1 |
#' Safe transformer
2 |
#' @details Obtain content in global environment by default.
3 |
#' If not found, use the environment here.
4 |
#' @keywords internal
5 |
safe_transformer <- function(text, envir) { |
6 | 7x |
text_lower <- tolower(text) |
7 | 7x |
res <- if (exists(text_lower, envir = envir, inherits = FALSE)) { |
8 | 6x |
get(text_lower, envir = envir) |
9 |
} else { |
10 | 1x |
11 |
12 | 7x |
if (is.character(res)) { |
13 | 7x |
if (identical(text, tolower(text))) { |
14 | 3x |
res <- tolower(res) |
15 | 4x |
} else if (identical(text, toupper(text))) { |
16 | 2x |
res <- toupper(res) |
17 | 2x |
} else if (identical(text, stringr::str_to_title(text))) { |
18 | 2x |
res <- stringr::str_to_title(res) |
19 |
20 |
21 | 7x |
22 |
23 | ||
24 |
#' Render whiskers safely
25 |
#' @param x (`character`) input to be rendered safely.
26 |
#' @export
27 |
render_safe <- function(x) { |
28 | 4x |
checkmate::assert_character(x, null.ok = TRUE) |
29 | 4x |
if (is.null(x)) { |
30 | ! |
return(NULL) |
31 |
32 | 4x |
ret <- lapply( |
33 | 4x |
34 | 4x |
glue::glue, |
35 | 4x |
.transformer = safe_transformer, |
36 | 4x |
.envir = whisker_env, |
37 | 4x |
.null = "NULL", |
38 | 4x |
.open = "{", |
39 | 4x |
.close = "}" |
40 |
41 | 4x |
ret <- vapply(ret, `[[`, i = 1L, FUN.VALUE = "") |
42 | 4x |
setNames(ret, names(x)) |
43 |
44 |
#' Add whisker values
45 |
#' @param x Named (`character`) input.
46 |
#' @export
47 |
add_whisker <- function(x) { |
48 | 1x |
checkmate::assert_character(x, names = "unique", any.missing = FALSE) |
49 | 1x |
lapply( |
50 | 1x |
names(x), |
51 | 1x |
function(i) { |
52 | 2x |
assign(i, x[i], envir = whisker_env) |
53 |
54 |
55 | 1x |
invisible() |
56 |
57 | ||
58 |
#' Remove whisker values
59 |
#' @param x Named (`character`) input.
60 |
#' @export
61 |
remove_whisker <- function(x) { |
62 | 1x |
checkmate::assert_character(x, any.missing = FALSE) |
63 | 1x |
rm(list = x, envir = whisker_env) |
64 |
1 |
#' Unite Columns of a Table in a `list` of `data.frame`.
2 |
3 |
#' @param adam_db (`list` of `data.frames`) to be transformed.
4 |
#' @param tab (`string`) the name of a table in the `adam_db` object.
5 |
#' @param cols (`character`) the name of the columns to unite.
6 |
#' @param sep (`string`) the separator for the new column name.
7 |
#' @param new (`string`) the name of the new column. If `NULL` the concatenation of `cols` separated by `sep` is used.
8 |
9 |
#' @return `list` of `data.frames` object with a united column.
10 |
#' @export
11 |
12 |
#' @examples
13 |
#' db <- list(mtcars = mtcars, iris = iris)
14 |
15 |
#' x <- ls_unite(db, "mtcars", c("mpg", "hp"), new = "FUSION")
16 |
#' x$mtcars
17 |
ls_unite <- function(adam_db, tab, cols, sep = ".", new = NULL) { |
18 | 4x |
checkmate::assert_list(adam_db, types = "data.frame") |
19 | 4x |
checkmate::assert_string(tab) |
20 | 4x |
checkmate::assert_names(names(adam_db), must.include = tab) |
21 | 4x |
checkmate::assert_character(cols, min.len = 1) |
22 | 4x |
checkmate::assert_names(names(adam_db[[tab]]), must.include = cols) |
23 | 4x |
checkmate::assert_string(sep) |
24 | 4x |
checkmate::assert_string(new, null.ok = TRUE) |
25 | ||
26 | 4x |
x_interaction <- if (!is.null(new)) { |
27 | 3x |
28 |
} else { |
29 | 1x |
paste(cols, collapse = sep) |
30 |
31 | ||
32 | 4x |
x_df <- adam_db[[tab]][, cols, drop = FALSE] |
33 | 4x |
lvl <- lapply(x_df, function(y) { |
34 | 9x |
uni <- if (is.factor(y)) { |
35 | 7x |
levels(y) |
36 |
} else { |
37 | 2x |
unique(y) |
38 |
39 | 9x |
factor(uni, levels = uni) |
40 |
}) |
41 | ||
42 | 4x |
all_lvl_df <- expand.grid(lvl) |
43 | ||
44 | 4x |
all_lvl <- all_lvl_df[, cols, drop = FALSE] %>% |
45 | 4x |
arrange(across(all_of(cols))) %>% |
46 | 4x |
apply(1, paste, collapse = sep) |
47 | ||
48 | 4x |
x_vec <- x_df[, cols, drop = FALSE] %>% |
49 | 4x |
apply(1, paste, collapse = sep) |
50 | ||
51 | 4x |
existing_lvl <- intersect(all_lvl, x_vec) |
52 | 4x |
x_fact <- factor(x_vec, existing_lvl) |
53 | ||
54 | 4x |
adam_db[[tab]][, x_interaction] <- x_fact |
55 | 4x |
56 |
1 |
#' Propagate Column
2 |
3 |
#' `propagate`copy columns from a given table of a `list` of `data.frame` to all tables based on other
4 |
#' common columns. If several rows are associated with the same key, the rows will be duplicated in the receiving
5 |
#' tables. In safe mode, the key must be unique in the original table.
6 |
7 |
#' @param db (`list` of `data.frame`) object for which some variable need to be propagated.
8 |
#' @param from (`string`) the name of the table where the variables to propagate are stored.
9 |
#' @param add (`character`) the names of the variables to propagate.
10 |
#' @param by (`character`) the key binding the `from` table to the other tables.
11 |
#' @param safe (`flag`) should the key be checked for uniqueness in the `from` table.
12 |
13 |
#' @return updated `list` of `data.frame`.
14 |
15 |
#' @rdname propagate
16 |
#' @export
17 |
18 |
propagate <- function(db, from, add, by, safe = TRUE) { |
19 | 3x |
UseMethod("propagate") |
20 |
21 | ||
22 |
#' @rdname propagate
23 |
#' @export
24 |
25 |
26 |
#' @examples
27 |
#' df1 <- data.frame(
28 |
#' id1 = c("a", "a", "c", "d", "e", "f"),
29 |
#' id2 = c("A", "B", "A", "A", "A", "A"),
30 |
#' int = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
31 |
32 |
#' )
33 |
34 |
#' df2 <- data.frame(
35 |
#' id1 = c("a", "a", "d", "e", "f", "g"),
36 |
#' id2 = c("A", "B", "A", "A", "A", "A")
37 |
#' )
38 |
39 |
#' df3 <- data.frame(
40 |
#' id1 = c("a", "c", "d", "e", "f", "x"),
41 |
#' id2 = c("A", "A", "A", "A", "B", "A"),
42 |
#' int = c(11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66)
43 |
#' )
44 |
45 |
#' db <- list(df1 = df1, fd2 = df2, df3 = df3)
46 |
#' propagate(db, from = "df1", add = c("int", "bool"), by = c("id1", "id2"))
47 |
48 |
propagate.list <- function(db, from, add, by, safe = TRUE) { |
49 | 3x |
checkmate::assert_list(db, types = "data.frame", names = "unique") |
50 | 3x |
checkmate::assert_names(names(db), must.include = from) |
51 | 3x |
checkmate::assert_names(colnames(db[[from]]), must.include = add) |
52 | 3x |
checkmate::assert_names(colnames(db[[from]]), must.include = by) |
53 | 3x |
checkmate::assert_flag(safe) |
54 | ||
55 | 3x |
if (safe) { |
56 | 2x |
keys <- db[[from]][, by] |
57 | 1x |
if (anyDuplicated(keys)) rlang::abort(paste("Duplicated key")) |
58 |
59 | 2x |
toJoin <- db[[from]] |
60 | ||
61 | 2x |
for (tab_name in setdiff(names(db), from)) { |
62 | 3x |
tab_colnames <- colnames(db[[tab_name]]) |
63 | 3x |
if (!all(add %in% tab_colnames) && all(by %in% tab_colnames)) { |
64 | 2x |
missing_var <- setdiff(add, tab_colnames) |
65 | 2x |
sel_var <- c(missing_var, by) |
66 | 2x |
sel_tab <- toJoin[, sel_var] |
67 | ||
68 | 2x |
cat(paste0("\nUpdating: ", tab_name, " with: ", toString(missing_var))) |
69 | ||
70 | 2x |
db[[tab_name]] <- db[[tab_name]] %>% |
71 | 2x |
dplyr::left_join(sel_tab, by = by, multiple = "all") |
72 |
} else { |
73 | 1x |
cat(paste0("\nSkipping: ", tab_name)) |
74 |
75 |
76 | 2x |
cat("\n") |
77 | 2x |
return(db) |
78 |
1 |
#' Transforming Empty Strings and White Spaces to NAs
2 |
3 |
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
4 |
5 |
#' SAS imports missing data as empty strings or white spaces. This helper function replaces the empty strings and white
6 |
#' space-only character and levels by `NAs`.
