1 |
## #' Page Dimensions
2 |
## #'
3 |
## #' Dimensions for mapping page dimensions to text dimensions
4 |
## #' @references https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc0678.txt
5 |
## #' @export
6 |
## #' @rdname pagedims
7 |
## lpi_vert <- 6
8 |
## #' @export
9 |
## #' @rdname pagedims
10 |
## cpi_horiz <- 10
11 |
## #' @export
12 |
## #' @rdname pagedims
13 |
## horiz_margin_chars <- 13
14 |
## #' @export
15 |
## #' @rdname pagedims
16 |
## horiz_margin_inches <- horiz_margin_chars / cpi_horiz
17 |
## #' @export
18 |
## #' @rdname pagedims
19 |
## vert_margin_lines <- 6
20 |
## #' @export
21 |
## #' @rdname pagedims
22 |
## vert_margin_inches <- vert_margin_lines / lpi_vert
23 | ||
24 |
## #' Physical Page dimensions to chars x lines
25 |
## #'
26 |
## #' Calculate number of lines long and characters wide a page size is,
27 |
## #' after excluding margins
28 |
## #' @export
29 |
## #' @examples
30 |
## #' phys_page_to_lc()
31 |
## phys_page_to_lc <- function(width = 8.5, len = 11,
32 |
## h_margin = horiz_margin_inches,
33 |
## v_margin = vert_margin_inches) {
34 |
## lgl_width <- width - h_margin
35 |
## lgl_len <- len - v_margin
36 |
## c(chars_wide = floor(lgl_width * cpi_horiz),
37 |
## lines_long = floor(lgl_len * lpi_vert))
38 |
## }
39 | ||
40 |
#' Pagination
41 |
42 |
#' @section Pagination Algorithm:
43 |
44 |
#' Pagination is performed independently in the vertical and horizontal
45 |
#' directions based solely on a *pagination data frame*, which includes the
46 |
#' following information for each row/column:
47 |
48 |
#' - Number of lines/characters rendering the row will take **after
49 |
#' word-wrapping** (`self_extent`)
50 |
#' - The indices (`reprint_inds`) and number of lines (`par_extent`)
51 |
#' of the rows which act as **context** for the row
52 |
#' - The row's number of siblings and position within its siblings
53 |
54 |
#' Given `lpp` (`cpp`) is already adjusted for rendered elements which
55 |
#' are not rows/columns and a data frame of pagination information,
56 |
#' pagination is performed via the following algorithm with `start = 1`.
57 |
58 |
#' Core Pagination Algorithm:
59 |
60 |
#' 1. Initial guess for pagination position is `start + lpp` (`start + cpp`)
61 |
#' 2. While the guess is not a valid pagination position, and `guess > start`,
62 |
#' decrement guess and repeat.
63 |
#' - An error is thrown if all possible pagination positions between
64 |
#' `start` and `start + lpp` (`start + cpp`) would be `< start`
65 |
#' after decrementing
66 |
#' 3. Retain pagination index
67 |
#' 4. If pagination point was less than `NROW(tt)` (`ncol(tt)`), set
68 |
#' `start` to `pos + 1`, and repeat steps (1) - (4).
69 |
70 |
#' Validating Pagination Position:
71 |
72 |
#' Given an (already adjusted) `lpp` or `cpp` value, a pagination is invalid if:
73 |
74 |
#' - The rows/columns on the page would take more than (adjusted) `lpp` lines/`cpp`
75 |
#' characters to render **including**:
76 |
#' - word-wrapping
77 |
#' - (vertical only) context repetition
78 |
#' - (vertical only) footnote messages and/or section divider lines
79 |
#' take up too many lines after rendering rows
80 |
#' - (vertical only) row is a label or content (row-group summary) row
81 |
#' - (vertical only) row at the pagination point has siblings, and
82 |
#' it has less than `min_siblings` preceding or following siblings
83 |
#' - pagination would occur within a sub-table listed in `nosplitin`
84 |
85 |
#' @name pagination_algo
86 |
87 | ||
88 |
#' Create a row of a pagination data frame
89 |
90 |
#' @inheritParams open_font_dev
91 |
#' @param nm (`string`)\cr name.
92 |
#' @param lab (`string`)\cr label.
93 |
#' @param rnum (`numeric(1)`)\cr absolute row number.
94 |
#' @param pth (`character` or `NULL`)\cr path within larger table.
95 |
#' @param sibpos (`integer(1)`)\cr position among sibling rows.
96 |
#' @param nsibs (`integer(1)`)\cr number of siblings (including self).
97 |
#' @param extent (`numeric(1)`)\cr number of lines required to print the row.
98 |
#' @param colwidths (`numeric`)\cr column widths.
99 |
#' @param repext (`integer(1)`)\cr number of lines required to reprint all context for this row if it appears directly
100 |
#' after pagination.
101 |
#' @param repind (`integer`)\cr vector of row numbers to be reprinted if this row appears directly after pagination.
102 |
#' @param indent (`integer`)\cr indent.
103 |
#' @param rclass (`string`)\cr class of row object.
104 |
#' @param nrowrefs (`integer(1)`)\cr number of row referential footnotes for this row.
105 |
#' @param ncellrefs (`integer(1)`)\cr number of cell referential footnotes for the cells in this row.
106 |
#' @param nreflines (`integer(1)`)\cr total number of lines required by all referential footnotes.
107 |
#' @param force_page (`flag`)\cr currently ignored.
108 |
#' @param page_title (`flag`)\cr currently ignored.
109 |
#' @param trailing_sep (`string`)\cr the string to use as a separator below this row during printing.
110 |
#' If `NA_character_`, no separator is used.
111 |
#' @param row (`ANY`)\cr object representing the row, which is used for default values of `nm`, `lab`,
112 |
#' `extent`, and `rclass` if provided. Must have methods for `obj_name`, `obj_label`, and `nlines`, to retrieve
113 |
#' default values of `nm`, `lab`, and `extent`, respectively.
114 |
115 |
#' @return A single row `data.frame` with the appropriate columns for a pagination info data frame.
116 |
117 |
#' @export
118 |
pagdfrow <- function(row, |
119 |
nm = obj_name(row), |
120 |
lab = obj_label(row), |
121 |
122 |
123 |
sibpos = NA_integer_, |
124 |
nsibs = NA_integer_, |
125 |
extent = nlines(row, colwidths, fontspec = fontspec), |
126 |
colwidths = NULL, |
127 |
repext = 0L, |
128 |
repind = integer(), |
129 |
indent = 0L, |
130 |
rclass = class(row), |
131 |
nrowrefs = 0L, |
132 |
ncellrefs = 0L, |
133 |
nreflines = 0L, |
134 |
# ref_df = .make_ref_df(NULL, NULL),
135 |
force_page = FALSE, |
136 |
page_title = NA_character_, |
137 |
trailing_sep = NA_character_, |
138 |
fontspec) { |
139 | 1447x |
data.frame( |
140 | 1447x |
label = lab, |
141 | 1447x |
name = nm, |
142 | 1447x |
abs_rownumber = rnum, |
143 | 1447x |
path = I(list(pth)), |
144 | 1447x |
pos_in_siblings = sibpos, |
145 | 1447x |
n_siblings = nsibs, |
146 | 1447x |
self_extent = extent, |
147 | 1447x |
par_extent = repext, |
148 | 1447x |
reprint_inds = I(rep(list(unlist(repind)), length.out = length(nm))), |
149 | 1447x |
node_class = rclass, |
150 | 1447x |
indent = max(0L, indent), |
151 | 1447x |
nrowrefs = nrowrefs, |
152 | 1447x |
ncellrefs = ncellrefs, |
153 | 1447x |
nreflines = nreflines, |
154 |
# ref_info_df = I(list(ref_df)),
155 | 1447x |
force_page = force_page, |
156 | 1447x |
page_title = page_title, |
157 | 1447x |
trailing_sep = trailing_sep, |
158 | 1447x |
stringsAsFactors = FALSE, |
159 | 1447x |
row.names = NULL, |
160 | 1447x |
check.names = FALSE, |
161 | 1447x |
fix.empty.names = FALSE |
162 |
163 |
164 | ||
165 |
calc_ref_nlines_df <- function(pagdf) { |
166 |
## XXX XXX XXX this is dangerous and wrong!!!
167 | 628x |
if (is.null(pagdf$ref_info_df) && sum(pagdf$nreflines) == 0) { |
168 | 221x |
return(ref_df_row()[0, ]) |
169 |
170 | 407x |
refdf <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, pagdf$ref_info_df) |
171 | 407x |
if (NROW(refdf) == 0) { |
172 | 375x |
return(ref_df_row()[0, ]) |
173 |
174 | 32x |
unqsyms <- !duplicated(refdf$symbol) |
175 | 32x |
refdf[unqsyms, , drop = FALSE] |
176 |
177 | ||
178 |
build_fail_msg <- function(row, lines, raw_rowlines, |
179 |
allowed_lines, lpp, decoration_lines, |
180 |
start, guess, rep_ext, n_reprint, |
181 |
reflines, n_refs, sectlines) { |
182 | 254x |
if (row) { |
183 | 104x |
spacetype <- "lines" |
184 | 104x |
spacetype_abr <- "lns" |
185 | 104x |
structtype_abr <- "rws" |
186 | 104x |
sprintf( |
187 | 104x |
paste0( |
188 | 104x |
" FAIL: rows selected for pagination require %d %s while only %d are available from ",
189 | 104x |
"lpp = %d and %d header/footers lines.\n",
190 | 104x |
" details: [raw: %d %s (%d %s), rep. context: %d %s (%d %s), ",
191 | 104x |
"refs: %d %s (%d) sect. divs: %d %s]."
192 |
193 | 104x |
194 | 104x |
195 | 104x |
196 | 104x |
197 | 104x |
decoration_lines, # header + footers |
198 | 104x |
199 | 104x |
200 | 104x |
guess - start + 1, # because it includes both start and guess |
201 | 104x |
202 | 104x |
203 | 104x |
204 | 104x |
205 | 104x |
206 | 104x |
207 | 104x |
208 | 104x |
209 | 104x |
210 | 104x |
211 |
212 |
} else { ## !row |
213 | 150x |
spacetype <- "chars" |
214 | 150x |
spacetype_abr <- "chars" |
215 | 150x |
structtype_abr <- "cols" |
216 | 150x |
raw_ncol <- guess - start + 1 |
217 | 150x |
tot_ncol <- raw_ncol + n_reprint |
218 | 150x |
rep_ext <- rep_ext |
219 | 150x |
sprintf( |
220 | 150x |
paste0( |
221 | 150x |
" FAIL: selected %d columns require %d %s, while only %d are available. \n",
222 | 150x |
" details: [raw: %d %s (%d %s), rep. cols: %d %s (%d %s), tot. colgap: %d %s]."
223 |
224 | 150x |
guess - start + 1, |
225 | 150x |
lines + rep_ext + sectlines, |
226 | 150x |
227 | 150x |
228 | 150x |
229 | 150x |
230 | 150x |
231 | 150x |
232 | 150x |
233 | 150x |
234 | 150x |
235 | 150x |
236 | 150x |
237 | 150x |
238 |
239 |
240 |
241 | ||
242 |
valid_pag <- function(pagdf, |
243 |
244 |
245 |
246 |
lpp, # for informational purposes only |
247 |
context_lpp, # for informational purposes only (headers/footers) |
248 |
249 |
nosplit = NULL, |
250 |
div_height = 1L, |
251 |
verbose = FALSE, |
252 |
row = TRUE, |
253 |
have_col_fnotes = FALSE, |
254 |
255 |
has_rowlabels) { |
256 |
# FALSE output from this function means that another guess is taken till success or failure
257 | 628x |
rw <- pagdf[guess, ] |
258 | ||
259 | 628x |
if (verbose) { |
260 | 382x |
message( |
261 | 382x |
"-> Attempting pagination between ", start, " and ", guess, " ", |
262 | 382x |
paste(ifelse(row, "row", "column")) |
263 |
264 |
265 | ||
266 |
# Fix for counting the right number of lines when there is wrapping on a keycols
267 | 628x |
if (.is_listing_mf(pagdf) && !is.null(pagdf$self_extent_page_break)) { |
268 | 28x |
pagdf$self_extent[start] <- pagdf$self_extent_page_break[start] |
269 |
270 | ||
271 | 628x |
raw_rowlines <- sum(pagdf[start:guess, "self_extent"] - pagdf[start:guess, "nreflines"]) |
272 | ||
273 | 628x |
refdf_ii <- calc_ref_nlines_df(pagdf[start:guess, ]) |
274 | 628x |
reflines <- if (row) sum(refdf_ii$nlines, 0L) else 0L |
275 | 628x |
if (reflines > 0 && !have_col_fnotes) { |
276 | 32x |
reflines <- reflines + div_height + 1L |
277 |
278 | ||
279 | ||
280 | 628x |
rowlines <- raw_rowlines + reflines ## sum(pagdf[start:guess, "self_extent"]) - reflines |
281 |
## self extent includes reflines
282 |
## self extent does ***not*** currently include trailing sep for rows
283 |
## self extent does ***not*** currently include col_gap for columns
284 |
## we don't include the trailing_sep for guess because if we paginate here it won't be printed
285 | 628x |
ncols <- 0L |
286 | 628x |
if (row) { |
287 | 257x |
sectlines <- if (start == guess) 0L else sum(!is.na(pagdf[start:(guess - 1), "trailing_sep"])) |
288 |
} else { ## columns |
289 | 371x |
ncols <- guess - start + 1 + length(pagdf$reprint_inds[[start]]) ## +1 because its inclusive, 5-6 is 2 columns |
290 | 371x |
sectlines <- col_gap * (ncols - as.integer(!has_rowlabels)) ## -1 if no row labels |
291 |
292 | 628x |
lines <- rowlines + sectlines |
293 | 628x |
rep_ext <- pagdf$par_extent[start] |
294 | 628x |
if (lines > rlpp) { |
295 | 382x |
if (verbose) { |
296 | 254x |
structtype <- ifelse(row, "rows", "columns") |
297 | 254x |
structtype_abr <- ifelse(row, "rows", "cols") |
298 | 254x |
spacetype <- ifelse(row, "lines", "chars") |
299 | 254x |
spacetype_abr <- ifelse(row, "lns", "chrs") |
300 | 254x |
msg <- build_fail_msg( |
301 | 254x |
row, lines, raw_rowlines, |
302 | 254x |
allowed_lines = rlpp, lpp = lpp, decoration_lines = context_lpp, |
303 | 254x |
start, guess, rep_ext, length(pagdf$reprint_inds[[start]]), |
304 | 254x |
reflines, NROW(refdf_ii), sectlines |
305 |
306 | 254x |
message(msg) |
307 |
308 | 382x |
return(FALSE) |
309 |
310 | ||
311 |
# Special cases: is it a label or content row?
312 | 246x |
if (rw[["node_class"]] %in% c("LabelRow", "ContentRow")) { |
313 |
# check if it has children; if no children then valid
314 | 7x |
has_children <- rw$abs_rownumber %in% unlist(pagdf$reprint_inds) |
315 | 7x |
if (rw$abs_rownumber == nrow(pagdf)) { |
316 | 1x |
if (verbose) { |
317 | 1x |
message(" EXCEPTION: last row is a label or content row but in lpp") |
318 |
319 | 6x |
} else if (!any(has_children)) { |
320 | 6x |
if (verbose) { |
321 | 6x |
message( |
322 | 6x |
" EXCEPTION: last row is a label or content row\n",
323 | 6x |
"but does not have rows and row groups depending on it"
324 |
325 |
326 |
} else { |
327 | ! |
if (verbose) { |
328 | ! |
message(" FAIL: last row is a label or content row") |
329 |
330 | ! |
return(FALSE) |
331 |
332 |
333 | ||
334 |
# Siblings handling
335 | 246x |
sibpos <- rw[["pos_in_siblings"]] |
336 | 246x |
nsib <- rw[["n_siblings"]] |
337 |
# okpos <- min(min_sibs + 1, rw[["n_siblings"]])
338 | 246x |
if (sibpos != nsib) { |
339 | 99x |
retfalse <- FALSE |
340 | 99x |
if (sibpos < min_sibs + 1) { |
341 | 25x |
retfalse <- TRUE |
342 | 25x |
if (verbose) { |
343 | 25x |
message( |
344 | 25x |
" FAIL: last row had only ", sibpos - 1, |
345 | 25x |
" preceding siblings, needed ", min_sibs |
346 |
347 |
348 | 74x |
} else if (nsib - sibpos < min_sibs + 1) { |
349 | 7x |
retfalse <- TRUE |
350 | 7x |
if (verbose) { |
351 | 4x |
message( |
352 | 4x |
" FAIL: last row had only ", nsib - sibpos - 1, |
353 | 4x |
" following siblings, needed ", min_sibs |
354 |
355 |
356 |
357 | 99x |
if (retfalse) { |
358 | 32x |
return(FALSE) |
359 |
360 |
361 | 214x |
if (guess < nrow(pagdf) && length(nosplit > 0)) { |
362 |
## paths end at the leaf name which is *always* different
363 | 16x |
curpth <- head(unlist(rw$path), -1) |
364 | 16x |
nxtpth <- head(unlist(pagdf$path[[guess + 1]]), -1) |
365 | ||
366 | 16x |
inplay <- nosplit[(nosplit %in% intersect(curpth, nxtpth))] |
367 | 16x |
if (length(inplay) > 0) { |
368 | 16x |
ok_split <- vapply(inplay, function(var) { |
369 | 16x |
!identical(curpth[match(var, curpth) + 1], nxtpth[match(var, nxtpth) + 1]) |
370 | 16x |
}, TRUE) |
371 | ||
372 | 16x |
curvals <- curpth[match(inplay, curpth) + 1] |
373 | 16x |
nxtvals <- nxtpth[match(inplay, nxtpth) + 1] |
374 | 16x |
if (!all(ok_split)) { |
375 | 16x |
if (verbose) { |
376 | 16x |
message( |
377 | 16x |
" FAIL: nosplit variable [",
378 | 16x |
inplay[min(which(!ok_split))], "] would be constant [", |
379 | 16x |
curvals, "] across this pagebreak." |
380 |
381 |
382 | 16x |
return(FALSE) |
383 |
384 |
385 |
386 | ||
387 |
# Usual output when found
388 | 198x |
if (verbose) { |
389 | 83x |
message(" OK [", lines + rep_ext, if (row) " lines]" else " chars]") |
390 |
391 | 198x |
392 |
393 | ||
394 |
find_pag <- function(pagdf, |
395 |
396 |
397 |
398 |
399 |
400 |
401 |
402 |
nosplitin = character(), |
403 |
verbose = FALSE, |
404 |
row = TRUE, |
405 |
have_col_fnotes = FALSE, |
406 |
div_height = 1L, |
407 |
do_error = FALSE, |
408 |
409 |
has_rowlabels) { |
410 | 204x |
if (verbose) { |
411 | 89x |
if (row) { |
412 | 44x |
message("--------- ROW-WISE: Checking possible pagination for page ", current_page) |
413 |
} else { |
414 | 45x |
message("========= COLUMN-WISE: Checking possible pagination for page ", current_page) |
415 |
416 |
417 | ||
418 | 204x |
origuess <- guess |
419 | 204x |
while (guess >= start && !valid_pag( |
420 | 204x |
pagdf, guess, |
421 | 204x |
start = start, |
422 | 204x |
rlpp = rlpp, lpp = lpp_or_cpp, context_lpp = context_lpp_or_cpp, # only lpp goes to row pagination |
423 | 204x |
min_sibs = min_siblings, |
424 | 204x |
nosplit = nosplitin, verbose, row = row, |
425 | 204x |
have_col_fnotes = have_col_fnotes, |
426 | 204x |
div_height = div_height, |
427 | 204x |
col_gap = col_gap, |
428 | 204x |
has_rowlabels = has_rowlabels |
429 |
)) { |
430 | 430x |
guess <- guess - 1 |
431 |
432 | 204x |
if (guess < start) { |
433 |
# Repeat pagination process to see what went wrong with verbose on
434 | 6x |
if (isFALSE(do_error) && isFALSE(verbose)) { |
435 | ! |
find_pag( |
436 | ! |
pagdf = pagdf, |
437 | ! |
current_page = current_page, |
438 | ! |
start = start, |
439 | ! |
guess = origuess, |
440 | ! |
rlpp = rlpp, lpp_or_cpp = lpp_or_cpp, context_lpp_or_cpp = context_lpp_or_cpp, |
441 | ! |
min_siblings = min_siblings, |
442 | ! |
nosplitin = nosplitin, |
443 | ! |
verbose = TRUE, |
444 | ! |
row = row, |
445 | ! |
have_col_fnotes = have_col_fnotes, |
446 | ! |
div_height = div_height, |
447 | ! |
do_error = TRUE, # only used to avoid loop |
448 | ! |
col_gap = col_gap, |
449 | ! |
has_rowlabels = has_rowlabels |
450 |
451 |
452 | 6x |
stop( |
453 | 6x |
"-------------------------------------- Error Summary ----------------------------------------\n",
454 | 6x |
"Unable to find any valid pagination split for page ", current_page, " between ", |
455 | 6x |
ifelse(row, "rows ", "columns "), start, " and ", origuess, ". \n", |
456 | 6x |
"Inserted ", ifelse(row, "lpp (row-space, lines per page) ", "cpp (column-space, content per page) "), |
457 | 6x |
": ", lpp_or_cpp, "\n", |
458 | 6x |
"Context-relevant additional ", ifelse(row, "header/footers lines", "fixed column characters"), |
459 | 6x |
": ", context_lpp_or_cpp, "\n", |
460 | 6x |
ifelse(row, |
461 | 6x |
paste("Limit of allowed row lines per page:", rlpp, "\n"), |
462 | 6x |
paste("Check the minimum allowed column characters per page in the last FAIL(ed) attempt. \n") |
463 |
464 | 6x |
"Note: take a look at the last FAIL(ed) attempt above to see what went wrong. It could be, for example, ",
465 | 6x |
"that the inserted column width induces some wrapping, hence the inserted number of lines (lpp) is not enough."
466 |
467 |
468 | 198x |
469 |
470 | ||
471 |
#' Find pagination indices from pagination info data frame
472 |
473 |
#' Pagination methods should typically call the `make_row_df` method
474 |
#' for their object and then call this function on the resulting
475 |
#' pagination info `data.frame`.
476 |
477 |
#' @param pagdf (`data.frame`)\cr a pagination info `data.frame` as created by
478 |
#' either `make_rows_df` or `make_cols_df`.
479 |
#' @param rlpp (`numeric`)\cr maximum number of *row* lines per page (not including header materials), including
480 |
#' (re)printed header and context rows.
481 |
#' @param lpp_or_cpp (`numeric`)\cr total maximum number of *row* lines or content (column-wise characters) per page
482 |
#' (including header materials and context rows). This is only for informative results with `verbose = TRUE`.
483 |
#' It will print `NA` if not specified by the pagination machinery.
484 |
#' @param context_lpp_or_cpp (`numeric`)\cr total number of context *row* lines or content (column-wise characters)
485 |
#' per page (including header materials). Uses `NA` if not specified by the pagination machinery and is only
486 |
#' for informative results with `verbose = TRUE`.
487 |
#' @param min_siblings (`numeric`)\cr minimum sibling rows which must appear on either side of pagination row for a
488 |
#' mid-subtable split to be valid. Defaults to 2 for tables. It is automatically turned off (set to 0) for listings.
489 |
#' @param nosplitin (`character`)\cr list of names of subtables where page breaks are not allowed, regardless of other
490 |
#' considerations. Defaults to none.
491 |
#' @param verbose (`flag`)\cr whether additional informative messages about the search for
492 |
#' pagination breaks should be shown. Defaults to `FALSE`.
493 |
#' @param row (`flag`)\cr whether pagination is happening in row space (`TRUE`, the default) or column
494 |
#' space (`FALSE`).
495 |
#' @param have_col_fnotes (`flag`)\cr whether the table-like object being rendered has column-associated
496 |
#' referential footnotes.
497 |
#' @param div_height (`numeric(1)`)\cr the height of the divider line when the associated object is rendered.
498 |
#' Defaults to `1`.
499 |
#' @param col_gap (`numeric(1)`)\cr width of gap between columns, in same units as extent in `pagdf` (spaces
500 |
#' under a particular font specification).
501 |
#' @param has_rowlabels (`logical(1)`)\cr whether the object being paginated has row labels.
502 |
503 |
#' @details `pab_indices_inner` implements the core pagination algorithm (see below)
504 |
#' for a single direction (vertical if `row = TRUE` (the default), horizontal otherwise)
505 |
#' based on the pagination data frame and (already adjusted for non-body rows/columns)
506 |
#' lines (or characters) per page.
507 |
508 |
#' @inheritSection pagination_algo Pagination Algorithm
509 |
510 |
#' @return A `list` containing a vector of row numbers, broken up by page.
511 |
512 |
#' @examples
513 |
#' mypgdf <- basic_pagdf(row.names(mtcars))
514 |
515 |
#' paginds <- pag_indices_inner(mypgdf, rlpp = 15, min_siblings = 0)
516 |
#' lapply(paginds, function(x) mtcars[x, ])
517 |
518 |
#' @export
519 |
pag_indices_inner <- function(pagdf, |
520 |
521 |
lpp_or_cpp = NA_integer_, context_lpp_or_cpp = NA_integer_, # Context number of lines |
522 |
523 |
nosplitin = character(), |
524 |
verbose = FALSE, |
525 |
row = TRUE, |
526 |
have_col_fnotes = FALSE, |
527 |
div_height = 1L, |
528 |
col_gap = 3L, |
529 |
has_rowlabels) { |
530 | 95x |
start <- 1 |
531 | 95x |
current_page <- 1 |
532 | 95x |
nr <- nrow(pagdf) |
533 | 95x |
ret <- list() |
534 | 95x |
while (start <= nr) { |
535 | 205x |
adjrlpp <- rlpp - pagdf$par_extent[start] |
536 | 205x |
if (adjrlpp <= 0) { |
537 | 1x |
if (row) { |
538 | 1x |
stop("Lines of repeated context (plus header materials) larger than specified lines per page") |
539 |
} else { |
540 | ! |
stop("Width of row labels equal to or larger than specified characters per page.") |
541 |
542 |
543 | 204x |
guess <- min(nr, start + adjrlpp - 1) |
544 | 204x |
end <- find_pag( |
545 | 204x |
pagdf = pagdf, |
546 | 204x |
current_page = current_page, start = start, guess = guess, |
547 | 204x |
rlpp = adjrlpp, lpp_or_cpp = lpp_or_cpp, context_lpp_or_cpp = context_lpp_or_cpp, |
548 | 204x |
min_siblings = min_siblings, |
549 | 204x |
nosplitin = nosplitin, |
550 | 204x |
verbose = verbose, |
551 | 204x |
row = row, |
552 | 204x |
have_col_fnotes = have_col_fnotes, |
553 | 204x |
div_height = div_height, |
554 | 204x |
col_gap = col_gap, |
555 | 204x |
has_rowlabels = has_rowlabels |
556 |
557 | 198x |
ret <- c(ret, list(c( |
558 | 198x |
pagdf$reprint_inds[[start]], |
559 | 198x |
start:end |
560 |
))) |
561 | 198x |
start <- end + 1 |
562 | 198x |
current_page <- current_page + 1 |
563 |
564 | 88x |
565 |
566 | ||
567 |
#' Find column indices for vertical pagination
568 |
569 |
#' @inheritParams pag_indices_inner
570 |
#' @inheritParams open_font_dev
571 |
#' @inheritParams format_value
572 |
#' @param obj (`ANY`)\cr object to be paginated. Must have a [matrix_form()] method.
573 |
#' @param cpp (`numeric(1)`)\cr number of characters per page (width).
574 |
#' @param colwidths (`numeric`)\cr vector of column widths (in characters) for use in vertical pagination.
575 |
#' @param rep_cols (`numeric(1)`)\cr number of *columns* (not including row labels) to be repeated on every page.
576 |
#' Defaults to 0.
577 |
578 |
#' @return A `list` partitioning the vector of column indices into subsets for 1 or more horizontally paginated pages.
579 |
580 |
#' @examples
581 |
#' mf <- basic_matrix_form(df = mtcars)
582 |
#' colpaginds <- vert_pag_indices(mf, fontspec = font_spec())
583 |
#' lapply(colpaginds, function(j) mtcars[, j, drop = FALSE])
584 |
585 |
#' @export
586 |
vert_pag_indices <- function(obj, |
587 |
cpp = 40, |
588 |
colwidths = NULL, |
589 |
verbose = FALSE, |
590 |
rep_cols = 0L, |
591 |
592 |
nosplitin = character(), |
593 |
round_type = c("iec", "sas")) { |
594 | 45x |
if (is.list(nosplitin)) { |
595 | ! |
nosplitin <- nosplitin[["cols"]] |
596 |
597 | 45x |
mf <- matrix_form(obj, indent_rownames = TRUE, fontspec = fontspec, round_type = round_type) |
598 | 45x |
clwds <- colwidths %||% propose_column_widths(mf, fontspec = fontspec) |
599 | 45x |
if (is.null(mf_cinfo(mf))) { ## like always, ugh. |
600 | ! |
mf <- mpf_infer_cinfo(mf, colwidths = clwds, rep_cols = rep_cols, fontspec = fontspec) |
601 |
602 | ||
603 | 45x |
num_rep_cols(mf) <- rep_cols |
604 | ||
605 | 45x |
has_rlabs <- mf_has_rlabels(mf) |
606 | 45x |
rlabs_flag <- as.integer(has_rlabs) |
607 | 45x |
rlab_extent <- if (has_rlabs) clwds[1] else 0L |
608 | ||
609 |
# rep_extent <- pdf$par_extent[nrow(pdf)]
610 | 45x |
rcpp <- cpp - table_inset(mf) - rlab_extent # rep_extent - table_inset(mf) - rlab_extent |
611 | 45x |
if (verbose) { |
612 | 14x |
message( |
613 | 14x |
"Adjusted characters per page: ", rcpp, |
614 | 14x |
" [original: ", cpp, |
615 | 14x |
", table inset: ", table_inset(mf), if (has_rlabs) paste0(", row labels: ", clwds[1]), |
616 |
617 |
618 |
619 | 45x |
res <- pag_indices_inner(mf_cinfo(mf), |
620 | 45x |
rlpp = rcpp, lpp_or_cpp = cpp, context_lpp_or_cpp = cpp - rcpp, |
621 |
# cpp - sum(clwds[seq_len(rep_cols)]),
622 | 45x |
verbose = verbose, |
623 | 45x |
min_siblings = 1, |
624 | 45x |
nosplitin = nosplitin, |
625 | 45x |
row = FALSE, |
626 | 45x |
col_gap = mf_colgap(mf), |
627 | 45x |
has_rowlabels = mf_has_rlabels(mf) |
628 |
629 | 44x |
630 |
631 | ||
632 |
mpf_infer_cinfo <- function(mf, colwidths = NULL, rep_cols = num_rep_cols(mf), fontspec, colpaths = NULL) { |
633 | 58x |
if (!is.null(mf_cinfo(mf))) { |
634 | 5x |
return(mf_update_cinfo(mf, colwidths = colwidths)) |
635 |
636 | 53x |
new_dev <- open_font_dev(fontspec) |
637 | 53x |
if (new_dev) { |
638 | 53x |
on.exit(close_font_dev()) |
639 |
640 | 53x |
if (!is(rep_cols, "numeric") || is.na(rep_cols) || rep_cols < 0) { |
641 | ! |
stop("got invalid number of columns to be repeated: ", rep_cols) |
642 |
643 | 53x |
clwds <- (colwidths %||% mf_col_widths(mf)) %||% propose_column_widths(mf, fontspec = fontspec) |
644 | 53x |
has_rlabs <- mf_has_rlabels(mf) |
645 | 53x |
rlabs_flag <- as.integer(has_rlabs) |
646 | 53x |
rlab_extent <- if (has_rlabs) clwds[1] else 0L |
647 | 53x |
sqstart <- rlabs_flag + 1L # rep_cols + 1L |
648 | ||
649 | 53x |
pdfrows <- lapply( |
650 | 53x |
(sqstart):ncol(mf$strings), |
651 | 53x |
function(i) { |
652 | 301x |
rownum <- i - rlabs_flag |
653 | 301x |
rep_inds <- seq_len(rep_cols)[seq_len(rep_cols) < rownum] |
654 | 301x |
rep_extent_i <- sum( |
655 | 301x |
656 | 301x |
clwds[rlabs_flag + rep_inds] |
657 | 301x |
) ## colwidths |
658 | 301x |
pagdfrow( |
659 | 301x |
row = NA, |
660 | 301x |
nm = rownum, |
661 | 301x |
lab = rownum, |
662 | 301x |
rnum = rownum, |
663 | 301x |
pth = NA, |
664 | 301x |
extent = clwds[i], |
665 | 301x |
repext = rep_extent_i, # sum(clwds[rep_cols]) + mf$col_gap * max(0, (length(rep_cols) - 1)), |
666 | 301x |
repind = rep_inds, # rep_cols, |
667 | 301x |
rclass = "stuff", |
668 | 301x |
sibpos = 1 - 1, |
669 | 301x |
nsibs = 1 - 1, |
670 | 301x |
fontspec = fontspec |
671 |
672 |
673 |
674 | 53x |
pdf <- do.call(rbind, pdfrows) |
675 | ||
676 | 53x |
refdf <- mf_fnote_df(mf) |
677 | 53x |
pdf <- splice_fnote_info_in(pdf, refdf, row = FALSE) |
678 | 53x |
if (!is.null(colpaths)) { |
679 | ! |
if (length(colpaths) != NROW(pdf)) { |
680 |
## nocov start
681 |
stop( |
682 |
"Got non-null colpaths with length not equal to number of columns (",
683 |
length(colpaths), |
684 |
685 |
NROW(pdf), |
686 |
") during MatrixPrintForm construction. Please contact the maintainers."
687 |
688 |
## nocov end
689 |
690 | ! |
pdf[["path"]] <- colpaths |
691 |
692 | 53x |
mf_cinfo(mf) <- pdf |
693 | 53x |
694 |
695 | ||
696 |
#' Basic/spoof pagination info data frame
697 |
698 |
#' Returns a minimal pagination info `data.frame` (with no info on siblings, footnotes, etc.).
699 |
700 |
#' @inheritParams test_matrix_form
701 |
#' @inheritParams open_font_dev
702 |
#' @param rnames (`character`)\cr vector of row names.
703 |
#' @param labs (`character`)\cr vector of row labels. Defaults to `rnames`.
704 |
#' @param rnums (`integer`)\cr vector of row numbers. Defaults to `seq_along(rnames)`.
705 |
#' @param extents (`integer`)\cr number of lines each row requires to print. Defaults to 1 for all rows.
706 |
#' @param rclass (`character`)\cr class(es) for the rows. Defaults to `"DataRow"`.
707 |
#' @param paths (`list`)\cr list of paths to the rows. Defaults to `lapply(rnames, function(x) c(parent_path, x))`.
708 |
709 |
#' @return A `data.frame` suitable for use in both the `MatrixPrintForm` constructor and the pagination machinery.
710 |
711 |
#' @examples
712 |
#' basic_pagdf(c("hi", "there"))
713 |
714 |
#' @export
715 |
basic_pagdf <- function(rnames, |
716 |
labs = rnames, |
717 |
rnums = seq_along(rnames), |
718 |
extents = 1L, |
719 |
rclass = "DataRow", |
720 |
parent_path = NULL, |
721 |
paths = lapply(rnames, function(x) c(parent_path, x)), |
722 |
fontspec = font_spec()) { |
723 | 52x |
rws <- mapply(pagdfrow, |
724 | 52x |
nm = rnames, lab = labs, extent = extents, |
725 | 52x |
rclass = rclass, rnum = rnums, pth = paths, |
726 | 52x |
MoreArgs = list(fontspec = fontspec), |
727 | 52x |
SIMPLIFY = FALSE, nsibs = 1, sibpos = 1 |
728 |
729 | 52x |
res <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, rws) |
730 | 52x |
res$n_siblings <- nrow(res) |
731 | 52x |
res$pos_in_siblings <- seq_along(res$n_siblings) |
732 | ||
733 | 52x |
if (!all(rclass == "DataRow")) { |
734 |
# These things are used in the simple case of a split, hence having labels.
735 |
# To improve and extend to other cases
736 | 4x |
res$pos_in_siblings <- NA |
737 | 4x |
res$pos_in_siblings[rclass == "DataRow"] <- 1 |
738 | 4x |
res$par_extent[rclass == "DataRow"] <- 1 # the rest is 0 |
739 | 4x |
res$n_siblings <- res$pos_in_siblings |
740 | 4x |
res$reprint_inds[which(rclass == "DataRow")] <- res$abs_rownumber[which(rclass == "DataRow") - 1] |
741 |
742 | 52x |
743 |
744 | ||
745 |
## write paginate() which operates **solely** on a MatrixPrintForm obj
746 | ||
747 |
page_size_spec <- function(lpp, cpp, max_width, |
748 |
749 |
750 |
751 |
fontspec = font_spec( |
752 |
font_family = font_family, |
753 |
font_size = font_size, |
754 |
lineheight = lineheight |
755 |
)) { |
756 | 50x |
structure(list( |
757 | 50x |
lpp = lpp, |
758 | 50x |
cpp = cpp, |
759 | 50x |
max_width = max_width, |
760 | 50x |
font_spec = fontspec |
761 | 50x |
), class = "page_size_spec") |
762 |
763 | ||
764 |
get_font_spec <- function(obj) { |
765 | 48x |
if (!is(obj, "page_size_spec")) { |
766 | ! |
stop("get_font_spec is only currently defined for page_size_spec objects") |
767 |
768 | 48x |
obj$font_spec |
769 |
770 | ||
771 | 100x |
non_null_na <- function(x) !is.null(x) && is.na(x) |
772 | ||
773 |
calc_lcpp <- function(page_type = NULL, |
774 |
landscape = FALSE, |
775 |
pg_width = page_dim(page_type)[if (landscape) 2 else 1], |
776 |
pg_height = page_dim(page_type)[if (landscape) 1 else 2], |
777 |
fontspec = font_spec(), |
778 |
## font_family = "Courier",
779 |
## font_size = 8, # grid parameters
780 |
cpp = NA_integer_, |
781 |
lpp = NA_integer_, |
782 |
tf_wrap = TRUE, |
783 |
max_width = NULL, |
784 |
## lineheight = 1,
785 |
margins = c(bottom = .5, left = .75, top = .5, right = .75), |
786 |
787 |
788 |
inset) { |
789 | 50x |
pg_lcpp <- page_lcpp( |
790 | 50x |
page_type = page_type, |
791 | 50x |
landscape = landscape, |
792 |
## font_family = font_family,
793 |
## font_size = font_size,
794 |
## lineheight = lineheight,
795 | 50x |
fontspec = fontspec, |
796 | 50x |
margins = margins, |
797 | 50x |
pg_width = pg_width, |
798 | 50x |
pg_height = pg_height |
799 |
800 | ||
801 | 50x |
if (non_null_na(lpp)) { |
802 | 29x |
lpp <- pg_lcpp$lpp |
803 |
804 | 50x |
if (non_null_na(cpp)) { |
805 | 22x |
cpp <- pg_lcpp$cpp |
806 |
807 | 50x |
stopifnot(!is.na(cpp)) |
808 | ||
809 | 50x |
max_width <- .handle_max_width(tf_wrap, max_width, cpp, colwidths, col_gap, inset) |
810 | ||
811 | 50x |
page_size_spec( |
812 | 50x |
lpp = lpp, cpp = cpp, max_width = max_width, |
813 |
## font_family = font_family,
814 |
## font_size = font_size,
815 |
## lineheight = lineheight
816 | 50x |
fontspec = fontspec |
817 |
818 |
819 | ||
820 |
calc_rlpp <- function(pg_size_spec, mf, colwidths, tf_wrap, verbose) { |
821 | 48x |
lpp <- pg_size_spec$lpp |
822 | 48x |
max_width <- pg_size_spec$max_width |
823 | 48x |
fontspec <- get_font_spec(pg_size_spec) |
824 | 48x |
dh <- divider_height(mf) |
825 | 48x |
if (any(nzchar(all_titles(mf)))) { |
826 |
## +1 is for blank line between subtitles and divider
827 |
## dh is for divider line **between subtitles and column labels**
828 |
## other divider line is accounted for in cinfo_lines
829 | 24x |
if (!tf_wrap) { |
830 | 12x |
tlines <- length(all_titles(mf)) |
831 |
} else { |
832 | 12x |
tlines <- sum(nlines(all_titles(mf), colwidths = colwidths, max_width = max_width, fontspec = fontspec)) |
833 |
834 | 24x |
tlines <- tlines + dh + 1L |
835 |
} else { |
836 | 24x |
tlines <- 0 |
837 |
838 | ||
839 |
## dh for divider line between column labels and table body
840 | 48x |
cinfo_lines <- mf_nlheader(mf) + dh |
841 | ||
842 | 48x |
if (verbose) { |
843 | 17x |
message( |
844 | 17x |
"Determining lines required for header content: ",
845 | 17x |
tlines, " title and ", cinfo_lines, " table header lines" |
846 |
847 |
848 | ||
849 | 48x |
refdf <- mf_fnote_df(mf) |
850 | 48x |
cfn_df <- refdf[is.na(refdf$row) & !is.na(refdf$col), ] |
851 | ||
852 | 48x |
flines <- 0L |
853 | 48x |
mnfoot <- main_footer(mf) |
854 | 48x |
havemn <- length(mnfoot) && any(nzchar(mnfoot)) |
855 | 48x |
if (havemn) { |
856 | 25x |
flines <- nlines( |
857 | 25x |
858 | 25x |
colwidths = colwidths, |
859 | 25x |
max_width = max_width - table_inset(mf), |
860 | 25x |
fontspec = fontspec |
861 |
862 |
863 | 48x |
prfoot <- prov_footer(mf) |
864 | 48x |
if (length(prfoot) && any(nzchar(prfoot))) { |
865 | 31x |
flines <- flines + nlines(prov_footer(mf), colwidths = colwidths, max_width = max_width, fontspec = fontspec) |
866 | 31x |
if (havemn) { |
867 | 24x |
flines <- flines + 1L |
868 |
} ## space between main and prov footer. |
869 |
870 |
## this time its for the divider between the footers and whatever is above them
871 |
## (either table body or referential footnotes)
872 | 48x |
if (flines > 0) { |
873 | 32x |
flines <- flines + dh + 1L |
874 |
875 |
## this time its for the divider between the referential footnotes and
876 |
## the table body IFF we have any, otherwise that divider+blanks pace doesn't get drawn
877 | 48x |
if (NROW(cfn_df) > 0) { |
878 | ! |
cinfo_lines <- cinfo_lines + sum(cfn_df$nlines) |
879 | ! |
flines <- flines + dh + 1L |
880 |
881 | ||
882 | 48x |
if (verbose) { |
883 | 17x |
message( |
884 | 17x |
"Determining lines required for footer content",
885 | 17x |
if (NROW(cfn_df) > 0) " [column fnotes present]", |
886 | 17x |
": ", flines, " lines" |
887 |
888 |
889 | ||
890 | 48x |
ret <- lpp - flines - tlines - cinfo_lines |
891 | ||
892 | 48x |
if (verbose) { |
893 | 17x |
message("Lines per page available for tables rows: ", ret, " (original: ", lpp, ")") |
894 |
895 | 48x |
896 |
897 | ||
898 |
## this is ok to be unchanged because by this point
899 |
## all of these are in terms of space widths
900 |
calc_rcpp <- function(pg_size_spec, mf, colwidths) { |
901 | ! |
cpp <- pg_size_spec$cpp |
902 | ||
903 | ! |
cpp - table_inset(mf) - colwidths[1] - mf_colgap(mf) |
904 |
905 | ||
906 |
splice_idx_lists <- function(lsts) { |
907 | ! |
list( |
908 | ! |
pag_row_indices = do.call(c, lapply(lsts, function(xi) xi$pag_row_indices)), |
909 | ! |
pag_col_indices = do.call(c, lapply(lsts, function(yi) yi$pag_col_indices)) |
910 |
911 |
912 | ||
913 |
#' Paginate a table-like object for rendering
914 |
915 |
#' These functions perform or diagnose bi-directional pagination on an object.
916 |
917 |
#' `paginate_indices` renders `obj` into a `MatrixPrintForm` (MPF), then uses that representation to
918 |
#' calculate the rows and columns of `obj` corresponding to each page of the pagination of `obj`, but
919 |
#' simply returns these indices rather than paginating `obj` itself (see Details for an important caveat).
