Table 2 (Supplementary) ECG Abnormalities Table 2egt02_2.Rd
Assessments Outside Normal Limits Among Subject Without Abnormality at Baseline.
armvar = .study$actualarm,
lbl_vs_assessment = "Assessment",
lbl_vs_abnormality = "Abnormality",
lbl_overall = .study$lbl_overall,
prune_0 = FALSE,
deco = std_deco("EGT02_2"),
.study = list(actualarm = "ACTARM", lbl_overall = NULL)
armvar = .study$actualarm,
lbl_vs_assessment = "Assessment",
lbl_vs_abnormality = "Abnormality",
lbl_overall = .study$lbl_overall,
deco = std_deco("EGT02_2"),
.study = list(actualarm = "ACTARM", lbl_overall = NULL)
) object containing the ADaM datasets
) variable used for column splitting
) the label of the assessment variable.
) the label of the abnormality variable.
) label used for overall column, if set to NULL
the overall column is omitted
) remove 0 count rows
) decoration with title
, subtitles
and main_footer
) with default values for the arguments of the function
Only count LOW or HIGH values.
Results of "LOW LOW" are treated as the same as "LOW", and "HIGH HIGH" the same as "HIGH".
Does not include a total column by default.
Does not remove zero-count rows unless overridden with prune_0 = TRUE
: egt02_2
: egt02_2
db <- syn_test_data() %>%
dm_zoom_to("adeg") %>%
filter(PARAM %in% c("Heart Rate", "QT Duration", "RR Duration")) %>%
dm_update_zoomed() %>%
egt02_2(adam_db = db)
#> ECG Assessments Outside Normal Limits Among Subjects Without Abnormality at Baseline: {Specify Population}
#> Protocol: {{protocol}}
#> ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#> Assessment A: Drug X B: Placebo C: Combination
#> Abnormality (N=134) (N=134) (N=132)
#> ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#> Heart Rate
#> Low 42/128 (32.8%) 47/124 (37.9%) 40/117 (34.2%)
#> High 41/127 (32.3%) 45/129 (34.9%) 38/122 (31.1%)
#> QT Duration
#> Low 32/113 (28.3%) 48/126 (38.1%) 47/124 (37.9%)
#> High 36/125 (28.8%) 47/130 (36.2%) 33/119 (27.7%)
#> RR Duration
#> Low 51/129 (39.5%) 30/123 (24.4%) 44/126 (34.9%)
#> High 32/127 (25.2%) 49/122 (40.2%) 34/125 (27.2%)
#> ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
#> Abnormalities are based on the {specify range used} ranges. Table entries provide the number of patients with a during-treatment assessment abnormality in the direction specified among patient without abnormality at baseline. Abnormalities reported in patients with missing baseline values are included. Any values collected more than {specify time interval} after the last dose of study drug are not included.
armvar = "ACTARM",
lbl_overall = NULL
#> A Pre-data Table Layout
#> Column-Split Structure:
#> ACTARM (lvls)
#> Row-Split Structure:
#> PARAM (lvls) -> ANRIND (** analysis **)
syn_test_data() %>%
#> ── Metadata ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Tables: `adsl`, `adae`, `adaette`, `adcm`, `addv`, … (15 total)
#> Columns: 846
#> Primary keys: 2
#> Foreign keys: 1