7 |
8 |
#' @param x (`vector`) where empty of white space should be transformed to `NAs`.
9 |
10 |
#' @return `character` or `factor` without explicit NA. `logical` and `numeric` are returned as `character`.
11 |
12 |
#' @export
13 |
#' @examples
14 |
#' char1 <- c(" ", " ", "a", "b", "", "")
15 |
#' h_ws_to_na(char1)
16 |
17 |
#' fact1 <- as.factor(char1)
18 |
#' h_ws_to_na(fact1)
19 |
20 |
#' num1 <- c(1:10)
21 |
#' h_ws_to_na(num1)
22 |
23 |
#' logi1 <- c(TRUE, FALSE, NA)
24 |
#' h_ws_to_na(logi1)
25 |
h_ws_to_na <- function(x) { |
26 | 9x |
if (is.factor(x)) { |
27 | 2x |
levels_x <- levels(x) |
28 | ||
29 | 2x |
ws_levels <- grepl("^\\s*$", levels_x) | levels_x == "" |
30 | ||
31 | 2x |
levels(x)[ws_levels] <- NA |
32 | 7x |
} else if (is.character(x)) { |
33 | 6x |
ws_char <- grepl("^\\s*$", x) | x == "" |
34 | ||
35 | 6x |
x[ws_char] <- NA |
36 |
} else { |
37 | 1x |
x <- as.character(x) |
38 |
39 | 9x |
40 |
41 | ||
42 |
#' Transforming Empty Strings and White Spaces to Explicit NAs
43 |
44 |
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
45 |
46 |
#' SAS imports missing data as empty strings or white spaces. This helper function is a thin wrapper around
47 |
#' [dunlin::h_ws_to_na] which replaces them with explicit missing level.
48 |
49 |
#' @param x (`vector`) where empty of white space should be transformed to `NAs`.
50 |
#' @param na_level (`character`) replacement of the missing levels.
51 |
52 |
#' @return `factor` with explicit NA
53 |
54 |
#' @export
55 |
#' @examples
56 |
#' char1 <- c(" ", " ", "a", "b", "", "")
57 |
#' h_ws_to_explicit_na(char1)
58 |
59 |
#' fact1 <- as.factor(char1)
60 |
#' h_ws_to_explicit_na(fact1)
61 |
62 |
#' num1 <- c(1, 2, NA)
63 |
#' h_ws_to_explicit_na(num1)
64 |
65 |
#' logi1 <- c(TRUE, FALSE, NA)
66 |
#' h_ws_to_explicit_na(logi1)
67 |
h_ws_to_explicit_na <- function(x, na_level = "<Missing>") { |
68 | 7x |
checkmate::assert_character(na_level) |
69 | ||
70 | 7x |
res <- forcats::fct_na_value_to_level(h_ws_to_na(x), na_level) |
71 | ||
72 | 7x |
if (na_level %in% res) { |
73 | 5x |
forcats::fct_relevel(res, na_level, after = Inf) |
74 |
} else { |
75 | 2x |
forcats::fct_drop(res, only = na_level) |
76 |
77 |
78 | ||
79 |
#' Transforming Empty Strings and White Spaces to Explicit NAs while Preserving Label
80 |
81 |
#' @details This function preserves the label attribute.
82 |
83 |
#' @param x (`vector`) input to be turned into factor with explicit missing level.
84 |
#' @param na_level (`character`) the label to encode missing levels.
85 |
86 |
#' @return `factor` with explicit NA and the same label as the input.
87 |
88 |
#' @export
89 |
#' @examples
90 |
#' char1 <- c(" ", " ", "a", "b", "", "", NA)
91 |
#' attr(char1, "label") <- "my_label"
92 |
93 |
#' h_as_factor(char1)
94 |
h_as_factor <- function(x, na_level = "<Missing>") { |
95 | 4x |
checkmate::assert_vector(x) |
96 | ||
97 | 4x |
init_lab <- attr(x, "label") |
98 | ||
99 | 4x |
res <- h_ws_to_explicit_na(x, na_level = na_level) |
100 | ||
101 | 4x |
attr(res, "label") <- init_lab |
102 | ||
103 | 4x |
104 |
105 | ||
106 |
#' Setting the Label Attribute
107 |
108 |
#' @param var (`object`) whose label attribute can be set.
109 |
#' @param label (`character`) the label to add.
110 |
111 |
#' @return `object` with label attribute.
112 |
113 |
#' @export
114 |
#' @examples
115 |
#' x <- c(1:10)
116 |
#' attr(x, "label")
117 |
118 |
#' y <- attr_label(x, "my_label")
119 |
#' attr(y, "label")
120 |
attr_label <- function(var, label) { |
121 | 89x |
checkmate::assert_character(label) |
122 | ||
123 | 88x |
x <- var |
124 | 88x |
attr(x, "label") <- label |
125 | ||
126 | 88x |
127 |
128 | ||
129 |
#' Setting the Label Attribute to Data Frame Columns
130 |
131 |
#' @param df (`data.frame`).
132 |
#' @param label (`character`) the labels to add.
133 |
134 |
#' @return `data.frame` with label attributes.
135 |
136 |
#' @export
137 |
#' @examples
138 |
#' res <- attr_label_df(mtcars, letters[1:11])
139 |
#' res
140 |
#' lapply(res, attr, "label")
141 |
attr_label_df <- function(df, label) { |
142 | 20x |
checkmate::assert_data_frame(df) |
143 | 20x |
checkmate::assert_character(label, len = ncol(df)) |
144 | ||
145 | 19x |
res <- mapply(attr_label, var = df, label = as.list(label), SIMPLIFY = FALSE) |
146 | 19x |
as.data.frame(res) |
147 |
1 |
#' Create rule based on mappings
2 |
#' @param ... Mapping pairs, the argument name is the transformed while
3 |
#' its values are original values.
4 |
#' @param .lst (`list`) of mapping.
5 |
#' @param .string_as_fct (`flag`) whether to convert characters to factors.
6 |
#' @param .na_last (`flag`) whether the level replacing `NA` should be last.
7 |
#' @param .drop (`flag`) whether to drop empty levels.
8 |
#' @param .to_NA (`character`) values that should be converted to `NA`. Set to `NULL` if nothing should be converted to
9 |
#' `NA`.
10 |
11 |
#' @note Conversion to `NA` is the last step of the remapping process.
12 | ||
13 |
14 |
#' @export
15 |
#' @examples
16 |
#' rule("X" = "x", "Y" = c("y", "z"))
17 |
#' rule("X" = "x", "Y" = c("y", "z"), .drop = TRUE, .to_NA = c("a", "b"), .na_last = FALSE)
18 |
19 |
rule <- function(..., .lst = list(...), .string_as_fct = TRUE, .na_last = TRUE, .drop = FALSE, .to_NA = "") { |
20 | 92x |
checkmate::assert_flag(.string_as_fct) |
21 | 92x |
checkmate::assert_flag(.na_last) |
22 | 92x |
checkmate::assert_flag(.drop) |
23 | 92x |
checkmate::assert_character(.to_NA, null.ok = TRUE, any.missing = FALSE) |
24 | ||
25 | 92x |
.lst[is.na(.lst)] <- NA_character_ |
26 | 92x |
if (!checkmate::test_list(.lst, types = c("character"))) { |
27 | 1x |
rlang::abort("Value mapping may only contain the type: {character}") |
28 |
29 | 91x |
vals <- as.character(unlist(.lst, use.names = FALSE)) |
30 | 91x |
checkmate::assert_character(vals, unique = TRUE) |
31 | 89x |
nms <- unlist(lapply(seq_len(length(.lst)), function(x) { |
32 | 180x |
rep(names(.lst)[x], length(.lst[[x]])) |
33 |
})) |
34 | ||
35 | 89x |
res <- structure( |
36 | 89x |
setNames(vals, nms), |
37 | 89x |
class = c("rule", "character"), |
38 | 89x |
.string_as_fct = .string_as_fct, |
39 | 89x |
.na_last = .na_last, |
40 | 89x |
.drop = .drop, |
41 | 89x |
.to_NA = .to_NA |
42 |
43 | ||
44 | 89x |
45 |
46 | ||
47 |
#' @export
48 |
49 |
print.rule <- function(x, ...) { |
50 | 1x |
cat("Mapping of:\n") |
51 | 1x |
nms <- names(x) |
52 | 1x |
if (length(x) == 0) { |
53 | ! |
cat("Empty mapping.\n") |
54 |
} else { |
55 | 1x |
for (i in seq_len(length(x))) { |
56 | 2x |
cat(nms[i], " <- ", if (length(x[[i]]) > 1) sprintf("[%s]", toString(x[[i]])) else x[[i]], "\n") |
57 |
58 |
59 | 1x |
.to_NA <- attr(x, ".to_NA") |
60 | 1x |
if (!is.null(.to_NA)) cat("NA <- ", toString(.to_NA), "\n") |
61 | 1x |
cat("Convert to factor:", attr(x, ".string_as_fct"), "\n") |
62 | 1x |
cat("Drop unused level:", attr(x, ".drop"), "\n") |
63 | 1x |
cat("NA-replacing level in last position:", attr(x, ".na_last"), "\n") |
64 |
65 | ||
66 |
#' Convert nested list into list of `rule`
67 |
#' @param obj (`nested list`) to convert into list of rules.