920 |
921 |
#' `paginate_to_mpfs` renders `obj` into its MPF intermediate representation, then paginates that MPF into
922 |
#' component MPFs each corresponding to an individual page and returns those in a `list`.
923 |
924 |
#' `diagnose_pagination` attempts pagination via `paginate_to_mpfs`, then returns diagnostic information
925 |
#' which explains why page breaks were positioned where they were, or alternatively why no valid pagination
926 |
#' could be found.
927 |
928 |
#' @details
929 |
#' All three of these functions generally support all classes which have a corresponding [matrix_form()]
930 |
#' method which returns a valid `MatrixPrintForm` object (including `MatrixPrintForm` objects themselves).
931 |
932 |
#' `paginate_indices` is directly called by `paginate_to_mpfs` (and thus `diagnose_pagination`). For most
933 |
#' classes, and most tables represented by supported classes, calling `paginate_to_mpfs` is equivalent to a
934 |
#' manual `paginate_indices -> subset obj into pages -> matrix_form` workflow.
935 |
936 |
#' The exception to this equivalence is objects which support "forced pagination", or pagination logic which
937 |
#' is built into the object itself rather than being a function of space on a page. Forced pagination
938 |
#' generally involves the creation of, e.g., page-specific titles which apply to these forced paginations.
939 |
#' `paginate_to_mpfs` and `diagnose_pagination` support forced pagination by automatically calling the
940 |
#' [do_forced_paginate()] generic on the object and then paginating each object returned by that generic
941 |
#' separately. The assumption here, then, is that page-specific titles and such are handled by the class'
942 |
#' [do_forced_paginate()] method.
943 |
944 |
#' `paginate_indices`, on the other hand, *does not support forced pagination*, because it returns only a
945 |
#' set of indices for row and column subsetting for each page, and thus cannot retain any changes, e.g.,
946 |
#' to titles, done within [do_forced_paginate()]. `paginate_indices` does call [do_forced_paginate()], but
947 |
#' instead of continuing it throws an error in the case that the result is larger than a single "page".
948 |
949 |
#' @inheritParams vert_pag_indices
950 |
#' @inheritParams pag_indices_inner
951 |
#' @inheritParams page_lcpp
952 |
#' @inheritParams toString
953 |
#' @inheritParams propose_column_widths
954 |
#' @param lpp (`numeric(1)` or `NULL`)\cr lines per page. If `NA` (the default), this is calculated automatically
955 |
#' based on the specified page size). `NULL` indicates no vertical pagination should occur.
956 |
#' @param cpp (`numeric(1)` or `NULL`)\cr width (in characters) per page. If `NA` (the default), this is calculated
957 |
#' automatically based on the specified page size). `NULL` indicates no horizontal pagination should occur.
958 |
#' @param pg_size_spec (`page_size_spec`)\cr. a pre-calculated page size specification. Typically this is not set by
959 |
#' end users.
960 |
#' @param col_gap (`numeric(1)`)\cr The number of spaces to be placed between columns
961 |
#' in the rendered table (and assumed for horizontal pagination).
962 |
#' @param page_num (`string`)\cr placeholder string for page numbers. See [default_page_number] for more
963 |
#' information. Defaults to `NULL`.
964 |
965 |
#' @return
966 |
#' * `paginate_indices` returns a `list` with two elements of the same length: `pag_row_indices` and `pag_col_indices`.
967 |
#' * `paginate_to_mpfs` returns a `list` of `MatrixPrintForm` objects representing each individual page after
968 |
#' pagination (including forced pagination if necessary).
969 |
970 |
#' @examples
971 |
#' mpf <- basic_matrix_form(mtcars)
972 |
973 |
#' paginate_indices(mpf, pg_width = 5, pg_height = 3)
974 |
975 |
#' paginate_to_mpfs(mpf, pg_width = 5, pg_height = 3)
976 |
977 |
#' @aliases paginate pagination
978 |
#' @export
979 |
paginate_indices <- function(obj, |
980 |
page_type = "letter", |
981 |
font_family = "Courier", |
982 |
font_size = 8, |
983 |
lineheight = 1, |
984 |
landscape = FALSE, |
985 |
pg_width = NULL, |
986 |
pg_height = NULL, |
987 |
margins = c(top = .5, bottom = .5, left = .75, right = .75), |
988 |
lpp = NA_integer_, |
989 |
cpp = NA_integer_, |
990 |
min_siblings = 2, |
991 |
nosplitin = list( |
992 |
rows = character(), |
993 |
cols = character() |
994 |
995 |
colwidths = NULL, |
996 |
tf_wrap = FALSE, |
997 |
max_width = NULL, |
998 |
indent_size = 2, |
999 |
pg_size_spec = NULL, |
1000 |
rep_cols = num_rep_cols(obj), |
1001 |
col_gap = 3, |
1002 |
fontspec = font_spec(font_family, font_size, lineheight), |
1003 |
round_type = c("iec", "sas"), |
1004 |
verbose = FALSE) { |
1005 |
## this preserves backwards compatibility
1006 |
## could start deprecation cycle of char input
1007 | 50x |
if (is.character(nosplitin)) { |
1008 | 47x |
nosplitin <- list( |
1009 | 47x |
rows = nosplitin, |
1010 | 47x |
cols = character() |
1011 |
1012 |
1013 | 50x |
newdev <- open_font_dev(fontspec) |
1014 | 50x |
if (newdev) { |
1015 | 3x |
on.exit(close_font_dev()) |
1016 |
1017 |
## this MUST alsways return a list, inluding list(obj) when
1018 |
## no forced pagination is needed! otherwise stuff breaks for things
1019 |
## based on s3 classes that are lists underneath!!!
1020 | 50x |
fpags <- do_forced_paginate(obj) |
1021 |
## if we have more than one forced "page",
1022 |
## paginate each of them individually and return the result.
1023 |
## forced pagination is ***currently*** only vertical, so
1024 |
## we don't have to worry about divying up colwidths here,
1025 |
## but we will if we ever allow force_paginate to do horiz
1026 |
## pagination.
1027 | 50x |
if (length(fpags) > 1) { |
1028 | 1x |
stop( |
1029 | 1x |
"forced pagination is required for this object (class: ", class(obj)[1], |
1030 | 1x |
") this is not supported in paginate_indices. Use paginate_to_mpfs or call ",
1031 | 1x |
"do_forced_paginate on your object and paginate each returned section separately."
1032 |
1033 |
1034 | ||
1035 |
## order is annoying here, since we won't actually need the mpf if
1036 |
## we run into forced pagination, but life is short and this should work fine.
1037 | 49x |
mpf <- matrix_form(obj, TRUE, TRUE, indent_size = indent_size, fontspec = fontspec, round_type = round_type) |
1038 | 49x |
if (is.null(colwidths)) { |
1039 | 2x |
colwidths <- mf_col_widths(mpf) %||% propose_column_widths(mpf, fontspec = fontspec, round_type = round_type) |
1040 |
} else { |
1041 | 47x |
mf_col_widths(mpf) <- colwidths |
1042 |
1043 | ||
1044 | 49x |
mf_colgap(mpf) <- col_gap |
1045 | 49x |
if (!is.null(rep_cols) && rep_cols != num_rep_cols(obj)) { |
1046 | 3x |
num_rep_cols(mpf) <- rep_cols |
1047 |
1048 | 49x |
if (NROW(mf_cinfo(mpf)) == 0) { |
1049 | ! |
mpf <- mpf_infer_cinfo(mpf, colwidths, rep_cols, fontspec = fontspec) |
1050 |
1051 | ||
1052 | 49x |
if (is.null(pg_size_spec)) { |
1053 | 2x |
pg_size_spec <- calc_lcpp( |
1054 | 2x |
page_type = page_type, |
1055 |
## font_family = font_family,
1056 |
## font_size = font_size,
1057 |
## lineheight = lineheight,
1058 | 2x |
fontspec = fontspec, |
1059 | 2x |
landscape = landscape, |
1060 | 2x |
pg_width = pg_width, |
1061 | 2x |
pg_height = pg_height, |
1062 | 2x |
margins = margins, |
1063 | 2x |
lpp = lpp, |
1064 | 2x |
cpp = cpp, |
1065 | 2x |
tf_wrap = tf_wrap, |
1066 | 2x |
max_width = max_width, |
1067 | 2x |
colwidths = colwidths, |
1068 | 2x |
inset = table_inset(mpf), |
1069 | 2x |
col_gap = col_gap |
1070 |
1071 |
1072 | ||
1073 |
## we can't support forced pagination in paginate_indices because
1074 |
## forced pagination is generally going to set page titles, which
1075 |
## we can't preserve when just returning lists of indices.
1076 |
## Instead we make a hard assumption here that any forced pagination
1077 |
## has already occurred.
1078 | ||
1079 |
## this wraps the cell contents AND shoves referential footnote
1080 |
## info into mf_rinfo(mpf)
1081 | 49x |
mpf <- do_cell_fnotes_wrap(mpf, colwidths, max_width, tf_wrap = tf_wrap, fontspec = fontspec) |
1082 | ||
1083 |
# rlistings note: if there is a wrapping in a keycol, it is not calculated correctly
1084 |
# in the above call, so we need to keep this information in mf_rinfo
1085 |
# and use it here.
1086 | 49x |
mfri <- mf_rinfo(mpf) |
1087 | 49x |
keycols <- .get_keycols_from_listing(obj) |
1088 | 49x |
if (NROW(mfri) > 1 && .is_listing_mf(mpf) && length(keycols) > 0) { |
1089 |
# Lets determine the groupings created by keycols
1090 | 12x |
keycols_grouping_df <- NULL |
1091 | 12x |
for (i in seq_along(keycols)) { |
1092 | 24x |
kcol <- keycols[i] |
1093 | 24x |
if (is(obj, "MatrixPrintForm")) { |
1094 |
# This makes the function work also in the case we have only matrix form (mainly for testing purposes)
1095 | 24x |
kcolvec <- mf_strings(obj)[, mf_strings(obj)[1, , drop = TRUE] == kcol][-1] |
1096 | 24x |
while (any(kcolvec == "")) { |
1097 | 284x |
kcolvec[which(kcolvec == "")] <- kcolvec[which(kcolvec == "") - 1] |
1098 |
1099 |
} else { |
1100 | ! |
kcolvec <- obj[[kcol]] |
1101 | ! |
kcolvec <- vapply(kcolvec, format_value, "", format = obj_format(kcolvec), na_str = obj_na_str(kcolvec)) |
1102 |
1103 | 24x |
groupings <- as.numeric(factor(kcolvec, levels = unique(kcolvec))) |
1104 | 24x |
where_they_start <- which(c(1, diff(groupings)) > 0) |
1105 | 24x |
keycols_grouping_df <- cbind( |
1106 | 24x |
1107 | 24x |
where_they_start[groupings] |
1108 | 24x |
) # take the groupings |
1109 |
1110 | ||
1111 |
# Creating the real self_extend for mf_rinfo (if the line is chosen for pagination start)
1112 | 12x |
self_extent_df <- apply(keycols_grouping_df, 2, function(x) mfri$self_extent[x]) |
1113 | 12x |
mf_rinfo(mpf) <- cbind(mfri, "self_extent_page_break" = apply(self_extent_df, 1, max)) |
1114 |
1115 | ||
1116 | 49x |
if (is.null(pg_size_spec$lpp)) { |
1117 | 1x |
pag_row_indices <- list(seq_len(mf_nrow(mpf))) |
1118 |
} else { |
1119 | 48x |
rlpp <- calc_rlpp( |
1120 | 48x |
pg_size_spec, mpf, |
1121 | 48x |
colwidths = colwidths, |
1122 | 48x |
tf_wrap = tf_wrap, verbose = verbose |
1123 |
1124 | 48x |
pag_row_indices <- pag_indices_inner( |
1125 | 48x |
pagdf = mf_rinfo(mpf), |
1126 | 48x |
rlpp = rlpp, |
1127 | 48x |
lpp_or_cpp = pg_size_spec$lpp, |
1128 | 48x |
context_lpp_or_cpp = pg_size_spec$lpp - rlpp, |
1129 | 48x |
verbose = verbose, |
1130 | 48x |
min_siblings = min_siblings, |
1131 | 48x |
nosplitin = nosplitin[["rows"]], |
1132 | 48x |
col_gap = col_gap, |
1133 | 48x |
has_rowlabels = mf_has_rlabels(mpf) |
1134 |
1135 |
1136 | ||
1137 | 44x |
if (is.null(pg_size_spec$cpp)) { |
1138 | 1x |
pag_col_indices <- list(seq_len(mf_ncol(mpf))) |
1139 |
} else { |
1140 | 43x |
pag_col_indices <- vert_pag_indices( |
1141 | 43x |
1142 | 43x |
cpp = pg_size_spec$cpp, colwidths = colwidths, |
1143 | 43x |
rep_cols = rep_cols, fontspec = fontspec, |
1144 | 43x |
nosplitin = nosplitin[["cols"]], |
1145 | 43x |
round_type = round_type, |
1146 | 43x |
verbose = verbose |
1147 |
1148 |
1149 | ||
1150 | 43x |
list(pag_row_indices = pag_row_indices, pag_col_indices = pag_col_indices) |
1151 |
1152 | ||
1153 | 47x |
setGeneric("has_page_title", function(obj) standardGeneric("has_page_title")) |
1154 | ||
1155 | 47x |
setMethod("has_page_title", "ANY", function(obj) length(page_titles(obj)) > 0) |
1156 | ||
1157 |
#' @rdname paginate_indices
1158 |
#' @export
1159 |
paginate_to_mpfs <- function(obj, |
1160 |
page_type = "letter", |
1161 |
font_family = "Courier", |
1162 |
font_size = 8, |
1163 |
lineheight = 1, |
1164 |
landscape = FALSE, |
1165 |
pg_width = NULL, |
1166 |
pg_height = NULL, |
1167 |
margins = c(top = .5, bottom = .5, left = .75, right = .75), |
1168 |
lpp = NA_integer_, |
1169 |
cpp = NA_integer_, |
1170 |
min_siblings = 2, |
1171 |
nosplitin = character(), |
1172 |
colwidths = NULL, |
1173 |
tf_wrap = FALSE, |
1174 |
max_width = NULL, |
1175 |
indent_size = 2, |
1176 |
pg_size_spec = NULL, |
1177 |
page_num = default_page_number(), |
1178 |
rep_cols = NULL, |
1179 |
# rep_cols = num_rep_cols(obj),
1180 |
# col_gap = 3, # this could be change in default - breaking change
1181 |
col_gap = 3, |
1182 |
fontspec = font_spec(font_family, font_size, lineheight), |
1183 |
round_type = c("iec", "sas"), |
1184 |
verbose = FALSE) { |
1185 | 57x |
newdev <- open_font_dev(fontspec) |
1186 | 57x |
if (newdev) { |
1187 | 32x |
on.exit(close_font_dev()) |
1188 |
1189 | ||
1190 | 57x |
if (isTRUE(page_num)) { |
1191 | 1x |
page_num <- "page {i}/{n}" |
1192 |
1193 | 57x |
checkmate::assert_string(page_num, null.ok = TRUE, min.chars = 1) |
1194 | ||
1195 |
# We can return a list of paginated tables and listings
1196 | 57x |
if (.is_list_of_tables_or_listings(obj)) { |
1197 | 8x |
cur_call <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE) |
1198 | 8x |
mpfs <- unlist( |
1199 | 8x |
lapply(obj, function(obj_i) { |
1200 | 15x |
cur_call[["obj"]] <- obj_i |
1201 | 15x |
eval(cur_call, envir = parent.frame(3L)) |
1202 |
}), |
1203 | 8x |
recursive = FALSE |
1204 |
1205 | ||
1206 | 7x |
if (!is.null(page_num)) { |
1207 | 3x |
extracted_cpp <- max( |
1208 | 3x |
sapply(mpfs, function(mpf) { |
1209 | 12x |
pf <- prov_footer(mpf) |
1210 | 12x |
nchar(pf[length(pf)]) |
1211 |
}) |
1212 |
1213 | 3x |
mpfs <- .modify_footer_for_page_nums(mpfs, page_num, extracted_cpp) |
1214 |
1215 | ||
1216 | 7x |
return(mpfs) |
1217 |
1218 | ||
1219 | 49x |
if (!is.null(page_num)) { |
1220 |
# Only adding a line for pagination -> lpp - 1 would have worked too
1221 | 14x |
prov_footer(obj) <- c(prov_footer(obj), page_num) |
1222 |
1223 | ||
1224 | 49x |
mpf <- matrix_form(obj, TRUE, TRUE, indent_size = indent_size, fontspec = fontspec, round_type = round_type) |
1225 |
# For listings, keycols are mandatory rep_num_cols
1226 | 49x |
if (is.null(rep_cols)) { |
1227 | 44x |
rep_cols <- num_rep_cols(obj) |
1228 |
1229 | 49x |
num_rep_cols(mpf) <- rep_cols |
1230 | ||
1231 |
# Turning off min_siblings for listings
1232 | 49x |
if (.is_listing_mf(mpf)) { |
1233 | 13x |
min_siblings <- 0 |
1234 |
1235 | ||
1236 |
# Checking colwidths
1237 | 49x |
if (is.null(colwidths)) { |
1238 | 33x |
colwidths <- mf_col_widths(mpf) %||% propose_column_widths(mpf, fontspec = fontspec, round_type = round_type) |
1239 |
} else { |
1240 | 16x |
cur_ncol <- ncol(mpf) |
1241 | 16x |
if (!.is_listing_mf(mpf)) { |
1242 | 10x |
cur_ncol <- cur_ncol + as.numeric(mf_has_rlabels(mpf)) |
1243 |
1244 | 16x |
if (length(colwidths) != cur_ncol) { |
1245 | 1x |
stop( |
1246 | 1x |
"non-null colwidths argument must have length ncol(x) (+ 1 if row labels are present and if it is a table) [",
1247 | 1x |
cur_ncol, "], got length ", length(colwidths) |
1248 |
1249 |
1250 | 15x |
mf_col_widths(mpf) <- colwidths |
1251 |
1252 | ||
1253 | 48x |
if (NROW(mf_cinfo(mpf)) == 0) { |
1254 | ! |
mpf <- mpf_infer_cinfo(mpf, colwidths, rep_cols, fontspec = fontspec) |
1255 |
1256 | ||
1257 | 48x |
if (is.null(pg_size_spec)) { |
1258 | 46x |
pg_size_spec <- calc_lcpp( |
1259 | 46x |
page_type = page_type, |
1260 |
## font_family = font_family,
1261 |
## font_size = font_size,
1262 |
## lineheight = lineheight,
1263 | 46x |
fontspec = fontspec, |
1264 | 46x |
landscape = landscape, |
1265 | 46x |
pg_width = pg_width, |
1266 | 46x |
pg_height = pg_height, |
1267 | 46x |
margins = margins, |
1268 | 46x |
lpp = lpp, |
1269 | 46x |
cpp = cpp, |
1270 | 46x |
tf_wrap = tf_wrap, |
1271 | 46x |
max_width = max_width, |
1272 | 46x |
colwidths = colwidths, |
1273 | 46x |
inset = table_inset(mpf), |
1274 | 46x |
col_gap = col_gap |
1275 |
1276 |
1277 |
## this MUST always return a list, including list(obj) when
1278 |
## no forced pagination is needed! otherwise stuff breaks for things
1279 |
## based on s3 classes that are lists underneath!!!
1280 | 48x |
fpags <- do_forced_paginate(obj) |
1281 | ||
1282 |
## if we have more than one forced "page",
1283 |
## paginate each of them individually and return the result.
1284 |
## forced pagination is ***currently*** only vertical, so
1285 |
## we don't have to worry about divying up colwidths here,
1286 |
## but we will if we ever allow force_paginate to do horiz
1287 |
## pagination.
1288 | 48x |
if (length(fpags) > 1) { |
1289 |
# Correction for case we are entering here (page_by)
1290 | 1x |
if (!is.null(page_num)) { |
1291 | ! |
prov_footer(obj) <- head(prov_footer(obj), -1) |
1292 | ! |
fpags <- lapply(fpags, function(x) { |
1293 | ! |
prov_footer(x) <- head(prov_footer(x), -1) |
1294 | ! |
1295 |
}) |
1296 |
1297 |
# XXX to merge with listings and avoid recursive (after PR #296)
1298 | 1x |
deep_pag <- paginate_to_mpfs( # what about the other parameters? |
1299 | 1x |
1300 | 1x |
pg_size_spec = pg_size_spec, |
1301 | 1x |
colwidths = colwidths, |
1302 | 1x |
min_siblings = min_siblings, |
1303 | 1x |
nosplitin = nosplitin, |
1304 | 1x |
fontspec = fontspec, |
1305 | 1x |
verbose = verbose, |
1306 | 1x |
rep_cols = rep_cols, |
1307 | 1x |
page_num = page_num, |
1308 | 1x |
round_type = round_type |
1309 |
1310 | 1x |
return(deep_pag) |
1311 | 47x |
} else if (has_page_title(fpags[[1]])) { |
1312 | ! |
obj <- fpags[[1]] |
1313 |
1314 | ||
1315 |
## we run into forced pagination, but life is short and this should work fine.
1316 | 47x |
mpf <- matrix_form(obj, TRUE, TRUE, indent_size = indent_size, fontspec = fontspec, round_type = round_type) |
1317 | 47x |
num_rep_cols(mpf) <- rep_cols |
1318 | 47x |
if (is.null(colwidths)) { |
1319 | ! |
colwidths <- mf_col_widths(mpf) %||% propose_column_widths(mpf, fontspec = fontspec, round_type = round_type) |
1320 |
1321 | 47x |
mf_col_widths(mpf) <- colwidths |
1322 | 47x |
mf_colgap(mpf) <- col_gap |
1323 | ||
1324 | 47x |
page_indices <- paginate_indices( |
1325 | 47x |
obj = obj, |
1326 |
## page_type = page_type,
1327 |
## font_family = font_family,
1328 |
## font_size = font_size,
1329 |
## lineheight = lineheight,
1330 |
## landscape = landscape,
1331 |
## pg_width = pg_width,
1332 |
## pg_height = pg_height,
1333 |
## margins = margins,
1334 | 47x |
pg_size_spec = pg_size_spec, |
1335 |
## lpp = lpp,
1336 |
## cpp = cpp,
1337 | 47x |
min_siblings = min_siblings, |
1338 | 47x |
nosplitin = nosplitin, |
1339 | 47x |
colwidths = colwidths, |
1340 | 47x |
tf_wrap = tf_wrap, |
1341 |
## max_width = max_width,
1342 | 47x |
rep_cols = rep_cols, |
1343 | 47x |
verbose = verbose, |
1344 | 47x |
col_gap = col_gap, |
1345 | 47x |
fontspec = fontspec, |
1346 | 47x |
round_type = round_type |
1347 |
1348 | ||
1349 | 43x |
pagmats <- lapply(page_indices$pag_row_indices, function(ii) { |
1350 | 89x |
mpf_subset_rows(mpf, ii, keycols = .get_keycols_from_listing(obj)) |
1351 |
}) |
1352 |
## these chunks now carry around their (correctly subset) col widths...
1353 | 43x |
res <- lapply(pagmats, function(matii) { |
1354 | 89x |
lapply(page_indices$pag_col_indices, function(jj) { |
1355 | 220x |
mpf_subset_cols(matii, jj, keycols = .get_keycols_from_listing(obj)) |
1356 |
}) |
1357 |
}) |
1358 | ||
1359 | 43x |
res <- unlist(res, recursive = FALSE) |
1360 | ||
1361 |
# Adding page numbers if needed
1362 | 43x |
if (!is.null(page_num)) { |
1363 | 14x |
res <- .modify_footer_for_page_nums( |
1364 | 14x |
mf_list = res, |
1365 | 14x |
page_num_format = page_num, |
1366 | 14x |
current_cpp = pg_size_spec$cpp |
1367 |
1368 |
1369 | ||
1370 | 42x |
1371 |
1372 | ||
1373 |
.modify_footer_for_page_nums <- function(mf_list, page_num_format, current_cpp) { |
1374 | 17x |
total_pages <- length(mf_list) |
1375 | 17x |
page_str <- gsub("\\{n\\}", total_pages, page_num_format) |
1376 | 17x |
page_nums <- vapply( |
1377 | 17x |
seq_len(total_pages), |
1378 | 17x |
function(x) { |
1379 | 135x |
gsub("\\{i\\}", x, page_str) |
1380 |
1381 | 17x |
FUN.VALUE = character(1) |
1382 |
1383 | 17x |
page_footer <- sprintf(paste0("%", current_cpp, "s"), page_nums) |
1384 | 17x |
if (any(nchar(page_footer) > current_cpp)) { |
1385 | 1x |
stop("Page numbering string (page_num) is too wide to fit the desired page size width (cpp).") |
1386 |
1387 | ||
1388 | 16x |
lapply(seq_along(mf_list), function(pg_i) { |
1389 | 69x |
prov_footer(mf_list[[pg_i]]) <- c(head(prov_footer(mf_list[[pg_i]]), -1), page_footer[pg_i]) |
1390 | 69x |
mf_list[[pg_i]] |
1391 |
}) |
1392 |
1393 | ||
1394 |
# This works only with matrix_form objects
1395 |
.is_listing_mf <- function(mf) { |
1396 | 1143x |
all(mf_rinfo(mf)$node_class == "listing_df") |
1397 |
1398 | ||
1399 |
# Extended copy of get_keycols
1400 |
.get_keycols_from_listing <- function(obj) { |
1401 | 88x |
if (is(obj, "listing_df")) { |
1402 | ! |
names(which(sapply(obj, is, class2 = "listing_keycol"))) |
1403 | 88x |
} else if (is(obj, "MatrixPrintForm") && .is_listing_mf(obj)) { |
1404 | 52x |
obj$listing_keycols |
1405 |
} else { |
1406 | 36x |
NULL # table case |
1407 |
1408 |
1409 | ||
1410 |
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
1411 |
#' @details
1412 |
#' `diagnose_pagination` attempts pagination and then, regardless of success or failure, returns diagnostic
1413 |
#' information about pagination attempts (if any) after each row and column.
1414 |
1415 |
#' The diagnostics data reflects the final time the pagination algorithm evaluated a page break at the
1416 |
#' specified location, regardless of how many times the position was assessed in total.
1417 |
1418 |
#' To get information about intermediate attempts, perform pagination with `verbose = TRUE` and inspect
1419 |
#' the messages in order.
1420 |
1421 |
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
1422 |
1423 |
#' @return
1424 |
#' * `diagnose_pagination` returns a `list` containing:
1425 |
1426 |
#' \describe{
1427 |
#' \item{`lpp_diagnostics`}{Diagnostic information regarding lines per page.}
1428 |
#' \item{`row_diagnostics`}{Basic information about rows, whether pagination was attempted
1429 |
#' after each row, and the final result of such an attempt, if made.}
1430 |
#' \item{`cpp_diagnostics`}{Diagnostic information regarding columns per page.}
1431 |
#' \item{`col_diagnostics`}{Very basic information about leaf columns, whether pagination
1432 |
#' was attempted after each leaf column, ad the final result of such attempts, if made.}
1433 |
#' }
1434 |
1435 |
#' @note
1436 |
#' For `diagnose_pagination`, the column labels are not displayed in the `col_diagnostics` element
1437 |
#' due to certain internal implementation details; rather the diagnostics are reported in terms of
1438 |
#' absolute (leaf) column position. This is a known limitation, and may eventually be changed, but the
1439 |
#' information remains useful as it is currently reported.
1440 |
1441 |
#' `diagnose_pagination` is intended for interactive debugging use and *should not be programmed against*,
1442 |
#' as the exact content and form of the verbose messages it captures and returns is subject to change.
1443 |
1444 |
#' Because `diagnose_pagination` relies on `capture.output(type = "message")`, it cannot be used within the
1445 |
#' `testthat` (and likely other) testing frameworks, and likely cannot be used within `knitr`/`rmarkdown`
1446 |
#' contexts either, as this clashes with those systems' capture of messages.
1447 |
1448 |
#' @examples
1449 |
#' diagnose_pagination(mpf, pg_width = 5, pg_height = 3)
1450 |
#' clws <- propose_column_widths(mpf)
1451 |
#' clws[1] <- floor(clws[1] / 3)
1452 |
#' dgnost <- diagnose_pagination(mpf, pg_width = 5, pg_height = 3, colwidths = clws)
1453 |
#' try(diagnose_pagination(mpf, pg_width = 1)) # fails
1454 |
1455 |
#' @rdname paginate_indices
1456 |
#' @export
1457 |
diagnose_pagination <- function(obj, |
1458 |
page_type = "letter", |
1459 |
font_family = "Courier", |
1460 |
font_size = 8, |
1461 |
lineheight = 1, |
1462 |
landscape = FALSE, |
1463 |
pg_width = NULL, |
1464 |
pg_height = NULL, |
1465 |
margins = c(top = .5, bottom = .5, left = .75, right = .75), |
1466 |
lpp = NA_integer_, |
1467 |
cpp = NA_integer_, |
1468 |
min_siblings = 2, |
1469 |
nosplitin = character(), |
1470 |
colwidths = propose_column_widths(matrix_form(obj, TRUE, round_type = round_type), |
1471 |
fontspec = fontspec, round_type = round_type |
1472 |
1473 |
tf_wrap = FALSE, |
1474 |
max_width = NULL, |
1475 |
indent_size = 2, |
1476 |
pg_size_spec = NULL, |
1477 |
rep_cols = num_rep_cols(obj), |
1478 |
col_gap = 3, |
1479 |
verbose = FALSE, |
1480 |
fontspec = font_spec( |
1481 |
1482 |
1483 |
1484 |
1485 |
round_type = c("iec", "sas"), |
1486 |
...) { |
1487 | 6x |
new_dev <- open_font_dev(fontspec) |
1488 | 6x |
if (new_dev) { |
1489 | 4x |
on.exit(close_font_dev()) |
1490 |
1491 | 6x |
fpag <- do_forced_paginate(obj) |
1492 | 6x |
if (length(fpag) > 1) { |
1493 | 1x |
return(lapply( |
1494 | 1x |
1495 | 1x |
1496 | 1x |
page_type = page_type, |
1497 | 1x |
landscape = landscape, |
1498 | 1x |
pg_width = pg_width, |
1499 | 1x |
pg_height = pg_height, |
1500 | 1x |
margins = margins, |
1501 | 1x |
lpp = lpp, |
1502 | 1x |
cpp = cpp, |
1503 | 1x |
tf_wrap = tf_wrap, |
1504 | 1x |
max_width = max_width, |
1505 | 1x |
colwidths = colwidths, |
1506 | 1x |
col_gap = col_gap, |
1507 | 1x |
min_siblings = min_siblings, |
1508 | 1x |
nosplitin = nosplitin, |
1509 | 1x |
fontspec = fontspec, |
1510 | 1x |
round_type = round_type |
1511 |
)) |
1512 |
1513 | ||
1514 | 5x |
mpf <- matrix_form(obj, TRUE, fontspec = fontspec) |
1515 | 5x |
msgres <- capture.output( |
1516 |
1517 | 5x |
tmp <- try( |
1518 | 5x |
paginate_to_mpfs( |
1519 | 5x |
1520 | 5x |
page_type = page_type, |
1521 | 5x |
landscape = landscape, |
1522 | 5x |
pg_width = pg_width, |
1523 | 5x |
pg_height = pg_height, |
1524 | 5x |
margins = margins, |
1525 | 5x |
lpp = lpp, |
1526 | 5x |
cpp = cpp, |
1527 | 5x |
tf_wrap = tf_wrap, |
1528 | 5x |
max_width = max_width, |
1529 | 5x |
colwidths = colwidths, |
1530 | 5x |
col_gap = col_gap, |
1531 | 5x |
min_siblings = min_siblings, |
1532 | 5x |
nosplitin = nosplitin, |
1533 | 5x |
fontspec = fontspec, |
1534 | 5x |
round_type = round_type, |
1535 | 5x |
verbose = TRUE |
1536 |
1537 |
1538 |
1539 | 5x |
type = "message" |
1540 |
1541 | 5x |
if (is(tmp, "try-error") && grepl("Width of row labels equal to or larger", tmp)) { |
1542 | ! |
cond <- attr(tmp, "condition") |
1543 | ! |
stop(conditionMessage(cond), call. = conditionCall(cond)) |
1544 |
1545 | ||
1546 | 5x |
lpp_diagnostic <- grep("^(Determining lines|Lines per page available).*$", msgres, value = TRUE) |
1547 | 5x |
cpp_diagnostic <- unique(grep("^Adjusted characters per page.*$", msgres, value = TRUE)) |
1548 | ||
1549 | 5x |
mpf <- do_cell_fnotes_wrap( |
1550 | 5x |
1551 | 5x |
widths = colwidths, max_width = max_width, tf_wrap = tf_wrap, |
1552 | 5x |
fontspec = font_spec(font_family, font_size, lineheight) |
1553 |
1554 | 5x |
mpf <- mpf_infer_cinfo(mpf, colwidths = colwidths, fontspec = fontspec) |
1555 | ||
1556 | 5x |
rownls <- grep("Checking pagination after row", msgres, fixed = TRUE) |
1557 | 5x |
rownum <- as.integer(gsub("[^[:digit:]]*(.*)$", "\\1", msgres[rownls])) |
1558 | 5x |
rowmsgs <- vapply(unique(rownum), function(ii) { |
1559 | ! |
idx <- max(which(rownum == ii)) |
1560 | ! |
gsub("\\t[.]*", "", msgres[rownls[idx] + 1]) |
1561 |
}, "") |
1562 | ||
1563 | 5x |
msgdf <- data.frame( |
1564 | 5x |
abs_rownumber = unique(rownum), |
1565 | 5x |
final_pag_result = rowmsgs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE |
1566 |
1567 | 5x |
rdf <- mf_rinfo(mpf)[, c("abs_rownumber", "label", "self_extent", "par_extent", "node_class")] |
1568 | 5x |
rdf$pag_attempted <- rdf$abs_rownumber %in% rownum |
1569 | 5x |
row_diagnose <- merge(rdf, msgdf, by = "abs_rownumber", all.x = TRUE) |
1570 | ||
1571 | 5x |
colnls <- grep("Checking pagination after column", msgres, fixed = TRUE) |
1572 | 5x |
colnum <- as.integer(gsub("[^[:digit:]]*(.*)$", "\\1", msgres[colnls])) |
1573 | 5x |
colmsgs <- vapply(unique(colnum), function(ii) { |
1574 | ! |
idx <- max(which(colnum == ii)) |
1575 | ! |
gsub("\\t[.]*", "", msgres[colnls[idx] + 1]) |
1576 |
}, "") |
1577 | ||
1578 | 5x |
colmsgdf <- data.frame( |
1579 | 5x |
abs_rownumber = unique(colnum), |
1580 | 5x |
final_pag_result = colmsgs, |
1581 | 5x |
stringsAsFactors = FALSE |
1582 |
1583 | 5x |
cdf <- mf_cinfo(mpf)[, c("abs_rownumber", "self_extent")] |
1584 | 5x |
cdf$pag_attempted <- cdf$abs_rownumber %in% colnum |
1585 | 5x |
col_diagnose <- merge(cdf, colmsgdf, by = "abs_rownumber", all.x = TRUE) |
1586 | 5x |
names(col_diagnose) <- gsub("^abs_rownumber$", "abs_colnumber", names(col_diagnose)) |
1587 | 5x |
list( |
1588 | 5x |
lpp_diagnostics = lpp_diagnostic, |
1589 | 5x |
row_diagnostics = row_diagnose, |
1590 | 5x |
cpp_diagnostics = cpp_diagnostic, |
1591 | 5x |
col_diagnostics = col_diagnose |
1592 |
1593 |
1 |
### This file defines the generics which make up the interface `formatters` offers.
2 |
### Defining methods for these generics for a new table-like class should be fully
3 |
### sufficient for hooking that class up to the `formatters` pagination and rendering
4 |
### machinery.
5 | ||
6 |
#' Make row layout summary data frames for use during pagination
7 |
8 |
#' All relevant information about table rows (e.g. indentations) is summarized in a `data.frame`.
9 |
#' This function works **only** on `rtables` and `rlistings` objects, and not on their `print` counterparts
10 |
#' (like [`MatrixPrintForm`]).
11 |
12 |
#' @inheritParams open_font_dev
13 |
#' @inheritParams format_value
14 |
#' @param tt (`ANY`)\cr object representing the table-like object to be summarized.
15 |
#' @param visible_only (`flag`)\cr should only visible aspects of the table structure be reflected
16 |
#' in this summary. Defaults to `TRUE`. May not be supported by all methods.
17 |
#' @param incontent (`flag`)\cr internal detail, do not set manually.
18 |
#' @param repr_ext (`integer(1)`)\cr internal detail, do not set manually.
19 |
#' @param repr_inds (`integer`)\cr internal detail, do not set manually.
20 |
#' @param sibpos (`integer(1)`)\cr internal detail, do not set manually.
21 |
#' @param nsibs (`integer(1)`)\cr internal detail, do not set manually.
22 |
#' @param rownum (`numeric(1)`)\cr internal detail, do not set manually.
23 |
#' @param indent (`integer(1)`)\cr internal detail, do not set manually.
24 |
#' @param colwidths (`numeric`)\cr internal detail, do not set manually.
25 |
#' @param path (`character`)\cr path to the (sub)table represented by `tt`. Defaults to `character()`.
26 |
#' @param max_width (`numeric(1)` or `NULL`)\cr maximum width for title/footer materials.
27 |
#' @param col_gap (`numeric(1)`)\cr the gap to be assumed between columns, in number of spaces with
28 |
#' font specified by `fontspec`.
29 |
30 |
#' @import methods
31 |
#' @include matrix_form.R
32 |
33 |
#' @details
34 |
#' When `visible_only` is `TRUE` (the default), methods should return a `data.frame` with exactly one
35 |
#' row per visible row in the table-like object. This is useful when reasoning about how a table will
36 |
#' print, but does not reflect the full pathing space of the structure (though the paths which are given
37 |
#' will all work as is).
38 |
39 |
#' If supported, when `visible_only` is `FALSE`, every structural element of the table (in row-space)
40 |
#' will be reflected in the returned `data.frame`, meaning the full pathing-space will be represented
41 |
#' but some rows in the layout summary will not represent printed rows in the table as it is displayed.
42 |
43 |
#' Most arguments beyond `tt` and `visible_only` are present so that `make_row_df` methods can call
44 |
#' `make_row_df` recursively and retain information, and should not be set during a top-level call.
45 |
46 |
#' @return A `data.frame` of row/column-structure information used by the pagination machinery.
47 |
48 |
#' @note The technically present root tree node is excluded from the summary returned by
49 |
#' both `make_row_df` and `make_col_df` (see relevant functions in`rtables`), as it is the
50 |
#' row/column structure of `tt` and thus not useful for pathing or pagination.
51 |
52 |
#' @examples
53 |
#' # Expected error with matrix_form. For real case examples consult {rtables} documentation
54 |
#' mf <- basic_matrix_form(iris)
55 |
#' # make_row_df(mf) # Use table obj instead
56 |
57 |
#' @export
58 |
#' @name make_row_df
59 |
setGeneric("make_row_df", function(tt, colwidths = NULL, visible_only = TRUE, |
60 |
rownum = 0, |
61 |
indent = 0L, |
62 |
path = character(), |
63 |
incontent = FALSE, |
64 |
repr_ext = 0L, |
65 |
repr_inds = integer(), |
66 |
sibpos = NA_integer_, |
67 |
nsibs = NA_integer_, |
68 |
max_width = NULL, |
69 |
fontspec = font_spec(), |
70 |
col_gap = 3L, |
71 |
round_type = c("iec", "sas")) { |
72 | 1x |
standardGeneric("make_row_df") |
73 |
}) |
74 | ||
75 |
#' @rdname make_row_df
76 |
setMethod("make_row_df", "MatrixPrintForm", function(tt, colwidths = NULL, visible_only = TRUE, |
77 |
rownum = 0, |
78 |
indent = 0L, |
79 |
path = character(), |
80 |
incontent = FALSE, |
81 |
repr_ext = 0L, |
82 |
repr_inds = integer(), |
83 |
sibpos = NA_integer_, |
84 |
nsibs = NA_integer_, |
85 |
max_width = NULL, |
86 |
fontspec = font_spec(), |
87 |
col_gap = mf_colgap(tt) %||% 3L, |
88 |
round_type = c("iec", "sas")) { |
89 | 1x |
msg <- paste0( |
90 | 1x |
"make_row_df can be used only on {rtables} table objects, and not on `matrix_form`-",
91 | 1x |
"generated objects (MatrixPrintForm)."
92 |
93 | 1x |
stop(msg) |
94 |
}) |
95 | ||
96 |
#' Transform `rtable` to a list of matrices which can be used for outputting
97 |
98 |
#' Although `rtable`s are represented as a tree data structure when outputting the table to ASCII or HTML,
99 |
#' it is useful to map the `rtable` to an in-between state with the formatted cells in a matrix form.
100 |
101 |
#' @inheritParams make_row_df
102 |
#' @inheritParams format_value
103 |
#' @param obj (`ANY`)\cr object to be transformed into a ready-to-render form (a [`MatrixPrintForm`] object).
104 |
#' @param indent_rownames (`flag`)\cr if `TRUE`, the row names column in the `strings` matrix of `obj`
105 |
#' will have indented row names (strings pre-fixed).
106 |
#' @param expand_newlines (`flag`)\cr whether the generated matrix form should expand rows whose values
107 |
#' contain newlines into multiple 'physical' rows (as they will appear when rendered into ASCII). Defaults
108 |
#' to `TRUE`.
109 |
#' @param indent_size (`numeric(1)`)\cr number of spaces to be used per level of indent (if supported by
110 |
#' the relevant method). Defaults to 2.
111 |
112 |
#' @return A [`MatrixPrintForm`] classed list with an additional `nrow_header` attribute indicating the
113 |
#' number of pseudo "rows" the column structure defines, with the following elements:
114 |
#' \describe{
115 |
#' \item{`strings`}{The content, as it should be printed, of the top-left material, column headers, row
116 |
#' labels, and cell values of `tt`.}
117 |
#' \item{`spans`}{The column-span information for each print-string in the strings matrix.}
118 |
#' \item{`aligns`}{The text alignment for each print-string in the strings matrix.}
119 |
#' \item{`display`}{Whether each print-string in the strings matrix should be printed or not.}
120 |
#' \item{`row_info`}{The `data.frame` generated by [basic_pagdf()].}
121 |
#' }
122 |
123 |
#' @export
124 |
setGeneric("matrix_form", function(obj, |
125 |
indent_rownames = FALSE, |
126 |
expand_newlines = TRUE, |
127 |
indent_size = 2, |
128 |
fontspec = NULL, |
129 |
col_gap = NULL, |
130 |
round_type = c("iec", "sas")) { |
131 | 373x |
standardGeneric("matrix_form") |
132 |
}) |
133 | ||
134 | ||
135 |
#' @rdname matrix_form
136 |
#' @export
137 |
setMethod("matrix_form", "MatrixPrintForm", function(obj, |
138 |
indent_rownames = FALSE, |
139 |
expand_newlines = TRUE, |
140 |
indent_size = 2, |
141 |
fontspec = NULL, |
142 |
col_gap = NULL, |
143 |
round_type = c("iec", "sas")) { |
144 | 373x |
if (!is.null(fontspec)) { |
145 | 368x |
mf_fontspec(obj) <- fontspec |
146 |
147 | 373x |
if (!is.null(col_gap) && !isTRUE(all.equal(col_gap, mf_colgap(obj)))) { |
148 | ! |
mf_colgap(obj) <- col_gap |
149 |
150 | 373x |
151 |
}) |
152 | ||
153 |
# Generics for `toString` and helper functions -----------------------------------------------------------
154 | ||
155 |
## this is where we will take word wrapping
156 |
## into account when it is added
157 |
158 |
## ALL calculations of vertical space for pagination
159 |
## purposes must go through nlines and divider_height!!!!!!!!
160 | ||
161 |
## this will be customizable someday. I have foreseen it (spooky noises)
162 |
#' Divider height
163 |
164 |
#' @param obj (`ANY`)\cr object.
165 |
166 |
#' @return The height, in lines of text, of the divider between header and body. Currently
167 |
#' returns `1L` for the default method.
