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Function is similar to ard_continuous(), but allows for more complex summaries. While ard_continuous(statistic) only allows for a univariable function, ard_complex(statistic) can handle more complex data summaries.


  by = dplyr::group_vars(data),
  strata = NULL,
  fmt_fn = NULL,
  stat_label = everything() ~ default_stat_labels()



a data frame


columns to include in summaries. Default is everything().

by, strata

columns to tabulate by/stratify by for summary statistic calculation. Arguments are similar, but with an important distinction:

by: results are calculated for all combinations of the columns specified, including unobserved combinations and unobserved factor levels.

strata: results are calculated for all observed combinations of the columns specified.

Arguments may be used in conjunction with one another.


The form of the statistics argument is identical to ard_continuous(statistic) argument, except the summary function must accept the following arguments:

  • x: a vector

  • data: the data frame that has been subset such that the by/strata columns and rows in which "variable" is NA have been removed.

  • data_full: the full data frame

  • by: character vector of the by variables

  • strata: character vector of the strata variables It is unlikely any one function will need all of the above elements, and it's recommended the function passed accepts ... so that any unused arguments will be properly ignored. The ... also allows this function to perhaps be updated in the future with more passed arguments. For example, if one needs a second variable from the data frame, the function inputs may look like: foo(x, data, ...)


a named list, a list of formulas, or a single formula where the list element is a named list of functions (or the RHS of a formula), e.g. list(mpg = list(mean = \(x) round(x, digits = 2) |> as.character)).


a named list, a list of formulas, or a single formula where the list element is either a named list or a list of formulas defining the statistic labels, e.g. everything() ~ list(mean = "Mean", sd = "SD") or everything() ~ list(mean ~ "Mean", sd ~ "SD").


an ARD data frame of class 'card'


# example how to mimic behavior of `ard_continuous()`
  by = "ARM",
  variables = "AGE",
  statistic = list(AGE = list(mean = \(x, ...) mean(x)))
#> {cards} data frame: 3 x 10
#>   group1 group1_level variable stat_name stat_label   stat
#> 1    ARM      Placebo      AGE      mean       Mean 75.209
#> 2    ARM    Xanomeli…      AGE      mean       Mean 74.381
#> 3    ARM    Xanomeli…      AGE      mean       Mean 75.667
#>  4 more variables: context, fmt_fn, warning, error

# return the grand mean and the mean within the `by` group
grand_mean <- function(data, data_full, variable, ...) {
    mean = mean(data[[variable]], na.rm = TRUE),
    grand_mean = mean(data_full[[variable]], na.rm = TRUE)

  dplyr::group_by(ARM) |>
    variables = "AGE",
    statistic = list(AGE = list(means = grand_mean))
#> {cards} data frame: 6 x 10
#>   group1 group1_level variable  stat_name stat_label   stat
#> 1    ARM      Placebo      AGE       mean       Mean 75.209
#> 2    ARM      Placebo      AGE grand_mean  grand_me… 75.087
#> 3    ARM    Xanomeli…      AGE       mean       Mean 74.381
#> 4    ARM    Xanomeli…      AGE grand_mean  grand_me… 75.087
#> 5    ARM    Xanomeli…      AGE       mean       Mean 75.667
#> 6    ARM    Xanomeli…      AGE grand_mean  grand_me… 75.087
#>  4 more variables: context, fmt_fn, warning, error