1 |
# cmt01a ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' @describeIn cmt01a Default labels
4 |
#' @export
5 |
6 |
cmt01_label <- c( |
7 |
unique = "Total number of {patient_label} with at least one treatment", |
8 |
nonunique = "Total number of treatments" |
9 |
10 | ||
11 |
#' @describeIn cmt01a Main TLG function
12 |
13 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
14 |
#' @param row_split_var (`character`) the variable defining the medication category. By default `ATC2`.
15 |
#' @param medname_var (`string`) variable name of medical treatment name.
16 |
#' @param summary_labels (`list`) of summarize labels. See details.
17 |
18 |
#' @details
19 |
#' * Data should be filtered for concomitant medication. `(ATIREL == "CONCOMITANT")`.
20 |
#' * Numbers represent absolute numbers of subjects and fraction of `N`, or absolute numbers when specified.
21 |
#' * Remove zero-count rows unless overridden with `prune_0 = FALSE`.
22 |
#' * Split columns by arm.
23 |
#' * Does not include a total column by default.
24 |
#' * Sort by medication class alphabetically and within medication class by decreasing total number of patients with
25 |
#' the specific medication.
26 |
#' `summary_labels` is used to control the summary for each level. If "all" is used, then each split will have that
27 |
#' summary statistic with the labels. One special case is "TOTAL", this is for the overall population.
28 |
29 |
#' @note
30 |
#' * `adam_db` object must contain an `adcm` table with the columns specified in `row_split_var` and `medname_var`
31 |
#' as well as `"CMSEQ"`.
32 |
33 |
#' @export
34 |
35 |
cmt01a_main <- function(adam_db, |
36 |
arm_var = "ARM", |
37 |
lbl_overall = NULL, |
38 |
row_split_var = "ATC2", |
39 |
medname_var = "CMDECOD", |
40 |
summary_labels = setNames( |
41 |
rep(list(cmt01_label), length(row_split_var) + 1L), c("TOTAL", row_split_var) |
42 |
43 |
...) { |
44 | 3x |
assert_all_tablenames(adam_db, "adsl", "adcm") |
45 | 3x |
assert_string(arm_var) |
46 | 3x |
assert_string(lbl_overall, null.ok = TRUE) |
47 | 3x |
assert_character(row_split_var, null.ok = TRUE) |
48 | 3x |
assert_list(summary_labels) |
49 | 3x |
assert_subset(names(summary_labels), c("all", "TOTAL", row_split_var)) |
50 | 3x |
assert_subset( |
51 | 3x |
unique(unlist(lapply(summary_labels, names))), |
52 | 3x |
c("unique", "nonunique", "unique_count") |
53 |
54 | 3x |
if ("all" %in% names(summary_labels)) { |
55 | ! |
summary_labels <- lapply( |
56 | ! |
c(TOTAL = "TOTAL", setNames(row_split_var, row_split_var)), |
57 | ! |
function(x) { |
58 | ! |
modify_character(summary_labels$all, summary_labels[[x]]) |
59 |
60 |
61 |
62 | 3x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adcm, c(arm_var, row_split_var, medname_var), types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
63 | 3x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adsl, c("USUBJID", arm_var), types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
64 | 3x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adcm, c("USUBJID", "CMSEQ"), empty_ok = TRUE, types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
65 | 3x |
assert_valid_var_pair(adam_db$adsl, adam_db$adcm, arm_var) |
66 | ||
67 | 3x |
lbl_overall <- render_safe(lbl_overall) |
68 | 3x |
lbl_row_split <- var_labels_for(adam_db$adcm, row_split_var) |
69 | 3x |
lbl_medname_var <- var_labels_for(adam_db$adcm, medname_var) |
70 | ||
71 | 3x |
lyt <- occurrence_lyt( |
72 | 3x |
arm_var = arm_var, |
73 | 3x |
lbl_overall = lbl_overall, |
74 | 3x |
row_split_var = row_split_var, |
75 | 3x |
lbl_row_split = lbl_row_split, |
76 | 3x |
medname_var = medname_var, |
77 | 3x |
lbl_medname_var = lbl_medname_var, |
78 | 3x |
summary_labels = summary_labels, |
79 | 3x |
count_by = "CMSEQ" |
80 |
81 | ||
82 | 3x |
tbl <- build_table(lyt, adam_db$adcm, alt_counts_df = adam_db$adsl) |
83 | ||
84 | 3x |
85 |
86 | ||
87 |
#' @describeIn cmt01a Preprocessing
88 |
89 |
#' @inheritParams cmt01a_main
90 |
91 |
#' @export
92 |
93 |
cmt01a_pre <- function(adam_db, ...) { |
94 | 3x |
adam_db$adcm <- adam_db$adcm %>% |
95 | 3x |
filter(.data$ANL01FL == "Y") %>% |
96 | 3x |
mutate( |
97 | 3x |
CMDECOD = with_label(reformat(.data$CMDECOD, nocoding), "Other Treatment"), |
98 | 3x |
ATC2 = reformat(.data$ATC2, nocoding), |
99 | 3x |
CMSEQ = as.character(.data$CMSEQ) |
100 |
101 | 3x |
102 |
103 | ||
104 |
#' @describeIn cmt01a Postprocessing
105 |
106 |
#' @inheritParams cmt01a_main
107 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
108 |
#' @param sort_by_freq (`flag`) whether to sort medication class by frequency.
109 |
110 |
#' @export
111 |
112 |
cmt01a_post <- function( |
113 |
tlg, prune_0 = TRUE, |
114 |
sort_by_freq = FALSE, row_split_var = "ATC2", |
115 |
medname_var = "CMDECOD", ...) { |
116 | 3x |
if (sort_by_freq) { |
117 | 1x |
tlg <- tlg %>% |
118 | 1x |
tlg_sort_by_var( |
119 | 1x |
var = row_split_var, |
120 | 1x |
scorefun = cont_n_allcols |
121 |
122 |
123 | 3x |
tlg <- tlg %>% |
124 | 3x |
tlg_sort_by_var( |
125 | 3x |
var = c(row_split_var, medname_var), |
126 | 3x |
scorefun = score_occurrences |
127 |
128 | 3x |
if (prune_0) { |
129 | 3x |
tlg <- smart_prune(tlg) |
130 |
131 | 3x |
std_postprocess(tlg) |
132 |
133 | ||
134 |
#' `CMT01A` Concomitant Medication by Medication Class and Preferred Name.
135 |
136 |
#' A concomitant medication
137 |
#' table with the number of subjects and the total number of treatments by medication class.
138 |
139 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
140 |
#' @export
141 |
142 |
#' @examples
143 |
#' library(dplyr)
144 |
145 |
#' proc_data <- syn_data
146 |
#' proc_data$adcm <- proc_data$adcm %>%
147 |
#' filter(ATIREL == "CONCOMITANT")
148 |
149 |
#' run(cmt01a, proc_data)
150 |
cmt01a <- chevron_t( |
151 |
main = cmt01a_main, |
152 |
preprocess = cmt01a_pre, |
153 |
postprocess = cmt01a_post |
154 |
1 |
#' @keywords internal
2 |
split_and_summ_num_patients <- function(lyt, var, label, stats, summarize_labels, split_indent, ...) { |
3 | 13x |
assert_string(var) |
4 | 13x |
assert_string(label) |
5 | 13x |
lyt <- lyt %>% |
6 | 13x |
split_rows_by( |
7 | 13x |
8 | 13x |
child_labels = "visible", |
9 | 13x |
nested = TRUE, |
10 | 13x |
split_fun = rtables::drop_split_levels, |
11 | 13x |
label_pos = "topleft", |
12 | 13x |
split_label = label, |
13 | 13x |
indent_mod = split_indent |
14 |
15 | 13x |
if (length(stats) > 0) { |
16 | 13x |
lyt <- lyt %>% |
17 | 13x |
summarize_num_patients( |
18 | 13x |
var = "USUBJID", |
19 | 13x |
.stats = stats, |
20 | 13x |
.labels = setNames(summarize_labels, stats), |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 | 13x |
25 |
26 |
#' @keywords internal
27 |
get_sort_path <- function(x) { |
28 | 46x |
assert_character(x, null.ok = TRUE) |
29 | 46x |
x2 <- as.character(rbind(x, rep("*", length(x)))) |
30 | 46x |
x2[-length(x2)] |
31 |
32 |
#' @keywords internal
33 |
tlg_sort_by_vars <- function(tlg, vars, scorefun = cont_n_allcols, ...) { |
34 | 18x |
purrr::reduce( |
35 | 18x |
.x = lapply(seq_len(length(vars)), function(i) vars[seq_len(i)]), |
36 | 18x |
.f = tlg_sort_by_var, |
37 | 18x |
.init = tlg, |
38 | 18x |
scorefun = scorefun, |
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 |
#' @keywords internal
43 |
tlg_sort_by_var <- function(tlg, var, scorefun = cont_n_allcols, ...) { |
44 | 38x |
assert_character(var) |
45 | 38x |
if (length(var) == 0) { |
46 | ! |
return(tlg) |
47 |
48 | 38x |
var_path <- get_sort_path(var) |
49 | 38x |
tlg %>% |
50 | 38x |
valid_sort_at_path( |
51 | 38x |
path = var_path, |
52 | 38x |
scorefun = scorefun, |
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 |
#' @keywords internal
57 |
valid_sort_at_path <- function(tt, path, scorefun, ...) { |
58 | 46x |
if (valid_row_path(tt, path)) { |
59 | 39x |
tryCatch( |
60 | 39x |
sort_at_path(tt, path, scorefun, ...), |
61 | 39x |
error = function(e) { |
62 | ! |
63 |
64 |
65 |
} else { |
66 | 7x |
67 |
68 |
69 |
#' @keywords internal
70 |
valid_row_path <- function(tlg, row_path) { |
71 | 46x |
if (nrow(tlg) == 0) { |
72 | 2x |
return(TRUE) |
73 |
74 | 44x |
rpaths <- row_paths(tlg) |
75 | 44x |
non_star <- which(row_path != "*") + 1 |
76 | 44x |
rpaths_choice <- unique(lapply(rpaths, `[`, non_star)) |
77 | 44x |
any(vapply(rpaths_choice, identical, FUN.VALUE = TRUE, y = row_path[non_star - 1])) |
78 |
79 | ||
80 |
#' Count patients recursively
81 |
#' @param lyt (`PreDataTableLayouts`) `rtable` layout.
82 |
#' @param anl_vars Named (`list`) of analysis variables.
83 |
#' @param anl_lbls (`character`) of labels.
84 |
#' @param lbl_vars Named (`list`) of analysis labels.
85 |
#' @keywords internal
86 |
count_patients_recursive <- function(lyt, anl_vars, anl_lbls, lbl_vars) { |
87 | 6x |
assert_list(anl_vars, names = "unique", types = "character") |
88 | 6x |
assert_character(anl_lbls, min.chars = 1L, len = length(anl_vars)) |
89 | 6x |
nms <- names(anl_vars) |
90 | 6x |
for (k in seq_len(length(anl_vars))) { |
91 | 7x |
lyt <- lyt %>% |
92 | 7x |
count_patients_with_flags( |
93 | 7x |
var = "USUBJID", |
94 | 7x |
flag_variables = setNames(lbl_vars[[k]], anl_vars[[k]]), |
95 | 7x |
denom = "N_col", |
96 | 7x |
var_labels = anl_lbls[k], |
97 | 7x |
show_labels = "visible", |
98 | 7x |
table_names = nms[k], |
99 | 7x |
.indent_mods = 0L |
100 |
101 |
102 | 6x |
103 |
104 |
#' @keywords internal
105 |
score_all_sum <- function(tt) { |
106 | 102x |
cleaf <- collect_leaves(tt)[[1]] |
107 | 102x |
if (NROW(cleaf) == 0) { |
108 | ! |
stop("score_all_sum score function used at subtable [", obj_name(tt), "] that has no content.") |
109 |
110 | 102x |
sum(sapply(row_values(cleaf), function(cv) cv[1])) |
111 |
112 |
#' @keywords internal
113 |
summarize_row <- function(lyt, vars, afun, ...) { |
114 | 2x |
summarize_row_groups(lyt = lyt, var = vars, cfun = afun, ...) |
115 |
116 | ||
117 |
#' Summary factor allowing NA
118 |
#' @param x (`factor`) input.
119 |
#' @param denom (`string`) denominator choice.
120 |
#' @param .N_row (`integer`) number of rows in row-split dataset.
121 |
#' @param .N_col (`integer`) number of rows in column-split dataset.
122 |
#' @param ... Not used
123 |
#' @keywords internal
124 |
s_summary_na <- function(x, labelstr, denom = c("n", "N_row", "N_col"), .N_row, .N_col, ...) { # nolint |
125 | 210x |
denom <- match.arg(denom) |
126 | 210x |
y <- list() |
127 | 210x |
y$n <- length(x) |
128 | 210x |
y$count <- as.list(table(x, useNA = "no")) |
129 | 210x |
dn <- switch(denom, |
130 | 210x |
n = length(x), |
131 | 210x |
N_row = .N_row, |
132 | 210x |
N_col = .N_col |
133 |
134 | 210x |
y$count_fraction <- lapply(y$count, function(x) { |
135 | 714x |
c(x, ifelse(dn > 0, x / dn, 0)) |
136 |
}) |
137 | 210x |
y$n_blq <- sum(grepl("BLQ|LTR|<[1-9]", x)) |
138 | 210x |
139 |
140 |
#' Summarize variables allow `NA`
141 |
#' @keywords internal
142 |
summarize_vars_allow_na <- function( |
143 |
lyt, vars, var_labels = vars, |
144 |
nested = TRUE, ..., show_labels = "default", table_names = vars, |
145 |
section_div = NA_character_, .stats = c("n", "count_fraction"), |
146 |
.formats = list(count_fraction = format_count_fraction_fixed_dp), .labels = NULL, .indent_mods = NULL, inclNAs = TRUE) { # nolint |
147 | 7x |
afun <- make_afun(s_summary_na, .stats, .formats, .labels, .indent_mods, .ungroup_stats = c("count_fraction")) |
148 | 7x |
analyze( |
149 | 7x |
lyt = lyt, vars = vars, var_labels = var_labels, |
150 | 7x |
afun = afun, nested = nested, extra_args = list(...), |
151 | 7x |
inclNAs = inclNAs, show_labels = show_labels, table_names = table_names, |
152 | 7x |
section_div = section_div |
153 |
154 |
155 | ||
156 |
#' Count or summarize by groups
157 |
#' @param lyt (`PreDataTableLayouts`) `rtable` layout.
158 |
#' @param var (`string`) of analysis variable.
159 |
#' @param level (`string`) level to be displayed.
160 |
#' @param detail_vars (`character`) of variables for detail information.
161 |
#' @keywords internal
162 |
count_or_summarize <- function(lyt, var, level, detail_vars, indent_mod = 0L, ...) { |
163 | 27x |
assert_string(level) |
164 | 27x |
if (is.null(detail_vars)) { |
165 | 20x |
lyt <- lyt %>% |
166 | 20x |
count_values( |
167 | 20x |
168 | 20x |
values = level, |
169 | 20x |
table_names = paste(var, level, sep = "_"), |
170 | 20x |
.formats = list(count_fraction = format_count_fraction_fixed_dp), |
171 | 20x |
.indent_mods = indent_mod, |
172 |
173 |
174 |
} else { |
175 | 7x |
lyt <- lyt %>% |
176 | 7x |
split_rows_by(var, split_fun = keep_split_levels(level), indent_mod = indent_mod) %>% |
177 | 7x |
summarize_row_groups( |
178 | 7x |
format = format_count_fraction_fixed_dp |
179 |
) %>% |
180 | 7x |
split_rows_by_recurive(detail_vars[-length(detail_vars)], split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>% |
181 | 7x |
summarize_vars( |
182 | 7x |
detail_vars[length(detail_vars)], |
183 | 7x |
.stats = "count_fraction", |
184 | 7x |
denom = "N_col", |
185 | 7x |
show_labels = "hidden", |
186 | 7x |
.formats = list(count_fraction = format_count_fraction_fixed_dp), |
187 |
188 |
189 |
190 | 27x |
191 |
192 | ||
193 |
#' Count or summarize by groups
194 |
#' @param lyt (`PreDataTableLayouts`) `rtable` layout.
195 |
#' @param row_split_var (`character`) variable to split rows by.
196 |
#' @param ... Further arguments for `split_rows_by`
197 |
#' @keywords internal
198 |
split_rows_by_recurive <- function(lyt, row_split_var, ...) { |
199 | 41x |
args <- list(...) |
200 | 41x |
for (i in seq_len(length(row_split_var))) { |
201 | 22x |
args_i <- lapply(args, obtain_value, index = i) |
202 | 22x |
lyt <- do_call( |
203 | 22x |
204 | 22x |
c( |
205 | 22x |
list( |
206 | 22x |
lyt = lyt, |
207 | 22x |
208 |
209 | 22x |
210 |
211 |
212 |
213 | 41x |
214 |
215 | ||
216 |
#' Obtain value from a vector
217 |
#' @keywords internal
218 |
obtain_value <- function(obj, index) { |
219 | 62x |
if (is.list(obj)) { |
220 | ! |
return(obj[[index]]) |
221 |
222 | 62x |
if (is.vector(obj) && length(obj) >= index) { |
223 | 60x |
return(obj[index]) |
224 |
225 | 2x |
return(obj) |
226 |
227 | ||
228 |
#' Get page by value
229 |
#' @keywords internal
230 |
get_page_by <- function(var, vars) { |
231 | 34x |
assert_character(vars, null.ok = TRUE) |
232 | 34x |
assert_character(var, null.ok = TRUE, max.len = 1L) |
233 | 34x |
ret <- rep(FALSE, length(vars)) |
234 | 34x |
if (is.null(var) || length(var) == 0) { |
235 | 15x |
return(ret) |
236 |
237 | 19x |
index <- match(var, vars) |
238 | 19x |
assert_int(index, na.ok = TRUE) |
239 | 19x |
if (is.na(index)) { |
240 | ! |
return(ret) |
241 |
242 | 19x |
ret[seq_len(index)] <- TRUE |
243 | 19x |
return(ret) |
244 |
245 | ||
246 |
#' Proportion layout
247 |
248 |
#' @inheritParams rspt01_main
249 |
#' @param lyt layout created by `rtables`
250 |
251 |
#' @keywords internal
252 |
proportion_lyt <- function(lyt, arm_var, methods, strata, conf_level, odds_ratio = TRUE, rsp_var = "IS_RSP") { |
253 | 8x |
non_stratified <- length(strata) == 0L |
254 | 8x |
lyt <- lyt %>% |
255 | 8x |
estimate_proportion_diff( |
256 | 8x |
vars = rsp_var, |
257 | 8x |
show_labels = "visible", |
258 | 8x |
var_labels = if (non_stratified) "Unstratified Analysis" else "Stratified Analysis", |
259 | 8x |
conf_level = conf_level, |
260 | 8x |
method = if (non_stratified) { |
261 | 6x |
methods[["diff_conf_method"]] %||% "waldcc" |
262 |
} else { |
263 | 2x |
methods[["strat_diff_conf_method"]] %||% "cmh" |
264 |
265 | 8x |
variables = list(strata = strata), |
266 | 8x |
table_names = if (non_stratified) "est_prop_diff" else "est_prop_diff_strat" |
267 |
) %>% |
268 | 8x |
test_proportion_diff( |
269 | 8x |
vars = rsp_var, |
270 | 8x |
method = if (non_stratified) { |
271 | 6x |
methods[["diff_pval_method"]] %||% "chisq" |
272 |
} else { |
273 | 2x |
methods[["strat_diff_pval_method"]] %||% "cmh" |
274 |
275 | 8x |
variables = list(strata = strata), |
276 | 8x |
table_names = if (non_stratified) "test_prop_diff" else "test_prop_diff_strat" |
277 |
278 | ||
279 | 8x |
if (odds_ratio) { |
280 | 4x |
lyt <- lyt %>% |
281 | 4x |
estimate_odds_ratio( |
282 | 4x |
vars = rsp_var, |
283 | 4x |
variables = if (non_stratified) list(strata = strata, arm = arm_var), |
284 | 4x |
table_names = if (non_stratified) "est_or" else "est_or_strat" |
285 |
286 |
287 | ||
288 | 8x |
289 |
290 | ||
291 |
#' Helper function to add a row split if specified
292 |
293 |
#' @param lyt (`PreDataTableLayouts`) object.
294 |
#' @param var (`string`) the name of the variable initiating a new row split.
295 |
#' @param lbl_var (`string`)the label of the variable `var`.
296 |
297 |
#' @keywords internal
298 |
299 |
#' @return `PreDataTableLayouts` object.
300 |
301 |
ifneeded_split_row <- function(lyt, var, lbl_var) { |
302 | 2x |
if (is.null(var)) { |
303 | 1x |
304 |
} else { |
305 | 1x |
split_rows_by(lyt, var, |
306 | 1x |
label_pos = "topleft", |
307 | 1x |
split_label = lbl_var |
308 |
309 |
310 |
311 | ||
312 |
#' Helper function to add a column split if specified
313 |
314 |
#' @param lyt (`rtables`) object.
315 |
#' @param var (`string`) the name of the variable initiating a new column split.
316 |
#' @param ... Additional arguments for `split_cols_by`.
317 |
318 |
#' @keywords internal
319 |
320 |
#' @return `rtables` object.
321 |
322 |
ifneeded_split_col <- function(lyt, var, ...) { |
323 | 16x |
if (is.null(var)) { |
324 | 11x |
325 |
} else { |
326 | 5x |
split_cols_by( |
327 | 5x |
lyt = lyt, |
328 | 5x |
var = var, |
329 |
330 |
331 |
332 |
333 | ||
334 |
#' Create a Null Report
335 |
#' @rdname report_null
336 |
#' @aliases null_report
337 |
#' @param tlg (`TableTree`) object.
338 |
#' @param ... not used. Important to be used directly as post processing function.
339 |
340 |
#' @export
341 |
342 |
#' @return original `TableTree` or a null report if no observation are found in the table.
343 |
344 |
report_null <- function(tlg, ...) { |
345 | 167x |
assert_true(is.null(tlg) || rtables::is_rtable(tlg)) |
346 | ||
347 | 167x |
if (is.null(tlg) || nrow(tlg) == 0L) { |
348 | 25x |
return(null_report) |
349 |
350 | 142x |
if (count_children(tlg) == 0) { |
351 | 1x |
return(null_report) |
352 |
353 | 141x |
354 |
355 | ||
356 |
#' Count Children
357 |
#' @keywords internal
358 |
count_children <- function(x) { |
359 | 2540x |
assert_true(rtables::is_rtable(x)) |
360 | 2540x |
if (is(x, "ElementaryTable")) { |
361 | 1069x |
return(length(x@children)) |
362 |
363 | 1471x |
sum(vapply( |
364 | 1471x |
tree_children(x), |
365 | 1471x |
366 | 1471x |
367 |
)) |
368 |
369 | ||
370 |
#' @export
371 |
#' @rdname report_null
372 |
null_report <- rtables::rtable( |
373 |
header = "", |
374 |
rrow("", "Null Report: No observations met the reporting criteria for inclusion in this output.") |
375 |
376 | ||
377 |
#' @export
378 |
#' @rdname report_null
379 |
null_listing <- rlistings::as_listing( |
380 |
df = data.frame(x = formatters::with_label( |
381 |
"Null Report: No observations met the reporting criteria for inclusion in this output.", "" |
382 |
)) |
383 |
384 | ||
385 |
has_overall_col <- function(lbl_overall) { |
386 | 128x |
!is.null(lbl_overall) && !identical(lbl_overall, "") |
387 |
388 | ||
389 |
ifneeded_add_overall_col <- function(lyt, lbl_overall) { |
390 | 128x |
if (has_overall_col(lbl_overall)) { |
391 | 14x |
add_overall_col(lyt, label = lbl_overall) |
392 |
} else { |
393 | 114x |
394 |
395 |
396 | ||
397 |
#' Analyze skip baseline
398 |
#' @param x value to analyze
399 |
#' @param .var variable name.
400 |
#' @param .spl_context split context.
401 |
#' @param paramcdvar (`string`) name of parameter code.
402 |
#' @param visitvar (`string`) name of the visit variable.
403 |
#' @param skip Named (`character`) indicating the pairs to skip in analyze.
404 |
#' @param .stats (`character`) See `tern::summarize_variables`.
405 |
#' @param .label (`character`) See `tern::summarize_variables`.
406 |
#' @param .indent_mods (`integer`) See `tern::summarize_variables`.
407 |
#' @param .N_col (`int`) See `tern::summarize_variables`.
408 |
#' @param .N_row (`int`) See `tern::summarize_variables`.
409 |
#' @param ... additional arguments for `tern::a_summary`.
410 |
#' @inheritParams cfbt01_main
411 |
#' @keywords internal
412 |
afun_skip <- function( |
413 |
x, .var, .spl_context, paramcdvar, visitvar, skip, |
414 |
precision, .stats, .labels = NULL, .indent_mods = NULL, .N_col, .N_row, ...) { # nolint |
415 | 1452x |
param_val <- .spl_context$value[which(.spl_context$split == paramcdvar)] |
416 |
# Identify context
417 | 1452x |
split_level <- .spl_context$value[which(.spl_context$split == visitvar)] |
418 | 1452x |
pcs <- if (.var %in% names(skip) && split_level %in% skip[[.var]]) { |
419 | 1452x |
420 |
} else { |
421 | 1341x |
precision[[param_val]] %||% precision[["default"]] %||% 2 |
422 |
423 | ||
424 | 1452x |
fmts <- lapply(.stats, summary_formats, pcs = pcs, FALSE) |
425 | 1452x |
names(fmts) <- .stats |
426 | 1452x |
fmts_na <- lapply(.stats, summary_formats, pcs = pcs, ne = TRUE) |
427 | 1452x |
ret <- tern::a_summary( |
428 | 1452x |
.stats = .stats, .formats = fmts, .labels = .labels, .indent_mods = .indent_mods, |
429 | 1452x |
x = x, .var = .var, .spl_context = .spl_context, .N_col = .N_col, .N_row = .N_row, ... |
430 |
431 | 1452x |
for (i in seq_len(length(ret))) { |
432 | 5808x |
attr(ret[[i]], "format_na_str") <- fmts_na[[i]]() |
433 |
434 | 1452x |
435 |
436 | ||
437 |
summary_formats <- function(x, pcs, ne = FALSE) { |
438 | 11616x |
assert_int(pcs, lower = 0, na.ok = TRUE) |
439 | 11616x |
switch(x, |
440 | 2904x |
n = h_format_dec(format = "%s", digits = pcs - pcs, ne = ne), |
441 |
min = , |
442 |
max = , |
443 | ! |
sum = h_format_dec(format = "%s", digits = pcs, ne = ne), |
444 |
mean = , |
445 |
sd = , |
446 |
median = , |
447 |
mad = , |
448 |
iqr = , |
449 |
cv = , |
450 |
geom_mean = , |
451 |
geom_cv = , |
452 | 2904x |
se = h_format_dec(format = "%s", digits = pcs + 1, ne = ne), |
453 |
mean_sd = , |
454 | 2904x |
mean_se = h_format_dec(format = "%s (%s)", digits = rep(pcs + 1, 2), ne = ne), |
455 |
mean_ci = , |
456 |
mean_sei = , |
457 |
median_ci = , |
458 | ! |
mean_sdi = h_format_dec(format = "(%s, %s)", digits = rep(pcs + 1, 2), ne = ne), |
459 | ! |
mean_pval = h_format_dec(format = "%s", digits = 2, ne = ne), |
460 | ! |
quantiles = h_format_dec(format = "(%s - %s)", digits = rep(pcs + 1, 2), ne = ne), |
461 | 2904x |
range = h_format_dec(format = "%s - %s", digits = rep(pcs, 2), ne = ne), |
462 | ! |
median_range = h_format_dec(format = "%s (%s - %s)", digits = c(pcs, pcs + 1, pcs + 1), ne = ne) |
463 |
464 |
465 | ||
466 |
split_fun_map <- function(map) { |
467 | 9x |
if (is.null(map)) { |
468 | 6x |
469 |
} else { |
470 | 3x |
trim_levels_to_map(map = map) |
471 |
472 |
473 | ||
474 |
infer_mapping <- function(map_df, df) { |
475 | 3x |
assert_data_frame(df) |
476 | 3x |
vars <- colnames(map_df) |
477 | 3x |
assert_names(names(df), must.include = vars) |
478 | 3x |
for (x in vars) { |
479 | 7x |
if (!test_subset(map_df[[x]], lvls(df[[x]]))) { |
480 | ! |
rlang::abort( |
481 | ! |
paste0( |
482 | ! |
"Provided map should only contain valid levels in dataset in variable ", x, |
483 | ! |
". Consider convert ", x, " to factor first and add", |
484 | ! |
toString(setdiff(map_df[[x]], lvls(df[[x]]))), "levels to it." |
485 |
486 |
487 |
488 |
489 | 3x |
res <- df[vars] %>% |
490 | 3x |
unique() %>% |
491 | 3x |
arrange(across(everything())) %>% |
492 | 3x |
mutate(across(everything(), as.character)) |
493 | 3x |
if (!is.null(map_df)) { |
494 | 3x |
dplyr::full_join(map_df, res, by = colnames(map_df))[vars] |
495 |
} else { |
496 | ! |
497 |
498 |
499 | ||
500 | ||
501 |
#' Occurrence Layout
502 |
503 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
504 |
#' @inheritParams cmt01a_main
505 |
#' @param lbl_medname_var (`string`) label for the variable defining the medication name.
506 |
#' @keywords internal
507 |
508 |
occurrence_lyt <- function(arm_var, |
509 |
510 |
511 |
512 |
513 |
514 |
515 |
count_by) { |
516 | 17x |
split_indent <- vapply(c("TOTAL", row_split_var), function(x) { |
517 | ! |
if (length(summary_labels[[x]]) > 0L) -1L else 0L |
518 | 17x |
}, FUN.VALUE = 0L) |
519 | 17x |
split_indent[1L] <- 0L |
520 | 17x |
lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
521 | 17x |
split_cols_by(var = arm_var) %>% |
522 | 17x |
add_colcounts() %>% |
523 | 17x |
ifneeded_add_overall_col(lbl_overall) |
524 | 17x |
if (length(summary_labels$TOTAL) > 0) { |
525 | 17x |
lyt <- lyt %>% |
526 | 17x |
analyze_num_patients( |
527 | 17x |
vars = "USUBJID", |
528 | 17x |
count_by = count_by, |
529 | 17x |
.stats = names(summary_labels$TOTAL), |
530 | 17x |
show_labels = "hidden", |
531 | 17x |
.labels = render_safe(summary_labels$TOTAL) |
532 |
533 |
534 | 17x |
for (k in seq_len(length(row_split_var))) { |
535 | 13x |
lyt <- split_and_summ_num_patients( |
536 | 13x |
lyt = lyt, |
537 | 13x |
count_by = count_by, |
538 | 13x |
var = row_split_var[k], |
539 | 13x |
label = lbl_row_split[k], |
540 | 13x |
split_indent = split_indent[k], |
541 | 13x |
stats = names(summary_labels[[row_split_var[k]]]), |
542 | 13x |
summarize_labels = render_safe(summary_labels[[row_split_var[k]]]) |
543 |
544 |
545 | 17x |
lyt %>% |
546 | 17x |
count_occurrences( |
547 | 17x |
vars = medname_var, |
548 | 17x |
drop = length(row_split_var) > 0, |
549 | 17x |
.indent_mods = unname(tail(split_indent, 1L)) |
550 |
) %>% |
551 | 17x |
append_topleft(paste0(stringr::str_dup(" ", 2 * length(row_split_var)), lbl_medname_var)) |
552 |
1 |
# aet03 ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' @describeIn aet03 Main TLG function
4 |
5 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
6 |
7 |
#' @details
8 |
#' * Default Adverse Events by Greatest Intensity table.
9 |
#' * Numbers represent absolute numbers of patients and fraction of `N`.
10 |
#' * Remove zero-count rows unless overridden with `prune_0 = FALSE`.
11 |
#' * Split columns by arm.
12 |
#' * Does not include a total column by default.
13 |
#' * Sort by Body System or Organ Class (`SOC`) and Dictionary-Derived Term (`PT`).
14 |
15 |
#' @note
16 |
#' * `adam_db` object must contain an `adae` table with the columns `"AEBODSYS"`, `"AEDECOD"` and `"ASEV"`.
17 |
18 |
#' @export
19 |
20 |
aet03_main <- function(adam_db, |
21 |
arm_var = "ACTARM", |
22 |
lbl_overall = NULL, |
23 |
...) { |
24 | 1x |
assert_all_tablenames(adam_db, "adsl", "adae") |
25 | 1x |
assert_string(arm_var) |
26 | 1x |
assert_string(lbl_overall, null.ok = TRUE) |
27 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adsl, c("USUBJID", arm_var), types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
28 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adae, c(arm_var, "AEBODSYS", "AEDECOD", "ASEV"), types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
29 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adae, "USUBJID", empty_ok = TRUE, types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
30 | 1x |
assert_valid_var_pair(adam_db$adsl, adam_db$adae, arm_var) |
31 | ||
32 | 1x |
lbl_overall <- render_safe(lbl_overall) |
33 | 1x |
lbl_aebodsys <- var_labels_for(adam_db$adae, "AEBODSYS") |
34 | 1x |
lbl_aedecod <- var_labels_for(adam_db$adae, "AEDECOD") |
35 | 1x |
intensity_grade <- levels(adam_db$adae[["ASEV"]]) |
36 | ||
37 | 1x |
lyt <- aet03_lyt( |
38 | 1x |
arm_var = arm_var, |
39 | 1x |
lbl_overall = lbl_overall, |
40 | 1x |
lbl_aebodsys = lbl_aebodsys, |
41 | 1x |
lbl_aedecod = lbl_aedecod, |
42 | 1x |
intensity_grade = intensity_grade |
43 |
44 | ||
45 | 1x |
tbl <- build_table(lyt, df = adam_db$adae, alt_counts_df = adam_db$adsl) |
46 | ||
47 | 1x |
48 |
49 | ||
50 |
#' `aet03` Layout
51 |
52 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
53 |
54 |
#' @param lbl_aebodsys (`string`) text label for `AEBODSYS`.
55 |
#' @param lbl_aedecod (`string`) text label for `AEDECOD`.
56 |
#' @param intensity_grade (`character`) describing the intensity levels present in the dataset.
57 |
58 |
#' @keywords internal
59 |
60 |
aet03_lyt <- function(arm_var, |
61 |
62 |
63 |
64 |
intensity_grade) { |
65 | 4x |
all_grade_groups <- list("- Any Intensity -" = intensity_grade) |
66 | ||
67 | 4x |
basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% |
68 | 4x |
split_cols_by(var = arm_var) %>% |
69 | 4x |
ifneeded_add_overall_col(lbl_overall) %>% |
70 | 4x |
count_occurrences_by_grade( |
71 | 4x |
var = "ASEV", |
72 | 4x |
grade_groups = all_grade_groups, |
73 | 4x |
.formats = c("count_fraction" = format_count_fraction_fixed_dp) |
74 |
) %>% |
75 | 4x |
split_rows_by( |
76 | 4x |
77 | 4x |
child_labels = "visible", |
78 | 4x |
nested = TRUE, |
79 | 4x |
split_fun = drop_split_levels, |
80 | 4x |
label_pos = "topleft", |
81 | 4x |
split_label = lbl_aebodsys |
82 |
) %>% |
83 | 4x |
summarize_occurrences_by_grade( |
84 | 4x |
var = "ASEV", |
85 | 4x |
grade_groups = all_grade_groups, |
86 | 4x |
.formats = c("count_fraction" = format_count_fraction_fixed_dp) |
87 |
) %>% |
88 | 4x |
split_rows_by( |
89 | 4x |
90 | 4x |
child_labels = "visible", |
91 | 4x |
nested = TRUE, |
92 | 4x |
indent_mod = -1L, |
93 | 4x |
split_fun = drop_split_levels, |
94 | 4x |
label_pos = "topleft", |
95 | 4x |
split_label = lbl_aedecod |
96 |
) %>% |
97 | 4x |
summarize_num_patients( |
98 | 4x |
var = "USUBJID", |
99 | 4x |
.stats = "unique", |
100 | 4x |
.labels = c("- Any Intensity -") |
101 |
) %>% |
102 | 4x |
count_occurrences_by_grade( |
103 | 4x |
var = "ASEV", |
104 | 4x |
.indent_mods = -1L |
105 |
106 |
107 | ||
108 |
#' @describeIn aet03 Preprocessing
109 |
110 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
111 |
112 |
#' @export
113 |
114 |
aet03_pre <- function(adam_db, ...) { |
115 | 1x |
asev_lvls <- c("MILD", "MODERATE", "SEVERE") |
116 | 1x |
adam_db$adae <- adam_db$adae %>% |
117 | 1x |
filter(.data$ANL01FL == "Y") %>% |
118 | 1x |
mutate( |
119 | 1x |
AEBODSYS = reformat(.data$AEBODSYS, nocoding), |
120 | 1x |
AEDECOD = reformat(.data$AEDECOD, nocoding), |
121 | 1x |
ASEV = factor(.data$ASEV, levels = asev_lvls) |
122 |
) %>% |
123 | 1x |
filter(!is.na(.data$ASEV)) |
124 | ||
125 | 1x |
126 |
127 | ||
128 |
#' @describeIn aet03 Postprocessing
129 |
130 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
131 |
132 |
#' @export
133 |
134 |
aet03_post <- function(tlg, prune_0 = TRUE, ...) { |
135 | 1x |
tlg <- tlg %>% |
136 | 1x |
tlg_sort_by_vars( |
137 | 1x |
138 | 1x |
scorefun = cont_n_allcols |
139 |
140 | 1x |
if (prune_0) tlg <- trim_rows(tlg) |
141 | 1x |
std_postprocess(tlg) |
142 |
143 | ||
144 |
#' `AET03` Table 1 (Default) Advert Events by Greatest Intensity Table 1.
145 |
146 |
#' An adverse events table categorized by System
147 |
#' Organ Class, Dictionary-Derived Term and Greatest intensity.
148 |
149 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
150 |
#' @export
151 |
152 |
#' @examples
153 |
#' run(aet03, syn_data)
154 |
aet03 <- chevron_t( |
155 |
main = aet03_main, |
156 |
preprocess = aet03_pre, |
157 |
postprocess = aet03_post |
158 |
1 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
2 | ||
3 |
# run ----
4 | ||
5 |
#' Run the pipeline
6 |
7 |
#' Execute the pre-processing, main and post-processing functions in a single run.
8 |
9 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
10 |
#' @param object (`chevron_tlg`) input.
11 |
#' @param auto_pre (`flag`) whether to perform the default pre processing step.
12 |
#' @param verbose (`flag`) whether to print argument information.
13 |
#' @param ... extra arguments to pass to the pre-processing, main and post-processing functions.
14 |
#' @param user_args (`list`) arguments from `...`.
