The CDISC Analysis Results Standard aims to facilitate automation, reproducibility, reusability, and traceability of analysis results data (ARD). The {cards} package creates these CDISC Analysis Result Data Sets.
Use cases:
Quality Control (QC) of existing tables and figures.
Pre-calculate statistics to be summarized in tables and figures.
Medical writers may easily access statistics and place in reports without copying and pasting from reports.
Provides a consistent format for results and lends results to be combined across studies for re-use and re-analysis.
Install cards from CRAN with:
You can install the development version of cards from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
The {cards} package exports three types of functions:
Functions to create basic ARD objects.
Utilities to create new ARD objects.
Functions to work with existing ARD objects.
The {cardx} R package is an extension to {cards} that uses the utilities from {cards} and exports functions for creating additional ARD objects––including functions to summarize t-tests, Wilcoxon Rank-Sum tests, regression models, and more.
Getting Started
Review the Getting Started page for examples using ARDs to calculate statistics to later include in tables.