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Create rule based on mappings


  .lst = list(...),
  .string_as_fct = TRUE,
  .na_last = TRUE,
  .drop = FALSE,
  .to_NA = NULL



Mapping pairs, the argument name is the transformed while its values are original values.


(list) of mapping.


(flag) whether to convert characters to factors.


(flag) whether the level replacing NA should be last.


(flag) whether to drop empty levels.


(character) values that should be converted to NA.


Conversion to NA is the last step of the remapping process.


rule("X" = "x", "Y" = c("y", "z"))
#> Mapping of:
#> X  <-  x 
#> Y  <-  y 
#> Y  <-  z 
#> Convert to factor: TRUE 
#> Drop unused level: FALSE 
#> NA-replacing level in last position: TRUE 
rule("X" = "x", "Y" = c("y", "z"), .drop = TRUE, .to_NA = c("a", "b"), .na_last = FALSE)
#> Mapping of:
#> X  <-  x 
#> Y  <-  y 
#> Y  <-  z 
#> NA <-  a, b 
#> Convert to factor: TRUE 
#> Drop unused level: TRUE 
#> NA-replacing level in last position: FALSE