15 |
16 |
#' @name run
17 |
#' @export
18 |
setGeneric( |
19 |
20 | 169x |
function(object, adam_db, auto_pre = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, ..., user_args = list(...)) standardGeneric("run") |
21 |
22 | ||
23 |
#' Run the pipeline
24 |
#' @rdname run
25 |
#' @export
26 |
#' @examples
27 |
#' run(mng01, syn_data, auto_pre = TRUE, dataset = "adlb")
28 |
setMethod( |
29 |
f = "run", |
30 |
signature = "chevron_tlg", |
31 |
definition = function(object, adam_db, auto_pre = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, ..., user_args = list(...)) { |
32 | 169x |
assert_list(adam_db, types = "list") |
33 | 169x |
assert_flag(auto_pre) |
34 | 169x |
assert_flag(verbose) |
35 | 169x |
assert_list(user_args, names = "unique") |
36 | 169x |
if (verbose) { |
37 | 4x |
cl <- match.call() |
38 | 4x |
print_args( |
39 | 4x |
40 | 4x |
41 | 4x |
args_ls(object, omit = c("...", "adam_db", "tlg")), auto_pre |
42 |
43 |
44 | 169x |
proc_data <- if (auto_pre) { |
45 | 168x |
list(adam_db = do_call(object@preprocess, c(list(adam_db), user_args))) |
46 |
} else { |
47 | 1x |
list(adam_db = adam_db) |
48 |
49 | ||
50 | 158x |
res_tlg <- list(tlg = do_call(object@main, c(proc_data, user_args))) |
51 | ||
52 | 148x |
do_call(object@postprocess, c(res_tlg, user_args)) |
53 |
54 |
55 | ||
56 |
#' Print Arguments
57 |
#' @keywords internal
58 |
print_args <- function(run_call, additional_args, args, auto_pre = TRUE) { |
59 | 4x |
assert_class(run_call, "call") |
60 | 4x |
assert_list(args) |
61 | 4x |
assert_flag(auto_pre) |
62 | 4x |
run_call[[1]] <- NULL |
63 | 4x |
run_call <- as.list(run_call) |
64 | 4x |
if (!is.null(additional_args)) { |
65 | 4x |
run_call <- c(run_call[c("object", "adam_db")], additional_args) |
66 |
} else { |
67 | ! |
run_call[c("auto_pre", "verbose")] <- NULL |
68 |
69 | 4x |
nms_args <- unique(unlist(lapply(args, names))) |
70 | 4x |
nms_call <- names(run_call) |
71 | 4x |
m <- pmatch(nms_call, nms_args) |
72 | 4x |
nms_call[!is.na(m)] <- nms_args[m[!is.na(m)]] |
73 | 4x |
names(run_call) <- nms_call |
74 | 4x |
cat( |
75 | 4x |
"Using template: ",
76 | 4x |
if (is.name(run_call$object)) run_call$object else paste("object of class", class(run_call$object)), |
77 | 4x |
78 |
79 | 4x |
cat( |
80 | 4x |
"Using data: ",
81 | 4x |
if (is.name(run_call$adam_db)) run_call$adam_db else paste("object of class", class(run_call$adam_db)), |
82 | 4x |
83 |
84 | 4x |
if (auto_pre) { |
85 | 4x |
cat("\nPre args:\n") |
86 | 4x |
print_list(get_subset(args$preprocess, run_call)) |
87 |
88 | 4x |
cat("\nMain args:\n") |
89 | 4x |
print_list(get_subset(args$main, run_call)) |
90 | 4x |
cat("\nPost args:\n") |
91 | 4x |
print_list(get_subset(args$postprocess, run_call)) |
92 | 4x |
add_args <- run_call[ |
93 | 4x |
!names(run_call) %in% c(names(args$main), names(args$postprocess), names(args$preprocess), "object", "adam_db") |
94 |
95 | 4x |
if (length(add_args) > 0) { |
96 | 1x |
cat("\nAdditional args:\n") |
97 | 1x |
print_list(add_args) |
98 |
99 | 4x |
cat("\n\n") |
100 |
101 | ||
102 |
#' Subset Arguments and Merge
103 |
#' @keywords internal
104 |
get_subset <- function(x, y) { |
105 | 12x |
utils::modifyList( |
106 | 12x |
107 | 12x |
y[names(y) %in% names(x)], |
108 | 12x |
keep.null = TRUE |
109 |
110 |
111 | ||
112 |
#' Print list
113 |
#' @keywords internal
114 |
print_list <- function(x, indent = 2L) { |
115 | 15x |
if (length(x) == 0) { |
116 | 2x |
cat(paste0( |
117 | 2x |
stringr::str_dup(" ", indent), |
118 | 2x |
"No mapped argument.\n"
119 |
)) |
120 | 2x |
return() |
121 |
122 | 13x |
k <- names(x) |
123 | 13x |
m_charx <- max(nchar(k), 1) |
124 | 13x |
for (k in names(x)) { |
125 | 29x |
cat( |
126 | 29x |
sprintf( |
127 | 29x |
paste0("%s%-", m_charx + 2, "s: %s\n"), |
128 | 29x |
stringr::str_dup(" ", indent), k, |
129 | 29x |
deparse_print(x[[k]], m_charx + indent + 2) |
130 |
131 |
132 |
133 |
134 | ||
135 |
#' Deparse print
136 |
#' @keywords internal
137 |
deparse_print <- function(x, indent, max_line = getOption("chevron.arg_max_line", 5L)) { |
138 | 29x |
assert_int(indent) |
139 | 29x |
assert_int(max_line, lower = 1L) |
140 | 29x |
ret <- deparse(x) |
141 | 29x |
sep <- paste0("\n", stringr::str_dup(" ", indent)) |
142 | 29x |
if (length(ret) > max_line) { |
143 | 1x |
ret[max_line] <- sprintf("... (print of class <%s> truncated)", toString(class(x))) |
144 | 1x |
ret <- ret[seq_len(max_line)] |
145 |
146 | 29x |
paste(ret, collapse = sep) |
147 |
148 | ||
149 |
# args_ls ----
150 | ||
151 |
#' Get Arguments List
152 |
153 |
#' @param x (`chevron_tlg`) input.
154 |
#' @param simplify (`flag`) whether to simplify the output, coalescing the values of the parameters. The order of
155 |
#' priority for the value of the parameters is: `main`, `preprocess` and `postprocess`.
156 |
#' @param omit (`character`) the names of the argument to omit from the output.
157 |
158 |
#' @rdname args_ls
159 |
#' @export
160 | 7x |
setGeneric("args_ls", function(x, simplify = FALSE, omit = NULL) standardGeneric("args_ls")) |
161 | ||
162 |
#' @rdname args_ls
163 |
#' @export
164 |
setMethod( |
165 |
f = "args_ls", |
166 |
signature = "chevron_tlg", |
167 |
definition = function(x, simplify = FALSE, omit = NULL) { |
168 | 7x |
assert_flag(simplify) |
169 | 7x |
assert_character(omit, null.ok = TRUE) |
170 | ||
171 | 7x |
x_ls <- list( |
172 | 7x |
main = formals(x@main), |
173 | 7x |
preprocess = formals(x@preprocess), |
174 | 7x |
postprocess = formals(x@postprocess) |
175 |
176 | ||
177 | 7x |
x_sel <- lapply(x_ls, function(y) y[!names(y) %in% omit]) |
178 | ||
179 | 7x |
res <- if (simplify) { |
180 | 2x |
Reduce(fuse_sequentially, x_sel) |
181 |
} else { |
182 | 5x |
183 |
184 | ||
185 | 7x |
186 |
187 |
188 | ||
189 |
# main ----
190 | ||
191 |
#' Main
192 |
193 |
#' retrieve or set `main` function.
194 |
195 |
#' @param x (`chevron_tlg`) input.
196 |
197 |
#' @aliases main
198 |
#' @export
199 | ! |
setGeneric("main", function(x) standardGeneric("main")) |
200 | ||
201 |
#' @rdname main
202 |
#' @export
203 |
setMethod( |
204 |
f = "main", |
205 |
signature = "chevron_tlg", |
206 |
definition = function(x) { |
207 | ! |
x@main |
208 |
209 |
210 | ||
211 |
#' Set Main Function
212 |
213 |
#' @param x (`chevron_tlg`) input.
214 |
#' @param value (`function`) returning a `tlg`. Typically one of the `_main` function of `chevron`.
215 |
216 |
#' @rdname main
217 |
#' @export
218 | 2x |
setGeneric("main<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("main<-")) |
219 | ||
220 |
#' @rdname main
221 |
#' @export
222 |
setMethod( |
223 |
f = "main<-", |
224 |
signature = "chevron_tlg", |
225 |
definition = function(x, value) { |
226 | 2x |
x@main <- value |
227 | 2x |
validObject(x) |
228 | 1x |
229 |
230 |
231 | ||
232 |
# preprocess ----
233 | ||
234 |
#' Pre process
235 |
236 |
#' retrieve or set `preprocess` function.
237 |
238 |
#' @param x (`chevron_tlg`) input.
239 |
240 |
#' @aliases preprocess
241 |
#' @export
242 | 2x |
setGeneric("preprocess", function(x) standardGeneric("preprocess")) |
243 | ||
244 |
#' @rdname preprocess
245 |
#' @export
246 |
setMethod( |
247 |
f = "preprocess", |
248 |
signature = "chevron_tlg", |
249 |
definition = function(x) { |
250 | 2x |
x@preprocess |
251 |
252 |
253 | ||
254 |
#' Set Preprocess Function
255 |
256 |
#' @param x (`chevron_tlg`) input.
257 |
#' @param value (`function`) returning a pre-processed `list` of `data.frames` amenable to `tlg` creation. Typically
258 |
#' one of the `_pre` function of `chevron`.
259 |
260 |
#' @rdname preprocess
261 |
#' @export
262 | 4x |
setGeneric("preprocess<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("preprocess<-")) |
263 | ||
264 |
#' @rdname preprocess
265 |
#' @export
266 |
setMethod( |
267 |
f = "preprocess<-", |
268 |
signature = "chevron_tlg", |
269 |
definition = function(x, value) { |
270 | 4x |
x@preprocess <- value |
271 | 4x |
validObject(x) |
272 | 3x |
273 |
274 |
275 | ||
276 |
# postprocess ----
277 | ||
278 |
#' Post process
279 |
280 |
#' retrieve or set `postprocess` function.
281 |
282 |
#' @param x (`chevron_tlg`) input.
283 |
284 |
#' @aliases postprocess
285 |
#' @export
286 | 1x |
setGeneric("postprocess", function(x) standardGeneric("postprocess")) |
287 | ||
288 |
#' @rdname postprocess
289 |
#' @export
290 |
setMethod( |
291 |
f = "postprocess", |
292 |
signature = "chevron_tlg", |
293 |
definition = function(x) { |
294 | 1x |
x@postprocess |
295 |
296 |
297 | ||
298 |
#' Postprocess Assignment Function
299 |
300 |
#' @param x (`chevron_tlg`) input.
301 |
#' @param value (`function`) returning a post-processed `tlg`.
302 |
303 |
#' @rdname postprocess
304 |
#' @export
305 | 2x |
setGeneric("postprocess<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("postprocess<-")) |
306 | ||
307 |
#' @rdname postprocess
308 |
#' @export
309 |
setMethod( |
310 |
f = "postprocess<-", |
311 |
signature = "chevron_tlg", |
312 |
definition = function(x, value) { |
313 | 2x |
x@postprocess <- value |
314 | 2x |
validObject(x) |
315 | 1x |
316 |
317 |
318 | ||
319 |
# script ----
320 | ||
321 |
#' Create Script for Parameters Assignment
322 |
323 |
#' @param x (`chevron_tlg`) input.
324 |
#' @param adam_db (`string`) the name of the dataset.
325 |
#' @param details (`flag`) deprecated. Whether to show the code of all functions.
326 |
#' @param args (`string`) the name of argument list.
327 |
328 |
#' @name script
329 |
#' @rdname script
330 |
331 | ||
332 |
## script_funs ----
333 | ||
334 |
#' Create Script for `TLG` Generation
335 |
336 |
#' @rdname script
337 |
#' @export
338 | 2x |
setGeneric("script_funs", function(x, adam_db, args, details = FALSE) standardGeneric("script_funs")) |
339 | ||
340 |
#' @rdname script
341 |
#' @export
342 |
343 |
#' @examples
344 |
#' script_funs(aet04, adam_db = "syn_data", args = "args")
345 |
setMethod( |
346 |
f = "script_funs", |
347 |
signature = "chevron_tlg", |
348 |
definition = function(x, adam_db, args, details) { |
349 | 2x |
checkmate::assert_flag(details) |
350 | 2x |
checkmate::assert_string(adam_db) |
351 | 2x |
checkmate::assert_string(args) |
352 | ! |
if (!missing(details)) lifecycle::deprecate_warn("0.2.2", "chevron::script_funs(details = )") |
353 | 2x |
tlg_name <- deparse(substitute(x)) |
354 | 2x |
checkmate::assert_string(tlg_name, pattern = "^[a-zA-Z]+\\w+$") |
355 | 2x |
c( |
356 | 2x |
"# Edit Preprocessing Function.",
357 | 2x |
glue::glue("preprocess({tlg_name}) <- "), |
358 | 2x |
deparse(preprocess(x), control = c("useSource")), |
359 |
360 | 2x |
"# Create TLG",
361 | 2x |
glue::glue( |
362 | 2x |
"tlg_output <- run(object = {tlg_name}, adam_db = {adam_db}",
363 | 2x |
", verbose = TRUE, user_args = {args})"
364 |
365 |
366 |
367 |
1 |
# assert_all_tablenames ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' Assert that all names are among names of a `list` of `data.frame`.
4 |
5 |
#' @param db (`list` of `data.frame`) input to check for the presence of tables.
6 |
#' @param tab (`character`) the names of the tables to be checked.
7 |
#' @param null_ok (`flag`) can `x` be NULL.
8 |
#' @param qualifier (`string`) to be returned if the check fails.
9 |
10 |
#' @export
11 |
12 |
#' @examples
13 |
#' \dontrun{
14 |
15 |
#' lsd <- list(
16 |
#' mtcars = mtcars,
17 |
#' iris = iris
18 |
#' )
19 |
20 |
#' assert_all_tablenames(lsd, c("mtcars", "iris", "x"), qualifier = "first test:")
21 |
#' }
22 |
assert_all_tablenames <- function(db, tab, null_ok = TRUE, qualifier = NULL) { |
23 | 223x |
assert_list(db, types = "data.frame", names = "unique") |
24 | 223x |
assert_character(tab, null.ok = null_ok) |
25 | 223x |
assert_string(qualifier, null.ok = TRUE) |
26 | ||
27 | 223x |
diff <- setdiff(tab, names(db)) |
28 | ||
29 | 223x |
if (length(diff) == 0) { |
30 | 221x |
invisible(NULL) |
31 |
} else { |
32 | 2x |
stop( |
33 | 2x |
paste(qualifier, "Expected table names:", toString(diff), "not in", deparse(substitute(db))) |
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 | ||
38 |
# assert_one_tablenames ----
39 | ||
40 |
#' Assert that at least one name is among table names of a `list` of `data.frame`.
41 |
42 |
#' @param db (`list` of `data.frame`) input to check for the presence or tables.
43 |
#' @param tab (`character`) the names of the tables to be checked.
44 |
#' @param null_ok (`flag`) can `x` be NULL.
45 |
#' @param qualifier (`string`) to be returned if the check fails.
46 |
47 |
#' @keywords internal
48 |
49 |
#' @examples
50 |
#' \dontrun{
51 |
52 |
#' lsd <- list(
53 |
#' mtcars = mtcars,
54 |
#' iris = iris
55 |
#' )
56 |
57 |
#' assert_one_tablenames(lsd, c("mtcars", "x", "y"), qualifier = "first test:")
58 |
#' }
59 |
assert_one_tablenames <- function(db, tab, null_ok = TRUE, qualifier = NULL) { |
60 | 4x |
assert_list(db, types = "data.frame", names = "unique") |
61 | 4x |
assert_character(tab, null.ok = null_ok) |
62 | 4x |
assert_string(qualifier, null.ok = TRUE) |
63 | ||
64 | 4x |
diff <- setdiff(tab, names(db)) |
65 | ||
66 | 4x |
common <- intersect(tab, names(db)) |
67 | ||
68 | 4x |
if (length(common) > 0) { |
69 | 2x |
invisible(NULL) |
70 |
} else { |
71 | 2x |
stop( |
72 | 2x |
paste(qualifier, "At least one of:", toString(tab), "is expected to be a table name of", deparse(substitute(db))) |
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 | ||
77 | ||
78 | ||
79 |
# assert_single_value ----
80 | ||
81 |
#' Check variable only has one unique value.
82 |
#' @param x value vector.
83 |
#' @param label (`string`) label of input.
84 |
#' @export
85 |
assert_single_value <- function(x, label = deparse(substitute(x))) { |
86 | 53x |
unique_param_val <- unique(x) |
87 | 53x |
if (length(unique_param_val) > 1) { |
88 | ! |
stop( |
89 | ! |
quote_str(label), |
90 | ! |
" has more than one values ",
91 | ! |
toString(unique_param_val), |
92 | ! |
", only one value is allowed."
93 |
94 |
95 |
96 | ||
97 |
# assert_valid_var ----
98 | ||
99 |
#' @title Check whether var is valid
100 |
#' @details
101 |
#' This function checks the variable values are valid or not.
102 |
#' @param x value of col_split variable
103 |
#' @param label (`string`) hints.
104 |
#' @param na_ok (`flag`) whether NA value is allowed
105 |
#' @param empty_ok (`flag`) whether length 0 value is allowed.
106 |
#' @param ... Further arguments to methods.
107 |
#' @export
108 |
assert_valid_var <- function(x, label, na_ok, empty_ok, ...) { |
109 | 1404x |
UseMethod("assert_valid_var") |
110 |
111 |
#' @rdname assert_valid_var
112 |
#' @export
113 |
#' @param min_chars (`integer`) the minimum length of the characters.
114 |
assert_valid_var.character <- function( |
115 |
x, label = deparse(substitute(x)), |
116 |
na_ok = FALSE, empty_ok = FALSE, |
117 |
min_chars = 1L, ...) { |
118 | 345x |
assert_character( |
119 | 345x |
120 | 345x |
min.chars = min_chars, |
121 | 345x |
min.len = as.integer(!empty_ok), |
122 | 345x |
any.missing = na_ok, |
123 | 345x |
.var.name = label, |
124 |
125 |
126 |
127 | ||
128 |
#' @rdname assert_valid_var
129 |
#' @export
130 |
assert_valid_var.factor <- function( |
131 |
x, label = deparse(substitute(x)), |
132 |
na_ok = FALSE, empty_ok = FALSE, |
133 |
min_chars = 1L, ...) { |
134 | 807x |
assert_character( |
135 | 807x |
levels(x), |
136 | 807x |
min.chars = min_chars, |
137 | 807x |
.var.name = paste("level of", label) |
138 |
139 | 806x |
assert_factor( |
140 | 806x |
141 | 806x |
min.levels = as.integer(!empty_ok), |
142 | 806x |
any.missing = na_ok, |
143 | 806x |
.var.name = label, |
144 |
145 |
146 |
147 | ||
148 |
#' @rdname assert_valid_var
149 |
#' @export
150 |
assert_valid_var.logical <- function(x, label = deparse(substitute(x)), na_ok = TRUE, empty_ok = FALSE, ...) { |
151 | 143x |
assert_logical( |
152 | 143x |
153 | 143x |
min.len = as.integer(!empty_ok), |
154 | 143x |
any.missing = na_ok, |
155 | 143x |
.var.name = label, |
156 |
157 |
158 |
159 |
#' @rdname assert_valid_var
160 |
#' @param integerish (`flag`) whether the number should be treated as `integerish`.
161 |
#' @export
162 |
assert_valid_var.numeric <- function( |
163 |
x, label = deparse(substitute(x)), |
164 |
na_ok = TRUE, empty_ok = FALSE, integerish = FALSE, ...) { |
165 | 109x |
check_fun <- if (integerish) assert_integerish else assert_numeric |
166 | 109x |
check_fun( |
167 | 109x |
168 | 109x |
min.len = as.integer(!empty_ok), |
169 | 109x |
any.missing = na_ok, |
170 | 109x |
.var.name = label, |
171 |
172 |
173 |
174 | ||
175 |
#' @rdname assert_valid_var
176 |
#' @export
177 |
assert_valid_var.default <- function(x, label = deparse(substitute(x)), na_ok = FALSE, empty_ok = FALSE, ...) { |
178 |
179 | ||
180 |
# assert_valid_variable ----
181 | ||
182 |
#' Check variables in a data frame are valid character or factor.
183 |
#' @param df (`data.frame`) input dataset.
184 |
#' @param vars (`character`) variables to check.
185 |
#' @param label (`string`) labels of the data frame.
186 |
#' @param types Named (`list`) of type of the input.
187 |
#' @param ... further arguments for `assert_valid_var`. Please note that different methods have different arguments
188 |
#' so if provided make sure the variables to check is of the same class.
189 |
190 |
#' @export
191 |
assert_valid_variable <- function(df, vars, label = deparse(substitute(df)), types = NULL, ...) { |
192 | 840x |
assert_names(colnames(df), must.include = vars, what = "colnames") |
193 | ||
194 | 834x |
labels <- sprintf("%s$%s", label, vars) |
195 | 834x |
if (length(types) == 1 && is.null(names(types))) { |
196 | 747x |
types <- setNames(rep(types, length(vars)), vars) |
197 |
198 | 834x |
if (!is.null(types)) { |
199 | 787x |
vars_to_check <- which(vars %in% names(types)) |
200 | 787x |
mapply( |
201 | 787x |
202 | 787x |
df[vars[vars_to_check]], |
203 | 787x |
types = types[vars_to_check], |
204 | 787x |
label = labels[vars_to_check] |
205 |
206 |
207 | 832x |
collection <- makeAssertCollection() |
208 | 832x |
mapply(assert_valid_var, df[vars], labels, MoreArgs = list(..., add = collection), SIMPLIFY = FALSE) |
209 | 832x |
reportAssertions(collection) |
210 |
211 | ||
212 |
# assert_valid_type ----
213 | ||
214 |
#' Check variable is of correct type
215 |
#' @param x Object to check the type.
216 |
#' @param types (`character`) possible types to check.
217 |
#' @param label (`string`) label.
218 |
assert_valid_type <- function(x, types, label = deparse(substitute(x))) { |
219 | 1210x |
if (!any(vapply(types, is, object = x, FUN.VALUE = TRUE))) { |
220 | 2x |
abort( |
221 | 2x |
paste0( |
222 | 2x |
quote_str(label), |
223 | 2x |
" is not of type ",
224 | 2x |
toString(types) |
225 |
226 |
227 |
228 |
229 | ||
230 |
# assert_valid_var_pair ----
231 | ||
232 |
#' Check variables are of same levels
233 |
#' @param df1 (`data.frame`) input.
234 |
#' @param df2 (`data.frame`) input.
235 |
#' @param var (`string`) variable to check.
236 |
#' @param lab1 (`string`) label hint for `df1`.
237 |
#' @param lab2 (`string`) label hint for `df2`.
238 |
assert_valid_var_pair <- function(df1, df2, var, lab1 = deparse(substitute(df1)), lab2 = deparse(substitute(df2))) { |
239 | 146x |
assert_data_frame(df1) |
240 | 146x |
assert_data_frame(df2) |
241 | 146x |
assert_string(var) |
242 | 146x |
lvl_x <- lvls(df1[[var]]) |
243 | 146x |
lvl_y <- lvls(df2[[var]]) |
244 | 146x |
if (!identical(lvl_x, lvl_y)) { |
245 | 3x |
abort( |
246 | 3x |
paste0( |
247 | 3x |
quote_str(lab1), " and ", |
248 | 3x |
quote_str(lab2), " should contain the same levels in variable ", |
249 | 3x |
quote_str(var), "!" |
250 |
251 |
252 |
253 |
1 |
# fstg02 ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' @describeIn fstg02 Main TLG Function
4 |
5 |
#' @details
6 |
#' * No overall value.
7 |
#' * Keep zero count rows by default.
8 |
9 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
10 |
#' @param dataset (`string`) the name of a table in the `adam_db` object.
11 |
#' @param arm_var (`string`) the arm variable name used for group splitting.
12 |
#' @param subgroups (`character`) the subgroups variable name to list baseline risk factors.
13 |
#' @param strata_var (`character`) required if stratified analysis is performed.
14 |
#' @param stat_var (`character`) the names of statistics to be reported in `tabulate_survival_subgroups`.
15 |
#' @param max_colwidth (`int`) maximum width of columns. Stratification label longer than this will be truncated.
16 |
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to `g_forest` and `extract_rsp_subgroups` (a wrapper for
17 |
#' `h_odds_ratio_subgroups_df` and `h_proportion_subgroups_df`). For details, see the documentation in `tern`.
18 |
#' Commonly used arguments include `col_symbol_size`, `col`, `vline`, `groups_lists`, `conf_level`,
19 |
#' `method`, `label_all`, etc.
20 |
21 |
#' @note
22 |
#' * `adam_db` object must contain the table specified by `dataset` with `"PARAMCD"`, `"ARM"`,
23 |
#' `"AVAL"`, `"AVALU"`, `"CNSR"`, and the columns specified by `subgroups` which is denoted as
24 |
#' `c("SEX", "AGEGR1", "RACE")` by default.
25 |
#' * If the plot is too large to be rendered in the output, please refer to `FSTG01`.
26 |
27 |
#' @return a `gTree` object.
28 |
29 |
#' @export
30 |
31 |
fstg02_main <- function(adam_db, |
32 |
dataset = "adtte", |
33 |
arm_var = "ARM", |
34 |
subgroups = c("SEX", "AGEGR1", "RACE"), |
35 |
strata_var = NULL, |
36 |
stat_var = c("n_tot", "n", "median", "hr", "ci"), |
37 |
max_colwidth = 10, |
38 |
...) { |
39 | 1x |
assert_all_tablenames(adam_db, c("adsl", dataset)) |
40 | 1x |
df_lbl <- paste0("adam_db$", dataset) |
41 | 1x |
assert_string(arm_var) |
42 | 1x |
assert_int(max_colwidth) |
43 | 1x |
assert_character(subgroups, null.ok = TRUE) |
44 | 1x |
assert_character(strata_var, null.ok = TRUE) |
45 | 1x |
assert_character(stat_var, null.ok = TRUE) |
46 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db[[dataset]], arm_var, types = list("factor"), n.levels = 2, label = df_lbl) |
47 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db[[dataset]], c("USUBJID", "PARAMCD", "AVALU"), |
48 | 1x |
types = list(c("character", "factor")), |
49 | 1x |
label = df_lbl |
50 |
51 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db[[dataset]], "AVAL", types = list("numeric"), lower = 0, label = df_lbl) |
52 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db[[dataset]], "IS_EVENT", types = list("logical"), label = df_lbl) |
53 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db[[dataset]], c(subgroups, strata_var), |
54 | 1x |
types = list(c("factor")), na_ok = TRUE, |
55 | 1x |
label = df_lbl |
56 |
57 | 1x |
assert_single_value(adam_db[[dataset]]$PARAMCD, label = df_lbl) |
58 | 1x |
assert_single_value(adam_db[[dataset]]$AVALU, label = df_lbl) |
59 | ||
60 | 1x |
timeunit <- unique(adam_db[[dataset]]$AVALU) |
61 | ||
62 | 1x |
variables <- list( |
63 | 1x |
arm = arm_var, |
64 | 1x |
tte = "AVAL", |
65 | 1x |
is_event = "IS_EVENT", |
66 | 1x |
subgroups = subgroups, |
67 | 1x |
strata_var = strata_var |
68 |
69 | ||
70 | 1x |
df <- execute_with_args(extract_survival_subgroups, |
71 | 1x |
variables = variables, |
72 | 1x |
data = adam_db[[dataset]], |
73 |
74 |
75 | 1x |
df$survtime$subgroup <- stringr::str_trunc(df$survtime$subgroup, max_colwidth) |
76 | 1x |
df$hr$subgroup <- stringr::str_trunc(df$hr$subgroup, max_colwidth) |
77 | 1x |
result <- basic_table() %>% |
78 | 1x |
tabulate_survival_subgroups(df, vars = stat_var, time_unit = timeunit) |
79 | 1x |
cw <- pmin(propose_column_widths(result), max_colwidth + 2) |
80 | 1x |
final_width <- stringWidth(strrep("x", cw)) |
81 | 1x |
execute_with_args( |
82 | 1x |
83 | 1x |
tbl = result, |
84 |
85 | 1x |
width_row_names = final_width[1], |
86 | 1x |
width_columns = final_width[-1], |
87 | 1x |
draw = FALSE |
88 |
89 |
90 | ||
91 |
#' @describeIn fstg02 Preprocessing
92 |
93 |
#' @inheritParams fstg02_main
94 |
95 |
#' @export
96 |
97 |
fstg02_pre <- function(adam_db, ...) { |
98 | 1x |
adam_db$adtte <- adam_db$adtte %>% |
99 | 1x |
mutate( |
100 | 1x |
ARM = droplevels(.data$ARM), |
101 | 1x |
AVAL = convert_to_month(.data$AVAL, .data$AVALU), |
102 | 1x |
103 | 1x |
IS_EVENT = .data$CNSR == 0 |
104 |
105 | 1x |
106 |
107 | ||
108 |
# `fstg02` Pipeline ----
109 | ||
110 |
#' `FSTG02` Subgroup Analysis of Survival Duration.
111 |
112 |
#' The template produces the subgroup analysis of survival duration graphic.
113 |
114 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
115 |
#' @export
116 |
117 |
#' @examples
118 |
#' library(dplyr)
119 |
#' library(dunlin)
120 |
121 |
#' proc_data <- log_filter(
122 |
#' syn_data,
123 |
#' PARAMCD == "OS" & ARM %in% c("A: Drug X", "B: Placebo"), "adtte"
124 |
#' )
125 |
#' run(fstg02, proc_data,
126 |
#' subgroups = c("SEX", "AGEGR1", "RACE"),
127 |
#' conf_level = 0.90, dataset = "adtte"
128 |
#' )
129 |
fstg02 <- chevron_g( |
130 |
main = fstg02_main, |
131 |
preproces = fstg02_pre |
132 |
1 |
# lbt14 ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' @describeIn lbt14 Main TLG function
4 |
5 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
6 |
#' @param gr_missing (`string`) how missing baseline grades should be handled. Defaults to `"incl"` to include the
7 |
#' `"Missing"`
8 |
#' level. Other options are `"excl"` to exclude patients with missing baseline grades and `"gr_0"` to convert missing
9 |
#' baseline grades to grade 0.
10 |
#' @param direction (`string`) one of `"high"` or `"low"` indicating which shift direction should be detailed.
11 |
12 |
#' @details
13 |
#' * This table follows ADaMIG v1.1.
14 |
#' * Only the worst grade recorded for each patient is included in the table.
15 |
#' * If no missing baseline lab results, the "Missing" level of `BTOXGR` is excluded.
16 |
#' * Grading takes value from -4 to 4, negative value means the abnormality direction is low,
17 |
#' positive value means the abnormality direction is high.
18 |
#' * Grades 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 are counted as `"Not Low"` when `direction = "low"`. Conversely, when `direction =
19 |
#' "high"`, Grades 0, -1, -2, -3, and -4 are counted as `"Not High".
20 |
#' * Remove zero-count rows unless overridden with `prune_0 = FALSE`.
21 |
#' * Split columns by arm, typically `ACTARM`.
22 |
23 |
#' @note
24 |
#' * `adam_db` object must contain an `adlb` table with columns `"USUBJID"`, `"PARAM"`, `"BTOXGR"`, `"ATOXGR"`,
25 |
#' and the column specified by `arm_var`.
26 |
27 |
#' @export
28 |
29 |
lbt14_main <- function(adam_db, |
30 |
arm_var = "ACTARM", |
31 |
lbl_overall = NULL, |
32 |
gr_missing = "incl", |
33 |
page_var = "PARAMCD", |
34 |
...) { |
35 | 4x |
assert_all_tablenames(adam_db, c("adsl", "adlb")) |
36 | 4x |
assert_string(arm_var) |
37 | 4x |
assert_string(lbl_overall, null.ok = TRUE) |
38 | 4x |
assert_choice(gr_missing, c("incl", "excl", "gr_0")) |
39 | 4x |
assert_subset(page_var, "PARAMCD") |
40 | 4x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adlb, c("ATOXGR", "BTOXGR"), types = list("factor"), na_ok = TRUE) |
41 | 4x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adlb, c("PARAMCD", "PARAM"), types = list(c("character", "factor")), na_ok = FALSE) |
42 | 4x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adlb, c("USUBJID"), types = list(c("character", "factor")), empty_ok = TRUE) |
43 | 4x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adsl, c("USUBJID"), types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
44 | 4x |
assert_valid_var_pair(adam_db$adsl, adam_db$adlb, arm_var) |
45 | ||
46 | 4x |
lbl_overall <- render_safe(lbl_overall) |
47 | 4x |
lbl_param <- var_labels_for(adam_db$adlb, "PARAM") |
48 | 4x |
lbl_btoxgr <- var_labels_for(adam_db$adlb, "BTOXGR") |
49 | ||
50 | 4x |
lyt <- lbt14_lyt( |
51 | 4x |
arm_var = arm_var, |
52 | 4x |
lbl_overall = lbl_overall, |
53 | 4x |
lbl_param = lbl_param, |
54 | 4x |
lbl_btoxgr = lbl_btoxgr, |
55 | 4x |
page_var = page_var |
56 |
57 | ||
58 | 4x |
tbl <- build_table(lyt, adam_db$adlb, alt_counts_df = adam_db$adsl) |
59 | ||
60 | 4x |
61 |
62 | ||
63 |
#' `lbt14` Layout
64 |
65 |
#' @inheritParams lbt14_main
66 |
67 |
#' @keywords internal
68 |
69 |
lbt14_lyt <- function(arm_var, |
70 |
71 |
72 |
73 |
page_var) { |
74 | 14x |
page_by <- !is.null(page_var) |
75 | 14x |
label_pos <- ifelse(page_by, "hidden", "topleft") |
76 | 14x |
basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% |
77 | 14x |
split_cols_by(arm_var) %>% |
78 | 14x |
ifneeded_add_overall_col(lbl_overall) %>% |
79 | 14x |
split_rows_by( |
80 | 14x |
var = "PARAMCD", |
81 | 14x |
labels_var = "PARAM", |
82 | 14x |
split_fun = drop_split_levels, |
83 | 14x |
label_pos = label_pos, |
84 | 14x |
split_label = lbl_param, |
85 | 14x |
page_by = page_by |
86 |
) %>% |
87 | 14x |
split_rows_by( |
88 | 14x |
89 | 14x |
label_pos = "topleft", |
90 | 14x |
split_label = lbl_btoxgr |
91 |
) %>% |
92 | 14x |
summarize_num_patients(var = "USUBJID", .stats = c("unique_count"), unique_count_suffix = FALSE) %>% |
93 | 14x |
count_occurrences_by_grade("ATOXGR", denom = "n", drop = FALSE, .indent_mods = 3L) %>% |
94 | 14x |
append_topleft(paste0(stringr::str_dup(" ", 2L * (5L - page_by)), "Post-baseline NCI-CTCAE Grade")) |
95 |
96 | ||
97 |
#' @describeIn lbt14 Preprocessing
98 |
99 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
100 |
#' @inheritParams lbt14_main
101 |
102 |
#' @export
103 |
104 |
lbt14_pre <- function(adam_db, |
105 |
gr_missing = "incl", |
106 |
direction = "low", |
107 |
...) { |
108 | 4x |
assert_choice(gr_missing, c("incl", "excl", "gr_0")) |
109 | 4x |
assert_choice(direction, c("low", "high")) |
110 | ||
111 | 4x |
if (direction == "high") { |
112 | 1x |
adam_db$adlb <- adam_db$adlb %>% |
113 | 1x |
filter(.data$WGRHIFL == "Y") %>% |
114 | 1x |
h_adsl_adlb_merge_using_worst_flag( |
115 | 1x |
adsl = adam_db$adsl, |
116 | 1x |
worst_flag = c("WGRHIFL" = "Y") |
117 |
118 |
} else { |
119 | 3x |
adam_db$adlb <- adam_db$adlb %>% |
120 | 3x |
filter(.data$WGRLOFL == "Y") %>% |
121 | 3x |
h_adsl_adlb_merge_using_worst_flag( |
122 | 3x |
adsl = adam_db$adsl, |
123 | 3x |
worst_flag = c("WGRLOFL" = "Y") |
124 |
125 |
126 | ||
127 | 4x |
grade_rule <- get_grade_rule(direction, gr_missing) |
128 | 4x |
adam_db$adlb <- adam_db$adlb %>% |
129 | 4x |
mutate( |
130 | 4x |
across(all_of(c("BTOXGR", "ATOXGR")), ~ reformat(.x, grade_rule)) |
131 |
132 | ||
133 | 4x |
134 |
135 | ||
136 |
#' @describeIn lbt14 Postprocessing
137 |
138 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
139 |
140 |
#' @export
141 |
142 |
lbt14_post <- function(tlg, prune_0 = TRUE, ...) { |
143 | 4x |
if (prune_0) tlg <- tlg %>% trim_rows() |
144 | 4x |
std_postprocess(tlg) |
145 |
146 | ||
147 |
#' `LBT14` Laboratory Test Results Shift Table – Highest `NCI-CTCAE` Grade Post-Baseline by
148 |
#' Baseline Grade (Low or High Direction).
149 |
150 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
151 |
#' @export
152 |
153 |
#' @examples
154 |
#' run(lbt14, syn_data)
155 |
lbt14 <- chevron_t( |
156 |
main = lbt14_main, |
157 |
preprocess = lbt14_pre, |
158 |
postprocess = lbt14_post |
159 |
1 |
# as we use NSE
2 |
globalVariables(c(".", ":=")) |
3 | ||
4 |
#' Retrieve labels for certain variables
5 |
6 |
#' @param df (`data.frame`) containing columns with label attribute.
7 |
#' @param vars (`character`) variable names in `df`.
8 |
9 |
#' @details
10 |
#' The labels will be returned if the column has `label` attribute, otherwise the column name will be returned.
11 |
#' Any values between brackets {} will be replaced with `dunlin::render_safe`.
12 |
#' @export
13 |
var_labels_for <- function(df, vars) { |
14 | 296x |
assert_names(colnames(df), must.include = vars, what = "colnames") |
15 | 296x |
render_safe(unname(formatters::var_labels(df, fill = TRUE)[vars])) |
16 |
17 | ||
18 |
#' Prune table up to an `ElementaryTable`
19 |
20 |
#' Avoid returning `NULL` when the `table` is empty.
21 |
22 |
#' @param tlg (`TableTree`) object.
23 |
24 |
#' @return pruned `TableTree`.
25 |
26 |
smart_prune <- function(tlg) { |
27 | 82x |
res <- prune_table(tlg) |
28 | ||
29 | 82x |
if (is.null(res)) { |
30 | 19x |
res <- build_table(rtables::basic_table(), df = data.frame()) |
31 | 19x |
col_info(res) <- col_info(tlg) |
32 |
33 | ||
34 | 82x |
35 |
36 | ||
37 |
#' Standard post processing
38 |
39 |
#' @param tlg (`TableTree`) object.
40 |
#' @param ind (`integer`) the indentation of the table.
41 |
#' @param ... not used at the moment.
42 |
43 |
#' @note Standard post processing includes:
44 |
#' * `NULL` report creation if necessary
45 |
#' * indentation
46 |
47 |
#' @return a post-processed `tlg`.
48 |
49 |
#' @keywords internal
50 |
51 |
std_postprocess <- function(tlg, ind = 2L, ...) { |
52 | 167x |
assert_int(ind, lower = 0L) |
53 | ||
54 | 167x |
res <- report_null(tlg) |
55 | 167x |
table_inset(res) <- ind |
56 | ||
57 | 167x |
58 |
59 | ||
60 |
# Special formats ----
61 | ||
62 |
#' Decimal formatting
63 |
64 |
#' @param digits (`integer`) number of digits.
65 |
#' @param format (`string`) describing how the numbers should be formatted following the `sprintf` syntax.
66 |
#' @param ne (`flag`) indicator whether to use "NE" to replace the actual value.
67 |
68 |
#' @return `function` formatting numbers with the defined format.
69 |
70 |
#' @export
71 |
72 |
#' @examples
73 |
#' fun <- h_format_dec(c(1, 1), "%s - %s")
74 |
#' fun(c(123, 567.89))
75 |
76 |
h_format_dec <- function(digits, format, ne = FALSE) { |
77 | 11625x |
assert_integerish(digits, lower = 0) |
78 | 11625x |
assert_string(format) |
79 | 11625x |
if (any(is.na(digits))) { |
80 | 889x |
function(x, ...) { |
81 |
82 |
83 |
} else { |
84 | 10736x |
if (ne) { |
85 | 5364x |
ret <- function(x, ...) { |
86 | 5364x |
do_call(sprintf, c(list(fmt = format), rep("NE", length(digits)))) |
87 |
88 | 5364x |
return(ret) |
89 |
90 | 5372x |
digit_string <- paste0("%", ifelse(is.na(digits), "", paste0(".", digits)), "f") |
91 | 5372x |
new_format <- do_call(sprintf, c(list(fmt = format), digit_string)) |
92 | 5372x |
formatters::sprintf_format(new_format) |
93 |
94 |
95 | ||
96 |
#' Fuse list elements
97 |
98 |
#' @param x (`list`) to fuse.
