Remove Row For a tlgfunction from a pre-processing map
remove_tlg_pmap(pmap, tlgfname)
('data frame') preprocessing map, see std_pmap
for the required format
) function name of tlg-function
remove_tlg_pmap(std_pmap, "aet02_1")
#> # A tibble: 25 × 4
#> tlgfname filter_fname mutate_fname req_data
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <list>
#> 1 aet01_1 filter_adae_anl01fl mutate_for_aet01 <chr [2]>
#> 2 aet01_2 filter_adae_anl01fl mutate_for_aet01 <chr [2]>
#> 3 aet02_2 filter_adae_anl01fl NA <chr [2]>
#> 4 aet02_3 filter_adae_anl01fl NA <chr [2]>
#> 5 aet03_1 filter_adae_anl01fl NA <chr [2]>
#> 6 aet04_1 filter_adae_anl01fl NA <chr [2]>
#> 7 cmt01a_1 filter_adcm_anl01fl mutate_cmt01a <chr [2]>
#> 8 cmt01a_2 filter_adcm_anl01fl mutate_cmt01a <chr [2]>
#> 9 cmt01a_3 filter_adcm_anl01fl mutate_cmt01a <chr [2]>
#> 10 cmt02_pt_1 filter_adcm_anl01fl mutate_cmt02_pt_1 <chr [2]>
#> # … with 15 more rows