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ARD functions for relocating columns and rows to the standard order.

  • tidy_ard_column_order() relocates columns of the ARD to the standard order.

  • tidy_ard_row_order() orders rows of ARD according to groups and strata (group 1, then group2, etc), while retaining the column order of the input ARD.


tidy_ard_column_order(x, group_order = c("ascending", "descending"))




an ARD data frame of class 'card'


specifies the ordering of the grouping variables. Must be one of c("ascending", "descending"). Default is "ascending", where grouping variables begin with "group1" variables, followed by "group2" variables, etc.


an ARD data frame of class 'card'


# order columns
ard <-
    ard_continuous(mtcars, variables = "mpg"),
    ard_continuous(mtcars, variables = "mpg", by = "cyl")

tidy_ard_column_order(ard) |>
#> {cards} data frame: 32 x 10
#>    group1 group1_level variable stat_name stat_label   stat
#> 1    <NA>                   mpg         N          N     32
#> 2    <NA>                   mpg      mean       Mean 20.091
#> 3    <NA>                   mpg        sd         SD  6.027
#> 4    <NA>                   mpg    median     Median   19.2
#> 5    <NA>                   mpg       p25         Q1  15.35
#> 6    <NA>                   mpg       p75         Q3   22.8
#> 7    <NA>                   mpg       min        Min   10.4
#> 8    <NA>                   mpg       max        Max   33.9
#> 9     cyl            4      mpg         N          N     11
#> 10    cyl            4      mpg      mean       Mean 26.664
#>  22 more rows
#>  Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows
#>  4 more variables: context, fmt_fn, warning, error