99 |
#' @param y (`list`) to fuse. Elements with names already existing in `x` are discarded.
100 |
101 |
#' @keywords internal
102 |
103 |
fuse_sequentially <- function(x, y) { |
104 | 6x |
if (missing(y)) { |
105 | 1x |
return(x) |
106 |
107 | ||
108 | 5x |
names_x <- names(x) |
109 | 5x |
sel_names_y <- setdiff(names(y), names_x) |
110 | ||
111 | 5x |
c(x, y[sel_names_y]) |
112 |
113 | ||
114 |
#' List of `grob` object
115 |
#' @param ... (`grob`) objects
116 |
#' @export
117 |
grob_list <- function(...) { |
118 | 1x |
ret <- list(...) |
119 | 1x |
assert_list(ret, types = c("grob")) |
120 | 1x |
structure( |
121 | 1x |
122 | 1x |
class = c("grob_list", "list") |
123 |
124 |
125 | ||
126 |
#' List of `gg` object
127 |
#' @param ... (`ggplot`) objects
128 |
#' @export
129 |
gg_list <- function(...) { |
130 | 7x |
ret <- list(...) |
131 | 7x |
assert_list(ret, types = c("ggplot")) |
132 | 7x |
structure( |
133 | 7x |
134 | 7x |
class = c("gg_list", "list") |
135 |
136 |
137 | ||
138 |
#' @export
139 |
droplevels.character <- function(x, ...) { |
140 | 1x |
141 |
142 | ||
143 |
#' Obtain levels from vector
144 |
#' @param x (`character`) or (`factor`) object to obtain levels.
145 |
#' @details
146 |
#' For factors, the levels will be returned. For characters, the sorted unique values will be returned.
147 |
#' @export
148 |
lvls <- function(x) { |
149 | 328x |
UseMethod("lvls") |
150 |
151 |
#' @export
152 |
lvls.default <- function(x) { |
153 | 1x |
154 |
155 |
#' @export
156 |
lvls.character <- function(x) { |
157 | 8x |
sort(unique(x)) |
158 |
159 |
#' @export
160 |
lvls.factor <- function(x) { |
161 | 319x |
levels(x) |
162 |
163 | ||
164 |
#' @keywords internal
165 |
quote_str <- function(x) { |
166 | 13x |
assert_string(x) |
167 | 12x |
paste0("`", x, "`") |
168 |
169 | ||
170 |
#' @keywords internal
171 |
modify_default_args <- function(fun, ...) { |
172 | 1x |
ret <- fun |
173 | 1x |
formals(ret) <- utils::modifyList(formals(fun), list(...), keep.null = TRUE) |
174 | 1x |
return(ret) |
175 |
176 | ||
177 |
#' Execute function with given arguments
178 |
#' @details If the function has `...`, this function will not pass other arguments to `...`.
179 |
#' Only named arguments are passed.
180 |
#' @keywords internal
181 |
execute_with_args <- function(fun, ...) { |
182 | 78x |
args <- list(...) |
183 | 78x |
do_call(fun, args[intersect(names(args), formalArgs(fun))]) |
184 |
185 | ||
186 |
#' Execute a function call
187 |
#' @keywords internal
188 |
do_call <- function(what, args) { |
189 | 11320x |
arg_names <- names(args) |
190 | 11320x |
if (is.null(arg_names)) { |
191 | 105x |
arg_names <- sprintf("var_%s", seq_along(args)) |
192 | 11215x |
} else if (any(arg_names == "")) { |
193 | 10838x |
arg_names_random <- sprintf("var_%s", seq_along(args)) |
194 | 10838x |
arg_names[arg_names == ""] <- arg_names_random[arg_names == ""] |
195 |
196 | 11320x |
args_env <- as.environment(setNames(args, arg_names)) |
197 | 11320x |
parent.env(args_env) <- parent.frame() |
198 | 11320x |
new_args <- lapply(arg_names, as.symbol) |
199 | 11320x |
names(new_args) <- names(args) |
200 | 11320x |
do.call(what, new_args, envir = args_env) |
201 |
202 | ||
203 |
#' Modify character
204 |
#' @keywords internal
205 |
modify_character <- function(x, y) { |
206 | 16x |
assert_character(x, names = "unique", null.ok = TRUE) |
207 | 16x |
assert_character(y, names = "unique", null.ok = TRUE) |
208 | 16x |
c(y, x)[unique(c(names(y), names(x)))] |
209 |
210 | ||
211 |
#' Helper function to convert to months if needed
212 |
#' @param x (`numeric`) time.
213 |
#' @param unit (`character`) or (`factor`) time unit.
214 |
215 |
#' @return A `numeric` vector with the time in months.
216 |
217 |
#' @export
218 |
convert_to_month <- function(x, unit) { |
219 | 16x |
assert_multi_class(unit, c("character", "factor")) |
220 | 16x |
assert_numeric(x, len = length(unit)) |
221 | ||
222 | 16x |
unit <- toupper(unit) |
223 | 16x |
diff <- setdiff(unique(unit), c("DAYS", "MONTHS", "YEARS")) |
224 | 16x |
if (length(diff) > 0) { |
225 | 2x |
rlang::warn( |
226 | 2x |
paste0( |
227 | 2x |
"Time unit ", toString(diff), " not covered. No unit conversion applied." |
228 |
229 |
230 |
231 | ||
232 | 16x |
case_when( |
233 | 16x |
unit == "DAYS" ~ x / 30.4375, |
234 | 16x |
unit == "MONTHS" ~ x, |
235 | 16x |
unit == "YEARS" ~ x * 12, |
236 | 16x |
TRUE ~ x |
237 |
238 |
1 |
# rspt01 ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' @describeIn rspt01 Main TLG function
4 |
5 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
6 |
#' @param dataset (`string`) the name of a table in the `adam_db` object.
7 |
#' @param ref_group (`string`) The name of the reference group, the value should
8 |
#' be identical to the values in `arm_var`, if not specified, it will by default
9 |
#' use the first level or value of `arm_var`.
10 |
#' @param odds_ratio (`flag`) should the odds ratio be calculated, default is `TRUE`
11 |
#' @param perform_analysis (`string`) option to display statistical comparisons using stratified analyses,
12 |
#' or unstratified analyses, or both, e.g. `c("unstrat", "strat")`. Only unstratified will be displayed by default
13 |
#' @param strata (`string`) stratification factors, e.g. `strata = c("STRATA1", "STRATA2")`, by default as NULL
14 |
#' @param conf_level (`numeric`) the level of confidence interval, default is 0.95.
15 |
#' @param methods (`list`) a named list, use a named list to control, for example:
16 |
#' `methods = list(prop_conf_method = "wald",
17 |
#' diff_conf_method = "wald",
18 |
#' strat_diff_conf_method = "ha",
19 |
#' diff_pval_method = "fisher",
20 |
#' strat_diff_pval_method = "schouten")`
21 |
#' `prop_conf_method` controls the methods of calculating proportion confidence interval,
22 |
#' `diff_conf_method` controls the methods of calculating unstratified difference confidence interval,
23 |
#' `strat_diff_conf_method` controls the methods of calculating stratified difference confidence interval,
24 |
#' `diff_pval_method` controls the methods of calculating unstratified p-value for odds ratio,
25 |
#' `strat_diff_pval_method` controls the methods of calculating stratified p-value for odds ratio,
26 |
#' see more details in `tern`
27 |
28 |
#' @details
29 |
#' * No overall value.
30 |
31 |
#' @export
32 |
33 |
rspt01_main <- function(adam_db, |
34 |
dataset = "adrs", |
35 |
arm_var = "ARM", |
36 |
ref_group = NULL, |
37 |
odds_ratio = TRUE, |
38 |
perform_analysis = "unstrat", |
39 |
strata = NULL, |
40 |
conf_level = 0.95, |
41 |
methods = list(), |
42 |
...) { |
43 | 1x |
assert_string(dataset) |
44 | 1x |
assert_all_tablenames(adam_db, "adsl", dataset) |
45 | 1x |
assert_string(arm_var) |
46 | 1x |
assert_string(ref_group, null.ok = TRUE) |
47 | 1x |
assert_flag(odds_ratio) |
48 | 1x |
assert_subset(perform_analysis, c("unstrat", "strat")) |
49 | 1x |
assert_character( |
50 | 1x |
51 | 1x |
null.ok = !"strat" %in% perform_analysis, |
52 | 1x |
min.len = as.integer(!"strat" %in% perform_analysis) |
53 |
54 | 1x |
df_label <- sprintf("adam_db$%s", dataset) |
55 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable( |
56 | 1x |
adam_db$adsl, c("USUBJID", arm_var), |
57 | 1x |
types = list(c("character", "factor")) |
58 |
59 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable( |
60 | 1x |
adam_db[[dataset]], c("USUBJID", arm_var, "RSP_LAB"), |
61 | 1x |
types = list(c("character", "factor")), label = df_label |
62 |
63 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db[[dataset]], "IS_RSP", types = list("logical"), label = df_label) |
64 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable( |
65 | 1x |
adam_db[[dataset]], c("PARAMCD", "PARAM"), |
66 | 1x |
types = list(c("character", "factor")), label = df_label |
67 |
68 | 1x |
assert_single_value(adam_db[[dataset]]$PARAMCD, label = sprintf("adam_db$%s$PARAMCD", dataset)) |
69 | 1x |
assert_valid_var_pair(adam_db$adsl, adam_db[[dataset]], arm_var) |
70 | 1x |
assert_subset(ref_group, lvls(adam_db[[dataset]][[arm_var]])) |
71 | ||
72 | 1x |
ref_group <- ref_group %||% lvls(adam_db[[dataset]][[arm_var]])[1] |
73 | ||
74 | 1x |
lyt <- rspt01_lyt( |
75 | 1x |
arm_var = arm_var, |
76 | 1x |
rsp_var = "IS_RSP", |
77 | 1x |
ref_group = ref_group, |
78 | 1x |
odds_ratio = odds_ratio, |
79 | 1x |
perform_analysis = perform_analysis, |
80 | 1x |
strata = strata, |
81 | 1x |
conf_level = conf_level, |
82 | 1x |
methods = methods |
83 |
84 | ||
85 | 1x |
tbl <- build_table(lyt, adam_db[[dataset]], alt_counts_df = adam_db$adsl) |
86 | ||
87 | 1x |
88 |
89 | ||
90 |
#' `rspt01` Layout
91 |
92 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
93 |
94 |
#' @keywords internal
95 |
96 |
rspt01_lyt <- function(arm_var, |
97 |
98 |
99 |
100 |
101 |
102 |
103 |
methods) { |
104 | 7x |
lyt01 <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% |
105 | 7x |
split_cols_by(var = arm_var, ref_group = ref_group) %>% |
106 | 7x |
estimate_proportion( |
107 | 7x |
vars = rsp_var, |
108 | 7x |
conf_level = conf_level, |
109 | 7x |
method = methods[["prop_conf_method"]] %||% "waldcc", |
110 | 7x |
table_names = "est_prop" |
111 |
112 | ||
113 | 7x |
for (perform in perform_analysis) { |
114 | 8x |
lyt01 <- lyt01 %>% |
115 | 8x |
proportion_lyt( |
116 | 8x |
arm_var = arm_var, |
117 | 8x |
odds_ratio = odds_ratio, |
118 | 8x |
strata = if (perform == "strat") strata else NULL, |
119 | 8x |
conf_level = conf_level, |
120 | 8x |
methods = methods, |
121 | 8x |
rsp_var = rsp_var |
122 |
123 |
124 | ||
125 | 7x |
lyt <- lyt01 %>% |
126 | 7x |
estimate_multinomial_response( |
127 | 7x |
var = "RSP_LAB", |
128 | 7x |
conf_level = conf_level, |
129 | 7x |
method = methods[["prop_conf_method"]] %||% "waldcc" |
130 |
131 | ||
132 | 7x |
133 |
134 | ||
135 |
#' @describeIn rspt01 Preprocessing
136 |
137 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
138 |
139 |
#' @export
140 |
141 |
rspt01_pre <- function(adam_db, ...) { |
142 | 1x |
adam_db$adrs <- adam_db$adrs %>% |
143 | 1x |
mutate(RSP_LAB = tern::d_onco_rsp_label(.data$AVALC)) %>% |
144 | 1x |
mutate(IS_RSP = .data$AVALC %in% c("CR", "PR")) |
145 | 1x |
146 |
147 | ||
148 |
#' @describeIn rspt01 Postprocessing
149 |
150 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
151 |
152 |
#' @export
153 |
154 |
rspt01_post <- function(tlg, prune_0 = TRUE, ...) { |
155 | ! |
if (prune_0) { |
156 | ! |
tlg <- smart_prune(tlg) |
157 |
158 | ! |
std_postprocess(tlg) |
159 |
160 | ||
161 |
#' `RSPT01` Binary Outcomes Summary
162 |
163 |
#' `RSPT01` template may be used to summarize any binary outcome or response variable at
164 |
#' a single time point. Typical application for oncology
165 |
166 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
167 |
#' @export
168 |
169 |
#' @examples
170 |
#' library(dplyr)
171 |
#' library(dunlin)
172 |
173 |
#' proc_data <- log_filter(syn_data, PARAMCD == "BESRSPI", "adrs")
174 |
175 |
#' run(rspt01, proc_data)
176 |
177 |
#' run(rspt01, proc_data,
178 |
#' odds_ratio = FALSE, perform_analysis = c("unstrat", "strat"),
179 |
#' strata = c("STRATA1", "STRATA2"), methods = list(diff_pval_method = "fisher")
180 |
#' )
181 |
rspt01 <- chevron_t( |
182 |
main = rspt01_main, |
183 |
preprocess = rspt01_pre, |
184 |
postprocess = rspt01_post |
185 |
1 |
# dtht01 ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' @describeIn dtht01 Main TLG function
4 |
5 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
6 |
#' @param time_since_last_dose (`flag`) should the time to event information be displayed.
7 |
#' @param other_category (`flag`) should the breakdown of the `OTHER` category be displayed.
8 |
9 |
#' @details
10 |
#' * Numbers represent absolute numbers of subjects and fraction of `N`, or absolute numbers when specified.
11 |
#' * Remove zero-count rows unless overridden with `prune_0 = FALSE`.
12 |
#' * Does not include a total column by default.
13 |
14 |
#' @note
15 |
#' * `adam_db` object must contain an `adsl` table with the columns `"DTHFL"`, `"DTHCAT"` as well as `LDDTHGR1` if
16 |
#' `time_since_last_dose` is `TRUE`.
17 |
18 |
#' @export
19 |
dtht01_main <- function(adam_db, |
20 |
arm_var = "ACTARM", |
21 |
lbl_overall = NULL, |
22 |
other_category = FALSE, |
23 |
time_since_last_dose = FALSE, |
24 |
...) { |
25 | 2x |
assert_all_tablenames(adam_db, "adsl") |
26 | 2x |
assert_string(arm_var) |
27 | 2x |
assert_string(lbl_overall, null.ok = TRUE) |
28 | 2x |
assert_flag(other_category) |
29 | 2x |
assert_flag(time_since_last_dose, null.ok = TRUE) |
30 | 2x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adsl, c("USUBJID", arm_var), types = list("character", "factor")) |
31 | 2x |
assert_valid_variable( |
32 | 2x |
adam_db$adsl, |
33 | 2x |
34 | 2x |
types = list("character", "factor"), na_ok = TRUE, min_chars = 0L |
35 |
36 | ||
37 | 2x |
lbl_overall <- render_safe(lbl_overall) |
38 | 2x |
other_var <- if (other_category) "DTHCAUS" |
39 | 2x |
dose_death_var <- if (time_since_last_dose) "LDDTHGR1" |
40 | ||
41 | 2x |
assert_valid_variable( |
42 | 2x |
adam_db$adsl, |
43 | 2x |
c("DTHCAT", other_var, dose_death_var), |
44 | 2x |
types = list("character", "factor"), na_ok = TRUE, min_chars = 1L |
45 |
46 | ||
47 | 2x |
if (other_category) { |
48 | 1x |
death_cause <- lvls(adam_db$adsl$DTHCAT) |
49 | 1x |
if (length(death_cause) == 0L) { |
50 | ! |
stop("other_category specified but could not find any level in `DTHCAT`!") |
51 |
52 | 1x |
other_level <- death_cause[length(death_cause)] |
53 | 1x |
if (toupper(other_level) != "OTHER") { |
54 | ! |
warning( |
55 | ! |
"You included detailed information for Other, however the last level of ",
56 | ! |
" `adam_db$adsl$DTHCAT` looks like not `Other`.",
57 | ! |
call. = FALSE |
58 |
59 |
60 |
61 | ||
62 | 2x |
lyt <- dtht01_lyt( |
63 | 2x |
arm_var = arm_var, |
64 | 2x |
lbl_overall = lbl_overall, |
65 | 2x |
death_flag = "DTHFL", |
66 | 2x |
death_var = "DTHCAT", |
67 | 2x |
other_level = other_level, |
68 | 2x |
other_var = other_var, |
69 | 2x |
dose_death_var = dose_death_var |
70 |
71 | ||
72 | 2x |
adsl <- adam_db$adsl %>% |
73 | 2x |
mutate(TOTAL = "Primary Cause of Death") |
74 | ||
75 | 2x |
build_table(lyt, adsl) |
76 |
77 | ||
78 |
#' `dtht01` Layout
79 |
80 |
#' @inheritParams dtht01_main
81 |
#' @param death_flag (`string`) variable name of death flag.
82 |
#' @param detah_var (`string`) variable name of death category.
83 |
#' @param other_level (`string`) `"Other"` level in death category.
84 |
#' @param other_var (`string`) variable name of death cause under `"Other"`.
85 |
#' @param dose_death_var (`string`) variable name of the days from last dose.
86 |
87 |
#' @keywords internal
88 |
89 |
dtht01_lyt <- function(arm_var, |
90 |
91 |
92 |
93 |
94 |
95 |
dose_death_var) { |
96 | 5x |
if (is.null(dose_death_var) && is.null(other_var)) { |
97 | 3x |
lyt_block_fun <- analyze |
98 |
} else { |
99 | 2x |
lyt_block_fun <- summarize_row |
100 |
101 | 5x |
lyt <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% |
102 | 5x |
split_cols_by(arm_var) %>% |
103 | 5x |
ifneeded_add_overall_col(lbl_overall) %>% |
104 | 5x |
count_values( |
105 | 5x |
106 | 5x |
values = "Y", |
107 | 5x |
.labels = c(count_fraction = "Total number of deaths"), |
108 | 5x |
.formats = c(count_fraction = format_count_fraction_fixed_dp) |
109 |
) %>% |
110 | 5x |
split_rows_by("TOTAL", child_labels = "visible", label_pos = "hidden", split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>% |
111 | 5x |
lyt_block_fun( |
112 | 5x |
113 | 5x |
make_afun( |
114 | 5x |
115 | 5x |
.stats = c("n", "count_fraction"), .ungroup_stats = "count_fraction", |
116 | 5x |
.formats = list(n = "xx", count_fraction = format_count_fraction_fixed_dp) |
117 |
118 | 5x |
indent_mod = 0L |
119 |
120 | 5x |
if (!is.null(other_var)) { |
121 | 2x |
lyt <- lyt %>% |
122 | 2x |
split_rows_by(death_var, split_fun = keep_split_levels(other_level), child_labels = "hidden") %>% |
123 | 2x |
summarize_vars(other_var, .stats = "count_fraction", denom = "N_row") |
124 |
125 | 5x |
if (!is.null(dose_death_var)) { |
126 | 2x |
lyt <- lyt %>% |
127 | 2x |
summarize_vars_allow_na( |
128 | 2x |
vars = dose_death_var, |
129 | 2x |
var_labels = "Days from last drug administration", |
130 | 2x |
.formats = list(count_fraction = format_count_fraction_fixed_dp), |
131 | 2x |
show_labels = "visible", |
132 | 2x |
nested = FALSE, |
133 | 2x |
inclNAs = FALSE |
134 |
) %>% |
135 | 2x |
split_rows_by( |
136 | 2x |
137 | 2x |
split_fun = drop_split_levels, |
138 | 2x |
split_label = "Primary cause by days from last study drug administration", |
139 | 2x |
label_pos = "visible", |
140 | 2x |
nested = FALSE |
141 |
) %>% |
142 | 2x |
summarize_vars_allow_na( |
143 | 2x |
144 | 2x |
.formats = list(count_fraction = format_count_fraction_fixed_dp) |
145 |
146 |
147 | ||
148 | 5x |
149 |
150 | ||
151 |
#' @describeIn dtht01 Preprocessing
152 |
153 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
154 |
155 |
#' @export
156 |
157 |
dtht01_pre <- function(adam_db, ...) { |
158 | 2x |
death_format <- rule( |
159 | 2x |
"Adverse Event" = "ADVERSE EVENT", |
160 | 2x |
"Progressive Disease" = "PROGRESSIVE DISEASE", |
161 | 2x |
"Other" = "OTHER" |
162 |
163 | ||
164 | 2x |
adam_db$adsl <- adam_db$adsl %>% |
165 | 2x |
mutate( |
166 | 2x |
DTHCAT = reformat(.data$DTHCAT, death_format) |
167 |
168 | ||
169 | 2x |
170 |
171 | ||
172 |
#' @describeIn dtht01 Postprocessing
173 |
174 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
175 |
176 |
#' @export
177 |
178 |
dtht01_post <- function(tlg, prune_0 = TRUE, ...) { |
179 | 2x |
if (prune_0) { |
180 | 2x |
tlg <- smart_prune(tlg) |
181 |
182 | 2x |
std_postprocess(tlg) |
183 |
184 | ||
185 |
#' `DTHT01` Table 1 (Default) Death Table.
186 |
187 |
#' A description of the causes of death optionally with the breakdown of the
188 |
#' `OTHER` category and/or post-study reporting of death.
189 |
190 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
191 |
#' @export
192 |
193 |
#' @examples
194 |
#' run(dtht01, syn_data)
195 |
196 |
#' run(dtht01, syn_data, other_category = TRUE, time_since_last_dose = TRUE)
197 |
dtht01 <- chevron_t( |
198 |
main = dtht01_main, |
199 |
preprocess = dtht01_pre, |
200 |
postprocess = dtht01_post |
201 |
1 |
# aet02 ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' @describeIn aet02 Default labels
4 |
#' @export
5 |
6 |
aet02_label <- c( |
7 |
unique = "Total number of {patient_label} with at least one adverse event", |
8 |
nonunique = "Total number of events" |
9 |
10 | ||
11 |
#' @describeIn aet02 Main TLG function
12 |
13 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
14 |
#' @param summary_labels (`list`) of summarize labels. See details.
15 |
16 |
#' @details
17 |
#' * Numbers represent absolute numbers of subject and fraction of `N`, or absolute number of event when specified.
18 |
#' * Remove zero-count rows unless overridden with `prune_0 = FALSE`.
19 |
#' * Split columns by arm.
20 |
#' * Does not include a total column by default.
21 |
#' * Sort Dictionary-Derived Code (`AEDECOD`) by highest overall frequencies.
22 |
#' * Missing values in `AEBODSYS`, and `AEDECOD` are labeled by `No Coding Available`.
23 |
#' `summary_labels` is used to control the summary for each level. If "all" is used, then each split will have that
24 |
#' summary statistic with the labels. One special case is "TOTAL", this is for the overall population.
25 |
26 |
#' @note
27 |
#' * `adam_db` object must contain an `adae` table with the columns `"AEBODSYS"` and `"AEDECOD"`.
28 |
29 |
#' @export
30 |
31 |
aet02_main <- function(adam_db, |
32 |
arm_var = "ACTARM", |
33 |
row_split_var = "AEBODSYS", |
34 |
lbl_overall = NULL, |
35 |
summary_labels = list( |
36 |
all = aet02_label, |
37 |
TOTAL = c(nonunique = "Overall total number of events") |
38 |
39 |
...) { |
40 | 1x |
assert_all_tablenames(adam_db, "adsl", "adae") |
41 | 1x |
assert_string(arm_var) |
42 | 1x |
assert_character(row_split_var, null.ok = TRUE) |
43 | 1x |
assert_string(lbl_overall, null.ok = TRUE) |
44 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adsl, c("USUBJID", arm_var), types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
45 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adae, c(arm_var, row_split_var, "AEDECOD"), types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
46 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adae, "USUBJID", empty_ok = TRUE, types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
47 | 1x |
assert_valid_var_pair(adam_db$adsl, adam_db$adae, arm_var) |
48 | 1x |
assert_list(summary_labels, null.ok = TRUE) |
49 | 1x |
assert_subset(names(summary_labels), c("all", "TOTAL", row_split_var)) |
50 | 1x |
assert_subset( |
51 | 1x |
unique(unlist(lapply(summary_labels, names))), |
52 | 1x |
c("unique", "nonunique", "unique_count") |
53 |
54 | 1x |
if ("all" %in% names(summary_labels)) { |
55 | 1x |
summary_labels <- lapply( |
56 | 1x |
c(TOTAL = "TOTAL", setNames(row_split_var, row_split_var)), |
57 | 1x |
function(x) { |
58 | 2x |
modify_character(summary_labels$all, summary_labels[[x]]) |
59 |
60 |
61 |
62 | ||
63 | 1x |
lbl_overall <- render_safe(lbl_overall) |
64 | 1x |
lbl_row_split <- var_labels_for(adam_db$adae, row_split_var) |
65 | 1x |
lbl_aedecod <- var_labels_for(adam_db$adae, "AEDECOD") |
66 | ||
67 | 1x |
lyt <- occurrence_lyt( |
68 | 1x |
arm_var = arm_var, |
69 | 1x |
lbl_overall = lbl_overall, |
70 | 1x |
row_split_var = row_split_var, |
71 | 1x |
lbl_row_split = lbl_row_split, |
72 | 1x |
medname_var = "AEDECOD", |
73 | 1x |
lbl_medname_var = lbl_aedecod, |
74 | 1x |
summary_labels = summary_labels, |
75 | 1x |
count_by = NULL |
76 |
77 | ||
78 | 1x |
tbl <- build_table(lyt, adam_db$adae, alt_counts_df = adam_db$adsl) |
79 | ||
80 | 1x |
81 |
82 | ||
83 |
#' @describeIn aet02 Preprocessing
84 |
85 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
86 |
87 |
#' @export
88 |
89 |
aet02_pre <- function(adam_db, row_split_var = "AEBODSYS", ...) { |
90 | 1x |
adam_db$adae <- adam_db$adae %>% |
91 | 1x |
filter(.data$ANL01FL == "Y") %>% |
92 | 1x |
mutate(AEDECOD = reformat(.data$AEDECOD, nocoding)) %>% |
93 | 1x |
mutate(across(all_of(row_split_var), ~ reformat(.x, nocoding))) |
94 | ||
95 | 1x |
96 |
97 | ||
98 |
#' @describeIn aet02 Postprocessing
99 |
100 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
101 |
102 |
#' @export
103 |
104 |
aet02_post <- function(tlg, row_split_var = "AEBODSYS", prune_0 = TRUE, ...) { |
105 | 1x |
tlg <- tlg %>% |
106 | 1x |
tlg_sort_by_vars(row_split_var, cont_n_allcols) %>% |
107 | 1x |
valid_sort_at_path( |
108 | 1x |
path = c(get_sort_path(c(row_split_var, "AEDECOD"))), |
109 | 1x |
scorefun = score_occurrences |
110 |
111 | 1x |
if (prune_0) { |
112 | 1x |
tlg <- smart_prune(tlg) |
113 |
114 | 1x |
std_postprocess(tlg) |
115 |
116 | ||
117 |
#' `AET02` Table 1 (Default) Adverse Events by System Organ Class and Preferred Term Table 1
118 |
119 |
#' The `AET02` table provides an overview of the number of subjects experiencing adverse events and the number of advert
120 |
#' events categorized by Body System and Dictionary-Derived Term.
121 |
122 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
123 |
#' @export
124 |
125 |
#' @examples
126 |
#' run(aet02, syn_data)
127 |
aet02 <- chevron_t( |
128 |
main = aet02_main, |
129 |
preprocess = aet02_pre, |
130 |
postprocess = aet02_post |
131 |
1 |
# aet04 ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' @describeIn aet04 Main TLG function
4 |
5 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
6 |
#' @param grade_groups (`list`) putting in correspondence toxicity grades and labels.
7 |
8 |
#' @details
9 |
#' * Numbers represent absolute numbers of patients and fraction of `N`, or absolute number of event when specified.
10 |
#' * Remove zero-count rows unless overridden with `prune_0 = FALSE`.
11 |
#' * Events with missing grading values are excluded.
12 |
#' * Split columns by arm, typically `ACTARM`.
13 |
#' * Does not include a total column by default.
14 |
#' * Sort Body System or Organ Class and Dictionary-Derived Term by highest overall frequencies. Analysis Toxicity
15 |
#' Grade is sorted by severity.
16 |
17 |
#' @note
18 |
#' * `adam_db` object must contain an `adae` table with the columns `"AEBODSYS"`, `"AEDECOD"` and `"ATOXGR"`.
19 |
20 |
#' @export
21 |
22 |
aet04_main <- function(adam_db, |
23 |
arm_var = "ACTARM", |
24 |
lbl_overall = NULL, |
25 |
grade_groups = NULL, |
26 |
...) { |
27 | 1x |
assert_all_tablenames(adam_db, "adsl", "adae") |
28 | 1x |
assert_string(arm_var) |
29 | 1x |
assert_string(lbl_overall, null.ok = TRUE) |
30 | 1x |
assert_list(grade_groups, types = "character", null.ok = TRUE) |
31 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adsl, c("USUBJID", arm_var), types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
32 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adae, c(arm_var, "AEBODSYS", "AEDECOD"), types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
33 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adae, "USUBJID", empty_ok = TRUE, types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
34 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adae, "ATOXGR", na_ok = TRUE, types = list("factor")) |
35 | 1x |
assert_valid_var_pair(adam_db$adsl, adam_db$adae, arm_var) |
36 | ||
37 | 1x |
lbl_overall <- render_safe(lbl_overall) |
38 | 1x |
lbl_aebodsys <- var_labels_for(adam_db$adae, "AEBODSYS") |
39 | 1x |
lbl_aedecod <- var_labels_for(adam_db$adae, "AEDECOD") |
40 | ||
41 | 1x |
if (is.null(grade_groups)) { |
42 | 1x |
grade_groups <- list( |
43 | 1x |
"Grade 1-2" = c("1", "2"), |
44 | 1x |
"Grade 3-4" = c("3", "4"), |
45 | 1x |
"Grade 5" = c("5") |
46 |
47 |
48 | ||
49 | 1x |
lyt <- aet04_lyt( |
50 | 1x |
arm_var = arm_var, |
51 | 1x |
total_var = "TOTAL_VAR", |
52 | 1x |
lbl_overall = lbl_overall, |
53 | 1x |
lbl_aebodsys = lbl_aebodsys, |
54 | 1x |
lbl_aedecod = lbl_aedecod, |
55 | 1x |
grade_groups = grade_groups |
56 |
57 | ||
58 | 1x |
adam_db$adae$TOTAL_VAR <- "- Any adverse events - " |
59 | ||
60 | 1x |
tbl <- build_table(lyt, df = adam_db$adae, alt_counts_df = adam_db$adsl) |
61 | ||
62 | 1x |
63 |
64 | ||
65 |
#' `aet04` Layout
66 |
67 |
#' @inheritParams aet04_main
68 |
69 |
#' @param total_var (`string`) variable to create summary of all variables.
70 |
#' @param lbl_aebodsys (`string`) text label for `AEBODSYS`.
71 |
#' @param lbl_aedecod (`string`) text label for `AEDECOD`.
72 |
#' @param grade_groups (`list`) putting in correspondence toxicity grades and labels.
73 |
74 |
#' @keywords internal
75 |
76 |
aet04_lyt <- function(arm_var, |
77 |
78 |
79 |
80 |
81 |
grade_groups) { |
82 | 6x |
basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% |
83 | 6x |
split_cols_by(var = arm_var) %>% |
84 | 6x |
ifneeded_add_overall_col(lbl_overall) %>% |
85 | 6x |
split_rows_by( |
86 | 6x |
var = total_var, |
87 | 6x |
label_pos = "hidden", |
88 | 6x |
child_labels = "visible", |
89 | 6x |
indent_mod = -1L |
90 |
) %>% |
91 | 6x |
summarize_num_patients( |
92 | 6x |
var = "USUBJID", |
93 | 6x |
.stats = "unique", |
94 | 6x |
.labels = "- Any Grade -", |
95 | 6x |
.indent_mods = 7L |
96 |
) %>% |
97 | 6x |
count_occurrences_by_grade( |
98 | 6x |
var = "ATOXGR", |
99 | 6x |
grade_groups = grade_groups, |
100 | 6x |
.indent_mods = 6L |
101 |
) %>% |
102 | 6x |
split_rows_by( |
103 | 6x |
104 | 6x |
child_labels = "visible", |
105 | 6x |
nested = FALSE, |
106 | 6x |
split_fun = drop_split_levels, |
107 | 6x |
label_pos = "topleft", |
108 | 6x |
split_label = lbl_aebodsys |
109 |
) %>% |
110 | 6x |
split_rows_by( |
111 | 6x |
112 | 6x |
child_labels = "visible", |
113 | 6x |
split_fun = add_overall_level("- Overall -", trim = TRUE), |
114 | 6x |
label_pos = "topleft", |
115 | 6x |
split_label = lbl_aedecod |
116 |
) %>% |
117 | 6x |
summarize_num_patients( |
118 | 6x |
var = "USUBJID", |
119 | 6x |
.stats = "unique", |
120 | 6x |
.labels = "- Any Grade -", |
121 | 6x |
.indent_mods = 6L |
122 |
) %>% |
123 | 6x |
count_occurrences_by_grade( |
124 | 6x |
var = "ATOXGR", |
125 | 6x |
grade_groups = grade_groups, |
126 | 6x |
.indent_mods = 5L |
127 |
) %>% |
128 | 6x |
append_topleft(" Grade") |
129 |
130 | ||
131 |
#' @describeIn aet04 Preprocessing
132 |
133 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
134 |
135 |
#' @export
136 |
137 |
aet04_pre <- function(adam_db, ...) { |
138 | 1x |
atoxgr_lvls <- c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5") |
139 | 1x |
adam_db$adae <- adam_db$adae %>% |
140 | 1x |
filter(.data$ANL01FL == "Y") %>% |
141 | 1x |
mutate( |
142 | 1x |
AEBODSYS = reformat(.data$AEBODSYS, nocoding), |
143 | 1x |
AEDECOD = reformat(.data$AEDECOD, nocoding), |
144 | 1x |
ATOXGR = factor(.data$ATOXGR, levels = atoxgr_lvls) |
145 |
146 | 1x |
147 |
148 | ||
149 |
#' @describeIn aet04 Postprocessing
150 |
151 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
152 |
153 |
#' @export
154 |
155 |
aet04_post <- function(tlg, prune_0 = TRUE, ...) { |
156 | 1x |
tlg <- tlg %>% |
157 | 1x |
tlg_sort_by_vars(c("AEBODSYS", "AEDECOD"), score_all_sum, decreasing = TRUE) |
158 | 1x |
if (prune_0) tlg <- trim_rows(tlg) |
159 | 1x |
std_postprocess(tlg) |
160 |
161 | ||
162 |
#' `AET04` Table 1 (Default) Adverse Events by Highest `NCI` `CTACAE` `AE` Grade Table 1.
163 |
164 |
#' The `AET04` table provides an
165 |
#' overview of adverse event with the highest `NCI` `CTCAE` grade per individual.
166 |
167 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
168 |
#' @export
169 |
170 |
#' @examples
171 |
#' grade_groups <- list(
172 |
#' "Grade 1-2" = c("1", "2"),
173 |
#' "Grade 3-4" = c("3", "4"),
174 |
#' "Grade 5" = c("5")
175 |
#' )
176 |
#' proc_data <- dunlin::log_filter(syn_data, AEBODSYS == "cl A.1", "adae")
177 |
#' run(aet04, proc_data, grade_groups = grade_groups)
178 |
aet04 <- chevron_t( |
179 |
main = aet04_main, |
180 |
preprocess = aet04_pre, |
181 |
postprocess = aet04_post |
182 |
1 |
# lbt04 ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' @describeIn lbt04 Main TLG function
4 |
5 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
6 |
#' @param analysis_abn_var (`string`) column describing anomaly magnitude
7 |
#' @param baseline_abn_var (`string`) column describing anomaly at baseline.
8 |
9 |
#' @details
10 |
#' * Only count LOW or HIGH values.
11 |
#' * Lab test results with missing `analysis_abn_var` values are excluded.
12 |
#' * Split columns by arm, typically `ACTARM`.
13 |
#' * Does not include a total column by default.
14 |
15 |
#' @note
16 |
#' * `adam_db` object must contain an `adlb` table with columns `"PARCAT1"`, `"PARCAT2"`, `"PARAM"`, `"ANRIND"`,
17 |
#' and column specified by `arm_var`.
18 |
19 |
#' @export
20 |
21 |
lbt04_main <- function(adam_db, |
22 |
arm_var = "ACTARM", |
23 |
lbl_overall = NULL, |
24 |
analysis_abn_var = "ANRIND", |
25 |
baseline_abn_var = "BNRIND", |
26 |
row_split_var = "PARCAT1", |
27 |
page_var = tail(row_split_var, 1L), |
28 |
...) { |
29 | 2x |
assert_all_tablenames(adam_db, c("adsl", "adlb")) |
30 | 2x |
assert_string(arm_var) |
31 | 2x |
assert_string(lbl_overall, null.ok = TRUE) |
32 | 2x |
assert_string(analysis_abn_var) |
33 | 2x |
assert_string(baseline_abn_var) |
34 | 2x |
assert_string(row_split_var) |
35 | 2x |
assert_valid_variable( |
36 | 2x |
adam_db$adlb, c("PARAMCD", "PARAM", row_split_var), |
37 | 2x |
types = list("characater", "factor") |
38 |
39 | 2x |
assert_subset(page_var, row_split_var) |
40 | 2x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adlb, c("USUBJID"), types = list(c("character", "factor")), empty_ok = TRUE) |
41 | 2x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adsl, c("USUBJID"), types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
42 | 2x |
assert_valid_variable( |
43 | 2x |
adam_db$adlb, |
44 | 2x |
45 | 2x |
types = list(c("character", "factor")), |
46 | 2x |
na_ok = TRUE, empty_ok = TRUE, min_chars = 0L |
47 |
48 | 2x |
assert_valid_var_pair(adam_db$adsl, adam_db$adlb, arm_var) |
49 | ||
50 | 2x |
lbl_overall <- render_safe(lbl_overall) |
51 | 2x |
lbl_param <- var_labels_for(adam_db$adlb, "PARAM") |
52 | 2x |
lbl_abn_var <- var_labels_for(adam_db$adlb, analysis_abn_var) |
53 | 2x |
row_split_lbl <- var_labels_for(adam_db$adlb, row_split_var) |
54 | ||
55 | 2x |
lyt <- lbt04_lyt( |
56 | 2x |
arm_var = arm_var, |
57 | 2x |
lbl_overall = lbl_overall, |
58 | 2x |
lbl_param = lbl_param, |
59 | 2x |
lbl_abn_var = lbl_abn_var, |
60 | 2x |
var_parcat = "PARCAT1", |
61 | 2x |
var_param = "PARAM", |
62 | 2x |
row_split_var = row_split_var, |
63 | 2x |
row_split_lbl = row_split_lbl, |
64 | 2x |
analysis_abn_var = analysis_abn_var, |
65 | 2x |
variables = list(id = "USUBJID", baseline = baseline_abn_var), |
66 | 2x |
page_var = page_var |
67 |
68 | ||
69 | 2x |
tbl <- build_table(lyt, adam_db$adlb, alt_counts_df = adam_db$adsl) |
70 | ||
71 | 2x |
72 |
73 | ||
74 |
#' `lbt04` Layout
75 |
76 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
77 |
78 |
#' @param lbl_param (`string`) label of the `PARAM` variable.
