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This is a thin wrapper of gtsummary::tbl_summary(). The function is meant for 'continuous2' and 'categorical' summary types only.

  • Continuous variables default to type 'continuous2'.

  • The number of non-missing is placed on the first row for all summaries.

  • The default formatting function for percentages is gtsummary::label_style_number(digits = 1, scale = 100).

  • The gtsummary::add_stat_label() is run automatically after the function's execution.


  by = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  statistic = list(all_continuous() ~ c("{mean} ({sd})", "{median} ({p25}, {p75})",
    "{min}, {max}"), all_categorical() ~ "{n} ({p}%)"),
  digits = NULL,
  type = NULL,
  value = NULL,
  sort = all_categorical(FALSE) ~ "alphanumeric",
  percent = c("column", "row", "cell"),
  include = everything()



A data frame.


A single column from data. Summary statistics will be stratified by this variable. Default is NULL.


Used to override default labels in summary table, e.g. list(age = "Age, years"). The default for each variable is the column label attribute, attr(., 'label'). If no label has been set, the column name is used.


Specifies summary statistics to display for each variable. The default is list(all_continuous() ~ "{median} ({p25}, {p75})", all_categorical() ~ "{n} ({p}%)"). See below for details.


Specifies how summary statistics are rounded. Values may be either integer(s) or function(s). If not specified, default formatting is assigned via assign_summary_digits(). See below for details.


Specifies the summary type. Accepted value are c("continuous", "continuous2", "categorical", "dichotomous"). If not specified, default type is assigned via assign_summary_type(). See below for details.


Specifies the level of a variable to display on a single row. The gtsummary type selectors, e.g. all_dichotomous(), cannot be used with this argument. Default is NULL. See below for details.


Specifies sorting to perform for categorical variables. Values must be one of c("alphanumeric", "frequency"). Default is all_categorical(FALSE) ~ "alphanumeric".


Indicates the type of percentage to return. Must be one of c("column", "row", "cell"). Default is "column".


Variables to include in the summary table. Default is everything().


a 'gtsummary' table


#> Setting theme "Roche"
tbl <-
  trial |>
    by = trt,
    include = c(age, grade)
#> Setting theme "Roche"

Characteristic Drug A
N = 98
Drug B
N = 102

    n 91 98
    Mean (SD) 47 (15) 47 (14)
    Median (Q1, Q3) 46 (37, 60) 48 (39, 56)
    Min, Max 6, 78 9, 83
Grade, n (%)

    n 98 102
    I 35 (35.7%) 33 (32.4%)
    II 32 (32.7%) 36 (35.3%)
    III 31 (31.6%) 33 (32.4%)
# extract ARD from table gather_ard(tbl) #> $tbl_summary #> {cards} data frame: 66 x 12 #> group1 group1_level variable variable_level stat_name stat_label stat #> 1 trt Drug A grade I n n 35 #> 2 trt Drug A grade I N N 98 #> 3 trt Drug A grade I p % 0.357 #> 4 trt Drug B grade I n n 33 #> 5 trt Drug B grade I N N 102 #> 6 trt Drug B grade I p % 0.324 #> 7 trt Drug A grade II n n 32 #> 8 trt Drug A grade II N N 98 #> 9 trt Drug A grade II p % 0.327 #> 10 trt Drug B grade II n n 36 #> gts_column #> 1 stat_1 #> 2 stat_1 #> 3 stat_1 #> 4 stat_2 #> 5 stat_2 #> 6 stat_2 #> 7 stat_1 #> 8 stat_1 #> 9 stat_1 #> 10 stat_2 #> 56 more rows #> Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows #> 4 more variables: context, fmt_fn, warning, error #> reset_gtsummary_theme()