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Wrapper for dplyr::bind_rows() with additional checks for duplicated statistics.


bind_ard(..., .update = FALSE, .order = FALSE)



ARDs to combine. Each argument can either be an ARD, or a list of ARDs. Columns are matched by name, and any missing columns will be filled with NA.


logical indicating whether to update duplicate ARD statistics. Default is FALSE. If a statistic type is repeated and .update=TRUE, the more recently added statistics will be retained, and the others omitted.


logical indicating whether to order the rows of the stacked ARDs, allowing statistics that share common group and variable values to appear in consecutive rows. Default is FALSE. Ordering will be based on the order of the group/variable values prior to stacking.


an ARD data frame of class 'card'


ard <- ard_categorical(ADSL, by = "ARM", variables = "AGEGR1")

bind_ard(ard, ard, .update = TRUE)
#>  27 duplicate observations removed.
#> {cards} data frame: 27 x 11
#>    group1 group1_level variable variable_level stat_name stat_label  stat
#> 1     ARM      Placebo   AGEGR1          65-80         n          n    42
#> 2     ARM      Placebo   AGEGR1          65-80         N          N    86
#> 3     ARM      Placebo   AGEGR1          65-80         p          % 0.488
#> 4     ARM    Xanomeli…   AGEGR1          65-80         n          n    55
#> 5     ARM    Xanomeli…   AGEGR1          65-80         N          N    84
#> 6     ARM    Xanomeli…   AGEGR1          65-80         p          % 0.655
#> 7     ARM    Xanomeli…   AGEGR1          65-80         n          n    47
#> 8     ARM    Xanomeli…   AGEGR1          65-80         N          N    84
#> 9     ARM    Xanomeli…   AGEGR1          65-80         p          %  0.56
#> 10    ARM      Placebo   AGEGR1            <65         n          n    14
#>  17 more rows
#>  Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows
#>  4 more variables: context, fmt_fn, warning, error