_rows
and cell values are determined using get_formatted_cells
. (Column labels are calculated using a non-exported internal funciton.