168 |
169 |
#' @examples
170 |
#' divider_height(mtcars)
171 |
172 |
#' @export
173 | 49x |
setGeneric("divider_height", function(obj) standardGeneric("divider_height")) |
174 | ||
175 |
#' @rdname divider_height
176 |
#' @export
177 |
setMethod( |
178 |
"divider_height", "ANY", |
179 | 49x |
function(obj) 1L |
180 |
181 | ||
182 |
# nlines ---------------------------------------------------------------
183 | ||
184 |
#' Number of lines required to print a value
185 |
186 |
#' @inheritParams open_font_dev
187 |
#' @param x (`ANY`)\cr the object to be printed.
188 |
#' @param colwidths (`numeric`)\cr column widths (if necessary). Principally used in `rtables`'
189 |
#' method.
190 |
#' @param max_width (`numeric(1)`)\cr width that strings should be wrapped to when
191 |
#' determining how many lines they require.
192 |
#' @param col_gap (`numeric(1)`)\cr width of gap between columns in number of spaces.
193 |
#' Only used by methods which must calculate span widths after wrapping.
194 |
195 |
#' @return The number of lines needed to render the object `x`.
196 |
197 |
#' @export
198 |
setGeneric( |
199 |
200 |
## XXX TODO come back and add fontspec default value once not having
201 |
## it has found all the disconnection breakages
202 | 50737x |
function(x, colwidths = NULL, max_width = NULL, fontspec, col_gap = NULL) standardGeneric("nlines") |
203 |
204 | ||
205 |
## XXX beware. I think it is dangerous
206 |
#' @export
207 |
#' @rdname nlines
208 |
setMethod( |
209 |
"nlines", "list", |
210 |
function(x, colwidths, max_width, fontspec, col_gap = NULL) { |
211 | 2x |
if (length(x) == 0) { |
212 | 1x |
213 |
} else { |
214 | 1x |
sum(unlist(vapply(x, nlines, NA_integer_, colwidths = colwidths, max_width = max_width, fontspec = fontspec))) |
215 |
216 |
217 |
218 | ||
219 |
#' @export
220 |
#' @rdname nlines
221 |
setMethod("nlines", "NULL", function(x, colwidths, max_width, fontspec, col_gap = NULL) 0L) |
222 | ||
223 |
#' @export
224 |
#' @rdname nlines
225 |
setMethod("nlines", "character", function(x, colwidths, max_width, fontspec, col_gap = NULL) { |
226 | 50734x |
splstr <- strsplit(x, "\n", fixed = TRUE) |
227 | 50734x |
if (length(x) == 0) { |
228 | 1x |
return(0L) |
229 |
230 | ||
231 | 50733x |
sum(vapply(splstr, |
232 | 50733x |
function(xi, max_width) { |
233 | 50782x |
if (length(xi) == 0) { |
234 | 1522x |
235 | 49260x |
} else if (length(max_width) == 0) { ## this happens with strsplit("", "\n") |
236 | 49138x |
length(xi) |
237 |
} else { |
238 | 122x |
length(wrap_txt(xi, max_width, fontspec = fontspec)) |
239 |
240 | 50733x |
}, 1L, |
241 | 50733x |
max_width = max_width |
242 |
)) |
243 |
}) |
244 | ||
245 |
#' Transform objects into string representations
246 |
247 |
#' Transform a complex object into a string representation ready to be printed or written
248 |
#' to a plain-text file.
249 |
250 |
#' @param x (`ANY`)\cr object to be prepared for rendering.
251 |
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to individual methods.
252 |
253 |
#' @export
254 |
#' @rdname tostring
255 |
setGeneric("toString", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("toString")) |
256 | ||
257 |
## preserve S3 behavior
258 |
setMethod("toString", "ANY", base::toString) |
259 | ||
260 |
#' Print
261 |
262 |
#' Print an R object. See [print()].
263 |
264 |
#' @inheritParams base::print
265 |
266 |
#' @rdname basemethods
267 |
setMethod("print", "ANY", base::print) |
268 | ||
269 |
# General/"universal" property getter and setter generics and stubs --------------------------------------
270 | ||
271 |
#' Label, name, and format accessor generics
272 |
273 |
#' Getters and setters for basic, relatively universal attributes of "table-like" objects.
274 |
275 |
#' @param obj (`ANY`)\cr the object.
276 |
#' @param value (`string` or `FormatSpec`)\cr the new value of the attribute.
277 |
278 |
#' @return The name, format, or label of `obj` for getters, or `obj` after modification for setters.
279 |
280 |
#' @export
281 |
#' @name lab_name
282 |
#' @aliases obj_name
283 | ||
284 |
# obj_name ---------------------------------------------------------------
285 | ||
286 | ! |
setGeneric("obj_name", function(obj) standardGeneric("obj_name")) |
287 | ||
288 |
#' @rdname lab_name
289 |
#' @export
290 | ! |
setGeneric("obj_name<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("obj_name<-")) |
291 | ||
292 |
# obj_label ---------------------------------------------------------------
293 | ||
294 |
#' @seealso with_label
295 |
#' @rdname lab_name
296 |
#' @export
297 | 3x |
setGeneric("obj_label", function(obj) standardGeneric("obj_label")) |
298 | ||
299 |
#' @rdname lab_name
300 |
#' @param value character(1). The new label
301 |
#' @export
302 | 2x |
setGeneric("obj_label<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("obj_label<-")) |
303 | ||
304 |
#' @rdname lab_name
305 |
#' @exportMethod obj_label
306 | 3x |
setMethod("obj_label", "ANY", function(obj) attr(obj, "label")) |
307 | ||
308 |
#' @rdname lab_name
309 |
#' @exportMethod obj_label<-
310 |
setMethod( |
311 |
"obj_label<-", "ANY", |
312 |
function(obj, value) { |
313 | 2x |
attr(obj, "label") <- value |
314 | 2x |
315 |
316 |
317 | ||
318 |
# obj_format ---------------------------------------------------------------
319 | ||
320 |
#' @rdname lab_name
321 |
#' @export
322 | 301x |
setGeneric("obj_format", function(obj) standardGeneric("obj_format")) |
323 | ||
324 |
## this covers rcell, etc
325 |
#' @rdname lab_name
326 |
#' @exportMethod obj_format
327 | 299x |
setMethod("obj_format", "ANY", function(obj) attr(obj, "format", exact = TRUE)) |
328 | ||
329 |
#' @rdname lab_name
330 |
#' @export
331 | 2x |
setMethod("obj_format", "fmt_config", function(obj) obj@format) |
332 | ||
333 |
#' @export
334 |
#' @rdname lab_name
335 | 3x |
setGeneric("obj_format<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("obj_format<-")) |
336 | ||
337 |
## this covers rcell, etc
338 |
#' @exportMethod obj_format<-
339 |
#' @rdname lab_name
340 |
setMethod("obj_format<-", "ANY", function(obj, value) { |
341 | 2x |
attr(obj, "format") <- value |
342 | 2x |
343 |
}) |
344 | ||
345 |
#' @rdname lab_name
346 |
#' @export
347 |
setMethod("obj_format<-", "fmt_config", function(obj, value) { |
348 | 1x |
obj@format <- value |
349 | 1x |
350 |
}) |
351 | ||
352 |
# obj_na_str ---------------------------------------------------------------
353 | ||
354 |
#' @rdname lab_name
355 |
#' @export
356 | 3x |
setGeneric("obj_na_str", function(obj) standardGeneric("obj_na_str")) |
357 | ||
358 |
#' @rdname lab_name
359 |
#' @exportMethod obj_na_str
360 | 1x |
setMethod("obj_na_str", "ANY", function(obj) attr(obj, "format_na_str", exact = TRUE)) |
361 | ||
362 |
#' @rdname lab_name
363 |
#' @export
364 | 2x |
setMethod("obj_na_str", "fmt_config", function(obj) obj@format_na_str) |
365 | ||
366 |
#' @rdname lab_name
367 |
#' @export
368 | 2x |
setGeneric("obj_na_str<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("obj_na_str<-")) |
369 | ||
370 |
#' @exportMethod obj_na_str<-
371 |
#' @rdname lab_name
372 |
setMethod("obj_na_str<-", "ANY", function(obj, value) { |
373 | 1x |
attr(obj, "format_na_str") <- value |
374 | 1x |
375 |
}) |
376 | ||
377 |
#' @rdname lab_name
378 |
#' @export
379 |
setMethod("obj_na_str<-", "fmt_config", function(obj, value) { |
380 | 1x |
obj@format_na_str <- value |
381 | 1x |
382 |
}) |
383 | ||
384 |
# obj_align ---------------------------------------------------------------
385 | ||
386 |
#' @rdname lab_name
387 |
#' @export
388 | 3x |
setGeneric("obj_align", function(obj) standardGeneric("obj_align")) |
389 | ||
390 |
#' @rdname lab_name
391 |
#' @exportMethod obj_align
392 | 1x |
setMethod("obj_align", "ANY", function(obj) attr(obj, "align", exact = TRUE)) |
393 | ||
394 |
#' @rdname lab_name
395 |
#' @export
396 | 2x |
setMethod("obj_align", "fmt_config", function(obj) obj@align) |
397 | ||
398 |
#' @rdname lab_name
399 |
#' @export
400 | 2x |
setGeneric("obj_align<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("obj_align<-")) |
401 | ||
402 |
#' @exportMethod obj_align<-
403 |
#' @rdname lab_name
404 |
setMethod("obj_align<-", "ANY", function(obj, value) { |
405 | 1x |
attr(obj, "align") <- value |
406 | 1x |
407 |
}) |
408 | ||
409 |
#' @rdname lab_name
410 |
#' @export
411 |
setMethod("obj_align<-", "fmt_config", function(obj, value) { |
412 | 1x |
obj@align <- value |
413 | 1x |
414 |
}) |
415 | ||
416 |
# main_title ---------------------------------------------------------------
417 | ||
418 |
#' General title and footer accessors
419 |
420 |
#' @param obj (`ANY`)\cr object to extract information from.
421 |
422 |
#' @return A character scalar (`main_title`), character vector (`main_footer`), or
423 |
#' vector of length zero or more (`subtitles`, `page_titles`, `prov_footer`) containing
424 |
#' the relevant title/footer contents.
425 |
426 |
#' @export
427 |
#' @rdname title_footer
428 | 501x |
setGeneric("main_title", function(obj) standardGeneric("main_title")) |
429 | ||
430 |
#' @export
431 |
#' @rdname title_footer
432 |
setMethod( |
433 |
"main_title", "MatrixPrintForm", |
434 | 501x |
function(obj) obj$main_title |
435 |
436 | ||
437 |
##' @rdname title_footer
438 |
##' @export
439 | 17x |
setGeneric("main_title<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("main_title<-")) |
440 | ||
441 |
##' @rdname title_footer
442 |
##' @export
443 |
setMethod( |
444 |
"main_title<-", "MatrixPrintForm", |
445 |
function(obj, value) { |
446 | 17x |
obj$main_title <- value |
447 | 17x |
448 |
449 |
450 | ||
451 |
# subtitles ---------------------------------------------------------------
452 | ||
453 |
#' @export
454 |
#' @rdname title_footer
455 | 500x |
setGeneric("subtitles", function(obj) standardGeneric("subtitles")) |
456 | ||
457 |
#' @export
458 |
#' @rdname title_footer
459 |
setMethod( |
460 |
"subtitles", "MatrixPrintForm", |
461 | 500x |
function(obj) obj$subtitles |
462 |
463 | ||
464 |
##' @rdname title_footer
465 |
##' @export
466 | 14x |
setGeneric("subtitles<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("subtitles<-")) |
467 | ||
468 |
##' @rdname title_footer
469 |
##' @export
470 |
setMethod( |
471 |
"subtitles<-", "MatrixPrintForm", |
472 |
function(obj, value) { |
473 | 14x |
obj$subtitles <- value |
474 | 14x |
475 |
476 |
477 | ||
478 |
# page_titles ---------------------------------------------------------------
479 | ||
480 |
#' @export
481 |
#' @rdname title_footer
482 | 541x |
setGeneric("page_titles", function(obj) standardGeneric("page_titles")) |
483 | ||
484 |
#' @export
485 |
#' @rdname title_footer
486 |
setMethod( |
487 |
"page_titles", "MatrixPrintForm", |
488 | 541x |
function(obj) obj$page_titles |
489 |
490 |
#' @rdname title_footer
491 |
#' @export
492 | ! |
setMethod("page_titles", "ANY", function(obj) NULL) |
493 | ||
494 |
##' @rdname title_footer
495 |
##' @export
496 | 2x |
setGeneric("page_titles<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("page_titles<-")) |
497 | ||
498 |
#' @export
499 |
#' @rdname title_footer
500 |
setMethod( |
501 |
"page_titles<-", "MatrixPrintForm", |
502 |
function(obj, value) { |
503 | 2x |
if (!is.character(value)) { |
504 | ! |
stop("page titles must be in the form of a character vector, got object of class ", class(value)) |
505 |
506 | 2x |
obj$page_titles <- value |
507 | 2x |
508 |
509 |
510 | ||
511 |
# main_footer ---------------------------------------------------------------
512 | ||
513 |
#' @export
514 |
#' @rdname title_footer
515 | 481x |
setGeneric("main_footer", function(obj) standardGeneric("main_footer")) |
516 | ||
517 |
#' @export
518 |
#' @rdname title_footer
519 |
setMethod( |
520 |
"main_footer", "MatrixPrintForm", |
521 | 481x |
function(obj) obj$main_footer |
522 |
523 | ||
524 |
#' @rdname title_footer
525 |
#' @param value character. New value.
526 |
#' @export
527 | 280x |
setGeneric("main_footer<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("main_footer<-")) |
528 | ||
529 |
#' @export
530 |
#' @rdname title_footer
531 |
setMethod( |
532 |
"main_footer<-", "MatrixPrintForm", |
533 |
function(obj, value) { |
534 | 280x |
if (!is.character(value)) { |
535 | ! |
stop("main footer must be a character vector. Got object of class ", class(value)) |
536 |
537 | 280x |
obj$main_footer <- value |
538 | 280x |
539 |
540 |
541 | ||
542 |
# prov_footer ---------------------------------------------------------------
543 | ||
544 |
#' @export
545 |
#' @rdname title_footer
546 | 606x |
setGeneric("prov_footer", function(obj) standardGeneric("prov_footer")) |
547 | ||
548 |
#' @export
549 |
#' @rdname title_footer
550 |
setMethod( |
551 |
"prov_footer", "MatrixPrintForm", |
552 | 606x |
function(obj) obj$prov_footer |
553 |
554 | ||
555 |
#' @rdname title_footer
556 |
#' @export
557 | 363x |
setGeneric("prov_footer<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("prov_footer<-")) |
558 | ||
559 |
#' @export
560 |
#' @rdname title_footer
561 |
setMethod( |
562 |
"prov_footer<-", "MatrixPrintForm", |
563 |
function(obj, value) { |
564 | 363x |
if (!is.character(value)) { |
565 | ! |
stop("provenance footer must be a character vector. Got object of class ", class(value)) |
566 |
567 | 363x |
obj$prov_footer <- value |
568 | 363x |
569 |
570 |
571 | ||
572 |
#' @rdname title_footer
573 |
#' @export
574 | 1x |
all_footers <- function(obj) c(main_footer(obj), prov_footer(obj)) |
575 | ||
576 |
#' @rdname title_footer
577 |
#' @export
578 | 493x |
all_titles <- function(obj) c(main_title(obj), subtitles(obj), page_titles(obj)) |
579 | ||
580 |
# table_inset ---------------------------------------------------------------
581 | ||
582 |
#' Access or (recursively) set table inset
583 |
584 |
#' Table inset is the amount of characters that the body of a table, referential footnotes, and
585 |
#' main footer material are inset from the left-alignment of the titles and provenance
586 |
#' footer materials.
587 |
588 |
#' @param obj (`ANY`)\cr object to get or (recursively if necessary) set table inset for.
589 |
#' @param value (`string`)\cr string to use as new header/body separator.
590 |
591 |
#' @return
592 |
#' * `table_inset` returns the integer value that the table body (including column heading
593 |
#' information and section dividers), referential footnotes, and main footer should be inset
594 |
#' from the left alignment of the titles and provenance footers during rendering.
595 |
#' * `table_inset<-` returns `obj` with the new table_inset value applied recursively to it and
596 |
#' all its subtables.
597 |
598 |
#' @export
599 | 460x |
setGeneric("table_inset", function(obj) standardGeneric("table_inset")) |
600 | ||
601 |
#' @rdname table_inset
602 |
#' @export
603 |
setMethod( |
604 |
"table_inset", "MatrixPrintForm", |
605 | 460x |
function(obj) obj$table_inset |
606 |
607 | ||
608 |
#' @rdname table_inset
609 |
#' @export
610 | 4x |
setGeneric("table_inset<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("table_inset<-")) |
611 | ||
612 |
#' @rdname table_inset
613 |
#' @export
614 |
setMethod( |
615 |
"table_inset<-", "MatrixPrintForm", |
616 |
function(obj, value) { |
617 | 4x |
newval <- as.integer(value) |
618 | 4x |
if (is.na(newval) || newval < 0) { |
619 | 1x |
stop("Got invalid value for table_inset: ", newval) |
620 |
621 | 3x |
obj$table_inset <- newval |
622 | 3x |
623 |
624 |
625 | ||
626 |
# do_forced_paginate ---------------------------------------------------------------
627 | ||
628 |
#' Generic for performing "forced" pagination
629 |
630 |
#' Forced pagination is pagination which happens regardless of position on page. The object
631 |
#' is expected to have all information necessary to locate such page breaks, and the
632 |
#' `do_forced_pag` method is expected to fully perform those paginations.
633 |
634 |
#' @param obj (`ANY`)\cr object to be paginated. The `ANY` method simply returns a list of
635 |
#' length one, containing `obj`.
636 |
637 |
#' @return A list of sub-objects, which will be further paginated by the standard pagination
638 |
#' algorithm.
639 |
640 |
#' @export
641 | 104x |
setGeneric("do_forced_paginate", function(obj) standardGeneric("do_forced_paginate")) |
642 | ||
643 |
#' @export
644 |
#' @rdname do_forced_paginate
645 | 101x |
setMethod("do_forced_paginate", "ANY", function(obj) list(obj)) |
646 | ||
647 |
# num_rep_cols ---------------------------------------------------------------
648 | ||
649 |
#' Number of repeated columns
650 |
651 |
#' When called on a table-like object using the formatters framework, this method returns the
652 |
#' number of columns which are mandatorily repeated after each horizontal pagination.
653 |
654 |
#' Absent a class-specific method, this function returns 0, indicating no always-repeated columns.
655 |
656 |
#' @param obj (`ANY`)\cr a table-like object.
657 |
658 |
#' @return An integer.
659 |
660 |
#' @note This number *does not* include row labels, the repetition of which is handled separately.
661 |
662 |
#' @examples
663 |
#' mpf <- basic_matrix_form(mtcars)
664 |
#' num_rep_cols(mpf)
665 |
#' lmpf <- basic_listing_mf(mtcars)
666 |
#' num_rep_cols(lmpf)
667 |
668 |
#' @export
669 | 662x |
setGeneric("num_rep_cols", function(obj) standardGeneric("num_rep_cols")) |
670 | ||
671 |
#' @export
672 |
#' @rdname num_rep_cols
673 | ! |
setMethod("num_rep_cols", "ANY", function(obj) 0L) |
674 | ||
675 |
#' @export
676 |
#' @rdname num_rep_cols
677 | 662x |
setMethod("num_rep_cols", "MatrixPrintForm", function(obj) obj$num_rep_cols) |
678 | ||
679 |
#' @export
680 |
#' @param value (`numeric(1)`)\cr the new number of columns to repeat.
681 |
#' @rdname num_rep_cols
682 | 144x |
setGeneric("num_rep_cols<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("num_rep_cols<-")) |
683 | ||
684 |
#' @export
685 |
#' @rdname num_rep_cols
686 | ! |
setMethod("num_rep_cols<-", "ANY", function(obj, value) stop("No num_rep_cols<- method for class ", class(obj))) |
687 | ||
688 |
#' @export
689 |
#' @rdname num_rep_cols
690 |
setMethod("num_rep_cols<-", "MatrixPrintForm", function(obj, value) { |
691 | 144x |
obj <- mf_update_cinfo(obj, colwidths = NULL, rep_cols = value) |
692 | 144x |
693 |
}) |
694 | ||
695 |
# header_section_div -----------------------------------------------------------
696 | ||
697 |
#' @keywords internal
698 | 156x |
setGeneric("header_section_div", function(obj) standardGeneric("header_section_div")) |
699 | ||
700 |
#' @keywords internal
701 |
setMethod( |
702 |
"header_section_div", "MatrixPrintForm", |
703 | 156x |
function(obj) obj$header_section_div |
704 |
705 | ||
706 |
#' @keywords internal
707 | ! |
setGeneric("header_section_div<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("header_section_div<-")) |
708 | ||
709 |
#' @keywords internal
710 |
setMethod( |
711 |
"header_section_div<-", "MatrixPrintForm", |
712 |
function(obj, value) { |
713 | ! |
obj$header_section_div <- value |
714 | ! |
715 |
716 |
717 | ||
718 |
# horizontal_sep ---------------------------------------------------------------
719 | ||
720 |
#' @keywords internal
721 | 121x |
setGeneric("horizontal_sep", function(obj) standardGeneric("horizontal_sep")) |
722 | ||
723 |
#' @keywords internal
724 |
setMethod( |
725 |
"horizontal_sep", "MatrixPrintForm", |
726 | 121x |
function(obj) obj$horizontal_sep |
727 |
728 | ||
729 |
#' @keywords internal
730 | 1x |
setGeneric("horizontal_sep<-", function(obj, value) standardGeneric("horizontal_sep<-")) |
731 | ||
732 |
#' @keywords internal
733 |
setMethod( |
734 |
"horizontal_sep<-", "MatrixPrintForm", |
735 |
function(obj, value) { |
736 | 1x |
obj$horizontal_sep <- value |
737 | 1x |
738 |
739 |
1 |
## state completely sucks and I hate it, but
2 |
## we need a pdf device open to calculate the
3 |
## print width of strings, and we can't be opening
4 |
## a new one every time we want to
5 |
font_dev_state <- new.env() |
6 |
font_dev_state$open <- FALSE |
7 |
font_dev_state$fontspec <- list() |
8 |
font_dev_state$spacewidth <- NA_real_ |
9 |
font_dev_state$ismonospace <- NA |
10 |
font_dev_state$max_ratio <- NA_real_ |
11 |
font_dev_state$dev_num <- NA_integer_ |
12 |
font_dev_state$debug_active <- FALSE |
13 | ||
14 | ||
15 |
cwidth_inches_unsafe <- function(x) { |
16 | 1136x |
convertWidth(unit(1, "strwidth", x), "inches", valueOnly = TRUE) |
17 |
18 | ||
19 |
## returns whether it opened a new device or not
20 |
#' Activate font state
21 |
22 |
#' @param fontspec (`font_spec`)\cr a font_spec object specifying the font information to use for
23 |
#' calculating string widths and heights, as returned by [font_spec()].
24 |
#' @param silent (`logical(1)`)\cr If `FALSE`, the default, a warning will be
25 |
#' emitted if this function switches away from an active graphics device.
26 |
27 |
#' @details The font device state is an environment with
28 |
#' four variables guaranteed to be set:
29 |
30 |
#' \describe{
31 |
#' \item{`open`}{(`logical(1)`)\cr whether a device is already open with font info}
32 |
#' \item{`fontspec`}{(`font_spec`)\cr the font specification, if any, that is currently active (`list()` if none is).}
33 |
#' \item{`spacewidth`}{(`numeric(1)`)\cr the width of the space character in the currently active font.}
34 |
#' \item{`ismonospace`}{(`logical(1)`)\cr whether the specified font is monospaced.}
35 |
#' }
36 |
37 |
#' `open_font_dev` opens a pdf device with the specified font
38 |
#' only if there is not one currently open with the same font.
39 |
#' If a new device is opened, it caches `spacewidth` and
40 |
#' `ismonospace` for use in `nchar_ttype`).
41 |
42 |
#' `close_font_dev` closes any open font state device
43 |
#' and clears the cached values.
44 |
45 |
#' `debug_font_dev` and `undebug_font_dev` activate and deactivate, respectively,
46 |
#' logging of where in the call stack font devices are being opened.
47 |
48 |
#' @return
49 |
#' - `open_font_dev` returns a logical value indicating whether a *new* pdf device was opened.
50 |
#' - `close_font_dev`, `debug_font_dev` and `undebug_font_dev` return `NULL`.
51 |
52 |
#' In all cases the value is returned invisibly.
53 |
54 |
#' @examples
55 |
#' open_font_dev(font_spec("Times"))
56 |
#' nchar_ttype("Hiya there", font_spec("Times"))
57 |
#' close_font_dev()
58 |
59 |
#' @export
60 |
open_font_dev <- function(fontspec, silent = FALSE) { |
61 | 82300x |
if (is.null(fontspec)) { |
62 | 1x |
return(invisible(FALSE)) |
63 | 82298x |
} else if (font_dev_is_open()) { |
64 | 81788x |
if (identical(font_dev_state$fontspec, fontspec)) { |
65 | 81787x |
if (!silent && dev.cur() != font_dev_state$dev_num) { |
66 | 1x |
warning( |
67 | 1x |
"formatters is switching to the font state graphics device ",
68 | 1x |
"to perform string width calculations. You may need to switch ",
69 | 1x |
"to your currently open graphics device, depending on whether ",
70 | 1x |
"the font device is closed and what other devices you have open."
71 |
72 | 1x |
dev.set(font_dev_state$dev_num) |
73 |
74 | 81787x |
return(invisible(FALSE)) |
75 |
} else { |
76 | 1x |
close_font_dev() |
77 |
78 |
79 | 511x |
if (font_dev_state$debug_active && !font_dev_is_open()) { ## call debug_font_dev beforehand to get debugging info to helplocate places which aren't receiving/using the state properly # nolint |
80 |
## dump the call stack any time we have cache misses
81 |
## and have to open a completely new font state device
82 | 1x |
scalls <- sys.calls() |
83 | 1x |
msg <- sapply( |
84 | 1x |
scalls[2:length(scalls)], |
85 | 1x |
function(sci) { |
86 | 42x |
toret <- deparse(sci[[1]], nlines = 3) |
87 | 42x |
if (substr(toret[1], 1, 8) == "function") { |
88 | ! |
toret <- "anon function" |
89 |
90 | 42x |
91 |
92 |
93 | 1x |
message(paste("\n***** START font dev debugging dump *****\n", |
94 | 1x |
paste(msg, collapse = " -> "), |
95 | 1x |
paste(capture.output(print(fontspec)), collapse = "\n"), |
96 | 1x |
sep = "\n" |
97 |
)) |
98 |
99 | 511x |
tmppdf <- tempfile(fileext = ".pdf") |
100 | 511x |
pdf(tmppdf) |
101 | 511x |
grid.newpage() |
102 | 511x |
gp <- gpar_from_fspec(fontspec) |
103 | 511x |
pushViewport(plotViewport(gp = gp)) |
104 | 511x |
spcwidth <- cwidth_inches_unsafe(" ") |
105 | 511x |
assign("open", TRUE, envir = font_dev_state) |
106 | 511x |
assign("fontspec", fontspec, envir = font_dev_state) |
107 | 511x |
assign("spacewidth", spcwidth, envir = font_dev_state) |
108 | 511x |
assign("ismonospace", spcwidth == cwidth_inches_unsafe("W"), |
109 | 511x |
envir = font_dev_state |
110 |
111 | 511x |
assign("dev_num", dev.cur(), |
112 | 511x |
envir = font_dev_state |
113 |
114 | 511x |
invisible(TRUE) |
115 |
116 | ||
117 |
#' @rdname open_font_dev
118 |
#' @export
119 |
close_font_dev <- function() { |
120 | 511x |
if (font_dev_state$open) { |
121 | 511x |
dev.off(font_dev_state$dev_num) |
122 | 511x |
assign("open", FALSE, envir = font_dev_state) |
123 | 511x |
assign("fontspec", list(), envir = font_dev_state) |
124 | 511x |
assign("spacewidth", NA_real_, envir = font_dev_state) |
125 | 511x |
assign("ismonospace", NA, envir = font_dev_state) |
126 | 511x |
assign("dev_num", NA_integer_, envir = font_dev_state) |
127 |
128 | 511x |
invisible(NULL) |
129 |
130 | ||
131 |
#' @rdname open_font_dev
132 |
#' @export
133 |
debug_font_dev <- function() { |
134 | 1x |
message("debugging font device swapping. call undebug_font_dev() to turn debugging back off.") |
135 | 1x |
font_dev_state$debug_active <- TRUE |
136 | 1x |
invisible(NULL) |
137 |
138 | ||
139 |
#' @rdname open_font_dev
140 |
#' @export
141 |
undebug_font_dev <- function() { |
142 | 1x |
message("no longer debugging font device swapping.") |
143 | 1x |
font_dev_state$debug_active <- FALSE |
144 | 1x |
invisible(NULL) |
145 |
146 | ||
147 | ||
148 |
## can only be called when font_dev_state$open is TRUE
149 |
get_space_width <- function() { |
150 | 25x |
if (!font_dev_is_open()) { |
151 | 1x |
stop( |
152 | 1x |
"get_space_width called when font dev state is not open. ",
153 | 1x |
"This shouldn't happen, please contact the maintainers."
154 |
155 |
156 | 24x |
font_dev_state$spacewidth |
157 |
158 | ||
159 |
.open_fdev_is_monospace <- function() { |
160 | 32671x |
if (!font_dev_is_open()) { |
161 | 2x |
stop( |
162 | 2x |
".open_fdev_is_monospace called when font dev state is not open. ",
163 | 2x |
"This shouldn't happen, please contact the maintainers."
164 |
165 |
166 | 32669x |
font_dev_state$ismonospace |
167 |
168 | ||
169 |
## safe wrapper around .open_fdev_is_monospace
170 |
is_monospace <- function(fontspec = font_spec(font_family, font_size, lineheight), |
171 |
font_family = "Courier", |
172 |
font_size = 8, |
173 |
lineheight = 1) { |
174 | 32670x |
if (is.null(fontspec)) { |
175 | 1x |
return(TRUE) |
176 |
177 | 32669x |
new_dev <- open_font_dev(fontspec) |
178 | 32669x |
if (new_dev) { |
179 | 31x |
on.exit(close_font_dev()) |
180 |
181 | 32669x |
.open_fdev_is_monospace() |
182 |
183 | ||
184 |
## get_max_wratio <- function() {
185 |
## if (!font_dev_state$open) {
186 |
## stop(
187 |
## "get_space_width called when font dev state is not open. ",
188 |
## "This shouldn't happen, please contact the maintainers."
189 |
## )
190 |
## }
191 |
## if (.open_fdev_is_monospace()) {
192 |
## 1
193 |
## } else {
194 |
## font_dev_state$maxratio
195 |
## }
196 |
## }
197 | ||
198 |
gpar_from_fspec <- function(fontspec) { |
199 | 517x |
gpar( |
200 | 517x |
fontfamily = fontspec$family, |
201 | 517x |
fontsize = fontspec$size, |
202 | 517x |
lineheight = fontspec$lineheight |
203 |
204 |
205 | ||
206 | 114995x |
font_dev_is_open <- function() font_dev_state$open |
207 | ||
208 |
#' Default horizontal separator
209 |
210 |
#' The default horizontal separator character which can be displayed in the current
211 |
#' charset for use in rendering table-like objects.
212 |
213 |
#' @param hsep_char (`string`)\cr character that will be set in the R environment
214 |
#' options as the default horizontal separator. Must be a single character. Use
215 |
#' `getOption("formatters_default_hsep")` to get its current value (`NULL` if not set).
216 |
217 |
#' @return unicode 2014 (long dash for generating solid horizontal line) if in a
218 |
#' locale that uses a UTF character set, otherwise an ASCII hyphen with a
219 |
#' once-per-session warning.
220 |
221 |
#' @examples
222 |
#' default_hsep()
223 |
#' set_default_hsep("o")
224 |
#' default_hsep()
225 |
226 |
#' @name default_horizontal_sep
227 |
#' @export
228 |
default_hsep <- function() { |
229 |
system_default_hsep <- getOption("formatters_default_hsep") |
230 | ||
231 |
if (is.null(system_default_hsep)) { |
232 |
if (any(grepl("^UTF", utils::localeToCharset()))) { |
233 |
hsep <- "\u2014" |
234 |
} else { |
235 |
if (interactive()) { |
236 |
warning( |
237 |
"Detected non-UTF charset. Falling back to '-' ",
238 |
"as default header/body separator. This warning ",
239 |
"will only be shown once per R session."
240 |
) # nocov |
241 |
} # nocov |
242 |
hsep <- "-" # nocov |
243 |
244 |
} else { |
245 |
hsep <- system_default_hsep |
246 |
247 |
248 |
249 | ||
250 |
#' @name default_horizontal_sep
251 |
#' @export
252 |
set_default_hsep <- function(hsep_char) { |
253 |
checkmate::assert_character(hsep_char, n.chars = 1, len = 1, null.ok = TRUE) |
254 |
options("formatters_default_hsep" = hsep_char) |
255 |
256 | ||
257 |
.calc_cell_widths <- function(mat, colwidths, col_gap) { |
258 | 369x |
spans <- mat$spans |
259 | 369x |
keep_mat <- mat$display |
260 | 369x |
body <- mat$strings |
261 | ||
262 | 369x |
nr <- nrow(body) |
263 | ||
264 | 369x |
cell_widths_mat <- matrix(rep(colwidths, nr), nrow = nr, byrow = TRUE) |
265 | 369x |
nc <- ncol(cell_widths_mat) |
266 | ||
267 | 369x |
for (i in seq_len(nrow(body))) { |
268 | 6545x |
if (any(!keep_mat[i, ])) { # any spans? |
269 | 6x |
j <- 1 |
270 | 6x |
while (j <= nc) { |
271 | 10x |
nj <- spans[i, j] |
272 | 10x |
j <- if (nj > 1) { |
273 | 6x |
js <- seq(j, j + nj - 1) |
274 | 6x |
cell_widths_mat[i, js] <- sum(cell_widths_mat[i, js]) + col_gap * (nj - 1) |
275 | 6x |
j + nj |
276 |
} else { |
277 | 4x |
j + 1 |
278 |
279 |
280 |
281 |
282 | 369x |
283 |
284 | ||
285 |
# Main function that does the wrapping
286 |
do_cell_fnotes_wrap <- function(mat, widths, max_width, tf_wrap, fontspec, expand_newlines = TRUE) { |
287 | 213x |
col_gap <- mf_colgap(mat) |
288 | 213x |
ncchar <- sum(widths) + (length(widths) - as.integer(mf_has_rlabels(mat))) * col_gap |
289 | 213x |
inset <- table_inset(mat) |
290 | ||
291 |
## Text wrapping checks
292 | 213x |
if (tf_wrap) { |
293 | 92x |
if (is.null(max_width)) { |
294 | 24x |
max_width <- getOption("width", 80L) |
295 | 68x |
} else if (is.character(max_width) && identical(max_width, "auto")) { |
296 | ! |
max_width <- ncchar + inset |
297 |
298 | 92x |
assert_number(max_width, lower = 0) |
299 |
300 | ||
301 |
## Check for having the right number of widths
302 | 213x |
stopifnot(length(widths) == ncol(mat$strings)) |
303 | ||
304 |
## format the to ASCII
305 | 213x |
cell_widths_mat <- .calc_cell_widths(mat, widths, col_gap) |
306 | ||
307 |
# Check that indentation is correct (it works only for body)
308 | 213x |
.check_indentation(mat, row_col_width = cell_widths_mat[, 1, drop = TRUE]) |
309 | 210x |
mod_ind_list <- .modify_indentation(mat, cell_widths_mat, do_what = "remove") |
310 | 210x |
mfs <- mod_ind_list[["mfs"]] |
311 | 210x |
cell_widths_mat <- mod_ind_list[["cell_widths_mat"]] |
312 | ||
313 |
# Main wrapper
314 | 210x |
mf_strings(mat) <- matrix( |
315 | 210x |
unlist(mapply(wrap_string, |
316 | 210x |
str = mfs, |
317 | 210x |
width = cell_widths_mat, |
318 | 210x |
collapse = "\n", |
319 | 210x |
MoreArgs = list(fontspec = fontspec) |
320 |
)), |
321 | 210x |
ncol = ncol(mfs) |
322 |
323 | ||
324 | 210x |
if (expand_newlines) { |
325 |
## XXXXX this is wrong and will break for listings cause we don't know when
326 |
## we need has_topleft to be FALSE!!!!!!!!!!
327 | 210x |
mat <- mform_handle_newlines(mat) |
328 | ||
329 |
## this updates extents in rinfo AND nlines in ref_fnotes_df
330 |
## mat already has fontspec on it so no need to pass that down
331 | 210x |
mat <- update_mf_nlines(mat, max_width = max_width) |
332 | ||
333 |
# Re-indenting
334 | 210x |
mf_strings(mat) <- .modify_indentation(mat, cell_widths_mat, do_what = "add")[["mfs"]] |
335 | 210x |
.check_indentation(mat) # all went well |
336 |
337 | 210x |
338 |
339 | ||
340 |
# Helper function to see if body indentation matches (minimum)
341 |
# It sees if there is AT LEAST the indentation contained in rinfo
342 |
.check_indentation <- function(mat, row_col_width = NULL) { |
343 |
# mf_nrheader(mat) # not useful
344 | 424x |
mf_nlh <- mf_nlheader(mat) |
345 | 424x |
mf_lgrp <- mf_lgrouping(mat) |
346 | 424x |
mf_str <- mf_strings(mat) |
347 |
# we base everything on the groupings -> unique indentation identifiers
348 | 424x |
if (!is.null(mf_rinfo(mat))) { # this happens in rare cases with rtables::rtable() |
349 | 424x |
mf_ind <- c(rep(0, mf_nrheader(mat)), mf_rinfo(mat)$indent) # XXX to fix with topleft |
350 |
} else { |
351 | ! |
mf_ind <- rep(0, mf_nrheader(mat)) |
352 |
353 | 424x |
ind_std <- paste0(rep(" ", mat$indent_size), collapse = "") |
354 | ||
355 |
# Expected indent (-x negative numbers should not appear at this stage)
356 | 424x |
stopifnot(all(mf_ind >= 0)) |
357 | 424x |
real_indent <- vapply(mf_ind, function(ii) { |
358 | 7833x |
paste0(rep(ind_std, ii), collapse = "") |
359 | 424x |
}, character(1)) |
360 | ||
361 | 424x |
if (!is.null(row_col_width) && any(row_col_width > 0) && !is.null(mf_rinfo(mat))) { # third is rare case |
362 |
# Self consistency test for row_col_width (same groups should have same width)
363 |
# This should not be necessary (nocov)
364 | 213x |
consistency_check <- vapply(unique(mf_lgrp), function(ii) { |
365 | 3935x |
width_per_grp <- row_col_width[which(mf_lgrp == ii)] |
366 | 3935x |
all(width_per_grp == width_per_grp[1]) |
367 | 213x |
}, logical(1)) |
368 | 213x |
stopifnot(all(consistency_check)) |
369 | ||
370 |
# Taking only one width for each indentation grouping
371 | 213x |
unique_row_col_width <- row_col_width[match(unique(mf_lgrp), mf_lgrp)] |
372 | ||
373 |
# Exception for check: case with summarize_row_groups and (hence) content_rows
374 | 213x |
nchar_real_indent <- nchar(real_indent) |
375 | 213x |
body_rows <- seq(mf_nrheader(mat) + 1, length(nchar_real_indent)) |
376 | 213x |
nchar_real_indent[body_rows] <- nchar_real_indent[body_rows] + |
377 | 213x |
as.numeric(mf_rinfo(mat)$node_class != "ContentRow") |
378 |
# xxx I think all of the above is a bit buggy honestly (check ContentRows!!!)
379 | ||
380 | 213x |
if (any(nchar_real_indent > unique_row_col_width)) { |
381 | 2x |
stop( |
382 | 2x |
"Inserted width for row label column is not wide enough. ",
383 | 2x |
"We found the following rows that do not have at least indentation * ind_size + 1",
384 | 2x |
" characters to allow text to be shown after indentation: ",
385 | 2x |
paste0(which(nchar(real_indent) + 1 > unique_row_col_width), collapse = " ") |
386 |
387 |
388 |
389 | ||
390 |
# Main detector
391 | 422x |
correct_indentation <- vapply(seq_along(mf_lgrp), function(xx) { |
392 | 8277x |
grouping <- mf_lgrp[xx] |
393 | 8277x |
if (nzchar(real_indent[grouping])) { |
394 | 33x |
has_correct_indentation <- stringi::stri_detect( |
395 | 33x |
mf_str[xx, 1], |
396 | 33x |
regex = paste0("^", real_indent[grouping]) |
397 |
398 | 33x |
return(has_correct_indentation || !nzchar(mf_str[xx, 1])) # "" is still an ok indentation |
399 |
400 |
# Cases where no indent are true by definition
401 | 8244x |
402 | 422x |
}, logical(1)) |
403 | ||
404 | 422x |
if (any(!correct_indentation)) { |
405 | 1x |
stop( |
406 | 1x |
"We discovered indentation mismatches between the matrix_form and the indentation",
407 | 1x |
" predefined in mf_rinfo. This should not happen. Contact the maintainer."
408 | 1x |
) # nocov |
409 |
410 |
411 | ||
412 |
# Helper function that takes out or adds the proper indentation
413 |
.modify_indentation <- function(mat, cell_widths_mat, do_what = c("remove", "add")) { |
414 |
# Extract info
415 | 420x |
mfs <- mf_strings(mat) # we work on mfs |
416 | 420x |
mf_nlh <- mf_nlheader(mat) |
417 | 420x |
mf_l <- mf_lgrouping(mat) |
418 | 420x |
if (!is.null(mf_rinfo(mat))) { # this happens in rare cases with rtables::rtable() |
419 | 420x |
mf_ind <- c(rep(0, mf_nrheader(mat)), mf_rinfo(mat)$indent) # XXX to fix with topleft |
420 |
} else { |
421 | ! |
mf_ind <- rep(0, mf_nrheader(mat)) |
422 |
423 | 420x |
stopifnot(length(mf_ind) == length(unique(mf_l))) # Check for indentation and grouping |
424 | 420x |
ind_std <- paste0(rep(" ", mat$indent_size), collapse = "") # standard size of indent 1 |
425 | ||
426 |
# Create real indentation
427 | 420x |
real_indent <- sapply(mf_ind, function(ii) paste0(rep(ind_std, ii), collapse = "")) |
428 | ||
429 |
# Use groupings to add or remove proper indentation
430 | 420x |
lbl_row <- mfs[, 1, drop = TRUE] |
431 | 420x |
for (ii in seq_along(lbl_row)) { |
432 | 8268x |
grp <- mf_l[ii] |
433 | 8268x |
if (nzchar(real_indent[grp])) { |
434 |
# Update also the widths!!
435 | 29x |
if (do_what[1] == "remove") { |
436 | 9x |
cell_widths_mat[ii, 1] <- cell_widths_mat[ii, 1] - nchar(real_indent[grp]) |
437 | 9x |
mfs[ii, 1] <- stringi::stri_replace(lbl_row[ii], "", regex = paste0("^", real_indent[grp])) |
438 | 20x |
} else if (do_what[1] == "add") { |
439 | 20x |
mfs[ii, 1] <- paste0(real_indent[grp], lbl_row[ii]) |
440 |
} else { |
441 |
stop("do_what needs to be remove or add.") # nocov |
442 |
443 |
} else { |
444 | 8239x |
mfs[ii, 1] <- lbl_row[ii] |
445 |
446 |
447 |
# Final return
448 | 420x |
return(list("mfs" = mfs, "cell_widths_mat" = cell_widths_mat)) |
449 |
450 | ||
451 |
## take a character vector and return whether the value is
452 |
## a string version of a number or not
453 |
is_number_str <- function(vec) { |
454 | ! |
is.na(as.numeric(vec)) |
455 |
456 | ||
457 |
is_dec_align <- function(vec) { |
458 |
# "c" is not an alignment method we define in `formatters`,
459 |
# but the reverse dependency package `tables` will need
460 | 604x |
sdiff <- setdiff(vec, c(list_valid_aligns(), "c")) |
461 | 604x |
if (length(sdiff) > 0) { |
462 | ! |
stop("Invalid text-alignment(s): ", paste(sdiff, collapse = ", ")) |
463 |
464 | 604x |
grepl("dec", vec) |
465 |
466 | ||
467 | 459x |
any_dec_align <- function(vec) any(is_dec_align(vec)) |
468 | ||
469 |
#' Decimal alignment
470 |
471 |
#' Aligning decimal values of string matrix. Allowed alignments are: `dec_left`, `dec_right`,
472 |
#' and `decimal`.