79 |
#' @param lbl_abn_var (`string`) label of the `analysis_abn_var` variable.
80 |
#' @param variables (`list`) see [tern::count_abnormal]
81 |
82 |
#' @keywords internal
83 |
84 |
lbt04_lyt <- function(arm_var, |
85 |
86 |
87 |
88 |
89 |
90 |
91 |
92 |
93 |
94 |
page_var) { |
95 | 10x |
page_by <- get_page_by(page_var, row_split_var) |
96 | 10x |
label_pos <- ifelse(page_by, "hidden", "topleft") |
97 | ||
98 | 10x |
basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% |
99 | 10x |
split_cols_by(arm_var) %>% |
100 | 10x |
ifneeded_add_overall_col(lbl_overall) %>% |
101 | 10x |
split_rows_by_recurive( |
102 | 10x |
103 | 10x |
split_label = row_split_lbl, |
104 | 10x |
label_pos = label_pos, |
105 | 10x |
page_by = page_by |
106 |
) %>% |
107 | 10x |
split_rows_by( |
108 | 10x |
109 | 10x |
labels_var = "PARAM", |
110 | 10x |
split_fun = drop_split_levels, |
111 | 10x |
label_pos = "topleft", |
112 | 10x |
split_label = lbl_param, |
113 | 10x |
indent_mod = 0L |
114 |
) %>% |
115 | 10x |
count_abnormal( |
116 | 10x |
var = analysis_abn_var, |
117 | 10x |
abnormal = list(Low = c("LOW", "LOW LOW"), High = c("HIGH", "HIGH HIGH")), |
118 | 10x |
exclude_base_abn = TRUE, |
119 | 10x |
variables = variables, |
120 | 10x |
.formats = list(fraction = format_fraction_fixed_dp) |
121 |
) %>% |
122 | 10x |
append_topleft(paste(" ", lbl_abn_var)) |
123 |
124 | ||
125 |
#' @describeIn lbt04 Preprocessing
126 |
127 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
128 |
129 |
#' @export
130 |
131 |
lbt04_pre <- function(adam_db, ...) { |
132 | 1x |
adam_db$adlb <- adam_db$adlb %>% |
133 | 1x |
filter( |
134 | 1x |
.data$ONTRTFL == "Y", |
135 | 1x |
.data$PARCAT2 == "SI", |
136 | 1x |
!is.na(.data$ANRIND) |
137 |
) %>% |
138 | 1x |
mutate( |
139 | 1x |
PARAM = with_label(.data$PARAM, "Laboratory Test"), |
140 | 1x |
ANRIND = with_label(.data$ANRIND, "Direction of Abnormality") |
141 |
) %>% |
142 | 1x |
mutate( |
143 | 1x |
ANRIND = reformat( |
144 | 1x |
.data$ANRIND, |
145 | 1x |
rule( |
146 | 1x |
147 | 1x |
"HIGH" = "HIGH", |
148 | 1x |
"LOW" = "LOW", |
149 | 1x |
"LOW LOW" = "LOW LOW", |
150 | 1x |
151 |
152 | 1x |
.to_NA = NULL |
153 |
154 |
155 | ||
156 | 1x |
157 |
158 | ||
159 |
#' @describeIn lbt04 Postprocessing
160 |
161 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
162 |
163 |
#' @export
164 |
165 |
lbt04_post <- function(tlg, ...) { |
166 | 2x |
std_postprocess(tlg) |
167 |
168 | ||
169 |
#' `LBT04` Laboratory Abnormalities Not Present at Baseline Table.
170 |
171 |
#' The `LBT04` table provides an
172 |
#' overview of laboratory abnormalities not present at baseline.
173 |
174 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
175 |
#' @export
176 |
177 |
#' @examples
178 |
#' run(lbt04, syn_data)
179 |
lbt04 <- chevron_t( |
180 |
main = lbt04_main, |
181 |
preprocess = lbt04_pre, |
182 |
postprocess = lbt04_post |
183 |
1 |
# egt02_1 ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' @describeIn egt02_1 Main TLG function
4 |
5 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
6 |
#' @param exclude_base_abn (`flag`) whether baseline abnormality should be excluded.
7 |
8 |
#' @details
9 |
#' * Only count LOW or HIGH values.
10 |
#' * Results of "LOW LOW" are treated as the same as "LOW", and "HIGH HIGH" the same as "HIGH".
11 |
#' * Does not include a total column by default.
12 |
#' * Does not remove zero-count rows unless overridden with `prune_0 = TRUE`.
13 |
14 |
#' @note
15 |
#' * `adam_db` object must contain an `adeg` table with the `"PARAM"`, `"ANRIND"` and `"BNRIND"` columns.
16 |
17 |
#' @export
18 |
19 |
egt02_1_main <- function(adam_db, |
20 |
arm_var = "ACTARM", |
21 |
lbl_overall = NULL, |
22 |
exclude_base_abn = FALSE, |
23 |
...) { |
24 | 2x |
assert_all_tablenames(adam_db, c("adsl", "adeg")) |
25 | 2x |
assert_string(arm_var) |
26 | 2x |
assert_string(lbl_overall, null.ok = TRUE) |
27 | 2x |
assert_flag(exclude_base_abn) |
28 | 2x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adeg, c("PARAM"), types = list(c("character", "factor")), na_ok = FALSE) |
29 | 2x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adeg, c("ANRIND", "BNRIND"), types = list(c("character", "factor")), na_ok = TRUE) |
30 | 2x |
assert_valid_var_pair(adam_db$adsl, adam_db$adeg, arm_var) |
31 | 2x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adeg, "USUBJID", empty_ok = TRUE, types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
32 | 2x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adsl, c("USUBJID", arm_var), types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
33 | ||
34 | 2x |
lbl_overall <- render_safe(lbl_overall) |
35 | ||
36 | 2x |
lyt <- egt02_lyt( |
37 | 2x |
arm_var = arm_var, |
38 | 2x |
lbl_overall = lbl_overall, |
39 | 2x |
lbl_vs_assessment = "Assessment", |
40 | 2x |
lbl_vs_abnormality = "Abnormality", |
41 | 2x |
exclude_base_abn = exclude_base_abn |
42 |
43 | ||
44 | 2x |
tbl <- build_table(lyt, adam_db$adeg, alt_counts_df = adam_db$adsl) |
45 | ||
46 | 2x |
47 |
48 | ||
49 |
#' `egt02` Layout
50 |
51 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
52 |
#' @param lbl_vs_assessment (`string`) the label of the assessment variable.
53 |
#' @param lbl_vs_abnormality (`string`) the label of the abnormality variable.
54 |
#' @param exclude_base_abn (`flag`) whether to exclude subjects with baseline abnormality from numerator and
55 |
#' denominator.
56 |
57 |
#' @keywords internal
58 |
59 |
egt02_lyt <- function(arm_var = "ACTARM", |
60 |
61 |
lbl_vs_assessment = "Assessment", |
62 |
lbl_vs_abnormality = "Abnormality", |
63 |
exclude_base_abn) { |
64 | 4x |
basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% |
65 | 4x |
split_cols_by(var = arm_var) %>% |
66 | 4x |
ifneeded_add_overall_col(lbl_overall) %>% |
67 | 4x |
split_rows_by("PARAM", split_fun = drop_split_levels, label_pos = "topleft", split_label = lbl_vs_assessment) %>% |
68 | 4x |
count_abnormal( |
69 | 4x |
70 | 4x |
abnormal = list(Low = "LOW", High = "HIGH"), |
71 | 4x |
variables = list(id = "USUBJID", baseline = "BNRIND"), |
72 | 4x |
exclude_base_abn = exclude_base_abn |
73 |
) %>% |
74 | 4x |
append_topleft(paste0(" ", lbl_vs_abnormality)) |
75 |
76 | ||
77 |
#' @describeIn egt02_1 Preprocessing
78 |
79 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
80 |
81 |
#' @export
82 |
83 |
egt02_pre <- function(adam_db, ...) { |
84 | 2x |
assert_all_tablenames(adam_db, c("adsl", "adeg")) |
85 | 2x |
adam_db$adeg <- adam_db$adeg %>% |
86 | 2x |
mutate(ANRIND = factor(.data$ANRIND, levels = c("LOW", "NORMAL", "HIGH"))) %>% |
87 | 2x |
filter(!is.na(.data$ANRIND)) %>% |
88 | 2x |
filter(.data$ONTRTFL == "Y") |
89 | ||
90 | 2x |
91 |
92 | ||
93 |
#' @describeIn egt02_1 Postprocessing
94 |
95 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
96 |
97 |
#' @export
98 |
99 |
egt02_post <- function(tlg, ...) { |
100 | 2x |
std_postprocess(tlg) |
101 |
102 | ||
103 |
#' `EGT02` ECG Abnormalities Table.
104 |
105 |
#' ECG Parameters outside Normal Limits Regardless of Abnormality at Baseline Table.
106 |
107 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
108 |
#' @export
109 |
110 |
#' @examples
111 |
#' run(egt02_1, syn_data)
112 |
egt02_1 <- chevron_t( |
113 |
main = egt02_1_main, |
114 |
preprocess = egt02_pre, |
115 |
postprocess = egt02_post |
116 |
117 | ||
118 |
# egt02_2 ----
119 | ||
120 |
#' @describeIn egt02_2 Main TLG function
121 |
122 |
#' @inherit egt02_1_main
123 |
124 |
#' @export
125 |
126 |
egt02_2_main <- modify_default_args(egt02_1_main, exclude_base_abn = TRUE) |
127 | ||
128 |
#' `EGT02_2` ECG Abnormalities Table.
129 |
130 |
#' ECG Parameters outside Normal Limits Among Patients without Abnormality at Baseline Table.
131 |
132 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
133 |
#' @export
134 |
135 |
#' @examples
136 |
#' run(egt02_2, syn_data)
137 |
egt02_2 <- chevron_t( |
138 |
main = egt02_2_main, |
139 |
preprocess = egt02_pre, |
140 |
postprocess = egt02_post |
141 |
1 |
# lbt06 ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' @describeIn lbt06 Main TLG function
4 |
5 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
6 |
#' @param arm_var (`string`) the arm variable used for arm splitting.
7 |
8 |
#' @details
9 |
#' * Only count `"LOW"` or `"HIGH"` values for `ANRIND` and `BNRIND`.
10 |
#' * Lab test results with missing `ANRIND` values are excluded.
11 |
#' * Split columns by arm, typically `ACTARM`.
12 |
#' * Keep zero count rows by default.
13 |
14 |
#' @note
15 |
#' * `adam_db` object must contain an `adlb` table with columns `"AVISIT"`, `"ANRIND"`, `"BNRIND"`,
16 |
#' `"ONTRTFL"`, and `"PARCAT2"`, and column specified by `arm_var`.
17 |
18 |
#' @export
19 |
20 |
lbt06_main <- function(adam_db, |
21 |
arm_var = "ACTARM", |
22 |
lbl_overall = NULL, |
23 |
page_var = "PARAMCD", |
24 |
...) { |
25 | 2x |
assert_all_tablenames(adam_db, c("adsl", "adlb")) |
26 | 2x |
assert_string(arm_var) |
27 | 2x |
assert_string(lbl_overall, null.ok = TRUE) |
28 | 2x |
assert_subset(page_var, "PARAMCD") |
29 | 2x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adlb, c(arm_var, "PARAMCD", "PARAM", "AVISIT"), types = list("characater", "factor")) |
30 | 2x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adlb, c("ANRIND", "BNRIND"), types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
31 | 2x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adlb, c("USUBJID"), types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
32 | 2x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adsl, c("USUBJID"), types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
33 | 2x |
assert_valid_var_pair(adam_db$adsl, adam_db$adlb, arm_var) |
34 | ||
35 | 2x |
lbl_overall <- render_safe(lbl_overall) |
36 | 2x |
lbl_param <- var_labels_for(adam_db$adlb, "PARAM") |
37 | 2x |
lbl_visit <- var_labels_for(adam_db$adlb, "AVISIT") |
38 | 2x |
lbl_anrind <- var_labels_for(adam_db$adlb, "ANRIND") |
39 | 2x |
lbl_bnrind <- var_labels_for(adam_db$adlb, "BNRIND") |
40 | ||
41 | 2x |
lyt <- lbt06_lyt( |
42 | 2x |
arm_var = arm_var, |
43 | 2x |
lbl_overall = lbl_overall, |
44 | 2x |
lbl_param = lbl_param, |
45 | 2x |
lbl_visit = lbl_visit, |
46 | 2x |
lbl_anrind = lbl_anrind, |
47 | 2x |
lbl_bnrind = lbl_bnrind, |
48 | 2x |
visitvar = "AVISIT", |
49 | 2x |
anrind_var = "ANRIND", |
50 | 2x |
bnrind_var = "BNRIND", |
51 | 2x |
page_var = page_var |
52 |
53 | ||
54 | 2x |
tbl <- build_table(lyt, adam_db$adlb, alt_counts_df = adam_db$adsl) |
55 | ||
56 | 2x |
57 |
58 | ||
59 |
#' `lbt06` Layout
60 |
61 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
62 |
63 |
#' @param lbl_param (`string`) text label of the `PARAM` variable.
64 |
#' @param lbl_visit (`string`) text label of the `AVISIT` variable.
65 |
#' @param lbl_anrind (`string`) text label of the `ANRIND` variable.
66 |
#' @param lbl_bnrind (`string`) text label of the `BNRIND` variable.
67 |
#' @param param (`string`) the variable for parameter code.
68 |
#' @param anrind_var (`string`) the variable for analysis reference range indicator.
69 |
#' @param bnrind_var (`string`) the variable for baseline reference range indicator.
70 |
71 |
#' @keywords internal
72 |
73 |
lbt06_lyt <- function(arm_var, |
74 |
75 |
76 |
77 |
78 |
79 |
80 |
81 |
82 |
page_var) { |
83 | 2x |
page_by <- !is.null(page_var) |
84 | 2x |
label_pos <- ifelse(page_by, "hidden", "topleft") |
85 | 2x |
basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% |
86 | 2x |
split_cols_by(arm_var) %>% |
87 | 2x |
ifneeded_add_overall_col(lbl_overall) %>% |
88 | 2x |
split_rows_by( |
89 | 2x |
var = "PARAMCD", |
90 | 2x |
labels_var = "PARAM", |
91 | 2x |
split_fun = drop_split_levels, |
92 | 2x |
label_pos = label_pos, |
93 | 2x |
split_label = lbl_param, |
94 | 2x |
page_by = page_by |
95 |
) %>% |
96 | 2x |
split_rows_by( |
97 | 2x |
var = visitvar, |
98 | 2x |
split_fun = drop_split_levels, |
99 | 2x |
label_pos = "topleft", |
100 | 2x |
split_label = lbl_visit |
101 |
) %>% |
102 | 2x |
count_abnormal_by_baseline( |
103 | 2x |
var = anrind_var, |
104 | 2x |
abnormal = c(Low = "LOW", High = "HIGH"), |
105 | 2x |
variables = list(id = "USUBJID", baseline = bnrind_var), |
106 | 2x |
.indent_mods = 4L |
107 |
) %>% |
108 | 2x |
append_topleft(paste0(stringr::str_dup(" ", 2L * (2 - page_by)), lbl_anrind)) %>% |
109 | 2x |
append_topleft(paste0(stringr::str_dup(" ", 2L * (7 - page_by)), lbl_bnrind)) |
110 |
111 | ||
112 |
#' @describeIn lbt06 Preprocessing
113 |
114 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
115 |
116 |
#' @export
117 |
118 |
lbt06_pre <- function(adam_db, ...) { |
119 | 3x |
missing_rule <- rule("<Missing>" = c("", NA, "<Missing>")) |
120 | ||
121 | 3x |
adam_db$adlb <- adam_db$adlb %>% |
122 | 3x |
filter( |
123 | 3x |
.data$ONTRTFL == "Y", |
124 | 3x |
.data$PARCAT2 == "SI" |
125 |
) %>% |
126 | 3x |
mutate( |
127 | 3x |
across(all_of(c("ANRIND", "BNRIND")), ~ reformat(.x, .env$missing_rule)), |
128 | 3x |
AVISIT = reorder(.data$AVISIT, .data$AVISITN), |
129 | 3x |
AVISIT = with_label(.data$AVISIT, "Visit"), |
130 | 3x |
ANRIND = with_label(.data$ANRIND, "Abnormality at Visit"), |
131 | 3x |
BNRIND = with_label(.data$BNRIND, "Baseline Status") |
132 |
133 | ||
134 | 2x |
135 |
136 | ||
137 |
#' @describeIn lbt06 Postprocessing
138 |
139 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
140 |
141 |
#' @export
142 |
143 |
lbt06_post <- function(tlg, prune_0 = FALSE, ...) { |
144 | ! |
if (prune_0) { |
145 | ! |
tlg <- smart_prune(tlg) |
146 |
147 | ! |
std_postprocess(tlg) |
148 |
149 | ||
150 |
#' `LBT06` Table 1 (Default) Laboratory Abnormalities by Visit and Baseline Status Table 1.
151 |
152 |
#' The `LBT06` table produces the standard laboratory abnormalities by visit and
153 |
#' baseline status summary.
154 |
155 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
156 |
#' @export
157 |
158 |
#' @examples
159 |
#' run(lbt06, syn_data)
160 |
lbt06 <- chevron_t( |
161 |
main = lbt06_main, |
162 |
preprocess = lbt06_pre, |
163 |
postprocess = lbt06_post |
164 |
1 |
# aet01 ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' @describeIn aet01 Main TLG function
4 |
5 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
6 |
#' @param anl_vars Named (`list`) of (`character`) variables the safety variables to be summarized.
7 |
#' @param anl_lbls (`character`) of analysis labels.
8 |
9 |
#' @details
10 |
#' * Does not remove rows with zero counts by default.
11 |
12 |
#' @note
13 |
#' * `adam_db` object must contain an `adsl` table with the `"DTHFL"` and `"DCSREAS"` columns.
14 |
#' * `adam_db` object must contain an `adae` table with the columns passed to `anl_vars`.
15 |
16 |
#' @export
17 |
18 |
aet01_main <- function(adam_db, |
19 |
arm_var = "ACTARM", |
20 |
lbl_overall = NULL, |
21 |
anl_vars = list( |
22 |
safety_var = c( |
23 |
24 |
"RELSER", "WD", "DSM", "REL", "RELWD", "RELDSM", "SEV" |
25 |
26 |
27 |
anl_lbls = "Total number of {patient_label} with at least one", |
28 |
...) { |
29 | 1x |
assert_all_tablenames(adam_db, "adsl", "adae") |
30 | 1x |
assert_string(arm_var) |
31 | 1x |
assert_string(lbl_overall, null.ok = TRUE) |
32 | 1x |
assert_list(anl_vars, types = "character", names = "unique") |
33 | 1x |
assert_character(anl_lbls, min.chars = 1L) |
34 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adsl, c("USUBJID", arm_var), types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
35 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adsl, c("DTHFL", "DCSREAS"), types = list(c("character", "factor")), min_chars = 0L) |
36 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adae, c(arm_var), types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
37 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adae, "USUBJID", empty_ok = TRUE, types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
38 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adae, unlist(anl_vars), types = list("logical"), na_ok = TRUE, empty_ok = TRUE) |
39 | 1x |
assert_valid_var_pair(adam_db$adsl, adam_db$adae, arm_var) |
40 | ||
41 | 1x |
lbl_overall <- render_safe(lbl_overall) |
42 | 1x |
anl_lbls <- render_safe(anl_lbls) |
43 | 1x |
if (length(anl_lbls) == 1) { |
44 | 1x |
anl_lbls <- rep(anl_lbls, length(anl_vars)) |
45 |
46 | 1x |
lbl_vars <- lapply( |
47 | 1x |
48 | 1x |
49 | 1x |
df = adam_db$adae |
50 |
51 | ||
52 | 1x |
lyts <- aet01_lyt( |
53 | 1x |
arm_var = arm_var, |
54 | 1x |
lbl_overall = lbl_overall, |
55 | 1x |
anl_vars = anl_vars, |
56 | 1x |
anl_lbls = anl_lbls, |
57 | 1x |
lbl_vars = lbl_vars |
58 |
59 | ||
60 | 1x |
rbind( |
61 | 1x |
build_table(lyts$ae1, adam_db$adae, alt_counts_df = adam_db$adsl), |
62 | 1x |
build_table(lyts$adsl, adam_db$adsl, alt_counts_df = adam_db$adsl), |
63 | 1x |
build_table(lyts$ae2, adam_db$adae, alt_counts_df = adam_db$adsl) |
64 |
65 |
66 | ||
67 |
#' `aet01` Layout
68 |
69 |
#' @inheritParams aet01_main
70 |
#' @param anl_vars Named (`list`) of analysis variables.
71 |
#' @param anl_lbls (`character`) of labels.
72 |
#' @param lbl_vars Named (`list`) of analysis labels.
73 |
#' @keywords internal
74 |
75 |
aet01_lyt <- function(arm_var, |
76 |
77 |
78 |
79 |
lbl_vars) { |
80 | 6x |
lyt_base <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% |
81 | 6x |
split_cols_by(var = arm_var) %>% |
82 | 6x |
ifneeded_add_overall_col(lbl_overall) |
83 | 6x |
lyt_ae1 <- lyt_base %>% |
84 | 6x |
analyze_num_patients( |
85 | 6x |
vars = "USUBJID", |
86 | 6x |
.stats = c("unique", "nonunique"), |
87 | 6x |
.labels = c( |
88 | 6x |
unique = render_safe("Total number of {patient_label} with at least one AE"), |
89 | 6x |
nonunique = "Total number of AEs" |
90 |
91 | 6x |
.formats = list(unique = format_count_fraction_fixed_dp, nonunique = "xx"), |
92 | 6x |
show_labels = "hidden" |
93 |
94 | 6x |
lyt_adsl <- lyt_base %>% |
95 | 6x |
count_patients_with_event( |
96 | 6x |
97 | 6x |
filters = c("DTHFL" = "Y"), |
98 | 6x |
denom = "N_col", |
99 | 6x |
.labels = c(count_fraction = "Total number of deaths"), |
100 | 6x |
table_names = "TotDeath" |
101 |
) %>% |
102 | 6x |
count_patients_with_event( |
103 | 6x |
104 | 6x |
filters = c("DCSREAS" = "ADVERSE EVENT"), |
105 | 6x |
denom = "N_col", |
106 | 6x |
.labels = c(count_fraction = render_safe("Total number of {patient_label} withdrawn from study due to an AE")), |
107 | 6x |
table_names = "TotWithdrawal" |
108 |
109 | ||
110 | 6x |
lyt_ae2 <- lyt_base %>% |
111 | 6x |
count_patients_recursive( |
112 | 6x |
anl_vars = anl_vars, |
113 | 6x |
anl_lbls = anl_lbls, |
114 | 6x |
lbl_vars = lbl_vars |
115 |
116 | 6x |
return(list(ae1 = lyt_ae1, ae2 = lyt_ae2, adsl = lyt_adsl)) |
117 |
118 | ||
119 |
#' @describeIn aet01 Preprocessing
120 |
121 |
#' @inheritParams aet01_main
122 |
123 |
#' @export
124 |
125 |
aet01_pre <- function(adam_db, ...) { |
126 | 1x |
adam_db$adae <- adam_db$adae %>% |
127 | 1x |
filter(.data$ANL01FL == "Y") %>% |
128 | 1x |
mutate( |
129 | 1x |
FATAL = with_label(.data$AESDTH == "Y", "AE with fatal outcome"), |
130 | 1x |
SER = with_label(.data$AESER == "Y", "Serious AE"), |
131 | 1x |
SEV = with_label(.data$ASEV == "SEVERE", "Severe AE (at greatest intensity)"), |
132 | 1x |
REL = with_label(.data$AREL == "Y", "Related AE"), |
133 | 1x |
WD = with_label(.data$AEACN == "DRUG WITHDRAWN", "AE leading to withdrawal from treatment"), |
134 | 1x |
DSM = with_label( |
135 | 1x |
136 | 1x |
"AE leading to dose modification/interruption"
137 |
138 | 1x |
SERWD = with_label(.data$SER & .data$WD, "Serious AE leading to withdrawal from treatment"), |
139 | 1x |
SERDSM = with_label(.data$SER & .data$DSM, "Serious AE leading to dose modification/interruption"), |
140 | 1x |
RELSER = with_label(.data$SER & .data$REL, "Related Serious AE"), |
141 | 1x |
RELWD = with_label(.data$REL & .data$WD, "Related AE leading to withdrawal from treatment"), |
142 | 1x |
RELDSM = with_label(.data$REL & .data$DSM, "Related AE leading to dose modification/interruption"), |
143 | 1x |
CTC35 = with_label(.data$ATOXGR %in% c("3", "4", "5"), "Grade 3-5 AE"), |
144 | 1x |
CTC45 = with_label(.data$ATOXGR %in% c("4", "5"), "Grade 4/5 AE") |
145 |
146 | ||
147 | 1x |
adam_db$adsl <- adam_db$adsl %>% |
148 | 1x |
mutate(DCSREAS = reformat(.data$DCSREAS, missing_rule)) |
149 | ||
150 | 1x |
151 |
152 | ||
153 |
#' @describeIn aet01 Postprocessing
154 |
155 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
156 |
157 |
#' @export
158 |
159 |
aet01_post <- function(tlg, prune_0 = FALSE, ...) { |
160 | 1x |
if (prune_0) { |
161 | ! |
tlg <- smart_prune(tlg) |
162 |
163 | 1x |
std_postprocess(tlg) |
164 |
165 | ||
166 |
#' `AET01` Table 1 (Default) Overview of Deaths and Adverse Events Summary Table 1.
167 |
168 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
169 |
#' @export
170 |
171 |
#' @examples
172 |
#' run(aet01, syn_data, arm_var = "ARM")
173 |
aet01 <- chevron_t( |
174 |
main = aet01_main, |
175 |
preprocess = aet01_pre, |
176 |
postprocess = aet01_post |
177 |
1 |
# egt05_qtcat ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' @describeIn egt05_qtcat Main TLG function
4 |
5 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
6 |
#' @param summaryvars (`character`) variables to be analyzed. The label attribute of the corresponding column in `adeg`
7 |
#' table of `adam_db` is used as name.
8 |
9 |
#' @details
10 |
#' * The `Value at Visit` column, displays the categories of the specific `"PARAMCD"` value for patients.
11 |
#' * The `Change from Baseline` column, displays the categories of the specific `"PARAMCD"` value
12 |
#' change from baseline for patients.
13 |
#' * Remove zero-count rows unless overridden with `prune_0 = FALSE`.
14 |
#' * Split columns by arm, typically `"ACTARM"`.
15 |
#' * Does not include a total column by default.
16 |
#' * Sorted based on factor level; by chronological time point given by `"AVISIT"`
17 |
#' or user-defined visit incorporating `"ATPT"`.
18 |
#' Re-level to customize order.
19 |
#' * Please note that it is preferable to convert `summaryvars` to factor.
20 |
21 |
#' @note
22 |
#' * `adam_db` object must contain an `adeg` table with column specified in `visitvar`.
23 |
#' For `summaryvars`, please make sure `AVALCAT1` and `CHGCAT1` columns existed in input data sets.
24 |
25 |
#' @export
26 |
27 |
egt05_qtcat_main <- function(adam_db, |
28 |
arm_var = "ACTARM", |
29 |
lbl_overall = NULL, |
30 |
summaryvars = c("AVALCAT1", "CHGCAT1"), |
31 |
row_split_var = NULL, |
32 |
visitvar = "AVISIT", |
33 |
page_var = NULL, |
34 |
...) { |
35 | 1x |
assert_all_tablenames(adam_db, c("adsl", "adeg")) |
36 | 1x |
assert_string(arm_var) |
37 | 1x |
assert_string(lbl_overall, null.ok = TRUE) |
38 | 1x |
assert_character(summaryvars) |
39 | 1x |
assert_character(row_split_var, null.ok = TRUE) |
40 | 1x |
assert_string(visitvar) |
41 | 1x |
assert_string(page_var, null.ok = TRUE) |
42 | 1x |
assert_valid_var_pair(adam_db$adsl, adam_db$adeg, arm_var) |
43 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adeg, "USUBJID", empty_ok = TRUE, types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
44 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adsl, c("USUBJID", arm_var), types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
45 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adeg, c("PARAM", "PARAMCD"), types = list(c("character", "factor")), na_ok = FALSE) |
46 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adeg, visitvar, types = list("character", "factor")) |
47 | 1x |
assert_disjunct(row_split_var, c("PARAMCD", "PARAM", visitvar)) |
48 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adeg, summaryvars, types = list(c("factor", "character")), na_ok = TRUE) |
49 | 1x |
assert_subset(page_var, c(row_split_var, "PARAMCD")) |
50 | ||
51 | 1x |
lbl_overall <- render_safe(lbl_overall) |
52 | 1x |
lbl_avisit <- var_labels_for(adam_db$adeg, visitvar) |
53 | 1x |
lbl_param <- var_labels_for(adam_db$adeg, "PARAM") |
54 | 1x |
summaryvars_lbls <- var_labels_for(adam_db$adeg, summaryvars) # Value at visit / change from baseline |
55 | 1x |
row_split_lbl <- var_labels_for(adam_db$adeg, row_split_var) |
56 | ||
57 | 1x |
lyt <- egt05_qtcat_lyt( |
58 | 1x |
arm_var = arm_var, |
59 | 1x |
lbl_overall = lbl_overall, |
60 | 1x |
lbl_avisit = lbl_avisit, |
61 | 1x |
lbl_param = lbl_param, |
62 | 1x |
lbl_cat = "Category", |
63 | 1x |
summaryvars = summaryvars, |
64 | 1x |
summaryvars_lbls = summaryvars_lbls, |
65 | 1x |
row_split_var = row_split_var, |
66 | 1x |
row_split_lbl = row_split_lbl, |
67 | 1x |
visitvar = visitvar, |
68 | 1x |
page_var = page_var |
69 |
70 | ||
71 | 1x |
build_table( |
72 | 1x |
73 | 1x |
df = adam_db$adeg, |
74 | 1x |
alt_counts_df = adam_db$adsl |
75 |
76 |
77 | ||
78 |
#' `EGT05_QTCAT` Layout
79 |
80 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
81 |
82 |
#' @param lbl_avisit (`string`) label of the `visitvar` variable.
83 |
#' @param lbl_param (`string`) label of the `PARAM` variable.
84 |
#' @param lbl_cat (`string`) label of the Category of `summaryvars` variable. Default as `Category`.
85 |
#' @param summaryvars (`character`) the variables to be analyzed. `AVALCAT1` and `CHGCAT1` by default.
86 |
#' @param summaryvars_lbls (`character`) the label of the variables to be analyzed.
87 |
#' @param visitvar (`string`) typically `"AVISIT"` or user-defined visit incorporating `"ATPT"`.
88 |
89 |
#' @keywords internal
90 |
91 |
egt05_qtcat_lyt <- function(arm_var, |
92 |
93 |
94 |
95 |
96 |
97 |
98 |
99 |
100 |
101 |
page_var) { |
102 | 3x |
page_by <- get_page_by(page_var, c(row_split_var, "PARAMCD")) |
103 | 3x |
label_pos <- ifelse(page_by, "hidden", "topleft") |
104 | 3x |
basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% |
105 | 3x |
split_cols_by(arm_var) %>% |
106 | 3x |
ifneeded_add_overall_col(lbl_overall) %>% |
107 | 3x |
split_rows_by_recurive( |
108 | 3x |
109 | 3x |
split_label = row_split_lbl, |
110 | 3x |
label_pos = head(label_pos, -1L), page_by = head(page_by, -1L) |
111 |
) %>% |
112 | 3x |
split_rows_by( |
113 | 3x |
var = "PARAMCD", |
114 | 3x |
labels_var = "PARAM", |
115 | 3x |
split_fun = drop_split_levels, |
116 | 3x |
label_pos = tail(label_pos, 1L), |
117 | 3x |
split_label = lbl_param, |
118 | 3x |
page_by = tail(page_by, 1L) |
119 |
) %>% |
120 | 3x |
split_rows_by( |
121 | 3x |
122 | 3x |
split_fun = drop_split_levels, |
123 | 3x |
split_label = lbl_avisit, |
124 | 3x |
label_pos = "topleft" |
125 |
) %>% |
126 | 3x |
summarize_vars_allow_na( |
127 | 3x |
vars = summaryvars, |
128 | 3x |
var_labels = summaryvars_lbls, |
129 | 3x |
inclNAs = FALSE |
130 |
) %>% |
131 | 3x |
append_topleft(paste0(stringr::str_dup(" ", sum(!page_by) * 2 + 2), lbl_cat)) |
132 |
133 | ||
134 |
#' @describeIn egt05_qtcat Preprocessing
135 |
136 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
137 |
138 |
#' @export
139 |
140 |
egt05_qtcat_pre <- function(adam_db, ...) { |
141 | 1x |
adam_db$adeg <- adam_db$adeg %>% |
142 | 1x |
filter(.data$ANL01FL == "Y") %>% |
143 | 1x |
mutate( |
144 | 1x |
AVALCAT1 = reformat(.data$AVALCAT1, empty_rule), |
145 | 1x |
CHGCAT1 = reformat(.data$CHGCAT1, empty_rule), |
146 | 1x |
AVISIT = reorder(.data$AVISIT, .data$AVISITN), |
147 | 1x |
AVISIT = with_label(.data$AVISIT, "Analysis Visit") |
148 |
149 | 1x |
150 |
151 | ||
152 |
#' @describeIn egt05_qtcat Postprocessing
153 |
154 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
155 |
156 |
#' @export
157 |
158 |
egt05_qtcat_post <- function(tlg, prune_0 = TRUE, ...) { |
159 | 1x |
if (prune_0) tlg <- smart_prune(tlg) |
160 | 1x |
std_postprocess(tlg) |
161 |
162 | ||
163 |
#' `EGT05_QTCAT` ECG Actual Values and Changes from Baseline by Visit Table.
164 |
165 |
#' The `EGT05_QTCAT` table summarizes several electrocardiogram parameters and their evolution
166 |
#' throughout the study.
167 |
168 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
169 |
#' @export
170 |
171 |
#' @examples
172 |
#' run(egt05_qtcat, syn_data)
173 |
egt05_qtcat <- chevron_t( |
174 |
main = egt05_qtcat_main, |
175 |
preprocess = egt05_qtcat_pre, |
176 |
postprocess = egt05_qtcat_post |
177 |
1 |
# aet05 ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' @describeIn aet05 Main TLG function
4 |
5 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
6 |
#' @param arm_var (`string`) the arm variable used for arm splitting.
7 |
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to `tern::control_incidence_rate()`.
8 |
9 |
#' @details
10 |
#' * Total patient-years at risk is the sum over all patients of the time intervals (in years).
11 |
#' * Split columns by arm, typically `ACTARM`.
12 |
#' * Split rows by parameter code.
13 |
#' * `AVAL` is patient-years at risk.
14 |
#' * `n_events` is the number of adverse events observed.
15 |
#' * The table allows confidence level to be adjusted, default is 95%.
16 |
#' * Keep zero count rows by default.
17 |
18 |
#' @note
19 |
#' * `adam_db` object must contain an `adaette` table with the columns `"PARAMCD"`, `"PARAM"`, `"AVAL"`, and `"CNSR"`.
20 |
21 |
#' @export
22 |
23 |
aet05_main <- function(adam_db, |
24 |
arm_var = "ACTARM", |
25 |
lbl_overall = NULL, |
26 |
...) { |
27 | 2x |
assert_all_tablenames(adam_db, c("adsl", "adaette")) |
28 | 2x |
assert_string(arm_var) |
29 | 2x |
assert_string(lbl_overall, null.ok = TRUE) |
30 | 2x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adsl, c("USUBJID", arm_var), types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
31 | 2x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adaette, c("USUBJID", arm_var, "PARAMCD", "PARAM"), |
32 | 2x |
types = list(c("character", "factor")) |
33 |
34 | 2x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adaette, "AVAL", types = list("numeric"), lower = 0, na_ok = TRUE) |
35 | 2x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adaette, "n_events", types = list("numeric"), integerish = TRUE, lower = 0L) |
36 | 2x |
assert_valid_var_pair(adam_db$adsl, adam_db$adaette, arm_var) |
37 | ||
38 | 2x |
lbl_overall <- render_safe(lbl_overall) |
39 | 2x |
control <- execute_with_args(control_incidence_rate, ...) |
40 | ||
41 | 2x |
lyt <- aet05_lyt( |
42 | 2x |
arm_var = arm_var, |
43 | 2x |
lbl_overall = lbl_overall, |
44 | 2x |
param_label = "PARAM", |
45 | 2x |
vars = "AVAL", |
46 | 2x |
n_events = "n_events", |
47 | 2x |
control = control |
48 |
49 | ||
50 | 2x |
tbl <- build_table(lyt, adam_db$adaette, alt_counts_df = adam_db$adsl) |
51 | ||
52 | 2x |
53 |
54 | ||
55 |
#' `aet05` Layout
56 |
57 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
58 |
#' @param param_label (`string`) variable for parameter code.
59 |
#' @param vars (`string`) variable for the primary analysis variable to be iterated over.
60 |
#' @param n_events (`string`) variable to count the number of events observed.
61 |
#' @param control (`list`) parameters for estimation details, specified by using the helper function
62 |
#' control_incidence_rate().
63 |
64 |
#' @keywords internal
65 |
66 |
aet05_lyt <- function(arm_var, |
67 |
68 |
69 |
70 |
71 |
control) { |
72 | 6x |
lyt <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% |
73 | 6x |
split_cols_by(arm_var) %>% |
74 | 6x |
ifneeded_add_overall_col(lbl_overall) %>% |
75 | 6x |
split_rows_by(param_label, split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>% |
76 | 6x |
estimate_incidence_rate( |
77 | 6x |
vars = vars, |
78 | 6x |
n_events = n_events, |
79 | 6x |
control = control |
80 |
81 |
82 | ||
83 |
#' @describeIn aet05 Preprocessing
84 |
85 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
86 |
87 |
#' @export
88 |
89 |
aet05_pre <- function(adam_db, ...) { |
90 | 1x |
adam_db$adaette <- adam_db$adaette %>% |
91 | 1x |
filter(grepl("AETTE", .data$PARAMCD)) %>% |
92 | 1x |
mutate( |
93 | 1x |
n_events = as.integer(.data$CNSR == 0) |
94 |
95 | ||
96 | 1x |
97 |
98 | ||
99 |
#' @describeIn aet05 Postprocessing
100 |
101 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
102 |
103 |
#' @export
104 |
105 |
aet05_post <- function(tlg, prune_0 = FALSE, ...) { |
106 | 2x |
if (prune_0) { |
107 | ! |
tlg <- smart_prune(tlg) |
108 |
109 | 2x |
std_postprocess(tlg) |
110 |
111 | ||
112 |
#' `AET05` Table 1 (Default) Adverse Event Rate Adjusted for Patient-Years at Risk - First Occurrence.
113 |
114 |
#' The `AET05` table produces the standard adverse event rate adjusted for patient-years at risk summary
115 |
#' considering first occurrence.
116 |
117 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
118 |
#' @export
119 |
120 |
#' @examples
121 |
#' library(dplyr)
122 |
#' library(dunlin)
123 |
124 |
#' proc_data <- log_filter(syn_data, PARAMCD == "AETTE1", "adaette")
125 |
126 |
#' run(aet05, proc_data)
127 |
128 |
#' run(aet05, proc_data, conf_level = 0.90, conf_type = "exact")
129 |
aet05 <- chevron_t( |
130 |
main = aet05_main, |
131 |
preprocess = aet05_pre, |
132 |
postprocess = aet05_post, |
133 |
adam_datasets = c("adsl", "adaette") |
134 |
1 |
# mng01 ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' @describeIn mng01 Main TLG Function
4 |
5 |
#' @details
6 |
#' * No overall value.
7 |
#' * Preprocessing filters for `ANL01FL` in the selected data set.
8 |
9 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
10 |
#' @param dataset (`string`) the name of a table in the `adam_db` object.
11 |
#' @param x_var (`string`) the name of a column in the `dataset` to represent on the x-axis.
