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Analysis results data for exact tests of a simple null hypothesis about the rate parameter in Poisson distribution, or the comparison of two rate parameters.


  na.rm = TRUE,
  by = NULL,
  conf.level = 0.95,



a data frame. See below for details.


names of the event and time variables (in that order) to be used in computations. Must be of length 2.


(scalar logical)
whether missing values should be removed before computations. Default is TRUE.


optional column name to compare by.


(scalar numeric)
confidence level for confidence interval. Default is 0.95.


arguments passed to poisson.test().


an ARD data frame of class 'card'


  • For the ard_stats_poisson_test() function, the data is expected to be one row per subject.

  • If by is not specified, an exact Poisson test of the rate parameter will be performed. Otherwise, a Poisson comparison of two rate parameters will be performed on the levels of by. If by has more than 2 levels, an error will occur.


# Exact test of rate parameter against null hypothesis
cards::ADTTE |>
  ard_stats_poisson_test(variables = c(CNSR, AVAL))
#> {cards} data frame: 10 x 8
#>    variable   context   stat_name stat_label      stat fmt_fn
#> 1      AVAL stats_po…    estimate  Estimate…     0.006      1
#> 2      AVAL stats_po…   statistic  Number o…       102      1
#> 3      AVAL stats_po…     p.value    p-value         0      1
#> 4      AVAL stats_po…   parameter  Expected…     16853      1
#> 5      AVAL stats_po…    conf.low  CI Lower…     0.005      1
#> 6      AVAL stats_po…   conf.high  CI Upper…     0.007      1
#> 7      AVAL stats_po…      method     method Exact Po…   NULL
#> 8      AVAL stats_po… alternative  alternat… two.sided   NULL
#> 9      AVAL stats_po…  conf.level  CI Confi…      0.95      1
#> 10     AVAL stats_po…          mu    H0 Mean         1      1
#>  2 more variables: warning, error

# Comparison test of ratio of 2 rate parameters against null hypothesis
cards::ADTTE |>
  dplyr::filter(TRTA %in% c("Placebo", "Xanomeline High Dose")) |>
  ard_stats_poisson_test(by = TRTA, variables = c(CNSR, AVAL))
#> {cards} data frame: 10 x 9
#>    group1 variable   context   stat_name stat_label      stat
#> 1    TRTA     AVAL stats_po…    estimate  Estimate…     0.768
#> 2    TRTA     AVAL stats_po…   statistic  Number o…        57
#> 3    TRTA     AVAL stats_po…     p.value    p-value     0.293
#> 4    TRTA     AVAL stats_po…   parameter  Expected…    61.078
#> 5    TRTA     AVAL stats_po…    conf.low  CI Lower…     0.466
#> 6    TRTA     AVAL stats_po…   conf.high  CI Upper…     1.306
#> 7    TRTA     AVAL stats_po…      method     method Comparis…
#> 8    TRTA     AVAL stats_po… alternative  alternat… two.sided
#> 9    TRTA     AVAL stats_po…  conf.level  CI Confi…      0.95
#> 10   TRTA     AVAL stats_po…          mu    H0 Mean         1
#>  3 more variables: fmt_fn, warning, error