473 |
474 |
#' @param string_mat (`character matrix`)\cr "string" matrix component of `MatrixPrintForm` object.
475 |
#' @param align_mat (`character matrix`)\cr "aligns" matrix component of `MatrixPrintForm` object.
476 |
#' Should contain either `dec_left`, `dec_right`, or `decimal` for values to be decimal aligned.
477 |
478 |
#' @details Left and right decimal alignment (`dec_left` and `dec_right`) differ from center decimal
479 |
#' alignment (`decimal`) only when there is padding present. This may occur if column widths are
480 |
#' set wider via parameters `widths` in `toString` or `colwidths` in `paginate_*`. More commonly,
481 |
#' it also occurs when column names are wider. Cell wrapping is not supported when decimal
482 |
#' alignment is used.
483 |
484 |
#' @return A processed string matrix of class `MatrixPrintForm` with decimal-aligned values.
485 |
486 |
#' @seealso [toString()], [MatrixPrintForm()]
487 |
488 |
#' @examples
489 |
#' dfmf <- basic_matrix_form(mtcars[1:5, ])
490 |
#' aligns <- mf_aligns(dfmf)
491 |
#' aligns[, -c(1)] <- "dec_left"
492 |
#' decimal_align(mf_strings(dfmf), aligns)
493 |
494 |
#' @export
495 |
decimal_align <- function(string_mat, align_mat) { |
496 |
## Evaluate if any values are to be decimal aligned
497 | 45x |
if (!any_dec_align(align_mat)) { |
498 | ! |
return(string_mat) |
499 |
500 | 45x |
for (i in seq(1, ncol(string_mat))) { |
501 |
## Take a column and its decimal alignments
502 | 145x |
col_i <- as.character(string_mat[, i]) |
503 | 145x |
align_col_i <- is_dec_align(align_mat[, i]) |
504 | ||
505 |
## !( A || B) -> !A && !B DeMorgan's Law
506 |
## Are there any values to be decimal aligned? safe if
507 | 145x |
if (any(align_col_i) && any(!grepl("^[0-9]\\.", col_i))) { |
508 |
## Extract values not to be aligned (NAs, non-numbers,
509 |
## doesn't say "decimal" in alignment matrix)
510 |
## XXX FIXME because this happens after formatting, we can't tell the difference between
511 |
## non-number strings which come from na_str+ NA value and strings which just aren't numbers.
512 |
## this is a problem that should eventually be fixed.
513 | 82x |
nas <- vapply(col_i, is.na, FUN.VALUE = logical(1)) |
514 | 82x |
nonnum <- !grepl("[0-9]", col_i) |
515 |
## No grepl("[a-zA-Z]", col_i) because this excludes N=xx, e.g.
516 | 82x |
nonalign <- nas | nonnum | !align_col_i |
517 | 82x |
col_ia <- col_i[!nonalign] |
518 | ||
519 |
## Do decimal alignment
520 | 82x |
if (length(col_ia) > 0) { |
521 |
# Special case: scientific notation
522 | 82x |
has_sc_not <- grepl("\\d+[e|E][\\+|\\-]\\d+", col_ia) |
523 | 82x |
if (any(has_sc_not)) { |
524 | 1x |
stop( |
525 | 1x |
"Found values using scientific notation between the ones that",
526 | 1x |
" needs to be decimal aligned (aligns is decimal, dec_left or dec_right).",
527 | 1x |
" Please consider using format functions to get a complete decimal ",
528 | 1x |
"(e.g. formatC)."
529 |
530 |
531 | ||
532 |
## Count the number of numbers in the string
533 | 81x |
matches <- gregexpr("\\d+\\.\\d+|\\d+", col_ia) |
534 | 81x |
more_than_one <- vapply(matches, function(x) { |
535 | 697x |
sum(attr(x, "match.length") > 0) > 1 |
536 | 81x |
}, logical(1)) |
537 |
## Throw error in case any have more than 1 numbers
538 | 81x |
if (any(more_than_one)) { |
539 | 2x |
stop( |
540 | 2x |
"Decimal alignment is not supported for multiple values. ",
541 | 2x |
"Found the following string with multiple numbers ",
542 | 2x |
"(first 3 selected from column ", col_i[1], "): '", |
543 | 2x |
paste0(col_ia[more_than_one][seq(1, 3)], collapse = "', '"), |
544 |
545 |
546 |
547 |
## General split (only one match -> the first)
548 | 79x |
main_regexp <- regexpr("\\d+", col_ia) |
549 | 79x |
left <- regmatches(col_ia, main_regexp, invert = FALSE) |
550 | 79x |
right <- regmatches(col_ia, main_regexp, invert = TRUE) |
551 | 79x |
right <- sapply(right, "[[", 2) |
552 | 79x |
something_left <- sapply(strsplit(col_ia, "\\d+"), "[[", 1) |
553 | 79x |
left <- paste0(something_left, left) |
554 | 79x |
if (!checkmate::test_set_equal(paste0(left, right), col_ia)) { |
555 | ! |
stop( |
556 | ! |
"Split string list lost some piece along the way. This ",
557 | ! |
"should not have happened. Please contact the maintainer."
558 |
559 |
} # nocov |
560 | 79x |
separator <- sapply(right, function(x) { |
561 | 645x |
if (nzchar(x)) { |
562 | 349x |
substr(x, 1, 1) |
563 |
} else { |
564 | 296x |
c(" ") |
565 |
566 | 79x |
567 | 79x |
right <- sapply(right, function(x) { |
568 | 645x |
if (nchar(x) > 1) { |
569 | 317x |
substr(x, 2, nchar(x)) |
570 |
} else { |
571 | 328x |
c("") |
572 |
573 | 79x |
574 |
## figure out whether we need space separators (at least one had a "." or not)
575 | 79x |
if (!any(grepl("[^[:space:]]", separator))) { |
576 | 26x |
separator <- gsub("[[:space:]]*", "", separator) |
577 |
578 |
## modify the piece with spaces
579 | 79x |
left_mod <- paste0(spaces(max(nchar(left), na.rm = TRUE) - nchar(left)), left) |
580 | 79x |
right_mod <- paste0(right, spaces(max(nchar(right), na.rm = TRUE) - nchar(right))) |
581 |
# Put everything together
582 | 79x |
aligned <- paste(left_mod, separator, right_mod, sep = "") |
583 | 79x |
string_mat[!nonalign, i] <- aligned |
584 |
585 |
586 |
587 | 42x |
588 |
589 | ||
590 |
## this gives the conversion from number of spaces to number of characters
591 |
## for use in, e.g., repping out divider lines.
592 |
calc_str_adj <- function(str, fontspec) { |
593 | 160x |
if (nchar(str) == 0) { |
594 | ! |
return(0) |
595 |
596 | 160x |
nchar(str) / nchar_ttype(str, fontspec, raw = TRUE) |
597 |
598 | ||
599 |
# toString ---------------------------------------------------------------------
600 |
# main printing code for MatrixPrintForm
601 | ||
602 |
#' @description
603 |
#' All objects that are printed to console pass via `toString`. This function allows
604 |
#' fundamental formatting specifications to be applied to final output, like column widths
605 |
#' and relative wrapping (`width`), title and footer wrapping (`tf_wrap = TRUE` and
606 |
#' `max_width`), and horizontal separator character (e.g. `hsep = "+"`).
607 |
608 |
#' @inheritParams MatrixPrintForm
609 |
#' @inheritParams open_font_dev
610 |
#' @inheritParams format_value
611 |
#' @param widths (`numeric` or `NULL`)\cr Proposed widths for the columns of `x`. The expected
612 |
#' length of this numeric vector can be retrieved with `ncol(x) + 1` as the column of row names
613 |
#' must also be considered.
614 |
#' @param hsep (`string`)\cr character to repeat to create header/body separator line. If
615 |
#' `NULL`, the object value will be used. If `" "`, an empty separator will be printed. See
616 |
#' [default_hsep()] for more information.
617 |
#' @param tf_wrap (`flag`)\cr whether the text for title, subtitles, and footnotes should be wrapped.
618 |
#' @param max_width (`integer(1)`, `string` or `NULL`)\cr width that title and footer (including
619 |
#' footnotes) materials should be word-wrapped to. If `NULL`, it is set to the current print width of the
620 |
#' session (`getOption("width")`). If set to `"auto"`, the width of the table (plus any table inset) is
621 |
#' used. Parameter is ignored if `tf_wrap = FALSE`.
622 |
#' @param ttype_ok (`logical(1)`)\cr should truetype (non-monospace) fonts be
623 |
#' allowed via `fontspec`. Defaults to `FALSE`. This parameter is primarily
624 |
#' for internal testing and generally should not be set by end users.
625 |
626 |
#' @details
627 |
#' Manual insertion of newlines is not supported when `tf_wrap = TRUE` and will result in a warning and
628 |
#' undefined wrapping behavior. Passing vectors of already split strings remains supported, however in this
629 |
#' case each string is word-wrapped separately with the behavior described above.
630 |
631 |
#' @return A character string containing the ASCII rendering of the table-like object represented by `x`.
632 |
633 |
#' @seealso [wrap_string()]
634 |
635 |
#' @examples
636 |
#' mform <- basic_matrix_form(mtcars)
637 |
#' cat(toString(mform))
638 |
639 |
#' @rdname tostring
640 |
#' @exportMethod toString
641 |
setMethod("toString", "MatrixPrintForm", function(x, |
642 |
widths = NULL, |
643 |
tf_wrap = FALSE, |
644 |
max_width = NULL, |
645 |
col_gap = mf_colgap(x), |
646 |
hsep = NULL, |
647 |
fontspec = font_spec(), |
648 |
ttype_ok = FALSE, |
649 |
round_type = c("iec", "sas")) { |
650 | 163x |
checkmate::assert_flag(tf_wrap) |
651 | ||
652 |
## we are going to use the pdf device and grid to understand the actual
653 |
## print width of things given our font family and font size
654 | 163x |
new_dev <- open_font_dev(fontspec) |
655 | 163x |
if (new_dev) { |
656 | 153x |
on.exit(close_font_dev()) |
657 |
658 | ||
659 | 163x |
if (!is_monospace(fontspec = fontspec) && !ttype_ok) { |
660 | ! |
stop( |
661 | ! |
"non-monospace font specified in toString call; this would result in cells contents not lining up exactly. ",
662 | ! |
"If you truly want this behavior please set ttype_ok = TRUE in the call to toString/export_as_txt/export_as_pdf"
663 |
664 |
665 | 163x |
mat <- matrix_form(x, indent_rownames = TRUE, fontspec = fontspec, round_type = round_type) |
666 | ||
667 |
# Check for \n in mat strings -> if there are any, matrix_form did not work
668 | 163x |
if (any(grepl("\n", mf_strings(mat)))) { |
669 | ! |
stop( |
670 | ! |
"Found newline characters (\\n) in string matrix produced by matrix_form. ",
671 | ! |
"This is not supported and implies missbehavior on the first parsing (in matrix_form). ",
672 | ! |
"Please contact the maintainer or file an issue."
673 | ! |
) # nocov |
674 |
675 | 163x |
if (any(grepl("\r", mf_strings(mat)))) { |
676 | ! |
stop( |
677 | ! |
"Found recursive special characters (\\r) in string matrix produced by matrix_form. ",
678 | ! |
"This special character is not supported and should be removed."
679 | ! |
) # nocov |
680 |
681 | ||
682 |
# Check that expansion worked for header -> should not happen
683 | 163x |
if (!is.null(mf_rinfo(mat)) && # rare case of rtables::rtable() |
684 | 163x |
(length(mf_lgrouping(mat)) != nrow(mf_strings(mat)) || # non-unique grouping test # nolint |
685 | 163x |
mf_nrheader(mat) + nrow(mf_rinfo(mat)) != length(unique(mf_lgrouping(mat))))) { # nolint |
686 | ! |
stop( |
687 | ! |
"The sum of the expected nrows header and nrows of content table does ",
688 | ! |
"not match the number of rows in the string matrix. To our knowledge, ",
689 | ! |
"this is usually of a problem in solving newline characters (\\n) in the header. ",
690 | ! |
"Please contact the maintaner or file an issue."
691 | ! |
) # nocov |
692 |
693 | ||
694 | 163x |
inset <- table_inset(mat) |
695 | ||
696 |
# if cells are decimal aligned, run propose column widths
697 |
# if the provided widths is less than proposed width, return an error
698 | 163x |
if (any_dec_align(mf_aligns(mat))) { |
699 | 22x |
aligned <- propose_column_widths(x, fontspec = fontspec, round_type = round_type) |
700 | ||
701 |
# catch any columns that require widths more than what is provided
702 | 20x |
if (!is.null(widths)) { |
703 | 9x |
how_wide <- sapply(seq_along(widths), function(i) c(widths[i] - aligned[i])) |
704 | 9x |
too_wide <- how_wide < 0 |
705 | 9x |
if (any(too_wide)) { |
706 | 2x |
desc_width <- paste(paste( |
707 | 2x |
names(which(too_wide)), |
708 | 2x |
paste0("(", how_wide[too_wide], ")") |
709 | 2x |
), collapse = ", ") |
710 | 2x |
stop( |
711 | 2x |
"Inserted width(s) for column(s) ", desc_width, |
712 | 2x |
" is(are) not wide enough for the desired alignment."
713 |
714 |
715 |
716 |
717 | ||
718 |
# Column widths are fixed here
719 | 159x |
if (is.null(widths)) { |
720 |
# if mf does not have widths -> propose them
721 | 133x |
widths <- mf_col_widths(x) %||% propose_column_widths(x, fontspec = fontspec, round_type = round_type) |
722 |
} else { |
723 | 26x |
mf_col_widths(x) <- widths |
724 |
725 | ||
726 |
## Total number of characters for the table
727 |
## col_gap (and table inset) are in number of spaces
728 |
## so we're ok here even in the truetype case
729 | 159x |
ncchar <- sum(widths) + (length(widths) - 1) * col_gap |
730 | ||
731 |
## max_width for wrapping titles and footers (not related to ncchar if not indirectly)
732 | 159x |
max_width <- .handle_max_width( |
733 | 159x |
tf_wrap = tf_wrap, |
734 | 159x |
max_width = max_width, |
735 | 159x |
colwidths = widths, |
736 | 159x |
col_gap = col_gap, |
737 | 159x |
inset = inset |
738 |
739 | ||
740 |
# Main wrapper function for table core
741 | 159x |
mat <- do_cell_fnotes_wrap(mat, widths, max_width = max_width, tf_wrap = tf_wrap, fontspec = fontspec) |
742 | ||
743 | 156x |
body <- mf_strings(mat) |
744 | 156x |
aligns <- mf_aligns(mat) |
745 | 156x |
keep_mat <- mf_display(mat) |
746 |
## spans <- mat$spans
747 | 156x |
mf_ri <- mf_rinfo(mat) |
748 | 156x |
ref_fnotes <- mf_rfnotes(mat) |
749 | 156x |
nl_header <- mf_nlheader(mat) |
750 | ||
751 | 156x |
cell_widths_mat <- .calc_cell_widths(mat, widths, col_gap) |
752 | ||
753 |
# decimal alignment
754 | 156x |
if (any_dec_align(aligns)) { |
755 | 18x |
body <- decimal_align(body, aligns) |
756 |
757 | ||
758 |
# Content is a matrix of cells with the right amount of spaces
759 | 156x |
content <- matrix( |
760 | 156x |
mapply(padstr, body, cell_widths_mat, aligns, MoreArgs = list(fontspec = fontspec)), |
761 | 156x |
ncol = ncol(body) |
762 |
763 | 156x |
content[!keep_mat] <- NA |
764 | ||
765 |
# Define gap string and divisor string
766 | 156x |
gap_str <- strrep(" ", col_gap) |
767 | 156x |
if (is.null(hsep)) { |
768 | 121x |
hsep <- horizontal_sep(mat) |
769 |
770 | 156x |
adj_hsep <- calc_str_adj(hsep, fontspec) |
771 | 156x |
div <- substr(strrep(hsep, ceiling(ncchar * adj_hsep)), 1, ceiling(ncchar * adj_hsep)) |
772 | 156x |
hsd <- header_section_div(mat) |
773 | 156x |
if (!is.na(hsd)) { |
774 | ! |
adj_hsd <- calc_str_adj(hsd, fontspec) |
775 | ! |
hsd <- substr(strrep(hsd, ceiling(ncchar * adj_hsd)), 1, ceiling(ncchar * adj_hsd)) |
776 |
} else { |
777 | 156x |
hsd <- NULL # no divisor |
778 |
779 | ||
780 |
# text head (paste w/o NA content header and gap string)
781 | 156x |
txt_head <- apply(head(content, nl_header), 1, .paste_no_na, collapse = gap_str) |
782 | ||
783 |
# txt body
784 | 156x |
sec_seps_df <- mf_ri[, c("abs_rownumber", "trailing_sep"), drop = FALSE] |
785 | 156x |
if (!is.null(sec_seps_df) && any(!is.na(sec_seps_df$trailing_sep))) { |
786 | 2x |
bdy_cont <- tail(content, -nl_header) |
787 |
## unfortunately we count "header rows" wrt line grouping so it
788 |
## doesn't match the real (i.e. body) rows as is
789 | 2x |
row_grouping <- tail(mf_lgrouping(mat), -nl_header) - mf_nrheader(mat) |
790 | 2x |
nrbody <- NROW(bdy_cont) |
791 | 2x |
stopifnot(length(row_grouping) == nrbody) |
792 |
## all rows with non-NA section divs and the final row (regardless of NA status)
793 |
## fixes #77
794 | 2x |
sec_seps_df <- sec_seps_df[unique(c( |
795 | 2x |
which(!is.na(sec_seps_df$trailing_sep)), |
796 | 2x |
NROW(sec_seps_df) |
797 |
)), ] |
798 | 2x |
txt_body <- character() |
799 | 2x |
sec_strt <- 1 |
800 | 2x |
section_rws <- sec_seps_df$abs_rownumber |
801 | 2x |
for (i in seq_len(NROW(section_rws))) { |
802 | 6x |
cur_rownum <- section_rws[i] |
803 | 6x |
sec_end <- max(which(row_grouping == cur_rownum)) |
804 | 6x |
txt_body <- c( |
805 | 6x |
806 | 6x |
apply(bdy_cont[seq(sec_strt, sec_end), , drop = FALSE], |
807 | 6x |
808 | 6x |
809 | 6x |
collapse = gap_str |
810 |
811 |
## don't print section dividers if they would be the last thing before the
812 |
## footer divider
813 |
## this also ensures an extraneous sec div won't be printed if we have non-sec-div
814 |
## rows after the last sec div row (#77)
815 | 6x |
if (sec_end < nrbody) { |
816 | 4x |
adj_i <- calc_str_adj(sec_seps_df$trailing_sep[i], fontspec) |
817 | 4x |
substr( |
818 | 4x |
strrep(sec_seps_df$trailing_sep[i], ceiling(ncchar * adj_i)), 1, |
819 | 4x |
ceiling((ncchar - inset) * adj_i) |
820 |
821 |
822 |
823 | 6x |
sec_strt <- sec_end + 1 |
824 |
825 |
} else { |
826 |
# This is the usual default pasting
827 | 154x |
txt_body <- apply(tail(content, -nl_header), 1, .paste_no_na, collapse = gap_str) |
828 |
829 | ||
830 |
# retrieving titles and footers
831 | 156x |
allts <- all_titles(mat) |
832 | ||
833 | 156x |
ref_fnotes <- reorder_ref_fnotes(ref_fnotes) |
834 |
# Fix for ref_fnotes with \n characters XXX this does not count in the pagination
835 | 156x |
if (any(grepl("\\n", ref_fnotes))) { |
836 | 2x |
ref_fnotes <- unlist(strsplit(ref_fnotes, "\n", fixed = TRUE)) |
837 |
838 | ||
839 | 156x |
allfoots <- list( |
840 | 156x |
"main_footer" = main_footer(mat), |
841 | 156x |
"prov_footer" = prov_footer(mat), |
842 | 156x |
"ref_footnotes" = ref_fnotes |
843 |
844 | 156x |
allfoots <- allfoots[!sapply(allfoots, is.null)] |
845 | ||
846 |
## Wrapping titles if they go beyond the horizontally allowed space
847 | 156x |
if (tf_wrap) { |
848 | 68x |
new_line_warning(allts) |
849 | 68x |
allts <- wrap_txt(allts, max_width, fontspec = fontspec) |
850 |
851 | 156x |
titles_txt <- if (any(nzchar(allts))) c(allts, "", .do_inset(div, inset)) else NULL |
852 | ||
853 |
# Wrapping footers if they go beyond the horizontally allowed space
854 | 156x |
if (tf_wrap) { |
855 | 68x |
new_line_warning(allfoots) |
856 | 68x |
allfoots$main_footer <- wrap_txt(allfoots$main_footer, max_width - inset, fontspec = fontspec) |
857 | 68x |
allfoots$ref_footnotes <- wrap_txt(allfoots$ref_footnotes, max_width - inset, fontspec = fontspec) |
858 |
## no - inset here because the prov_footer is not inset
859 | 68x |
allfoots$prov_footer <- wrap_txt(allfoots$prov_footer, max_width, fontspec = fontspec) |
860 |
861 | ||
862 |
# Final return
863 | 156x |
paste0( |
864 | 156x |
paste(c( |
865 | 156x |
titles_txt, # .do_inset(div, inset) happens if there are any titles |
866 | 156x |
.do_inset(txt_head, inset), |
867 | 156x |
.do_inset(div, inset), |
868 | 156x |
.do_inset(hsd, inset), # header_section_div if present |
869 | 156x |
.do_inset(txt_body, inset), |
870 | 156x |
.footer_inset_helper(allfoots, div, inset) |
871 | 156x |
), collapse = "\n"), |
872 | 156x |
873 |
874 |
}) |
875 | ||
876 |
# Switcher for the 3 options for max_width (NULL, numeric, "auto"))
877 |
.handle_max_width <- function(tf_wrap, max_width, |
878 |
cpp = NULL, # Defaults to getOption("width", 80L) |
879 |
# Things for auto
880 |
inset = NULL, colwidths = NULL, col_gap = NULL) { |
881 | 237x |
max_width <- if (!tf_wrap) { |
882 | 117x |
if (!is.null(max_width)) { |
883 | 1x |
warning("tf_wrap is FALSE - ignoring non-null max_width value.") |
884 |
885 | 117x |
886 | 237x |
} else if (tf_wrap) { |
887 | 120x |
if (is.null(max_width)) { |
888 | 36x |
if (is.null(cpp) || is.na(cpp)) { |
889 | 7x |
getOption("width", 80L) |
890 |
} else { |
891 | 29x |
892 |
893 | 84x |
} else if (is.numeric(max_width)) { |
894 | 79x |
895 | 5x |
} else if (is.character(max_width) && identical(max_width, "auto")) { |
896 |
# This should not happen, but just in case
897 | 4x |
if (any(sapply(list(inset, colwidths, col_gap), is.null))) { |
898 | 1x |
stop("inset, colwidths, and col_gap must all be non-null when max_width is \"auto\".") |
899 |
900 | 3x |
inset + sum(colwidths) + (length(colwidths) - 1) * col_gap |
901 |
} else { |
902 | 1x |
stop("max_width must be NULL, a numeric value, or \"auto\".") |
903 |
904 |
905 | 235x |
return(max_width) |
906 |
907 | ||
908 |
.do_inset <- function(x, inset) { |
909 | 1053x |
if (inset == 0 || !any(nzchar(x))) { |
910 | 1034x |
return(x) |
911 |
912 | 19x |
padding <- strrep(" ", inset) |
913 | 19x |
if (is.character(x)) { |
914 | 19x |
x <- paste0(padding, x) |
915 | ! |
} else if (is(x, "matrix")) { |
916 | ! |
x[, 1] <- .do_inset(x[, 1, drop = TRUE], inset) |
917 |
918 | 19x |
919 |
920 | ||
921 |
.inset_div <- function(txt, div, inset) { |
922 | 105x |
c(.do_inset(div, inset), "", txt) |
923 |
924 | ||
925 |
.footer_inset_helper <- function(footers_v, div, inset) { |
926 | 156x |
div_done <- FALSE # nolint |
927 | 156x |
fter <- footers_v$main_footer |
928 | 156x |
prvf <- footers_v$prov_footer |
929 | 156x |
rfn <- footers_v$ref_footnotes |
930 | 156x |
footer_txt <- .do_inset(rfn, inset) |
931 | 156x |
if (any(nzchar(footer_txt))) { |
932 | 14x |
footer_txt <- .inset_div(footer_txt, div, inset) |
933 |
934 | 156x |
if (any(vapply( |
935 | 156x |
footers_v, function(x) any(nzchar(x)), |
936 | 156x |
937 |
))) { |
938 | 91x |
if (any(nzchar(prvf))) { |
939 | 89x |
provtxt <- c( |
940 | 89x |
if (any(nzchar(fter))) "", |
941 | 89x |
942 |
943 |
} else { |
944 | 2x |
provtxt <- character() |
945 |
946 | 91x |
footer_txt <- c( |
947 | 91x |
948 | 91x |
.inset_div( |
949 | 91x |
c( |
950 | 91x |
.do_inset(fter, inset), |
951 | 91x |
952 |
953 | 91x |
954 | 91x |
955 |
956 |
957 |
958 | 156x |
959 |
960 | ||
961 |
reorder_ref_fnotes <- function(fns) { |
962 | 159x |
ind <- gsub("\\{(.*)\\}.*", "\\1", fns) |
963 | 159x |
ind_num <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(ind)) |
964 | 159x |
is_num <- !is.na(ind_num) |
965 | 159x |
is_asis <- ind == fns |
966 | ||
967 | 159x |
if (all(is_num)) { |
968 | 143x |
ord_num <- order(ind_num) |
969 | 143x |
ord_char <- NULL |
970 | 143x |
ord_other <- NULL |
971 |
} else { |
972 | 16x |
ord_num <- order(ind_num[is_num]) |
973 | 16x |
ord_char <- order(ind[!is_num & !is_asis]) |
974 | 16x |
ord_other <- order(ind[is_asis]) |
975 |
976 | 159x |
c(fns[is_num][ord_num], fns[!is_num & !is_asis][ord_char], ind[is_asis][ord_other]) |
977 |
978 | ||
979 |
new_line_warning <- function(str_v) { |
980 | 136x |
if (any(unlist(sapply(str_v, grepl, pattern = "\n")))) { |
981 | ! |
msg <- c( |
982 | ! |
"Detected manual newlines when automatic title/footer word-wrapping is on.",
983 | ! |
"This is unsupported and will result in undefined behavior. Please either ",
984 | ! |
"utilize automatic word-wrapping with newline characters inserted, or ",
985 | ! |
"turn off automatic wrapping and wordwrap all contents manually by inserting ",
986 | ! |
987 |
988 | ! |
warning(paste0(msg, collapse = "")) |
989 |
990 |
991 | ||
992 |
#' Wrap a string to a precise width
993 |
994 |
#' Core wrapping functionality that preserves whitespace. Newline character `"\n"` is not supported
995 |
#' by core functionality [stringi::stri_wrap()]. This is usually solved beforehand by [matrix_form()].
996 |
#' If the width is smaller than any large word, these will be truncated after `width` characters. If
997 |
#' the split leaves trailing groups of empty spaces, they will be dropped.
998 |
999 |
#' @inheritParams open_font_dev
1000 |
#' @param str (`string`, `character`, or `list`)\cr string to be wrapped. If it is a `vector` or
1001 |
#' a `list`, it will be looped as a `list` and returned with `unlist(use.names = FALSE)`.
1002 |
#' @param width (`numeric(1)`)\cr width, in characters, that the text should be wrapped to.
1003 |
#' @param collapse (`string` or `NULL`)\cr collapse character used to separate segments of words that
1004 |
#' have been split and should be pasted together. This is usually done internally with `"\n"` to update
1005 |
#' the wrapping along with other internal values.
1006 |
1007 |
#' @details Word wrapping happens similarly to [stringi::stri_wrap()] with the following difference: individual
1008 |
#' words which are longer than `max_width` are broken up in a way that fits with other word wrapping.
1009 |
1010 |
#' @return A string if `str` is one element and if `collapse = NULL`. Otherwise, a list of elements
1011 |
#' (if `length(str) > 1`) that can contain strings or vectors of characters (if `collapse = NULL`).
1012 |
1013 |
#' @examples
1014 |
#' str <- list(
1015 |
#' " , something really \\tnot very good", # \t needs to be escaped
1016 |
#' " but I keep it12 "
1017 |
#' )
1018 |
#' wrap_string(str, 5, collapse = "\n")
1019 |
1020 |
#' @export
1021 |
wrap_string <- function(str, width, collapse = NULL, fontspec = font_spec()) { |
1022 | 36488x |
if (length(str) > 1) { |
1023 | 114x |
return( |
1024 | 114x |
unlist( |
1025 | 114x |
lapply(str, wrap_string, width = width, collapse = collapse, fontspec = fontspec), |
1026 | 114x |
use.names = FALSE |
1027 |
1028 |
1029 |
1030 | 36374x |
str <- unlist(str, use.names = FALSE) # it happens is one list element |
1031 | 36374x |
if (!length(str) || !nzchar(str) || is.na(str)) { |
1032 | 3872x |
return(str) |
1033 |
1034 | 32502x |
checkmate::assert_character(str) |
1035 | 32502x |
checkmate::assert_int(width, lower = 1) |
1036 | ||
1037 | 32502x |
if (any(grepl("\\n", str))) { |
1038 | ! |
stop( |
1039 | ! |
"Found \\n in a string that was meant to be wrapped. This should not happen ",
1040 | ! |
"because matrix_form should take care of them before this step (toString, ",
1041 | ! |
"i.e. the printing machinery). Please contact the maintaner or file an issue."
1042 |
1043 |
1044 | ||
1045 | 32502x |
if (!is_monospace(fontspec)) { |
1046 | 3x |
return(wrap_string_ttype(str, width, fontspec, collapse = collapse)) |
1047 |
1048 | ||
1049 |
# str can be also a vector or list. In this case simplify manages the output
1050 | 32499x |
ret <- .go_stri_wrap(str, width) |
1051 | ||
1052 |
# Check if it went fine
1053 | 32499x |
if (any(nchar_ttype(ret, fontspec) > width)) { |
1054 | 68x |
which_exceeded <- which(nchar_ttype(ret, fontspec) > width) |
1055 | ||
1056 |
# Recursive for loop to take word interval
1057 | 68x |
while (length(which_exceeded) > 0) { |
1058 | 75x |
we_i <- which_exceeded[1] |
1059 |
# Is there space for some part of the next word?
1060 | 75x |
char_threshold <- width * (2 / 3) + 0.01 # if too little space -> no previous word |
1061 | 75x |
smart_condition <- nchar_ttype(ret[we_i - 1], fontspec) + 1 < char_threshold # +1 is for spaces |
1062 | 75x |
if (we_i - 1 > 0 && smart_condition) { |
1063 | 6x |
we_interval <- unique(c(we_i - 1, we_i)) |
1064 | 6x |
we_interval <- we_interval[ |
1065 | 6x |
(we_interval < (length(ret) + 1)) & |
1066 | 6x |
(we_interval > 0) |
1067 |
1068 |
} else { |
1069 | 69x |
we_interval <- we_i |
1070 |
1071 |
# Split words and collapse (needs unique afterwards)
1072 | 75x |
ret[we_interval] <- split_words_by( |
1073 | 75x |
paste0(ret[we_interval], collapse = " "), |
1074 | 75x |
1075 |
1076 |
# Taking out repetitions if there are more than one
1077 | 75x |
if (length(we_interval) > 1) { |
1078 | 6x |
ret <- ret[-we_interval[-1]] |
1079 | 6x |
we_interval <- we_interval[1] |
1080 |
1081 |
# Paste together and rerun if it is not the same as original ret
1082 | 75x |
ret_collapse <- paste0(ret, collapse = " ") |
1083 | ||
1084 |
# Checking if we are stuck in a loop
1085 | 75x |
ori_wrapped_txt_v <- .go_stri_wrap(str, width) |
1086 | 75x |
cur_wrapped_txt_v <- .go_stri_wrap(ret_collapse, width) |
1087 | 75x |
broken_char_ori <- sum(nchar_ttype(ori_wrapped_txt_v, fontspec) > width) # how many issues there were |
1088 | 75x |
broken_char_cur <- sum(nchar_ttype(cur_wrapped_txt_v, fontspec) > width) # how many issues there are |
1089 | ||
1090 |
# if still broken, we did not solve the current issue!
1091 | 75x |
if (setequal(ori_wrapped_txt_v, cur_wrapped_txt_v) || broken_char_cur >= broken_char_ori) { |
1092 |
# help function: Very rare case where the recursion is stuck in a loop
1093 | 14x |
ret_tmp <- force_split_words_by(ret[we_interval], width) # here we_interval is only one ind |
1094 | 14x |
ret <- append(ret, ret_tmp, we_interval)[-we_interval] |
1095 | 14x |
which_exceeded <- which(nchar_ttype(ret, fontspec) > width) |
1096 |
} else { |
1097 | 61x |
return(wrap_string(str = ret_collapse, width = width, collapse = collapse)) |
1098 |
1099 |
1100 |
1101 | ||
1102 | 32438x |
if (!is.null(collapse)) { |
1103 | 31987x |
return(paste0(ret, collapse = collapse)) |
1104 |
1105 | ||
1106 | 451x |
return(ret) |
1107 |
1108 | ||
1109 |
.go_stri_wrap <- function(str, w) { |
1110 | 32649x |
if (w < 1) { |
1111 | ! |
return(str) |
1112 |
1113 | 32649x |
stringi::stri_wrap(str, |
1114 | 32649x |
width = w, |
1115 | 32649x |
normalize = FALSE, # keeps spaces |
1116 | 32649x |
simplify = TRUE, # If FALSE makes it a list with str elements |
1117 | 32649x |
indent = 0, |
1118 | 32649x |
use_length = FALSE # incase the defaul changes, use actual char widths |
1119 |
1120 |
1121 | ||
1122 |
#' @rdname wrap_string_ttype
1123 |
#' @export
1124 |
split_word_ttype <- function(str, width, fontspec, min_ok_chars) { |
1125 | 11x |
chrs <- strsplit(str, "")[[1]] |
1126 | 11x |
nctt_chars <- nchar_ttype(chrs, fontspec, raw = TRUE) |
1127 | 11x |
ok <- which(cumsum(nctt_chars) <= width) |
1128 | 11x |
if (length(ok) < min_ok_chars || length(chrs) - length(ok) < min_ok_chars) { |
1129 | 3x |
list( |
1130 | 3x |
ok = character(), |
1131 | 3x |
remainder = str |
1132 |
1133 |
} else { |
1134 | 8x |
list( |
1135 | 8x |
ok = substr(str, 1, length(ok)), |
1136 | 8x |
remainder = substr(str, length(ok) + 1, nchar(str)) |
1137 |
1138 |
1139 |
1140 | ||
1141 |
## need a separate path here because **the number of characters**
1142 |
## in each part is no longer going to be constant the way it
1143 |
## was for monospace
1144 |
## this is much slower but still shouldn't be a bottleneck, if it is we'll
1145 |
## have to do something else
1146 |
#' wrap string given a Truetype font
1147 |
1148 |
#' @inheritParams wrap_string
1149 |
#' @param min_ok_chars (`numeric(1)`)\cr number of minimum characters that remain
1150 |
#' on either side when a word is split.
1151 |
#' @param wordbreak_ok (`logical(1)`)\cr should breaking within a word be allowed? If, `FALSE`,
1152 |
#' attempts to wrap a string to a width narrower than its widest word will result
1153 |
#' in an error.
1154 |
#' @return `str`, broken up into a word-wrapped vector
1155 |
#' @export
1156 |
wrap_string_ttype <- function(str, |
1157 |
1158 |
1159 |
collapse = NULL, |
1160 |
min_ok_chars = min(floor(nchar(str) / 2), 4, floor(width / 2)), |
1161 |
wordbreak_ok = TRUE) { |
1162 | 12x |
newdev <- open_font_dev(fontspec) |
1163 | 11x |
if (newdev) { |
1164 | ! |
on.exit(close_font_dev()) |
1165 |
1166 | ||
1167 | 11x |
rawspls <- strsplit(str, "[[:space:]](?=[^[:space:]])", perl = TRUE)[[1]] # preserve all but one space |
1168 | 11x |
nctt <- nchar_ttype(rawspls, fontspec, raw = TRUE) |
1169 | 11x |
pts <- which(cumsum(nctt) <= width) |
1170 | 11x |
if (length(pts) == length(rawspls)) { ## no splitting needed |
1171 | 3x |
return(str) |
1172 | 8x |
} else if (length(pts) == 0) { ## no spaces, all one word, split it and keep going |
1173 | 7x |
if (wordbreak_ok) { |
1174 | 7x |
inner_res <- list() |
1175 | 7x |
min_ok_inner <- min_ok_chars |
1176 | 7x |
while (length(inner_res$ok) == 0) { |
1177 | 10x |
inner_res <- split_word_ttype(rawspls[1], width, fontspec, min_ok_inner) # min_ok_chars) |
1178 | 10x |
min_ok_inner <- floor(min_ok_inner / 2) |
1179 |
1180 | 7x |
done <- inner_res$ok |
1181 | 7x |
remainder <- paste(c(inner_res$remainder, rawspls[-1]), collapse = " ") |
1182 |
} else { |
1183 | ! |
stop( |
1184 | ! |
"Unable to find word wrapping solution without breaking word: ",
1185 | ! |
rawspls[[1]], " [requires ", nchar_ttype(rawspls[[1]], fontspec), " spaces of width, out of ", |
1186 | ! |
width, " available]." |
1187 |
1188 |
1189 |
} else { ## some words fit, and some words don't |
1190 | 1x |
done_tmp <- paste(rawspls[pts], collapse = " ") |
1191 | 1x |
tospl_tmp <- rawspls[length(pts) + 1] |
1192 | 1x |
width_tmp <- width - sum(nctt[pts]) |
1193 | 1x |
if (wordbreak_ok && width_tmp / width > .33) { |
1194 | 1x |
inner_res <- split_word_ttype(tospl_tmp, width_tmp, fontspec, |
1195 | 1x |
min_ok_chars = min_ok_chars |
1196 |
1197 |
} else { |
1198 | ! |
inner_res <- list(done = "", remainder = tospl_tmp) |
1199 |
1200 | 1x |
done <- paste(c(rawspls[pts], inner_res$ok), |
1201 | 1x |
collapse = " " |
1202 |
1203 | 1x |
remainder <- paste( |
1204 | 1x |
c( |
1205 | 1x |
inner_res$remainder, |
1206 | 1x |
if (length(rawspls) > length(pts) + 1) tail(rawspls, -(length(pts) + 1)) |
1207 |
1208 | 1x |
collapse = " " |
1209 |
1210 |
1211 | 8x |
ret <- c( |
1212 | 8x |
1213 | 8x |
wrap_string_ttype(remainder, width, fontspec) |
1214 |
1215 | 8x |
if (!is.null(collapse)) { |
1216 | ! |
ret <- paste(ret, collapse = collapse) |
1217 |
1218 | 8x |
1219 |
1220 | ||
1221 |
# help function: Very rare case where the recursion is stuck in a loop
1222 |
force_split_words_by <- function(ret, width) { |
1223 | 14x |
which_exceeded <- which(nchar(ret) > width) |
1224 | 14x |
ret_tmp <- NULL |
1225 | 14x |
for (ii in seq_along(ret)) { |
1226 | 14x |
if (ii %in% which_exceeded) { |
1227 | 14x |
wrd_i <- ret[ii] |
1228 | 14x |
init_v <- seq(1, nchar(wrd_i), by = width) |
1229 | 14x |
end_v <- c(init_v[-1] - 1, nchar(wrd_i)) |
1230 | 14x |
str_v_tmp <- stringi::stri_sub(wrd_i, from = init_v, to = end_v) |
1231 | 14x |
ret_tmp <- c(ret_tmp, str_v_tmp[!grepl("^\\s+$", str_v_tmp) & nzchar(str_v_tmp)]) |
1232 |
} else { |
1233 | ! |
ret_tmp <- c(ret_tmp, ret[ii]) |
1234 |
1235 |
1236 | 14x |
1237 |
1238 | ||
1239 |
# Helper fnc to split the words and collapse them with space
1240 |
split_words_by <- function(wrd, width) { |
1241 | 75x |
vapply(wrd, function(wrd_i) { |
1242 | 75x |
init_v <- seq(1, nchar(wrd_i), by = width) |
1243 | 75x |
end_v <- c(init_v[-1] - 1, nchar(wrd_i)) |
1244 | 75x |
fin_str_v <- substring(wrd_i, init_v, end_v) |
1245 | 75x |
is_only_spaces <- grepl("^\\s+$", fin_str_v) |
1246 |
# We pop only spaces at this point
1247 | 75x |
if (all(is_only_spaces)) { |
1248 | ! |
fin_str_v <- fin_str_v[1] # keep only one width-sized empty |
1249 |
} else { |
1250 | 75x |
fin_str_v <- fin_str_v[!is_only_spaces] # hybrid text + \s |
1251 |
1252 | ||
1253 |
# Collapse the string
1254 | 75x |
paste0(fin_str_v, collapse = " ") |
1255 | 75x |
}, character(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE) |
1256 |
1257 | ||
1258 |
#' @describeIn wrap_string Deprecated function. Please use [wrap_string()] instead.
1259 |
1260 |
#' @examples
1261 |
#' wrap_txt(str, 5, collapse = NULL)
1262 |
1263 |
#' @export
1264 |
wrap_txt <- function(str, width, collapse = NULL, fontspec = font_spec()) { |
1265 | 396x |
new_dev <- open_font_dev(fontspec) |
1266 | 396x |
if (new_dev) { |
1267 | 2x |
on.exit(close_font_dev()) |
1268 |
1269 | ||
1270 | 396x |
unlist(wrap_string(str, width, collapse, fontspec = fontspec), use.names = FALSE) |
1271 |
1272 | ||
1273 |
pad_vert_top <- function(x, len, default = "") { |
1274 | 5546x |
c(x, rep(default, len - length(x))) |
1275 |
1276 | ||
1277 |
pad_vert_bottom <- function(x, len, default = "") { |
1278 | 362x |
c(rep(default, len - length(x)), x) |
1279 |
1280 | ||
1281 |
pad_vec_to_len <- function(vec, len, cpadder = pad_vert_top, rlpadder = cpadder) { |
1282 | 741x |
dat <- unlist(lapply(vec[-1], cpadder, len = len)) |
1283 | 741x |
dat <- c(rlpadder(vec[[1]], len = len), dat) |
1284 | 741x |
matrix(dat, nrow = len) |
1285 |
1286 | ||
1287 |
rep_vec_to_len <- function(vec, len, ...) { |
1288 | 698x |
matrix(unlist(lapply(vec, rep, times = len)), |
1289 | 698x |
nrow = len |
1290 |
1291 |
1292 | ||
1293 |
safe_strsplit <- function(x, split, ...) { |
1294 | 990x |
ret <- strsplit(x, split, ...) |
1295 | 990x |
lapply(ret, function(reti) if (length(reti) == 0) "" else reti) |
1296 |
1297 | ||
1298 |
.expand_mat_rows_inner <- function(i, mat, row_nlines, expfun, ...) { |
1299 | 1439x |
leni <- row_nlines[i] |
1300 | 1439x |
rw <- mat[i, ] |
1301 | 1439x |
if (is.character(rw)) { |
1302 | 990x |
rw <- safe_strsplit(rw, "\n", fixed = TRUE) |
1303 |
1304 | 1439x |
expfun(rw, len = leni, ...) |
1305 |
1306 | ||
1307 |
expand_mat_rows <- function(mat, row_nlines = apply(mat, 1, nlines), expfun = pad_vec_to_len, ...) { |
1308 | 280x |
rinds <- seq_len(nrow(mat)) |
1309 | 280x |
exprows <- lapply(rinds, .expand_mat_rows_inner, |
1310 | 280x |
mat = mat, |
1311 | 280x |
row_nlines = row_nlines, |
1312 | 280x |
expfun = expfun, |
1313 |
1314 |
1315 | 280x |
do.call(rbind, exprows) |
1316 |
1317 | ||
1318 |
#' Transform a vector of spans (with duplication) into a visibility vector
1319 |
1320 |
#' @param spans (`numeric`)\cr a vector of spans, with each span value repeated
1321 |
#' for the cells it covers.
