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Add variable attributes to an ARD data frame.

  • The label attribute will be added for all columns, and when no label is specified and no label has been set for a column using the label= argument, the column name will be placed in the label statistic.

  • The class attribute will also be returned for all columns.

  • Any other attribute returned by attributes() will also be added, e.g. factor levels.


ard_attributes(data, ...)

# S3 method for class 'data.frame'
ard_attributes(data, variables = everything(), label = NULL, ...)

# Default S3 method
ard_attributes(data, ...)



a data frame


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


variables to include


(named list)
named list of variable labels, e.g. list(cyl = "No. Cylinders"). Default is NULL


an ARD data frame of class 'card'


df <- dplyr::tibble(var1 = letters, var2 = LETTERS)
attr(df$var1, "label") <- "Lowercase Letters"

ard_attributes(df, variables = everything())
#> {cards} data frame: 4 x 8
#>   variable   context stat_name stat_label      stat fmt_fn
#> 1     var1 attribut…     label  Variable… Lowercas…   <fn>
#> 2     var1 attribut…     class  Variable… character   NULL
#> 3     var2 attribut…     label  Variable…      var2   <fn>
#> 4     var2 attribut…     class  Variable… character   NULL
#>  2 more variables: warning, error