12 |
#' @param y_var (`string`) the name of the variable to be represented on the y-axis.
13 |
#' @param y_name (`string`) the variable name for `y`. Used for plot's subtitle.
14 |
#' @param y_unit (`string`) the name of the variable with the units of `y`. Used for plot's subtitle. if `NULL`, only
15 |
#' `y_name` is displayed as subtitle.
16 |
#' @param center_fun (`string`) the function to compute the estimate value.
17 |
#' @param interval_fun (`string`) the function defining the crossbar range.
18 |
#' @param show_table (`flag`) should the summary statistic table be displayed.
19 |
#' @param show_n (`flag`) should the number of observation be displayed int the table.
20 |
#' @param jitter (`numeric`) the width of spread for data points on the x-axis; a number from 0 (no `jitter`) to 1 (high
21 |
#' `jitter`), with a default of 0.3 (slight `jitter`).
22 |
#' @param show_h_grid (`flag`) should horizontal grid be displayed.
23 |
#' @param show_v_grid (`flag`) should vertical grid be displayed.
24 |
#' @param legend_pos (`string`) the position of the legend.
25 |
#' @param line_col (`character`) describing the colors to use for the lines or a named `character` associating values of
26 |
#' `arm_var` with color names.
27 |
28 |
#' @note
29 |
#' * `adam_db` object must contain the table specified by `dataset` with the columns specified by `x_var`, `y_var`,
30 |
#' `y_name`, `y_unit` and `arm_var`.
31 |
32 |
#' @return a list of `ggplot` objects.
33 |
34 |
#' @export
35 |
36 |
mng01_main <- function(adam_db, |
37 |
dataset = "adlb", |
38 |
x_var = "AVISIT", |
39 |
y_var = "AVAL", |
40 |
y_name = "PARAM", |
41 |
y_unit = NULL, |
42 |
arm_var = "ACTARM", |
43 |
center_fun = "mean", |
44 |
interval_fun = "mean_ci", |
45 |
show_table = TRUE, |
46 |
jitter = 0.3, |
47 |
show_n = TRUE, |
48 |
show_h_grid = TRUE, |
49 |
show_v_grid = FALSE, |
50 |
legend_pos = "top", |
51 |
line_col = nestcolor::color_palette(), |
52 |
...) { |
53 | 3x |
assert_all_tablenames(adam_db, c(dataset, "adsl")) |
54 | 3x |
assert_character(x_var) |
55 | 3x |
assert_string(y_var) |
56 | 3x |
assert_string(y_name) |
57 | 3x |
assert_string(y_unit, null.ok = TRUE) |
58 | 3x |
assert_string(arm_var) |
59 | 3x |
assert_string(center_fun) |
60 | 3x |
assert_string(interval_fun) |
61 | 3x |
assert_names(center_fun, subset.of = c("mean", "median")) |
62 | 3x |
assert_choice(interval_fun, c("mean_ci", "mean_sei", "mean_sdi", "median_ci", "quantiles", "range")) |
63 | 3x |
assert_flag(show_table) |
64 | 3x |
assert_number(jitter, lower = 0, upper = 1) |
65 | 3x |
assert_flag(show_n) |
66 | 3x |
assert_flag(show_h_grid) |
67 | 3x |
assert_flag(show_v_grid) |
68 | 3x |
assert_choice(legend_pos, c("top", "bottom", "right", "left")) |
69 | 3x |
assert_character(line_col, null.ok = TRUE) |
70 | 3x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db[[dataset]], x_var) |
71 | 3x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db[[dataset]], y_var, types = list(c("numeric"))) |
72 | 3x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db[[dataset]], y_unit, types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
73 | 3x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db[[dataset]], arm_var, types = list(c("character", "factor")), na_ok = FALSE) |
74 | 3x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adsl, c("USUBJID", arm_var), types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
75 | 3x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db[[dataset]], "USUBJID", types = list(c("character", "factor")), empty_ok = TRUE) |
76 | 3x |
assert_valid_var_pair(adam_db$adsl, adam_db[[dataset]], arm_var) |
77 | ||
78 | 3x |
df <- adam_db[[dataset]] |
79 | 3x |
line_col <- unlist(line_col) |
80 | ||
81 | 3x |
data_ls <- split(df, df$PARAM, drop = TRUE) |
82 | 3x |
x_var <- paste(x_var, collapse = "_") |
83 | ||
84 | 3x |
whiskers_fun <- switch(interval_fun, |
85 | 3x |
"mean_ci" = c("mean_ci_lwr", "mean_ci_upr"), |
86 | 3x |
"mean_sei" = c("mean_sei_lwr", "mean_sei_upr"), |
87 | 3x |
"mean_sdi" = c("mean_sdi_lwr", "mean_sdi_upr"), |
88 | 3x |
"median_ci" = c("median_ci_lwr", "median_ci_upr"), |
89 | 3x |
"quantiles" = c("quantiles_0.25", "quantile_0.75"), |
90 | 3x |
"range" = c("min", "max") |
91 |
92 | ||
93 | 3x |
y_unit <- if (is.null(y_unit)) NA else y_unit |
94 | 3x |
variables <- c( |
95 | 3x |
x = x_var, |
96 | 3x |
y = y_var, |
97 | 3x |
strata = arm_var, |
98 | 3x |
paramcd = y_name, |
99 | 3x |
y_unit = y_unit |
100 |
101 | ||
102 | 3x |
n_func <- if (show_n) "n" else NULL |
103 | ||
104 | 3x |
table <- if (show_table) c(n_func, center_fun, interval_fun) else NULL |
105 | ||
106 | 3x |
ggtheme <- ggplot2::theme_bw() + |
107 | 3x |
ggplot2::theme(legend.position = legend_pos) + |
108 | 3x |
ggplot2::theme(axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_blank()) |
109 | ||
110 | 3x |
ggtheme <- if (!show_v_grid) { |
111 | 3x |
ggtheme + ggplot2::theme(panel.grid.major.x = ggplot2::element_blank()) |
112 |
} else { |
113 | ! |
ggtheme + ggplot2::theme(panel.grid.major.x = ggplot2::element_line(linewidth = 1)) |
114 |
115 | ||
116 | 3x |
ggtheme <- if (!show_h_grid) { |
117 | 1x |
ggtheme + ggplot2::theme( |
118 | 1x |
panel.grid.minor.y = ggplot2::element_blank(), |
119 | 1x |
panel.grid.major.y = ggplot2::element_blank() |
120 |
121 |
} else { |
122 | 2x |
ggtheme + ggplot2::theme( |
123 | 2x |
panel.grid.minor.y = ggplot2::element_line(linewidth = 1), |
124 | 2x |
panel.grid.major.y = ggplot2::element_line(linewidth = 1) |
125 |
126 |
127 | ||
128 | 3x |
if (!is.null(names(line_col))) { |
129 | 2x |
color_lvl <- sort(unique(df[[arm_var]])) |
130 | 2x |
col <- line_col[as.character(color_lvl)] |
131 | ||
132 | 2x |
if (anyNA(col)) { |
133 | 1x |
missing_col <- setdiff(color_lvl, names(col)) |
134 | 1x |
stop(paste("Missing color matching for", toString(missing_col))) |
135 |
136 | ||
137 | 1x |
col <- unname(col) |
138 |
} else { |
139 | 1x |
col <- line_col |
140 |
141 | ||
142 | 2x |
ret <- lapply( |
143 | 2x |
144 | 2x |
tern::g_lineplot, |
145 | 2x |
alt_count = adam_db[["adsl"]], |
146 | 2x |
variables = variables, |
147 | 2x |
mid = center_fun, |
148 | 2x |
interval = interval_fun, |
149 | 2x |
whiskers = whiskers_fun, |
150 | 2x |
position = ggplot2::position_dodge(width = jitter), |
151 | 2x |
title = NULL, |
152 | 2x |
table = table, |
153 | 2x |
ggtheme = ggtheme, |
154 | 2x |
col = col, |
155 | 2x |
subtitle_add_unit = !is.na(y_unit) |
156 |
157 | 2x |
do_call(gg_list, ret) |
158 |
159 | ||
160 |
#' @describeIn mng01 Preprocessing
161 |
162 |
#' @inheritParams mng01_main
163 |
164 |
#' @export
165 |
166 |
mng01_pre <- function(adam_db, dataset, x_var = "AVISIT", ...) { |
167 | 2x |
adam_db[[dataset]] <- adam_db[[dataset]] %>% |
168 | 2x |
filter(.data$ANL01FL == "Y") %>% |
169 | 2x |
mutate( |
170 | 2x |
AVISIT = reorder(.data$AVISIT, .data$AVISITN), |
171 | 2x |
AVISIT = with_label(.data$AVISIT, "Visit") |
172 |
173 | ||
174 | 2x |
dunlin::ls_unite(adam_db, dataset, cols = x_var, sep = "_") |
175 |
176 | ||
177 |
# `mng01` Pipeline ----
178 | ||
179 |
#' `MNG01` Mean Plot Graph.
180 |
181 |
#' Overview of a summary statistics across time and arm for a selected data set.
182 |
183 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
184 |
#' @export
185 |
186 |
#' @examples
187 |
#' col <- c(
188 |
#' "A: Drug X" = "black",
189 |
#' "B: Placebo" = "blue",
190 |
#' "C: Combination" = "gray"
191 |
#' )
192 |
193 |
#' run(mng01, syn_data, dataset = "adlb", x_var = c("AVISIT", "AVISITN"), line_col = col)
194 |
mng01 <- chevron_g( |
195 |
main = mng01_main, |
196 |
preproces = mng01_pre |
197 |
1 |
# vst02_1 ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' @describeIn vst02_1 Main TLG function
4 |
5 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
6 |
#' @param exclude_base_abn (`flag`) whether baseline abnormality should be excluded.
7 |
8 |
#' @details
9 |
#' * Only count LOW or HIGH values.
10 |
#' * Results of "LOW LOW" are treated as the same as "LOW", and "HIGH HIGH" the same as "HIGH".
11 |
#' * Does not include a total column by default.
12 |
#' * Does not remove zero-count rows unless overridden with `prune_0 = TRUE`.
13 |
14 |
#' @note
15 |
#' * `adam_db` object must contain an `advs` table with the `"PARAM"`, `"ANRIND"` and `"BNRIND"` columns.
16 |
17 |
#' @export
18 |
19 |
vst02_1_main <- function(adam_db, |
20 |
arm_var = "ACTARM", |
21 |
lbl_overall = NULL, |
22 |
exclude_base_abn = FALSE, |
23 |
...) { |
24 | 2x |
assert_all_tablenames(adam_db, "adsl", "advs") |
25 | 2x |
assert_string(arm_var) |
26 | 2x |
assert_string(lbl_overall, null.ok = TRUE) |
27 | 2x |
assert_flag(exclude_base_abn) |
28 | 2x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$advs, c(arm_var, "PARAM", "ANRIND", "BNRIND"), types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
29 | 2x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adsl, c("USUBJID", arm_var), types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
30 | 2x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$advs, "USUBJID", empty_ok = TRUE, types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
31 | 2x |
assert_valid_var_pair(adam_db$adsl, adam_db$advs, arm_var) |
32 | ||
33 | 2x |
lbl_overall <- render_safe(lbl_overall) |
34 | 2x |
lbl_vs_assessment <- var_labels_for(adam_db$advs, "PARAM") |
35 | 2x |
lbl_vs_abnormality <- var_labels_for(adam_db$advs, "ANRIND") |
36 | ||
37 | 2x |
lyt <- vst02_lyt( |
38 | 2x |
arm_var = arm_var, |
39 | 2x |
lbl_overall = lbl_overall, |
40 | 2x |
exclude_base_abn = exclude_base_abn, |
41 | 2x |
lbl_vs_assessment = lbl_vs_assessment, |
42 | 2x |
lbl_vs_abnormality = lbl_vs_abnormality |
43 |
44 | ||
45 | 2x |
tbl <- build_table(lyt, adam_db$advs, alt_counts_df = adam_db$adsl) |
46 | ||
47 | 2x |
48 |
49 | ||
50 |
#' `vst02_1` Layout
51 |
52 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
53 |
#' @param lbl_vs_assessment (`string`) the label of the assessment variable.
54 |
#' @param lbl_vs_abnormality (`string`) the label of the abnormality variable.
55 |
#' @param exclude_base_abn (`flag`) whether to exclude subjects with baseline abnormality from numerator and
56 |
#' denominator.
57 |
58 |
#' @keywords internal
59 |
60 |
vst02_lyt <- function(arm_var, |
61 |
62 |
63 |
64 |
lbl_vs_abnormality) { |
65 | 4x |
basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% |
66 | 4x |
split_cols_by(var = arm_var) %>% |
67 | 4x |
ifneeded_add_overall_col(lbl_overall) %>% |
68 | 4x |
split_rows_by("PARAM", split_fun = drop_split_levels, label_pos = "topleft", split_label = lbl_vs_assessment) %>% |
69 | 4x |
count_abnormal( |
70 | 4x |
71 | 4x |
abnormal = list(Low = "LOW", High = "HIGH"), |
72 | 4x |
variables = list(id = "USUBJID", baseline = "BNRIND"), |
73 | 4x |
exclude_base_abn = exclude_base_abn |
74 |
) %>% |
75 | 4x |
append_topleft(paste0(" ", lbl_vs_abnormality)) |
76 |
77 | ||
78 |
#' @describeIn vst02_1 Preprocessing
79 |
80 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
81 |
82 |
#' @export
83 |
84 |
vst02_pre <- function(adam_db, ...) { |
85 | 2x |
high_low_format <- rule( |
86 | 2x |
HIGH = c("HIGH HIGH", "HIGH"), |
87 | 2x |
LOW = c("LOW LOW", "LOW") |
88 |
89 | ||
90 | 2x |
adam_db$advs <- adam_db$advs %>% |
91 | 2x |
filter(.data$ONTRTFL == "Y") %>% |
92 | 2x |
mutate( |
93 | 2x |
PARAM = with_label(.data$PARAM, "Assessment"), |
94 | 2x |
ANRIND = with_label(reformat(.data$ANRIND, high_low_format), "Abnormality"), |
95 | 2x |
BNRIND = reformat(.data$BNRIND, high_low_format) |
96 |
97 | ||
98 | 2x |
99 |
100 | ||
101 |
#' @describeIn vst02_1 Postprocessing
102 |
103 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
104 |
105 |
#' @export
106 |
107 |
vst02_post <- function(tlg, prune_0 = FALSE, ...) { |
108 | 2x |
if (prune_0) { |
109 | ! |
tlg <- smart_prune(tlg) |
110 |
111 | 2x |
std_postprocess(tlg) |
112 |
113 | ||
114 |
#' `VST02` Vital Sign Abnormalities Table.
115 |
116 |
#' Vital Sign Parameters outside Normal Limits Regardless of Abnormality at Baseline.
117 |
118 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
119 |
#' @export
120 |
121 |
#' @examples
122 |
#' run(vst02_1, syn_data)
123 |
vst02_1 <- chevron_t( |
124 |
main = vst02_1_main, |
125 |
preprocess = vst02_pre, |
126 |
postprocess = vst02_post |
127 |
128 | ||
129 |
# vst02_2 ----
130 | ||
131 |
#' @describeIn vst02_2 Main TLG function
132 |
133 |
#' @inherit vst02_1_main
134 |
135 |
#' @export
136 |
137 |
vst02_2_main <- modify_default_args(vst02_1_main, exclude_base_abn = TRUE) |
138 |
#' `VST02` Vital Sign Abnormalities Table.
139 |
140 |
#' Vital Sign Parameters outside Normal Limits Among Patients without Abnormality at Baseline.
141 |
142 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
143 |
#' @export
144 |
145 |
#' @examples
146 |
#' run(vst02_2, syn_data)
147 |
vst02_2 <- chevron_t( |
148 |
main = vst02_2_main, |
149 |
preprocess = vst02_pre, |
150 |
postprocess = vst02_post |
151 |
1 |
# egt03 ----
2 |
#' @describeIn egt03 Main TLG function
3 |
4 |
#' @param arm_var (`character`) the arm variables used for row split, typically `"ACTARMCD"`.
5 |
#' @param summaryvar (`character`) variables to be analyzed, typically `"BNRIND"`. Labels of the corresponding columns
6 |
#' are used as subtitles.
7 |
#' @param splitvar (`character`) variables to be analyzed, typically `"ANRIND"`. Labels of the corresponding columns are
8 |
#' used as subtitles.
9 |
10 |
#' @details
11 |
#' * `ADEG` data are subsetted to contain only "POST-BASELINE MINIMUM"/"POST-BASELINE MAXIMUM" visit
12 |
#' according to the preprocessing.
13 |
#' * Percentages are based on the total number of patients in a treatment group.
14 |
#' * Split columns by Analysis Reference Range Indicator, typically `ANRIND`.
15 |
#' * Does not include a total column by default.
16 |
#' * Sorted based on factor level.
17 |
18 |
#' @note
19 |
#' * `adam_db` object must contain an `adeg` table with a `"ACTARMCD"` column as well as columns specified in
20 |
#' `summaryvar` and `splitvar`.
21 |
22 |
#' @export
23 |
24 |
egt03_main <- function(adam_db, |
25 |
arm_var = "ACTARMCD", |
26 |
summaryvar = "BNRIND", |
27 |
splitvar = "ANRIND", |
28 |
visitvar = "AVISIT", |
29 |
page_var = "PARAMCD", |
30 |
...) { |
31 | 1x |
assert_all_tablenames(adam_db, c("adsl", "adeg")) |
32 | 1x |
assert_string(arm_var) |
33 | 1x |
assert_string(summaryvar) |
34 | 1x |
assert_string(splitvar) |
35 | 1x |
assert_string(visitvar) |
36 | 1x |
assert_string(page_var, null.ok = TRUE) |
37 | 1x |
assert_subset(page_var, "PARAMCD") |
38 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adeg, summaryvar, types = list("character", "factor")) |
39 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adeg, c("PARAMCD", "PARAM", splitvar), types = list("character", "factor")) |
40 | 1x |
assert_single_value(adam_db$adeg[[visitvar]]) |
41 | 1x |
assert_valid_var_pair(adam_db$adsl, adam_db$adeg, arm_var) |
42 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adeg, "USUBJID", empty_ok = TRUE, types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
43 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adsl, c("USUBJID", arm_var), types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
44 | 1x |
assert_single_value(adam_db$adeg$PARAMCD) |
45 | ||
46 | 1x |
lbl_armvar <- var_labels_for(adam_db$adeg, arm_var) |
47 | 1x |
lbl_summaryvars <- var_labels_for(adam_db$adeg, summaryvar) |
48 | 1x |
lbl_splitvar <- var_labels_for(adam_db$adeg, splitvar) |
49 | 1x |
lbl_param <- var_labels_for(adam_db$adeg, "PARAM") |
50 | ||
51 | 1x |
lyt <- egt03_lyt( |
52 | 1x |
arm_var = arm_var, |
53 | 1x |
splitvar = splitvar, |
54 | 1x |
summaryvar = summaryvar, |
55 | 1x |
lbl_armvar = lbl_armvar, |
56 | 1x |
lbl_summaryvars = lbl_summaryvars, |
57 | 1x |
lbl_param = lbl_param, |
58 | 1x |
page_var = page_var |
59 |
60 | 1x |
adam_db$adeg$SPLIT_LABEL <- factor(rep(lbl_splitvar, nrow(adam_db$adeg)), levels = lbl_splitvar) |
61 | ||
62 | 1x |
tbl <- build_table( |
63 | 1x |
64 | 1x |
df = adam_db$adeg |
65 |
66 | ||
67 | 1x |
68 |
69 | ||
70 |
#' `egt03` Layout
71 |
72 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
73 |
#' @inheritParams egt03_main
74 |
75 |
#' @param lbl_armvar (`string`) label of the `arm_var` variable.
76 |
#' @param lbl_summaryvars (`string`) label of the `summaryvar` variable.
77 |
78 |
#' @keywords internal
79 |
80 |
egt03_lyt <- function(arm_var, |
81 |
82 |
83 |
84 |
85 |
86 |
page_var) { |
87 | 3x |
page_by <- !is.null(page_var) |
88 | 3x |
indent <- 2L |
89 | 3x |
space <- stringr::str_dup(" ", indent * (1L + !page_by)) |
90 | 3x |
lbl_summaryvars <- paste0(space, lbl_summaryvars) |
91 | ||
92 | 3x |
basic_table(show_colcounts = FALSE) %>% |
93 | 3x |
split_cols_by("SPLIT_LABEL") %>% |
94 | 3x |
split_cols_by(splitvar) %>% |
95 | 3x |
split_rows_by( |
96 | 3x |
97 | 3x |
labels_var = "PARAM", |
98 | 3x |
page_by = page_by, |
99 | 3x |
split_fun = drop_split_levels, |
100 | 3x |
split_label = lbl_param, |
101 | 3x |
label_pos = if (page_by) "hidden" else "topleft" |
102 |
) %>% |
103 | 3x |
split_rows_by(arm_var, |
104 | 3x |
split_fun = drop_split_levels, |
105 | 3x |
label_pos = "topleft", |
106 | 3x |
split_label = lbl_armvar |
107 |
) %>% |
108 | 3x |
add_rowcounts() %>% |
109 | 3x |
summarize_vars(summaryvar, denom = "N_row", .stats = "count_fraction") %>% |
110 | 3x |
append_topleft(lbl_summaryvars) |
111 |
112 | ||
113 |
#' @describeIn egt03 Preprocessing
114 |
115 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
116 |
#' @inheritParams egt03_main
117 |
118 |
#' @export
119 |
120 |
egt03_pre <- function(adam_db, ...) { |
121 | 1x |
adam_db$adeg <- adam_db$adeg %>% |
122 | 1x |
filter( |
123 | 1x |
124 |
) %>% |
125 | 1x |
mutate(BNRIND = factor( |
126 | 1x |
.data$BNRIND, |
127 | 1x |
levels = c("LOW", "NORMAL", "HIGH", "Missing"), |
128 | 1x |
labels = c("LOW", "NORMAL", "HIGH", "Missing") |
129 |
)) %>% |
130 | 1x |
mutate(ANRIND = factor( |
131 | 1x |
.data$ANRIND, |
132 | 1x |
levels = c("LOW", "NORMAL", "HIGH", "Missing"), |
133 | 1x |
labels = c("LOW", "NORMAL", "HIGH", "Missing") |
134 |
)) %>% |
135 | 1x |
mutate( |
136 | 1x |
BNRIND = with_label(.data$BNRIND, "Baseline Reference Range Indicator"), |
137 | 1x |
ANRIND = with_label(.data$ANRIND, "Minimum Post-Baseline Assessment") |
138 |
139 | ||
140 | 1x |
141 |
142 | ||
143 |
#' @describeIn egt03 Postprocessing
144 |
145 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
146 |
147 |
#' @export
148 |
149 |
egt03_post <- function(tlg, prune_0 = FALSE, ...) { |
150 | ! |
if (prune_0) tlg <- smart_prune(tlg) |
151 | ||
152 | 1x |
std_postprocess(tlg) |
153 |
154 | ||
155 |
#' `EGT03` Shift Table of ECG Interval Data - Baseline versus Minimum or Maximum Post-Baseline
156 |
157 |
#' The `EGT03` Table entries provide the number of patients by baseline assessment and minimum or maximum post-baseline
158 |
#' assessment. Percentages are based on the total number of patients in a treatment group. Baseline is the patient's
159 |
#' last observation prior to initiation of study drug.
160 |
161 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
162 |
#' @export
163 |
164 |
#' @examples
165 |
#' library(dunlin)
166 |
167 |
#' proc_data <- log_filter(syn_data, PARAMCD == "HR", "adeg")
168 |
#' run(egt03, proc_data)
169 |
egt03 <- chevron_t( |
170 |
main = egt03_main, |
171 |
preprocess = egt03_pre, |
172 |
postprocess = egt03_post |
173 |
1 |
# ael01_nollt ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' @describeIn ael01_nollt Main TLG function
4 |
5 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
6 |
#' @param dataset (`character`) the name of a table in the `adam_db` object.
7 |
#' @param default_formatting (`list`) the default format of the listing columns. See [`rlistings::as_listing`].
8 |
#' @param col_formatting (`list`) the format of specific listing columns. See [`rlistings::as_listing`].
9 |
10 |
#' @details
11 |
#' * Removes duplicate rows.
12 |
#' * By default, uses dataset `adae`, sorting by key columns `AEBODSYS` and `AEDECOD`.
13 |
#' * If using with a dataset other than `adae`, be sure to specify the desired labels for variables in
14 |
#' `key_cols` and `disp_cols`, and pre-process missing data.
15 |
16 |
#' @note
17 |
#' * `adam_db` object must contain the `dataset` table with columns specified by `key_cols` and `disp_cols`.
18 |
19 |
#' @export
20 |
21 |
ael01_nollt_main <- function(adam_db, |
22 |
dataset = "adae", |
23 |
key_cols = c("AEBODSYS", "AEDECOD"), |
24 |
disp_cols = "AETERM", |
25 |
default_formatting = list( |
26 |
all = formatters::fmt_config(align = "left"), |
27 |
numeric = formatters::fmt_config(align = "center") |
28 |
29 |
col_formatting = NULL, |
30 |
...) { |
31 | 1x |
assert_all_tablenames(adam_db, dataset) |
32 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db[[dataset]], c(key_cols, disp_cols), label = paste0("adam_db$", dataset)) |
33 | 1x |
assert_list(default_formatting) |
34 | 1x |
assert_list(col_formatting, null.ok = TRUE) |
35 | ||
36 | 1x |
as_listing( |
37 | 1x |
adam_db[[dataset]], |
38 | 1x |
key_cols = key_cols, |
39 | 1x |
disp_cols = disp_cols, |
40 | 1x |
default_formatting = default_formatting, |
41 | 1x |
col_formatting = col_formatting |
42 |
43 |
44 | ||
45 |
#' @describeIn ael01_nollt Preprocessing
46 |
47 |
#' @inheritParams ael01_nollt_main
48 |
49 |
#' @export
50 |
51 |
ael01_nollt_pre <- function(adam_db, |
52 |
dataset = "adae", |
53 |
key_cols = c("AEBODSYS", "AEDECOD"), |
54 |
disp_cols = "AETERM", |
55 |
...) { |
56 | 1x |
adam_db[[dataset]] <- adam_db[[dataset]] %>% |
57 | 1x |
select(all_of(c(key_cols, disp_cols))) %>% |
58 | 1x |
distinct() %>% |
59 | 1x |
mutate( |
60 | 1x |
across(all_of(c(key_cols, disp_cols)), ~ reformat(.x, nocoding)) |
61 |
) %>% |
62 | 1x |
arrange(pick(all_of(c(key_cols, disp_cols)))) |
63 | ||
64 | 1x |
65 |
66 | ||
67 |
#' @describeIn ael01_nollt Postprocessing
68 |
69 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
70 |
71 |
ael01_nollt_post <- function(tlg, ...) { |
72 | ! |
if (nrow(tlg) == 0) tlg <- null_report |
73 | ||
74 | 1x |
75 |
76 | ||
77 |
#' `AEL01_NOLLT` Listing 1 (Default) Glossary of Preferred Terms and Investigator-Specified Terms.
78 |
79 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
80 |
#' @export
81 |
82 |
#' @examples
83 |
#' run(ael01_nollt, syn_data)
84 |
ael01_nollt <- chevron_l( |
85 |
main = ael01_nollt_main, |
86 |
preprocess = ael01_nollt_pre, |
87 |
postprocess = ael01_nollt_post |
88 |
1 |
# mht01 ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' @describeIn mht01 Main TLG function
4 |
5 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
6 |
7 |
#' @details
8 |
#' * Numbers represent absolute numbers of patients and fraction of `N`, or absolute number of event when specified.
9 |
#' * Remove zero-count rows unless overridden with `prune_0 = FALSE`.
10 |
#' * Split columns by arm.
11 |
#' * Does not include a total column by default.
12 |
#' * Order by body system alphabetically and within body system and medical condition by decreasing total number of
13 |
#' patients with the specific condition.
14 |
15 |
#' @note
16 |
#' * `adam_db` object must contain an `admh` table with columns `"MHBODSYS"` and `"MHDECOD"`.
17 |
18 |
#' @export
19 |
20 |
mht01_main <- function(adam_db, |
21 |
arm_var = "ARM", |
22 |
lbl_overall = NULL, |
23 |
...) { |
24 | 1x |
assert_all_tablenames(adam_db, c("admh", "adsl")) |
25 | 1x |
assert_string(arm_var) |
26 | 1x |
assert_string(lbl_overall, null.ok = TRUE) |
27 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$admh, c("MHBODSYS", "MHDECOD"), types = list(c("character", "factor")), empty_ok = TRUE) |
28 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$admh, "USUBJID", types = list(c("character", "factor")), empty_ok = TRUE) |
29 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adsl, "USUBJID", types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
30 | 1x |
assert_valid_var_pair(adam_db$adsl, adam_db$admh, arm_var) |
31 | ||
32 | 1x |
lbl_overall <- render_safe(lbl_overall) |
33 | 1x |
lbl_mhbodsys <- var_labels_for(adam_db$admh, "MHBODSYS") |
34 | 1x |
lbl_mhdecod <- var_labels_for(adam_db$admh, "MHDECOD") |
35 | ||
36 | 1x |
lyt <- mht01_lyt( |
37 | 1x |
arm_var = arm_var, |
38 | 1x |
lbl_overall = lbl_overall, |
39 | 1x |
lbl_mhbodsys = lbl_mhbodsys, |
40 | 1x |
lbl_mhdecod = lbl_mhdecod |
41 |
42 | ||
43 | 1x |
tbl <- build_table(lyt, adam_db$admh, alt_counts_df = adam_db$adsl) |
44 | ||
45 | 1x |
46 |
47 | ||
48 |
#' `mht01` Layout
49 |
50 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
51 |
#' @inheritParams mht01_main
52 |
#' @param lbl_mhbodsys (`string`) label associated with `"MHBODSYS"`.
53 |
#' @param lbl_mhdecod (`string`) label associated with `"MHDECOD"`.
54 |
55 |
#' @keywords internal
56 |
57 |
mht01_lyt <- function(arm_var, |
58 |
59 |
60 |
lbl_mhdecod) { |
61 | 4x |
basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% |
62 | 4x |
split_cols_by(var = arm_var) %>% |
63 | 4x |
ifneeded_add_overall_col(lbl_overall) %>% |
64 | 4x |
summarize_num_patients( |
65 | 4x |
var = "USUBJID", |
66 | 4x |
.stats = c("unique", "nonunique"), |
67 | 4x |
.labels = c( |
68 | 4x |
unique = render_safe("Total number of {patient_label} with at least one condition"), |
69 | 4x |
nonunique = render_safe("Total number of conditions") |
70 |
71 |
) %>% |
72 | 4x |
split_rows_by( |
73 | 4x |
74 | 4x |
child_labels = "visible", |
75 | 4x |
labels_var = "MHBODSYS", |
76 | 4x |
nested = FALSE, |
77 | 4x |
indent_mod = -1L, |
78 | 4x |
split_fun = drop_split_levels, |
79 | 4x |
label_pos = "topleft", |
80 | 4x |
split_label = lbl_mhbodsys |
81 |
) %>% |
82 | 4x |
summarize_num_patients( |
83 | 4x |
var = "USUBJID", |
84 | 4x |
.stats = c("unique", "nonunique"), |
85 | 4x |
.labels = c( |
86 | 4x |
unique = render_safe("Total number of {patient_label} with at least one condition"), |
87 | 4x |
nonunique = "Total number of conditions" |
88 |
89 |
) %>% |
90 | 4x |
count_occurrences( |
91 | 4x |
vars = "MHDECOD", |
92 | 4x |
.indent_mods = -1L |
93 |
) %>% |
94 | 4x |
append_topleft(paste0(" ", lbl_mhdecod)) |
95 |
96 | ||
97 |
#' @describeIn mht01 Preprocessing
98 |
99 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
100 |
101 |
#' @export
102 |
103 |
mht01_pre <- function(adam_db, ...) { |
104 | 1x |
adam_db$admh <- adam_db$admh %>% |
105 | 1x |
filter(.data$ANL01FL == "Y") |
106 | ||
107 | 1x |
adam_db$admh <- adam_db$admh %>% |
108 | 1x |
mutate( |
109 | 1x |
across(all_of(c("MHBODSYS", "MHDECOD")), ~ reformat(.x, nocoding)) |
110 |
) %>% |
111 | 1x |
mutate( |
112 | 1x |
MHBODSYS = with_label(.data$MHBODSYS, "MedDRA System Organ Class"), |
113 | 1x |
MHDECOD = with_label(.data$MHDECOD, "MedDRA Preferred Term") |
114 |
115 | ||
116 | 1x |
117 |
118 | ||
119 |
#' @describeIn mht01 Postprocessing
120 |
121 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
122 |
123 |
#' @export
124 |
125 |
mht01_post <- function(tlg, prune_0 = TRUE, ...) { |
126 | 1x |
if (prune_0) { |
127 | 1x |
tlg <- smart_prune(tlg) |
128 |
129 | ||
130 | 1x |
tbl_sorted <- tlg %>% |
131 | 1x |
sort_at_path( |
132 | 1x |
path = c("MHBODSYS", "*", "MHDECOD"), |
133 | 1x |
scorefun = score_occurrences |
134 |
135 | ||
136 | 1x |
std_postprocess(tbl_sorted) |
137 |
138 | ||
139 |
#' `MHT01` Medical History Table.
140 |
141 |
#' The `MHT01` table provides an overview of the subjects medical
142 |
#' history by SOC and Preferred Term.
143 |
144 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
145 |
#' @export
146 |
147 |
#' @examples
148 |
#' run(mht01, syn_data)
149 |
mht01 <- chevron_t( |
150 |
main = mht01_main, |
151 |
preprocess = mht01_pre, |
152 |
postprocess = mht01_post |
153 |
1 |
# ext01 ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' @describeIn ext01 Main TLG function
4 |
5 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
6 |
#' @param summaryvars (`character`) variables to be analyzed. The label attribute of the corresponding column in `adex`
7 |
#' table of `adam_db` is used as label.
8 |
#' @param map (`data.frame`) of mapping for split rows.
9 |
10 |
#' @details
11 |
#' * Default Exposure table
12 |
#' * The `n` row provides the number of non-missing values. The percentages for categorical variables is based on `n`.
13 |
#' The percentages for `Total number of patients with at least one dose modification` are based on the number of
14 |
#' patients in the corresponding analysis population given by `N`.
15 |
#' * Split columns by arm, typically `ACTARM`.
16 |
#' * Does not include a total column by default.
17 |
#' * Sorted by alphabetic order of the `PARAM` value. Transform to factor and re-level for custom order.
18 |
#' * `ANL01FL` is not relevant subset.
19 |
20 |
#' @note
21 |
#' * `adam_db` object must contain an `adex` table with columns specified in `summaryvars`.
22 |
23 |
#' @export
24 |
25 |
ext01_main <- function(adam_db, |
26 |
arm_var = "ACTARM", |
27 |
lbl_overall = NULL, |
28 |
summaryvars = "AVAL", |
29 |
row_split_var = "PARCAT2", |
30 |
page_var = NULL, |
31 |
map = NULL, |
32 |
...) { |
33 | 2x |
assert_all_tablenames(adam_db, c("adsl", "adex")) |
34 | 2x |
assert_string(arm_var) |
35 | 2x |
assert_string(lbl_overall, null.ok = TRUE) |
36 | 2x |
assert_character(summaryvars) |
37 | 2x |
assert_character(row_split_var, null.ok = TRUE) |
38 | 2x |
assert_string(page_var, null.ok = TRUE) |
39 | 2x |
assert_data_frame(map, null.ok = TRUE) |
40 | 2x |
assert_valid_var_pair(adam_db$adsl, adam_db$adex, arm_var) |
41 | 2x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adex, "USUBJID", empty_ok = TRUE, types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
42 | 2x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adsl, c("USUBJID", arm_var), types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
43 | 2x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adex, summaryvars, empty_ok = TRUE, na_ok = TRUE) |
44 | 2x |
assert_valid_variable( |
45 | 2x |
adam_db$adex, c(row_split_var, "PARAMCD", "PARAM"), |
46 | 2x |
types = list(c("character", "factor")), empty_ok = TRUE |
47 |
48 | 2x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adex, colnames(map), types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
49 | 2x |
if (!is.null(map)) { |
50 | ! |
map <- infer_mapping(map, adam_db$adex) |
51 |
52 | 2x |
assert_subset(page_var, c(row_split_var)) |
53 | ||
54 | 2x |
lbl_overall <- render_safe(lbl_overall) |
55 | 2x |
summaryvars_lbls <- var_labels_for(adam_db$adex, summaryvars) |
56 | 2x |
row_split_lbl <- var_labels_for(adam_db$adex, row_split_var) |
57 | ||
58 | 2x |
lyt <- ext01_lyt( |
59 | 2x |
arm_var = arm_var, |
60 | 2x |
lbl_overall = lbl_overall, |
61 | 2x |
summaryvars = summaryvars, |
62 | 2x |
summaryvars_lbls = summaryvars_lbls, |
63 | 2x |
row_split_var = row_split_var, |
64 | 2x |
row_split_lbl = row_split_lbl, |
65 | 2x |
page_var = page_var, |
66 | 2x |
map = map |
67 |
68 | ||
69 | 2x |
tbl <- build_table(lyt, adam_db$adex, adam_db$adsl) |
70 | ||
71 | 2x |
72 |
73 | ||
74 |
#' `ext01` Layout
75 |
76 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
77 |
78 |
#' @param summaryvars (`character`) the name of the variable to be analyzed. By default `"AVAL"`.
79 |
#' @param summaryvars_lbls (`character`) the label associated with the analyzed variable.
80 |
81 |
#' @keywords internal
82 |
83 |
ext01_lyt <- function(arm_var, |
84 |
85 |
86 |
87 |
88 |
89 |
90 |
map) { |
91 | 9x |
page_by <- get_page_by(page_var, c(row_split_var)) |
92 | 9x |
label_pos <- ifelse(page_by, "hidden", "topleft") |
93 | 9x |
basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% |
94 | 9x |
split_cols_by(var = arm_var) %>% |
95 | 9x |
ifneeded_add_overall_col(lbl_overall) %>% |
96 | 9x |
split_rows_by_recurive( |
97 | 9x |
98 | 9x |
split_label = row_split_lbl, label_pos = label_pos, page_by = page_by |
99 |
) %>% |
100 | 9x |
split_rows_by( |
101 | 9x |
102 | 9x |
labels_var = "PARAM", |
103 | 9x |
split_fun = split_fun_map(map) |
104 |
) %>% |
105 | 9x |
summarize_vars( |
106 | 9x |
vars = summaryvars, |
107 | 9x |
var_labels = summaryvars_lbls, |
108 | 9x |
show_labels = "hidden", |
109 | 9x |
.formats = list(count_fraction = format_count_fraction_fixed_dp) |
110 |
111 |
112 | ||
113 |
#' @describeIn ext01 Preprocessing
114 |
115 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
116 |
117 |
#' @export
118 |
119 |
ext01_pre <- function(adam_db, |
120 |
...) { |
121 | 2x |
adam_db$adex <- adam_db$adex %>% |
122 | 2x |
filter(.data$PARCAT1 == "OVERALL") %>% |
123 | 2x |
filter(.data$PARAMCD %in% c("TDURD", "TDOSE")) |
124 | ||
125 | 2x |
126 |
127 | ||
128 |
#' @describeIn ext01 Postprocessing
129 |
130 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
131 |
132 |
#' @export
133 |
134 |
ext01_post <- function(tlg, prune_0 = TRUE, ...) { |
135 | 2x |
if (prune_0) tlg <- smart_prune(tlg) |
136 | 2x |
std_postprocess(tlg) |
137 |
138 | ||
139 |
#' `EXT01` Exposure Summary Table.
140 |
141 |
#' The `EXT01` table provides an overview of the of the exposure of the
142 |
#' patients in terms of Total dose administered or missed, and treatment duration.
