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Calculate differences in the Kaplan-Meier estimator of survival using the results from survival::survfit().


ard_survival_survfit_diff(x, times, conf.level = 0.95)



object of class 'survfit' typically created with survival::survfit()


a vector of times for which to return survival probabilities.


(scalar numeric)
confidence level for confidence interval. Default is 0.95.


an ARD data frame of class 'card'



survfit(Surv_CNSR() ~ TRTA, data = cards::ADTTE) |>
  ard_survival_survfit_diff(times = c(25, 50))
#> {cards} data frame: 32 x 11
#>    group1 group1_level variable variable_level       stat_name stat_label
#> 1    TRTA    Xanomeli…     time             25 reference_level  referenc…
#> 2    TRTA    Xanomeli…     time             25          method     method
#> 3    TRTA    Xanomeli…     time             25        estimate  Survival…
#> 4    TRTA    Xanomeli…     time             25       std.error  Survival…
#> 5    TRTA    Xanomeli…     time             25       statistic  z statis…
#> 6    TRTA    Xanomeli…     time             25        conf.low  CI Lower…
#> 7    TRTA    Xanomeli…     time             25       conf.high  CI Upper…
#> 8    TRTA    Xanomeli…     time             25         p.value    p-value
#> 9    TRTA    Xanomeli…     time             50 reference_level  referenc…
#> 10   TRTA    Xanomeli…     time             50          method     method
#>         stat
#> 1    Placebo
#> 2  Survival…
#> 3      0.293
#> 4      0.067
#> 5      4.392
#> 6      0.162
#> 7      0.424
#> 8          0
#> 9    Placebo
#> 10 Survival…
#>  22 more rows
#>  Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows
#>  4 more variables: context, fmt_fn, warning, error