1322 |
1323 |
#' @details
1324 |
#' The values of `spans` are assumed to be repeated such that each individual position covered by the
1325 |
#' span has the repeated value.
1326 |
1327 |
#' This means that each block of values in `spans` must be of a length at least equal to its value
1328 |
#' (i.e. two 2s, three 3s, etc).
1329 |
1330 |
#' This function correctly handles cases where two spans of the same size are next to each other;
1331 |
#' i.e., a block of four 2s represents two large cells each of which spans two individual cells.
1332 |
1333 |
#' @return A logical vector the same length as `spans` indicating whether the contents of a string vector
1334 |
#' with those spans is valid.
1335 |
1336 |
#' @note
1337 |
#' Currently no checking or enforcement is done to verify that the vector of spans is valid according to
1338 |
#' the specifications described in the Details section above.
1339 |
1340 |
#' @examples
1341 |
#' spans_to_viscell(c(2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 3, 3, 3))
1342 |
1343 |
#' @export
1344 |
spans_to_viscell <- function(spans) { |
1345 | 2x |
if (!is.vector(spans)) { |
1346 | ! |
spans <- as.vector(spans) |
1347 |
1348 | 2x |
myrle <- rle(spans) |
1349 | 2x |
unlist( |
1350 | 2x |
mapply( |
1351 | 2x |
function(vl, ln) { |
1352 | 4x |
rep(c(TRUE, rep(FALSE, vl - 1L)), times = ln / vl) |
1353 |
1354 | 2x |
1355 | 2x |
vl = myrle$values, |
1356 | 2x |
ln = myrle$lengths |
1357 |
1358 | 2x |
recursive = FALSE |
1359 |
1360 |
1361 | ||
1362 |
#' Propose column widths based on the `MatrixPrintForm` of an object
1363 |
1364 |
#' Row names are also considered a column for the output.
1365 |
1366 |
#' @inheritParams open_font_dev
1367 |
#' @inheritParams format_value
1368 |
#' @param x (`ANY`)\cr a `MatrixPrintForm` object, or an object with a `matrix_form` method.
1369 |
#' @param indent_size (`numeric(1)`)\cr indent size, in characters. Ignored when `x` is already
1370 |
#' a `MatrixPrintForm` object in favor of information there.
1371 |
1372 |
#' @return A vector of column widths based on the content of `x` for use in printing and pagination.
1373 |
1374 |
#' @examples
1375 |
#' mf <- basic_matrix_form(mtcars)
1376 |
#' propose_column_widths(mf)
1377 |
1378 |
#' @export
1379 |
propose_column_widths <- function(x, |
1380 |
indent_size = 2, |
1381 |
fontspec = font_spec(), |
1382 |
round_type = c("iec", "sas")) { |
1383 | 95x |
new_dev <- open_font_dev(fontspec) |
1384 | 95x |
if (new_dev) { |
1385 | 65x |
on.exit(close_font_dev()) |
1386 |
1387 | ||
1388 | 95x |
if (!is(x, "MatrixPrintForm")) { |
1389 | ! |
x <- matrix_form(x, indent_rownames = TRUE, indent_size = indent_size, fontspec = fontspec, round_type = round_type) |
1390 |
1391 | 95x |
body <- mf_strings(x) |
1392 | 95x |
spans <- mf_spans(x) |
1393 | 95x |
aligns <- mf_aligns(x) |
1394 | 95x |
display <- mf_display(x) |
1395 | ||
1396 |
# compute decimal alignment if asked in alignment matrix
1397 | 95x |
if (any_dec_align(aligns)) { |
1398 | 27x |
body <- decimal_align(body, aligns) |
1399 |
1400 | ||
1401 |
## chars <- nchar(body) #old monospace assumption
1402 |
## we now use widths in terms of the printwidth of the space (" ")
1403 |
## character. This collapses to the same thing in the monospace
1404 |
## case but allows us to reasonably support truetype fonts
1405 | 92x |
chars <- nchar_ttype(body, fontspec) |
1406 | ||
1407 |
# first check column widths without colspan
1408 | 92x |
has_spans <- spans != 1 |
1409 | 92x |
chars_ns <- chars |
1410 | 92x |
chars_ns[has_spans] <- 0 |
1411 | 92x |
widths <- apply(chars_ns, 2, max) |
1412 | ||
1413 |
# now check if the colspans require extra width
1414 | 92x |
if (any(has_spans)) { |
1415 | 1x |
has_row_spans <- apply(has_spans, 1, any) |
1416 | ||
1417 | 1x |
chars_sp <- chars[has_row_spans, , drop = FALSE] |
1418 | 1x |
spans_sp <- spans[has_row_spans, , drop = FALSE] |
1419 | 1x |
disp_sp <- display[has_row_spans, , drop = FALSE] |
1420 | ||
1421 | 1x |
nc <- ncol(spans) |
1422 | 1x |
for (i in seq_len(nrow(chars_sp))) { |
1423 | 1x |
for (j in seq_len(nc)) { |
1424 | 2x |
if (disp_sp[i, j] && spans_sp[i, j] != 1) { |
1425 | 1x |
i_cols <- seq(j, j + spans_sp[i, j] - 1) |
1426 | ||
1427 | 1x |
nchar_i <- chars_sp[i, j] |
1428 | 1x |
cw_i <- widths[i_cols] |
1429 | 1x |
available_width <- sum(cw_i) |
1430 | ||
1431 | 1x |
if (nchar_i > available_width) { |
1432 |
# need to update widths to fit content with colspans
1433 |
# spread width among columns
1434 | ! |
widths[i_cols] <- cw_i + spread_integer(nchar_i - available_width, length(cw_i)) |
1435 |
1436 |
1437 |
1438 |
1439 |
1440 | 92x |
1441 |
1442 | ||
1443 |
## "number of characters" width in terms of
1444 |
## width of " " for the chosen font family
1445 | ||
1446 |
## pdf device with font specification MUST already be open
1447 | ||
1448 |
#' Calculate font-specific string width
1449 |
1450 |
#' This function returns the width of each element `x`
1451 |
#' *as a multiple of the width of the space character
1452 |
#' for in declared font*, rounded up to the nearest
1453 |
#' integer. This is used extensively in the text rendering
1454 |
#' ([toString()]) and pagination machinery for
1455 |
#' calculating word wrapping, default column widths,
1456 |
#' lines per page, etc.
1457 |
1458 |
#' @param x (`character`)\cr the string(s) to calculate width(s) for.
1459 |
#' @param fontspec (`font_spec` or `NULL`)\cr if non-NULL, the font to use for
1460 |
#' the calculations (as returned by [font_spec()]). Defaults to "Courier",
1461 |
#' which is a monospace font. If NULL, the width will be returned
1462 |
#' in number of characters by calling `nchar` directly.
1463 |
#' @param tol (`numeric(1)`)\cr the tolerance to use when determining
1464 |
#' if a multiple needs to be rounded up to the next integer. See
1465 |
#' Details.
1466 |
#' @param raw (`logical(1)`)\cr whether unrounded widths should be returned. Defaults to `FALSE`.
1467 |
1468 |
#' @details String width is defined in terms of spaces within
1469 |
#' the specified font. For monospace fonts, this definition
1470 |
#' collapses to the number of characters in the string
1471 |
#' ([nchar()]), but for truetype fonts it does not.
1472 |
1473 |
#' For `raw = FALSE`, non-integer values (the norm in a truetype
1474 |
#' setting) for the number of spaces a string takes up is rounded
1475 |
#' up, *unless the multiple is less than `tol` above the last integer
1476 |
#' before it*. E.g., if `k - num_spaces < tol` for an integer
1477 |
#' `k`, `k` is returned instead of `k+1`.
1478 |
1479 |
#' @seealso [font_spec()]
1480 |
1481 |
#' @examples
1482 |
#' nchar_ttype("hi there!")
1483 |
1484 |
#' nchar_ttype("hi there!", font_spec("Times"))
1485 |
1486 |
#' @export
1487 |
nchar_ttype <- function(x, fontspec = font_spec(), tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), raw = FALSE) { |
1488 |
## escape hatch because sometimes we need to call, e.g. make_row_df
1489 |
## but we dont' care about getting the word wrapping right and the
1490 |
## performance penalty was KILLING us. Looking at you
1491 |
## rtables::update_ref_indexing @.@
1492 | 48730x |
if (is.null(fontspec)) { |
1493 | 1x |
return(nchar(x)) |
1494 |
1495 | 48729x |
new_dev <- open_font_dev(fontspec) |
1496 | 48729x |
if (new_dev) { |
1497 | 149x |
on.exit(close_font_dev()) |
1498 |
1499 | 48729x |
if (font_dev_state$ismonospace) { ## WAY faster if we can do it |
1500 | 48705x |
return(nchar(x)) |
1501 |
1502 | 24x |
space_width <- get_space_width() |
1503 |
## cwidth_inches_unsafe is ok here because if we don't
1504 |
## have a successfully opened state (somehow), get_space_width
1505 |
## above will error.
1506 | 24x |
num_inches_raw <- vapply(x, cwidth_inches_unsafe, 1.0) |
1507 | 24x |
num_spaces_raw <- num_inches_raw / space_width |
1508 | 24x |
if (!raw) { |
1509 | 1x |
num_spaces_ceil <- ceiling(num_spaces_raw) |
1510 |
## we don't want to add one when the answer is e.g, 3.0000000000000953
1511 | 1x |
within_tol <- which(num_spaces_raw + 1 - num_spaces_ceil <= tol) |
1512 | 1x |
ret <- num_spaces_ceil |
1513 | 1x |
if (length(within_tol) == 0L) { |
1514 | 1x |
ret[within_tol] <- floor(num_spaces_raw[within_tol]) |
1515 |
1516 |
} else { |
1517 | 23x |
ret <- num_spaces_raw |
1518 |
1519 | 24x |
if (!is.null(dim(x))) { |
1520 | ! |
dim(ret) <- dim(x) |
1521 |
} else { |
1522 | 24x |
names(ret) <- NULL |
1523 |
1524 | 24x |
1525 |
1526 | ||
1527 |
#' Pad a string and align within string
1528 |
1529 |
#' @inheritParams open_font_dev
1530 |
#' @param x (`string`)\cr a string.
1531 |
#' @param n (`integer(1)`)\cr number of characters in the output string. If `n < nchar(x)`, an error is thrown.
1532 |
#' @param just (`string`)\cr text alignment justification to use. Defaults to `"center"`. Must be one of
1533 |
#' `"center"`, `"right"`, `"left"`, `"dec_right"`, `"dec_left"`, or `"decimal"`.
1534 |
1535 |
#' @return `x`, padded to be a string of length `n`.
1536 |
1537 |
#' @examples
1538 |
#' padstr("abc", 3)
1539 |
#' padstr("abc", 4)
1540 |
#' padstr("abc", 5)
1541 |
#' padstr("abc", 5, "left")
1542 |
#' padstr("abc", 5, "right")
1543 |
1544 |
#' \dontrun{
1545 |
#' # Expect error: "abc" has more than 1 characters
1546 |
#' padstr("abc", 1)
1547 |
#' }
1548 |
1549 |
#' @export
1550 |
padstr <- function(x, n, just = list_valid_aligns(), fontspec = font_spec()) { |
1551 | 15649x |
just <- match.arg(just) |
1552 | ||
1553 | 1x |
if (length(x) != 1) stop("length of x needs to be 1 and not", length(x)) |
1554 | 1x |
if (is.na(n) || !is.numeric(n) || n < 0) stop("n needs to be numeric and > 0") |
1555 | ||
1556 | 2x |
if (is.na(x)) x <- "<NA>" |
1557 | ||
1558 | 15647x |
nc <- nchar_ttype(x, fontspec) |
1559 | ! |
if (n < nc) stop("\"", x, "\" has more than ", n, " characters") |
1560 | ||
1561 | 15647x |
switch(just, |
1562 |
center = { |
1563 | 13742x |
pad <- (n - nc) / 2 |
1564 | 13742x |
paste0(spaces(floor(pad)), x, spaces(ceiling(pad))) |
1565 |
1566 | 1754x |
left = paste0(x, spaces(n - nc)), |
1567 | 10x |
right = paste0(spaces(n - nc), x), |
1568 |
decimal = { |
1569 | 61x |
pad <- (n - nc) / 2 |
1570 | 61x |
paste0(spaces(floor(pad)), x, spaces(ceiling(pad))) |
1571 |
1572 | 45x |
dec_left = paste0(x, spaces(n - nc)), |
1573 | 35x |
dec_right = paste0(spaces(n - nc), x) |
1574 |
1575 |
1576 | ||
1577 |
spaces <- function(n) { |
1578 | 29608x |
strrep(" ", n) |
1579 |
1580 | ||
1581 |
.paste_no_na <- function(x, ...) { |
1582 | 2408x |
paste(na.omit(x), ...) |
1583 |
1584 | ||
1585 |
#' Spread an integer to a given length
1586 |
1587 |
#' @param x (`integer(1)`)\cr number to spread.
1588 |
#' @param len (`integer(1)`)\cr number of times to repeat `x`.
1589 |
1590 |
#' @return If `x` is a scalar whole number value (see [is.wholenumber()]), the value `x` is repeated `len` times.
1591 |
#' Otherwise, an error is thrown.
1592 |
1593 |
#' @examples
1594 |
#' spread_integer(3, 1)
1595 |
#' spread_integer(0, 3)
1596 |
#' spread_integer(1, 3)
1597 |
#' spread_integer(2, 3)
1598 |
#' spread_integer(3, 3)
1599 |
#' spread_integer(4, 3)
1600 |
#' spread_integer(5, 3)
1601 |
#' spread_integer(6, 3)
1602 |
#' spread_integer(7, 3)
1603 |
1604 |
#' @export
1605 |
spread_integer <- function(x, len) { |
1606 | 2x |
stopifnot( |
1607 | 2x |
is.wholenumber(x), length(x) == 1, x >= 0, |
1608 | 2x |
is.wholenumber(len), length(len) == 1, len >= 0, |
1609 | 2x |
!(len == 0 && x > 0) |
1610 |
1611 | ||
1612 | 1x |
if (len == 0) { |
1613 | ! |
integer(0) |
1614 |
} else { |
1615 | 1x |
y <- rep(floor(x / len), len) |
1616 | 1x |
i <- 1 |
1617 | 1x |
while (sum(y) < x) { |
1618 | 1x |
y[i] <- y[i] + 1 |
1619 | 1x |
if (i == len) { |
1620 | ! |
i <- 1 |
1621 |
} else { |
1622 | 1x |
i <- i + 1 |
1623 |
1624 |
1625 | 1x |
1626 |
1627 |
1628 | ||
1629 |
#' Check if a value is a whole number
1630 |
1631 |
#' @param x (`numeric(1)`)\cr a numeric value.
1632 |
#' @param tol (`numeric(1)`)\cr a precision tolerance.
1633 |
1634 |
#' @return `TRUE` if `x` is within `tol` of zero, `FALSE` otherwise.
1635 |
1636 |
#' @examples
1637 |
#' is.wholenumber(5)
1638 |
#' is.wholenumber(5.00000000000000001)
1639 |
#' is.wholenumber(.5)
1640 |
1641 |
#' @export
1642 |
is.wholenumber <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5) { |
1643 | 3x |
abs(x - round(x)) < tol |
1644 |
1 |
## until we do it for real
2 | ||
3 |
#' Class for Matrix Print Form
4 |
5 |
#' The `MatrixPrintForm` class, an intermediate representation for ASCII table printing.
6 |
7 |
#' @name MatrixPrintForm-class
8 |
#' @rdname MatrixPrintForm_class
9 |
#' @exportClass MatrixPrintForm
10 |
setOldClass(c("MatrixPrintForm", "list")) |
11 | ||
12 |
mform_handle_newlines <- function(matform) { |
13 |
# Retrieving relevant information
14 | 265x |
has_topleft <- mf_has_topleft(matform) |
15 | 265x |
strmat <- mf_strings(matform) |
16 | 265x |
frmmat <- mf_formats(matform) |
17 | 265x |
spamat <- mf_spans(matform) |
18 | 265x |
alimat <- mf_aligns(matform) |
19 | 265x |
nr_header <- mf_nrheader(matform) |
20 | 265x |
nl_inds_header <- seq(mf_nlheader(matform)) |
21 | 265x |
hdr_inds <- seq(nr_header) |
22 | ||
23 |
# hack that is necessary only if top-left is bottom aligned (default)
24 | 265x |
topleft_has_nl_char <- FALSE |
25 | ||
26 |
# Exract top-left information
27 | 265x |
tl <- strmat[nl_inds_header, 1, drop = TRUE] |
28 | 265x |
has_topleft <- has_topleft && any(nzchar(tl)) # update topleft info if there is any |
29 | ||
30 | 265x |
if (has_topleft) { |
31 |
# removes it from the header (temporary) - done so the header can be top aligned
32 | 6x |
strmat[nl_inds_header, 1] <- "" |
33 | ||
34 |
# remove top empty strings (because they are not topleft) and assign topleft to add back
35 | 6x |
if (any(!nzchar(tl)) && length(tl) > 1) { # needed if ever has_top_left is true but only empties |
36 |
# values that are "" before topleft information
37 | 2x |
which_is_fist_nzchar <- which(nzchar(tl))[1] |
38 | 2x |
tl <- tl[-(seq(which_is_fist_nzchar) - 1)] # -1 because we take out "" from beginning |
39 |
40 | 6x |
topleft_has_nl_char <- any(grepl("\n", tl)) |
41 | 6x |
tl_to_add_back <- strsplit(paste0(tl, collapse = "\n"), split = "\n", fixed = TRUE)[[1]] |
42 | 6x |
tl_how_many_nl <- length(tl_to_add_back) |
43 |
44 | ||
45 |
# pre-proc in case of wrapping and \n
46 | 265x |
line_grouping <- mf_lgrouping(matform) |
47 | 265x |
strmat <- .compress_mat(strmat, line_grouping, "nl") |
48 | 265x |
frmmat <- .compress_mat(frmmat, line_grouping, "unique") # never not unique |
49 | 265x |
spamat <- .compress_mat(spamat, line_grouping, "unique") |
50 | 265x |
alimat <- .compress_mat(alimat, line_grouping, "unique") |
51 | 265x |
line_grouping <- unique(line_grouping) |
52 | ||
53 |
# nlines detects if there is a newline character
54 |
# colwidths = NULL, max_width = NULL, fontspec = NULL
55 |
# because we don't care about wrapping here we're counting lines
56 |
# TODO probably better if we had a nlines_nowrap fun to be more explicit
57 | ||
58 | 265x |
row_nlines <- apply( # tells how many nlines for each row |
59 | 265x |
60 | 265x |
61 | 265x |
function(x) { |
62 | 5126x |
max( |
63 | 5126x |
vapply(x, |
64 | 5126x |
65 | 5126x |
colwidths = NULL, |
66 | 5126x |
max_width = NULL, |
67 | 5126x |
fontspec = NULL, 1L |
68 |
69 | 5126x |
70 |
71 |
72 |
73 | ||
74 |
# Correction for the case where there are more lines for topleft material than for cols
75 | 265x |
if (has_topleft && (sum(row_nlines[hdr_inds]) < tl_how_many_nl)) { |
76 | 1x |
row_nlines[1] <- row_nlines[1] + tl_how_many_nl - sum(row_nlines[hdr_inds]) |
77 |
78 | ||
79 |
# There is something to change
80 | 265x |
if (any(row_nlines > 1) || topleft_has_nl_char) { |
81 |
# False: Padder should be bottom aligned if no topleft (case of rlistings)
82 |
# It is always bottom: tl_padder <- ifelse(has_topleft, pad_vert_top, pad_vert_bottom)
83 | ||
84 | 40x |
newstrmat <- rbind( |
85 | 40x |
cbind( |
86 | 40x |
expand_mat_rows(strmat[hdr_inds, 1, drop = FALSE], |
87 | 40x |
row_nlines[hdr_inds], |
88 | 40x |
cpadder = pad_vert_bottom # topleft info is NOT top aligned |
89 |
90 | 40x |
expand_mat_rows(strmat[hdr_inds, -1, drop = FALSE], |
91 | 40x |
row_nlines[hdr_inds], |
92 | 40x |
cpadder = pad_vert_bottom # colnames are bottom aligned |
93 |
94 |
95 | 40x |
expand_mat_rows(strmat[-1 * hdr_inds, , drop = FALSE], row_nlines[-hdr_inds]) |
96 |
97 | 40x |
colnames(newstrmat) <- colnames(strmat) |
98 | ||
99 | 40x |
newfrmmat <- rbind( |
100 | 40x |
expand_mat_rows( |
101 | 40x |
frmmat[hdr_inds, , drop = FALSE], |
102 | 40x |
row_nlines[hdr_inds], |
103 | 40x |
cpadder = pad_vert_bottom |
104 |
105 | 40x |
expand_mat_rows(frmmat[-1 * hdr_inds, , drop = FALSE], row_nlines[-hdr_inds]) |
106 |
107 | ||
108 | 40x |
if (has_topleft) { |
109 | 6x |
starts_from_ind <- if (sum(row_nlines[hdr_inds]) - tl_how_many_nl > 0) { |
110 | 4x |
sum(row_nlines[hdr_inds]) - tl_how_many_nl |
111 |
} else { |
112 | 2x |
113 |
114 | 6x |
newstrmat[starts_from_ind + seq_along(tl_to_add_back), 1] <- tl_to_add_back |
115 |
116 | ||
117 | 40x |
mf_strings(matform) <- newstrmat |
118 | 40x |
mf_formats(matform) <- newfrmmat |
119 | 40x |
mf_spans(matform) <- expand_mat_rows(spamat, row_nlines, rep_vec_to_len) |
120 | 40x |
mf_aligns(matform) <- expand_mat_rows(alimat, row_nlines, rep_vec_to_len) |
121 |
## mf_display(matform) <- expand_mat_rows(mf_display(matform), row_nlines, rep_vec_to_len)
122 | 40x |
mf_lgrouping(matform) <- rep(line_grouping, times = row_nlines) |
123 |
124 | ||
125 |
# Solve \n in titles
126 | 265x |
if (any(grepl("\n", all_titles(matform)))) { |
127 | 2x |
if (any(grepl("\n", main_title(matform)))) { |
128 | 2x |
tmp_title_vec <- .quick_handle_nl(main_title(matform)) |
129 | 2x |
main_title(matform) <- tmp_title_vec[1] |
130 | 2x |
subtitles(matform) <- c(tmp_title_vec[-1], .quick_handle_nl(subtitles(matform))) |
131 |
} else { |
132 | ! |
subtitles(matform) <- .quick_handle_nl(subtitles(matform)) |
133 |
134 |
135 | ||
136 |
# Solve \n in footers
137 | 265x |
main_footer(matform) <- .quick_handle_nl(main_footer(matform)) |
138 | 265x |
prov_footer(matform) <- .quick_handle_nl(prov_footer(matform)) |
139 | ||
140 |
# xxx \n in page titles are not working atm (I think)
141 | 265x |
142 |
143 | ||
144 |
.quick_handle_nl <- function(str_v) { |
145 | 534x |
if (any(grepl("\n", str_v))) { |
146 | 4x |
return(unlist(strsplit(str_v, "\n", fixed = TRUE))) |
147 |
} else { |
148 | 530x |
return(str_v) |
149 |
150 |
151 | ||
152 |
# Helper function to recompact the lines following line groupings to then have them expanded again
153 |
.compress_mat <- function(mat, line_grouping, collapse_method = c("nl", "unique")) { |
154 | 1060x |
list_compacted_mat <- lapply(unique(line_grouping), function(lg) { |
155 | 20504x |
apply(mat, 2, function(mat_cols) { |
156 | 175880x |
col_vec <- mat_cols[which(line_grouping == lg)] |
157 | 175880x |
if (collapse_method[1] == "nl") { |
158 | 43970x |
paste0(col_vec, collapse = "\n") |
159 |
} else { |
160 | 131910x |
val <- unique(col_vec) |
161 | 131910x |
val <- val[nzchar(val)] |
162 | 131910x |
if (length(val) > 1) { |
163 | 20504x |
stop("Problem in linegroupings! Some do not have the same values.") # nocov |
164 | 131910x |
} else if (length(val) < 1) { |
165 | 5133x |
val <- "" # Case in which it is only "" |
166 |
167 | 131910x |
val[[1]] |
168 |
169 |
}) |
170 |
}) |
171 | 1060x |
do.call("rbind", list_compacted_mat) |
172 |
173 | ||
174 |
disp_from_spans <- function(spans) { |
175 | 410x |
display <- matrix(rep(TRUE, length(spans)), ncol = ncol(spans)) |
176 | ||
177 | 410x |
print_cells_mat <- spans == 1L |
178 | 410x |
if (!all(print_cells_mat)) { |
179 | 1x |
display_rws <- lapply( |
180 | 1x |
seq_len(nrow(spans)), |
181 | 1x |
function(i) { |
182 | 2x |
print_cells <- print_cells_mat[i, ] |
183 | 2x |
row <- spans[i, ] |
184 |
## display <- t(apply(spans, 1, function(row) {
185 |
## print_cells <- row == 1
186 | ||
187 | 2x |
if (!all(print_cells)) { |
188 |
## need to calculate which cell need to be printed
189 | 1x |
print_cells <- spans_to_viscell(row) |
190 |
191 | 2x |
192 |
193 |
194 | 1x |
display <- do.call(rbind, display_rws) |
195 |
196 | 410x |
197 |
198 | ||
199 |
#' Constructor for Matrix Print Form
200 |
201 |
#' Constructor for `MatrixPrintForm`, an intermediate representation for ASCII table printing.
202 |
203 |
#' @inheritParams open_font_dev
204 |
#' @param strings (`character matrix`)\cr matrix of formatted, ready-to-display strings
205 |
#' organized as they will be positioned when rendered. Elements that span more than one
206 |
#' column must be followed by the correct number of placeholders (typically either empty
207 |
#' strings or repeats of the value).
208 |
#' @param spans (`numeric matrix`)\cr matrix of same dimension as `strings` giving the
209 |
#' spanning information for each element. Must be repeated to match placeholders in `strings`.
210 |
#' @param aligns (`character matrix`)\cr matrix of same dimension as `strings` giving the text
211 |
#' alignment information for each element. Must be repeated to match placeholders in `strings`.
212 |
#' Must be a supported text alignment. See [decimal_align] for allowed values.
213 |
#' @param formats (`matrix`)\cr matrix of same dimension as `strings` giving the text format
214 |
#' information for each element. Must be repeated to match placeholders in `strings`.
215 |
#' @param row_info (`data.frame`)\cr data frame with row-information necessary for pagination (see
216 |
#' [basic_pagdf()] for more details).
217 |
#' @param colpaths (`list` or `NULL`)\cr `NULL`, or a list of paths to each leaf column,
218 |
#' for use during horizontal pagination.
219 |
#' @param line_grouping (`integer`)\cr sequence of integers indicating how print lines correspond
220 |
#' to semantic rows in the object. Typically this should not be set manually unless
221 |
#' `expand_newlines` is set to `FALSE`.
222 |
#' @param ref_fnotes (`list`)\cr referential footnote information, if applicable.
223 |
#' @param nlines_header (`numeric(1)`)\cr number of lines taken up by the values of the header
224 |
#' (i.e. not including the divider).
225 |
#' @param nrow_header (`numeric(1)`)\cr number of *rows* corresponding to the header.
226 |
#' @param has_topleft (`flag`)\cr does the corresponding table have "top left information"
227 |
#' which should be treated differently when expanding newlines. Ignored if `expand_newlines`
228 |
#' is `FALSE`.
229 |
#' @param has_rowlabs (`flag`)\cr do the matrices (`strings`, `spans`, `aligns`) each contain a
230 |
#' column that corresponds with row labels (rather than with table cell values). Defaults to `TRUE`.
231 |
#' @param main_title (`string`)\cr main title as a string.
232 |
#' @param subtitles (`character`)\cr subtitles, as a character vector.
233 |
#' @param page_titles (`character`)\cr page-specific titles, as a character vector.
234 |
#' @param main_footer (`character`)\cr main footer, as a character vector.
235 |
#' @param prov_footer (`character`)\cr provenance footer information, as a character vector.
236 |
#' @param listing_keycols (`character`)\cr. if matrix form of a listing, this contains
237 |
#' the key columns as a character vector.
238 |
#' @param header_section_div (`string`)\cr divider to be used between header and body sections.
239 |
#' @param horizontal_sep (`string`)\cr horizontal separator to be used for printing divisors
240 |
#' between header and table body and between different footers.
241 |
#' @param expand_newlines (`flag`)\cr whether the matrix form generated should expand rows whose
242 |
#' values contain newlines into multiple 'physical' rows (as they will appear when rendered into
243 |
#' ASCII). Defaults to `TRUE`.
244 |
#' @param col_gap (`numeric(1)`)\cr space (in characters) between columns.
245 |
#' @param table_inset (`numeric(1)`)\cr table inset. See [table_inset()].
246 |
#' @param colwidths (`numeric` or `NULL`)\cr column rendering widths. If non-`NULL`, must have length
247 |
#' equal to `ncol(strings)`.
248 |
#' @param indent_size (`numeric(1)`)\cr number of spaces to be used per level of indent (if supported by
249 |
#' the relevant method). Defaults to 2.
250 |
#' @param rep_cols (`numeric(1)`)\cr number of columns to be repeated as context during horizontal pagination.
251 |
252 |
#' @return An object of class `MatrixPrintForm`. Currently this is implemented as an S3 class inheriting
253 |
#' from list with the following elements:
254 |
#' \describe{
255 |
#' \item{`strings`}{see argument.}
256 |
#' \item{`spans`}{see argument.}
257 |
#' \item{`aligns`}{see argument.}
258 |
#' \item{`display`}{logical matrix of same dimension as `strings` that specifies whether an element
259 |
#' in `strings` will be displayed when the table is rendered.}
260 |
#' \item{`formats`}{see argument.}
261 |
#' \item{`row_info`}{see argument.}
262 |
#' \item{`line_grouping`}{see argument.}
263 |
#' \item{`ref_footnotes`}{see argument.}
264 |
#' \item{`main_title`}{see argument.}
265 |
#' \item{`subtitles`}{see argument.}
266 |
#' \item{`page_titles`}{see argument.}
267 |
#' \item{`main_footer`}{see argument.}
268 |
#' \item{`prov_footer`}{see argument.}
269 |
#' \item{`header_section_div`}{see argument.}
270 |
#' \item{`horizontal_sep`}{see argument.}
271 |
#' \item{`col_gap`}{see argument.}
272 |
#' \item{`table_inset`}{see argument.}
273 |
#' }
274 |
275 |
#' as well as the following attributes:
276 |
277 |
#' \describe{
278 |
#' \item{`nlines_header`}{see argument.}
279 |
#' \item{`nrow_header`}{see argument.}
280 |
#' \item{`ncols`}{number of columns *of the table*, not including any row names/row labels}
281 |
#' }
282 |
283 |
#' @note The bare constructor for the `MatrixPrintForm` should generally
284 |
#' only be called by `matrix_form` custom methods, and almost never from other code.
285 |
286 |
#' @examples
287 |
#' basic_matrix_form(iris) # calls matrix_form which calls this constructor
288 |
289 |
#' @export
290 |
MatrixPrintForm <- function(strings = NULL, |
291 |
292 |
293 |
294 |
295 |
colpaths = NULL, |
296 |
line_grouping = seq_len(NROW(strings)), |
297 |
ref_fnotes = list(), |
298 |
299 |
300 |
has_topleft = TRUE, |
301 |
has_rowlabs = has_topleft, |
302 |
expand_newlines = TRUE, |
303 |
main_title = "", |
304 |
subtitles = character(), |
305 |
page_titles = character(), |
306 |
listing_keycols = NULL, |
307 |
main_footer = "", |
308 |
prov_footer = character(), |
309 |
header_section_div = NA_character_, |
310 |
horizontal_sep = default_hsep(), |
311 |
col_gap = 3, |
312 |
table_inset = 0L, |
313 |
colwidths = NULL, |
314 |
indent_size = 2, |
315 |
fontspec = font_spec(), |
316 |
rep_cols = 0L) { |
317 | 53x |
display <- disp_from_spans(spans) |
318 | ||
319 | 53x |
ncs <- if (has_rowlabs) ncol(strings) - 1 else ncol(strings) |
320 | 53x |
ret <- structure( |
321 | 53x |
list( |
322 | 53x |
strings = strings, |
323 | 53x |
spans = spans, |
324 | 53x |
aligns = aligns, |
325 | 53x |
display = display, |
326 | 53x |
formats = formats, |
327 | 53x |
row_info = row_info, |
328 | 53x |
line_grouping = line_grouping, |
329 | 53x |
ref_footnotes = ref_fnotes, |
330 | 53x |
main_title = main_title, |
331 | 53x |
subtitles = subtitles, |
332 | 53x |
page_titles = page_titles, |
333 | 53x |
main_footer = main_footer, |
334 | 53x |
prov_footer = prov_footer, |
335 | 53x |
header_section_div = header_section_div, |
336 | 53x |
horizontal_sep = horizontal_sep, |
337 | 53x |
col_gap = col_gap, |
338 | 53x |
listing_keycols = listing_keycols, |
339 | 53x |
table_inset = as.integer(table_inset), |
340 | 53x |
has_topleft = has_topleft, |
341 | 53x |
indent_size = indent_size, |
342 | 53x |
col_widths = colwidths, |
343 | 53x |
fontspec = fontspec, |
344 | 53x |
num_rep_cols = rep_cols |
345 |
346 | 53x |
nrow_header = nrow_header, |
347 | 53x |
ncols = ncs, |
348 | 53x |
class = c("MatrixPrintForm", "list") |
349 |
350 | ||
351 |
## .do_mat_expand(ret)
352 | 53x |
if (expand_newlines) { |
353 | 53x |
ret <- mform_handle_newlines(ret) |
354 |
355 | ||
356 |
## ret <- shove_refdf_into_rowinfo(ret)
357 | 53x |
if (is.null(colwidths)) { |
358 | 53x |
colwidths <- propose_column_widths(ret, fontspec = fontspec) |
359 |
360 | 53x |
mf_col_widths(ret) <- colwidths |
361 | 53x |
ret <- mform_build_refdf(ret) |
362 | 53x |
ret <- mpf_infer_cinfo(ret, colpaths = colpaths, fontspec = fontspec) |
363 | ||
364 | 53x |
365 |
366 | ||
367 |
mf_update_cinfo <- function(mf, colwidths = NULL, rep_cols = NULL) { |
368 | 563x |
need_update <- FALSE |
369 | 563x |
if (!is.null(colwidths)) { |
370 | 419x |
mf$col_widths <- colwidths |
371 | 419x |
need_update <- TRUE |
372 |
373 | ||
374 | 563x |
if (!is.null(rep_cols)) { |
375 | 144x |
mf$num_rep_cols <- rep_cols |
376 | 144x |
need_update <- TRUE |
377 |
378 | ||
379 | 563x |
if (need_update && !is.null(mf_cinfo(mf))) { |
380 | 510x |
cinfo <- mf_cinfo(mf) |
381 | 510x |
r_colwidths <- mf_col_widths(mf) |
382 | 510x |
has_rlabs <- mf_has_rlabels(mf) |
383 | 510x |
if (has_rlabs) { |
384 | 398x |
r_colwidths <- r_colwidths[-1] ## row label widths |
385 |
386 | 510x |
cinfo$self_extent <- r_colwidths |
387 | 510x |
nrepcols <- num_rep_cols(mf) |
388 | 510x |
rep_seq <- seq_len(nrepcols) |
389 | 510x |
is_listing <- !is.null(mf$listing_keycols) |
390 | ||
391 |
# empty listing
392 | 510x |
if (is_listing && length(mf$listing_keycols) == 1 && length(r_colwidths) - nrepcols < 1) { |
393 | ! |
cinfo$par_extent <- 0 |
394 |
# listing with all key columns
395 | 510x |
} else if (is_listing && mf_ncol(mf) == length(mf$listing_keycols)) { |
396 | 1x |
cinfo$par_extent <- cumsum(c(0, cinfo$self_extent[seq_len(nrepcols - 1)])) |
397 |
} else { |
398 | 509x |
cinfo$par_extent <- cumsum(c(0, cinfo$self_extent[seq_len(nrepcols)], rep(0, length(r_colwidths) - nrepcols - 1))) |
399 |
400 | ||
401 | 510x |
cinfo$reprint_inds <- I(lapply(seq_len(NROW(cinfo)), function(i) rep_seq[rep_seq < i])) |
402 | 510x |
mf_cinfo(mf) <- cinfo |
403 |
404 | 563x |
405 |
406 | ||
407 |
#' Create a row for a referential footnote information data frame
408 |
409 |
#' @inheritParams nlines
410 |
#' @param row_path (`character`)\cr row path (or `NA_character_` for none).
411 |
#' @param col_path (`character`)\cr column path (or `NA_character_` for none).
412 |
#' @param row (`integer(1)`)\cr integer position of the row.
413 |
#' @param col (`integer(1)`)\cr integer position of the column.
414 |
#' @param symbol (`string`)\cr symbol for the reference. `NA_character_` to use the
415 |
#' `ref_index` automatically.
416 |
#' @param ref_index (`integer(1)`)\cr index of the footnote, used for ordering even when
417 |
#' symbol is not `NA`.
418 |
#' @param msg (`string`)\cr the string message, not including the symbol portion (`{symbol} - `)
419 |
420 |
#' @return A single row data frame with the appropriate columns.
421 |
422 |
#' @export
423 |
ref_df_row <- function(row_path = NA_character_, |
424 |
col_path = NA_character_, |
425 |
row = NA_integer_, |
426 |
col = NA_integer_, |
427 |
symbol = NA_character_, |
428 |
ref_index = NA_integer_, |
429 |
msg = NA_character_, |
430 |
max_width = NULL) { |
431 | 6356x |
nlines <- nlines(msg, max_width = max_width) |
432 | 6356x |
data.frame( |
433 | 6356x |
row_path = I(list(row_path)), |
434 | 6356x |
col_path = I(list(col_path)), |
435 | 6356x |
row = row, |
436 | 6356x |
col = col, |
437 | 6356x |
symbol = symbol, |
438 | 6356x |
ref_index = ref_index, |
439 | 6356x |
msg = msg, |
440 | 6356x |
nlines = nlines, |
441 | 6356x |
stringsAsFactors = FALSE |
442 |
443 |
444 | ||
445 |
## this entire thing is a hatchetjob of a hack which should not be necessary.
446 |
## mf_rinfo(mform) should have the relevant info in it and
447 |
## mf_cinfo(mform) should be non-null (!!!) and have the info in it
448 |
## in which case this becomes silly and dumb, but here we are, so here we go.
449 |
infer_ref_info <- function(mform, colspace_only) { |
450 | 212x |
if (colspace_only) { |
451 | 106x |
idx <- seq_len(mf_nlheader(mform)) |
452 |
} else { |
453 | 106x |
idx <- seq_len(nrow(mf_strings(mform))) |
454 |
455 | ||
456 | 212x |
hasrlbs <- mf_has_rlabels(mform) |
457 | ||
458 | 212x |
strs <- mf_strings(mform)[idx, , drop = FALSE] |
459 | ||
460 |
## they're nested so \\2 is the inner one, without the brackets
461 |
## include space in front of { so we don't catch \{ when
462 |
## rtfs want to pass markup through
463 | 212x |
refs <- gsub("^[^{]*([{]([^}]+)[}]){0,1}$", "\\2", strs) |
464 |
## handle spanned values
465 | 212x |
refs[!mf_display(mform)[idx, ]] <- "" |
466 | ||
467 |
## we want to count across rows first, not down columns, cause
468 |
## thats how footnote numbering works
469 | 212x |
refs_inorder <- as.vector(t(refs)) |
470 | 212x |
keepem <- nzchar(refs_inorder) |
471 | 212x |
if (sum(keepem) == 0) { |
472 | 210x |
return(ref_df_row()[0, ]) |
473 |
474 | ||
475 | 2x |
refs_spl <- strsplit(refs_inorder[keepem], ", ", fixed = TRUE) |
476 | 2x |
runvec <- vapply(refs_spl, length, 1L) |
477 | ||
478 | 2x |
row_index <- as.vector( |
479 | 2x |
t(do.call(cbind, replicate(ncol(strs), list(mf_lgrouping(mform)[idx] - mf_nlheader(mform))))) |
480 | 2x |
)[keepem] |
481 | 2x |
row_index[row_index < 1] <- NA_integer_ |
482 | 2x |
c_torep <- if (hasrlbs) c(NA_integer_, seq(1, ncol(strs) - 1)) else seq_len(ncol(strs)) |
483 | 2x |
col_index <- rep(c_torep, nrow(strs))[keepem] |
484 | ||
485 | 2x |
ret <- data.frame( |
486 | 2x |
symbol = unlist(refs_spl), |
487 | 2x |
row_path = I(mf_rinfo(mform)$path[rep(row_index, times = runvec)]), |
488 | 2x |
row = rep(row_index, times = runvec), |
489 | 2x |
col = rep(col_index, times = runvec) |
490 |
491 | 2x |
ret$msg <- vapply(ret$symbol, function(sym) { |
492 | 16x |
fullmsg <- unique(grep(paste0("{", sym, "}"), fixed = TRUE, mf_rfnotes(mform), value = TRUE)) |
493 | 16x |
gsub("^[{][^}]+[}] - ", "", fullmsg) |
494 |
}, "") |
495 | ||
496 | 2x |
col_pths <- mf_col_paths(mform) |
497 | 2x |
ret$col_path <- replicate(nrow(ret), list(NA_character_)) |
498 | 2x |
non_na_col <- !is.na(ret$col) |
499 | 2x |
ret$col_path[non_na_col] <- col_pths[ret$col[non_na_col]] |
500 | 2x |
ret$ref_index <- match(ret$symbol, unique(ret$symbol)) |
501 |
502 | 2x |
ret$nlines <- vapply(paste0("{", ret$symbol, "} - ", ret$msg), nlines, 1L) |
503 | 2x |
ret <- ret[, names(ref_df_row())] |
504 | 2x |
505 |
506 | ||
507 |
mform_build_refdf <- function(mform) { |
508 | 106x |
rdf <- mf_rinfo(mform) |
509 | 106x |
cref_rows <- infer_ref_info(mform, colspace_only = TRUE) |
510 |
## this will recheck sometimes but its safer and shouldn't
511 |
## be too prohibitively costly
512 | 106x |
if (NROW(rdf$ref_info_df) > 0 && sum(sapply(rdf$ref_info_df, NROW)) > 0) { |
513 | ! |
cref_rows <- infer_ref_info(mform, colspace_only = TRUE) |
514 | ! |
rref_rows <- rdf$ref_info_df |
515 |
} else { |
516 | 106x |
cref_rows <- infer_ref_info(mform, colspace_only = FALSE) |
517 | 106x |
rref_rows <- list() |
518 |
519 | 106x |
mf_fnote_df(mform) <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, c(list(cref_rows), rref_rows)) |
520 | 106x |
update_mf_nlines(mform, colwidths = mf_col_widths(mform), max_width = NULL) |
521 |
522 | ||
523 |
## hide the implementation behind abstraction in case we decide we want a real class someday
524 |
#' Getters and setters for aspects of `MatrixPrintForm` objects
525 |
526 |
#' Most of these functions, particularly the setters, are intended almost exclusively for
527 |
#' internal use in, e.g., [`matrix_form`] methods, and should generally not be called by end users.
528 |
529 |
#' @param mf (`MatrixPrintForm`)\cr a `MatrixPrintForm` object.
530 |
#' @param value (`ANY`)\cr the new value for the component in question.
531 |
532 |
#' @return
533 |
#' * Getters return the associated element of `mf`.
534 |
#' * Setters return the modified `mf` object.
