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Confidence intervals for categorical variables calculated via survey::svyciprop().


# S3 method for
  by = NULL,
  method = c("logit", "likelihood", "asin", "beta", "mean", "xlogit"),
  conf.level = 0.95,
  value = list(where(is_binary) ~ 1L, where(is.logical) ~ TRUE),
  df = survey::degf(data),



a design object often created with survey::svydesign().


columns to include in summaries.


results are calculated for all combinations of the columns specified, including unobserved combinations and unobserved factor levels.


Method passed to survey::svyciprop(method)


a scalar in (0, 1) indicating the confidence level. Default is 0.95


function will calculate the CIs for all levels of the variables specified. Use this argument to instead request only a single level by summarized. Default is list(where(is_binary) ~ 1L, where(is.logical) ~ TRUE), where columns coded as 0/1 and TRUE/FALSE will summarize the 1 and TRUE levels.


denominator degrees of freedom, passed to survey::svyciprop(df). Default is survey::degf(data).


arguments passed to survey::svyciprop()


ARD data frame


data(api, package = "survey")
dclus1 <- survey::svydesign(id = ~dnum, weights = ~pw, data = apiclus1, fpc = ~fpc)

ard_categorical_ci(dclus1, variables = sch.wide)
#> {cards} data frame: 10 x 9
#>    variable variable_level   context  stat_name stat_label  stat
#> 1  sch.wide             No categori…   estimate   estimate 0.126
#> 2  sch.wide             No categori…   conf.low   conf.low 0.088
#> 3  sch.wide             No categori…  conf.high  conf.high 0.176
#> 4  sch.wide             No categori…     method     method logit
#> 5  sch.wide             No categori… conf.level  conf.lev…  0.95
#> 6  sch.wide            Yes categori…   estimate   estimate 0.874
#> 7  sch.wide            Yes categori…   conf.low   conf.low 0.824
#> 8  sch.wide            Yes categori…  conf.high  conf.high 0.912
#> 9  sch.wide            Yes categori…     method     method logit
#> 10 sch.wide            Yes categori… conf.level  conf.lev…  0.95
#>  3 more variables: fmt_fn, warning, error
ard_categorical_ci(dclus1, variables = sch.wide, value = sch.wide ~ "Yes", method = "xlogit")
#> {cards} data frame: 5 x 9
#>   variable variable_level   context  stat_name stat_label   stat
#> 1 sch.wide            Yes categori…   estimate   estimate  0.874
#> 2 sch.wide            Yes categori…   conf.low   conf.low  0.824
#> 3 sch.wide            Yes categori…  conf.high  conf.high  0.912
#> 4 sch.wide            Yes categori…     method     method xlogit
#> 5 sch.wide            Yes categori… conf.level  conf.lev…   0.95
#>  3 more variables: fmt_fn, warning, error