ARD functions for relocating columns and rows to the standard order.
relocates columns of the ARD to the standard order.tidy_ard_row_order()
orders rows of ARD according to groups and strata (group 1, then group2, etc), while retaining the column order of the input ARD.
tidy_ard_column_order(x, group_order = c("ascending", "descending"))
# order columns
ard <-
ard_continuous(mtcars, variables = "mpg"),
ard_continuous(mtcars, variables = "mpg", by = "cyl")
tidy_ard_column_order(ard) |>
#> {cards} data frame: 32 x 10
#> group1 group1_level variable stat_name stat_label stat
#> 1 <NA> mpg N N 32
#> 2 <NA> mpg mean Mean 20.091
#> 3 <NA> mpg sd SD 6.027
#> 4 <NA> mpg median Median 19.2
#> 5 <NA> mpg p25 Q1 15.35
#> 6 <NA> mpg p75 Q3 22.8
#> 7 <NA> mpg min Min 10.4
#> 8 <NA> mpg max Max 33.9
#> 9 cyl 4 mpg N N 11
#> 10 cyl 4 mpg mean Mean 26.664
#> ℹ 22 more rows
#> ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows
#> ℹ 4 more variables: context, fmt_fn, warning, error