Accepted aliases are non-negative integers and strings.
The integers are converted to functions that round the statistics to the number of decimal places to match the integer.
The formatting strings come in the form "xx"
, "xx.x"
, "xx.x%"
, etc.
The number of x
s that appear after the decimal place indicate the number of
decimal places the statistics will be rounded to.
The number of x
s that appear before the decimal place indicate the leading
spaces that are added to the result.
If the string ends in "%"
, results are scaled by 100 before rounding.
#> function(x) {
#> # round and scale vector
#> res <-
#> ifelse(
#> NA_character_,
#> format(round_fun(x * scale, digits = digits), nsmall = digits) |> str_trim()
#> )
#> # if width provided, pad formatted result
#> if (!is.null(width)) {
#> res <-
#> ifelse(
#> nchar(res) >= width |,
#> res,
#> paste0(strrep(" ", width - nchar(res)), res)
#> )
#> }
#> # return final formatted vector
#> res
#> }
#> <environment: 0x556afc931788>
#> function(x) {
#> # round and scale vector
#> res <-
#> ifelse(
#> NA_character_,
#> format(round_fun(x * scale, digits = digits), nsmall = digits) |> str_trim()
#> )
#> # if width provided, pad formatted result
#> if (!is.null(width)) {
#> res <-
#> ifelse(
#> nchar(res) >= width |,
#> res,
#> paste0(strrep(" ", width - nchar(res)), res)
#> )
#> }
#> # return final formatted vector
#> res
#> }
#> <environment: 0x556afcd89750>