143 |
144 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
145 |
#' @export
146 |
147 |
#' @examples
148 |
#' run(ext01, syn_data)
149 |
150 |
#' run(ext01, syn_data, summaryvars = c("AVAL", "AVALCAT1"), prune_0 = FALSE)
151 |
152 |
#' levels(syn_data$adex$AVALCAT1) <- c(levels(syn_data$adex$AVALCAT1), "12 months")
153 |
#' map <- data.frame(
154 |
155 |
#' AVALCAT1 = c("< 1 month", "1 to <3 months", ">=6 months", "3 to <6 months", "12 months")
156 |
#' )
157 |
#' run(ext01, syn_data, summaryvars = c("AVAL", "AVALCAT1"), prune_0 = FALSE, map = map)
158 |
ext01 <- chevron_t( |
159 |
main = ext01_main, |
160 |
preprocess = ext01_pre, |
161 |
postprocess = ext01_post |
162 |
1 |
# pdt02 ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' @describeIn pdt02 Main TLG function
4 |
5 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
6 |
#' @param dvreas_var (`string`) the variable defining the reason for deviation. By default `DVREAS`.
7 |
#' @param dvterm_var (`string`) the variable defining the protocol deviation term. By default `DVTERM`.
8 |
9 |
#' @details
10 |
#' * Data should be filtered for major protocol deviations related to epidemic/pandemic.
11 |
#' `(AEPRELFL == "Y" & DVCAT == "MAJOR")`.
12 |
#' * Numbers represent absolute numbers of subjects and fraction of `N`, or absolute numbers when specified.
13 |
#' * Remove zero-count rows unless overridden with `prune_0 = FALSE`.
14 |
#' * Split columns by arm.
15 |
#' * Does not include a total column by default.
16 |
#' * Sort by deviation reason alphabetically and within deviation reason by decreasing total number of patients with
17 |
#' the specific deviation term.
18 |
19 |
#' @note
20 |
#' * `adam_db` object must contain an `addv` table with the columns specified in `dvreas_var` and `dvterm_var`.
21 |
22 |
#' @export
23 |
24 |
pdt02_main <- function(adam_db, |
25 |
arm_var = "ARM", |
26 |
lbl_overall = NULL, |
27 |
dvreas_var = "DVREAS", |
28 |
dvterm_var = "DVTERM", |
29 |
...) { |
30 | 1x |
assert_all_tablenames(adam_db, c("adsl", "addv")) |
31 | 1x |
assert_string(arm_var) |
32 | 1x |
assert_string(lbl_overall, null.ok = TRUE) |
33 | 1x |
assert_string(dvreas_var) |
34 | 1x |
assert_string(dvterm_var) |
35 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$addv, c(dvreas_var, dvterm_var), types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
36 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adsl, c("USUBJID", arm_var), types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
37 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$addv, "USUBJID", types = list(c("character", "factor")), empty_ok = TRUE) |
38 | 1x |
assert_valid_var_pair(adam_db$adsl, adam_db$addv, arm_var) |
39 | ||
40 | 1x |
lbl_overall <- render_safe(lbl_overall) |
41 | 1x |
lbl_dvreas_var <- var_labels_for(adam_db$addv, dvreas_var) |
42 | 1x |
lbl_dvterm_var <- var_labels_for(adam_db$addv, dvterm_var) |
43 | ||
44 | 1x |
lyt <- pdt02_lyt( |
45 | 1x |
arm_var = arm_var, |
46 | 1x |
lbl_overall = lbl_overall, |
47 | 1x |
lbl_dvreas_var = lbl_dvreas_var, |
48 | 1x |
lbl_dvterm_var = lbl_dvterm_var, |
49 | 1x |
dvreas_var = dvreas_var, |
50 | 1x |
dvterm_var = dvterm_var |
51 |
52 | ||
53 | 1x |
tbl <- build_table(lyt, adam_db$addv, alt_counts_df = adam_db$adsl) |
54 | ||
55 | 1x |
56 |
57 | ||
58 |
#' `pdt02` Layout
59 |
60 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
61 |
#' @inheritParams pdt02_main
62 |
#' @param lbl_dvreas_var (`string`) label for the variable defining the reason for deviation.
63 |
#' @param lbl_dvterm_var (`string`) label for the variable defining the protocol deviation term.
64 |
65 |
#' @keywords internal
66 |
67 |
pdt02_lyt <- function(arm_var, |
68 |
69 |
70 |
71 |
72 |
dvterm_var) { |
73 | 3x |
basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% |
74 | 3x |
split_cols_by(var = arm_var) %>% |
75 | 3x |
ifneeded_add_overall_col(lbl_overall) %>% |
76 | 3x |
analyze_num_patients( |
77 | 3x |
vars = "USUBJID", |
78 | 3x |
.stats = c("unique", "nonunique"), |
79 | 3x |
.labels = c( |
80 | 3x |
unique = render_safe( |
81 | 3x |
"Total number of {patient_label} with at least one major protocol deviation related to epidemic/pandemic"
82 |
83 | 3x |
nonunique = "Total number of major protocol deviations related to epidemic/pandemic" |
84 |
85 |
) %>% |
86 | 3x |
split_rows_by( |
87 | 3x |
88 | 3x |
nested = FALSE, |
89 | 3x |
split_fun = drop_split_levels, |
90 | 3x |
label_pos = "topleft", |
91 | 3x |
split_label = lbl_dvreas_var |
92 |
) %>% |
93 | 3x |
summarize_num_patients( |
94 | 3x |
var = "USUBJID", |
95 | 3x |
.stats = "unique", |
96 | 3x |
.labels = NULL |
97 |
) %>% |
98 | 3x |
count_occurrences( |
99 | 3x |
vars = dvterm_var, |
100 | 3x |
id = "USUBJID" |
101 |
) %>% |
102 | 3x |
append_topleft(paste(" ", lbl_dvterm_var)) |
103 |
104 | ||
105 |
#' @describeIn pdt02 Preprocessing
106 |
107 |
#' @inheritParams pdt02_main
108 |
109 |
#' @export
110 |
111 |
pdt02_pre <- function(adam_db, |
112 |
...) { |
113 | 1x |
adam_db$addv <- adam_db$addv %>% |
114 | 1x |
mutate(across(all_of(c("DVCAT", "AEPRELFL")), ~ reformat(.x, missing_rule))) %>% |
115 | 1x |
filter(.data$DVCAT == "MAJOR" & .data$AEPRELFL == "Y") %>% |
116 | 1x |
mutate(across(all_of(c("DVREAS", "DVTERM")), ~ reformat(.x, nocoding))) %>% |
117 | 1x |
mutate( |
118 | 1x |
DVREAS = with_label(.data$DVREAS, "Primary Reason"), |
119 | 1x |
DVTERM = with_label(.data$DVTERM, "Description") |
120 |
121 | ||
122 | 1x |
123 |
124 | ||
125 |
#' @describeIn pdt02 Postprocessing
126 |
127 |
#' @inheritParams pdt02_main
128 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
129 |
130 |
#' @export
131 |
132 |
pdt02_post <- function(tlg, prune_0 = TRUE, dvreas_var = "DVREAS", dvterm_var = "DVTERM", ...) { |
133 | 1x |
if (prune_0) { |
134 | 1x |
tlg <- smart_prune(tlg) |
135 |
136 | ||
137 | 1x |
tbl_sorted <- tlg %>% |
138 | 1x |
sort_at_path( |
139 | 1x |
path = c(dvreas_var, "*", dvterm_var), |
140 | 1x |
scorefun = score_occurrences |
141 |
142 | ||
143 | 1x |
std_postprocess(tbl_sorted) |
144 |
145 | ||
146 |
#' `pdt02` Major Protocol Deviations Related to Epidemic/Pandemic Table.
147 |
148 |
#' A major protocol deviations
149 |
#' table with the number of subjects and the total number of Major Protocol Deviations Related
150 |
#' to Epidemic/Pandemic sorted alphabetically and deviations name sorted by frequencies.
151 |
152 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
153 |
#' @export
154 |
155 |
#' @examples
156 |
#' run(pdt02, syn_data)
157 |
pdt02 <- chevron_t( |
158 |
main = pdt02_main, |
159 |
preprocess = pdt02_pre, |
160 |
postprocess = pdt02_post |
161 |
1 |
# lbt07 ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' @describeIn lbt07 Main TLG function
4 |
5 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
6 |
#' @param param_var (`string`) the name of the column storing the parameters name.
7 |
#' @param grad_dir_var (`string`) the name of the column storing the grade direction variable which is required in
8 |
#' order to obtain the correct denominators when building the layout as it is used to define row splitting.
9 |
#' @param grad_anl_var (`string`) the name of the column storing toxicity grade variable where all negative values from
10 |
#' `ATOXGR` are replaced by their absolute values.
11 |
12 |
#' @details
13 |
#' * Split columns by arm, typically `ACTARM`.
14 |
15 |
#' @note
16 |
#' * `adam_db` object must contain an `adlb` table with columns `"USUBJID"`, `"ATOXGR"`,
17 |
#' `"ONTRTFL"` and column specified by `arm_var`.
18 |
19 |
#' @export
20 |
21 |
lbt07_main <- function(adam_db, |
22 |
arm_var = "ACTARM", |
23 |
lbl_overall = NULL, |
24 |
param_var = "PARAM", |
25 |
grad_dir_var = "GRADE_DIR", |
26 |
grad_anl_var = "GRADE_ANL", |
27 |
...) { |
28 | 1x |
assert_all_tablenames(adam_db, c("adsl", "adlb")) |
29 | 1x |
assert_string(arm_var) |
30 | 1x |
assert_string(lbl_overall, null.ok = TRUE) |
31 | 1x |
assert_string(param_var) |
32 | 1x |
assert_string(grad_dir_var) |
33 | 1x |
assert_string(grad_anl_var) |
34 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable( |
35 | 1x |
adam_db$adlb, c("ATOXGR", param_var, grad_dir_var, grad_anl_var), |
36 | 1x |
types = list(c("character", "factor")) |
37 |
38 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adlb, c("USUBJID"), types = list(c("character", "factor")), empty_ok = TRUE) |
39 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adsl, c("USUBJID"), types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
40 | 1x |
assert_valid_var_pair(adam_db$adsl, adam_db$adlb, arm_var) |
41 | ||
42 | 1x |
lbl_overall <- render_safe(lbl_overall) |
43 | 1x |
lbl_param_var <- var_labels_for(adam_db$adlb, param_var) |
44 | 1x |
lbl_grad_dir_var <- var_labels_for(adam_db$adlb, grad_dir_var) |
45 | ||
46 | 1x |
map <- expand.grid( |
47 | 1x |
PARAM = levels(adam_db$adlb[[param_var]]), |
48 | 1x |
GRADE_DIR = c("LOW", "HIGH"), |
49 | 1x |
GRADE_ANL = as.character(1:4), |
50 | 1x |
stringsAsFactors = FALSE |
51 |
) %>% |
52 | 1x |
arrange(.data$PARAM, desc(.data$GRADE_DIR), .data$GRADE_ANL) |
53 | ||
54 | 1x |
names(map) <- c(param_var, grad_dir_var, grad_anl_var) |
55 | ||
56 | 1x |
lyt <- lbt07_lyt( |
57 | 1x |
arm_var = arm_var, |
58 | 1x |
lbl_overall = lbl_overall, |
59 | 1x |
lbl_param_var = lbl_param_var, |
60 | 1x |
lbl_grad_dir_var = lbl_grad_dir_var, |
61 | 1x |
param_var = param_var, |
62 | 1x |
grad_dir_var = grad_dir_var, |
63 | 1x |
grad_anl_var = grad_anl_var, |
64 | 1x |
map = map |
65 |
66 | ||
67 | 1x |
tbl <- build_table(lyt, adam_db$adlb, alt_counts_df = adam_db$adsl) |
68 | ||
69 | 1x |
70 |
71 | ||
72 |
#' `lbt07` Layout
73 |
74 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
75 |
#' @inheritParams lbt07_main
76 |
77 |
#' @param lbl_param_var (`string`) label of the `param_var` variable.
78 |
#' @param lbl_grad_dir_var (`string`) label for the `grad_dir_var` variable.
79 |
#' @param map (`data.frame`) mapping of `PARAM`s to directions of abnormality.
80 |
81 |
#' @keywords internal
82 |
83 |
lbt07_lyt <- function(arm_var, |
84 |
85 |
86 |
87 |
88 |
89 |
90 |
map) { |
91 | 2x |
basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% |
92 | 2x |
split_cols_by(arm_var) %>% |
93 | 2x |
ifneeded_add_overall_col(lbl_overall) %>% |
94 | 2x |
split_rows_by( |
95 | 2x |
96 | 2x |
label_pos = "topleft", |
97 | 2x |
split_label = lbl_param_var |
98 |
) %>% |
99 | 2x |
summarize_num_patients( |
100 | 2x |
var = "USUBJID", |
101 | 2x |
required = "ATOXGR", |
102 | 2x |
.stats = "unique_count" |
103 |
) %>% |
104 | 2x |
split_rows_by( |
105 | 2x |
106 | 2x |
label_pos = "topleft", |
107 | 2x |
split_label = lbl_grad_dir_var, |
108 | 2x |
split_fun = trim_levels_to_map(map) |
109 |
) %>% |
110 | 2x |
count_abnormal_by_worst_grade( |
111 | 2x |
var = grad_anl_var, |
112 | 2x |
variables = list(id = "USUBJID", param = param_var, grade_dir = grad_dir_var), |
113 | 2x |
.formats = list(count_fraction = tern::format_count_fraction_fixed_dp), |
114 | 2x |
.indent_mods = 4L |
115 |
) %>% |
116 | 2x |
append_topleft(" Highest NCI CTCAE Grade") |
117 |
118 | ||
119 |
#' @describeIn lbt07 Preprocessing
120 |
121 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
122 |
123 |
#' @export
124 |
125 |
lbt07_pre <- function(adam_db, ...) { |
126 | 1x |
adam_db$adlb <- adam_db$adlb %>% |
127 | 1x |
mutate( |
128 | 1x |
ATOXGR = reformat(.data$ATOXGR, missing_rule) |
129 |
) %>% |
130 | 1x |
filter( |
131 | 1x |
.data$ATOXGR != "<Missing>", |
132 | 1x |
.data$ONTRTFL == "Y", |
133 | 1x |
.data$WGRLOFL == "Y" | .data$WGRHIFL == "Y" |
134 |
) %>% |
135 | 1x |
mutate( |
136 | 1x |
GRADE_DIR = factor( |
137 | 1x |
case_when( |
138 | 1x |
ATOXGR %in% c("-1", "-2", "-3", "-4") & .data$WGRLOFL == "Y" ~ "LOW", |
139 | 1x |
ATOXGR == "0" ~ "ZERO", |
140 | 1x |
ATOXGR %in% c("1", "2", "3", "4") & .data$WGRHIFL == "Y" ~ "HIGH", |
141 | 1x |
142 |
143 | 1x |
levels = c("LOW", "ZERO", "HIGH", "NONE") |
144 |
145 | 1x |
GRADE_ANL = factor(.data$ATOXGR, levels = c(-4:4), labels = abs(c(-4:4))), |
146 | 1x |
PARAM = as.factor(trimws(stringr::str_remove_all(.data$PARAM, "\\(.+?\\)"))) |
147 |
148 | ||
149 | 1x |
adam_db$adlb <- adam_db$adlb %>% |
150 | 1x |
mutate( |
151 | 1x |
PARAM = with_label(.data$PARAM, "Parameter"), |
152 | 1x |
GRADE_DIR = with_label(.data$GRADE_DIR, "Direction of Abnormality"), |
153 | 1x |
GRADE_ANL = with_label(.data$GRADE_ANL, "Toxicity Grade") |
154 |
155 | ||
156 | 1x |
157 |
158 | ||
159 |
#' @describeIn lbt07 Postprocessing
160 |
161 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
162 |
163 |
#' @export
164 |
165 |
lbt07_post <- function(tlg, prune_0 = TRUE, ...) { |
166 | 1x |
if (prune_0) { |
167 | 1x |
tlg <- smart_prune(tlg) |
168 |
169 | 1x |
std_postprocess(tlg) |
170 |
171 | ||
172 |
#' `LBT07` Table 1 (Default) Laboratory Test Results and Change from Baseline by Visit.
173 |
174 |
#' The `LBT07` table provides an
175 |
#' overview of the analysis values and its change from baseline of each respective arm over the course of the trial.
176 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
177 |
#' @export
178 |
179 |
#' @examples
180 |
#' run(lbt07, syn_data)
181 |
lbt07 <- chevron_t( |
182 |
main = lbt07_main, |
183 |
preprocess = lbt07_pre, |
184 |
postprocess = lbt07_post |
185 |
1 |
# dst01 ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' @describeIn dst01 Main TLG function
4 |
5 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
6 |
#' @param arm_var (`string`) variable. Usually one of `ARM`, `ACTARM`, `TRT01A`, or `TRT01A`.
7 |
#' @param study_status_var (`string`) variable used to define patient status. Default is `EOSSTT`, however can also be a
8 |
#' variable name with the pattern `EOPxxSTT` where `xx` must be substituted by 2 digits referring to the analysis
9 |
#' period.
10 |
#' @param detail_vars Named (`list`) of grouped display of `study_status_var`. The names must be subset of unique levels
11 |
#' of `study_status_var`.
12 |
#' @param trt_status_var (`string`) variable of treatment status.
13 |
#' @details
14 |
#' * Default patient disposition table summarizing the reasons for patients withdrawal.
15 |
#' * Numbers represent absolute numbers of patients and fraction of `N`.
16 |
#' * Remove zero-count rows.
17 |
#' * Split columns by arm.
18 |
#' * Include a total column by default.
19 |
#' * Sort withdrawal reasons by alphabetic order.
20 |
21 |
#' @note
22 |
#' * `adam_db` object must contain an `adsl` table with the columns specified by `status_var` and `disc_reason_var`.
23 |
24 |
#' @export
25 |
26 |
dst01_main <- function(adam_db, |
27 |
arm_var = "ARM", |
28 |
lbl_overall = "All {Patient_label}", |
29 |
study_status_var = "EOSSTT", |
30 |
detail_vars = list( |
31 |
Discontinued = c("DCSREAS") |
32 |
33 |
trt_status_var = NULL, |
34 |
...) { |
35 | 1x |
assert_all_tablenames(adam_db, "adsl") |
36 | 1x |
assert_string(arm_var) |
37 | 1x |
assert_string(lbl_overall, null.ok = TRUE) |
38 | 1x |
assert_string(study_status_var) |
39 | 1x |
assert_list(detail_vars, types = "character", names = "unique") |
40 | 1x |
assert_string(trt_status_var, null.ok = TRUE) |
41 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable( |
42 | 1x |
adam_db$adsl, |
43 | 1x |
44 | 1x |
types = list(c("character", "factor")), na_ok = TRUE |
45 |
46 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable( |
47 | 1x |
adam_db$adsl, study_status_var, |
48 | 1x |
types = list(c("character", "factor")), na_ok = TRUE, |
49 | 1x |
empty_ok = FALSE, min_chars = 1L |
50 |
51 | 1x |
status_var_lvls <- lvls(adam_db$adsl[[study_status_var]]) |
52 | 1x |
assert_subset(names(detail_vars), choices = status_var_lvls) |
53 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable( |
54 | 1x |
adam_db$adsl, |
55 | 1x |
unlist(detail_vars), |
56 | 1x |
types = list(c("character", "factor")), |
57 | 1x |
na_ok = TRUE, |
58 | 1x |
empty_ok = TRUE, |
59 | 1x |
min_chars = 0L |
60 |
61 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable( |
62 | 1x |
adam_db$adsl, trt_status_var, |
63 | 1x |
types = list(c("character", "factor")), na_ok = TRUE, |
64 | 1x |
empty_ok = TRUE, min_chars = 0L |
65 |
66 | ||
67 | 1x |
lbl_overall <- render_safe(lbl_overall) |
68 | 1x |
detail_vars <- setNames(detail_vars[status_var_lvls], status_var_lvls) |
69 | ||
70 | 1x |
lyt <- dst01_lyt( |
71 | 1x |
arm_var = arm_var, |
72 | 1x |
lbl_overall = lbl_overall, |
73 | 1x |
study_status_var = study_status_var, |
74 | 1x |
detail_vars = detail_vars, |
75 | 1x |
trt_status_var = trt_status_var |
76 |
77 | 1x |
build_table(lyt, adam_db$adsl) |
78 |
79 | ||
80 |
#' `dst01` Layout
81 |
82 |
#' @inheritParams dst01_main
83 |
#' @param study_status_var (`string`) variable used to define patient status. Default is `EOSSTT`, however can also be a
84 |
#' variable name with the pattern `EOPxxSTT` where `xx` must be substituted by 2 digits referring to the analysis
85 |
#' period.
86 |
#' @param detail_vars Named (`list`) of grouped display of `study_status_var`.
87 |
88 |
#' @keywords internal
89 |
90 |
dst01_lyt <- function(arm_var, |
91 |
92 |
93 |
94 |
trt_status_var) { |
95 | 9x |
lyt <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% |
96 | 9x |
split_cols_by(arm_var) %>% |
97 | 9x |
ifneeded_add_overall_col(lbl_overall) |
98 | 9x |
for (n in names(detail_vars)) { |
99 | 27x |
lyt <- lyt %>% |
100 | 27x |
count_or_summarize(study_status_var, n, detail_vars[[n]]) |
101 |
102 | 9x |
if (!is.null(trt_status_var)) { |
103 | 1x |
lyt <- lyt %>% |
104 | 1x |
summarize_vars( |
105 | 1x |
106 | 1x |
.stats = "count_fraction", |
107 | 1x |
denom = "N_col", |
108 | 1x |
.formats = list(count_fraction = format_count_fraction_fixed_dp), |
109 | 1x |
show_labels = "hidden", |
110 | 1x |
nested = FALSE |
111 |
112 |
113 | ||
114 | 9x |
115 |
116 | ||
117 |
#' @describeIn dst01 Preprocessing
118 |
119 |
#' @inheritParams dst01_main
120 |
121 |
#' @export
122 |
123 |
dst01_pre <- function(adam_db, |
124 |
...) { |
125 | 1x |
study_status_format <- rule( |
126 | 1x |
"Completed" = "COMPLETED", |
127 | 1x |
"Ongoing" = "ONGOING", |
128 | 1x |
"Discontinued" = "DISCONTINUED" |
129 |
130 | 1x |
trt_status_format <- rule( |
131 | 1x |
"Completed Treatment" = "COMPLETED", |
132 | 1x |
"Ongoing Treatment" = "ONGOING", |
133 | 1x |
"Discontinued Treatment" = "DISCONTINUED" |
134 |
135 | 1x |
dcsreas_grp_format <- rule( |
136 | 1x |
"Safety" = c("ADVERSE EVENT", "DEATH"), |
137 | 1x |
"Non-Safety" = c( |
138 | 1x |
139 | 1x |
140 |
141 |
142 | 1x |
adam_db$adsl <- adam_db$adsl %>% |
143 | 1x |
mutate( |
144 | 1x |
EOSSTT = reformat(.data$EOSSTT, study_status_format), |
145 | 1x |
EOTSTT = reformat(.data$EOTSTT, trt_status_format), |
146 | 1x |
DCSREASGP = reformat(.data$DCSREAS, dcsreas_grp_format), |
147 | 1x |
DCSREAS = reformat(.data$DCSREAS, empty_rule), |
148 | 1x |
STDONS = factor( |
149 | 1x |
case_when( |
150 | 1x |
EOTSTT == "Ongoing Treatment" & EOSSTT == "Ongoing" ~ "Alive: Ongoing", |
151 | 1x |
EOTSTT != "Ongoing Treatment" & EOSSTT == "Ongoing" ~ "Alive: In Follow-up", |
152 | 1x |
TRUE ~ NA_character_ |
153 |
154 | 1x |
levels = c("Alive: Ongoing", "Alive: In Follow-up") |
155 |
156 |
157 | 1x |
158 |
159 | ||
160 |
#' @describeIn dst01 Postprocessing
161 |
162 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
163 |
164 |
#' @export
165 |
166 |
dst01_post <- function(tlg, prune_0 = TRUE, ...) { |
167 | 1x |
if (prune_0) { |
168 | 1x |
tlg <- tlg %>% |
169 | 1x |
smart_prune() |
170 |
171 | 1x |
std_postprocess(tlg) |
172 |
173 | ||
174 |
#' DST01 Table 1 (Default) Patient Disposition Table 1.
175 |
176 |
#' The DST01 Disposition Table provides an overview of patients
177 |
#' study completion. For patients who discontinued the study a reason is provided.
178 |
179 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
180 |
#' @export
181 |
182 |
#' @examples
183 |
#' run(dst01, syn_data, detail_vars = list(Ongoing = "STDONS"))
184 |
185 |
#' run(dst01, syn_data, detail_vars = list(Discontinued = "DCSREAS", Ongoing = "STDONS"))
186 |
187 |
#' run(
188 |
#' dst01, syn_data,
189 |
#' detail_vars = list(
190 |
#' Discontinued = c("DCSREASGP", "DCSREAS"),
191 |
#' Ongoing = "STDONS"
192 |
#' )
193 |
#' )
194 |
dst01 <- chevron_t( |
195 |
main = dst01_main, |
196 |
preprocess = dst01_pre, |
197 |
postprocess = dst01_post |
198 |
1 |
# rmpt01 ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' @describeIn rmpt01 Main TLG function
4 |
5 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
6 |
#' @param summaryvars (`string`) variables to be analyzed. The label attribute of the corresponding columns in `adex`
7 |
#' table of `adam_db` is used as label.
8 |
#' @param show_tot (`flag`) whether to display the cumulative total.
9 |
#' @param row_split_var (`string`) the name of the column that containing variable to split exposure by.
10 |
#' @param col_split_var (`string`) additional column splitting variable.
11 |
#' @param overall_col_lbl (`string`) name of the overall column. If `NULL`, no overall level is added.
12 |
13 |
#' @details
14 |
#' * Person time is the sum of exposure across all patients.
15 |
#' * Summary statistics are by default based on the number of patients in the corresponding `N` row
16 |
#' (number of non-missing values).
17 |
#' * Does not remove zero-count rows unless overridden with `prune_0 = TRUE`.
18 |
19 |
#' @note
20 |
#' * `adam_db` object must contain an `adex` table with `"AVAL"` and the columns specified by `summaryvars`.
21 |
22 |
#' @export
23 |
24 |
rmpt01_main <- function(adam_db, |
25 |
summaryvars = "AVALCAT1", |
26 |
show_tot = TRUE, |
27 |
row_split_var = NULL, |
28 |
col_split_var = NULL, |
29 |
overall_col_lbl = NULL, |
30 |
...) { |
31 | 4x |
assert_all_tablenames(adam_db, c("adsl", "adex")) |
32 | 4x |
assert_string(summaryvars) |
33 | 4x |
assert_flag(show_tot) |
34 | 4x |
assert_string(row_split_var, null.ok = TRUE) |
35 | 4x |
assert_string(col_split_var, null.ok = TRUE) |
36 | 4x |
assert_string(overall_col_lbl, null.ok = TRUE) |
37 | 4x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adex, summaryvars, types = list(c("factor", "character")), empty_ok = FALSE) |
38 | 4x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adex, "AVAL", types = list("numeric")) |
39 | 4x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adex, row_split_var, types = list(c("factor", "numeric")), empty_ok = TRUE) |
40 | 4x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adex, col_split_var, types = list(c("factor", "character"))) |
41 | 4x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adex, "USUBJID", empty_ok = TRUE, types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
42 | 4x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adsl, "USUBJID", types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
43 | ||
44 | 4x |
lbl_summaryvars <- var_labels_for(adam_db$adex, summaryvars) |
45 | ||
46 | 4x |
lyt <- rmpt01_lyt( |
47 | 4x |
summaryvars = summaryvars, |
48 | 4x |
lbl_summaryvars = lbl_summaryvars, |
49 | 4x |
show_tot = show_tot, |
50 | 4x |
row_split_var = row_split_var, |
51 | 4x |
col_split_var = col_split_var, |
52 | 4x |
overall_col_lbl = overall_col_lbl |
53 |
54 | ||
55 | 4x |
build_table(lyt, adam_db$adex, alt_counts_df = adam_db$adsl) |
56 |
57 | ||
58 |
#' `rmpt01` Layout
59 |
60 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
61 |
#' @inheritParams rmpt01_main
62 |
#' @param lbl_summaryvars (`character`) label associated with the analyzed variables.
63 |
64 |
#' @keywords internal
65 |
66 |
rmpt01_lyt <- function(summaryvars, |
67 |
68 |
69 |
70 |
71 |
overall_col_lbl) { |
72 | 12x |
lyt <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% |
73 | 12x |
ifneeded_split_col( |
74 | 12x |
75 | 12x |
split_fun = if (!is.null(overall_col_lbl)) add_overall_level("ALL", overall_col_lbl) |
76 |
) %>% |
77 | 12x |
split_cols_by_multivar( |
78 | 12x |
vars = c("AVAL", "AVAL"), |
79 | 12x |
varlabels = c(n_patients = render_safe("{Patient_label}"), sum_exposure = "Person time"), |
80 | 12x |
extra_args = list(.stats = c("n_patients", "sum_exposure")) |
81 |
) %>% |
82 | 12x |
analyze_patients_exposure_in_cols( |
83 | 12x |
var = summaryvars, |
84 | 12x |
col_split = FALSE, |
85 | 12x |
add_total_level = show_tot, |
86 | 12x |
custom_label = render_safe("Total {patient_label} number/person time") |
87 |
88 | ||
89 | 12x |
if (!is.null(row_split_var)) { |
90 | ! |
lyt %>% |
91 | ! |
split_rows_by(row_split_var) %>% |
92 | ! |
analyze_patients_exposure_in_cols( |
93 | ! |
.indent_mods = -1L, |
94 | ! |
var = summaryvars, |
95 | ! |
col_split = FALSE, |
96 | ! |
add_total_level = show_tot, |
97 | ! |
custom_label = render_safe("Total {patient_label} number/person time") |
98 |
) %>% |
99 | ! |
append_topleft(c("", lbl_summaryvars)) |
100 |
} else { |
101 | 12x |
lyt %>% |
102 | 12x |
append_topleft(c("", lbl_summaryvars)) |
103 |
104 |
105 | ||
106 |
#' @describeIn rmpt01 Preprocessing
107 |
108 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
109 |
#' @inheritParams rmpt01_main
110 |
111 |
#' @export
112 |
113 |
rmpt01_pre <- function(adam_db, |
114 |
summaryvars = "AVALCAT1", |
115 |
...) { |
116 | 4x |
adam_db$adex <- adam_db$adex %>% |
117 | 4x |
filter(.data$PARAMCD == "TDURD") |
118 | ||
119 | 4x |
adam_db$adex$AVALCAT1 <- droplevels(adam_db$adex$AVALCAT1) |
120 | ||
121 | 4x |
adam_db$adex <- adam_db$adex %>% |
122 | 4x |
mutate( |
123 | 4x |
AVALCAT1 = with_label(.data$AVALCAT1, "Duration of exposure") |
124 |
125 | ||
126 | 4x |
adam_db$adex[[summaryvars]] <- reformat(adam_db$adex[[summaryvars]], missing_rule) |
127 | 4x |
if (!"<Missing>" %in% adam_db$adex[[summaryvars]] && summaryvars %in% colnames(adam_db$adex)) { |
128 | 4x |
adam_db$adex[[summaryvars]] <- forcats::fct_drop(adam_db$adex[[summaryvars]], only = "<Missing>") |
129 |
130 | ||
131 | 4x |
132 |
133 | ||
134 |
#' @describeIn rmpt01 Postprocessing
135 |
136 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
137 |
138 |
#' @export
139 |
140 |
rmpt01_post <- function(tlg, prune_0 = FALSE, ...) { |
141 | 4x |
if (prune_0) { |
142 | ! |
tlg <- smart_prune(tlg) |
143 |
144 | 4x |
std_postprocess(tlg) |
145 |
146 | ||
147 |
#' `RMPT01`Duration of Exposure for Risk Management Plan Table.
148 |
149 |
#' The `RMPT01` table provides an overview of duration of exposure.
150 |
151 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
152 |
#' @export
153 |
154 |
#' @examples
155 |
#' run(rmpt01, syn_data, col_split_var = "SEX")
156 |
rmpt01 <- chevron_t( |
157 |
main = rmpt01_main, |
158 |
preprocess = rmpt01_pre, |
159 |
postprocess = rmpt01_post |
160 |
1 |
# dmt01 ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' @describeIn dmt01 Main TLG function
4 |
5 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
6 |
#' @param summaryvars (`character`) variables summarized in demographic table. The label attribute of the corresponding
7 |
#' column in `adsl` table of `adam_db` is used as label.
8 |
9 |
#' @details
10 |
#' * Information from `ADSUB` are generally included into `ADSL` before analysis.
11 |
#' * Default demographic and characteristics table
12 |
#' * If not specified otherwise, numbers represent absolute numbers of patients and fraction of `N`
13 |
#' * Remove zero-count rows
14 |
#' * Split columns by arm (planned or actual / code or description)
15 |
#' * Include a total column by default
16 |
17 |
#' @note
18 |
#' * `adam_db` object must contain an `adsl` table with the columns specified in `summaryvars`.
19 |
20 |
#' @export
21 |
22 |
dmt01_main <- function(adam_db, |
23 |
arm_var = "ARM", |
24 |
lbl_overall = "All {Patient_label}", |
25 |
summaryvars = c( |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
32 |
...) { |
33 | 1x |
assert_string(arm_var) |
34 | 1x |
assert_string(lbl_overall, null.ok = TRUE) |
35 | 1x |
assert_character(summaryvars, null.ok = TRUE) |
36 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adsl, summaryvars, na_ok = TRUE) |
37 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adsl, c("USUBJID", arm_var), types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
38 | ||
39 | 1x |
lbl_overall <- render_safe(lbl_overall) |
40 | 1x |
summaryvars_lbls <- var_labels_for(adam_db$adsl, summaryvars) |
41 | ||
42 | 1x |
lyt <- dmt01_lyt( |
43 | 1x |
arm_var = arm_var, |
44 | 1x |
lbl_overall = lbl_overall, |
45 | 1x |
summaryvars = summaryvars, |
46 | 1x |
summaryvars_lbls = summaryvars_lbls |
47 |
48 | ||
49 | 1x |
tbl <- build_table(lyt, adam_db$adsl) |
50 | ||
51 | 1x |
52 |
53 | ||
54 |
#' `dmt01` Layout
55 |
#' @param summaryvars_lbls (`character`) labels corresponding to the analyzed variables.
56 |
57 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
58 |
59 |
#' @keywords internal
60 |
61 |
dmt01_lyt <- function(arm_var, |
62 |
63 |
64 |
summaryvars_lbls) { |
65 | 4x |
basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% |
66 | 4x |
split_cols_by(var = arm_var) %>% |
67 | 4x |
ifneeded_add_overall_col(lbl_overall) %>% |
68 | 4x |
summarize_vars( |
69 | 4x |
vars = summaryvars, |
70 | 4x |
var_labels = summaryvars_lbls, |
71 | 4x |
.formats = list(count_fraction = format_count_fraction_fixed_dp) |
72 |
73 |
74 | ||
75 |
#' @describeIn dmt01 Preprocessing
76 |
77 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
78 |
79 |
#' @export
80 |
81 |
dmt01_pre <- function(adam_db, ...) { |
82 | 1x |
adam_db$adsl <- adam_db$adsl %>% |
83 | 1x |
mutate(SEX = reformat(.data$SEX, rule(Male = "M", Female = "F"))) |
84 | 1x |
85 |
86 | ||
87 |
#' @describeIn dmt01 Postprocessing
88 |
89 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
90 |
91 |
#' @export
92 |
93 |
dmt01_post <- function(tlg, prune_0 = TRUE, ...) { |
94 | 1x |
if (prune_0) { |
95 | 1x |
tlg <- smart_prune(tlg) |
96 |
97 | 1x |
std_postprocess(tlg) |
98 |
99 | ||
100 |
#' `DMT01` Table 1 (Default) Demographics and Baseline Characteristics Table 1.
101 |
102 |
#' For each variable, summary statistics are
103 |
#' by default based on the number of patients in the corresponding `n` row.
104 |
105 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
106 |
#' @export
107 |
108 |
#' @examples
109 |
#' run(dmt01, syn_data)
110 |
dmt01 <- chevron_t( |
111 |
main = dmt01_main, |
112 |
preprocess = dmt01_pre, |
113 |
postprocess = dmt01_post |
114 |
1 |
# aet10 ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' @describeIn aet10 Main TLG function
4 |
5 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
6 |
7 |
#' @details
8 |
#' * Numbers represent absolute numbers of subject and fraction of `N`, or absolute number of event when specified.
9 |
#' * Remove zero-count rows unless overridden with `prune_0 = FALSE`.
10 |
#' * Split columns by arm.
11 |
#' * Does not include a total column by default.
12 |
#' * Sort Dictionary-Derived Code (`AEDECOD`) by highest overall frequencies.
13 |
#' * Missing values in `AEDECOD` are labeled by `No Coding Available`.
14 |
15 |
#' @note
16 |
#' * `adam_db` object must contain an `adae` table with the columns `"AEDECOD"`.
17 |
18 |
#' @export
19 |
20 |
aet10_main <- function(adam_db, |
21 |
arm_var = "ACTARM", |
22 |
lbl_overall = NULL, |
23 |
...) { |
24 | 1x |
assert_all_tablenames(adam_db, "adsl", "adae") |
25 | 1x |
assert_string(arm_var) |
26 | 1x |
assert_string(lbl_overall, null.ok = TRUE) |
27 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adsl, c("USUBJID", arm_var), types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
28 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adae, c(arm_var, "AEBODSYS", "AEDECOD"), types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
29 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adae, "USUBJID", empty_ok = TRUE, types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
30 | 1x |
assert_valid_var_pair(adam_db$adsl, adam_db$adae, arm_var) |
31 | ||
32 | 1x |
lbl_overall <- render_safe(lbl_overall) |
33 | 1x |
lbl_aedecod <- var_labels_for(adam_db$adae, "AEDECOD") |
34 | ||
35 | 1x |
lyt <- aet10_lyt( |
36 | 1x |
arm_var = arm_var, |
37 | 1x |
lbl_overall = lbl_overall, |
38 | 1x |
lbl_aedecod = lbl_aedecod |
39 |
40 | ||
41 | 1x |
tbl <- build_table(lyt, adam_db$adae, alt_counts_df = adam_db$adsl) |
42 | ||
43 | 1x |
44 |
45 | ||
46 |
#' `aet10` Layout
47 |
48 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
49 |
#' @param lbl_aedecod (`character`) text label for `AEDECOD`.
50 |
51 |
#' @keywords internal
52 |
53 |
aet10_lyt <- function(arm_var, |
54 |
55 |
lbl_aedecod) { |
56 | 3x |
basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% |
57 | 3x |
split_cols_by(var = arm_var) %>% |
58 | 3x |
ifneeded_add_overall_col(lbl_overall) %>% |
59 | 3x |
count_occurrences( |
60 | 3x |
vars = "AEDECOD", |
61 | 3x |
.indent_mods = -1L |
62 |
) %>% |
63 | 3x |
append_topleft(paste0("\n", lbl_aedecod)) |
64 |
65 | ||
66 |
#' @describeIn aet10 Preprocessing
67 |
68 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
69 |
70 |
#' @export
71 |
72 |
aet10_pre <- function(adam_db, ...) { |
73 | 1x |
adam_db$adae <- adam_db$adae %>% |
74 | 1x |
filter(.data$ANL01FL == "Y") %>% |
75 | 1x |
mutate(AEDECOD = reformat(.data$AEDECOD, nocoding)) |
76 | 1x |
return(adam_db) |
77 |
78 | ||
79 |
#' @describeIn aet10 Postprocessing
80 |
81 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
82 |
#' @param atleast given cut-off in numeric format, default is `0.05`
83 |
84 |
#' @export
85 |
86 |
aet10_post <- function(tlg, atleast = 0.05, ...) { |
87 | 1x |
assert_number(atleast, lower = 0, upper = 1) |
88 | 1x |
tbl_sorted <- tlg %>% |
89 | 1x |
sort_at_path( |
90 | 1x |
path = c("AEDECOD"), |
91 | 1x |
scorefun = score_occurrences |
92 |
93 | ||
94 | 1x |
tlg_prune <- prune_table( |
95 | 1x |
tt = tbl_sorted, |
96 | 1x |
prune_func = keep_rows( |
97 | 1x |
has_fraction_in_any_col( |
98 | 1x |
atleast = atleast |
99 |
100 |
101 |
102 | ||
103 | 1x |
std_postprocess(tlg_prune) |
104 |
105 | ||
106 |
#' `AET10` Table 1 (Default) Most Common (xx%) Adverse Events Preferred Terms Table 1
107 |
108 |
#' The `AET10` table Include Adverse Events occurring with user-specified threshold X% in at least
109 |
#' one of the treatment groups. Standard table summarized by preferred term (PT).
