Save a list of outputs
outfolder = file.path("output"),
generic_suffix = NULL,
save_rds = TRUE,
verbose_level = 1
- outputs
`list` of outputs as created by `generate_outputs`
- outfolder
Folder in which to store the `outputs“
- generic_suffix
generic suffix. must be length 1 character or NULL.
- save_rds
Should the input `outputs` be saved as `.rds` files in in addition to `.out` or `.pdf` files? Defaults to `FALSE`.
- verbose_level
Level of verbose information displayed. Default set to `1`.
## As `save_outputs` is the last step in the pipeline we have to run
## the 'whole machinery' in order to show its functionality. Also take a look
## at the `AutoslideR-Demo` repo on
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
data <- list(
adsl = eg_adsl,
adae = eg_adae,
adtte = eg_adtte
yaml_file = system.file("filters.yml", package = "autoslider.core"),
overwrite = TRUE
## For this example the outputs will be saved in a temporary directory. In a
## production run this should be the reporting event's 'output' folder instead.
output_dir <- tempdir()
spec_file <- system.file("spec.yml", package = "autoslider.core")
read_spec(spec_file) %>%
filter_spec(program == "t_dm_slide") %>%
generate_outputs(datasets = data) %>%
decorate_outputs() %>%
save_outputs(outfolder = output_dir)
#> ✔ 2/50 outputs matched the filter condition `program == "t_dm_slide"`.
#> ❯ Running program `t_dm_slide` with suffix 'FAS'.
#> Filter 'FAS' matched target ADSL.
#> ⚠ Error: object 'FASFL' not found
#> ❯ Running program `t_dm_slide` with suffix 'FAS'.
#> Filter 'FAS' matched target ADSL.
#> ⚠ Error: object 'FASFL' not found
#> ✖ Saving output t_dm_slide_FAS failed in step filter dataset with error message: object 'FASFL' not found
#> ✖ Saving output t_dm_slide_FAS failed in step filter dataset with error message: object 'FASFL' not found
#> ✔ Total number of success 0/2
#> ✖ Total number of failures 2/2
#> $t_dm_slide_FAS
#> [1] "object 'FASFL' not found"
#> attr(,"step")
#> [1] "filter dataset"
#> attr(,"spec")
#> attr(,"spec")$program
#> [1] "t_dm_slide"
#> attr(,"spec")$titles
#> [1] "Patient Demographics and Baseline Characteristics"
#> attr(,"spec")$footnotes
#> [1] "t_dm_slide footnote"
#> attr(,"spec")$paper
#> [1] "L6"
#> attr(,"spec")$suffix
#> [1] "FAS"
#> attr(,"spec")$args
#> attr(,"spec")$args$arm
#> [1] "TRT01A"
#> attr(,"spec")$args$vars
#> [1] "SEX" "AGE" "RACE" "ETHNIC"
#> attr(,"spec")$output
#> [1] "t_dm_slide_FAS"
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "autoslider_error"
#> attr(,"outpath")
#> [1] "/tmp/RtmpaZxn4g/t_dm_slide_FAS.pdf"
#> $t_dm_slide_FAS
#> [1] "object 'FASFL' not found"
#> attr(,"step")
#> [1] "filter dataset"
#> attr(,"spec")
#> attr(,"spec")$program
#> [1] "t_dm_slide"
#> attr(,"spec")$titles
#> [1] "Patient Demographics and Baseline Characteristics"
#> attr(,"spec")$footnotes
#> [1] "t_dm_slide footnote"
#> attr(,"spec")$paper
#> [1] "L6"
#> attr(,"spec")$suffix
#> [1] "FAS"
#> attr(,"spec")$args
#> attr(,"spec")$args$arm
#> [1] "TRT01A"
#> attr(,"spec")$args$vars
#> [1] "SEX" "AGE" "RACE" "ETHNIC"
#> attr(,"spec")$args$side_by_side
#> [1] TRUE
#> attr(,"spec")$output
#> [1] "t_dm_slide_FAS"
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "autoslider_error"
#> attr(,"outpath")
#> [1] "/tmp/RtmpaZxn4g/t_dm_slide_FAS.pdf"