Authors and Citation
Heng Wang. Author.
Yinqi Zhao. Author.
Bo Ci. Author.
Liming Li. Author.
Laura Wang. Contributor.
Xiaoli Duan. Author.
Stefan Pascal Thoma. Author.
Thomas Neitmann. Contributor.
Miles Almond. Author.
Mahdi About. Contributor.
Kai Lim. Contributor.
Nolan Steed. Contributor.
Daoling Pang. Contributor.
Elisabeth Deutschmann. Contributor.
Chenkai Lv. Author.
Zhu J, Wang H, Zhao Y, Ci B, Li L, Duan X, Thoma S, Almond M, Lv C (2024). autoslider.core: Slide Automation for Tables, Listings and Figures. R package version 0.2.1,
@Manual{, title = {autoslider.core: Slide Automation for Tables, Listings and Figures}, author = {Joe Zhu and Heng Wang and Yinqi Zhao and Bo Ci and Liming Li and Xiaoli Duan and Stefan Pascal Thoma and Miles Almond and Chenkai Lv}, year = {2024}, note = {R package version 0.2.1}, url = {}, }