68 |
#' @export
69 |
#' @examples
70 |
#' obj <- list(
71 |
#' rule1 = list("X" = c("a", "b"), "Z" = "c", .to_NA = "xxxx"),
72 |
#' rule2 = list(Missing = c(NA, "")),
73 |
#' rule3 = list(Missing = c(NA, ""), .drop = TRUE),
74 |
#' rule4 = list(Absent = c(NA, ""), .drop = TRUE, .to_NA = "yyyy")
75 |
#' )
76 |
#' list2rules(obj)
77 |
78 |
list2rules <- function(obj) { |
79 | 3x |
coll <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection() |
80 | 3x |
checkmate::assert_list(obj, types = "list", add = coll) |
81 | 3x |
checkmate::assert_names(names(obj), type = "unique", add = coll) |
82 | 3x |
checkmate::reportAssertions(coll) |
83 | ||
84 | 2x |
lapply(obj, function(x) { |
85 | 6x |
do.call("rule", x) |
86 |
}) |
87 |
88 | ||
89 |
#' Convert Rule to List
90 |
#' @param x (`rule`) to convert.
91 |
#' @param ... not used.
92 |
93 |
#' @export
94 |
#' @examples
95 |
96 |
#' x <- rule("a" = c("a", "b"), "X" = "x", .to_NA = c("v", "w"))
97 |
#' as.list(x)
98 |
as.list.rule <- function(x, ...) { |
99 | 41x |
nms <- names(x) |
100 | 41x |
unames <- unique(nms) |
101 | 41x |
res <- lapply(unames, function(i) { |
102 | 84x |
unname(x[nms == i]) |
103 |
}) |
104 | ||
105 | ||
106 | 41x |
att <- attributes(x) |
107 | 41x |
arg <- att[!names(att) %in% c("names", "class")] |
108 | ||
109 | 41x |
res <- c(res, unname(arg)) |
110 | 41x |
unames <- c(unames, names(arg)) |
111 | ||
112 | 41x |
r_list <- setNames(res, unames) |
113 | ||
114 |
# Explicitly declare .to_NA value, even if NULL.
115 | 41x |
.to_NA <- r_list[[".to_NA"]] |
116 | 41x |
if (is.null(.to_NA)) { |
117 | 3x |
r_list[".to_NA"] <- list(NULL) |
118 |
119 | ||
120 | 41x |
121 |
1 |
#' Join `adsub` to `adsl`
2 |
3 |
#' @param adam_db (`list` of `data.frame`) object input with an `adsl` and `adsub` table.
4 |
#' @param keys (`character`) the name of the columns in `adsl` uniquely identifying a row.
5 |
#' @param continuous_var (`character`) the value of a parameter in the `PARAMCD` column of the `adsub` table from which
6 |
#' columns containing continuous values should be created. If `"all"`, all parameter values are selected, if `NULL`,
7 |
#' none are selected.
8 |
#' @param categorical_var (`character`) the value of a parameter in the `PARAMCD` column of the `adsub` table from which
9 |
#' columns containing categorical values should be created. If `"all"`, all parameter values are selected, if `NULL`,
10 |
#' none are selected.
11 |
#' @param continuous_suffix (`string`) the suffixes to add to the newly generated columns containing continuous values.
12 |
#' @param categorical_suffix (`string`) the suffixes to add to the newly generated columns containing categorical
13 |
#' values.
14 |
15 |
#' @return a `list` of `data.frame` with new columns in the `adsl` table.
16 |
17 |
#' @rdname join_adsub_adsl
18 |
#' @export
19 |
20 |
join_adsub_adsl <- function(adam_db, |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
categorical_suffix) { |
26 | 5x |
UseMethod("join_adsub_adsl") |
27 |
28 | ||
29 |
#' @rdname join_adsub_adsl
30 |
#' @export
31 |
32 |
#' @examples
33 |
#' adsl <- data.frame(
34 |
#' USUBJID = c("S1", "S2", "S3", "S4"),
35 |
#' STUDYID = "My_study",
36 |
#' AGE = c(60, 44, 23, 31)
37 |
#' )
38 |
39 |
#' adsub <- data.frame(
40 |
#' USUBJID = c("S1", "S2", "S3", "S4", "S1", "S2", "S3"),
41 |
#' STUDYID = "My_study",
42 |
#' PARAM = c("weight", "weight", "weight", "weight", "height", "height", "height"),
43 |
#' PARAMCD = c("w", "w", "w", "w", "h", "h", "h"),
44 |
#' AVAL = c(98, 75, 70, 71, 182, 155, 152),
45 |
#' AVALC = c(">80", "<=80", "<=80", "<=80", ">180", "<=180", "<=180")
46 |
#' )
47 |
48 |
#' db <- list(adsl = adsl, adsub = adsub)
49 |
50 |
#' x <- join_adsub_adsl(adam_db = db)
51 |
#' x <- join_adsub_adsl(adam_db = db, continuous_var = c("w", "h"), categorical_var = "h")
52 |
join_adsub_adsl.list <- function(adam_db, |
53 |
keys = c("USUBJID", "STUDYID"), |
54 |
continuous_var = "all", |
55 |
categorical_var = "all", |
56 |
continuous_suffix = "", |
57 |
categorical_suffix = "_CAT") { |
58 | 5x |
checkmate::assert_list(adam_db, types = "data.frame") |
59 | 5x |
checkmate::assert_names(names(adam_db), must.include = c("adsl", "adsub")) |
60 | 5x |
checkmate::assert_names(names(adam_db$adsub), must.include = c("PARAM", "PARAMCD", "AVAL", "AVALC", keys)) |
61 | 5x |
checkmate::assert_names(names(adam_db$adsl), must.include = keys) |
62 | 5x |
checkmate::assert_string(continuous_suffix) |
63 | 5x |
checkmate::assert_string(categorical_suffix) |
64 | ||
65 | 5x |
value_col <- c("AVAL", "AVALC") |
66 | 5x |
vars_ls <- list(continuous_var, categorical_var) |
67 | 5x |
suffix_ls <- list(continuous_suffix, categorical_suffix) |
68 | ||
69 |
# Select variables names.
70 | 5x |
vars_ls <- lapply(vars_ls, function(x) { |
71 | 10x |
if (identical(x, "all")) { |
72 | 6x |
unique(adam_db$adsub$PARAMCD) |
73 |
} else { |
74 | 4x |
75 |
76 |
}) |
77 | ||
78 |
# Create new variable names.
79 | 5x |
vars_nam <- mapply( |
80 | 5x |
function(x, y) { |
81 | 10x |
if (!is.null(x)) { |
82 | 6x |
names(x) <- paste0(x, y) |
83 | 6x |
84 |
} else { |
85 | 4x |
86 |
87 |
88 | 5x |
89 | 5x |
90 | 5x |
91 |
92 | ||
93 |
# Test if new columns already exist in adsl.
94 | 5x |
assert_names_notadsl(vars_nam, adam_db$adsl) |
95 | ||
96 |
# Test if categorical and continuous column will result in the same column name.
97 | 5x |
assert_names_collision(vars_nam) |
98 | ||
99 |
# Pivot and keep labels.
100 | 5x |
adsub_wide_ls <- |
101 | 5x |
adam_db$adsub %>% |
102 | 5x |
poly_pivot_wider(id = keys, param_from = "PARAMCD", value_from = value_col, labels_from = "PARAM") |