535 |
536 |
#' @export
537 |
#' @rdname mpf_accessors
538 | 4878x |
mf_strings <- function(mf) mf$strings |
539 | ||
540 |
#' @export
541 |
#' @rdname mpf_accessors
542 | ||
543 | 678x |
mf_spans <- function(mf) mf$spans |
544 |
#' @export
545 |
#' @rdname mpf_accessors
546 | ||
547 | 1011x |
mf_aligns <- function(mf) mf$aligns |
548 | ||
549 |
#' @export
550 |
#' @rdname mpf_accessors
551 | 463x |
mf_display <- function(mf) mf$display |
552 | ||
553 |
#' @export
554 |
#' @rdname mpf_accessors
555 | 583x |
mf_formats <- function(mf) mf$formats |
556 | ||
557 |
#' @export
558 |
#' @rdname mpf_accessors
559 | 4717x |
mf_rinfo <- function(mf) mf$row_info |
560 | ||
561 |
#' @export
562 |
#' @rdname mpf_accessors
563 | 1767x |
mf_cinfo <- function(mf) mf$col_info |
564 | ||
565 | ||
566 |
#' @export
567 |
#' @rdname mpf_accessors
568 | 265x |
mf_has_topleft <- function(mf) mf$has_topleft |
569 | ||
570 |
#' @export
571 |
#' @rdname mpf_accessors
572 | 5821x |
mf_lgrouping <- function(mf) mf$line_grouping |
573 | ||
574 |
#' @export
575 |
#' @rdname mpf_accessors
576 | 173x |
mf_rfnotes <- function(mf) mf$ref_footnotes |
577 | ||
578 |
#' @export
579 |
#' @rdname mpf_accessors
580 | 2734x |
mf_nlheader <- function(mf) sum(mf_lgrouping(mf) <= mf_nrheader(mf)) |
581 | ||
582 |
#' @export
583 |
#' @rdname mpf_accessors
584 | 4660x |
mf_nrheader <- function(mf) attr(mf, "nrow_header", exact = TRUE) |
585 | ||
586 |
#' @export
587 |
#' @rdname mpf_accessors
588 | 365x |
mf_colgap <- function(mf) mf$col_gap |
589 | ||
590 |
#' @export
591 |
#' @rdname mpf_accessors
592 | 7x |
mf_fontspec <- function(mf) mf$fontspec |
593 | ||
594 |
#' @export
595 |
#' @rdname mpf_accessors
596 |
`mf_fontspec<-` <- function(mf, value) { |
597 | 368x |
mf$fontspec <- value |
598 | 368x |
599 |
600 | ||
601 |
## XXX should this be exported? not sure if there's a point
602 |
mf_col_paths <- function(mf) { |
603 | 2x |
if (!is.null(mf_cinfo(mf))) { |
604 | 2x |
mf_cinfo(mf)$path |
605 |
} else { |
606 | ! |
as.list(paste0("col", seq_len(nrow(mf_strings(mf)) - mf_has_topleft(mf)))) |
607 |
608 |
609 | ||
610 |
mf_col_widths <- function(mf) { |
611 | 1175x |
mf$col_widths |
612 |
613 | ||
614 |
`mf_col_widths<-` <- function(mf, value) { |
615 | 414x |
if (!is.null(value) && length(value) != NCOL(mf_strings(mf))) { |
616 | ! |
stop( |
617 | ! |
"Number of column widths (", length(value), ") does not match ", |
618 | ! |
"number of columns in strings matrix (", NCOL(mf_strings(mf)), ")." |
619 |
620 |
621 | 414x |
mf <- mf_update_cinfo(mf, colwidths = value, rep_cols = NULL) |
622 | 414x |
623 |
624 | ||
625 |
mf_fnote_df <- function(mf) { |
626 | 1710x |
mf$ref_fnote_df |
627 |
628 | ||
629 |
`mf_fnote_df<-` <- function(mf, value) { |
630 | 449x |
stopifnot(is.null(value) || (is.data.frame(value) && identical(names(value), names(ref_df_row())))) |
631 | 449x |
mf$ref_fnote_df <- value |
632 | 449x |
633 |
634 | ||
635 |
splice_fnote_info_in <- function(df, refdf, row = TRUE) { |
636 | 396x |
if (NROW(df) == 0) { |
637 | ! |
return(df) |
638 |
639 | ||
640 | 396x |
colnm <- ifelse(row, "row", "col") |
641 | 396x |
refdf <- refdf[!is.na(refdf[[colnm]]), ] |
642 | ||
643 | 396x |
refdf_spl <- split(refdf, refdf[[colnm]]) |
644 | 396x |
df$ref_info_df <- replicate(nrow(df), list(ref_df_row()[0, ])) |
645 | 396x |
df$ref_info_df[as.integer(names(refdf_spl))] <- refdf_spl |
646 | 396x |
647 |
648 | ||
649 |
shove_refdf_into_rowinfo <- function(mform) { |
650 | 343x |
refdf <- mf_fnote_df(mform) |
651 | 343x |
rowinfo <- mf_rinfo(mform) |
652 | 343x |
mf_rinfo(mform) <- splice_fnote_info_in(rowinfo, refdf) |
653 | 343x |
654 |
655 | ||
656 |
update_mf_nlines <- function(mform, colwidths, max_width) { |
657 | 316x |
mform <- update_mf_ref_nlines(mform, max_width = max_width) |
658 | 316x |
mform <- update_mf_rinfo_extents(mform) |
659 | ||
660 | 316x |
661 |
662 | ||
663 |
update_mf_rinfo_extents <- function(mform) { |
664 | 316x |
rinfo <- mf_rinfo(mform) |
665 | 316x |
refdf_all <- mf_fnote_df(mform) |
666 | 316x |
refdf_rows <- refdf_all[!is.na(refdf_all$row), ] |
667 | 316x |
if (NROW(rinfo) == 0) { |
668 | ! |
return(mform) |
669 |
670 | 316x |
lgrp <- mf_lgrouping(mform) - mf_nrheader(mform) |
671 | 316x |
lgrp <- lgrp[lgrp > 0] |
672 | 316x |
rf_nlines <- vapply(seq_len(max(lgrp)), function(ii) { |
673 | 5969x |
refdfii <- refdf_rows[refdf_rows$row == ii, ] |
674 | 5969x |
refdfii <- refdfii[!duplicated(refdfii$symbol), ] |
675 | 5969x |
if (NROW(refdfii) == 0L) { |
676 | 5873x |
return(0L) |
677 |
678 | 96x |
sum(refdfii$nlines) |
679 | 316x |
}, 1L) |
680 | ||
681 | 316x |
raw_self_exts <- vapply(split(lgrp, lgrp), length, 0L) |
682 | 316x |
stopifnot(length(raw_self_exts) == length(rf_nlines)) |
683 | 316x |
new_exts <- raw_self_exts + rf_nlines |
684 | ||
685 | 316x |
mapdf <- data.frame( |
686 | 316x |
row_num = as.integer(names(new_exts)), |
687 | 316x |
raw_extent = raw_self_exts |
688 |
689 | 316x |
stopifnot(all(mapdf$row_num == rinfo$abs_rownumber)) |
690 | ||
691 | 316x |
new_par_exts <- vapply(rinfo$reprint_inds, function(idx) { |
692 | 5969x |
sum(0L, mapdf$raw_extent[mapdf$row_num %in% idx]) |
693 | 316x |
}, 1L) |
694 | ||
695 | 316x |
rinfo$self_extent <- new_exts |
696 | 316x |
rinfo$par_extent <- new_par_exts |
697 | 316x |
rinfo$nreflines <- rf_nlines |
698 | 316x |
mf_rinfo(mform) <- rinfo |
699 | 316x |
700 |
701 | ||
702 |
update_mf_ref_nlines <- function(mform, max_width) { |
703 | 316x |
refdf <- mf_fnote_df(mform) |
704 | 316x |
if (NROW(refdf) == 0) { |
705 | 289x |
return(mform) |
706 |
707 | ||
708 | 27x |
refdf$nlines <- vapply( |
709 | 27x |
paste0("{", refdf$symbol, "} - ", refdf$msg), |
710 | 27x |
711 | 27x |
max_width = max_width, |
712 | 27x |
fontspec = mf_fontspec(mform), |
713 | 27x |
714 |
715 | 27x |
mf_fnote_df(mform) <- refdf |
716 | 27x |
shove_refdf_into_rowinfo(mform) |
717 |
718 | ||
719 |
#' @export
720 |
#' @rdname mpf_accessors
721 |
`mf_strings<-` <- function(mf, value) { |
722 | 805x |
mf$strings <- value |
723 | 805x |
724 |
725 | ||
726 |
.chkdim_and_replace <- function(mf, value, component) { |
727 | 1086x |
strdim <- dim(mf_strings(mf)) |
728 | 1086x |
vdim <- dim(value) |
729 | 1086x |
if (!is.null(strdim) && !identical(strdim, vdim)) { |
730 | 1x |
stop( |
731 | 1x |
"Dimensions of new '", component, "' value (", |
732 | 1x |
vdim[1], ", ", vdim[2], # nocov |
733 | 1x |
") do not match dimensions of existing 'strings' component (", # nocov |
734 | 1x |
strdim[1], ", ", strdim[2], ")." # nocov |
735 |
736 |
737 | 1085x |
mf[[component]] <- value |
738 | 1085x |
739 |
740 | ||
741 |
#' @export
742 |
#' @rdname mpf_accessors
743 |
`mf_spans<-` <- function(mf, value) { |
744 | 358x |
mf <- .chkdim_and_replace(mf, value, component = "spans") |
745 | 357x |
mf$display <- disp_from_spans(value) |
746 | 357x |
747 |
748 | ||
749 |
#' @export
750 |
#' @rdname mpf_accessors
751 |
`mf_aligns<-` <- function(mf, value) { |
752 | 371x |
.chkdim_and_replace(mf, value, component = "aligns") |
753 |
754 | ||
755 |
#' @export
756 |
#' @rdname mpf_accessors
757 |
`mf_display<-` <- function(mf, value) { |
758 | ! |
stop("display is now a derived element of the matrix print form, modify it via `mf_spans<-`") |
759 | ! |
.chkdim_and_replace(mf, value, component = "display") |
760 |
761 | ||
762 |
#' @export
763 |
#' @rdname mpf_accessors
764 |
`mf_formats<-` <- function(mf, value) { |
765 | 357x |
.chkdim_and_replace(mf, value, component = "formats") |
766 |
767 | ||
768 |
## NB NROW(v) == length(v) for atomic vectors so this is ok for lgrouping as wellas rinfo
769 |
.chknrow_and_replace <- function(mf, value, component, noheader = FALSE) { |
770 | 357x |
strdim <- NROW(mf_strings(mf)) - if (noheader) mf_nlheader(mf) else 0L |
771 | 357x |
vdim <- NROW(value) |
772 | 357x |
if (!is.null(strdim) && !identical(strdim, vdim)) { |
773 | ! |
stop( |
774 | ! |
"Number of rows/length of new '", component, "' value (", |
775 | ! |
vdim[1], |
776 | ! |
") does not match existing 'strings' component (",
777 | ! |
strdim[1], ")." |
778 |
779 |
780 | 357x |
mf[[component]] <- value |
781 | 357x |
782 |
783 | ||
784 |
#' @export
785 |
#' @rdname mpf_accessors
786 |
`mf_rinfo<-` <- function(mf, value) { |
787 |
## this can someijtmes be called after expanding newlines so in general
788 |
## we should not expect it to match the number of rows in the strings matrix
789 |
## .chknrow_and_replace(mf, value, component = "row_info", noheader = TRUE)
790 | 775x |
lgrps <- mf_lgrouping(mf) |
791 | 775x |
nrs <- length(unique(lgrps[-seq_len(mf_nlheader(mf))])) |
792 | 775x |
if (NROW(value) != nrs) { |
793 | 1x |
stop( |
794 | 1x |
"Rows in new row_info component (",
795 | 1x |
NROW(value), |
796 | 1x |
") does not match number of rows reflected in line_grouping component (",
797 | 1x |
nrs, ")" |
798 |
799 |
800 | 774x |
mf$row_info <- value |
801 | 774x |
802 |
803 | ||
804 |
#' @export
805 |
#' @rdname mpf_accessors
806 |
`mf_cinfo<-` <- function(mf, value) { |
807 | 783x |
if (NROW(value) > 0 && NROW(value) != mf_ncol(mf)) { |
808 | ! |
stop( |
809 | ! |
"Number of rows in new cinfo (", NROW(value), ") does not match ", |
810 | ! |
"number of columns (", mf_ncol(mf), ")" |
811 |
812 |
813 | 783x |
mf$col_info <- value |
814 | 783x |
815 |
816 | ||
817 |
#' @export
818 |
#' @rdname mpf_accessors
819 |
`mf_lgrouping<-` <- function(mf, value) { |
820 | 357x |
.chknrow_and_replace(mf, value, component = "line_grouping") |
821 |
822 | ||
823 |
#' @export
824 |
#' @rdname mpf_accessors
825 |
`mf_rfnotes<-` <- function(mf, value) { |
826 | 321x |
mf$ref_footnotes <- value |
827 | 321x |
828 |
829 | ||
830 |
#' @export
831 |
#' @rdname mpf_accessors
832 |
`mf_nrheader<-` <- function(mf, value) { |
833 | 2x |
attr(mf, "nrow_header") <- value |
834 | 2x |
835 |
836 | ||
837 |
#' @export
838 |
#' @rdname mpf_accessors
839 |
`mf_colgap<-` <- function(mf, value) { |
840 | 96x |
mf$col_gap <- value |
841 | 96x |
842 |
843 | ||
844 |
#' @export
845 |
#' @rdname mpf_accessors
846 | 2801x |
mf_ncol <- function(mf) attr(mf, "ncols", exact = TRUE) |
847 | ||
848 |
#' @export
849 |
#' @rdname mpf_accessors
850 | 10x |
mf_nrow <- function(mf) max(mf_lgrouping(mf)) - mf_nrheader(mf) |
851 | ||
852 |
#' @export
853 |
#' @rdname mpf_accessors
854 |
`mf_ncol<-` <- function(mf, value) { |
855 | 440x |
stopifnot(is.numeric(value)) |
856 | 440x |
attr(mf, "ncols") <- value |
857 | 440x |
858 |
859 | ||
860 |
#' @param x `MatrixPrintForm`. The object.
861 |
#' @export
862 |
#' @rdname mpf_accessors
863 |
setMethod( |
864 |
"ncol", "MatrixPrintForm", |
865 | 27x |
function(x) mf_ncol(x) |
866 |
867 | ||
868 |
#' @export
869 |
#' @rdname mpf_accessors
870 |
mpf_has_rlabels <- function(mf) { |
871 | ! |
.Deprecated("mf_has_rlabels") |
872 | ! |
mf_has_rlabels(mf) |
873 |
874 | ||
875 |
#' @export
876 |
#' @rdname mpf_accessors
877 | 1359x |
mf_has_rlabels <- function(mf) ncol(mf$strings) > mf_ncol(mf) |
878 | ||
879 |
#' Create spoof matrix form from a data frame
880 |
881 |
#' Useful functions for writing tests and examples, and a starting point for
882 |
#' more sophisticated custom `matrix_form` methods.
883 |
884 |
#' @inheritParams open_font_dev
885 |
#' @param df (`data.frame`)\cr a data frame.
886 |
#' @param indent_rownames (`flag`)\cr whether row names should be indented. Being this
887 |
#' used for testing purposes, it defaults to `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, it assigns label rows
888 |
#' on even lines (also format is `"-"` and value strings are `""`). Indentation works
889 |
#' only if split labels are used (see parameters `split_labels` and `data_labels`).
890 |
#' @param parent_path (`string`)\cr parent path that all rows should be "children of".
891 |
#' Defaults to `NULL`, as usually this is not needed. It may be necessary to use `"root"`,
892 |
#' for some specific scenarios.
893 |
#' @param ignore_rownames (`flag`)\cr whether row names should be ignored.
894 |
#' @param add_decoration (`flag`)\cr whether adds title and footer decorations should
895 |
#' be added to the matrix form.
896 |
#' @param split_labels (`string`)\cr indicates which column to use as split labels. If
897 |
#' `NULL`, no split labels are used.
898 |
#' @param data_labels (`string`)\cr indicates which column to use as data labels. It is
899 |
#' ignored if no `split_labels` is present and is automatically assigned to
900 |
#' `"Analysis method"` when `split_labels` is present, but `data_labels` is `NULL`.
901 |
#' Its direct column name is used as node name in `"DataRow"` pathing. See [mf_rinfo()]
902 |
#' for more information.
903 |
#' @param num_rep_cols (`numeric(1)`)\cr Number of columns to be treated as repeating columns.
904 |
#' Defaults to `0` for `basic_matrix_form` and `length(keycols)` for
905 |
#' `basic_listing_mf`. Note repeating columns are separate from row labels if present.
906 |
907 |
#' @return A valid `MatrixPrintForm` object representing `df` that is ready for
908 |
#' ASCII rendering.
909 |
910 |
#' @details
911 |
#' If some of the column has a [obj_format] assigned, it will be respected for all column
912 |
#' values except for label rows, if present (see parameter `split_labels`).
913 |
914 |
#' @examples
915 |
#' mform <- basic_matrix_form(mtcars)
916 |
#' cat(toString(mform))
917 |
918 |
#' @examplesIf require("dplyr")
919 |
#' # Advanced test case with label rows
920 |
#' library(dplyr)
921 |
#' iris_output <- iris %>%
922 |
#' group_by(Species) %>%
923 |
#' summarize("all obs" = round(mean(Petal.Length), 2)) %>%
924 |
#' mutate("DataRow_label" = "Mean")
925 |
#' mf <- basic_matrix_form(iris_output,
926 |
#' indent_rownames = TRUE,
927 |
#' split_labels = "Species", data_labels = "DataRow_label"
928 |
#' )
929 |
#' cat(toString(mf))
930 |
931 |
#' @name test_matrix_form
932 |
#' @export
933 |
basic_matrix_form <- function(df, |
934 |
indent_rownames = FALSE, |
935 |
parent_path = NULL, |
936 |
ignore_rownames = FALSE, |
937 |
add_decoration = FALSE, |
938 |
fontspec = font_spec(), |
939 |
split_labels = NULL, |
940 |
data_labels = NULL, |
941 |
num_rep_cols = 0L) { |
942 | 51x |
checkmate::assert_data_frame(df) |
943 | 51x |
checkmate::assert_flag(indent_rownames) |
944 | 51x |
checkmate::assert_character(parent_path, null.ok = TRUE) |
945 | 51x |
checkmate::assert_flag(ignore_rownames) |
946 | 51x |
checkmate::assert_flag(add_decoration) |
947 | 51x |
checkmate::assert_character(split_labels, null.ok = TRUE) |
948 | 51x |
checkmate::assert_character(data_labels, null.ok = TRUE) |
949 | ||
950 |
# Some defaults
951 | 51x |
row_classes <- "DataRow" # Default for all rows |
952 | 51x |
data_row_format <- "xx" # Default if no labels are used |
953 | 51x |
indent_size <- 2 |
954 | 51x |
indent_space <- paste0(rep(" ", indent_size), collapse = "") |
955 | ||
956 |
# Pre-processing the fake split
957 | 51x |
if (!is.null(split_labels)) { |
958 | 4x |
checkmate::assert_choice(split_labels, colnames(df)) |
959 | 4x |
label_rows <- as.character(df[[split_labels]]) |
960 | 4x |
if (is.null(data_labels)) { |
961 | ! |
data_rows <- rep("Analysis Method", nrow(df)) |
962 | ! |
data_labels <- "Analyzed Variable" |
963 |
} else { |
964 | 4x |
checkmate::assert_choice(data_labels, colnames(df)) |
965 | 4x |
data_rows <- as.character(df[[data_labels]]) |
966 |
967 | 4x |
rnms_special <- c(rbind(label_rows, data_rows)) |
968 | 4x |
row_classes <- c(rbind( |
969 | 4x |
rep("LabelRow", length(label_rows)), |
970 | 4x |
rep("DataRow", length(data_rows)) |
971 |
)) |
972 | 4x |
data_colnm <- setdiff(colnames(df), c(split_labels, data_labels)) |
973 | 4x |
tmp_df <- NULL |
974 | 4x |
for (col_i in seq_along(data_colnm)) { |
975 | 8x |
lbl_and_dt <- c(rbind(rep("", length(label_rows)), df[[data_colnm[col_i]]])) |
976 | 8x |
tmp_df <- cbind(tmp_df, lbl_and_dt) |
977 |
978 | 4x |
colnames(tmp_df) <- data_colnm |
979 | 4x |
rownames(tmp_df) <- NULL |
980 | 4x |
df <- as.data.frame(tmp_df) |
981 | 4x |
ignore_rownames <- FALSE |
982 |
983 | ||
984 |
# Formats
985 | 51x |
fmts <- lapply(df, function(x) { |
986 | 297x |
if (is.null(obj_format(x))) { |
987 | 297x |
fmt_tmp <- data_row_format |
988 |
} else { |
989 | ! |
fmt_tmp <- obj_format(x) # Can be assigned for each column |
990 |
991 | 297x |
out <- rep(fmt_tmp, NROW(df)) |
992 | 297x |
if (!is.null(split_labels)) { |
993 | 8x |
out[row_classes == "LabelRow"] <- "-" |
994 |
995 | 297x |
996 |
}) |
997 | ||
998 | 51x |
formats <- rbind("", data.frame(fmts)) |
999 | 51x |
if (!ignore_rownames) { |
1000 | 38x |
formats <- cbind("rnms" = "", formats) |
1001 |
1002 | ||
1003 |
# Strings
1004 | 51x |
bodystrs <- mapply(function(x, coli_fmt) { |
1005 | 297x |
coli_fmt[coli_fmt == "-"] <- "xx" |
1006 | 297x |
sapply(seq_along(x), function(y) { |
1007 | 8704x |
format_value(x[y], format = coli_fmt[y]) |
1008 |
}) |
1009 | 51x |
}, x = df, coli_fmt = fmts) |
1010 | ||
1011 | 51x |
if (!ignore_rownames) { |
1012 | 38x |
rnms <- row.names(df) |
1013 | 38x |
if (!is.null(split_labels)) { |
1014 |
# This overload is done because identical rownames not allowed (e.g. Mean.1 Mean.2)
1015 | 4x |
rnms <- rnms_special |
1016 | 34x |
} else if (is.null(rnms)) { |
1017 | ! |
rnms <- as.character(seq_len(NROW(df))) |
1018 |
1019 |
1020 | ||
1021 | 51x |
strings <- rbind(colnames(df), bodystrs) |
1022 | ||
1023 | 51x |
rownames(strings) <- NULL |
1024 | 51x |
if (!ignore_rownames) { |
1025 | 38x |
strings <- cbind("rnms" = c("", rnms), strings) |
1026 |
1027 |
# colnames(strings) <- NULL # to add after fixing basic_mf for listings
1028 | ||
1029 |
# Spans
1030 | 51x |
spans <- matrix(1, nrow = nrow(strings), ncol = ncol(strings)) |
1031 | ||
1032 |
# Aligns
1033 |
# Default alignment is left for rownames column and center for the rest
1034 | 51x |
aligns <- matrix("center", |
1035 | 51x |
nrow = NROW(strings), |
1036 | 51x |
ncol = NCOL(strings) - as.numeric(!ignore_rownames) |
1037 |
1038 | 51x |
if (!ignore_rownames) { |
1039 | 38x |
aligns <- cbind("left", aligns) |
1040 |
1041 | ||
1042 |
# Row Info: build up fake pagination df
1043 | 51x |
charcols <- which(sapply(df, is.character)) |
1044 | 51x |
if (length(charcols) > 0) { |
1045 | 14x |
exts <- apply(df[, charcols, drop = FALSE], 1, function(x) max(vapply(x, nlines, fontspec = fontspec, 1L))) |
1046 |
} else { |
1047 | 37x |
exts <- rep(1L, NROW(df)) |
1048 |
1049 |
# Constructing path roughly
1050 | 51x |
if (!is.null(split_labels)) { |
1051 | 4x |
paths <- lapply( |
1052 | 4x |
seq_along(rnms), |
1053 | 4x |
function(row_path_i) { |
1054 | 24x |
if (row_classes[row_path_i] == "DataRow") { |
1055 | 12x |
c( |
1056 | 12x |
1057 | 12x |
rnms[row_path_i - 1], # LabelRow before |
1058 | 12x |
1059 | 12x |
rnms[row_path_i] |
1060 |
1061 |
} else { |
1062 | 12x |
c(split_labels, rnms[row_path_i]) |
1063 |
1064 |
1065 |
1066 |
} else { |
1067 | 47x |
rnms <- row.names(df) |
1068 | 47x |
if (is.null(rnms)) { |
1069 | ! |
rnms <- as.character(seq_len(NROW(df))) |
1070 |
1071 | 47x |
paths <- lapply(rnms, function(x) c(parent_path, x)) |
1072 |
1073 | 51x |
rowdf <- basic_pagdf( |
1074 | 51x |
rnames = rnms, |
1075 | 51x |
extents = exts, |
1076 | 51x |
rclass = row_classes, |
1077 | 51x |
parent_path = NULL, # Overloaded by above parent_path lapply |
1078 | 51x |
paths = paths |
1079 |
1080 | ||
1081 |
# Indentation happens last so to be sure we have all ready (only strings and formats change)
1082 | 51x |
if (indent_rownames && !is.null(split_labels)) { |
1083 | 2x |
where_to_indent <- which(row_classes == "DataRow") + 1 # +1 because of colnames |
1084 | 2x |
strings[where_to_indent, 1] <- paste0(indent_space, strings[where_to_indent, 1]) |
1085 | 2x |
formats[where_to_indent, 1] <- paste0(indent_space, formats[where_to_indent, 1]) # Needs fixing |
1086 | 2x |
rowdf$indent[where_to_indent - 1] <- 1 # -1 because only rows |
1087 |
1088 | ||
1089 | 51x |
ret <- MatrixPrintForm( |
1090 | 51x |
strings = strings, |
1091 | 51x |
aligns = aligns, |
1092 | 51x |
spans = spans, |
1093 | 51x |
formats = formats, ## matrix("xx", nrow = fnr, ncol = fnc), |
1094 | 51x |
row_info = rowdf, |
1095 | 51x |
has_topleft = FALSE, |
1096 | 51x |
nlines_header = 1, |
1097 | 51x |
nrow_header = 1, |
1098 | 51x |
has_rowlabs = isFALSE(ignore_rownames), |
1099 | 51x |
fontspec = fontspec, |
1100 | 51x |
col_gap = 3, |
1101 | 51x |
indent_size = indent_size, |
1102 | 51x |
rep_cols = num_rep_cols |
1103 |
1104 | ||
1105 |
# Check for ncols
1106 | 51x |
stopifnot(mf_has_rlabels(ret) == isFALSE(ignore_rownames)) |
1107 | ||
1108 | 51x |
ret <- mform_build_refdf(ret) |
1109 | ||
1110 | 51x |
if (add_decoration) { |
1111 | 7x |
main_title(ret) <- "main title" |
1112 | 7x |
main_footer(ret) <- c("main", " footer") |
1113 | 7x |
prov_footer(ret) <- "prov footer" |
1114 | 7x |
subtitles(ret) <- c("sub", "titles") |
1115 |
1116 | ||
1117 | 51x |
1118 |
1119 | ||
1120 |
#' @describeIn test_matrix_form Create a `MatrixPrintForm` object from data frame `df` that
1121 |
#' respects the default formats for a listing object.
1122 |
1123 |
#' @param keycols (`character`)\cr a vector of `df` column names that are printed first and for which
1124 |
#' repeated values are assigned `""`. This format is characteristic of a listing matrix form.
1125 |
1126 |
#' @return A valid `MatrixPrintForm` object representing `df` as a listing that is ready for ASCII
1127 |
#' rendering.
1128 |
1129 |
#' @examples
1130 |
#' mform <- basic_listing_mf(mtcars)
1131 |
#' cat(toString(mform))
1132 |
1133 |
#' @export
1134 |
basic_listing_mf <- function(df, |
1135 |
keycols = names(df)[1], |
1136 |
add_decoration = TRUE, |
1137 |
fontspec = font_spec()) { |
1138 | 8x |
checkmate::assert_data_frame(df) |
1139 | 8x |
checkmate::assert_subset(keycols, colnames(df)) |
1140 | ||
1141 | 8x |
dfmf <- basic_matrix_form( |
1142 | 8x |
df = df, |
1143 | 8x |
indent_rownames = FALSE, |
1144 | 8x |
ignore_rownames = TRUE, |
1145 | 8x |
add_decoration = add_decoration, |
1146 | 8x |
num_rep_cols = length(keycols), |
1147 | 8x |
fontspec = fontspec |
1148 |
1149 | ||
1150 |
# keycols addition to MatrixPrintForm (should happen in the constructor)
1151 | 8x |
dfmf$listing_keycols <- keycols |
1152 | ||
1153 |
# Modifications needed for making it a listings
1154 | 8x |
mf_strings(dfmf)[1, ] <- colnames(mf_strings(dfmf)) # set colnames |
1155 | ||
1156 | 8x |
if (!is.null(keycols)) { |
1157 | 8x |
str_dfmf <- mf_strings(dfmf)[-1, ] |
1158 |
# Ordering
1159 | 8x |
ord <- do.call( |
1160 | 8x |
1161 | 8x |
as.list( |
1162 | 8x |
data.frame( |
1163 | 8x |
str_dfmf[, keycols] |
1164 |
1165 |
1166 |
1167 | 8x |
str_dfmf <- str_dfmf[ord, ] |
1168 |
# Making keycols with empties
1169 | 8x |
curkey <- "" |
1170 | 8x |
for (i in seq_along(keycols)) { |
1171 | 15x |
kcol <- keycols[i] |
1172 | 15x |
kcolvec <- str_dfmf[, kcol] # -1 is col label row |
1173 | 15x |
str_dfmf[, kcol] <- "" |
1174 | 15x |
kcolvec <- vapply(kcolvec, format_value, "", format = NULL, na_str = "NA") |
1175 | 15x |
curkey <- paste0(curkey, kcolvec) |
1176 | 15x |
disp <- c(TRUE, tail(curkey, -1) != head(curkey, -1)) |
1177 | 15x |
str_dfmf[disp, kcol] <- kcolvec[disp] |
1178 |
1179 | 8x |
mf_strings(dfmf)[-1, ] <- str_dfmf |
1180 |
# keycols as first
1181 | 8x |
mf_strings(dfmf) <- cbind( |
1182 | 8x |
mf_strings(dfmf)[, keycols, drop = FALSE], |
1183 | 8x |
mf_strings(dfmf)[, !colnames(mf_strings(dfmf)) %in% keycols, drop = FALSE] |
1184 |
1185 |
1186 | ||
1187 | 8x |
dfmf$aligns[seq(2, nrow(dfmf$aligns)), ] <- "center" # the default for listings |
1188 | ||
1189 |
# the default for listings is a 1 double??
1190 | 8x |
dfmf$formats <- matrix(1, nrow = nrow(dfmf$formats), ncol = ncol(dfmf$formats)) |
1191 | ||
1192 |
# row info
1193 | 8x |
ri <- dfmf$row_info |
1194 | 8x |
rownames(ri) <- ri$abs_rownumber |
1195 | 8x |
ri$label <- ri$name <- "" |
1196 | 8x |
ri$path <- as.list(NA_character_) # same format of listings |
1197 | 8x |
ri$node_class <- "listing_df" |
1198 |
# l_ri$pos_in_siblings # why is it like this in rlistings?? also n_siblings
1199 | 8x |
class(ri$path) <- "AsIs" # Artifact from I() |
1200 | 8x |
dfmf$row_info <- ri |
1201 | ||
1202 |
# colwidths need to be sorted too!!
1203 | 8x |
dfmf$col_widths <- dfmf$col_widths[colnames(mf_strings(dfmf))] |
1204 | ||
1205 | 8x |
if (!add_decoration) { |
1206 |
# This is probably a forced behavior in the original matrix_form in rlistings
1207 | 2x |
main_title(dfmf) <- character() |
1208 | 2x |
main_footer(dfmf) <- character() |
1209 |
1210 | ||
1211 | 8x |
1212 |
1213 | ||
1214 |
map_to_new <- function(old, map) { |
1215 | 412x |
inds <- match(old, map$old_idx) |
1216 | 412x |
map$new_idx[inds] |
1217 |
1218 | ||
1219 |
reconstruct_basic_fnote_list <- function(mf) { |
1220 | 318x |
refdf <- mf_fnote_df(mf) |
1221 | 318x |
if (NROW(refdf) == 0) { |
1222 | 278x |
return(NULL) |
1223 |
1224 | 40x |
refdf <- refdf[!duplicated(refdf$symbol), ] |
1225 | 40x |
paste0("{", refdf$symbol, "} - ", refdf$msg) |
1226 |
1227 | ||
1228 |
.mf_subset_core_mats <- function(mf, i, keycols = NULL, row = TRUE) { |
1229 | 316x |
fillnum <- if (row) nrow(mf_strings(mf)) - mf_nlheader(mf) else mf_ncol(mf) |
1230 | 316x |
if (is.logical(i) || all(i < 0)) { |
1231 | ! |
i <- seq_len(fillnum)[i] |
1232 |
1233 | 316x |
nlh <- mf_nlheader(mf) |
1234 | ||
1235 | 316x |
if (row) { |
1236 | 96x |
ncolrows <- mf_nrheader(mf) |
1237 | 96x |
i_mat <- c(seq_len(nlh), which(mf_lgrouping(mf) %in% (i + ncolrows))) |
1238 | 96x |
j_mat <- seq_len(ncol(mf_strings(mf))) |
1239 |
} else { |
1240 | 220x |
nlabcol <- as.integer(mf_has_rlabels(mf)) |
1241 | 220x |
i_mat <- seq_len(nrow(mf_strings(mf))) |
1242 | 220x |
j_mat <- c(seq_len(nlabcol), i + nlabcol) |
1243 |
1244 | ||
1245 | 316x |
tmp_strmat <- mf_strings(mf)[i_mat, j_mat, drop = FALSE] |
1246 | ||
1247 |
# Only for listings - Fix pagination with empty values in key columns
1248 | 316x |
if (nrow(tmp_strmat) > 0 && .is_listing_mf(mf)) { # safe check for empty listings |
1249 | 39x |
ind_keycols <- which(colnames(tmp_strmat) %in% keycols) |
1250 | ||
1251 |
# Fix for missing labels in key columns (only for rlistings)
1252 | 39x |
empty_keycols <- !nzchar(tmp_strmat[-seq_len(nlh), ind_keycols, drop = FALSE][1, ]) |
1253 | ||
1254 | 39x |
if (any(empty_keycols)) { # only if there are missing keycol labels |
1255 |
# find the first non-empty label in the key columns
1256 | 6x |
keycols_needed <- mf_strings(mf)[, empty_keycols, drop = FALSE] |
1257 | 6x |
first_nonempty <- apply(keycols_needed, 2, function(x) { |
1258 | 16x |
section_ind <- i_mat[-seq_len(nlh)][1] |
1259 | 16x |
sec_ind_no_header <- seq_len(section_ind)[-seq_len(nlh)] |
1260 | 16x |
tail(x[sec_ind_no_header][nzchar(x[sec_ind_no_header])], 1) |
1261 |
}) |
1262 | ||
1263 |
# if there are only "" the previous returns character()
1264 | 6x |
any_chr_empty <- if (length(first_nonempty) > 1) { |
1265 | 6x |
vapply(first_nonempty, length, numeric(1)) |
1266 |
} else { |
1267 | ! |
length(first_nonempty) |
1268 |
1269 | 6x |
if (any(any_chr_empty == 0L)) { |
1270 | ! |
warning( |
1271 | ! |
"There are empty key columns in the listing. ",
1272 | ! |
"We keep empty strings for each page."
1273 |
1274 | ! |
first_nonempty[any_chr_empty == 0L] <- "" |
1275 |
1276 | ||
1277 |
# replace the empty labels with the first non-empty label
1278 | 6x |
tmp_strmat[nlh + 1, empty_keycols] <- unlist(first_nonempty) |
1279 |
1280 |
1281 | ||
1282 | 316x |
mf_strings(mf) <- tmp_strmat |
1283 | ||
1284 | 316x |
mf_lgrouping(mf) <- as.integer(as.factor(mf_lgrouping(mf)[i_mat])) |
1285 | ||
1286 | 316x |
if (!row) { |
1287 | 220x |
newspans <- truncate_spans(mf_spans(mf), j_mat) # 'i' is the columns here, bc row is FALSE |
1288 |
} else { |
1289 | 96x |
newspans <- mf_spans(mf)[i_mat, j_mat, drop = FALSE] |
1290 |
1291 | ||
1292 | 316x |
mf_spans(mf) <- newspans |
1293 | 316x |
mf_formats(mf) <- mf_formats(mf)[i_mat, j_mat, drop = FALSE] |
1294 | ||
1295 | 316x |
mf_aligns(mf) <- mf_aligns(mf)[i_mat, j_mat, drop = FALSE] |
1296 | 316x |
if (!row) { |
1297 | 220x |
mf_ncol(mf) <- length(i) |
1298 | 220x |
if (!is.null(mf_cinfo(mf))) { |
1299 | 220x |
mf_cinfo(mf) <- mf_cinfo(mf)[i, ] |
1300 |
1301 | 220x |
if (!is.null(mf_col_widths(mf))) { |
1302 | 220x |
mf_col_widths(mf) <- mf_col_widths(mf)[j_mat] |
1303 |
1304 |
1305 | 316x |
1306 |
1307 | ||
1308 |
## ugh. spans are **way** more of a pain than I expected x.x
1309 |
truncate_one_span <- function(spanrow, j) { |
1310 | 3793x |
i <- 1 |
1311 | 3793x |
len <- length(spanrow) |
1312 | 3793x |
while (i < len) { |
1313 | 41757x |
spnlen <- spanrow[i] |
1314 | 41757x |
inds <- seq(i, i + spnlen - 1) |
1315 | 41757x |
newspnlen <- sum(inds %in% j) |
1316 | 41757x |
spanrow[inds] <- newspnlen |
1317 | 41757x |
i <- i + spnlen |
1318 |
1319 | 3793x |
spanrow[j] |
1320 |
1321 | ||
1322 |
truncate_spans <- function(spans, j) { |
1323 | 220x |
if (length(spans[1, ]) == 1 || length(j) == 1) { |
1324 | ! |
as.matrix(apply(spans, 1, truncate_one_span, j = j)) |
1325 |
} else { |
1326 | 220x |
t(apply(spans, 1, truncate_one_span, j = j)) |
1327 |
1328 |
1329 | ||
1330 |
mpf_subset_rows <- function(mf, i, keycols = NULL) { |
1331 | 96x |
nlh <- mf_nlheader(mf) |
1332 | 96x |
lgrps <- mf_lgrouping(mf) |
1333 | 96x |
row_lgrps <- tail(lgrps, -1 * nlh) |
1334 | 96x |
nrs <- length(unique(row_lgrps)) |
1335 | 96x |
ncolrows <- length(unique(lgrps[seq_len(nlh)])) |
1336 | ||
1337 | 96x |
ncs <- mf_ncol(mf) |
1338 | 96x |
mf <- .mf_subset_core_mats(mf, i, keycols = keycols, row = TRUE) |
1339 | 96x |
map <- data.frame( |
1340 | 96x |
old_idx = c(seq_len(ncolrows), i + ncolrows), |
1341 | 96x |
new_idx = c(seq_len(ncolrows), ncolrows + order(i)) |
1342 |
1343 | ||
1344 | 96x |
row_map <- data.frame(old_idx = i, new_idx = order(i)) |
1345 | ||
1346 | 96x |
refdf <- mf_fnote_df(mf) |
1347 | ||
1348 | 96x |
old_nas <- is.na(refdf$row) |
1349 | 96x |
refdf$row <- map_to_new(refdf$row, row_map) |
1350 | 96x |
refdf <- refdf[old_nas | !is.na(refdf$row), ] |
1351 | 96x |
mf_fnote_df(mf) <- refdf |
1352 | ||
1353 | 96x |
rinfo <- mf_rinfo(mf) |
1354 | ||
1355 | 96x |
rinfo <- rinfo[rinfo$abs_rownumber %in% i, ] |
1356 | ||
1357 | 96x |
rinfo$abs_rownumber <- map_to_new(rinfo$abs_rownumber, row_map) |
1358 | 96x |
mf_rinfo(mf) <- rinfo |
1359 | ||
1360 | 96x |
mf <- shove_refdf_into_rowinfo(mf) |
1361 | 96x |
mf_rfnotes(mf) <- reconstruct_basic_fnote_list(mf) |
1362 | 96x |
1363 |
1364 | ||
1365 |
## we only care about referential footnotes, cause
1366 |
## they are currently the only place we're tracking
1367 |
## column information that will need to be touched up
1368 |
## but lets be careful and do a bit more anyway
1369 |
mpf_subset_cols <- function(mf, j, keycols = NULL) { |
1370 | 220x |
nc <- mf_ncol(mf) |
1371 | 220x |
if (is.logical(j) || all(j < 0)) { |
1372 | ! |
j <- seq_len(nc)[j] |
1373 |
1374 | 220x |
if (any(j < 0)) { |
1375 | ! |
stop("cannot mix negative and positive indices") |
1376 |
1377 | ||
1378 | 220x |
if (length(unique(j)) != length(j)) { |
1379 | ! |
stop("duplicated columns are not allowed when subsetting a matrix print form objects") |
1380 |
1381 | ||
1382 |
# j_mat <- c(if(mf_has_topleft(mf)) seq_len(nlabcol), j + nlabcol)
1383 | 220x |
map <- data.frame(old_idx = j, new_idx = order(j)) |
1384 | ||
1385 |
## this has to happen before the remap inher
1386 | 220x |
refdf <- mf_fnote_df(mf) |
1387 | ||
1388 | 220x |
mf <- .mf_subset_core_mats(mf, j, keycols = keycols, row = FALSE) |
1389 | ||
1390 |
## future proofing (pipe dreams)
1391 |
## uncomment if we ever manage to have col info information on MPFs
1392 |
## if(!is.null(mf_cinfo(mf))) {
1393 |
## cinfo <- mf_cinfo(mf)
1394 |
## cinfo <- cinfo[j, , drop = FALSE]
1395 |
## cinfo$abs_pos <- map_to_new(cinfo$abs_pos, map)
1396 |
## mf_cinfo(mf) <- mf
1397 |
## }
1398 | ||
1399 | 220x |
keep <- is.na(refdf$col) | refdf$col %in% j |
1400 | 220x |
refdf <- refdf[keep, , drop = FALSE] |
1401 | ||
1402 | 220x |
refdf$col <- map_to_new(refdf$col, map) |
1403 | 220x |
mf_fnote_df(mf) <- refdf |
1404 | 220x |
mf <- shove_refdf_into_rowinfo(mf) |
1405 | 220x |
mf_rfnotes(mf) <- reconstruct_basic_fnote_list(mf) |
1406 | 220x |
mf_ncol(mf) <- length(j) |
1407 | 220x |
1408 |
1 |
fun_takes <- function(f, nm) { |
2 | 15x |
nm %in% names(formals(f)) |
3 |
4 | ||
5 |
call_format_fun <- function(f, |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
output) { |
10 | 5x |
args <- c( |
11 | 5x |
list(value), |
12 | 5x |
if (fun_takes(f, "na_str")) list(na_str = na_str), |
13 | 5x |
if (fun_takes(f, "round_type")) list(round_type = round_type), |
14 | 5x |
if (fun_takes(f, "output")) list(output = output) |
15 |
16 | 5x |
do.call(f, args) |
17 |
18 | ||
19 |
formats_1d <- c( |
20 |
"xx", "xx.", "xx.x", "xx.xx", "xx.xxx", "xx.xxxx", |
21 |
"xx%", "xx.%", "xx.x%", "xx.xx%", "xx.xxx%", "(N=xx)", "N=xx", ">999.9", ">999.99", |
22 |
"x.xxxx | (<0.0001)"
23 |
24 | ||
25 |
formats_2d <- c( |
26 |
"xx / xx", "xx. / xx.", "xx.x / xx.x", "xx.xx / xx.xx", "xx.xxx / xx.xxx", |
27 |
"N=xx (xx%)", "xx (xx%)", "xx (xx.%)", "xx (xx.x%)", "xx (xx.xx%)", |
28 |
"xx. (xx.%)", "xx.x (xx.x%)", "xx.xx (xx.xx%)", |
29 |
"(xx, xx)", "(xx., xx.)", "(xx.x, xx.x)", "(xx.xx, xx.xx)", |
30 |
"(xx.xxx, xx.xxx)", "(xx.xxxx, xx.xxxx)", |
31 |
"xx - xx", "xx.x - xx.x", "xx.xx - xx.xx", |
32 |
"xx (xx)", "xx. (xx.)", "xx.x (xx.x)", "xx.xx (xx.xx)", |
33 |
"xx (xx.)", "xx (xx.x)", "xx (xx.xx)", |
34 |
"xx. (xx.x)", "xx.x (xx.xx)", "xx.xx (xx.xxx)", |
35 |
"xx, xx", "xx.x, xx.x", "xx.xx, xx.xx", |
36 |
"xx.x to xx.x"
37 |
38 | ||
39 |
formats_3d <- c( |
40 |
"xx. (xx. - xx.)",
41 |
"xx.x (xx.x - xx.x)",
42 |
"xx.xx (xx.xx - xx.xx)",
43 |
"xx.xxx (xx.xxx - xx.xxx)",
44 |
"xx / xx (xx.%)",
45 |
"xx / xx (xx.x%)",
46 |
"xx / xx (xx.xx%)"
47 |
48 | ||
49 |
#' List of currently supported formats and vertical alignments
50 |
51 |
#' @description We support `xx` style format labels grouped by 1d, 2d, and 3d.
