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This function ingests an ARD object and shuffles the information to prepare for analysis. Helpful for streamlining across multiple ARDs. Combines each group/group_level into 1 column, back fills missing grouping values from the variable levels where possible, and optionally trims statistics-level metadata.


shuffle_ard(x, trim = TRUE)



an ARD data frame of class 'card'


logical representing whether or not to trim away statistic-level metadata and filter only on numeric statistic values.


a tibble


  ard_categorical(ADSL, by = "ARM", variables = "AGEGR1"),
  ard_categorical(ADSL, variables = "ARM")
) |>
#> # A tibble: 36 × 6
#>    ARM                  variable label context     stat_name   stat
#>    <chr>                <fct>    <chr> <chr>       <chr>      <dbl>
#>  1 Placebo              AGEGR1   65-80 categorical n         42    
#>  2 Placebo              AGEGR1   65-80 categorical N         86    
#>  3 Placebo              AGEGR1   65-80 categorical p          0.488
#>  4 Placebo              AGEGR1   <65   categorical n         14    
#>  5 Placebo              AGEGR1   <65   categorical N         86    
#>  6 Placebo              AGEGR1   <65   categorical p          0.163
#>  7 Placebo              AGEGR1   >80   categorical n         30    
#>  8 Placebo              AGEGR1   >80   categorical N         86    
#>  9 Placebo              AGEGR1   >80   categorical p          0.349
#> 10 Xanomeline High Dose AGEGR1   65-80 categorical n         55    
#> # ℹ 26 more rows