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Analysis results data for McNemar's statistical test. We have two functions depending on the structure of the data.

  • ard_stats_mcnemar_test() is the structure expected by stats::mcnemar.test()

  • ard_stats_mcnemar_test_long() is one row per ID per group


ard_stats_mcnemar_test(data, by, variables, ...)

ard_stats_mcnemar_test_long(data, by, variables, id, ...)



a data frame. See below for details.


column name to compare by.


column names to be compared. Independent tests will be computed for each variable.


arguments passed to stats::mcnemar.test(...)


column name of the subject or participant ID


ARD data frame


For the ard_stats_mcnemar_test() function, the data is expected to be one row per subject. The data is passed as stats::mcnemar.test(x = data[[variable]], y = data[[by]], ...). Please use table(x = data[[variable]], y = data[[by]]) to check the contingency table.


cards::ADSL |>
  ard_stats_mcnemar_test(by = "SEX", variables = "EFFFL")
#> {cards} data frame: 5 x 9
#>   group1 variable   context stat_name stat_label      stat
#> 1    SEX    EFFFL stats_mc… statistic  X-square…    111.91
#> 2    SEX    EFFFL stats_mc…   p.value    p-value         0
#> 3    SEX    EFFFL stats_mc… parameter  Degrees …         1
#> 4    SEX    EFFFL stats_mc…    method     method McNemar'…
#> 5    SEX    EFFFL stats_mc…   correct    correct      TRUE
#>  3 more variables: fmt_fn, warning, error

cards::ADSL[c("USUBJID", "TRT01P")] |>
  dplyr::mutate(TYPE = "PLANNED") |>
  dplyr::rename(TRT01 = TRT01P) %>%
  dplyr::bind_rows(dplyr::mutate(., TYPE = "ACTUAL", TRT01 = sample(TRT01))) |>
    by = TYPE,
    variable = TRT01,
    id = USUBJID
#> {cards} data frame: 5 x 9
#>   group1 variable   context stat_name stat_label      stat
#> 1   TYPE    TRT01 stats_mc… statistic  X-square…     1.353
#> 2   TYPE    TRT01 stats_mc…   p.value    p-value     0.717
#> 3   TYPE    TRT01 stats_mc… parameter  Degrees …         3
#> 4   TYPE    TRT01 stats_mc…    method     method McNemar'…
#> 5   TYPE    TRT01 stats_mc…   correct    correct      TRUE
#>  3 more variables: fmt_fn, warning, error