52 |
#' Currently valid format labels cannot be added dynamically. Format functions
53 |
#' must be used for special cases.
54 |
55 |
#' @return
56 |
#' * `list_valid_format_labels()` returns a nested list, with elements listing the supported 1d, 2d,
57 |
#' and 3d format strings.
58 |
59 |
#' @examples
60 |
#' list_valid_format_labels()
61 |
62 |
#' @name list_formats
63 |
#' @export
64 |
list_valid_format_labels <- function() { |
65 | 64x |
structure( |
66 | 64x |
list( |
67 | 64x |
"1d" = formats_1d, |
68 | 64x |
"2d" = formats_2d, |
69 | 64x |
"3d" = formats_3d |
70 |
71 | 64x |
info = "xx does not modify the element, and xx. rounds a number to 0 digits" |
72 |
73 |
74 | ||
75 |
#' @return
76 |
#' * `list_valid_aligns()` returns a character vector of valid vertical alignments.
77 |
78 |
#' @examples
79 |
#' list_valid_aligns()
80 |
81 |
#' @name list_formats
82 |
#' @export
83 |
list_valid_aligns <- function() { |
84 | 16259x |
c("left", "right", "center", "decimal", "dec_right", "dec_left") |
85 |
86 | ||
87 |
#' Check if a format or alignment is supported
88 |
89 |
#' @description Utility functions for checking formats and alignments.
90 |
91 |
#' @param x (`string` or `function`)\cr format string or an object returned by [sprintf_format()]
92 |
#' @param stop_otherwise (`flag`)\cr whether an error should be thrown if `x` is not a valid format.
93 |
94 |
#' @return
95 |
#' * `is_valid_format` returns `TRUE` if `x` is `NULL`, a supported format string, or a function, and
96 |
#' `FALSE` otherwise.
97 |
98 |
#' @note If `x` is a function, no check is performed to verify that it returns a valid format.
99 |
100 |
#' @examples
101 |
#' is_valid_format("xx.x")
102 |
#' is_valid_format("fakeyfake")
103 |
104 |
#' @name check_formats
105 |
#' @export
106 |
is_valid_format <- function(x, stop_otherwise = FALSE) { |
107 | 60x |
is_valid <- is.null(x) || (length(x) == 1 && (is.function(x) || x %in% unlist(list_valid_format_labels()))) |
108 | ||
109 | 60x |
if (stop_otherwise && !is_valid) { |
110 | ! |
stop("format needs to be a format label, sprintf_format object, a function, or NULL") |
111 |
112 | ||
113 | 60x |
114 |
115 | ||
116 |
#' @param algn (`character`)\cr a character vector that indicates the requested cell alignments.
117 |
118 |
#' @return
119 |
#' * `check_aligns` returns `TRUE` if the provided alignments are supported, otherwise, an error is thrown.
120 |
121 |
#' @examples
122 |
#' check_aligns(c("decimal", "dec_right"))
123 |
124 |
#' @name check_formats
125 |
#' @export
126 |
check_aligns <- function(algn) { |
127 | 3x |
if (anyNA(algn)) { |
128 | 1x |
stop("Got missing-value for text alignment.") |
129 |
130 | 2x |
invalid <- setdiff(algn, list_valid_aligns()) |
131 | 2x |
if (length(invalid) > 0) { |
132 | 1x |
stop("Unsupported text-alignment(s): ", paste(invalid, collapse = ", ")) |
133 |
134 | 1x |
invisible(TRUE) |
135 |
136 | ||
137 |
#' Specify text format via a `sprintf` format string
138 |
139 |
#' @param format (`string`)\cr a format string passed to [sprintf()].
140 |
141 |
#' @return A formatting function which wraps and applies the specified `sprintf`-style format
142 |
#' to string `format`.
143 |
144 |
#' @seealso [sprintf()]
145 |
146 |
#' @examples
147 |
#' fmtfun <- sprintf_format("(N=%i")
148 |
#' format_value(100, format = fmtfun)
149 |
150 |
#' fmtfun2 <- sprintf_format("%.4f - %.2f")
151 |
#' format_value(list(12.23456, 2.724))
152 |
153 |
#' @export
154 |
sprintf_format <- function(format) { |
155 | 1x |
function(x, ...) { |
156 | 1x |
do.call(sprintf, c(list(fmt = format), x)) |
157 |
158 |
159 | ||
160 |
#' Round and prepare a value for display
161 |
162 |
#' This function is used within [format_value()] to prepare numeric values within
163 |
#' cells for formatting and display.
164 |
165 |
#' @param x (`numeric(1)`)\cr value to format.
166 |
#' @param digits (`numeric(1)`)\cr number of digits to round to, or `NA` to convert to a
167 |
#' character value with no rounding.
168 |
#' @param na_str (`string`)\cr the value to return if `x` is `NA`.
169 |
#' @param round_type (`"iec"` or `"sas"`)\cr the type of rounding to perform. iec,
170 |
#' the default, peforms rounding compliant with IEC 60559 (see details), while
171 |
#' sas performs nearest-value rounding consistent with rounding within SAS.
172 |
173 |
#' @details
174 |
#' This function combines rounding behavior with the strict decimal display of
175 |
#' [sprintf()]. By default, R's standards-compliant [round()]
176 |
#' function (see the Details section of that documentation) is used. The exact
177 |
#' behavior is as follows:
178 |
179 |
#' \enumerate{
180 |
#' \item{If `x` is `NA`, the value of `na_str` is returned.}
181 |
#' \item{If `x` is non-`NA` but `digits` is `NA`, `x` is converted to a character and returned.}
182 |
#' \item{If `x` and `digits` are both non-NA, [round()] is called first, and then [sprintf()]
183 |
#' is used to convert the rounded value to a character with the appropriate number of trailing
184 |
#' zeros enforced.}
185 |
#' }
186 |
187 |
#' @return A character value representing the value after rounding, containing any trailing zeros
188 |
#' required to display *exactly* `digits` elements.
189 |
190 |
#' @note
191 |
#' This differs from the base R [round()] function in that `NA` digits indicate `x` should be converted
192 |
#' to character and returned unchanged whereas `round(x, digits=NA)` returns `NA` for all values of `x`.
193 |
194 |
#' This behavior will differ from `as.character(round(x, digits = digits))` in the case where there are
195 |
#' not at least `digits` significant digits after the decimal that remain after rounding. It *may* differ from
196 |
#' `sprintf("\%.Nf", x)` for values ending in `5` after the decimal place on many popular operating systems
197 |
#' due to `round`'s stricter adherence to the IEC 60559 standard, particularly for R versions > 4.0.0 (see
198 |
#' warning in [round()] documentation).
199 |
200 |
#' @seealso [format_value()], [round()], [sprintf()]
201 |
202 |
#' @examples
203 |
#' round_fmt(0, digits = 3)
204 |
#' round_fmt(.395, digits = 2)
205 |
#' round_fmt(NA, digits = 1)
206 |
#' round_fmt(NA, digits = 1, na_str = "-")
207 |
#' round_fmt(2.765923, digits = NA)
208 |
#' round_fmt(0.845, digits = 2)
209 |
#' round_fmt(0.845, digits = 2, round_type = "sas")
210 |
211 |
#' @export
212 |
#' @aliases rounding
213 |
round_fmt <- function(x, digits, na_str = "NA", round_type = c("iec", "sas")) { |
214 | 1220x |
round_type <- match.arg(round_type) |
215 | 1220x |
if (!is.na(digits) && digits < 0) { |
216 | ! |
stop("round_fmt currently does not support non-missing values of digits < 0") |
217 |
218 | 1220x |
if (is.na(x)) { |
219 | 11x |
220 | 1209x |
} else if (is.na(digits)) { |
221 | 321x |
paste0(x) |
222 |
} else { |
223 | 888x |
rndx <- switch(round_type, |
224 | 888x |
iec = round(x, digits), |
225 | 888x |
sas = round_sas(x, digits) |
226 |
227 | 888x |
sprfmt <- paste0("%.", digits, "f") |
228 | 888x |
sprintf(fmt = sprfmt, rndx) |
229 |
230 |
231 | ||
232 |
## https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12688717/round-up-from-5
233 | ||
234 |
#' @inheritParams round_fmt
235 |
236 |
round_sas <- function(x, |
237 |
digits = 0) { |
238 |
# perform SAS rounding ----------------------------------------------------
239 | 317x |
posneg <- sign(x) |
240 | 317x |
z <- abs(x) * 10^digits |
241 | 317x |
z <- z + 0.5 + sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) |
242 | 317x |
z <- trunc(z) |
243 | 317x |
z <- z / 10^digits |
244 | 317x |
z <- z * posneg |
245 |
## return numeric vector of rounded values
246 | 317x |
247 |
248 | ||
249 | ||
250 |
val_pct_helper <- function(x, dig1, dig2, na_str, pct = TRUE, round_type = c("iec", "sas")) { |
251 | 200x |
if (pct) { |
252 | 90x |
x[2] <- x[2] * 100 |
253 |
254 | 200x |
if (length(na_str) == 1) { |
255 | ! |
na_str <- rep(na_str, 2) |
256 |
257 | 200x |
paste0( |
258 | 200x |
round_fmt(x[1], digits = dig1, na_str = na_str[1], round_type = round_type), |
259 |
" (",
260 | 200x |
round_fmt(x[2], digits = dig2, na_str = na_str[2], round_type = round_type), |
261 | 200x |
if (pct) "%", ")" |
262 |
263 |
264 | ||
265 |
sep_2d_helper <- function(x, dig1, dig2, sep, na_str, wrap = NULL, round_type = c("iec", "sas")) { |
266 | 282x |
ret <- paste(mapply(round_fmt, x = x, digits = c(dig1, dig2), na_str = na_str, round_type = round_type), |
267 | 282x |
collapse = sep |
268 |
269 | 282x |
if (!is.null(wrap)) { |
270 | 114x |
ret <- paste(c(wrap[1], ret, wrap[2]), collapse = "") |
271 |
272 | 282x |
273 |
274 | ||
275 |
## na_or_round <- function(x, digits, na_str) {
276 |
## if(is.na(x))
277 |
## na_str
278 |
## else
279 |
## round(x, digits = digits)
280 |
## }
281 | ||
282 |
#' Converts a (possibly compound) value into a string using the `format` information
283 |
284 |
#' @inheritParams round_fmt
285 |
#' @param x (`ANY`)\cr the value to be formatted.
286 |
#' @param format (`string` or `function`)\cr the format label (string) or formatter function to
287 |
#' apply to `x`.
288 |
#' @param na_str (`character`)\cr character vector to display when the values of `x` are missing.
289 |
#' If only one string is provided, it is applied for all missing values. Defaults to `"NA"`.
290 |
#' @param output (`string`)\cr output type.
291 |
292 |
#' @details A length-zero value for `na_str` will be interpreted as `"NA"`.
293 |
294 |
#' @return Formatted text representing the cell `x`.
295 |
296 |
#' @seealso [round_fmt()]
297 |
298 |
#' @examples
299 |
#' x <- format_value(pi, format = "xx.xx")
300 |
#' x
301 |
302 |
#' format_value(x, output = "ascii")
303 |
304 |
#' # na_str works with multiple values
305 |
#' format_value(c(NA, 1, NA), format = "xx.x (xx.x - xx.x)", na_str = c("NE", "<missing>"))
306 |
307 |
#' @export
308 |
format_value <- function(x, format = NULL, output = c("ascii", "html"), na_str = "NA", round_type = c("iec", "sas")) { |
309 |
## if(is(x, "CellValue"))
310 |
## x = x[[1]]
311 | ||
312 | 9742x |
if (length(x) == 0) { |
313 | 1x |
return("") |
314 |
315 | ||
316 | 9741x |
output <- match.arg(output) |
317 | 9741x |
round_type <- match.arg(round_type) |
318 | ||
319 |
# Checks for NAs in the input
320 | 9741x |
if (length(na_str) == 0) { |
321 | 1x |
na_str <- "NA" |
322 |
323 | 9741x |
if (any(is.na(na_str))) { |
324 | 1x |
na_str[is.na(na_str)] <- "NA" |
325 |
326 | 9741x |
if (length(na_str) == 1) { |
327 | 9737x |
if (!all(is.na(x))) { |
328 |
## array adds an unneeded dim attribute which causes problems
329 | 9707x |
na_str <- rep(na_str, length(x)) |
330 |
331 |
} else { # length(na_str) > 1 |
332 | 4x |
tmp_na_str <- rep("NA", length(x)) |
333 | 4x |
tmp_na_str[is.na(x)] <- na_str[seq(sum(is.na(x)))] |
334 | 4x |
na_str <- tmp_na_str |
335 |
336 |
# if (length(na_str) < sum(is.na(x))) { # not a fun of vec recycling
337 |
# na_str <- rep(na_str, length.out = sum(is.na(x)))
338 |
# }
339 | ||
340 | 9741x |
txt <- if (all(is.na(x)) && length(na_str) == 1L) { |
341 | 30x |
342 | 9741x |
} else if (is.null(format)) { |
343 | 302x |
toString(x) |
344 | 9741x |
} else if (is.function(format)) { |
345 | 5x |
call_format_fun(f = format, value = x, na_str = na_str, round_type = round_type, output = output) |
346 | 9741x |
} else if (is.character(format)) { |
347 | 9404x |
l <- if (format %in% formats_1d) { |
348 | 8919x |
349 | 9404x |
} else if (format %in% formats_2d) { |
350 | 403x |
351 | 9404x |
} else if (format %in% formats_3d) { |
352 | 81x |
353 |
} else { |
354 | 1x |
stop( |
355 | 1x |
"Unknown format label: '", format, |
356 | 1x |
"'. Run `list_valid_format_labels()` to get a list of all available formats."
357 |
358 |
359 | 9403x |
if (format != "xx" && length(x) != l) { |
360 | 2x |
stop( |
361 | 2x |
"Cell contents <", paste(x, collapse = ", "), "> and format '", |
362 | 2x |
format, "' are of different lengths (", length(x), " vs ", l, ")." |
363 |
364 |
365 | 9401x |
switch(format, |
366 | 8708x |
"xx" = as.character(x), |
367 | 12x |
"xx." = round_fmt(x, digits = 0, na_str = na_str, round_type = round_type), |
368 | 15x |
"xx.x" = round_fmt(x, digits = 1, na_str = na_str, round_type = round_type), |
369 | 14x |
"xx.xx" = round_fmt(x, digits = 2, na_str = na_str, round_type = round_type), |
370 | 12x |
"xx.xxx" = round_fmt(x, digits = 3, na_str = na_str, round_type = round_type), |
371 | 12x |
"xx.xxxx" = round_fmt(x, digits = 4, na_str = na_str, round_type = round_type), |
372 | 11x |
"xx%" = paste0(round_fmt(x * 100, digits = NA, na_str = na_str, round_type = round_type), "%"), |
373 | 22x |
"xx.%" = paste0(round_fmt(x * 100, digits = 0, na_str = na_str, round_type = round_type), "%"), |
374 | 22x |
"xx.x%" = paste0(round_fmt(x * 100, digits = 1, na_str = na_str, round_type = round_type), "%"), |
375 | 22x |
"xx.xx%" = paste0(round_fmt(x * 100, digits = 2, na_str = na_str, round_type = round_type), "%"), |
376 | 11x |
"xx.xxx%" = paste0(round_fmt(x * 100, digits = 3, na_str = na_str, round_type = round_type), "%"), |
377 | 11x |
"(N=xx)" = paste0("(N=", round_fmt(x, digits = NA, na_str = na_str, round_type = round_type), ")"), |
378 | 11x |
"N=xx" = paste0("N=", round_fmt(x, digits = NA, na_str = na_str, round_type = round_type)), |
379 | 12x |
">999.9" = ifelse(x > 999.9, ">999.9", round_fmt(x, digits = 1, na_str = na_str, round_type = round_type)), |
380 | 12x |
">999.99" = ifelse(x > 999.99, ">999.99", round_fmt(x, digits = 2, na_str = na_str, round_type = round_type)), |
381 | 12x |
"x.xxxx | (<0.0001)" = ifelse(x < 0.0001, "<0.0001", |
382 | 12x |
round_fmt(x, |
383 | 12x |
digits = 4, na_str = na_str, |
384 | 12x |
round_type = round_type |
385 |
386 |
387 | 11x |
"xx / xx" = sep_2d_helper(x, dig1 = NA, dig2 = NA, sep = " / ", na_str = na_str, round_type = round_type), |
388 | 11x |
"xx. / xx." = sep_2d_helper(x, dig1 = 0, dig2 = 0, sep = " / ", na_str = na_str, round_type = round_type), |
389 | 11x |
"xx.x / xx.x" = sep_2d_helper(x, dig1 = 1, dig2 = 1, sep = " / ", na_str = na_str, round_type = round_type), |
390 | 11x |
"xx.xx / xx.xx" = sep_2d_helper(x, dig1 = 2, dig2 = 2, sep = " / ", na_str = na_str, round_type = round_type), |
391 | 11x |
"xx.xxx / xx.xxx" = sep_2d_helper(x, dig1 = 3, dig2 = 3, sep = " / ", na_str = na_str, round_type = round_type), |
392 | 11x |
"N=xx (xx%)" = paste0("N=", val_pct_helper(x, dig1 = NA, dig2 = NA, na_str = na_str, round_type = round_type)), |
393 | 12x |
"xx (xx%)" = val_pct_helper(x, dig1 = NA, dig2 = NA, na_str = na_str, round_type = round_type), |
394 | 11x |
"xx (xx.%)" = val_pct_helper(x, dig1 = NA, dig2 = 0, na_str = na_str, round_type = round_type), |
395 | 11x |
"xx (xx.x%)" = val_pct_helper(x, dig1 = NA, dig2 = 1, na_str = na_str, round_type = round_type), |
396 | 11x |
"xx (xx.xx%)" = val_pct_helper(x, dig1 = NA, dig2 = 2, na_str = na_str, round_type = round_type), |
397 | 11x |
"xx. (xx.%)" = val_pct_helper(x, dig1 = 0, dig2 = 0, na_str = na_str, round_type = round_type), |
398 | 12x |
"xx.x (xx.x%)" = val_pct_helper(x, dig1 = 1, dig2 = 1, na_str = na_str, round_type = round_type), |
399 | 11x |
"xx.xx (xx.xx%)" = val_pct_helper(x, dig1 = 2, dig2 = 2, na_str = na_str, round_type = round_type), |
400 | 11x |
"(xx, xx)" = sep_2d_helper(x, |
401 | 11x |
dig1 = NA, dig2 = NA, sep = ", ", |
402 | 11x |
na_str = na_str, wrap = c("(", ")"), |
403 | 11x |
round_type = round_type |
404 |
405 | 11x |
"(xx., xx.)" = sep_2d_helper(x, |
406 | 11x |
dig1 = 0, dig2 = 0, sep = ", ", |
407 | 11x |
na_str = na_str, wrap = c("(", ")"), |
408 | 11x |
round_type = round_type |
409 |
410 | 11x |
"(xx.x, xx.x)" = sep_2d_helper(x, |
411 | 11x |
dig1 = 1, dig2 = 1, sep = ", ", |
412 | 11x |
na_str = na_str, wrap = c("(", ")"), |
413 | 11x |
round_type = round_type |
414 |
415 | 11x |
"(xx.xx, xx.xx)" = sep_2d_helper(x, |
416 | 11x |
dig1 = 2, dig2 = 2, sep = ", ", |
417 | 11x |
na_str = na_str, wrap = c("(", ")"), |
418 | 11x |
round_type = round_type |
419 |
420 | 11x |
"(xx.xxx, xx.xxx)" = sep_2d_helper(x, |
421 | 11x |
dig1 = 3, dig2 = 3, sep = ", ", |
422 | 11x |
na_str = na_str, wrap = c("(", ")"), |
423 | 11x |
round_type = round_type |
424 |
425 | 11x |
"(xx.xxxx, xx.xxxx)" = sep_2d_helper(x, |
426 | 11x |
dig1 = 4, dig2 = 4, sep = ", ", |
427 | 11x |
na_str = na_str, wrap = c("(", ")"), |
428 | 11x |
round_type = round_type |
429 |
430 | 11x |
"xx - xx" = sep_2d_helper(x, dig1 = NA, dig2 = NA, sep = " - ", na_str = na_str, round_type = round_type), |
431 | 14x |
"xx.x - xx.x" = sep_2d_helper(x, dig1 = 1, dig2 = 1, sep = " - ", na_str = na_str, round_type = round_type), |
432 | 11x |
"xx.xx - xx.xx" = sep_2d_helper(x, dig1 = 2, dig2 = 2, sep = " - ", na_str = na_str, round_type = round_type), |
433 | 11x |
"xx (xx)" = val_pct_helper(x, dig1 = NA, dig2 = NA, na_str = na_str, pct = FALSE, round_type = round_type), |
434 | 11x |
"xx. (xx.)" = val_pct_helper(x, dig1 = 0, dig2 = 0, na_str = na_str, pct = FALSE, round_type = round_type), |
435 | 11x |
"xx.x (xx.x)" = val_pct_helper(x, dig1 = 1, dig2 = 1, na_str = na_str, pct = FALSE, round_type = round_type), |
436 | 11x |
"xx.xx (xx.xx)" = val_pct_helper(x, dig1 = 2, dig2 = 2, na_str = na_str, pct = FALSE, round_type = round_type), |
437 | 11x |
"xx (xx.)" = val_pct_helper(x, dig1 = NA, dig2 = 0, na_str = na_str, pct = FALSE, round_type = round_type), |
438 | 11x |
"xx (xx.x)" = val_pct_helper(x, dig1 = NA, dig2 = 1, na_str = na_str, pct = FALSE, round_type = round_type), |
439 | 11x |
"xx (xx.xx)" = val_pct_helper(x, dig1 = NA, dig2 = 2, na_str = na_str, pct = FALSE, round_type = round_type), |
440 | 11x |
"xx. (xx.x)" = val_pct_helper(x, dig1 = 0, dig2 = 1, na_str = na_str, pct = FALSE, round_type = round_type), |
441 | 11x |
"xx.x (xx.xx)" = val_pct_helper(x, dig1 = 1, dig2 = 2, na_str = na_str, pct = FALSE, round_type = round_type), |
442 | 11x |
"xx.xx (xx.xxx)" = val_pct_helper(x, dig1 = 2, dig2 = 3, na_str = na_str, pct = FALSE, round_type = round_type), |
443 | 11x |
"xx, xx" = sep_2d_helper(x, dig1 = NA, dig2 = NA, sep = ", ", na_str = na_str, round_type = round_type), |
444 | 11x |
"xx.x, xx.x" = sep_2d_helper(x, dig1 = 1, dig2 = 1, sep = ", ", na_str = na_str, round_type = round_type), |
445 | 11x |
"xx.xx, xx.xx" = sep_2d_helper(x, dig1 = 2, dig2 = 2, sep = ", ", na_str = na_str, round_type = round_type), |
446 | 11x |
"xx.x to xx.x" = sep_2d_helper(x, dig1 = 1, dig2 = 1, sep = " to ", na_str = na_str, round_type = round_type), |
447 | 11x |
"xx.xx (xx.xx - xx.xx)" = paste0( |
448 | 11x |
round_fmt(x[1], digits = 2, na_str = na_str[1], round_type = round_type), " ", |
449 | 11x |
sep_2d_helper(x[2:3], |
450 | 11x |
dig1 = 2, dig2 = 2, |
451 | 11x |
sep = " - ", na_str = na_str[2:3], |
452 | 11x |
wrap = c("(", ")"), |
453 | 11x |
round_type = round_type |
454 |
455 |
456 | 11x |
"xx. (xx. - xx.)" = paste0( |
457 | 11x |
round_fmt(x[1], digits = 0, na_str = na_str[1], round_type = round_type), " ", |
458 | 11x |
sep_2d_helper(x[2:3], |
459 | 11x |
dig1 = 0, dig2 = 0, |
460 | 11x |
sep = " - ", na_str = na_str[2:3], |
461 | 11x |
wrap = c("(", ")"), |
462 | 11x |
round_type = round_type |
463 |
464 |
465 | 15x |
"xx.x (xx.x - xx.x)" = paste0( |
466 | 15x |
round_fmt(x[1], digits = 1, na_str = na_str[1], round_type = round_type), " ", |
467 | 15x |
sep_2d_helper(x[2:3], |
468 | 15x |
dig1 = 1, dig2 = 1, |
469 | 15x |
sep = " - ", na_str = na_str[2:3], |
470 | 15x |
wrap = c("(", ")"), |
471 | 15x |
round_type = round_type |
472 |
473 |
474 | 11x |
"xx.xxx (xx.xxx - xx.xxx)" = paste0( |
475 | 11x |
round_fmt(x[1], digits = 3, na_str = na_str[1], round_type = round_type), " ", |
476 | 11x |
sep_2d_helper(x[2:3], |
477 | 11x |
dig1 = 3, dig2 = 3, |
478 | 11x |
sep = " - ", na_str = na_str[2:3], |
479 | 11x |
wrap = c("(", ")"), |
480 | 11x |
round_type = round_type |
481 |
482 |
483 | 11x |
"xx / xx (xx.%)" = paste0( |
484 | 11x |
sep_2d_helper(x[1:2], dig1 = NA, dig2 = NA, sep = " / ", round_type = round_type, na_str = na_str[1:2]), " ", |
485 | 11x |
paste0( |
486 |
487 | 11x |
format_value(x[3], format = "xx.%", output = "ascii", na_str = na_str[3], round_type = round_type), |
488 |
489 |
490 |
491 | 11x |
"xx / xx (xx.x%)" = paste0( |
492 | 11x |
sep_2d_helper(x[1:2], dig1 = NA, dig2 = NA, sep = " / ", round_type = round_type, na_str = na_str[1:2]), " ", |
493 | 11x |
paste0( |
494 |
495 | 11x |
format_value(x[3], format = "xx.x%", output = "ascii", na_str = na_str[3], round_type = round_type), |
496 |
497 |
498 |
499 | 11x |
"xx / xx (xx.xx%)" = paste0( |
500 | 11x |
sep_2d_helper(x[1:2], dig1 = NA, dig2 = NA, sep = " / ", round_type = round_type, na_str = na_str[1:2]), " ", |
501 | 11x |
paste0( |
502 |
503 | 11x |
format_value(x[3], format = "xx.xx%", output = "ascii", na_str = na_str[3], round_type = round_type), |
504 |
505 |
506 |
507 |
## we already checked for label validity so this can only happen when something is
508 |
## added to the valid labels list but left unimplemented.
509 | 9741x |
stop(paste("valid format string", format, "not implemented")) # nocov |
510 |
511 |
512 |
# Check that probably never happens as it is almost always already text
513 | 9738x |
txt[is.na(txt)] <- na_str[1] |
514 | ||
515 | ||
516 | 9738x |
if (output == "ascii") { |
517 | 9737x |
518 | 1x |
} else if (output == "html") { |
519 |
## convert to tagList
520 |
## convert \n to <br/>
521 | ||
522 | 1x |
if (identical(txt, "")) { |
523 | ! |
524 |
} else { |
525 | 1x |
els <- unlist(strsplit(txt, "\n", fixed = TRUE)) |
526 | 1x |
Map(function(el, is.last) { |
527 | 1x |
tagList(el, if (!is.last) tags$br() else NULL) |
528 | 1x |
}, els, c(rep(FALSE, length(els) - 1), TRUE)) |
529 |
530 |
} else { |
531 | ! |
532 |
533 |
534 | ||
535 |
setClassUnion("FormatSpec", c("NULL", "character", "function", "list")) |
536 |
setClassUnion("characterOrNULL", c("NULL", "character")) |
537 |
setClass("fmt_config", |
538 |
slots = c( |
539 |
format = "FormatSpec", |
540 |
format_na_str = "characterOrNULL", |
541 |
align = "characterOrNULL" |
542 |
543 |
544 | ||
545 |
#' Format configuration
546 |
547 |
#' @param format (`string` or `function`)\cr a format label (string) or formatter function.
548 |
#' @param na_str (`string`)\cr string that should be displayed in place of missing values.
549 |
#' @param align (`string`)\cr alignment values should be rendered with.
550 |
551 |
#' @return An object of class `fmt_config` which contains the following elements:
552 |
#' * `format`
553 |
#' * `na_str`
554 |
#' * `align`
555 |
556 |
#' @examples
557 |
#' fmt_config(format = "xx.xx", na_str = "-", align = "left")
558 |
#' fmt_config(format = "xx.xx - xx.xx", align = "right")
559 |
560 |
#' @export
561 |
fmt_config <- function(format = NULL, na_str = "NA", align = "center") { |
562 | 2x |
new("fmt_config", format = format, format_na_str = na_str, align = align) |
563 |
1 |
.need_pag <- function(page_type, pg_width, pg_height, cpp, lpp) { |
2 | ! |
!(is.null(page_type) && is.null(pg_width) && is.null(pg_height) && is.null(cpp) && is.null(lpp)) |
3 |
4 | ||
5 |
#' Export a table-like object to plain (ASCII) text with page breaks
6 |
7 |
#' This function converts `x` to a `MatrixPrintForm` object via [matrix_form()], paginates it
8 |
#' via [paginate_to_mpfs()], converts each page to ASCII text via [toString()], and outputs
9 |
#' the strings, separated by `page_break`, to `file`.
10 |
11 |
#' @inheritParams paginate_indices
12 |
#' @inheritParams toString
13 |
#' @inheritParams propose_column_widths
14 |
#' @param x (`ANY`)\cr a table-like object to export. Must have an applicable `matrix_form` method.
15 |
#' @param file (`string` or `NULL`)\cr if non-`NULL`, the path to write a text file to
16 |
#' containing `x` rendered as ASCII text.
17 |
#' @param page_break (`string`)\cr page break symbol (defaults to `"\\n\\s"`).
18 |
#' @param paginate (`flag`)\cr whether pagination should be performed. Defaults to `TRUE`
19 |
#' if page size is specified (including the default).
20 |
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to [paginate_to_mpfs()].
21 |
22 |
#' @details
23 |
#' If `x` has a `num_rep_cols` method, the value returned by it will be used for `rep_cols` by
24 |
#' default. Otherwise, 0 will be used.
25 |
26 |
#' If `x` has an applicable `do_forced_paginate` method, it will be invoked during the
27 |
#' pagination process.
28 |
29 |
#' @return If `file` is `NULL`, the full paginated and concatenated string value is returned,
30 |
#' otherwise the output is written to `file` and no value (invisible `NULL`) is returned.
31 |
32 |
#' @examples
33 |
#' export_as_txt(basic_matrix_form(mtcars), pg_height = 5, pg_width = 4)
34 |
35 |
#' @export
36 |
export_as_txt <- function(x, |
37 |
file = NULL, |
38 |
page_type = NULL, |
39 |
landscape = FALSE, |
40 |
pg_width = page_dim(page_type)[if (landscape) 2 else 1], |
41 |
pg_height = page_dim(page_type)[if (landscape) 1 else 2], |
42 |
font_family = "Courier", |
43 |
font_size = 8, # grid parameters |
44 |
lineheight = 1L, |
45 |
margins = c(top = .5, bottom = .5, left = .75, right = .75), |
46 |
paginate = TRUE, |
47 |
cpp = NA_integer_, |
48 |
lpp = NA_integer_, |
49 |
50 |
hsep = NULL, |
51 |
indent_size = 2, |
52 |
tf_wrap = paginate, |
53 |
max_width = NULL, |
54 |
colwidths = NULL, |
55 |
min_siblings = 2, |
56 |
nosplitin = character(), |
57 |
rep_cols = NULL, |
58 |
verbose = FALSE, |
59 |
page_break = "\\s\\n", |
60 |
page_num = default_page_number(), |
61 |
fontspec = font_spec(font_family, font_size, lineheight), |
62 |
col_gap = 3, |
63 |
round_type = c("iec", "sas")) { |
64 |
# Processing lists of tables or listings
65 | 15x |
if (.is_list_of_tables_or_listings(x)) { |
66 | 5x |
if (isFALSE(paginate)) { |
67 | 1x |
warning( |
68 | 1x |
"paginate is FALSE, but x is a list of tables or listings, ",
69 | 1x |
"so paginate will automatically be updated to TRUE"
70 |
71 |
72 | 5x |
paginate <- TRUE |
73 |
74 | ||
75 | 15x |
if (paginate) { |
76 | 15x |
pages <- paginate_to_mpfs( |
77 | 15x |
78 | 15x |
page_type = page_type, |
79 |
## font_family = font_family,
80 |
## font_size = font_size,
81 |
## lineheight = lineheight,
82 | 15x |
landscape = landscape, |
83 | 15x |
pg_width = pg_width, |
84 | 15x |
pg_height = pg_height, |
85 | 15x |
margins = margins, |
86 | 15x |
lpp = lpp, |
87 | 15x |
cpp = cpp, |
88 | 15x |
min_siblings = min_siblings, |
89 | 15x |
nosplitin = nosplitin, |
90 | 15x |
colwidths = colwidths, |
91 | 15x |
tf_wrap = tf_wrap, |
92 | 15x |
max_width = max_width, |
93 | 15x |
indent_size = indent_size, |
94 | 15x |
verbose = verbose, |
95 | 15x |
rep_cols = rep_cols, |
96 | 15x |
page_num = page_num, |
97 | 15x |
fontspec = fontspec, |
98 | 15x |
col_gap = col_gap, |
99 | 15x |
round_type = round_type |
100 |
101 |
} else { |
102 | ! |
mf <- matrix_form( |
103 | ! |
104 | ! |
105 | ! |
106 | ! |
indent_size = indent_size, |
107 | ! |
fontspec = fontspec, |
108 | ! |
col_gap = col_gap, |
109 | ! |
round_type = round_type |
110 |
111 | ! |
mf_col_widths(mf) <- colwidths %||% propose_column_widths(mf, fontspec = fontspec, round_type = round_type) |
112 | ! |
pages <- list(mf) |
113 |
114 | ||
115 |
# Needs to be here because of adding cpp if it is not "auto"
116 | 14x |
if (!is.character(max_width)) { |
117 | 14x |
max_width <- .handle_max_width( |
118 | 14x |
tf_wrap = tf_wrap, |
119 | 14x |
max_width = max_width, |
120 | 14x |
cpp = cpp |
121 |
122 |
123 | ||
124 |
## we don't set widths here because we already put that info in mpf
125 |
## so its on each of the pages.
126 | 14x |
strings <- vapply( |
127 | 14x |
pages, toString, "", |
128 | 14x |
widths = NULL, |
129 | 14x |
hsep = hsep, tf_wrap = tf_wrap, max_width = max_width, col_gap = col_gap |
130 |
131 | ||
132 | 14x |
res <- paste(strings, collapse = page_break) |
133 | ||
134 | 14x |
if (is.null(file)) { |
135 | 12x |
136 |
} else { |
137 | 2x |
cat(res, file = file) |
138 |
139 |
140 | ||
141 |
.is_list_of_tables_or_listings <- function(a_list) { |
142 | 80x |
if (is(a_list, "list")) { |
143 | 80x |
all_matrix_forms <- FALSE |
144 | 80x |
obj_are_tables_or_listings <- FALSE |
145 | ||
146 | 80x |
if (is(a_list[[1]], "MatrixPrintForm")) { |
147 | 15x |
all_matrix_forms <- all(sapply(a_list, is, class2 = "MatrixPrintForm")) |
148 |
} else { |
149 | 65x |
obj_are_tables_or_listings <- all( |
150 | 65x |
sapply(a_list, function(list_i) { |
151 | 1625x |
is(list_i, "listing_df") || is(list_i, "VTableTree") |
152 |
}) |
153 |
154 |
155 | 80x |
out <- obj_are_tables_or_listings || all_matrix_forms |
156 |
} else { |
157 | ! |
out <- FALSE |
158 |
159 | ||
160 | 80x |
161 |
162 | ||
163 |
# RTF support ------------------------------------------------------------------
164 | ||
165 |
## In use, must be tested
166 |
prep_header_line <- function(mf, i) { |
167 | 4x |
ret <- mf$strings[i, mf$display[i, , drop = TRUE], drop = TRUE] |
168 | 4x |
169 |
170 | ||
171 |
## margin_lines_to_in <- function(margins, font_size, font_family) {
172 |
## tmpfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".pdf")
173 |
## gp_plot <- gpar(fontsize = font_size, fontfamily = font_family)
174 |
## pdf(file = tmpfile, width = 20, height = 20)
175 |
## on.exit({
176 |
## dev.off()
177 |
## file.remove(tmpfile)
178 |
## })
179 |
## grid.newpage()
180 |
## pushViewport(plotViewport(margins = margins, gp = gp_plot))
181 |
## c(
182 |
## bottom = convertHeight(unit(margins["bottom"], "lines"), "inches", valueOnly = TRUE),
183 |
## left = convertWidth(unit(1, "strwidth", strrep("m", margins["left"])), "inches", valueOnly = TRUE),
184 |
## top = convertHeight(unit(margins["top"], "lines"), "inches", valueOnly = TRUE),
185 |
## right = convertWidth(unit(1, "strwidth", strrep("m", margins["right"])), "inches", valueOnly = TRUE)
186 |
## )
187 |
## }
188 | ||
189 |
mpf_to_dfbody <- function(mpf, colwidths, fontspec, round_type = c("iec", "sas")) { |
190 | 4x |
mf <- matrix_form(mpf, indent_rownames = TRUE, fontspec = fontspec, round_type = round_type) |
191 | 4x |
nlr <- mf_nlheader(mf) |
192 | 4x |
if (is.null(colwidths)) { |
193 | ! |
colwidths <- propose_column_widths(mf, fontspec = fontspec, round_type = round_type) |
194 |
195 | 4x |
mf$strings[1:nlr, 1] <- ifelse(nzchar(mf$strings[1:nlr, 1, drop = TRUE]), |
196 | 4x |
mf$strings[1:nlr, 1, drop = TRUE], |
197 | 4x |
strrep(" ", colwidths) |
198 |
199 | ||
200 | ||
201 | 4x |
myfakedf <- as.data.frame(tail(mf$strings, -nlr)) |
202 | 4x |
203 |
204 | ||
205 |
#' Transform `MatrixPrintForm` to RTF
206 |
207 |
#' Experimental export to rich text format (RTF) via the `r2rtf` package.
208 |
209 |
#' @inheritParams page_lcpp
210 |
#' @inheritParams toString
211 |
#' @inheritParams grid::plotViewport
212 |
#' @param mpf (`MatrixPrintForm`)\cr a `MatrixPrintForm` object.
213 |
#' @param colwidths (`numeric`)\cr column widths.
214 |
215 |
#' @details
216 |
#' This function provides a low-level coercion of a `MatrixPrintForm` object into
217 |
#' text containing the corresponding table in RTF. Currently, no pagination is done
218 |
#' at this level, and should be done prior to calling this function, though that
219 |
#' may change in the future.
220 |
221 |
#' @return An RTF object.
222 |
223 |
#' @export
224 |
mpf_to_rtf <- function(mpf, |
225 |
colwidths = NULL, |
226 |
page_type = "letter", |
227 |
pg_width = page_dim(page_type)[if (landscape) 2 else 1], |
228 |
pg_height = page_dim(page_type)[if (landscape) 1 else 2], |
229 |
landscape = FALSE, |
230 |
margins = c(4, 4, 4, 4), |
231 |
font_family = "Courier", |
232 |
font_size = 8, |
233 |
lineheight = 1, |
234 |
fontspec = font_spec(font_family, font_size, lineheight), |
235 |
round_type = round_type, |
236 |
...) { |
237 | 4x |
if (!requireNamespace("r2rtf")) { |
238 | ! |
stop("RTF export requires the 'r2rtf' package, please install it.") |
239 |
240 | 4x |
if (fontspec$family != "Courier") { |
241 | ! |
stop("Experimental RTF export does not currently support fonts other than Courier") |
242 |
243 | 4x |
mpf <- matrix_form(mpf, indent_rownames = TRUE, fontspec = fontspec, round_type = round_type) |
244 | 4x |
nlr <- mf_nlheader(mpf) |
245 | 4x |
if (is.null(colwidths)) { |
246 | ! |
colwidths <- propose_column_widths(mpf, fontspec = fontspec, round_type = round_type) |
247 |
248 | 4x |
mpf$strings[1:nlr, 1] <- ifelse(nzchar(mpf$strings[1:nlr, 1, drop = TRUE]), |
249 | 4x |
mpf$strings[1:nlr, 1, drop = TRUE], |
250 | 4x |
strrep(" ", colwidths) |
251 |
252 | ||
253 | 4x |
myfakedf <- mpf_to_dfbody(mpf, colwidths, fontspec = fontspec, round_type = round_type) |
254 | ||
255 | 4x |
rtfpg <- r2rtf::rtf_page(myfakedf, |
256 | 4x |
width = pg_width, |
257 | 4x |
height = pg_height, |
258 | 4x |
orientation = if (landscape) "landscape" else "portrait", |
259 | 4x |
margin = c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1), |
260 | 4x |
nrow = 10000L |
261 | 4x |
) ## dont allow r2rtf to restrict lines per page beyond actual real eastate |
262 | 4x |
rtfpg <- r2rtf::rtf_title(rtfpg, main_title(mpf), subtitles(mpf), text_font = 1) |
263 | 4x |
for (i in seq_len(nlr)) { |
264 | 4x |
hdrlndat <- prep_header_line(mpf, i) |
265 | 4x |
rtfpg <- r2rtf::rtf_colheader(rtfpg, |
266 | 4x |
paste(hdrlndat, collapse = " | "), |
267 | 4x |
col_rel_width = unlist(tapply(colwidths, |
268 | 4x |
cumsum(mpf$display[i, , drop = TRUE]), |
269 | 4x |
270 | 4x |
simplify = FALSE |
271 |
)), |
272 | 4x |
border_top = c("", rep(if (i > 1) "single" else "", length(hdrlndat) - 1)), |
273 | 4x |
text_font = 9, ## this means Courier New for some insane reason |
274 | 4x |
text_font_size = font_size |
275 |
276 |
277 | ||
278 | 4x |
rtfpg <- r2rtf::rtf_body(rtfpg, |
279 | 4x |
col_rel_width = colwidths, |
280 | 4x |
text_justification = c("l", rep("c", ncol(myfakedf) - 1)), |
281 | 4x |
text_format = "", |
282 | 4x |
text_font = 9, |
283 | 4x |
text_font_size = font_size |
284 |
285 | ||
286 | 4x |
for (i in seq_along(mpf$ref_footnotes)) { |
287 | 4x |
rtfpg <- r2rtf::rtf_footnote(rtfpg, |
288 | 4x |
mpf$ref_footnotes[i], |
289 | 4x |
border_top = if (i == 1) "single" else "", |
290 | 4x |
border_bottom = if (i == length(mpf$ref_footnotes)) "single" else "", |
291 | 4x |
text_font = 9 |
292 |
293 |
294 | ||
295 | 4x |
if (length(main_footer(mpf)) > 0) { |
296 | 4x |
rtfpg <- r2rtf::rtf_footnote(rtfpg, main_footer(mpf), text_font = 9) |
297 |
298 | 4x |
if (length(prov_footer(mpf)) > 0) { |
299 | 4x |
rtfpg <- r2rtf::rtf_source(rtfpg, prov_footer(mpf), text_font = 9) |
300 |
301 | ||
302 | 4x |
303 |
304 | ||
305 |
## Not currently in use, previous alternate ways to get to RTF
306 | ||
307 |
## ## XXX Experimental. Not to be exported without approval
308 |
## mpf_to_huxtable <- function(obj) {
309 |
## if (!requireNamespace("huxtable")) {
310 |
## stop("mpf_to_huxtable requires the huxtable package")
311 |
## }
312 |
## mf <- matrix_form(obj, indent_rownames = TRUE)
313 |
## nlr <- mf_nlheader(mf)
314 |
## myfakedf <- as.data.frame(tail(mf$strings, -nlr))
315 |
## ret <- huxtable::as_hux(myfakedf, add_colnames = FALSE)
316 |
## mf$strings[!mf$display] <- ""
317 |
## for (i in seq_len(nlr)) {
318 |
## arglist <- c(
319 |
## list(ht = ret, after = i - 1),
320 |
## as.list(mf$strings[i, ])
321 |
## )
322 |
## ret <- do.call(huxtable::insert_row, arglist)
323 | ||
324 |
## spanspl <- split(
325 |
## seq_len(ncol(mf$strings)),
326 |
## cumsum(mf$display[i, ])
327 |
## )
328 | ||
329 |
## for (j in seq_along(spanspl)) {
330 |
## if (length(spanspl[[j]]) > 1) {
331 |
## ret <- huxtable::merge_cells(ret, row = i, col = spanspl[[j]])
332 |
## }
333 |
## }
334 |
## }
335 |
## ret <- huxtable::set_header_rows(ret, seq_len(nlr), TRUE)
336 |
## huxtable::font(ret) <- "courier"
337 |
## huxtable::font_size(ret) <- 6
338 |
## huxtable::align(ret)[
339 |
## seq_len(nrow(ret)),
340 |
## seq_len(ncol(ret))
341 |
## ] <- mf$aligns
342 |
## ret
343 |
## }
344 | ||
345 |
## ## XXX Experimental. Not to be exported without approval
346 |
## mpf_to_rtf <- function(obj, ..., file) {
347 |
## huxt <- mpf_to_huxtable(obj)
348 |
## ## a bunch more stuff here
349 |
## huxtable::quick_rtf(huxt, ..., file = file)
350 |
## }
351 | ||
352 |
## ## XXX Experimental. Not to be exported without approval
353 |
## mpf_to_gt <- function(obj) {
354 |
## requireNamespace("gt")
355 |
## mf <- matrix_form(obj, indent_rownames = TRUE)
356 |
## nlh <- mf_nlheader(mf)
357 |
## body_df <- as.data.frame(mf$strings[-1 * seq_len(nlh), ])
358 |
## varnamerow <- mf_nrheader(mf)
359 |
## ## detect if we have counts
360 |
## if (any(nzchar(mf$formats[seq_len(nlh), ]))) {
361 |
## varnamerow <- varnamerow - 1
362 |
## }
363 | ||
364 |
## rlbl_lst <- as.list(mf$strings[nlh, , drop = TRUE])
365 |
## names(rlbl_lst) <- names(body_df)
366 | ||
367 |
## ret <- gt::gt(body_df, rowname_col = "V1")
368 |
## ret <- gt::cols_label(ret, .list = rlbl_lst)
369 |
## if (nlh > 1) {
370 |
## for (i in 1:(nlh - 1)) {
371 |
## linedat <- mf$strings[i, , drop = TRUE]
372 |
## splvec <- cumsum(mf$display[i, , drop = TRUE])
373 |
## spl <- split(seq_along(linedat), splvec)
374 |
## for (j in seq_along(spl)) {
375 |
## vns <- names(body_df)[spl[[j]]]
376 |
## labval <- linedat[spl[[j]][1]]
377 |
## ret <- gt::tab_spanner(ret,
378 |
## label = labval,
379 |
## columns = {{ vns }},
380 |
## level = nlh - i,
381 |
## id = paste0(labval, j)
382 |
## )
383 |
## }
384 |
## }
385 |
## }
386 | ||
387 |
## ret <- gt::opt_css(ret, css = "th.gt_left { white-space:pre;}")
388 | ||
389 |
## ret
390 |
## }
391 | ||
392 |
#' Export as RTF
393 |
394 |
#' Experimental export to the rich text format (RTF) format.