103 | ||
104 |
# Merge categorical and continuous variables.
105 | 5x |
for (i in seq_along(value_col)) { |
106 | 10x |
adsub_df <- adsub_wide_ls[[value_col[i]]] |
107 | 10x |
adsub_df <- adsub_df[, c(keys, vars_nam[[i]])] |
108 | 10x |
colnames(adsub_df) <- c(keys, names(vars_nam[[i]])) |
109 | ||
110 | 10x |
adam_db$adsl <- dplyr::left_join( |
111 | 10x |
x = adam_db$adsl, |
112 | 10x |
y = adsub_df, |
113 | 10x |
by = keys |
114 |
115 |
116 | ||
117 | 5x |
118 |
119 | ||
120 |
# Utility functions ----
121 | ||
122 |
assert_names_collision <- function(vars_nam) { |
123 | 5x |
final_names_ls <- lapply(vars_nam, names) |
124 | 5x |
in_both <- final_names_ls[[1]] %in% final_names_ls[[2]] |
125 | 5x |
if (any(in_both)) { |
126 | ! |
rlang::warn( |
127 | ! |
paste( |
128 | ! |
toString(final_names_ls[[1]][in_both]), |
129 | ! |
"are new columns for continuous and categorical variable, |
130 | ! |
Please set different `continuous_suffix` or `categorical_suffix` |
131 | ! |
or select different columns to avoid automatic renaming." |
132 |
133 |
134 |
135 |
136 | ||
137 |
assert_names_notadsl <- function(vars_nam, df) { |
138 | 5x |
final_names <- unique(sapply(vars_nam, names)) |
139 | 5x |
already_in_adsl <- final_names %in% colnames(df) |
140 | 5x |
if (any(already_in_adsl)) { |
141 | 1x |
rlang::warn( |
142 | 1x |
paste( |
143 | 1x |
toString(final_names[already_in_adsl]), |
144 | 1x |
"already exist in adsl, the name will default to another values. |
145 | 1x |
Please change `continuous_suffix` or `categorical_suffix` to avoid automatic reneaming" |
146 |
147 |
148 |
149 |
1 |
#' Transforming data.frame into Wide Format
2 |
3 |
#' @details instead of nesting duplicated values, the function will throw an error if the same parameter is
4 |
#' provided twice for the same observation.
5 |
6 |
#' @param data (`data.frame`) to be pivoted.
7 |
#' @param id (`character`) the name of the column identifying the observations. It will correspond to the row names
8 |
#' of the output.
9 |
#' @param param_from (`character`) the name of the column containing the names of the parameters to be pivoted. The
10 |
#' unique values in this column will become column names in the output.
11 |
#' @param value_from (`character`) the name of the column containing the values that will populate the output.
12 |
13 |
#' @return `data.frame` in a wide format.
14 |
15 |
#' @export
16 |
#' @examples
17 |
#' test_data <- data.frame(
18 |
#' the_obs = c("A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "B", "C", "D"),
19 |
#' the_obs2 = c("Ax", "Ax", "Ax", "Bx", "Bx", "Bx", "Cx", "Dx"),
20 |
#' the_param = c("weight", "height", "gender", "weight", "gender", "height", "height", "other"),
21 |
#' the_val = c(65, 165, "M", 66, "F", 166, 155, TRUE)
22 |
#' )
23 |
24 |
#' mini_pivot_wider(test_data, "the_obs", "the_param", "the_val")
25 |
mini_pivot_wider <- function(data, |
26 |
27 |
28 |
value_from) { |
29 |
# check for duplication of observation-parameter
30 | 3x |
checkmate::assert_data_frame(data, min.rows = 1, min.cols = 3) |
31 | 3x |
checkmate::assert_character(id, len = 1) |
32 | 3x |
checkmate::assert_character(param_from, len = 1) |
33 | 1x |
checkmate::assert_character(value_from, len = 1) |
34 | 1x |
checkmate::assert_subset(c(id, param_from, value_from), colnames(data)) |
35 | 1x |
checkmate::assert_false(any(duplicated(data[, c(id, param_from)]))) |
36 | ||
37 | 1x |
unique_id <- sort(unique(data[[id]])) |
38 | 1x |
param <- data[[param_from]] |
39 | ||
40 | 1x |
mini_data <- data[, c(id, param_from, value_from)] |
41 | 1x |
data_ls <- split(mini_data, param) |
42 | ||
43 |
# transform to named vector
44 | 1x |
data_vec <- |
45 | 1x |
lapply( |
46 | 1x |
47 | 1x |
function(x) setNames(x[[value_from]], x[[id]]) |
48 |
49 | ||
50 |
# query each id in each param
51 | 1x |
all_vec <- lapply(data_vec, function(x) setNames(x[unique_id], unique_id)) |
52 | ||
53 | 1x |
bind_data <- as.data.frame(all_vec) |
54 | ||
55 | 1x |
res <- cbind(id = unique_id, bind_data) |
56 | 1x |
rownames(res) <- NULL |
57 | ||
58 | 1x |
59 |
60 | ||
61 |
#' Transforming data.frame with Complex Identifiers into Wide Format
62 |
63 |
#' @details This function allows to identify observations on the basis of several columns. Warning: Instead of nesting
64 |
#' duplicated values, the function will throw an error if the same parameter is provided twice for the same
65 |
#' observation.
66 |
67 |
#' @param data (`data.frame`) to be pivoted.
68 |
#' @param id (`character`) the name of the columns whose combination uniquely identify the observations.
69 |
#' @param param_from (`character`) the name of the column containing the names of the parameters to be pivoted. The
70 |
#' unique values in this column will become column names in the output.
71 |
#' @param value_from (`character`) the name of the column containing the values that will populate the output.
72 |
#' @param drop_na (`logical`) should column containing only `NAs` be dropped.
73 |
74 |
#' @return `data.frame` in a wide format.
75 |
76 |
#' @export
77 |
#' @examples
78 |
#' test_data <- data.frame(
79 |
#' the_obs = c("A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "B", "C", "D"),
80 |
#' the_obs2 = c("Ax", "Ax", "Ax", "Bx", "Bx", "Bx", "Cx", "Dx"),
81 |
#' the_param = c("weight", "height", "gender", "weight", "gender", "height", "height", "other"),
82 |
#' the_val = c(65, 165, "M", 66, "F", 166, 155, TRUE)
83 |
#' )
84 |
85 |
#' multi_pivot_wider(test_data, c("the_obs", "the_obs2"), "the_param", "the_val")
86 |
#' multi_pivot_wider(test_data, "the_obs2", "the_param", "the_val")
87 |
multi_pivot_wider <- function(data, |
88 |
89 |
90 |
91 |
drop_na = FALSE) { |
92 |
# check for duplication of observation-parameter
93 | 19x |
checkmate::assert_data_frame(data, min.rows = 1, min.cols = 3) |
94 | 19x |
checkmate::assert_character(id) |
95 | 19x |
checkmate::assert_character(param_from, len = 1) |
96 | 19x |
checkmate::assert_character(value_from, len = 1) |
97 | 19x |
checkmate::assert_false(any(duplicated(data[, c(id, param_from)]))) |
98 | 18x |
checkmate::assert_subset(c(id, param_from, value_from), colnames(data)) |
99 | ||
100 |
# find a way to sort
101 | 18x |
unique_id <- unique(data[id]) |
102 | 18x |
key <- apply(unique_id[id], 1, paste, collapse = "-") |
103 | 18x |
unique_id <- cbind(key, unique_id) |
104 | ||
105 | 18x |
param <- data[[param_from]] |
106 | ||
107 | 18x |
mini_data <- data[, c(param_from, value_from)] |
108 | 18x |
f_key <- apply(data[id], 1, paste, collapse = "-") |
109 | 18x |
mini_data <- cbind(f_key, mini_data) |
110 | ||
111 | 18x |
data_ls <- split(mini_data, param) |
112 | ||
113 |
# Transform to named vector, the first column is the key.
114 | 18x |
data_vec <- |
115 | 18x |
lapply( |
116 | 18x |
117 | 18x |
function(x) setNames(x[[value_from]], x[, 1]) |
118 |
119 | ||
120 |
# query each id in each param
121 | 18x |
all_vec <- lapply(data_vec, function(x) x[unique_id[, 1]]) |
122 | ||
123 | 16x |
if (drop_na) all_vec <- Filter(function(x) !all(is.na(x)), all_vec) |
124 | ||
125 | 18x |
bind_data <- do.call(cbind, all_vec) |
126 | ||
127 | 18x |
res <- cbind(unique_id[, -1, drop = FALSE], bind_data) |
128 | ||
129 | 18x |
rownames(res) <- NULL |
130 | 18x |
131 |
132 | ||
133 |
#' Transforming data.frame with multiple Data Column into Wide Format
134 |
135 |
#' @details This function is adapted to cases where the data are distributed in several columns while the name of the
136 |
#' parameter is in one. Typical example is `adsub` where numeric data are stored in `AVAL` while categorical data are
137 |
#' in `AVALC`.
138 |
139 |
#' @param data (`data.frame`) to be pivoted.
140 |
#' @param id (`character`) the name of the columns whose combination uniquely identify the observations.
141 |
#' @param param_from (`character`) the name of the columns containing the names of the parameters to be pivoted. The
142 |
#' unique values in this column will become column names in the output.
143 |
#' @param value_from (`character`) the name of the column containing the values that will populate the output.
144 |
#' @param labels_from (`character`) the name of the column congaing the labels of the new columns. from. If not
145 |
#' provided, the labels will be equal to the column names. When several labels are available for the same column, the
146 |
#' first one will be selected.
147 |
148 |
#' @return `list` of `data.frame` in a wide format with label attribute attached to each columns.
