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Compute Analysis Results Data (ARD) for dichotomous summary statistics.


# S3 method for class ''
  by = NULL,
  value = cards::maximum_variable_value(data$variables[variables]),
  statistic = everything() ~ c("n", "N", "p", "p.std.error", "deff", "n_unweighted",
    "N_unweighted", "p_unweighted"),
  denominator = c("column", "row", "cell"),
  fmt_fn = NULL,
  stat_label = everything() ~ list(p = "%", p.std.error = "SE(%)", deff =
    "Design Effect", n_unweighted = "Unweighted n", N_unweighted = "Unweighted N",
    p_unweighted = "Unweighted %"),



a design object often created with survey::svydesign().


columns to include in summaries.


results are calculated for all combinations of the column specified and the variables. A single column may be specified.


(named list)
named list of dichotomous values to tabulate. Default is cards::maximum_variable_value(data$variables), which returns the largest/last value after a sort.


a named list, a list of formulas, or a single formula where the list element is a character vector of statistic names to include. See default value for options.


a string indicating the type proportions to calculate. Must be one of "column" (the default), "row", and "cell".


a named list, a list of formulas, or a single formula where the list element is a named list of functions (or the RHS of a formula), e.g. list(mpg = list(mean = \(x) round(x, digits = 2) |> as.character)).


a named list, a list of formulas, or a single formula where the list element is either a named list or a list of formulas defining the statistic labels, e.g. everything() ~ list(mean = "Mean", sd = "SD") or everything() ~ list(mean ~ "Mean", sd ~ "SD").


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


an ARD data frame of class 'card'


survey::svydesign(ids = ~1, data = mtcars, weights = ~1) |>
  ard_dichotomous(by = vs, variables = c(cyl, am), value = list(cyl = 4))
#> {cards} data frame: 32 x 11
#>    group1 group1_level variable variable_level    stat_name stat_label  stat
#> 1      vs            0      cyl              4            n          n     1
#> 2      vs            0      cyl              4            N          N    18
#> 3      vs            0      cyl              4            p          % 0.056
#> 4      vs            0      cyl              4  p.std.error      SE(%) 0.055
#> 5      vs            0      cyl              4         deff  Design E…   Inf
#> 6      vs            0      cyl              4 n_unweighted  Unweight…     1
#> 7      vs            0      cyl              4 N_unweighted  Unweight…    18
#> 8      vs            0      cyl              4 p_unweighted  Unweight… 0.056
#> 9      vs            1      cyl              4            n          n    10
#> 10     vs            1      cyl              4            N          N    14
#>  22 more rows
#>  Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows
#>  4 more variables: context, fmt_fn, warning, error