395 |
396 |
#' @details RTF export occurs via the following steps:
397 |
#' * The table is paginated to the specified page size (vertically and horizontally).
398 |
#' * Each separate page is converted to a `MatrixPrintForm` object and then to
399 |
#' RTF-encoded text.
400 |
#' * Separate RTF text chunks are combined and written to a single RTF file.
401 |
402 |
#' Conversion of `MatrixPrintForm` objects to RTF is done via [mpf_to_rtf()].
403 |
404 |
#' @inheritParams export_as_txt
405 |
#' @inheritParams toString
406 |
#' @inheritParams grid::plotViewport
407 |
#' @inheritParams paginate_to_mpfs
408 |
409 |
#' @export
410 |
export_as_rtf <- function(x, |
411 |
file = NULL, |
412 |
colwidths = NULL, |
413 |
page_type = "letter", |
414 |
pg_width = page_dim(page_type)[if (landscape) 2 else 1], |
415 |
pg_height = page_dim(page_type)[if (landscape) 1 else 2], |
416 |
landscape = FALSE, |
417 |
margins = c(bottom = .5, left = .75, top = .5, right = .75), |
418 |
font_family = "Courier", |
419 |
font_size = 8, |
420 |
lineheight = 1, |
421 |
fontspec = font_spec(font_family, font_size, lineheight), |
422 |
paginate = TRUE, |
423 |
...) { |
424 |
# Processing lists of tables or listings
425 | 2x |
if (.is_list_of_tables_or_listings(x)) { |
426 | ! |
if (isFALSE(paginate)) { |
427 | ! |
warning( |
428 | ! |
"paginate is FALSE, but x is a list of tables or listings, ",
429 | ! |
"so paginate will automatically be updated to TRUE"
430 |
431 |
432 | ! |
paginate <- TRUE |
433 |
434 | ||
435 | 2x |
if (!requireNamespace("r2rtf")) { |
436 | ! |
stop("RTF export requires the r2rtf package, please install it.") |
437 |
438 | 2x |
if (fontspec$family != "Courier") { |
439 | ! |
stop("Experimental RTF export does not currently support fonts other than Courier") |
440 |
441 | ||
442 | 2x |
if (is.null(names(margins))) { |
443 | ! |
names(margins) <- marg_order |
444 |
445 | ||
446 |
# NEEDS TO BE INTO paginate_to_mpfs so to have this check once for all paginations
447 |
# fullmf <- matrix_form(x, indent_rownames = TRUE, fontspec = fontspec)
448 |
# req_ncols <- ncol(fullmf) + as.numeric(mf_has_rlabels(fullmf))
449 |
# if (!is.null(colwidths) && length(colwidths) != req_ncols) {
450 |
# stop(
451 |
# "non-null colwidths argument must have length ncol(x) (+ 1 if row labels are present) [",
452 |
# req_ncols, "], got length ", length(colwidths)
453 |
# )
454 |
# }
455 | ||
456 | 2x |
true_width <- pg_width - sum(margins[c("left", "right")]) |
457 | 2x |
true_height <- pg_height - sum(margins[c("top", "bottom")]) |
458 | ||
459 | 2x |
mpfs <- paginate_to_mpfs( |
460 | 2x |
461 | 2x |
fontspec = fontspec, |
462 | 2x |
pg_width = true_width, |
463 | 2x |
pg_height = true_height, |
464 | 2x |
margins = c(bottom = 0, left = 0, top = 0, right = 0), |
465 | 2x |
lineheight = 1.25, |
466 | 2x |
colwidths = colwidths, |
467 |
468 |
469 | ||
470 | 2x |
rtftxts <- lapply(mpfs, function(mf) { |
471 | 4x |
r2rtf::rtf_encode(mpf_to_rtf(mf, |
472 | 4x |
colwidths = mf_col_widths(mf), |
473 | 4x |
page_type = page_type, |
474 | 4x |
pg_width = pg_width, |
475 | 4x |
pg_height = pg_height, |
476 | 4x |
font_size = fontspec$size, |
477 | 4x |
margins = c(top = 0, left = 0, bottom = 0, right = 0) |
478 |
)) |
479 |
}) |
480 | 2x |
restxt <- paste( |
481 | 2x |
rtftxts[[1]]$start, |
482 | 2x |
paste( |
483 | 2x |
sapply(rtftxts, function(x) x$body), |
484 | 2x |
collapse = "\n{\\pard\\fs2\\par}\\page{\\pard\\fs2\\par}\n" |
485 |
486 | 2x |
rtftxts[[1]]$end |
487 |
488 | 2x |
if (!is.null(file)) { |
489 | 2x |
cat(restxt, file = file) |
490 |
} else { |
491 | ! |
492 |
493 |
494 | ||
495 | ||
496 |
# PDF support ------------------------------------------------------------------
497 | ||
498 |
#' Export as PDF
499 |
500 |
#' The PDF output from this function is based on the ASCII output created with [toString()].
501 |
502 |
#' @inheritParams export_as_txt
503 |
#' @inheritParams toString
504 |
#' @param file (`string`)\cr file to write to, must have `.pdf` extension.
505 |
#' @param width `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` Please use the `pg_width` argument or specify
506 |
#' `page_type` instead.
507 |
#' @param height `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` Please use the `pg_height` argument or
508 |
#' specify `page_type` instead.
509 |
#' @param fontsize `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` Please use the `font_size` argument instead.
510 |
#' @param margins (`numeric(4)`)\cr the number of lines/characters of the margin on the bottom,
511 |
#' left, top, and right sides of the page, respectively.
512 |
513 |
#' @importFrom grDevices pdf
514 |
#' @importFrom grid textGrob grid.newpage gpar pushViewport plotViewport unit grid.draw
515 |
#' convertWidth convertHeight grobHeight grobWidth
516 |
#' @importFrom grid textGrob get.gpar
517 |
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off
518 |
#' @importFrom tools file_ext
519 |
520 |
#' @details
521 |
#' By default, pagination is performed with default `cpp` and `lpp` defined by specified page
522 |
#' dimensions and margins. User-specified `lpp` and `cpp` values override this, and should
523 |
#' be used with caution.
524 |
525 |
#' Title and footer materials are also word-wrapped by default (unlike when printed to the
526 |
#' terminal), with `cpp` (as defined above) as the default `max_width`.
527 |
528 |
#' @seealso [export_as_txt()]
529 |
530 |
#' @examples
531 |
#' \dontrun{
532 |
#' tf <- tempfile(fileext = ".pdf")
533 |
#' export_as_pdf(basic_matrix_form(mtcars), file = tf, pg_height = 4)
534 |
535 |
#' tf <- tempfile(fileext = ".pdf")
536 |
#' export_as_pdf(basic_matrix_form(mtcars), file = tf, lpp = 8)
537 |
#' }
538 |
539 |
#' @export
540 |
export_as_pdf <- function(x, |
541 |
542 |
page_type = "letter", |
543 |
landscape = FALSE, |
544 |
pg_width = page_dim(page_type)[if (landscape) 2 else 1], |
545 |
pg_height = page_dim(page_type)[if (landscape) 1 else 2], |
546 |
width = lifecycle::deprecated(), |
547 |
height = lifecycle::deprecated(), |
548 |
margins = c(4, 4, 4, 4), |
549 |
min_siblings = 2, |
550 |
font_family = "Courier", |
551 |
font_size = 8, |
552 |
fontsize = font_size, |
553 |
lineheight = 1.2, ## XXX this matches legacy behavior but differs from default everywhere else |
554 |
paginate = TRUE, |
555 |
page_num = default_page_number(), |
556 |
lpp = NULL, |
557 |
cpp = NULL, |
558 |
hsep = "-", |
559 |
indent_size = 2, |
560 |
rep_cols = NULL, |
561 |
tf_wrap = TRUE, |
562 |
max_width = NULL, |
563 |
colwidths = NULL, |
564 |
fontspec = font_spec(font_family, font_size, lineheight), |
565 |
ttype_ok = FALSE, |
566 |
round_type = c("iec", "sas")) { |
567 |
## this has to happen at the very beginning before the first use of fontspec
568 |
## which happens in the default value of colwidths. yay lazy evaluation...
569 | 6x |
if (missing(font_size) && !missing(fontsize)) { |
570 | ! |
font_size <- fontsize |
571 |
572 | ||
573 | 6x |
stopifnot(tools::file_ext(file) != ".pdf") |
574 | ||
575 |
# Processing lists of tables or listings
576 | 6x |
if (.is_list_of_tables_or_listings(x)) { |
577 | 2x |
if (isFALSE(paginate)) { |
578 | 2x |
warning( |
579 | 2x |
"paginate is FALSE, but x is a list of tables or listings, ",
580 | 2x |
"so paginate will automatically be updated to TRUE"
581 |
582 |
583 | 2x |
paginate <- TRUE |
584 |
585 | ||
586 | 6x |
gp_plot <- gpar_from_fspec(fontspec) |
587 | ||
588 | 6x |
if (lifecycle::is_present(width)) { |
589 | 1x |
lifecycle::deprecate_warn("0.5.5", "export_as_pdf(width)", "export_as_pdf(pg_width)") |
590 | 1x |
pg_width <- width |
591 |
592 | 6x |
if (lifecycle::is_present(height)) { |
593 | 1x |
lifecycle::deprecate_warn("0.5.5", "export_as_pdf(height)", "export_as_pdf(pg_height)") |
594 | 1x |
pg_height <- height |
595 |
596 | ||
597 | 6x |
gp_plot <- grid::gpar(fontsize = font_size, fontfamily = font_family) |
598 | ||
599 | 6x |
pdf(file = file, width = pg_width, height = pg_height) |
600 | 6x |
out_dev_num <- dev.cur() |
601 | 6x |
on.exit(dev.off(out_dev_num), add = TRUE) |
602 | 6x |
grid::grid.newpage() |
603 | 6x |
grid::pushViewport(grid::plotViewport(margins = margins, gp = gp_plot)) |
604 | ||
605 | 6x |
cur_gpar <- grid::get.gpar() |
606 | 6x |
if (is.null(lpp)) { |
607 | 6x |
lpp <- floor(grid::convertHeight(grid::unit(1, "npc"), "lines", valueOnly = TRUE) / |
608 | 6x |
(cur_gpar$cex * cur_gpar$lineheight)) ## - sum(margins[c(1, 3)]) # bottom, top # nolint |
609 |
610 | 6x |
if (is.null(cpp)) { |
611 | 4x |
cpp <- floor(grid::convertWidth(grid::unit(1, "npc"), "inches", valueOnly = TRUE) * |
612 | 4x |
font_lcpi(fontspec$family, fontspec$size, cur_gpar$lineheight)$cpi) - sum(margins[c(2, 4)]) # left, right # nolint |
613 |
614 | 6x |
if (tf_wrap && is.null(max_width)) { |
615 | 6x |
max_width <- cpp |
616 |
617 | ||
618 | 6x |
newdev <- open_font_dev(fontspec, silent = TRUE) ## cause we know there's another dev open... |
619 | 6x |
if (newdev) { |
620 | 6x |
on.exit(close_font_dev(), add = TRUE) |
621 |
622 | ||
623 | 6x |
if (paginate) { |
624 | 4x |
tbls <- paginate_to_mpfs( |
625 | 4x |
626 | 4x |
page_type = page_type, |
627 | 4x |
fontspec = fontspec, |
628 | 4x |
landscape = landscape, |
629 | 4x |
pg_width = pg_width, |
630 | 4x |
pg_height = pg_height, |
631 | 4x |
margins = margins, |
632 | 4x |
lpp = lpp, |
633 | 4x |
cpp = cpp, |
634 | 4x |
min_siblings = min_siblings, |
635 | 4x |
nosplitin = character(), |
636 | 4x |
colwidths = colwidths, |
637 | 4x |
tf_wrap = tf_wrap, |
638 | 4x |
max_width = max_width, |
639 | 4x |
indent_size = indent_size, |
640 | 4x |
verbose = FALSE, |
641 | 4x |
rep_cols = rep_cols, |
642 | 4x |
page_num = page_num, |
643 | 4x |
round_type = round_type |
644 |
645 |
} else { |
646 | 2x |
mf <- matrix_form(x, TRUE, TRUE, indent_size = indent_size, fontspec = fontspec, round_type = round_type) |
647 | 2x |
mf_col_widths(mf) <- colwidths %||% propose_column_widths(mf, fontspec = fontspec) |
648 | 2x |
tbls <- list(mf) |
649 |
650 | ||
651 |
# Needs to be here because of adding cpp if it is not "auto"
652 | 6x |
if (!is.character(max_width)) { |
653 | 6x |
max_width <- .handle_max_width( |
654 | 6x |
tf_wrap = tf_wrap, |
655 | 6x |
max_width = max_width, |
656 | 6x |
cpp = cpp |
657 |
658 |
659 | ||
660 | 6x |
tbl_txts <- lapply(tbls, function(tbli) { |
661 | 10x |
toString( |
662 | 10x |
663 | 10x |
widths = tbli$col_widths + 1, |
664 | 10x |
hsep = hsep, |
665 | 10x |
tf_wrap = tf_wrap, |
666 | 10x |
max_width = max_width, |
667 | 10x |
fontspec = fontspec, |
668 | 10x |
ttype_ok = ttype_ok |
669 |
670 |
}) |
671 | ||
672 |
## switch back to our output pdf device
673 | 6x |
dev.set(out_dev_num) |
674 | 6x |
gtbls <- lapply(tbl_txts, function(txt) { |
675 | 10x |
grid::textGrob( |
676 | 10x |
677 | 10x |
x = grid::unit(0, "npc"), y = grid::unit(1, "npc"), |
678 | 10x |
just = c("left", "top") |
679 |
680 |
}) |
681 | ||
682 | 6x |
npages <- length(gtbls) |
683 | 6x |
exceeds_width <- rep(FALSE, npages) |
684 | 6x |
exceeds_height <- rep(FALSE, npages) |
685 | ||
686 | 6x |
for (i in seq_along(gtbls)) { |
687 | 10x |
g <- gtbls[[i]] |
688 | ||
689 | 10x |
if (i > 1) { |
690 | 4x |
grid::grid.newpage() |
691 | 4x |
grid::pushViewport(grid::plotViewport(margins = margins, gp = gp_plot)) |
692 |
693 | ||
694 | 10x |
if (grid::convertHeight(grid::grobHeight(g), "inches", valueOnly = TRUE) > |
695 | 10x |
grid::convertHeight(grid::unit(1, "npc"), "inches", valueOnly = TRUE)) { # nolint |
696 | 1x |
exceeds_height[i] <- TRUE |
697 | 1x |
warning("height of page ", i, " exceeds the available space") |
698 |
699 | 10x |
if (grid::convertWidth(grid::grobWidth(g), "inches", valueOnly = TRUE) > |
700 | 10x |
grid::convertWidth(grid::unit(1, "npc"), "inches", valueOnly = TRUE)) { # nolint |
701 | 4x |
exceeds_width[i] <- TRUE |
702 | 4x |
warning("width of page ", i, " exceeds the available space") |
703 |
704 | ||
705 | 10x |
grid::grid.draw(g) |
706 |
707 | 6x |
list( |
708 | 6x |
file = file, npages = npages, exceeds_width = exceeds_width, exceeds_height = exceeds_height, |
709 | 6x |
lpp = lpp, cpp = cpp |
710 |
711 |
1 |
#' Return an object with a label attribute
2 |
3 |
#' @param x (`ANY`)\cr an object.
4 |
#' @param label (`string`)\cr label attribute to attach to `x`.
5 |
6 |
#' @return `x` labeled by `label`. Note that the exact mechanism of labeling should be considered
7 |
#' an internal implementation detail, but the label can always be retrieved via `obj_label`.
8 |
9 |
#' @examples
10 |
#' x <- with_label(c(1, 2, 3), label = "Test")
11 |
#' obj_label(x)
12 |
13 |
#' @export
14 |
with_label <- function(x, label) { |
15 | 1x |
obj_label(x) <- label |
16 | 1x |
17 |
18 | ||
19 |
#' Get label attributes of variables in a `data.frame`
20 |
21 |
#' Variable labels can be stored as a `label` attribute for each variable.
22 |
#' This functions returns a named character vector with the variable labels
23 |
#' (or empty strings if not specified).
24 |
25 |
#' @param x (`data.frame`)\cr a data frame object.
26 |
#' @param fill (`flag`)\cr whether variable names should be returned for variables for
27 |
#' which the `label` attribute does not exist. If `FALSE`, these variables are filled with
28 |
#' `NA`s instead.
29 |
30 |
#' @return a named character vector of variable labels from `x`, with names corresponding
31 |
#' to variable names.
32 |
33 |
#' @examples
34 |
#' x <- iris
35 |
#' var_labels(x)
36 |
#' var_labels(x) <- paste("label for", names(iris))
37 |
#' var_labels(x)
38 |
39 |
#' @export
40 |
var_labels <- function(x, fill = FALSE) { |
41 | 5x |
stopifnot(is.data.frame(x)) |
42 | 5x |
if (NCOL(x) == 0) { |
43 | 1x |
return(character()) |
44 |
45 | ||
46 | 4x |
y <- Map(function(col, colname) { |
47 | 38x |
label <- attr(col, "label") |
48 | ||
49 | 38x |
if (is.null(label)) { |
50 | 11x |
if (fill) { |
51 | ! |
52 |
} else { |
53 | 4x |
54 |
55 |
} else { |
56 | 27x |
if (!is.character(label) && !(length(label) == 1)) { |
57 | ! |
stop("label for variable ", colname, "is not a character string") |
58 |
59 | 27x |
as.vector(label) |
60 |
61 | 4x |
}, x, colnames(x)) |
62 | ||
63 | 4x |
labels <- unlist(y, recursive = FALSE, use.names = TRUE) |
64 | ||
65 | 4x |
if (!is.character(labels)) { |
66 | ! |
stop("label extraction failed") |
67 |
68 | ||
69 | 4x |
70 |
71 | ||
72 |
#' Set label attributes of all variables in a `data.frame`
73 |
74 |
#' Variable labels can be stored as the `label` attribute for each variable.
75 |
#' This functions sets all non-missing (non-`NA`) variable labels in a `data.frame`.
76 |
77 |
#' @inheritParams var_labels
78 |
#' @param value (`character`)\cr a vector of new variable labels. If any values are `NA`,
79 |
#' the label for that variable is removed.
80 |
81 |
#' @return `x` with modified variable labels.
82 |
83 |
#' @examples
84 |
#' x <- iris
85 |
#' var_labels(x)
86 |
#' var_labels(x) <- paste("label for", names(iris))
87 |
#' var_labels(x)
88 |
89 |
#' if (interactive()) {
90 |
#' View(x) # in RStudio data viewer labels are displayed
91 |
#' }
92 |
93 |
#' @export
94 |
`var_labels<-` <- function(x, value) { |
95 | 3x |
stopifnot( |
96 | 3x |
is.data.frame(x), |
97 | 3x |
is.character(value), |
98 | 3x |
ncol(x) == length(value) |
99 |
100 | ||
101 | 3x |
theseq <- if (!is.null(names(value))) names(value) else seq_along(x) |
102 |
# across columns of x
103 | 3x |
for (j in theseq) { |
104 | 21x |
attr(x[[j]], "label") <- if (!is.na(value[j])) { |
105 | 21x |
unname(value[j]) |
106 |
} else { |
107 | ! |
108 |
109 |
110 | ||
111 | 3x |
112 |
113 | ||
114 |
#' Copy and change variable labels of a `data.frame`
115 |
116 |
#' Relabel a subset of the variables.
117 |
118 |
#' @inheritParams var_labels<-
119 |
#' @param ... name-value pairs, where each name corresponds to a variable name in
120 |
#' `x` and the value to the new variable label.
121 |
122 |
#' @return A copy of `x` with labels modified according to `...`
123 |
124 |
#' @examples
125 |
#' x <- var_relabel(iris, Sepal.Length = "Sepal Length of iris flower")
126 |
#' var_labels(x)
127 |
128 |
#' @export
129 |
var_relabel <- function(x, ...) { |
130 |
# todo: make this function more readable / code easier
131 | 1x |
stopifnot(is.data.frame(x)) |
132 | 1x |
if (missing(...)) { |
133 | ! |
return(x) |
134 |
135 | 1x |
dots <- list(...) |
136 | 1x |
varnames <- names(dots) |
137 | 1x |
stopifnot(!is.null(varnames)) |
138 | ||
139 | 1x |
map_varnames <- match(varnames, colnames(x)) |
140 | ||
141 | 1x |
if (any(is.na(map_varnames))) { |
142 | ! |
stop("variables: ", paste(varnames[is.na(map_varnames)], collapse = ", "), " not found") |
143 |
144 | ||
145 | 1x |
if (any(vapply(dots, Negate(is.character), logical(1)))) { |
146 | ! |
stop("all variable labels must be of type character") |
147 |
148 | ||
149 | 1x |
for (i in seq_along(map_varnames)) { |
150 | 1x |
attr(x[[map_varnames[[i]]]], "label") <- dots[[i]] |
151 |
152 | ||
153 | 1x |
154 |
155 | ||
156 |
#' Remove variable labels of a `data.frame`
157 |
158 |
#' Remove `label` attribute from all variables in a data frame.
159 |
160 |
#' @param x (`data.frame`)\cr a `data.frame` object.
161 |
162 |
#' @return `x` with its variable labels stripped.
163 |
164 |
#' @examples
165 |
#' x <- var_labels_remove(iris)
166 |
167 |
#' @export
168 |
var_labels_remove <- function(x) { |
169 | 1x |
stopifnot(is.data.frame(x)) |
170 | ||
171 | 1x |
for (i in seq_len(ncol(x))) { |
172 | 11x |
attr(x[[i]], "label") <- NULL |
173 |
174 | ||
175 | 1x |
176 |
1 |
#' @import grid
2 |
#' @import grDevices
3 |
4 |
## https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc0678.txt
5 | ||
6 |
times_font_name <- function() { |
7 |
## I thought this was going to be OS specific
8 |
## but it seems like it's not...
9 | 4x |
10 |
11 | ||
12 |
#' Font size specification
13 |
14 |
#' @param font_family (`character(1)`)\cr font family to use during
15 |
#' string width and lines-per-page calculations. You can specify
16 |
#' "Times New Roman" as "Times" or "serif", regardless of OS.
17 |
#' Beyond that, see `family` entry in [graphics::par()]
18 |
#' for details.
19 |
#' @param font_size (`numeric(1)`)\cr font size to use during string width
20 |
#' calculations and lines-per-page calculations.
21 |
#' @param lineheight (`numeric(1)`)\cr line height to use during
22 |
#' lines-per-page calculations.
23 |
24 |
#' @details Passing the output of this constructor
25 |
#' to the rendering or pagination machinery defines
26 |
#' a font for use when calculating word wrapping and pagination.
27 |
28 |
#' @note Specifying font in this way to, e.g., [export_as_txt()] or
29 |
#' [toString()] will not affect the font size of the output, as these
30 |
#' are both raw text formats. [export_as_pdf()] will use the specified font.
31 |
32 |
#' @seealso [nchar_ttype()], [toString()], [`pagination_algo`], [export_as_pdf()]
33 |
34 |
#' @examples
35 |
#' fspec <- font_spec("Courier", 8, 1)
36 |
37 |
#' lets <- paste(letters, collapse = "")
38 |
39 |
#' nchar_ttype(lets, fspec)
40 |
41 |
#' fspec2 <- font_spec("Times", 8, 1)
42 |
43 |
#' nchar_ttype(lets, fspec2)
44 |
45 |
#' @export
46 |
font_spec <- function(font_family = "Courier", |
47 |
font_size = 8, |
48 |
lineheight = 1) { |
49 | 417x |
if (font_family %in% c("Times New Roman", "Times", "serif")) { |
50 | 4x |
font_family <- times_font_name() |
51 |
52 | 417x |
structure( |
53 | 417x |
list( |
54 | 417x |
family = font_family, |
55 | 417x |
size = font_size, |
56 | 417x |
lineheight = lineheight |
57 |
58 | 417x |
class = c("font_spec", "list") |
59 |
60 |
61 |
std_cpi <- 10L |
62 |
std_lpi <- 6L |
63 | ||
64 |
std_full_pg_wd_in <- 8.5 |
65 | ||
66 |
std_full_pg_ht_in <- 11 |
67 | ||
68 |
std_log_pg_wd_chars <- 72 |
69 | ||
70 |
std_log_pg_ht_lines <- 60 |
71 | ||
72 |
std_marg_ht <- round((std_full_pg_ht_in - std_log_pg_ht_lines / std_lpi) / 2, 2) |
73 |
std_marg_wd <- round((std_full_pg_wd_in - std_log_pg_wd_chars / std_cpi) / 2, 2) |
74 | ||
75 |
std_margins <- list( |
76 |
top = std_marg_ht, |
77 |
bottom = std_marg_ht, |
78 |
left = std_marg_wd, |
79 |
right = std_marg_wd |
80 |
81 | ||
82 |
## does not appear to be used anywhere
83 |
## to_inches_num <- function(x) {
84 |
## if (is(x, "unit")) {
85 |
## x <- unclass(convertUnit(x, "inches"))
86 |
## }
87 |
## x
88 |
## }
89 | ||
90 |
## Physical size, does not take margins into account
91 |
pg_dim_names <- list( |
92 |
letter = c(8.5, 11), |
93 |
a4 = c(8.27, 11.69), |
94 |
legal = c(8.5, 14) |
95 |
96 | ||
97 |
#' Supported named page types
98 |
99 |
#' List supported named page types.
100 |
101 |
#' @return
102 |
#' * `page_types` returns a character vector of supported page types
103 |
#' * `page_dim` returns the dimensions (width, then height) of the selected page type.
104 |
105 |
#' @export
106 |
#' @examples
107 |
#' page_types()
108 |
#' page_dim("a4")
109 |
page_types <- function() { |
110 | 74x |
names(pg_dim_names) |
111 |
112 | ||
113 |
#' @param page_type (`string`)\cr the name of a page size specification. Call
114 |
#' [page_types()] for supported values.
115 |
116 |
#' @export
117 |
#' @rdname page_types
118 |
page_dim <- function(page_type) { |
119 | 45x |
if (is.null(page_type)) { |
120 | 28x |
return(NULL) |
121 |
122 | 17x |
if (!page_type %in% page_types()) { |
123 | 1x |
stop("Unrecognized page-size specification: ", page_type) |
124 |
125 | 16x |
pg_dim_names[[page_type]] |
126 |
127 | ||
128 |
#' Calculate lines per inch and characters per inch for font
129 |
130 |
#' @inheritParams page_lcpp
131 |
132 |
#' @details
133 |
#' This function opens a PDF graphics device, writes to a temporary file, then
134 |
#' utilizes [grid::convertWidth()] and [grid::convertHeight()] to calculate lines
135 |
#' per inch and characters per inch for the specified font family, size, and
136 |
#' line height.
137 |
138 |
#' An error is thrown if the font is not monospaced (determined by comparing
139 |
#' the effective widths of the `M` and `.` glyphs).
140 |
141 |
#' @return A named list with `cpi` and `lpi`, the characters and lines per
142 |
#' inch, respectively.
143 |
144 |
#' @examples
145 |
#' font_lcpi <- getFromNamespace("font_lcpi", "formatters")
146 |
147 |
#' font_lcpi()
148 |
#' font_lcpi(font_size = 8)
149 |
#' font_lcpi(font_size = 8, lineheight = 1.1)
150 |
151 |
#' @keywords internal
152 |
font_lcpi <- function(font_family = "Courier", |
153 |
font_size = 8, |
154 |
lineheight = 1, |
155 |
fontspec = font_spec(font_family, font_size, lineheight)) { |
156 | 58x |
new_dev <- open_font_dev(fontspec) |
157 | 58x |
if (new_dev) { |
158 | 10x |
on.exit(close_font_dev()) |
159 |
160 | 58x |
list( |
161 | 58x |
cpi = 1 / convertWidth(unit(1, "strwidth", " "), "inches", valueOnly = TRUE), |
162 | 58x |
lpi = convertHeight(unit(1, "inches"), "lines", valueOnly = TRUE) |
163 |
164 |
165 | ||
166 |
marg_order <- c("bottom", "left", "top", "right") |
167 | ||
168 |
#' Determine lines per page (LPP) and characters per page (CPP) based on font and page type
169 |
170 |
#' @inheritParams open_font_dev
171 |
#' @param page_type (`string`)\cr name of a page type. See [`page_types`]. Ignored
172 |
#' when `pg_width` and `pg_height` are set directly.
173 |
#' @param landscape (`flag`)\cr whether the dimensions of `page_type` should be
174 |
#' inverted for landscape orientation. Defaults to `FALSE`, ignored when `pg_width` and
175 |
#' `pg_height` are set directly.
176 |
#' @param font_family (`string`)\cr name of a font family. An error will be thrown
177 |
#' if the family named is not monospaced. Defaults to `"Courier"`.
178 |
#' @param font_size (`numeric(1)`)\cr font size. Defaults to `12`.
179 |
#' @param lineheight (`numeric(1)`)\cr line height. Defaults to `1`.
180 |
#' @param margins (`numeric(4)`)\cr named numeric vector containing `"bottom"`, `"left"`,
181 |
#' `"top"`, and `"right"` margins in inches. Defaults to `.5` inches for both vertical
182 |
#' margins and `.75` for both horizontal margins.
183 |
#' @param pg_width (`numeric(1)`)\cr page width in inches.
184 |
#' @param pg_height (`numeric(1)`)\cr page height in inches.
185 |
186 |
#' @return A named list containing LPP (lines per page) and CPP (characters per page)
187 |
#' elements suitable for use by the pagination machinery.
188 |
189 |
#' @examples
190 |
#' page_lcpp()
191 |
#' page_lcpp(font_size = 10)
192 |
#' page_lcpp("a4", font_size = 10)
193 |
194 |
#' page_lcpp(margins = c(top = 1, bottom = 1, left = 1, right = 1))
195 |
#' page_lcpp(pg_width = 10, pg_height = 15)
196 |
197 |
#' @export
198 |
page_lcpp <- function(page_type = page_types(), |
199 |
landscape = FALSE, |
200 |
font_family = "Courier", |
201 |
font_size = 8, |
202 |
lineheight = 1, |
203 |
margins = c(top = .5, bottom = .5, left = .75, right = .75), |
204 |
pg_width = NULL, |
205 |
pg_height = NULL, |
206 |
fontspec = font_spec(font_family, font_size, lineheight)) { |
207 | 54x |
if (is.null(page_type)) { |
208 | 19x |
page_type <- page_types()[1] |
209 |
} else { |
210 | 35x |
page_type <- match.arg(page_type) |
211 |
212 | ||
213 | 54x |
if (is.null(names(margins))) { |
214 | 12x |
names(margins) <- marg_order |
215 |
} else { |
216 | 42x |
margins <- margins[marg_order] |
217 |
218 | 54x |
if (any(is.na(margins))) { |
219 | ! |
stop("margins argument must have names 'bottom', 'left', 'top' and 'right'.") |
220 |
221 | 54x |
lcpi <- font_lcpi(fontspec = fontspec) |
222 | ||
223 | 54x |
wdpos <- ifelse(landscape, 2, 1) |
224 | 54x |
pg_width <- pg_width %||% pg_dim_names[[page_type]][wdpos] |
225 | 54x |
pg_height <- pg_height %||% pg_dim_names[[page_type]][-wdpos] |
226 | ||
227 | 54x |
pg_width <- pg_width - sum(margins[c("left", "right")]) |
228 | 54x |
pg_height <- pg_height - sum(margins[c("top", "bottom")]) |
229 | ||
230 | 54x |
list( |
231 | 54x |
cpp = floor(lcpi[["cpi"]] * pg_width), |
232 | 54x |
lpp = floor(lcpi[["lpi"]] * pg_height) |
233 |
234 |
235 | ||
236 |
.open_fdev_is_monospace <- function() { |
237 |
if (!font_dev_state$open) { |
238 |
stop( |
239 |
".open_fdev_is_monospace called when font dev state is not open. ",
240 |
"This shouldn't happen, please contact the maintainers."
241 |
242 |
243 |
font_dev_state$ismonospace |
244 |
245 | ||
246 |
## safe wrapper around .open_fdev_is_monospace
247 |
is_monospace <- function(font_family = "Courier", |
248 |
font_size = 8, |
249 |
lineheight = 1, |
250 |
fontspec = font_spec( |
251 |
252 |
253 |
254 |
)) { |
255 |
if (is.null(fontspec)) { |
256 |
return(TRUE) |
257 |
258 |
new_dev <- open_font_dev(fontspec) |
259 |
if (new_dev) { |
260 |
on.exit(close_font_dev()) |
261 |
262 |
.open_fdev_is_monospace() |
263 |
264 | ||
265 |
## pg_types <- list(
266 |
## "fsrp" = c(cpp = 110, lpp = 66),
267 |
## "fsrp8" = c(cpp = 110, lpp = 66),
268 |
## "fsrp7" = c(cpp = 110, lpp = 75),
269 |
## "fsrl" = c(cpp = 149, lpp = 51),
270 |
## "fsrl8" = c(cpp = 149, lpp = 51),
271 |
## "fsrl7" = c(cpp = 150, lpp = 59),
272 |
## "erp" = c(cpp = 96, lpp = 66),
273 |
## "erp8" = c(cpp = 96, lpp = 66),
274 |
## "erl" = c(cpp = 149, lpp = 45),
275 |
## "erl8" = c(cpp = 149, lpp = 45),
276 |
## "sasp" = c(cpp = 93, lpp = 73),
277 |
## "sasp8" = c(cpp = 93, lpp = 73),
278 |
## "sasl" = c(cpp = 134, lpp = 52),
279 |
## "sasl8" = c(cpp = 134, lpp = 52),
280 |
## "sasp7" = c(cpp = 107, lpp = 92),
281 |
## "sasl7" = c(cpp = 154, lpp = 64),
282 |
## "sasp6" = c(cpp = 125, lpp = 108),
283 |
## "sasl6" = c(cpp = 180, lpp = 75),
284 |
## "sasp10" = c(cpp = 78, lpp = 64),
285 |
## "sasl10" = c(cpp = 108, lpp = 45),
286 |
## "sasp9" = c(cpp = 87, lpp = 71),
287 |
## "sasl9" = c(cpp = 120, lpp = 51),
288 |
## "rapidp10" = c(cpp = 78, lpp = 64),
289 |
## "rapidl10" = c(cpp = 108, lpp = 45),
290 |
## "rapidp9" = c(cpp = 87, lpp = 71),
291 |
## "rapidl9" = c(cpp = 120, lpp = 51),
292 |
## "rapidp" = c(cpp = 93, lpp = 73),
293 |
## "rapidp8" = c(cpp = 93, lpp = 73),
294 |
## "rapidl" = c(cpp = 134, lpp = 52),
295 |
## "rapidl8" = c(cpp = 134, lpp = 52),
296 |
## "rapidp7" = c(cpp = 107, lpp = 92),
297 |
## "rapidl7" = c(cpp = 154, lpp = 64),
298 |
## "rapidp6" = c(cpp = 125, lpp = 108),
299 |
## "rapidl6" = c(cpp = 180, lpp = 75),
300 |
## "shibal" = c(cpp = 170, lpp = 48),
301 |
## "shibal10" = c(cpp = 137, lpp = 39),
302 |
## "shibal8" = c(cpp = 170, lpp = 48),
303 |
## "shibal7" = c(cpp = 194, lpp = 56),
304 |
## "shibal6" = c(cpp = 225, lpp = 65),
305 |
## "shibap" = c(cpp = 112, lpp = 78),
306 |
## "shibap10" = c(cpp = 89, lpp = 64),
307 |
## "shibap8" = c(cpp = 112, lpp = 78),
308 |
## "shibap7" = c(cpp = 127, lpp = 92),
309 |
## "shibap6" = c(cpp = 148, lpp = 108))
310 | ||
311 |
## ~courier_size, ~cpi, ~lpi,
312 |
## 6, floor(129 / pg_dim_names[["letter"]][1]), floor(85 / pg_dim_names[["letter"]][2]),
313 |
## 7, floor(110 / pg_dim_names[["letter"]][1]), floor(76 / pg_dim_names[["letter"]][2]),
314 |
## 8, floor(95 / pg_dim_names[["letter"]][1]), floor(68 / pg_dim_names[["letter"]][2]),
315 |
## 9, floor(84 / pg_dim_names[["letter"]][1]), floor(61 / pg_dim_names[["letter"]][2]),
316 |
## 10, floor(75 / pg_dim_names[["letter"]][1]), floor(56 / pg_dim_names[["letter"]][2])
317 |
## )
318 | ||
319 |
## courier_lcpi <- function(size) {
320 |
## grid.newpage()
321 |
## gp <- gpar(fontfamily="Courier New", fontsize = size, lineheight = 1)
322 |
## pushViewport(plotViewport( gp = gp))
323 |
## list(cpi = round(1/convertWidth(unit(1, "strwidth", "h"), "inches", valueOnly = TRUE), 0),
324 |
## lpi = round(convertHeight(unit(1, "inches"), "lines", valueOnly = TRUE), 0))
325 |
## }
1 |
## credit: rlang, Henry and Wickham.
2 |
## this one tiny utility function is NOT worth a dependency.
3 |
## modified it so any length 0 x grabs y
4 | ||
5 |
#' `%||%` (if length-0) alternative operator
6 |
7 |
#' @param a (`ANY`)\cr element to select *only* if it is not of length 0.
8 |
#' @param b (`ANY`)\cr element to select if `a` has length 0.
9 |
10 |
#' @return `a` if it is not of length 0, otherwise `b`.
11 |
12 |
#' @examples
13 |
#' 6 %||% 10
14 |
15 |
#' character() %||% "hi"
16 |
17 |
#' NULL %||% "hi"
18 |
19 |
#' @export
20 |
#' @name ifnotlen0
21 |
`%||%` <- function(a, b) { |
22 | 429x |
if (length(a) == 0) { |
23 | 131x |
24 |
} else { |
25 | 298x |
26 |
27 |
1 |
#' Default horizontal separator
2 |
3 |
#' The default horizontal separator character which can be displayed in the current
4 |
#' charset for use in rendering table-like objects.
5 |
6 |
#' @param hsep_char (`string`)\cr character that will be set in the R environment
7 |
#' options as the default horizontal separator. Must be a single character. Use
8 |
#' `getOption("formatters_default_hsep")` to get its current value (`NULL` if not set).
9 |
10 |
#' @return unicode 2014 (long dash for generating solid horizontal line) if in a
11 |
#' locale that uses a UTF character set, otherwise an ASCII hyphen with a
12 |
#' once-per-session warning.
13 |
14 |
#' @examples
15 |
#' default_hsep()
16 |
#' set_default_hsep("o")
17 |
#' default_hsep()
18 |
19 |
#' @name default_horizontal_sep
20 |
#' @export
21 |
default_hsep <- function() { |
22 | 55x |
system_default_hsep <- getOption("formatters_default_hsep") |
23 | ||
24 | 55x |
if (is.null(system_default_hsep)) { |
25 | 54x |
if (any(grepl("^UTF", utils::localeToCharset()))) { |
26 | 54x |
hsep <- "\u2014" |
27 |
} else { |
28 | ! |
if (interactive()) { |
29 | ! |
warning( |
30 | ! |
"Detected non-UTF charset. Falling back to '-' ",
31 | ! |
"as default header/body separator. This warning ",
32 | ! |
"will only be shown once per R session."
33 | ! |
) # nocov |
34 |
} # nocov |
35 |
hsep <- "-" # nocov |
36 |
37 |
} else { |
38 | 1x |
hsep <- system_default_hsep |
39 |
40 | 55x |
41 |
42 | ||
43 |
#' @name default_horizontal_sep
44 |
#' @export
45 |
set_default_hsep <- function(hsep_char) { |
46 | 3x |
checkmate::assert_string(hsep_char, n.chars = 1, null.ok = TRUE) |
47 | 2x |
options("formatters_default_hsep" = hsep_char) |
48 |
49 | ||
50 |
#' Default page number format
51 |
52 |
#' If set, the default page number string will appear on the bottom right of
53 |
#' every page of a paginated table. The current `cpp` is used to position the string.
54 |
55 |
#' @param page_number (`string`)\cr single string value to set the page number format.
56 |
#' It should be formatted similarly to the following format: `"page {i}/{n}"`.
57 |
#' `{i}` will be replaced with the current page number, and `{n}` will be replaced with the
58 |
#' total page number. Current `cpp` is used to position the string in the bottom right corner.
59 |
60 |
#' @return The page number format string (`NULL` if not set).
61 |
62 |
#' @examples
63 |
#' default_page_number()
64 |
#' set_default_page_number("page {i} of {n}")
65 |
#' default_page_number()
66 |
67 |
#' @name default_page_number
68 |
#' @export
69 |
default_page_number <- function() { |
70 | 35x |
getOption("formatter_default_page_number", default = NULL) |
71 |
72 | ||
73 |
#' @name default_page_number
74 |
#' @export
75 |
set_default_page_number <- function(page_number) { |
76 | 6x |
checkmate::assert_string(page_number, null.ok = TRUE) |
77 | 6x |
options("formatter_default_page_number" = page_number) |
78 |