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Analysis results data for survey wilcox test using survey::svyranktest().


ard_survey_svyranktest(data, by, variables, test, ...)



a survey design object often created with survey::svydesign()


column name to compare by


column names to be compared. Independent tests will be run for each variable.


a string to denote which rank test to use: "wilcoxon", "vanderWaerden", "median", "KruskalWallis"


arguments passed to survey::svyranktest()


ARD data frame


data(api, package = "survey")
dclus2 <- survey::svydesign(id = ~ dnum + snum, fpc = ~ fpc1 + fpc2, data = apiclus2)

ard_survey_svyranktest(dclus2, variables = enroll, by = comp.imp, test = "wilcoxon")
#> {cards} data frame: 6 x 9
#>     group1 variable   context   stat_name stat_label      stat
#> 1 comp.imp   enroll survey_s…    estimate  Median o…    -0.106
#> 2 comp.imp   enroll survey_s…   statistic  Statistic    -1.719
#> 3 comp.imp   enroll survey_s…     p.value    p-value     0.094
#> 4 comp.imp   enroll survey_s…   parameter  Degrees …        36
#> 5 comp.imp   enroll survey_s…      method     method Design-b…
#> 6 comp.imp   enroll survey_s… alternative  Alternat… two.sided
#>  3 more variables: fmt_fn, warning, error
ard_survey_svyranktest(dclus2, variables = enroll, by = comp.imp, test = "vanderWaerden")
#> {cards} data frame: 6 x 9
#>     group1 variable   context   stat_name stat_label      stat
#> 1 comp.imp   enroll survey_s…    estimate  Median o…    -0.379
#> 2 comp.imp   enroll survey_s…   statistic  Statistic    -1.584
#> 3 comp.imp   enroll survey_s…     p.value    p-value     0.122
#> 4 comp.imp   enroll survey_s…   parameter  Degrees …        36
#> 5 comp.imp   enroll survey_s…      method     method Design-b…
#> 6 comp.imp   enroll survey_s… alternative  Alternat… two.sided
#>  3 more variables: fmt_fn, warning, error
ard_survey_svyranktest(dclus2, variables = enroll, by = comp.imp, test = "median")
#> {cards} data frame: 6 x 9
#>     group1 variable   context   stat_name stat_label      stat
#> 1 comp.imp   enroll survey_s…    estimate  Median o…    -0.124
#> 2 comp.imp   enroll survey_s…   statistic  Statistic    -0.914
#> 3 comp.imp   enroll survey_s…     p.value    p-value     0.367
#> 4 comp.imp   enroll survey_s…   parameter  Degrees …        36
#> 5 comp.imp   enroll survey_s…      method     method Design-b…
#> 6 comp.imp   enroll survey_s… alternative  Alternat… two.sided
#>  3 more variables: fmt_fn, warning, error
ard_survey_svyranktest(dclus2, variables = enroll, by = comp.imp, test = "KruskalWallis")
#> {cards} data frame: 6 x 9
#>     group1 variable   context   stat_name stat_label      stat
#> 1 comp.imp   enroll survey_s…    estimate  Median o…    -0.106
#> 2 comp.imp   enroll survey_s…   statistic  Statistic    -1.719
#> 3 comp.imp   enroll survey_s…     p.value    p-value     0.094
#> 4 comp.imp   enroll survey_s…   parameter  Degrees …        36
#> 5 comp.imp   enroll survey_s…      method     method Design-b…
#> 6 comp.imp   enroll survey_s… alternative  Alternat… two.sided
#>  3 more variables: fmt_fn, warning, error