149 |
150 |
#' @export
151 |
#' @examples
152 |
#' test_data <- data.frame(
153 |
#' the_obs = c("A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "B", "C", "D"),
154 |
#' the_obs2 = c("Ax", "Ax", "Ax", "Bx", "Bx", "Bx", "Cx", "Dx"),
155 |
#' the_param = c("weight", "height", "gender", "weight", "gender", "height", "height", "other"),
156 |
#' the_label = c(
157 |
#' "Weight (Kg)", "Height (cm)", "Gender", "Weight (Kg)",
158 |
#' "Gender", "Height (cm)", "Height (cm)", "Pre-condition"
159 |
#' ),
160 |
#' the_val = c(65, 165, NA, 66, NA, 166, 155, NA),
161 |
#' the_val2 = c(65, 165, "M", 66, "F", 166, 155, TRUE)
162 |
#' )
163 |
164 |
#' x <- poly_pivot_wider(
165 |
#' test_data,
166 |
#' c("the_obs", "the_obs2"),
167 |
#' "the_param",
168 |
#' c("the_val", "the_val2"),
169 |
#' "the_label"
170 |
#' )
171 |
#' x
172 |
#' Reduce(function(u, v) merge(u, v, all = TRUE), x)
173 |
poly_pivot_wider <- function(data, |
174 |
175 |
176 |
177 |
labels_from = NULL) { |
178 |
# other tests are performed at lower levels.
179 | 7x |
checkmate::assert_character(value_from, unique = TRUE) |
180 | ||
181 |
# Create new labels for new columns.
182 | 7x |
if (is.null(labels_from) || labels_from == param_from) { |
183 | 1x |
new_labels <- unique(data[[param_from]]) |
184 | 1x |
names(new_labels) <- new_labels |
185 |
} else { |
186 | 6x |
checkmate::assert_character(labels_from, len = 1) |
187 | 6x |
checkmate::assert_subset(labels_from, colnames(data)) |
188 | ||
189 | 6x |
new_labels_df <- data[, c(labels_from, param_from)] |
190 | 6x |
new_labels_df <- unique(new_labels_df) |
191 | ||
192 | 6x |
new_labels <- as.character(new_labels_df[[labels_from]]) |
193 | 6x |
names(new_labels) <- as.character(new_labels_df[[param_from]]) |
194 |
195 | ||
196 |
# Retrieve old labels.
197 | 7x |
old_labels <- lapply(data, attr, "label") |
198 | 7x |
n_old_label <- names(old_labels) |
199 | 7x |
null_label <- unlist(lapply(old_labels, is.null)) |
200 | 7x |
old_labels[null_label] <- n_old_label[null_label] |
201 | 7x |
old_labels <- unlist(old_labels) |
202 | ||
203 | 7x |
all_labels <- c(new_labels, old_labels) |
204 | ||
205 | 7x |
res_ls <- list() |
206 | 7x |
for (n_value_from in value_from) { |
207 | 14x |
res <- multi_pivot_wider( |
208 | 14x |
data = data, |
209 | 14x |
id = id, |
210 | 14x |
param_from = param_from, |
211 | 14x |
value_from = n_value_from, |
212 | 14x |
drop_na = TRUE |
213 |
214 | ||
215 | 14x |
res <- attr_label_df(res, all_labels[colnames(res)]) |
216 | 14x |
res_ls[[n_value_from]] <- res |
217 |
218 | 7x |
219 |
1 |
#' Filter Data with Log
2 |
#' @param data (`data.frame`) input data to subset, or named (`list`) of (`data.frame`).
3 |
#' @param condition (`call`) of subset condition. Must evaluate as logical.
4 |
#' @param suffix (`string`) optional argument describing the filter.
5 |
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed to or from other methods.
6 |
7 |
#' @details
8 |
#' `log_filter` will filter the data/named list of data according to the `condition`.
9 |
#' All the variables in `condition` must exist in the data (as variables) or in the parent
10 |
#' frame(e.g., in global environment).
11 |
#' For named list of data, if `ADSL` is available, `log_filter` will also try to subset all
12 |
#' other datasets with `USUBJID`.
13 |
#' @export
14 |
log_filter <- function(data, condition, ...) { |
15 | 40x |
UseMethod("log_filter") |
16 |
17 | ||
18 |
#' @rdname log_filter
19 |
#' @export
20 |
#' @examples
21 |
#' data <- iris
22 |
#' attr(data$Sepal.Length, "label") <- "cm"
23 |
#' log_filter(data, Sepal.Length >= 7)
24 |
25 |
log_filter.data.frame <- function(data, condition, suffix = NULL, ...) { |
26 | 23x |
checkmate::assert_string(suffix, null.ok = TRUE) |
27 | ||
28 | 23x |
condition <- match.call()$condition |
29 | 23x |
vars <- all.vars(condition) |
30 | 23x |
var_in_env <- vapply(vars, exists, envir = parent.frame(), inherits = TRUE, FUN.VALUE = TRUE) |
31 | 23x |
var_in_data <- vapply(vars, `%in%`, table = names(data), FUN.VALUE = TRUE) |
32 | 23x |
if (!all(var_in_env | var_in_data)) { |
33 | 1x |
rlang::abort(sprintf("Variable %s not found in data or environment.", toString(vars[!(var_in_data | var_in_env)]))) |
34 |
35 | 22x |
res <- eval(bquote(dplyr::filter(data, .(condition)))) |
36 | 22x |
rows <- list(list(init = nrow(data), final = nrow(res), suffix = suffix)) |
37 | 22x |
rlbl <- paste0(deparse(condition), collapse = "") |
38 | 22x |
rlbl <- stringr::str_replace_all(rlbl, "\\s+", " ") |
39 | 22x |
names(rows) <- rlbl |
40 | 22x |
attr(res, "rows") <- c(attr(data, "rows"), rows) |
41 | ||
42 | 22x |
43 |
44 | ||
45 |
#' @rdname log_filter
46 |
#' @param table (`string`) table name.
47 |
#' @param by (`character`) variable names shared by `adsl` and other datasets for filtering.
48 |
#' @export
49 |
#' @examples
50 |
#' log_filter(list(iris = iris), Sepal.Length >= 7, "iris", character(0))
51 |
log_filter.list <- function(data, condition, table, by = c("USUBJID", "STUDYID"), suffix = NULL, ...) { |
52 | 17x |
checkmate::assert_list(data, types = "data.frame", names = "unique") |
53 | 17x |
checkmate::assert_subset(table, names(data)) |
54 | 17x |
checkmate::assert_names(colnames(data[[table]]), must.include = by) |
55 | 17x |
condition <- match.call()$condition |
56 | 17x |
data[[table]] <- eval(bquote(log_filter(data[[table]], .(condition), .(suffix)))) |
57 | 17x |
if (identical(table, "adsl")) { |
58 | 8x |
for (k in setdiff(names(data), "adsl")) { |
59 | 8x |
if (all(by %in% names(data[[k]]))) { |
60 | 1x |
if (length(by) == 0) by <- intersect(names(data[[k]]), names(data$adsl)) |
61 | ||
62 | 8x |
ori_n <- nrow(data[[k]]) |
63 | 8x |
ori_att <- attr(data[[k]], "rows") |
64 | ||
65 | 8x |
data[[k]] <- dplyr::semi_join(data[[k]], data$adsl, by = by) |
66 | ||
67 | 8x |
rows <- list(list(init = ori_n, final = nrow(data[[k]]), suffix = suffix)) |
68 | 8x |
names(rows) <- paste0("Filtered by adsl: ", deparse(condition), collapse = "") |
69 | 8x |
attr(data[[k]], "rows") <- c(ori_att, rows) |
70 |
71 |
72 |
73 | 17x |
return(data) |
74 |
75 | ||
76 |
# Get Log ----
77 | ||
78 |
#' Get Log
79 |
80 |
#' @param data (`list` of `data.frame` or `data.frame`) filtered with `log_filter`.
81 |
#' @param incl (`flag`) should information about unfiltered `data.frame` be printed.
82 |
#' @param incl.adsl (`flag`) should indication of filtering performed through `adsl` be printed.
