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Analysis results data for a 2-sample test or proportions using stats::prop.test().


ard_stats_prop_test(data, by, variables, conf.level = 0.95, ...)



a data frame.


column name to compare by


column names to be compared. Must be a binary column coded as TRUE/FALSE or 1/0. Independent tests will be computed for each variable.


(scalar numeric)
confidence level for confidence interval. Default is 0.95.


arguments passed to prop.test(...)


ARD data frame


mtcars |>
  ard_stats_prop_test(by = vs, variables = am)
#> {cards} data frame: 13 x 9
#>    group1 variable   context   stat_name stat_label      stat
#> 1      vs       am stats_pr…    estimate  Rate Dif…    -0.167
#> 2      vs       am stats_pr…   estimate1  Group 1 …     0.333
#> 3      vs       am stats_pr…   estimate2  Group 2 …       0.5
#> 4      vs       am stats_pr…   statistic  X-square…     0.348
#> 5      vs       am stats_pr…     p.value    p-value     0.556
#> 6      vs       am stats_pr…   parameter  Degrees …         1
#> 7      vs       am stats_pr…    conf.low  CI Lower…    -0.571
#> 8      vs       am stats_pr…   conf.high  CI Upper…     0.237
#> 9      vs       am stats_pr…      method     method 2-sample…
#> 10     vs       am stats_pr… alternative  alternat… two.sided
#> 11     vs       am stats_pr…           p          p          
#> 12     vs       am stats_pr…  conf.level  CI Confi…      0.95
#> 13     vs       am stats_pr…     correct  Yates' c…      TRUE
#>  3 more variables: fmt_fn, warning, error