110 |
#' Order the data by total column frequency from most to least frequently reported PT (regardless of SOC).
111 |
112 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
113 |
#' @export
114 |
115 |
#' @examples
116 |
#' run(aet10, syn_data)
117 |
aet10 <- chevron_t( |
118 |
main = aet10_main, |
119 |
preprocess = aet10_pre, |
120 |
postprocess = aet10_post |
121 |
1 |
# kmg01 ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' @describeIn kmg01 Main TLG Function
4 |
5 |
#' @details
6 |
#' * No overall value.
7 |
8 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
9 |
#' @param dataset (`string`) the name of a table in the `adam_db` object.
10 |
#' @param strat (`character`) the variable name of stratification variables.
11 |
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to `g_km` and `control_coxph`. For details, see
12 |
#' the documentation in `tern`.
13 |
#' Commonly used arguments include `col`, `pval_method`, `ties`, `conf_level`, `conf_type`,
14 |
#' `annot_coxph`, `annot_stats`, etc.
15 |
16 |
#' @note
17 |
#' * `adam_db` object must contain the table specified by `dataset` with the columns specified by `arm_var`.
18 |
19 |
#' @return a `gTree` object.
20 |
#' @export
21 |
kmg01_main <- function(adam_db, |
22 |
dataset = "adtte", |
23 |
arm_var = "ARM", |
24 |
strat = NULL, |
25 |
...) { |
26 | 1x |
assert_all_tablenames(adam_db, c("adsl", dataset)) |
27 | 1x |
df_lbl <- paste0("adam_db$", dataset) |
28 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db[[dataset]], "AVAL", types = list("numeric"), lower = 0, label = df_lbl) |
29 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db[[dataset]], "IS_EVENT", types = list("logical"), label = df_lbl) |
30 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db[[dataset]], strat, types = list(c("character", "factor")), label = df_lbl) |
31 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable( |
32 | 1x |
adam_db[[dataset]], |
33 | 1x |
c("PARAMCD", arm_var), |
34 | 1x |
types = list(c("character", "factor")), |
35 | 1x |
na_ok = FALSE, |
36 | 1x |
label = df_lbl |
37 |
38 | 1x |
assert_single_value(adam_db[[dataset]]$PARAMCD, label = paste0(df_lbl, "$PARAMCD")) |
39 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db[[dataset]], "USUBJID", empty_ok = TRUE, types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
40 | 1x |
variables <- list(tte = "AVAL", is_event = "IS_EVENT", arm = arm_var, strat = strat) |
41 | 1x |
control_cox <- execute_with_args(control_coxph, ...) |
42 | 1x |
control_surv <- execute_with_args(control_surv_timepoint, ...) |
43 | 1x |
execute_with_args( |
44 | 1x |
45 | 1x |
df = adam_db[[dataset]], |
46 | 1x |
variables = variables, |
47 | 1x |
control_surv = control_surv, |
48 | 1x |
control_coxph_pw = control_cox, |
49 |
50 | 1x |
draw = FALSE |
51 |
52 |
53 | ||
54 |
#' @describeIn kmg01 Preprocessing
55 |
56 |
#' @inheritParams kmg01_main
57 |
58 |
#' @export
59 |
kmg01_pre <- function(adam_db, dataset = "adtte", ...) { |
60 | 1x |
adam_db[[dataset]] <- adam_db[[dataset]] %>% |
61 | 1x |
mutate(IS_EVENT = .data$CNSR == 0) |
62 | ||
63 | 1x |
64 |
65 | ||
66 |
# `kmg01` Pipeline ----
67 | ||
68 |
#' `KMG01` Kaplan-Meier Plot 1.
69 |
70 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
71 |
#' @export
72 |
73 |
#' @examples
74 |
#' library(dplyr)
75 |
#' library(dunlin)
76 |
77 |
#' col <- c(
78 |
#' "A: Drug X" = "black",
79 |
#' "B: Placebo" = "blue",
80 |
#' "C: Combination" = "gray"
81 |
#' )
82 |
83 |
#' syn_data2 <- log_filter(syn_data, PARAMCD == "OS", "adtte")
84 |
#' run(kmg01, syn_data2, dataset = "adtte", line_col = col)
85 |
86 |
#' syn_data3 <- log_filter(syn_data, PARAMCD == "AEREPTTE", "adaette")
87 |
#' run(kmg01, syn_data3, dataset = "adaette")
88 |
kmg01 <- chevron_g( |
89 |
main = kmg01_main, |
90 |
preproces = kmg01_pre |
91 |
1 |
# aet01_aesi ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' @describeIn aet01_aesi Main TLG function
4 |
5 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
6 |
#' @param aesi_vars (`character`) the `AESI` variables to be included in the summary. Defaults to `NA`.
7 |
#' @param grade_groups (`list`) the grade groups to be displayed.
8 |
#' @details
9 |
#' * Does not remove rows with zero counts by default.
10 |
11 |
#' @note
12 |
#' * `adam_db` object must contain an `adae` table with columns `"AEOUT"`, `"AEACN"`, `"AECONTRT"`, `"AESER"`,
13 |
#' `"AREL"`, and the column specified by `arm_var`.
14 |
#' * `aesi_vars` may contain any/all of the following variables to display: `"ALLRESWD"`, `"ALLRESDSM"`,
15 |
16 |
#' `"RELWD"`, `"RELDSM"`, `"RELCONTRT"`, `"RELSER"`.
17 |
#' * `aesi_vars` variable prefixes are defined as follows:
18 |
#' * `"ALLRES"` = "all non-fatal adverse events resolved"
19 |
#' * `"NOTRES"` = "at least one unresolved or ongoing non-fatal adverse event"
20 |
#' * `"SER"` = "serious adverse event"
21 |
#' * `"REL"` = "related adverse event"
22 |
#' * `aesi_vars` variable suffixes are defined as follows:
23 |
#' * `"WD"` = "patients with study drug withdrawn"
24 |
#' * `"DSM"` = "patients with dose modified/interrupted"
25 |
#' * `"CONTRT"` = "patients with treatment received"
26 |
#' * Several `aesi_vars` can be added to the table at once:
27 |
#' * `aesi_vars = "ALL"` will include all possible `aesi_vars`.
28 |
#' * Including `"ALL_XXX"` in `aesi_vars` where `XXX` is one of the prefixes listed above will include all
29 |
#' `aesi_vars` with that prefix.
30 |
31 |
#' @export
32 |
33 |
aet01_aesi_main <- function(adam_db, |
34 |
arm_var = "ACTARM", |
35 |
lbl_overall = NULL, |
36 |
aesi_vars = NULL, |
37 |
grade_groups = NULL, |
38 |
...) { |
39 | 1x |
assert_all_tablenames(adam_db, "adsl", "adae") |
40 | 1x |
assert_string(arm_var) |
41 | 1x |
assert_string(lbl_overall, null.ok = TRUE) |
42 | 1x |
assert_character(aesi_vars, null.ok = TRUE) |
43 | 1x |
assert_list(grade_groups, null.ok = TRUE) |
44 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adsl, c("USUBJID", arm_var)) |
45 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adae, c(arm_var)) |
46 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adae, "USUBJID", empty_ok = TRUE) |
47 | 1x |
assert_valid_var_pair(adam_db$adsl, adam_db$adae, arm_var) |
48 | ||
49 | 1x |
if (is.null(grade_groups)) { |
50 | 1x |
grade_groups <- list( |
51 | 1x |
"Grade 1" = "1", |
52 | 1x |
"Grade 2" = "2", |
53 | 1x |
"Grade 3" = "3", |
54 | 1x |
"Grade 4" = "4", |
55 | 1x |
"Grade 5 (fatal outcome)" = "5" |
56 |
57 |
58 | 1x |
all_aesi_vars <- get_aesi_vars(aesi_vars) |
59 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adae, c(all_aesi_vars), empty_ok = TRUE, na_ok = TRUE, types = list("logical")) |
60 | ||
61 | 1x |
lbl_overall <- render_safe(lbl_overall) |
62 | 1x |
lbl_aesi_vars <- var_labels_for(adam_db$adae, all_aesi_vars) |
63 | ||
64 | 1x |
lyt <- aet01_aesi_lyt( |
65 | 1x |
arm_var = arm_var, |
66 | 1x |
aesi_vars = all_aesi_vars, |
67 | 1x |
lbl_overall = lbl_overall, |
68 | 1x |
lbl_aesi_vars = lbl_aesi_vars, |
69 | 1x |
grade_groups = grade_groups |
70 |
71 | ||
72 | 1x |
tbl <- build_table(lyt, adam_db$adae, alt_counts_df = adam_db$adsl) |
73 | ||
74 | 1x |
75 |
76 | ||
77 |
#' `aet01_aesi` Layout
78 |
79 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
80 |
#' @param lbl_aesi_vars (`character`) the labels of the `AESI` variables to be summarized.
81 |
82 |
#' @keywords internal
83 |
84 |
aet01_aesi_lyt <- function(arm_var, |
85 |
86 |
87 |
88 |
grade_groups) { |
89 | 5x |
names(lbl_aesi_vars) <- aesi_vars |
90 | 5x |
basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% |
91 | 5x |
split_cols_by(var = arm_var) %>% |
92 | 5x |
ifneeded_add_overall_col(lbl_overall) %>% |
93 | 5x |
count_patients_with_event( |
94 | 5x |
vars = "USUBJID", |
95 | 5x |
filters = c("ANL01FL" = "Y"), |
96 | 5x |
denom = "N_col", |
97 | 5x |
.labels = c(count_fraction = render_safe("Total number of {patient_label} with at least one AE")) |
98 |
) %>% |
99 | 5x |
count_values( |
100 | 5x |
101 | 5x |
values = "Y", |
102 | 5x |
.stats = "count", |
103 | 5x |
.labels = c(count = "Total number of AEs"), |
104 | 5x |
table_names = "total_aes" |
105 |
) %>% |
106 | 5x |
count_occurrences_by_grade( |
107 | 5x |
var = "ATOXGR", |
108 | 5x |
var_labels = render_safe("Total number of {patient_label} with at least one AE by worst grade"), |
109 | 5x |
show_labels = "visible", |
110 | 5x |
grade_groups = grade_groups |
111 |
) %>% |
112 | 5x |
count_patients_with_flags( |
113 | 5x |
114 | 5x |
flag_variables = lbl_aesi_vars, |
115 | 5x |
denom = "N_col" |
116 |
117 |
118 | ||
119 |
#' @describeIn aet01_aesi Preprocessing
120 |
121 |
#' @inheritParams aet01_aesi_main
122 |
123 |
#' @export
124 |
125 |
aet01_aesi_pre <- function(adam_db, |
126 |
...) { |
127 | 1x |
assert_all_tablenames(adam_db, c("adsl", "adae")) |
128 | ||
129 | 1x |
adam_db$adae <- adam_db$adae %>% |
130 | 1x |
filter(.data$ANL01FL == "Y") %>% |
131 | 1x |
mutate( |
132 | 1x |
NOT_RESOLVED = with_label( |
133 | 1x |
134 | 1x |
"Total number of {patient_label} with at least one unresolved or ongoing non-fatal AE"
135 |
136 | 1x |
ALL_RESOLVED = with_label( |
137 | 1x |
!.data$AEOUT %in% "FATAL" & !.data$NOT_RESOLVED, |
138 | 1x |
"Total number of {patient_label} with all non-fatal AEs resolved"
139 |
140 | 1x |
WD = with_label( |
141 | 1x |
.data$AEACN %in% "DRUG WITHDRAWN", "Total number of {patient_label} with study drug withdrawn due to AE" |
142 |
143 | 1x |
DSM = with_label( |
144 | 1x |
145 | 1x |
"Total number of {patient_label} with dose modified/interrupted due to AE"
146 |
147 | 1x |
CONTRT = with_label( |
148 | 1x |
.data$AECONTRT %in% "Y", "Total number of {patient_label} with treatment received for AE" |
149 |
150 | 1x |
SER = with_label( |
151 | 1x |
.data$AESER %in% "Y", "Total number of {patient_label} with at least one serious AE" |
152 |
153 | 1x |
REL = with_label( |
154 | 1x |
.data$AREL %in% "Y", "Total number of {patient_label} with at least one related AE" |
155 |
156 | 1x |
ALLRESWD = with_label( |
157 | 1x |
.data$WD & .data$ALL_RESOLVED, " No. of {patient_label} with study drug withdrawn due to resolved AE" |
158 |
159 | 1x |
ALLRESDSM = with_label( |
160 | 1x |
.data$DSM & .data$ALL_RESOLVED, " No. of {patient_label} with dose modified/interrupted due to resolved AE" |
161 |
162 | 1x |
ALLRESCONTRT = with_label( |
163 | 1x |
.data$CONTRT & .data$ALL_RESOLVED, " No. of {patient_label} with treatment received for resolved AE" |
164 |
165 | 1x |
NOTRESWD = with_label( |
166 | 1x |
.data$WD & .data$NOT_RESOLVED, |
167 | 1x |
" No. of {patient_label} with study drug withdrawn due to unresolved or ongoing AE"
168 |
169 | 1x |
NOTRESDSM = with_label( |
170 | 1x |
.data$DSM & .data$NOT_RESOLVED, |
171 | 1x |
" No. of {patient_label} with dose modified/interrupted due to unresolved or ongoing AE"
172 |
173 | 1x |
NOTRESCONTRT = with_label( |
174 | 1x |
.data$CONTRT & .data$NOT_RESOLVED, |
175 | 1x |
" No. of {patient_label} with treatment received for unresolved/ongoing AE"
176 |
177 | 1x |
SERWD = with_label( |
178 | 1x |
.data$SER & .data$WD, " No. of {patient_label} with study drug withdrawn due to serious AE" |
179 |
180 | 1x |
SERDSM = with_label( |
181 | 1x |
.data$SER & .data$DSM, " No. of {patient_label} with dose modified/interrupted due to serious AE" |
182 |
183 | 1x |
SERCONTRT = with_label( |
184 | 1x |
.data$SER & .data$CONTRT, " No. of {patient_label} with treatment received for serious AE" |
185 |
186 | 1x |
RELWD = with_label( |
187 | 1x |
.data$REL & .data$WD, " No. of {patient_label} with study drug withdrawn due to related AE" |
188 |
189 | 1x |
RELDSM = with_label( |
190 | 1x |
.data$REL & .data$DSM, " No. of {patient_label} with dose modified/interrupted due to related AE" |
191 |
192 | 1x |
RELCONTRT = with_label( |
193 | 1x |
.data$REL & .data$CONTRT, " No. of {patient_label} with treatment received for related AE" |
194 |
195 | 1x |
RELSER = with_label( |
196 | 1x |
.data$REL & .data$SER, " No. of {patient_label} with serious, related AE" |
197 |
198 |
) %>% |
199 | 1x |
mutate( |
200 | 1x |
ATOXGR = factor(.data$ATOXGR, levels = 1:5) |
201 |
202 | ||
203 | 1x |
204 |
205 | ||
206 |
#' @describeIn aet01_aesi Postprocessing
207 |
208 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
209 |
210 |
#' @export
211 |
212 |
aet01_aesi_post <- function(tlg, prune_0 = FALSE, ...) { |
213 | 1x |
if (prune_0) { |
214 | ! |
tlg <- smart_prune(tlg) |
215 |
216 | 1x |
std_postprocess(tlg) |
217 |
218 | ||
219 |
#' `AET01_AESI` Table 1 (Default) Adverse Event of Special Interest Summary Table.
220 |
221 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
222 |
#' @export
223 |
224 |
#' @examples
225 |
#' run(aet01_aesi, syn_data)
226 |
aet01_aesi <- chevron_t( |
227 |
main = aet01_aesi_main, |
228 |
preprocess = aet01_aesi_pre, |
229 |
postprocess = aet01_aesi_post |
230 |
231 | ||
232 |
#' @keywords internal
233 |
get_aesi_vars <- function(aesi_vars) { |
234 | 1x |
if ("ALL" %in% aesi_vars) aesi_vars <- c("ALL_ALLRES", "ALL_NOTRES", "ALL_SER", "ALL_REL") |
235 | 5x |
if (any(grepl("^ALL_", aesi_vars))) { |
236 | 1x |
aesi <- c(grep("^ALL_", aesi_vars, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE), sapply( |
237 | 1x |
c("WD", "DSM", "CONTRT"), |
238 | 1x |
function(x) sub("^(ALL_)(.*)", paste0("\\2", x), grep("^ALL_", aesi_vars, value = TRUE)) |
239 |
)) |
240 | 1x |
if ("ALL_REL" %in% aesi_vars) aesi <- c(aesi, "RELSER") |
241 |
} else { |
242 | 4x |
aesi <- aesi_vars |
243 |
244 | 5x |
all_aesi_vars <- c( |
245 | 5x |
"WD", "DSM", "CONTRT", "ALL_RESOLVED", grep("^ALLRES", aesi, value = TRUE), |
246 | 5x |
"NOT_RESOLVED", grep("^NOTRES", aesi, value = TRUE), "SER", grep("^SER", aesi, value = TRUE), |
247 | 5x |
"REL", grep("^REL", aesi, value = TRUE) |
248 |
249 | 5x |
return(all_aesi_vars) |
250 |
1 |
# coxt01 ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' @describeIn coxt01 Main TLG function
4 |
5 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
6 |
#' @param arm_var (`string`) the arm variable used for arm splitting.
7 |
#' @param time_var (`string`) the time variable in a Cox proportional hazards regression model.
8 |
#' @param event_var (`string`) the event variable in a Cox proportional hazards regression model.
9 |
#' @param covariates (`character`) will be fitted and the corresponding effect will be estimated.
10 |
#' @param strata (`character`) will be fitted for the stratified analysis.
11 |
#' @param lbl_vars (`string`) text label for the a Cox regression model variables.
12 |
#' @param multivar (`flag`) indicator of whether multivariate cox regression is conducted.
13 |
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to `tern::control_coxreg()`.
14 |
15 |
#' @details
16 |
#' * The reference arm will always the first level of `arm_var`. Please change the level if you want to
17 |
#' change the reference arms.
18 |
#' * The table allows confidence level to be adjusted, default is two-sided 95%.
19 |
#' * The stratified analysis is with DISCRETE tie handling (equivalent to `tern::control_coxreg(ties = "exact")` in R).
20 |
#' * Model includes treatment plus specified covariate(s) as factor(s) or numeric(s),
21 |
#' with `"SEX"`, `"RACE"` and `"AAGE"` as default candidates.
22 |
#' * The selection of the covariates and whether or not there is a selection process
23 |
#' (vs. a fixed, pre-specified list) needs to be pre-specified.
24 |
#' * For pairwise comparisons using the hazard ratio, the value for the control group is the denominator.
25 |
#' * Keep zero-count rows unless overridden with `prune_0 = TRUE`.
26 |
27 |
#' @note
28 |
#' * `adam_db` object must contain an `adtte` table with `"PARAMCD"`, `"ARM"`,
29 |
#' `"AVAL"`, `"CNSR`, and the columns specified by `"covariates"` which is denoted as
30 |
#' `c("SEX", "RACE", "AAGE")` by default.
31 |
32 |
#' @export
33 |
34 |
coxt01_main <- function(adam_db, |
35 |
arm_var = "ARM", |
36 |
time_var = "AVAL", |
37 |
event_var = "EVENT", |
38 |
covariates = c("SEX", "RACE", "AAGE"), |
39 |
strata = NULL, |
40 |
lbl_vars = "Effect/Covariate Included in the Model", |
41 |
multivar = FALSE, |
42 |
...) { |
43 | 2x |
assert_all_tablenames(adam_db, "adtte") |
44 | 2x |
assert_string(arm_var) |
45 | 2x |
assert_string(time_var) |
46 | 2x |
assert_string(event_var) |
47 | 2x |
assert_character(covariates, null.ok = TRUE) |
48 | 2x |
assert_character(strata, null.ok = TRUE) |
49 | 2x |
assert_flag(multivar) |
50 | 2x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adtte, arm_var, types = list("factor"), n.levels = if (!multivar) 2L) |
51 | 2x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adtte, c("USUBJID", arm_var, "PARAMCD"), types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
52 | 2x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adtte, strata, types = list(c("factor", "integer", "character")), na_ok = TRUE) |
53 | 2x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adtte, covariates, na_ok = TRUE) |
54 | 2x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adtte, event_var, types = list("numeric"), integerish = TRUE, lower = 0L, upper = 1L) |
55 | 2x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adtte, time_var, types = list("numeric"), lower = 0) |
56 | 2x |
assert_single_value(adam_db$adtte$PARAMCD) |
57 | 2x |
control <- execute_with_args(control_coxreg, ...) |
58 | ||
59 | 2x |
variables <- list( |
60 | 2x |
time = time_var, |
61 | 2x |
event = event_var, |
62 | 2x |
arm = arm_var, |
63 | 2x |
covariates = covariates, |
64 | 2x |
strata = strata |
65 |
66 | ||
67 | 2x |
lyt <- coxt01_lyt( |
68 | 2x |
variables = variables, |
69 | 2x |
col_split = if (!multivar) "COL_LABEL", |
70 | 2x |
lbl_vars = lbl_vars, |
71 | 2x |
multivar = multivar, |
72 | 2x |
control = control, |
73 |
74 |
75 | ||
76 | 2x |
col_split <- "Treatment Effect Adjusted for Covariate" |
77 | 2x |
adam_db$adtte$COL_LABEL <- factor(rep(col_split, nrow(adam_db$adtte)), levels = col_split) |
78 | ||
79 | 2x |
tbl <- build_table(lyt, adam_db$adtte) |
80 | ||
81 | 2x |
82 |
83 | ||
84 |
#' `COXT01` Layout
85 |
86 |
#' @inheritParams coxt01_main
87 |
#' @param variables (`list`) list of variables in a Cox proportional hazards regression model.
88 |
89 |
#' @keywords internal
90 |
91 |
coxt01_lyt <- function(variables, |
92 |
93 |
94 |
95 |
96 |
...) { |
97 | 4x |
lyt <- basic_table() %>% |
98 | 4x |
ifneeded_split_col(col_split) |
99 | 4x |
lyt <- execute_with_args( |
100 | 4x |
101 | 4x |
lyt = lyt, variables = variables, control = control, multivar = multivar, ... |
102 |
103 | 4x |
lyt %>% |
104 | 4x |
append_topleft(lbl_vars) |
105 |
106 | ||
107 |
#' @describeIn coxt01 Preprocessing
108 |
109 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
110 |
111 |
#' @export
112 |
113 |
coxt01_pre <- function(adam_db, ...) { |
114 | 2x |
adam_db$adtte <- adam_db$adtte %>% |
115 | 2x |
mutate(EVENT = 1 - .data$CNSR) |
116 | ||
117 | 2x |
118 |
119 | ||
120 |
#' @describeIn coxt01 Postprocessing
121 |
122 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
123 |
124 |
#' @export
125 |
126 |
coxt01_post <- function(tlg, prune_0 = FALSE, ...) { |
127 | 2x |
if (prune_0) { |
128 | ! |
tlg <- smart_prune(tlg) |
129 |
130 | 2x |
std_postprocess(tlg) |
131 |
132 | ||
133 |
#' `COXT01` (Default) Cox Regression Model Table.
134 |
135 |
#' Cox models are the most commonly used methods to estimate the magnitude of the effect in survival analyses.
136 |
#' It assumes proportional hazards; that is, it assumes that the ratio of the hazards
137 |
#' of the two groups (e.g. two arms) is constant over time.
138 |
#' This ratio is referred to as the "hazard ratio" and is one of the most commonly reported metrics
139 |
#' to describe the effect size in survival analysis.
140 |
141 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
142 |
#' @export
143 |
144 |
#' @examples
145 |
#' library(dunlin)
146 |
147 |
#' proc_data <- log_filter(syn_data, PARAMCD == "CRSD", "adtte")
148 |
#' proc_data <- log_filter(proc_data, ARMCD != "ARM C", "adsl")
149 |
#' proc_data$adtte$ARM <- droplevels(proc_data$adtte$ARM)
150 |
#' run(coxt01, proc_data)
151 |
152 |
#' run(coxt01, proc_data, covariates = c("SEX", "AAGE"), strata = c("RACE"), conf_level = 0.90)
153 |
coxt01 <- chevron_t( |
154 |
main = coxt01_main, |
155 |
preprocess = coxt01_pre, |
156 |
postprocess = coxt01_post |
157 |
1 |
# fstg01 ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' @describeIn fstg01 Main TLG Function
4 |
5 |
#' @details
6 |
#' * No overall value.
7 |
#' * Keep zero count rows by default.
8 |
9 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
10 |
#' @param dataset (`string`) the name of a table in the `adam_db` object.
11 |
#' @param arm_var (`string`) the arm variable name used for group splitting.
12 |
#' @param rsp_var (`string`) the response variable name to flag whether each subject is a binary response or not.
13 |
#' @param subgroups (`character`) the subgroups variable name to list baseline risk factors.
14 |
#' @param strata_var (`character`) required if stratified analysis is performed.
15 |
#' @param stat_var (`character`) the names of statistics to be reported in `tabulate_rsp_subgroups`.
16 |
#' @param max_colwidth (`int`) maximum width of columns. Stratification label longer than this will be truncated.
17 |
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to `g_forest` and `extract_rsp_subgroups` (a wrapper for
18 |
#' `h_odds_ratio_subgroups_df` and `h_proportion_subgroups_df`). For details, see the documentation in `tern`.
19 |
#' Commonly used arguments include `col_symbol_size`, `col`, `vline`, `groups_lists`, `conf_level`,
20 |
#' `method`, `label_all`, etc.
21 |
22 |
#' @note
23 |
#' * `adam_db` object must contain the table specified by `dataset` with `"PARAMCD"`, `"ARM"`,
24 |
#' `"AVALC"`, and the columns specified by `subgroups` which is denoted as
25 |
#' `c("SEX", "AGEGR1", "RACE")` by default.
26 |
#' * If the plot is too large to be rendered in the output, please provide `width_row_names`,
27 |
#' `width_columns` and `width_forest` manually to make it fit. See `g_forest` for more details.
28 |
29 |
#' @return a `gTree` object.
30 |
31 |
#' @export
32 |
33 |
fstg01_main <- function(adam_db, |
34 |
dataset = "adrs", |
35 |
arm_var = "ARM", |
36 |
rsp_var = "IS_RSP", |
37 |
subgroups = c("SEX", "AGEGR1", "RACE"), |
38 |
strata_var = NULL, |
39 |
stat_var = c("n_tot", "n", "n_rsp", "prop", "or", "ci"), |
40 |
max_colwidth = 12, |
41 |
...) { |
42 | 1x |
assert_all_tablenames(adam_db, c("adsl", dataset)) |
43 | 1x |
df_lbl <- paste0("adam_db$", dataset) |
44 | 1x |
assert_string(arm_var) |
45 | 1x |
assert_string(rsp_var) |
46 | 1x |
assert_int(max_colwidth) |
47 | 1x |
assert_character(subgroups, null.ok = TRUE) |
48 | 1x |
assert_character(strata_var, null.ok = TRUE) |
49 | 1x |
assert_character(stat_var, null.ok = TRUE) |
50 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db[[dataset]], arm_var, types = list("factor"), n.levels = 2, label = df_lbl) |
51 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db[[dataset]], c("USUBJID", "PARAMCD"), |
52 | 1x |
types = list(c("character", "factor")), |
53 | 1x |
label = df_lbl |
54 |
55 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db[[dataset]], rsp_var, types = list("logical"), label = df_lbl) |
56 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db[[dataset]], c(subgroups, strata_var), |
57 | 1x |
types = list(c("factor")), na_ok = TRUE, |
58 | 1x |
label = df_lbl |
59 |
60 | 1x |
assert_single_value(adam_db[[dataset]]$PARAMCD, label = df_lbl) |
61 | ||
62 | 1x |
variables <- list( |
63 | 1x |
arm = arm_var, |
64 | 1x |
rsp = rsp_var, |
65 | 1x |
subgroups = subgroups, |
66 | 1x |
strata_var = strata_var |
67 |
68 | ||
69 | 1x |
df <- execute_with_args(extract_rsp_subgroups, |
70 | 1x |
variables = variables, |
71 | 1x |
data = adam_db[[dataset]], |
72 |
73 |
74 | 1x |
df$prop$subgroup <- stringr::str_trunc(df$prop$subgroup, max_colwidth) |
75 | 1x |
df$or$subgroup <- stringr::str_trunc(df$or$subgroup, max_colwidth) |
76 | 1x |
result <- basic_table() %>% |
77 | 1x |
tabulate_rsp_subgroups(df, vars = stat_var) |
78 | 1x |
cw <- pmin(propose_column_widths(result), max_colwidth + 2) |
79 | 1x |
final_width <- stringWidth(strrep("x", cw)) |
80 | 1x |
execute_with_args( |
81 | 1x |
82 | 1x |
tbl = result, |
83 |
84 | 1x |
width_row_names = final_width[1], |
85 | 1x |
width_columns = final_width[-1], |
86 | 1x |
draw = FALSE |
87 |
88 |
89 | ||
90 |
#' @describeIn fstg01 Preprocessing
91 |
92 |
#' @inheritParams fstg01_main
93 |
94 |
#' @export
95 |
96 |
fstg01_pre <- function(adam_db, ...) { |
97 | 1x |
adam_db$adrs <- adam_db$adrs %>% |
98 | 1x |
mutate( |
99 | 1x |
ARM = droplevels(.data$ARM), |
100 | 1x |
IS_RSP = .data$AVALC %in% c("CR", "PR") |
101 |
102 | ||
103 | 1x |
104 |
105 | ||
106 |
# `fstg01` Pipeline ----
107 | ||
108 |
#' `FSTG01` Subgroup Analysis of Best Overall Response.
109 |
110 |
#' The template produces the subgroup analysis of best overall response graphic.
111 |
112 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
113 |
#' @export
114 |
115 |
#' @examples
116 |
#' library(dplyr)
117 |
#' library(dunlin)
118 |
119 |
#' proc_data <- log_filter(
120 |
#' syn_data,
121 |
#' PARAMCD == "BESRSPI" & ARM %in% c("A: Drug X", "B: Placebo"), "adrs"
122 |
#' )
123 |
#' run(fstg01, proc_data,
124 |
#' subgroups = c("SEX", "AGEGR1", "RACE"),
125 |
#' conf_level = 0.90, dataset = "adrs"
126 |
#' )
127 |
fstg01 <- chevron_g( |
128 |
main = fstg01_main, |
129 |
preproces = fstg01_pre |
130 |
1 |
# pdt01 ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' @describeIn pdt01 Main TLG function
4 |
5 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
6 |
#' @param dvcode_var (`string`) the variable defining the protocol deviation coded term. By default `DVDECOD`.
7 |
#' @param dvterm_var (`string`) the variable defining the protocol deviation term. By default `DVTERM`.
8 |
9 |
#' @details
10 |
#' * Data should be filtered for major protocol deviations. `(DVCAT == "MAJOR")`.
11 |
#' * Numbers represent absolute numbers of subjects and fraction of `N`, or absolute numbers when specified.
12 |
#' * Remove zero-count rows unless overridden with `prune_0 = FALSE`.
13 |
#' * Split columns by arm.
14 |
#' * Does not include a total column by default.
15 |
#' * Sort by medication class alphabetically and within medication class by decreasing total number of patients with
16 |
#' the specific medication.
17 |
18 |
#' @note
19 |
#' * `adam_db` object must contain an `addv` table with the columns specified in `dvcode_var` and `dvterm_var` as well
20 |
#' as `"DVSEQ"`.
21 |
22 |
#' @export
23 |
24 |
pdt01_main <- function(adam_db, |
25 |
arm_var = "ARM", |
26 |
lbl_overall = NULL, |
27 |
dvcode_var = "DVDECOD", |
28 |
dvterm_var = "DVTERM", |
29 |
...) { |
30 | 1x |
assert_all_tablenames(adam_db, c("adsl", "addv")) |
31 | 1x |
assert_string(arm_var) |
32 | 1x |
assert_string(lbl_overall, null.ok = TRUE) |
33 | 1x |
assert_string(dvcode_var) |
34 | 1x |
assert_string(dvterm_var) |
35 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$addv, c(dvcode_var, dvterm_var), types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
36 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adsl, c("USUBJID", arm_var), types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
37 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$addv, "USUBJID", types = list(c("character", "factor")), empty_ok = TRUE) |
38 | 1x |
assert_valid_var_pair(adam_db$adsl, adam_db$addv, arm_var) |
39 | ||
40 | 1x |
lbl_overall <- render_safe(lbl_overall) |
41 | 1x |
lbl_dvcode_var <- var_labels_for(adam_db$addv, dvcode_var) |
42 | 1x |
lbl_dvterm_var <- var_labels_for(adam_db$addv, dvterm_var) |
43 | ||
44 | 1x |
lyt <- pdt01_lyt( |
45 | 1x |
arm_var = arm_var, |
46 | 1x |
lbl_overall = lbl_overall, |
47 | 1x |
dvcode_var = dvcode_var, |
48 | 1x |
lbl_dvcode_var = lbl_dvcode_var, |
49 | 1x |
dvterm_var = dvterm_var, |
50 | 1x |
lbl_dvterm_var = lbl_dvterm_var |
51 |
52 | ||
53 | 1x |
tbl <- build_table(lyt, adam_db$addv, alt_counts_df = adam_db$adsl) |
54 | ||
55 | 1x |
56 |
57 | ||
58 |
#' `pdt01` Layout
59 |
60 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
61 |
#' @inheritParams pdt01_main
62 |
#' @param lbl_dvcode_var (`string`) label for the variable defining the protocol deviation coded term.
63 |
#' @param lbl_dvterm_var (`string`) label for the variable defining the protocol deviation term.
64 |
65 |
#' @keywords internal
66 |
67 |
pdt01_lyt <- function(arm_var, |
68 |
69 |
70 |
71 |
72 |
lbl_dvterm_var) { |
73 | 4x |
basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% |
74 | 4x |
split_cols_by(var = arm_var) %>% |
75 | 4x |
ifneeded_add_overall_col(lbl_overall) %>% |
76 | 4x |
summarize_num_patients( |
77 | 4x |
var = "USUBJID", |
78 | 4x |
.stats = c("unique", "nonunique"), |
79 | 4x |
.labels = c( |
80 | 4x |
unique = render_safe("Total number of {patient_label} with at least one major protocol deviation"), |
81 | 4x |
nonunique = "Total number of major protocol deviations" |
82 |
83 | 4x |
.formats = list(unique = format_count_fraction_fixed_dp) |
84 |
) %>% |
85 | 4x |
split_rows_by( |
86 | 4x |
87 | 4x |
child_labels = "visible", |
88 | 4x |
nested = FALSE, |
89 | 4x |
indent_mod = -1L, |
90 | 4x |
split_fun = drop_split_levels, |
91 | 4x |
label_pos = "topleft", |
92 | 4x |
split_label = lbl_dvterm_var |
93 |
) %>% |
94 | 4x |
count_occurrences(vars = dvterm_var) %>% |
95 | 4x |
append_topleft(paste0(" Description")) |
96 |
97 | ||
98 |
#' @describeIn pdt01 Preprocessing
99 |
100 |
#' @inheritParams pdt01_main
101 |
102 |
#' @export
103 |
104 |
pdt01_pre <- function(adam_db, ...) { |
105 | 1x |
adam_db$addv <- adam_db$addv %>% |
106 | 1x |
mutate(across(all_of(c("DVDECOD", "DVTERM")), ~ reformat(.x, nocoding))) %>% |
107 | 1x |
mutate( |
108 | 1x |
DVDECOD = with_label(.data$DVDECOD, "Protocol Deviation Coded Term"), |
109 | 1x |
DVTERM = with_label(.data$DVTERM, "Category") |
110 |
111 | ||
112 | 1x |
113 |
114 | ||
115 |
#' @describeIn pdt01 Postprocessing
116 |
117 |
#' @inheritParams pdt01_main
118 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
119 |
120 |
#' @export
121 |
122 |
pdt01_post <- function(tlg, prune_0 = TRUE, dvcode_var = "DVDECOD", dvterm_var = "DVTERM", ...) { |
123 | 1x |
if (prune_0) { |
124 | 1x |
tlg <- smart_prune(tlg) |
125 |
126 | ||
127 | 1x |
tbl_sorted <- tlg %>% |
128 | 1x |
sort_at_path( |
129 | 1x |
path = c(dvcode_var, "*", dvterm_var), |
130 | 1x |
scorefun = score_occurrences |
131 |
132 | ||
133 | 1x |
std_postprocess(tbl_sorted) |
134 |
135 | ||
136 |
#' `pdt01` Major Protocol Deviations Table.
137 |
138 |
#' A major protocol deviations
139 |
#' table with the number of subjects and the total number of treatments by medication class sorted alphabetically and
140 |
#' medication name sorted by frequencies.
141 |
142 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
143 |
#' @export
144 |
145 |
#' @examples
146 |
#' library(dplyr)
147 |
148 |
#' proc_data <- syn_data
149 |
#' proc_data$addv <- proc_data$addv %>%
150 |
#' filter(DVCAT == "MAJOR")
151 |
152 |
#' run(pdt01, proc_data)
153 |
pdt01 <- chevron_t( |
154 |
main = pdt01_main, |
155 |
preprocess = pdt01_pre, |
156 |
postprocess = pdt01_post |
157 |
1 |
#' No Coding Available rule
2 |
#' @export
3 |
nocoding <- rule("No Coding Available" = c("", NA)) |
4 |
#' Missing rule
5 |
#' @export
6 |
missing_rule <- rule("<Missing>" = c("", NA)) |
7 |
#' Empty rule
8 |
#' @export
9 |
empty_rule <- rule(.to_NA = "") |
10 |
#' Get grade rule
11 |
#' @param direction (`string`) of abnormality direction.
12 |
#' @param missing (`string`) method to deal with missing
13 |
#' @export
14 |
get_grade_rule <- function(direction = "high", missing = "incl") { |
15 | 14x |
rule_arg <- list() |
16 | 14x |
if (direction == "high") { |
17 | 6x |
rule_arg[["Not High"]] <- c("0", "-1", "-2", "-3", "-4") |
18 | 6x |
rule_arg[as.character(1:4)] <- as.character(1:4) |
19 |
} else { |
20 | 8x |
rule_arg[["Not Low"]] <- c("0", "1", "2", "3", "4") |
21 | 8x |
rule_arg[as.character(1:4)] <- as.character(-1:-4) |
22 |
23 | 14x |
if (missing == "incl") { |
24 | 8x |
rule_arg$Missing <- c(NA, "", "<Missing>") |
25 | 6x |
} else if (missing == "gr_0") { |
26 | 3x |
rule_arg[[1]] <- c(rule_arg[[1]], NA, "") |
27 |
28 | 14x |
rule(.lst = rule_arg) |
29 |
1 |
# ttet01 ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' @describeIn ttet01 Main TLG function
4 |
5 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
6 |
#' @param dataset (`string`) the name of a table in the `adam_db` object.
7 |
#' @param ref_group (`string`) The name of the reference group, the value should
8 |
#' be identical to the values in `arm_var`, if not specified, it will by default
9 |
#' use the first level or value of `arm_var`.