83 |
84 |
#' @export
85 |
get_log <- function(data, incl, incl.adsl) { |
86 | 39x |
UseMethod("get_log") |
87 |
88 | ||
89 |
#' @rdname get_log
90 |
#' @export
91 |
#' @examples
92 |
#' data <- log_filter(iris, Sepal.Length >= 7, "xx")
93 |
#' data <- log_filter(data, Sepal.Length < 2)
94 |
#' data <- log_filter(data, Sepal.Length >= 2, "yy")
95 |
#' get_log(data)
96 |
97 |
get_log.data.frame <- function(data, incl = TRUE, incl.adsl = TRUE) { |
98 | 27x |
checkmate::assert_flag(incl) |
99 | ||
100 | 27x |
att <- attr(data, "rows") |
101 | 27x |
if (!incl.adsl) { |
102 | 4x |
sel <- grepl("Filtered by adsl", names(att)) |
103 | 4x |
att <- att[!sel] |
104 |
105 | ||
106 | 27x |
if (length(att) != 0L) { |
107 | 17x |
start_row <- lapply(att, "[[", "init") |
108 | 17x |
end_row <- lapply(att, "[[", "final") |
109 | 17x |
suffix <- lapply(att, "[[", "suffix") |
110 | 17x |
suffix <- vapply(suffix, function(x) ifelse(is.null(x), "", paste0(x, ": ")), character(1)) |
111 | 17x |
res <- paste0(suffix, names(att), " [", start_row, " --> ", end_row, " rows.]") |
112 | 10x |
} else if (incl) { |
113 | 6x |
paste0("No filtering [", nrow(data), " rows.]") |
114 |
} else { |
115 | 4x |
116 |
117 |
118 | ||
119 | ||
120 |
#' @rdname get_log
121 |
#' @export
122 |
#' @examples
123 |
#' data <- log_filter(
124 |
#' list(iris1 = iris, iris2 = iris),
125 |
#' Sepal.Length >= 7,
126 |
#' "iris1",
127 |
#' character(0),
128 |
#' "Sep"
129 |
#' )
130 |
#' get_log(data)
131 |
132 |
get_log.list <- function(data, incl = TRUE, incl.adsl = TRUE) { |
133 | 12x |
checkmate::assert_list(data, types = "data.frame", names = "unique") |
134 | 12x |
checkmate::assert_flag(incl) |
135 | ||
136 | 12x |
lapply(data, get_log, incl = incl, incl.adsl = incl.adsl) |
137 |
138 | ||
139 |
# Print Log ----
140 | ||
141 |
#' Print Log
142 |
143 |
#' @inheritParams get_log
144 |
#' @export
145 |
146 |
print_log <- function(data, incl, incl.adsl) { |
147 | 10x |
UseMethod("print_log") |
148 |
149 | ||
150 |
#' @rdname print_log
151 |
#' @export
152 |
#' @examples
153 |
#' data <- log_filter(iris, Sepal.Length >= 7, "Sep")
154 |
#' print_log(data)
155 |
print_log.data.frame <- function(data, incl = TRUE, incl.adsl = TRUE) { |
156 | 3x |
checkmate::assert_flag(incl) |
157 | ||
158 | 3x |
cat("Filter Log:") |
159 | 3x |
cat(paste0("\n ", get_log(data, incl = incl, incl.adsl = incl.adsl))) |
160 | 3x |
cat("\n") |
161 | 3x |
invisible() |
162 |
163 | ||
164 |
#' @rdname print_log
165 |
#' @export
166 |
#' @examples
167 |
#' data <- log_filter(
168 |
#' list(
169 |
#' adsl = iris,
170 |
#' iris2 = iris,
171 |
#' mtcars = mtcars,
172 |
#' iris3 = iris
173 |
#' ),
174 |
#' Sepal.Length >= 7,
175 |
#' "adsl",
176 |
#' character(0),
177 |
#' "adsl filter"
178 |
#' )
179 |
#' data <- log_filter(data, Sepal.Length >= 7, "iris2", character(0), "iris2 filter")
180 |
#' print_log(data)
181 |
#' print_log(data, incl = FALSE)
182 |
#' print_log(data, incl.adsl = FALSE, incl = FALSE)
183 |
print_log.list <- function(data, incl = TRUE, incl.adsl = TRUE) { |
184 | 7x |
checkmate::assert_list(data, types = "data.frame", names = "unique") |
185 | 7x |
checkmate::assert_flag(incl) |
186 | ||
187 | 7x |
filter_log <- get_log(data, incl = incl, incl.adsl = incl.adsl) |
188 | ||
189 | 7x |
if (!incl) { |
190 | 2x |
filter_log <- filter_log[!vapply(filter_log, is.null, logical(1))] |
191 |
192 | ||
193 | 7x |
cat("Filter Log:") |
194 | 7x |
if (length(filter_log) == 0) { |
195 | 1x |
cat("\n No filtering") |
196 |
} else { |
197 | 6x |
mapply( |
198 | 6x |
function(x, y) { |
199 | 11x |
cat(paste0("\n - ", x, ":")) |
200 | 11x |
cat(paste0("\n ", y, "")) |
201 |
202 | 6x |
as.list(names(filter_log)), |
203 | 6x |
204 |
205 |
206 | 7x |
cat("\n") |
207 | ||
208 | 7x |
invisible() |
209 |
1 |
#' Reformat Values
2 |
#' @param obj object to reformat.
3 |
#' @param format (`rule`) or (`list`) of `rule` depending on the class of obj.
4 |
#' @param ... for compatibility between methods and pass additional special mapping to transform rules.
5 |
#' * `.string_as_fct` (`flag`) whether the reformatted character object should be converted to factor.
6 |
#' * `.to_NA` (`character`) values that should be converted to `NA`. For `factor`, the corresponding levels are
7 |
#' dropped. If `NULL`, the argument will be taken from the `to_NA`attribute of the rule.
8 |
#' * `.drop` (`flag`) whether to drop empty levels. If `NULL`, the argument will be taken from the `drop`attribute of
9 |
#' the rule.
10 |
#' * `.na_last` (`flag`) whether the level replacing `NA` should be last.
11 |
12 |
#' @export
13 |
#' @note When the rule is empty rule or when values subject to reformatting are absent from the object, no error is
14 |
#' raised. The conversion to factor if `.string_as_fct = TRUE`) is still carried out. The conversion of the levels
15 |
#' declared in `.to_NA` to `NA` values occurs after the remapping. `NA` values created this way are not affected by a
16 |
#' rule declaring a remapping of `NA` values. For factors, level dropping is the last step, hence, levels converted to
17 |
#' `NA` by the `.to_NA` argument, will be removed if `.drop` is `TRUE`. Arguments passed via `reformat` override the
18 |
#' ones defined during rule creation.
19 |
20 |
#' @rdname reformat
21 |
22 |
reformat <- function(obj, ...) { |
23 | 41x |
UseMethod("reformat") |
24 |
25 | ||
26 |
#' @export
27 |
#' @rdname reformat
28 |
reformat.default <- function(obj, format, ...) { |
29 | 1x |
rlang::warn(paste0("Not implemented for class: ", toString(class(obj)), "! Returning original object.")) |
30 | 1x |
return(obj) |
31 |
32 | ||
33 |
#' @export
34 |
#' @rdname reformat
35 |
36 |
#' @examples
37 |
38 |
#' # Reformatting of character.
39 |
#' obj <- c("a", "b", "x", NA, "")
40 |
#' attr(obj, "label") <- "my label"
41 |
#' format <- rule("A" = "a", "NN" = NA)
42 |
43 |
#' reformat(obj, format)
44 |
#' reformat(obj, format, .string_as_fct = FALSE, .to_NA = NULL)
45 |
46 |
reformat.character <- function(obj, format, ...) { |
47 | 16x |
checkmate::assert_class(format, "rule") |
48 | ||
49 |
# Give priority to argument defined in reformat.
50 | 16x |
format <- do.call(rule, modifyList(as.list(format), list(...), keep.null = TRUE)) |
51 | ||
52 | 16x |
if (attr(format, ".string_as_fct")) { |
53 |
# Keep attributes.
54 | 8x |
att <- attributes(obj) |
55 | 8x |
obj_fact <- as.factor(obj) |
56 | 8x |
supp_att_name <- setdiff(names(att), attributes(obj_fact)) |
57 | 8x |
supp_att <- att[supp_att_name] |
58 | 8x |
attributes(obj_fact) <- c(attributes(obj_fact), supp_att) |
59 | ||
60 | 8x |
reformat(obj_fact, format) |
61 |
} else { |
62 | 8x |
value_match <- unlist(format) |
63 | 8x |
m <- match(obj, value_match) |
64 | 8x |
obj[!is.na(m)] <- names(format)[m[!is.na(m)]] |
65 | 8x |
val_to_NA <- attr(format, ".to_NA") |
66 | 8x |
if (!is.null(val_to_NA)) { |
67 | 4x |
obj[obj %in% val_to_NA] <- NA_character_ |
68 |
69 | ||
70 | 8x |
71 |
72 |
73 | ||
74 |
#' @export
75 |
#' @rdname reformat
76 |
77 |
#' @examples
78 |
79 |
#' # Reformatting of factor.
80 |
#' obj <- factor(c("first", "a", "aa", "b", "x", NA), levels = c("first", "x", "b", "aa", "a", "z"))
81 |
#' attr(obj, "label") <- "my label"
82 |
#' format <- rule("A" = c("a", "aa"), "NN" = c(NA, "x"), "Not_present" = "z", "Not_a_level" = "P")
83 |
84 |
#' reformat(obj, format)
85 |
#' reformat(obj, format, .na_last = FALSE, .to_NA = "b", .drop = FALSE)
86 |
87 |
reformat.factor <- function(obj, format, ...) { |
88 | 22x |
checkmate::assert_class(format, "rule") |
89 | ||
90 | 22x |
format <- do.call(rule, modifyList(as.list(format), list(...), keep.null = TRUE)) |
91 | ||
92 | 22x |
any_na <- anyNA(obj) |
93 | 22x |
if (any(is.na(format)) && any_na) { |
94 | 18x |
obj <- forcats::fct_na_value_to_level(obj) |
95 |
96 | ||
97 | 22x |
absent_format <- format[!format %in% levels(obj)] |
98 | 22x |
sel_format <- format[format %in% levels(obj)] |
99 | 22x |
obj <- forcats::fct_recode(obj, !!!sel_format) |
100 | 22x |
obj <- forcats::fct_expand(obj, unique(names(absent_format))) |
101 | 22x |
obj <- forcats::fct_relevel(obj, unique(names(format))) |
102 | ||
103 | 22x |
if (any(is.na(format)) && attr(format, ".na_last")) { |
104 | 13x |
na_lvl <- names(format)[is.na(format)] |
105 | 13x |
obj <- forcats::fct_relevel(obj, na_lvl, after = Inf) |
106 |
107 | ||
108 | 22x |
drop_lvl <- attr(format, ".drop") |
109 | 22x |
if (drop_lvl) { |
110 | 2x |
obj <- forcats::fct_drop(obj) |
111 |
112 | ||
113 |
# Levels converted to NA are dropped.
114 | 22x |
val_to_NA <- attr(format, ".to_NA") |
115 | 22x |
if (!is.null(val_to_NA)) { |
116 | 22x |
obj <- forcats::fct_na_level_to_value(obj, val_to_NA) |
117 |
118 | ||
119 | 22x |
120 |
121 | ||
122 |
#' @export
123 |
#' @rdname reformat
124 |
125 |
#' @examples
126 |
127 |
#' # Reformatting of list of data.frame.
128 |
#' df1 <- data.frame(
129 |
#' var1 = c("a", "b", NA),
130 |
#' var2 = factor(c("F1", "F2", NA))
131 |
#' )
132 |
133 |
#' df2 <- data.frame(
134 |
#' var1 = c("x", NA, "y"),
135 |
#' var2 = factor(c("F11", NA, "F22"))
136 |
#' )
137 |
138 |
#' db <- list(df1 = df1, df2 = df2)
139 |
140 |
#' format <- list(
141 |
#' df1 = list(
142 |
#' var1 = rule("X" = "x", "N" = NA, .to_NA = "b")
143 |
#' ),
144 |
#' df2 = list(
145 |
#' var2 = rule("f11" = "F11", "NN" = NA)
146 |
#' )
147 |
#' )
148 |
149 |
#' reformat(db, format)
150 |
reformat.list <- function(obj, format, ...) { |
151 | 2x |
checkmate::assert_list(obj, types = c("data.frame", "tibble")) |
152 | 2x |
checkmate::assert_named(obj) |
153 | 2x |
checkmate::assert_list(format, names = "unique", types = "list", null.ok = TRUE) |
154 | ||
155 | 2x |
if (length(format) == 0) { |
156 | 1x |
return(obj) |
157 |
158 | ||
159 | 1x |
assert_valid_format(format) |
160 | ||
161 | 1x |
for (tab in names(format)) { |
162 | 2x |
local_map <- format[[tab]] |
163 | 2x |
local_map <- local_map[names(local_map) %in% names(obj[[tab]])] |
164 | ||
165 | 2x |
obj[[tab]][names(local_map)] <- mapply( |
166 | 2x |
function(rl, col) reformat(obj[[tab]][[col]], format = rl, ...), |
167 | 2x |
168 | 2x |
names(local_map), |
169 | 2x |
170 |
171 |
172 | ||
173 | 1x |
174 |
1 |
#' Encode Categorical Missing Values in a `list` of `data.frame`
2 |
3 |
#' @details This is a helper function to encode missing values (i.e `NA` and `empty string`) of every `character` and
4 |
#' `factor` variable found in a `list` of `data.frame`. The `label` attribute of the columns is preserved.
5 |
6 |
#' @param data (`list` of `data.frame`) to be transformed.
7 |
#' @param omit_tables (`character`) the names of the tables to omit from processing.
8 |
#' @param omit_columns (`character`) the names of the columns to omit from processing.
9 |
#' @param char_as_factor (`logical`) should character columns be converted into factor.
10 |
#' @param na_level (`string`) the label to encode missing levels.
11 |
12 |
#' @return `list` of `data.frame` object with explicit missing levels.
13 |
#' @export
14 |
15 |
#' @examples
16 |
17 |
#' df1 <- data.frame(
18 |
#' "char" = c("a", "b", NA, "a", "k", "x"),
19 |
#' "char2" = c("A", "B", NA, "A", "K", "X"),
20 |
#' "fact" = factor(c("f1", "f2", NA, NA, "f1", "f1")),
21 |
#' "logi" = c(NA, FALSE, TRUE, NA, FALSE, NA)
22 |
#' )
23 |
#' df2 <- data.frame(
24 |
#' "char" = c("a", "b", NA, "a", "k", "x"),
25 |
#' "fact" = factor(c("f1", "f2", NA, NA, "f1", "f1")),
26 |
#' "num" = c(1:5, NA)
27 |
#' )
28 |
#' df3 <- data.frame(
29 |
#' "char" = c(NA, NA, "A")
30 |
#' )
31 |
32 |
#' db <- list(df1 = df1, df2 = df2, df3 = df3)
33 |
34 |
#' ls_explicit_na(db)
35 |
#' ls_explicit_na(db, omit_tables = "df3", omit_columns = "char2")
36 |
37 |
ls_explicit_na <- function(data, |
38 |
omit_tables = NULL, |
39 |
omit_columns = NULL, |
40 |
char_as_factor = TRUE, |
41 |
na_level = "<Missing>") { |
42 | 3x |
checkmate::assert_list(data, types = "data.frame", names = "unique") |
43 | 3x |
checkmate::assert_character(omit_tables, null.ok = TRUE) |
44 | 3x |
checkmate::assert_character(omit_columns, null.ok = TRUE) |
45 | 3x |
checkmate::assert_flag(char_as_factor) |
46 | 3x |
checkmate::assert_string(na_level) |
47 | ||
48 | 3x |
modif_tab <- setdiff(names(data), omit_tables) |
49 | 3x |
if (length(modif_tab) < 1) { |
50 | 1x |
return(data) |
51 |
52 | ||
53 | 2x |
data[modif_tab] <- lapply( |
54 | 2x |
data[modif_tab], |
55 | 2x |
56 | 2x |
omit_columns = omit_columns, |
57 | 2x |
char_as_factor = char_as_factor, |
58 | 2x |
na_level = na_level |
59 |
60 | ||
61 | 2x |
62 |
63 | ||
64 |
#' Encode Categorical Missing Values in a `data.frame`.
65 |
66 |
#' @inheritParams ls_explicit_na
67 |
#' @keywords internal
68 |
69 |
#' @examples
70 |
#' \dontrun{
71 |
#' df <- data.frame(
72 |
#' "char" = c("a", "b", NA, "a", "k", "x"),
73 |
#' "fact" = factor(c("f1", "f2", NA, NA, "f1", "f1")),
74 |
#' "logi" = c(NA, FALSE, TRUE, NA, FALSE, NA),
75 |
#' "num" = c(1:5, NA)
76 |
#' )
77 |
78 |
#' h_df_explicit(df)
79 |
#' h_df_explicit(df, omit_columns = c("fact", "x"))
80 |
#' }
81 |
h_df_explicit <- function(df, |
82 |
omit_columns = NULL, |
83 |
char_as_factor = TRUE, |
84 |
na_level = "<Missing>") { |
85 | 3x |
na_list <- list(x = c("", NA)) |
86 | 3x |
names(na_list) <- na_level |
87 | 3x |
na_rule <- rule(.lst = na_list) |
88 | ||
89 | 3x |
df %>% |
90 | 3x |
mutate( |
91 | 3x |
across( |
92 | 3x |
where(~ is.character(.x) | is.factor(.x)) & !any_of(.env$omit_columns), |
93 | 3x |
~ reformat(.x, format = .env$na_rule, .string_as_fct = .env$char_as_factor, .na_last = TRUE) |
94 |
95 |
96 |
1 |
#' Reorder Two Columns Levels Simultaneously
2 |
3 |
#' @details The function expect a 1:1 matching between the elements of the two selected column.
4 |
5 |
#' @param df (`data.frame`) with two column whose factors should be reordered.
6 |
#' @param primary (`string`) the name of the column on which the levels reordering should be based.
7 |
#' @param secondary (`string`) the name of the column whose levels should be reordered following the levels of the
8 |
#' primary column.
9 |
#' @param levels_primary (`character`) the levels in the desired order. Existing levels that are not included will be
10 |
#' placed afterward in their current order.