10 |
#' @param summarize_event (`flag`) should the event description be displayed, default is TRUE
11 |
#' @param perform_analysis (`string`) option to display statistical comparisons using stratified analyses,
12 |
#' or unstratified analyses, or both, e.g. `c("unstrat", "strat")`. Only unstratified will be displayed by default
13 |
#' @param strata (`string`) stratification factors, e.g. `strata = c("STRATA1", "STRATA2")`, by default as NULL
14 |
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to `control_surv_time()`, `control_coxph()`, `control_survtp()`, and
15 |
#' `surv_timepoint()`. For details, see the documentation in `tern`. Commonly used arguments include `pval_method`,
16 |
#' `conf_level`, `conf_type`, `quantiles`, `ties`, `timepoint`, `method`, etc.
17 |
18 |
#' @details
19 |
#' * No overall value.
20 |
21 |
#' @export
22 |
23 |
ttet01_main <- function(adam_db, |
24 |
dataset = "adtte", |
25 |
arm_var = "ARM", |
26 |
ref_group = NULL, |
27 |
summarize_event = TRUE, |
28 |
perform_analysis = "unstrat", |
29 |
strata = NULL, |
30 |
...) { |
31 | 1x |
assert_string(dataset) |
32 | 1x |
assert_all_tablenames(adam_db, "adsl", dataset) |
33 | 1x |
assert_string(arm_var) |
34 | 1x |
assert_string(ref_group, null.ok = TRUE) |
35 | 1x |
assert_flag(summarize_event) |
36 | 1x |
assert_subset(perform_analysis, c("unstrat", "strat")) |
37 | 1x |
assert_character( |
38 | 1x |
39 | 1x |
null.ok = !"strat" %in% perform_analysis, |
40 | 1x |
min.len = as.integer(!"strat" %in% perform_analysis) |
41 |
42 | 1x |
anl <- adam_db[[dataset]] |
43 | 1x |
assert_single_value(anl$PARAMCD, label = sprintf("adam_db$%s$PARAMCD", dataset)) |
44 | 1x |
df_label <- sprintf("adam_db$%s", dataset) |
45 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db[[dataset]], c("IS_EVENT", "IS_NOT_EVENT"), types = list("logical"), label = df_label) |
46 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db[[dataset]], "AVAL", types = list("numeric"), lower = 0, label = df_label) |
47 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable( |
48 | 1x |
adam_db[[dataset]], c("USUBJID", arm_var, "EVNT1", "EVNTDESC", "AVALU"), |
49 | 1x |
types = list(c("character", "factor")), label = df_label |
50 |
51 | 1x |
assert_subset(ref_group, lvls(adam_db[[dataset]][[arm_var]])) |
52 | 1x |
ref_group <- ref_group %||% lvls(anl[[arm_var]])[1] |
53 | 1x |
assert_single_value(anl$AVALU, label = sprintf("adam_db$%s$AVALU", dataset)) |
54 | ||
55 | 1x |
timeunit <- unique(anl[["AVALU"]]) |
56 | 1x |
event_lvls <- lvls(anl$EVNT1) |
57 | ||
58 | 1x |
control_survt <- execute_with_args(control_surv_time, ...) |
59 | 1x |
control_cox_ph <- execute_with_args(control_coxph, ...) |
60 | 1x |
control_survtp <- execute_with_args(control_surv_timepoint, ...) |
61 | ||
62 | 1x |
lyt <- ttet01_lyt( |
63 | 1x |
arm_var = arm_var, |
64 | 1x |
ref_group = ref_group, |
65 | 1x |
summarize_event = summarize_event, |
66 | 1x |
perform_analysis = perform_analysis, |
67 | 1x |
strata = strata, |
68 | 1x |
timeunit = timeunit, |
69 | 1x |
event_lvls = event_lvls, |
70 | 1x |
control_survt = control_survt, |
71 | 1x |
control_cox_ph = control_cox_ph, |
72 | 1x |
control_survtp = control_survtp, |
73 |
74 |
75 | ||
76 | 1x |
tbl <- build_table(lyt, anl) |
77 | ||
78 | 1x |
79 |
80 | ||
81 |
#' `ttet01` Layout
82 |
83 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
84 |
#' @param timeunit (`string`) time unit get from `AVALU`, by default is `"Months"`
85 |
86 |
#' @keywords internal
87 |
88 |
ttet01_lyt <- function(arm_var, |
89 |
90 |
91 |
92 |
93 |
94 |
95 |
96 |
97 |
98 |
...) { |
99 | 4x |
lyt01 <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% |
100 | 4x |
split_cols_by( |
101 | 4x |
var = arm_var, ref_group = ref_group |
102 |
) %>% |
103 | 4x |
summarize_vars( |
104 | 4x |
vars = "IS_EVENT", |
105 | 4x |
.stats = "count_fraction", |
106 | 4x |
.labels = c(count_fraction = event_lvls[1]) |
107 |
108 | ||
109 | 4x |
if (summarize_event) { |
110 | 1x |
lyt01 <- lyt01 %>% |
111 | 1x |
split_rows_by( |
112 | 1x |
113 | 1x |
split_label = "Earliest contributing event", |
114 | 1x |
split_fun = keep_split_levels(event_lvls[1]), |
115 | 1x |
label_pos = "visible", |
116 | 1x |
child_labels = "hidden", |
117 | 1x |
indent_mod = 1L, |
118 |
) %>% |
119 | 1x |
summarize_vars("EVNTDESC", split_fun = drop_split_levels, .stats = "count_fraction") |
120 |
121 | ||
122 | 4x |
lyt01 <- lyt01 %>% |
123 | 4x |
summarize_vars( |
124 | 4x |
vars = "IS_NOT_EVENT", |
125 | 4x |
.stats = "count_fraction", |
126 | 4x |
.labels = c(count_fraction = event_lvls[2]), |
127 | 4x |
nested = FALSE, |
128 | 4x |
show_labels = "hidden" |
129 |
) %>% |
130 | 4x |
surv_time( |
131 | 4x |
vars = "AVAL", |
132 | 4x |
var_labels = paste0("Time to Event (", timeunit, ")"), |
133 | 4x |
is_event = "IS_EVENT", |
134 | 4x |
control = control_survt, |
135 | 4x |
table_names = "time_to_event" |
136 |
137 | ||
138 | 4x |
for (perform in perform_analysis) { |
139 | 4x |
lyt01 <- lyt01 %>% |
140 | 4x |
coxph_pairwise( |
141 | 4x |
vars = "AVAL", |
142 | 4x |
is_event = "IS_EVENT", |
143 | 4x |
var_labels = if (perform == "strat") "Stratified Analysis" else "Unstratified Analysis", |
144 | 4x |
strat = if (perform == "strat") strata else NULL, |
145 | 4x |
control = control_cox_ph, |
146 | 4x |
table_names = if (perform == "strat") "coxph_stratified" else "coxph_unstratified" |
147 |
148 |
149 | ||
150 | 4x |
lyt <- lyt01 %>% |
151 | 4x |
surv_timepoint( |
152 | 4x |
vars = "AVAL", |
153 | 4x |
var_labels = timeunit, |
154 | 4x |
is_event = "IS_EVENT", |
155 | 4x |
control = control_survtp, |
156 | 4x |
.labels = c("pt_at_risk" = render_safe("{Patient_label} remaining at risk")), |
157 |
158 |
159 | ||
160 | 4x |
161 |
162 | ||
163 |
#' @describeIn ttet01 Preprocessing
164 |
165 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
166 |
#' @param dataset (`string`) the name of a table in the `adam_db` object.
167 |
168 |
#' @export
169 |
170 |
ttet01_pre <- function(adam_db, dataset = "adtte", |
171 |
...) { |
172 | 1x |
adam_db[[dataset]] <- adam_db[[dataset]] %>% |
173 | 1x |
mutate( |
174 | 1x |
AVAL = convert_to_month(.data$AVAL, .data$AVALU), |
175 | 1x |
176 | 1x |
IS_EVENT = .data$CNSR == 0, |
177 | 1x |
IS_NOT_EVENT = .data$CNSR == 1, |
178 | 1x |
EVNT1 = factor( |
179 | 1x |
case_when( |
180 | 1x |
IS_EVENT == TRUE ~ render_safe("{Patient_label} with event (%)"), |
181 | 1x |
IS_EVENT == FALSE ~ render_safe("{Patient_label} without event (%)") |
182 |
183 | 1x |
levels = render_safe(c("{Patient_label} with event (%)", "{Patient_label} without event (%)")) |
184 |
185 | 1x |
EVNTDESC = factor(.data$EVNTDESC) |
186 |
187 | ||
188 | 1x |
189 |
190 | ||
191 |
#' @describeIn ttet01 Postprocessing
192 |
193 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
194 |
195 |
#' @export
196 |
197 |
ttet01_post <- function(tlg, prune_0 = TRUE, ...) { |
198 | ! |
if (prune_0) { |
199 | ! |
tlg <- smart_prune(tlg) |
200 |
201 | ! |
std_postprocess(tlg) |
202 |
203 | ||
204 |
#' `TTET01` Binary Outcomes Summary
205 |
206 |
#' `TTET01` template may be used to summarize any binary outcome or response variable at
207 |
#' a single time point. Typical application for oncology
208 |
209 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
210 |
#' @export
211 |
212 |
#' @examples
213 |
#' library(dplyr)
214 |
#' library(dunlin)
215 |
216 |
#' proc_data <- log_filter(syn_data, PARAMCD == "PFS", "adtte")
217 |
#' run(ttet01, proc_data)
218 |
219 |
#' run(ttet01, proc_data,
220 |
#' summarize_event = FALSE, perform_analysis = c("unstrat", "strat"),
221 |
#' strata = c("STRATA1", "STRATA2"),
222 |
#' conf_type = "log-log",
223 |
#' time_point = c(6, 12),
224 |
#' method = "both"
225 |
#' )
226 |
ttet01 <- chevron_t( |
227 |
main = ttet01_main, |
228 |
preprocess = ttet01_pre, |
229 |
postprocess = ttet01_post |
230 |
1 |
# lbt05 ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' @describeIn lbt05 Main TLG function
4 |
5 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
6 |
7 |
#' @details
8 |
#' * Does not remove rows with zero counts by default.
9 |
#' * Lab test results with missing `AVAL` values are excluded.
10 |
#' * Split columns by arm, typically `ACTARM`.
11 |
12 |
#' @note
13 |
#' * `adam_db` object must contain an `adlb` table with columns `"ONTRTFL"`, `"PARCAT2"`, `"PARAM"`, `"ANRIND"`,
14 |
#' `"AVALCAT1"`, and column specified by `arm_var`.
15 |
16 |
#' @export
17 |
18 |
lbt05_main <- function(adam_db, |
19 |
arm_var = "ACTARM", |
20 |
lbl_overall = NULL, |
21 |
...) { |
22 | 1x |
assert_all_tablenames(adam_db, c("adsl", "adlb")) |
23 | 1x |
assert_string(arm_var) |
24 | 1x |
assert_string(lbl_overall, null.ok = TRUE) |
25 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adlb, c("PARAM", "AVALCAT1", "ABN_DIR"), types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
26 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adlb, c("USUBJID"), types = list(c("character", "factor")), empty_ok = TRUE) |
27 | 1x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adsl, c("USUBJID"), types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
28 | 1x |
assert_valid_var_pair(adam_db$adsl, adam_db$adlb, arm_var) |
29 | ||
30 | 1x |
lbl_overall <- render_safe(lbl_overall) |
31 | 1x |
lbl_anrind <- var_labels_for(adam_db$adlb, "ABN_DIR") |
32 | 1x |
lbl_param <- var_labels_for(adam_db$adlb, "PARAM") |
33 | ||
34 | 1x |
map <- expand.grid( |
35 | 1x |
PARAM = levels(adam_db$adlb$PARAM), |
36 | 1x |
ABN_DIR = c("Low", "High"), |
37 | 1x |
stringsAsFactors = FALSE |
38 |
) %>% |
39 | 1x |
arrange(.data$PARAM, desc(.data$ABN_DIR)) |
40 | ||
41 | 1x |
lyt <- lbt05_lyt( |
42 | 1x |
arm_var = arm_var, |
43 | 1x |
lbl_overall = lbl_overall, |
44 | 1x |
lbl_param = lbl_param, |
45 | 1x |
lbl_anrind = lbl_anrind, |
46 | 1x |
map = map |
47 |
48 | ||
49 | 1x |
tbl <- build_table(lyt, adam_db$adlb, alt_counts_df = adam_db$adsl) |
50 | ||
51 | 1x |
52 |
53 | ||
54 |
#' `lbt05` Layout
55 |
56 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
57 |
58 |
#' @param lbl_param (`string`) label of the `PARAM` variable.
59 |
#' @param lbl_anrind (`string`) label of the `ANRIND` variable.
60 |
#' @param map (`data.frame`) mapping of `PARAM`s to directions of abnormality.
61 |
62 |
#' @keywords internal
63 |
64 |
lbt05_lyt <- function(arm_var, |
65 |
66 |
67 |
68 |
map) { |
69 | 4x |
basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% |
70 | 4x |
split_cols_by(arm_var) %>% |
71 | 4x |
ifneeded_add_overall_col(lbl_overall) %>% |
72 | 4x |
split_rows_by( |
73 | 4x |
74 | 4x |
label_pos = "topleft", |
75 | 4x |
split_label = lbl_param |
76 |
) %>% |
77 | 4x |
summarize_num_patients(var = "USUBJID", .stats = "unique_count") %>% |
78 | 4x |
split_rows_by("ABN_DIR", split_fun = trim_levels_to_map(map)) %>% |
79 | 4x |
count_abnormal_by_marked( |
80 | 4x |
var = "AVALCAT1", |
81 | 4x |
variables = list(id = "USUBJID", param = "PARAM", direction = "ABN_DIR"), |
82 | 4x |
.formats = c("count_fraction" = format_count_fraction_fixed_dp) |
83 |
) %>% |
84 | 4x |
append_topleft(paste(" ", lbl_anrind)) |
85 |
86 | ||
87 |
#' @describeIn lbt05 Preprocessing
88 |
89 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
90 |
91 |
#' @export
92 |
93 |
lbt05_pre <- function(adam_db, ...) { |
94 | 1x |
adam_db$adlb <- adam_db$adlb %>% |
95 | 1x |
filter( |
96 | 1x |
.data$ONTRTFL == "Y", |
97 | 1x |
.data$PARCAT2 == "LS", |
98 | 1x |
!is.na(.data$AVAL) |
99 |
) %>% |
100 | 1x |
mutate(ABN_DIR = factor(case_when( |
101 | 1x |
ANRIND == "LOW LOW" ~ "Low", |
102 | 1x |
ANRIND == "HIGH HIGH" ~ "High", |
103 | 1x |
TRUE ~ "" |
104 | 1x |
), levels = c("Low", "High"))) %>% |
105 | 1x |
mutate( |
106 | 1x |
ABN_DIR = with_label(.data$ABN_DIR, "Direction of Abnormality"), |
107 | 1x |
PARAM = with_label(.data$PARAM, "Laboratory Test") |
108 |
) %>% |
109 | 1x |
mutate( |
110 | 1x |
across(all_of(c("AVALCAT1", "ABN_DIR")), ~ reformat(.x, .env$missing_rule)) |
111 |
112 | ||
113 | 1x |
114 |
115 | ||
116 |
#' @describeIn lbt05 Postprocessing
117 |
118 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
119 |
120 |
#' @export
121 |
122 |
lbt05_post <- function(tlg, prune_0 = FALSE, ...) { |
123 | 1x |
if (prune_0) { |
124 | ! |
has_lbl <- function(lbl) CombinationFunction(function(tr) obj_label(tr) == lbl) |
125 | ! |
tlg <- prune_table(tlg, keep_rows(has_lbl("Any Abnormality"))) |
126 | ||
127 | ! |
if (is.null(prune_table(tlg))) { |
128 | ! |
tlg <- build_table(rtables::basic_table(), df = data.frame()) |
129 | ! |
col_info(tlg) <- col_info(tlg) |
130 |
131 |
132 | ||
133 | 1x |
std_postprocess(tlg) |
134 |
135 | ||
136 |
#' `LBT05` Table 1 (Default) Laboratory Abnormalities with Single and Replicated Marked.
137 |
138 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
139 |
#' @export
140 |
141 |
#' @examples
142 |
#' run(lbt05, syn_data)
143 |
lbt05 <- chevron_t( |
144 |
main = lbt05_main, |
145 |
preprocess = lbt05_pre, |
146 |
postprocess = lbt05_post |
147 |
1 |
#' Check that all names are among column names
2 |
3 |
#' @param df (`data.frame`)
4 |
#' @param x (`character`) the names of the columns to be checked.
5 |
#' @param null_ok (`flag`) can `x` be NULL.
6 |
#' @param qualifier (`string`) to be returned if the check fails.
7 |
8 |
#' @keywords internal
9 |
10 |
#' @examples
11 |
#' \dontrun{
12 |
#' check_all_colnames(mtcars, c("x", "y"))
13 |
#' }
14 |
check_all_colnames <- function(df, x, null_ok = TRUE, qualifier = NULL) { |
15 | 2x |
assert_data_frame(df) |
16 | 2x |
assert_character(x, null.ok = null_ok) |
17 | 2x |
assert_string(qualifier, null.ok = TRUE) |
18 | ||
19 | 2x |
diff <- setdiff(x, colnames(df)) |
20 | ||
21 | 2x |
if (length(diff) == 0) { |
22 | 1x |
invisible(NULL) |
23 |
} else { |
24 | 1x |
paste(qualifier, "Expected column names:", toString(diff), "not in", deparse(substitute(df))) |
25 |
26 |
27 | ||
28 |
#' Check that at least one name is among column names
29 |
30 |
#' @param df (`data.frame`)
31 |
#' @param x (`character`) the names of the columns to be checked.
32 |
#' @param null_ok (`flag`) can `x` be NULL.
33 |
#' @param qualifier (`string`) to be returned if the check fails.
34 |
35 |
#' @keywords internal
36 |
37 |
#' @examples
38 |
#' \dontrun{
39 |
#' check_all_colnames(mtcars, c("x", "y"))
40 |
#' }
41 |
check_one_colnames <- function(df, x, null_ok = TRUE, qualifier = NULL) { |
42 | 2x |
assert_data_frame(df) |
43 | 2x |
assert_character(x, null.ok = null_ok) |
44 | 2x |
assert_string(qualifier, null.ok = TRUE) |
45 | ||
46 | 2x |
common <- intersect(x, colnames(df)) |
47 | ||
48 | 2x |
if (length(common) > 0) { |
49 | 1x |
invisible(NULL) |
50 |
} else { |
51 | 1x |
paste(qualifier, "At least one of:", toString(x), "is expected to be a column name of", deparse(substitute(df))) |
52 |
53 |
1 |
#' @include utils.R
2 | ||
3 |
# Chevron_tlg ----
4 | ||
5 |
#' `chevron_tlg` class
6 |
7 |
#' The `chevron_tlg` class associates a `preprocess` function, a main `tlg` function and `AdAM` tables names and
8 |
#' optionally a `postprocess` function.
9 |
10 |
#' @slot main (`function`) returning a `tlg`. Typically one of the `*_main` function from `chevron`.
11 |
#' @slot preprocess (`function`) returning a pre-processed `list` of `data.frames` amenable to `tlg` creation. Typically
12 |
#' one of the `*_pre` function from `chevron`.
13 |
#' @slot postprocess (`function`) returning a post-processed `tlg`.
14 |
15 |
#' @format NULL
16 |
17 |
#' @note To ensure the correct execution of the workflow additional validation criteria are:
18 |
#' * the first argument of the `main` function must be `adam_db`, the input `list` of `data.frames` to pre-process. The
19 |
#' `...` argument is mandatory.
20 |
#' * the first argument of the `preprocess` function must be `adam_db`, the input `list` of `data.frames` to create
21 |
#' `tlg` output. The `...` argument is mandatory.
22 |
#' * the first argument of the `postprocess` function must be `tlg`, the input `TableTree` object to post-process. The
23 |
#' `...` argument is mandatory.
24 |
25 |
#' @name chevron_tlg-class
26 |
#' @exportClass chevron_tlg
27 |
.chevron_tlg <- setClass( |
28 |
29 |
contains = "VIRTUAL", |
30 |
slots = c( |
31 |
main = "function", |
32 |
preprocess = "function", |
33 |
postprocess = "function" |
34 |
35 |
36 | ||
37 |
# Validation ----
38 | ||
39 |
methods::setValidity("chevron_tlg", function(object) { |
40 |
coll <- makeAssertCollection() |
41 |
assert_function(object@main, args = c("adam_db"), ordered = TRUE, add = coll) |
42 |
assert_function(object@main, args = "...", add = coll) |
43 |
assert_function(object@preprocess, args = c("adam_db"), ordered = TRUE, add = coll) |
44 |
assert_function(object@preprocess, args = "...", add = coll) |
45 |
assert_function(object@postprocess, args = c("tlg"), ordered = TRUE, add = coll) |
46 |
assert_function(object@postprocess, args = "...", add = coll) |
47 |
reportAssertions(coll) |
48 |
}) |
49 | ||
50 |
# Subclasses ----
51 | ||
52 |
## chevron_t ----
53 | ||
54 |
#' `chevron_t`
55 |
56 |
#' `chevron_t`, a subclass of [chevron::chevron_tlg-class] with specific validation criteria to handle table creation
57 |
58 |
#' @aliases chevron_table
59 |
#' @rdname chevron_tlg-class
60 |
#' @exportClass chevron_t
61 |
.chevron_t <- setClass( |
62 |
63 |
contains = "chevron_tlg" |
64 |
65 | ||
66 |
methods::setValidity("chevron_t", function(object) { |
67 |
coll <- makeAssertCollection() |
68 |
assert_function(object@main, args = c("adam_db"), ordered = TRUE, add = coll) |
69 |
reportAssertions(coll) |
70 |
}) |
71 | ||
72 |
## chevron_l ----
73 | ||
74 |
#' `chevron_l`
75 |
76 |
#' `chevron_l`, a subclass of [chevron::chevron_tlg-class] with specific validation criteria to handle listing creation
77 |
78 |
#' @aliases chevron_listing
79 |
#' @rdname chevron_tlg-class
80 |
#' @exportClass chevron_l
81 |
.chevron_l <- setClass( |
82 |
83 |
contains = "chevron_tlg" |
84 |
85 | ||
86 |
methods::setValidity("chevron_l", function(object) { |
87 |
coll <- makeAssertCollection() |
88 |
assert_function(object@main, args = c("adam_db"), ordered = TRUE, add = coll) |
89 |
reportAssertions(coll) |
90 |
}) |
91 | ||
92 |
## chevron_g ----
93 | ||
94 |
#' `chevron_g`
95 |
96 |
#' `chevron_g`, a subclass of [chevron::chevron_tlg-class] with specific validation criteria to handle graph creation
97 |
98 |
#' @aliases chevron_graph
99 |
#' @rdname chevron_tlg-class
100 |
#' @exportClass chevron_g
101 |
.chevron_g <- setClass( |
102 |
103 |
contains = "chevron_tlg" |
104 |
105 | ||
106 |
methods::setValidity("chevron_g", function(object) { |
107 |
coll <- makeAssertCollection() |
108 |
assert_function(object@main, args = c("adam_db"), ordered = TRUE, add = coll) |
109 |
reportAssertions(coll) |
110 |
}) |
111 | ||
112 | ||
113 |
# Sub Constructor ----
114 | ||
115 |
#' `chevron_t` constructor
116 |
117 |
#' @rdname chevron_tlg-class
118 |
119 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
120 |
#' @param ... not used
121 |
122 |
#' @export
123 |
124 |
#' @examples
125 |
#' chevron_t_obj <- chevron_t()
126 |
#' chevron_t_obj <- chevron_t(postprocess = function(tlg, indent, ...) {
127 |
#' rtables::table_inset(tlg) <- indent
128 |
#' tlg
129 |
#' })
130 |
131 |
chevron_t <- function(main = function(adam_db, ...) build_table(basic_table(), adam_db[[1]]), |
132 |
preprocess = function(adam_db, ...) adam_db, |
133 |
postprocess = report_null, |
134 |
...) { |
135 | 2x |
res <- .chevron_t( |
136 | 2x |
main = main, |
137 | 2x |
preprocess = preprocess, |
138 | 2x |
postprocess = postprocess |
139 |
140 | ||
141 | 2x |
142 |
143 | ||
144 |
#' `chevron_l` constructor
145 |
146 |
#' @rdname chevron_tlg-class
147 |
148 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
149 |
#' @param ... not used
150 |
151 |
#' @export
152 |
153 |
#' @examples
154 |
#' chevron_l_obj <- chevron_l()
155 |
156 |
chevron_l <- function(main = function(adam_db, ...) data.frame(), |
157 |
preprocess = function(adam_db, ...) adam_db, |
158 |
postprocess = function(tlg, ...) tlg, |
159 |
...) { |
160 | 1x |
res <- .chevron_l( |
161 | 1x |
main = main, |
162 | 1x |
preprocess = preprocess, |
163 | 1x |
postprocess = postprocess |
164 |
165 | ||
166 | 1x |
167 |
168 | ||
169 |
#' `chevron_g` constructor
170 |
171 |
#' @rdname chevron_tlg-class
172 |
#' @param ... not used
173 |
174 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
175 |
176 |
#' @export
177 |
178 |
#' @examples
179 |
#' chevron_g_obj <- chevron_g()
180 |
#' chevron_g_obj <- chevron_g(
181 |
#' postprocess = function(tlg, title, ...) tlg + ggplot2::labs(main = title)
182 |
#' )
183 |
184 |
chevron_g <- function(main = function(adam_db, ...) ggplot2::ggplot(), |
185 |
preprocess = function(adam_db, ...) adam_db, |
186 |
postprocess = function(tlg, ...) tlg, |
187 |
...) { |
188 | 1x |
res <- .chevron_g( |
189 | 1x |
main = main, |
190 | 1x |
preprocess = preprocess, |
191 | 1x |
postprocess = postprocess |
192 |
193 | ||
194 | 1x |
195 |
1 |
# cfbt01 ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' @describeIn cfbt01 Main TLG function
4 |
5 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
6 |
#' @param summaryvars (`character`) variables to be analyzed. The label attribute of the corresponding column in
7 |
#' table of `adam_db` is used as label.
8 |
#' @param visitvar (`string`) typically one of `"AVISIT"` or user-defined visit incorporating `"ATPT"`.
9 |
#' @param precision (named `list` of `integer`) where names are values found in the `PARAMCD` column and the the values
10 |
#' indicate the number of digits in statistics. If `default` is set, and parameter precision not specified,
11 |
#' the value for `default` will be used.
12 |
#' @param .stats (`character`) statistics names, see `tern::summarize_vars()`.
13 |
#' @param skip Named (`list`) of visit values that need to be inhibited.
14 |
#' @param ... additional arguments like `.indent_mods`, `.labels`.
15 |
16 |
#' @details
17 |
#' * The `Analysis Value` column, displays the number of patients, the mean, standard deviation, median and range of
18 |
#' the analysis value for each visit.
19 |
#' * The `Change from Baseline` column, displays the number of patient and the mean, standard deviation,
20 |
#' median and range of changes relative to the baseline.
21 |
#' * Remove zero-count rows unless overridden with `prune_0 = FALSE`.
22 |
#' * Split columns by arm, typically `ACTARM`.
23 |
#' * Does not include a total column by default.
24 |
#' * Sorted based on factor level; first by `PARAM` labels in alphabetic order then by chronological time point given
25 |
#' by `AVISIT`. Re-level to customize order
26 |
27 |
#' @note
28 |
#' * `adam_db` object must contain table named as `dataset` with the columns specified in `summaryvars`.
29 |
30 |
#' @export
31 |
32 |
cfbt01_main <- function(adam_db, |
33 |
34 |
arm_var = "ACTARM", |
35 |
lbl_overall = NULL, |
36 |
row_split_var = NULL, |
37 |
summaryvars = c("AVAL", "CHG"), |
38 |
visitvar = "AVISIT", |
39 |
precision = list(default = 2L), |
40 |
page_var = "PARAMCD", |
41 |
.stats = c("n", "mean_sd", "median", "range"), |
42 |
skip = list(CHG = "BASELINE"), |
43 |
...) { |
44 | 5x |
assert_all_tablenames(adam_db, c("adsl", dataset)) |
45 | 5x |
assert_string(arm_var) |
46 | 5x |
assert_string(lbl_overall, null.ok = TRUE) |
47 | 5x |
assert_character(summaryvars, max.len = 2L, min.len = 1L) |
48 | 5x |
assert_character(row_split_var, null.ok = TRUE) |
49 | 5x |
assert_disjunct(row_split_var, c("PARAMCD", "PARAM", visitvar)) |
50 | 5x |
assert_string(visitvar) |
51 | 5x |
assert_string(page_var, null.ok = TRUE) |
52 | 5x |
assert_subset(page_var, c(row_split_var, "PARAMCD")) |
53 | 5x |
df_lbl <- paste0("adam_db$", dataset) |
54 | 5x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db[[dataset]], c(summaryvars), types = list("numeric"), empty_ok = TRUE, label = df_lbl) |
55 | 5x |
assert_valid_variable( |
56 | 5x |
adam_db[[dataset]], c(visitvar, row_split_var, "PARAM", "PARAMCD"), |
57 | 5x |
types = list(c("character", "factor")), label = df_lbl |
58 |
59 | 5x |
assert_valid_variable( |
60 | 5x |
adam_db[[dataset]], "USUBJID", |
61 | 5x |
types = list(c("character", "factor")), empty_ok = TRUE, label = df_lbl |
62 |
63 | 5x |
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adsl, "USUBJID", types = list(c("character", "factor"))) |
64 | 5x |
assert_valid_var_pair(adam_db$adsl, adam_db[[dataset]], arm_var) |
65 | 5x |
assert_list(precision, types = "integerish", names = "unique") |
66 | ||
67 | 5x |
vapply(precision, assert_int, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1), lower = 0) |
68 | 5x |
all_stats <- c( |
69 | 5x |
"n", "sum", "mean", "sd", "se", "mean_sd", "mean_se", "mean_ci", "mean_sei", |
70 | 5x |
"mean_sdi", "mean_pval", "median", "mad", "median_ci", "quantiles", "iqr", "range", |
71 | 5x |
"cv", "min", "max", "median_range", "geom_mean", "geom_cv" |
72 |
73 | 5x |
assert_subset(.stats, all_stats) |
74 | ||
75 | 5x |
lbl_overall <- lbl_overall <- render_safe(lbl_overall) |
76 | 5x |
lbl_avisit <- var_labels_for(adam_db[[dataset]], visitvar) |
77 | 5x |
lbl_param <- var_labels_for(adam_db[[dataset]], "PARAM") |
78 | ||
79 | 5x |
summaryvars_lbls <- var_labels_for(adam_db[[dataset]], summaryvars) |
80 | 5x |
row_split_lbl <- var_labels_for(adam_db[[dataset]], row_split_var) |
81 | ||
82 | 5x |
lyt <- cfbt01_lyt( |
83 | 5x |
arm_var = arm_var, |
84 | 5x |
lbl_overall = lbl_overall, |
85 | 5x |
lbl_avisit = lbl_avisit, |
86 | 5x |
lbl_param = lbl_param, |
87 | 5x |
summaryvars = summaryvars, |
88 | 5x |
summaryvars_lbls = summaryvars_lbls, |
89 | 5x |
row_split_var = row_split_var, |
90 | 5x |
row_split_lbl = row_split_lbl, |
91 | 5x |
visitvar = visitvar, |
92 | 5x |
precision = precision, |
93 | 5x |
.stats = .stats, |
94 | 5x |
page_var = page_var, |
95 | 5x |
skip = skip, |
96 |
97 |
98 | ||
99 | 5x |
tbl <- build_table( |
100 | 5x |
101 | 5x |
df = adam_db[[dataset]], |
102 | 5x |
alt_counts_df = adam_db$adsl |
103 |
104 | ||
105 | 5x |
106 |
107 | ||
108 |
#' `cfbt01` Layout
109 |
110 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
111 |
#' @inheritParams cfbt01_main
112 |
113 |
#' @param lbl_avisit (`string`) label of the `visitvar` variable.
114 |
#' @param lbl_param (`string`) label of the `PARAM` variable.
115 |
#' @param summaryvars (`character`) the variables to be analyzed. For this table, `AVAL` and `CHG` by default.
116 |
#' @param summaryvars_lbls (`character`) the label of the variables to be analyzed.
117 |
#' @param row_split_lbl (`character`) label of further row splits.
118 |
#' @param visitvar (`string`) typically one of `"AVISIT"` or user-defined visit incorporating `"ATPT"`.
119 |
120 |
#' @keywords internal
121 |
122 |
cfbt01_lyt <- function(arm_var, |
123 |
124 |
125 |
126 |
127 |
128 |
129 |
130 |
131 |
132 |
133 |
134 |
135 |
...) { |
136 | 12x |
page_by <- get_page_by(page_var, c(row_split_var, "PARAMCD")) |
137 | 12x |
label_pos <- ifelse(page_by, "hidden", "topleft") |
138 | 12x |
basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% |
139 | 12x |
split_cols_by(arm_var, split_fun = if (!is.null(lbl_overall)) add_overall_level(lbl_overall, first = FALSE)) %>% |
140 | 12x |
split_rows_by_recurive( |
141 | 12x |
142 | 12x |
split_label = row_split_lbl, |
143 | 12x |
label_pos = head(label_pos, -1L), page_by = head(page_by, -1L) |
144 |
) %>% |
145 | 12x |
split_rows_by( |
146 | 12x |
var = "PARAMCD", |
147 | 12x |
labels_var = "PARAM", |
148 | 12x |
split_fun = drop_split_levels, |
149 | 12x |
label_pos = tail(label_pos, 1L), |
150 | 12x |
split_label = lbl_param, |
151 | 12x |
page_by = tail(page_by, 1L) |
152 |
) %>% |
153 | 12x |
split_rows_by( |
154 | 12x |
155 | 12x |
split_fun = drop_split_levels, |
156 | 12x |
label_pos = "topleft", |
157 | 12x |
split_label = lbl_avisit |
158 |
) %>% |
159 | 12x |
split_cols_by_multivar( |
160 | 12x |
vars = summaryvars, |
161 | 12x |
varlabels = summaryvars_lbls, |
162 | 12x |
nested = TRUE |
163 |
) %>% |
164 | 12x |
analyze_colvars( |
165 | 12x |
afun = afun_skip, |
166 | 12x |
extra_args = list( |
167 | 12x |
visitvar = visitvar, |
168 | 12x |
paramcdvar = "PARAMCD", |
169 | 12x |
skip = skip, |
170 | 12x |
precision = precision, |
171 | 12x |
.stats = .stats, |
172 |
173 |
174 |
175 |
176 | ||
177 |
#' @describeIn cfbt01 Preprocessing
178 |
179 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
180 |
181 |
#' @export
182 |
183 |
cfbt01_pre <- function(adam_db, dataset, ...) { |
184 | 5x |
adam_db[[dataset]] <- adam_db[[dataset]] %>% |
185 | 5x |
filter(.data$ANL01FL == "Y") %>% |
186 | 5x |
mutate( |
187 | 5x |
AVISIT = reorder(.data$AVISIT, .data$AVISITN), |
188 | 5x |
AVISIT = with_label(.data$AVISIT, "Analysis Visit"), |
189 | 5x |
AVAL = with_label(.data$AVAL, "Value at Visit"), |
190 | 5x |
CHG = with_label(.data$CHG, "Change from \nBaseline") |
191 |
192 | ||
193 | 5x |
194 |
195 | ||
196 |
#' @describeIn cfbt01 Postprocessing
197 |
198 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
199 |
200 |
#' @export
201 |
cfbt01_post <- function(tlg, prune_0 = TRUE, ...) { |
202 | 5x |
if (prune_0) { |
203 | 5x |
tlg <- smart_prune(tlg) |
204 |
205 | 5x |
std_postprocess(tlg) |
206 |
207 | ||
208 |
#' `CFBT01` Change from Baseline By Visit Table.
209 |
210 |
#' The `CFBT01` table provides an
211 |
#' overview of the actual values and its change from baseline of each respective arm
212 |
#' over the course of the trial.
213 |
214 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
215 |
#' @export
216 |
217 |
#' @examples
218 |
#' library(dunlin)
219 |
220 |
#' proc_data <- log_filter(
221 |
#' syn_data,
222 |
#' PARAMCD %in% c("DIABP", "SYSBP"), "advs"
223 |
#' )
224 |
#' run(cfbt01, proc_data, dataset = "advs")
225 |
cfbt01 <- chevron_t( |
226 |
main = cfbt01_main, |
227 |
preprocess = cfbt01_pre, |
228 |
postprocess = cfbt01_post |
229 |
1 |
# lbt15 ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' @describeIn lbt15 Preprocessing
4 |
5 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
6 |
7 |
#' @export
8 |
9 |
lbt15_pre <- function(adam_db, ...) { |
10 | 1x |
format <- rule( |
11 | 1x |
"LOW" = c("-3", "-4"), |
12 | 1x |
"MODERATE/NORMAL" = c("-2", "-1", "0", "1", "2"), |
13 | 1x |
"HIGH" = c("3", "4"), |
14 | 1x |
.to_NA = NULL |
15 |
16 | ||
17 | 1x |
adam_db$adlb <- adam_db$adlb %>% |
18 | 1x |
filter( |
19 | 1x |
.data$ONTRTFL == "Y", |
20 | 1x |
.data$PARCAT2 == "SI" |
21 |
) %>% |
22 | 1x |
mutate( |
23 | 1x |
PARAM = with_label(.data$PARAM, "Laboratory Test"), |
24 | 1x |
ANRIND = with_label(.data$ANRIND, "Direction of Abnormality") |
25 |
) %>% |
26 | 1x |
mutate( |
27 | 1x |
ANRIND = reformat(.data$ATOXGR, .env$format), |
28 | 1x |
BNRIND = reformat(.data$BTOXGR, .env$format) |
29 |
30 | ||
31 | 1x |
32 |
33 | ||
34 |
#' `LBT15` Laboratory Test Shifts to `NCI-CTCAE` Grade 3-4 Post-Baseline Table.
35 |
#' @source `lbt04.R`
36 |
37 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
38 |
#' @export
39 |
40 |
#' @examples
41 |
#' run(lbt15, syn_data)
42 |
lbt15 <- chevron_t( |
43 |
main = lbt04_main, |
44 |
preprocess = lbt15_pre, |
45 |
postprocess = lbt04_post |
46 |
1 |
# aet05_all ----
2 | ||
3 |
#' @describeIn aet05_all Preprocessing
4 |
5 |
#' @inheritParams gen_args
6 |
7 |
#' @export
8 |
9 |
aet05_all_pre <- function(adam_db, ...) { |
10 | 1x |
anl_tte <- adam_db$adaette %>% |
11 | 1x |
filter(.data$PARAMCD == "AEREPTTE") %>% |
12 | 1x |
select(all_of(c("USUBJID", "AVAL"))) |
13 | ||
14 | 1x |
adam_db$adaette <- adam_db$adaette %>% |
15 | 1x |
filter(grepl("TOT", .data$PARAMCD)) %>% |
16 | 1x |
mutate( |
17 | 1x |
n_events = as.integer(.data$AVAL) |
18 |
) %>% |
19 | 1x |
select(-c("AVAL")) %>% |
20 | 1x |
left_join(anl_tte, by = c("USUBJID")) |
21 | ||
22 | 1x |
23 |
24 | ||
25 |
#' `AET05_ALL` Table 1 (Default) Adverse Event Rate Adjusted for Patient-Years at Risk - All Occurrences.
26 |
27 |
#' The `AET05_ALL` table produces the standard adverse event rate adjusted for patient-years at risk summary
28 |
#' considering all occurrences.
29 |
30 |
#' @include chevron_tlg-S4class.R
31 |
#' @export
32 |
33 |
#' @examples
34 |
#' library(dplyr)
35 |
#' library(dunlin)
36 |
37 |
#' proc_data <- log_filter(syn_data, PARAMCD == "AETOT1" | PARAMCD == "AEREPTTE", "adaette")
38 |
39 |
#' run(aet05_all, proc_data)
40 |
41 |
#' run(aet05_all, proc_data, conf_level = 0.90, conf_type = "exact")
42 |
aet05_all <- chevron_t( |
43 |
main = aet05_main, |
44 |
preprocess = aet05_all_pre, |
45 |
postprocess = aet05_post, |
46 |
adam_datasets = c("adsl", "adaette") |
47 |