11 |
12 |
#' @export
13 |
14 |
#' @examples
15 |
16 |
#' df <- data.frame(
17 |
#' SUBJID = 1:3,
18 |
#' PARAMCD = factor(c("A", "B", "C")),
19 |
#' PARAM = factor(paste("letter", LETTERS[1:3]))
20 |
#' )
21 |
#' co_relevels(df, "PARAMCD", "PARAM", levels_primary = c("C", "A", "B"))
22 |
co_relevels <- function(df, primary, secondary, levels_primary) { |
23 | 6x |
checkmate::assert_data_frame(df, min.rows = 1) |
24 | 6x |
checkmate::assert_subset(c(primary, secondary), colnames(df)) |
25 | 6x |
checkmate::assert_character(levels_primary, min.len = 1) |
26 | 6x |
checkmate::assert_vector(df[[primary]], any.missing = FALSE) |
27 | 5x |
checkmate::assert_vector(df[[secondary]], any.missing = FALSE) |
28 | ||
29 | 5x |
df[, primary] <- as.factor(df[[primary]]) |
30 | 5x |
df[, secondary] <- as.factor(df[[secondary]]) |
31 | ||
32 |
# check unique relationship
33 | 5x |
df_key <- df[, c(primary, secondary)] |
34 | 5x |
df_key <- unique(df_key) |
35 | ||
36 | 5x |
if (any(duplicated(df_key[[primary]])) || any(duplicated(df_key[[secondary]]))) { |
37 | 1x |
rlang::abort("non univoque relation between values in primary and secondary column") |
38 |
39 | ||
40 | 4x |
keys <- setNames(as.character(df_key[[secondary]]), as.character(df_key[[primary]])) |
41 | ||
42 | 4x |
all_levels_primary <- c(levels_primary, setdiff(levels(df[[primary]]), levels_primary)) |
43 | 4x |
all_levels_secondary <- keys[all_levels_primary] |
44 | ||
45 | 4x |
df[, primary] <- factor(df[[primary]], all_levels_primary) |
46 | 4x |
df[, secondary] <- factor(df[[secondary]], all_levels_secondary) |
47 | ||
48 | 4x |
49 |
1 |
#' Assert Nested List can be used as Format Argument in Reformat.
2 |
3 |
#' @param object (`list`) to assert.
4 |
#' @return invisible `TRUE` or an error message if the criteria are not fulfilled.
5 |
6 |
#' @export
7 |
#' @examples
8 |
#' format <- list(
9 |
#' df1 = list(
10 |
#' var1 = rule("X" = "x", "N" = c(NA, ""))
11 |
#' ),
12 |
#' df2 = list(
13 |
#' var1 = rule(),
14 |
#' var2 = rule("f11" = "F11", "NN" = NA)
15 |
#' ),
16 |
#' df3 = list()
17 |
#' )
18 |
19 |
#' assert_valid_format(format)
20 |
assert_valid_format <- function(object) { |
21 | 3x |
coll <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection() |
22 | ||
23 |
# Check object.
24 | 3x |
checkmate::assert_list(object, names = "unique", type = "list", add = coll) |
25 | ||
26 |
# Check table level.
27 | 3x |
mapply( |
28 | 3x |
function(x, xtable) { |
29 | 7x |
checkmate::assert_list( |
30 | 7x |
31 | 7x |
names = "unique", |
32 | 7x |
types = "rule", |
33 | 7x |
any.missing = FALSE, |
34 | 7x |
.var.name = paste0("[", xtable, "]"), |
35 | 7x |
add = coll |
36 |
37 |
38 | 3x |
39 | 3x |
names(object) |
40 |
41 | ||
42 | 3x |
checkmate::reportAssertions(coll) |
43 |
44 | ||
45 |
#' Assert List can be Converted into a Nested List Compatible with the Format Argument of Reformat.
46 |
47 |
#' @param object (`list`) to assert.
48 |
#' @return invisible `TRUE` or an error message if the criteria are not fulfilled.
49 |
50 |
#' @export
51 |
#' @examples
52 |
#' format <- list(
53 |
#' df1 = list(
54 |
#' var1 = list("X" = "x", "N" = c(NA, ""))
55 |
#' ),
56 |
#' df2 = list(
57 |
#' var1 = list(),
58 |
#' var2 = list("f11" = "F11", "NN" = NA)
59 |
#' ),
60 |
#' df3 = list()
61 |
#' )
62 |
63 |
#' assert_valid_list_format(format)
64 |
assert_valid_list_format <- function(object) { |
65 | 2x |
coll <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection() |
66 | ||
67 |
# Check object.
68 | 2x |
checkmate::assert_list(object, names = "unique", type = "list", add = coll) |
69 | ||
70 |
# Check table level.
71 | 2x |
mapply( |
72 | 2x |
function(x, xtable) { |
73 | 4x |
checkmate::assert_list( |
74 | 4x |
75 | 4x |
names = "unique", |
76 | 4x |
types = "list", |
77 | 4x |
any.missing = FALSE, |
78 | 4x |
.var.name = paste0("[", xtable, "]"), |
79 | 4x |
add = coll |
80 |
81 |
82 | 2x |
83 | 2x |
names(object) |
84 |
85 | ||
86 |
# Check variable level.
87 | 2x |
mapply( |
88 | 2x |
function(x, xtable) { |
89 | 4x |
xvar <- names(x) |
90 | 4x |
mapply( |
91 | 4x |
function(x, xvar) { |
92 | 8x |
checkmate::assert_list( |
93 | 8x |
94 | 8x |
names = "unique", |
95 | 8x |
type = c("character", "numeric", "logical"), |
96 | 8x |
.var.name = paste0("[", xtable, ".", xvar, "]"), |
97 | 8x |
add = coll |
98 |
99 |
100 | 4x |
101 | 4x |
102 |
103 |
104 | 2x |
105 | 2x |
names(object) |
106 |
107 | ||
108 | 2x |
checkmate::reportAssertions(coll) |
109 |
1 |
#' Cutting data by group
2 |
3 |
#' @details Function used to categorize numeric data stored in long format depending on their group. Intervals are
4 |
#' closed on the right (and open on the left).
5 |
6 |
#' @param df (`dataframe`) with a column of data to be cut and a column specifying the group of each observation.
7 |
#' @param col_data (`character`) the column containing the data to be cut.
8 |
#' @param col_group (`character`) the column containing the names of the groups according to which the data should be
9 |
#' split.
10 |
#' @param group (`nested list`) providing for each parameter value that should be analyzed in a categorical way: the
11 |
#' name of the parameter (`character`), a series of breakpoints (`numeric`) where the first breakpoints is typically
12 |
#' `-Inf` and the last `Inf`, and a series of name which will describe each category (`character`).
13 |
#' @param cat_col (`character`) the name of the new column in which the cut label should he stored.
14 |
15 |
#' @export
16 |
17 |
#' @return `data.frame` with a column containing categorical values.
18 |
#' @examples
19 |
#' group <- list(
20 |
#' list(
21 |
#' "Height",
22 |
#' c(-Inf, 150, 170, Inf),
23 |
#' c("=<150", "150-170", ">170")
24 |
#' ),
25 |
#' list(
26 |
#' "Weight",
27 |
#' c(-Inf, 65, Inf),
28 |
#' c("=<65", ">65")
29 |
#' ),
30 |
#' list(
31 |
#' "Age",
32 |
#' c(-Inf, 31, Inf),
33 |
#' c("=<31", ">31")
34 |
#' ),
35 |
#' list(
36 |
#' "PreCondition",
37 |
#' c(-Inf, 1, Inf),
38 |
#' c("=<1", "<1")
39 |
#' )
40 |
#' )
41 |
#' data <- data.frame(
42 |
#' SUBJECT = rep(letters[1:10], 4),
43 |
#' PARAM = rep(c("Height", "Weight", "Age", "other"), each = 10),
44 |
#' AVAL = c(rnorm(10, 165, 15), rnorm(10, 65, 5), runif(10, 18, 65), rnorm(10, 0, 1)),
45 |
#' index = 1:40
46 |
#' )
47 |
48 |
#' cut_by_group(data, "AVAL", "PARAM", group, "my_new_categories")
49 |
cut_by_group <- function(df, |
50 |
51 |
52 |
53 |
cat_col) { |
54 | 4x |
checkmate::assert_data_frame(df) |
55 | 4x |
checkmate::assert_subset(c(col_data, col_group), colnames(df)) |
56 | 4x |
checkmate::assert_numeric(df[, col_data]) |
57 | 4x |
checkmate::assert_list(group) |
58 | ||
59 | 4x |
lapply( |
60 | 4x |
61 | 4x |
function(list_element) { |
62 | 11x |
checkmate::assert_list(list_element, len = 3, types = c("character", "numeric", "character")) |
63 |
64 |
65 | ||
66 | 4x |
df[cat_col] <- NA |
67 | ||
68 | 4x |
for (g in group) { |
69 | 10x |
selected_row <- df[[col_group]] == g[[1]] |
70 | ||
71 | 10x |
df[selected_row, cat_col] <- as.character(cut(df[[col_data]][selected_row], breaks = g[[2]], labels = g[[3]])) |
72 |
73 | 3x |
74 |
1 |
whisker_env <- NULL |
2 | ||
3 |
.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) { |
4 | ! |
default_whiskers <- c(patient_label = "patients") |
5 | ! |
whisker_env <<- new.env(parent = globalenv()) |
6 | ! |
add_whisker(default_whiskers) |
7 |